Not as bad as it seems

Story by Silivenist on SoFurry

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Not as bad as it seems,

By Silivenist

((Warning: this story contains homosexual acts. If you*re too young to view this or find this material offensive, then please read no further. However, if you*re like me and these things interest you, read on.))

Fitch is always picked on at the college. He is a freshman at the school. The other wolf anthros picked on him because he was not as big and strong as the upper class men. He is a small built brown furred wolf with soft brown eyes. Today he decided to wear jeans and a nice looking gray shirt. After most of the day of classes, Fitch was in his last class. Glad that he didn*t have much time before he could go home and cry for a while so he could face tomorrow, because today was a very bad day. He sat in the second row of the science class, first seat and proud of that fact. Fitch was busy writing the notes that the instructor was hashing out in front of the class. His pencil slipped from his hand and hit the ground. *Fetch,* said one of the larger and less intelligent wolf*s in the class. The room burst into laughter till the teacher got them back in order.

Fitch retrieved his pencil and when he sat down fussed with his gray shirt. Looking at the clock, and waiting for the class to end. Finally the class ended, and Fitch gathered his stuff and headed out of the building. He walked home because his house was only a mile or so down the road from the campus. He had just reached the parking lot when some of the bigger wolf*s noticed him. There were three of them with the largest being a black and white furred monster with two smaller dun colored ones. *Hey Fetch,* the large one said, *how about we show you how to be a good little puppy at this here college?* The other two wolf*s snickered at their friends question. Fitch ignored them and started to walk in a different direction not wanting any trouble.

The largest came up on him fast and tripped him before he knew what was happening, and he fell face first into the pavement. The two smaller wolfs held Fitch*s arms while the larger laughed and gave him a good punch to the back of the head, driving the poor wolfs muzzle into the dirt and cutting it up a bit. Fitch whimpered as the big wolf started to unbuckle his pants, and start to do the same with his. Fitch was whimpering more so the big wolf hit him again on the back of the head, dazing him. Fitch could see what they were doing, for his muzzle was now on its side, he didn*t have that wide of a field of vision though and was starting to black out. The large wolf finally had Fitch*s pants down so he had access to his ass. The other two were snickering like mad, and when the black wolf lifted Fitch*s tail showing his pink hole, a large silver furred arm grabbed the wolf by the neck.

*What the*,* was all the black one got out before Fitch saw another large fist of silver hit the black one in the muzzle and knocking him a few feet away. The two gray wolf*s holding his arm*s let go and ran as fast as they could away. The black wolf stood up groggily and turn turned and ran as best he could as well, blood dripping from his muzzle. *Here, let me help you up,* Fitch heard in a soft yet strong voice. Fitch felt strong arm*s gently help him to stand. He was to dazed to talk and was forced to hang his head panting. *God look at you,* he heard the voice say, and he finally noticed that he was bleeding from his muzzle. He finally stood up fully and turned to thank who ever it was that had helped him. When he turned around his eye*s opened wide. Before him stood a very large wolf, but with pure silverish fur and kind blue eyes.

*Th*,* was all he got out before he stumbled a bit, and would have fallen had the silver wolf*s soft strong arms grabbed him gently about the waist. *Careful now, let me help you. My name is Alex and I am sorry that I didn*t get here sooner,* Alex said. *Please err thank you for your help*,* Fitch would have said more but the feel of those strong arm*s around him made his body shiver and think of other things. Alex leaned down a bit and softly said *What is your name? And could I give you a ride home?* *My* my name is Fitch, and I would hate to bother you** *Oh no bother at all, all I would be going home to is an empty apartment and its Friday, so its not like I am in a rush to be home.* *Well ok, I only live a short distance from here.* Alex gave him a soft lick to reassure him. Fitch shivered, feeling that soft tongue made him again think of other things. *Wake up,* Alex said jokingly, *My car is over there, let*s get you home and cleaned up.*

Alex helped him over to a small red car, and helped him into the passenger seat. With Fitch into the seat Alex hopped into the drivers side and turned it on as he shut the door. The car was a standard, so Alex placed his hand on the stick shift. Fitch looked out the window and felt something brush against his thigh. A bit startled he looked back and saw Alex calmly driving out of the lot. Fitch told him how to get to his apartment. They parked in the drive way and Alex got out fast and went over to the passenger side to help Fitch out. He smiled and leaned on Alex a bit. *Still a bit dizzy,* he said. *It*s ok, let*s get you in there and clean, just point out the way to your place.* Fitch smiled and lead him into the apartment and to his, opening the door and leading him down the hall, past the bedroom door and to the bathroom.

Alex made Fitch sit down on the toilet as he filled the sink with warm water. Using a wash cloth Alex gently cleaned the drying blood and dirt off of his muzzle. *There, all better,* he said with a soft smile when he had Fitch all cleaned up. Fitch was looking into Alex*s blue eyes the whole time, and just now noticed that their muzzles were just inches apart. *That was so nice of you,* he said in a soft voice, *I don*t know anything I could do to repay you.* Alex leaned forward and gently licked his muzzle. Fitch murred softly and rubbed his muzzle down the soft silver fur of Alex*s. *Can we go somewhere else?* Alex whispered into Fitch*s ear. Fitch stood up slowly and lead him back down the hall and opened his bedroom door. A very large bed was the first thing that Alex saw as he was lead in. Fitch started to unbutton his shirt till soft hands batted them away. *Your still hurt, let me help,* said Alex with a kind smile. Fitch was surprised that one with such a strong and powerful body was as gentle as Alex.

