Panda Puppy Action: This is how it ends

Story by XratedPanda on SoFurry

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#11 of Panda Puppy Action

It has been three long months since I have subjected myself to any real human contact besides my doctor and roommate Potter, but as my doctor says its time to let the laundry air out. I have to make things right for once, my doctor wants me to find out the truth without acting out like I did last time. I plan to make things right now, I plan to find out the truth to why she did what she did, and by doing so, I have to go see Panda, the first time in three months.

A blunt knocking of a door echoed throughout the chambers of Panda's office, she was busy in her paper work that she did not stray her eyes from her desk as she chimed, " Come in."

The door slowly cracked open, Puppy slipped from the crack into the office, closing the door behind him. He looked ahead of him, as he walked towards her desk, he gawked at her. She was still beautiful as ever.

Panda still looking at her work chimes out, " If this is about a promotion the answer is no, and if this is about what the new benefit policy is, you can just turn around and go back to where you came from, because I am right now working out those details, and if your asking off the answer to that is also no, we are in a current stand still project that we must complete."

Puppy cleaered his throat as he said, " What if it was for another chance?"

" Another chance?" she said looking up with a baffled face.

The baffled face soon changed to hurt when she saw Puppy was standing in front of her. She shook her hand and made a more serious face as she spoke, " Well that was completely random. Hello Puppy."

Puppy cracked a smile, pushing out his arms as if he was offended, " What no hug? Just hello Puppy."

Panda nods, " Yes, I am trying to keep a professional apperance in front of eligible clients and well all people really."

" You dont have to act like that around me."

" Yes, actually I do."

Puppy crosses his arms shaking his head, " No, you dont."

" Actually I do, to keep myself from crying right now..."

Puppy interupted quickly as he burst out, " Why would you cry?"

Panda's mouth slightly gapes as she stands up propping herself with her desk, " Because I dont know if you recall but last time I saw you, you were hospitalized and I sorta walked off, hoping you would stop me. Then at home I waited and waited for you to come back to me, and well three months passed on and you never came, til now."

Puppy watches as she slips from her desk, heading towards her mini bar, he slightly follows her, " Did you expect me to come after you?"

She picks up a crystal glass, looking at him appalled, " That is what people do when they love someone Puppy."

He watches her poor a glass of wine into the crystal, " That is not what I meant by the question. Did you expect me too after what you did to me?"

She downed her wine, pouring another, " People who love others look past those inperfections and still love you for them." she downs the other glass, looking at him as she finishes, " That is what people do when they care about someone, they forgive, but you didnt care did you?"

" I didnt care? What kind of bullshit is that?"

" All sorts of bullshit I assume in your case." she said as she walked outside on the patio of her office, looking out at the city.

Puppy sighed following her, stopping at the door, " Explain to me, why did you really do it. Why did you act like two people, one as yourself, one as something your not. Why did you do it?"

" Telling you now wouldnt change anything, and you know that Puppy."

" Well maybe so, but I need it for other reasons, mainly my health."

Panda sighs, " I have always had a crush or what you can call a infaution with you, but you never gave me the time and day, so I had to take action."

Puppy looks at her baffled, " What are you talking about, I have only known you when we went on our first date."

Panda shakes her head, " There you are wrong, I have known you much longer then you want to believe."

Puppy steps outside with her, watching the breeze beat her blonde hair on her face, he watched her talk, " For the past year, before our first date, I joined your yoga class, you were always so sweet to the other girls, flirting with them, getting there numbers, going on dates with them, but you never noticed me. So I tried looking more like them, dressed slutty and such, but you always would come to me and tell me that your fitness center was not that sort of establishment. I was just the ugly girl in the corner to you, so I had to do something."

Panda turns around facing the door way of her office, " I saw Potter walk in one day, and knew that he was an applicant to my well office, and he started to talk to you about something, and then left and you introduced him as your roommate, so I got the idea, that if I hired him, I could see you more on a get to know level, and just maybe you would like me, and fall in love."

Panda walks into her office, heading to the mini bar again, Puppy following, " I hired Potter, and he decided to hold a I have a job now party, and well invited me due to the main factor that I hired him, so at the party I saw you were there, I tried talking to you, but you seemed to be more fixed on some blonde hair fox, so it wasnt even worth my time, so I just moped in the corner at that party alone."

Panda stops at the mini bar, pouring her a full glass of wine, " So I had to make more of an effort to see you, so at the Christmas part at work, I told everyone they had to bring a friend, and well Potter very much so brought you. I tried yet again talking to you, but in only ended up being a greeting, so there I was left again, just being the boss who was alone."

She walks herself towards the patio door, " I ended up giving Potter a promotion and he yet again held another party for that, I was invited, and you showed up once with three cat girls and a raccoon, and told him that you would have your hands full, and you really did have your hands full, because passing the room, I saw things that I wish you could do to me."

She steps outside, " Well I ended up opening my club, Candy Strip, and Potter one day in a meeting was talking about how you and your long time girlfriend broke up, and you were having problems and you were lonely, and that he needed to take your mind off of things, and all the guys at the office were recommended him to go to a strip club, and Potter declined due to all the other clubs sucking."

Panda slowly walks outside, sipping her drink before speaking, " I called him into his office, and told him that I overheard his story, and gave him a business card to the Candy Strip, and Potter said he would check it out, and of course he did. He came that night, liking everything he saw. I standing in the corner, knew I just couldnt walk up to him, because I am his boss."

She finishes her drink, setting it on the black railing in front of her, " I went into the back, took off my glasses, messed up my hair, put on all this wild make up and something sexy, and told all the strippers on the floor for now on call me HotSex, so I walked to Potter and gave him a show that night and three nights after that, then asked him if he was single or not, and he claimed that he had a girlfriend but a single heart broken friend, and I told him to bring you and that I could cheer you up."

Panda sighs slightly, taking in a deep breath as she finishes, " You came in and I gave you all the memorable times I could, I wanted you to come back, I wanted you to stay in my life. HotSex was the lust for you in me, and well myself was the love part of me wanting you to fall in love with me."

She looks at Puppy, " I did this all because of that crush I had on you a year ago."

Puppy stands there in shock, " You did all of that, just to have a chance with me?"

Panda nods, " Had too, you wouldnt notice me any other way, so I had to make me stand out from all the other girls you knew, and after awhile I started to feel bad, and wanted to kill HotSex off, but then you wouldnt be interested in just a plain oridinary girl. So I had to keep the passion alive for your sake."

Panda looking down speaks, " I didnt see you liking someone like me, and it hurts me that I did hurt you, I had no real intention of doing so, I just wanted to be with you more than anything, so me being selfish got you hurt."

Puppy smiles, lifting her chin up, leans in softly kissing her on the lips as he says with a smile, " That is the most creative way anyone has every tried to be with me, and I give you all credit for that, and well you can say there is no more pain."

Panda smiling sweetly at him, " Really?"

" How can I be mad at someone who would do that much to be with a person, it really shows that you liked me, just dont do it anymore and were even."

Panda laughs as she agrees with a nod. Puppy smiles as he wraps his arms around her waist, Panda and Puppy gazing into each other's eyes, Puppy speaking, " So will you give me another chance, you love you and lust for you and you only?"

Panda smiles and nods, " Of course I would sound horrible if I said no to that offer, and would also feel all my hard work was a waste."

Puppy smiles, " I love you Panda."

" And I love you Puppy."

Panda and Puppy, slowly lean into one another, locking there lips in a passionate kiss.