Alex slowly unbuttoned the shirt and with a little help slipped it off of Fitch*s body. A gentle hand crept up the soft chest fur as Fitch felt his jeans fit a bit tighter then they did before. *Those have got to go,* he heard as Alex slowly kneeled down and slipped the other wolf*s shorts off. He moaned softly as he felt Alex grab his balls and massage them gently. The head of his cock peeked out of his thicking sheath and he felt a soft tongue lick across the tip. In a matter of moment*s his cock was hard and fully out of his sheath. He felt a paw go under his balls to hold them while Alex licked his shaft. Alex nibbled a bit down the 8 inch shaft, then licked the underside of it all the way to his balls, then back up to the head and suckled on it softly. Slowly he bobbed his head a bit and with each motion he took a little more in his mouth. Soon he was sucking the whole sweet cock, sucking it greedily into his muzzle and rubbing his tongue over the sides and head. Rocking his whole body, his other hand moved to Fitch*s soft ass, cupping it and making him thrust into his mouth. Moaning Fitch caught on and started to fuck Alex*s mouth, feeling the warm mouth over his shaft as he thrust it harder and harder into the warm wetness. He felt his knot harding and gasped as Alex sucked the knot into his muzzle and just sucked harder and harder.

Alex ran his finger around his tail, then down to the hollow underneath it to rub around his hole. Fitch started to pant hard and moaned as he felt a finger enter his hole. He grabbed the back of Alex*s head and forced him to take as much of his cock that he could and started to shoot his cum deep into the back of his mouth. Alex swallowed as much of the salty cum that he could, but some still dribbled down his silver muzzle. He stood up panting and Fitch licked the cum off of his muzzle. Fitch unbuttoned the other wolf*s shirt and slipped it off, he nuzzled up to the big wolf*s chest. Alex wrapped his arms around him and hugged him close. Fitch looked down at Alex*s pants and its tent. His eyes opened a bit wider at the size of it, and he wanted to see it up close. Alex unbuttoned his shorts and let them drop, kicking them out of the way. He chuckled a bit, *Like?* he said.

Fitch was stairing at his wolf hood and could not believe his eyes. Alex*s cock was a gold as was the fur around his balls and sheath. What made his mouth water was that Alex was full hard and must have been 13 inches easy. *You can touch it you know,* responded Alex to the plea in his eyes. He wrapped his hands around the very thick shaft and bent down to rub the tip over his muzzle. He was rewarded with a shot of pre cum that he licked up fast, and gently licked the tip of the gold cock, enjoying the taste. He placed soft kisses all over the tip of the cock, and still had both hands on it. He started licking the head and letting it enter his lips and mouth. Suckling the tip and a bit of the shaft, rubbing his lips hard on it and licking softly around the tip. Alex murred softly and pushed Fitch back gently, and smiled as he heard a slurp as his cock left Fitch*s mouth. *I want to feel you from the inside,* Alex said.

He gently pushed his mate onto the bed, and chuckled as Fitch went to all fours. He climbed onto the bed behind him. Fitch jumped forward and moaned a bit as he felt a soft tongue against his tender tail hole. Alex ran his tongue over the hole, and rubbed his tongue harder over it, lapping at the tasty spot. He clutched Fitch*s sides and buried his tongue into his ass. His tongue entered Fitch*s hole and he moaned as his tight hole gripped his tongue. Eating greedily at his ass, Alex continued to rim him. Pushing his tongue as deep as he could into the other wolf*s ass, sucking on the outside while he licked around the inside. Fitch was moaning in pleasure as he felt that warm tongue deep inside his tender ass. He groaned as he felt Alex lapping at his insides, feeling his cock hardening again. Alex pulled his tongue out of his ass, then pushed it back in again. Rubbing his lips against the outside as his tongue roamed around the inside. He forced his muzzle as hard as he could against Fitch*s ass, moaning and dripping precum from his cock. He again pulled his tongue from the ass, and lapped some more over the tender hole. He put a finger against Fitch*s wet tail hole, and pushed it in as far as he could. Fitch gasped in pain and clutched the blankets in pain, then slowly started to ride the finger. Soon Alex noticed Fitch was getting looser. He pulled his finger out and placed a hand on Fitch*s shoulder and placed his cock head up against the slick hole.

He pushed his cock slowly into Fitch as he cried out and bit down on his pillow. Alex groaned as he felt the whole of his cock slide into the warm tight hole. Slowly he started to pull his long hard shaft out of the warmth all the while Fitch whimpered. He thrust his cock back into Fitch*s ass till he felt their balls touch. He started to ride him, his cock sliding into and out of him slowly. Fitch was clenching his ass, milking the fat cock and riding back down the length. Alex started to drive his shaft faster and harder into the waiting hole, feeling it rub the inside of Fitch. Fitch whimpered and yowled as he felt Alex*s knot swelling inside of him and lock them together. Alex bit down on his shoulder and growled a bit, thrusting into him faster as his cock went deeper into his ass and his knot swelling more. Fucking him faster and panting, Alex drove his cock into Fitch. Fitch squeezing the cock with his ass, making it tight for his mate. Alex howled when as his cock started shooting his seed deep into Fitch. Fitch moaned and started to cum onto the bed when he felt the hot wolf spunk hit his guts. After what felt like hours their combined orgasm slowed then died. After a while Alex*s knot shrank and he pulled it out of Fitch*s ass and gently licked all the cum that seeped out. *I love you,* Alex said and laid down, pulling Fitch down next to him and kissing him deeply. *I love you too.* They cuddled up together, enjoying the after glow of sex, thinking how their lives will be different with their new mate. Together they snuggled and feel asleep in each other*s arm*s.

"Not as bad as it seems" Copyright July 2000, Silivenist. Distribution limited to electronic media not-for-profit use only. All other rights are reserved to the author. Comments always welcome! [email protected]