The Ultimate Man- Chapter 18

Story by SportsWolfe on SoFurry

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#18 of The Ultimate Man

Shown through Chris's eyes, this is his story of emerging college life at CSU Long Beach.

I was pissed. Not only had Kyle called me out for my "apparent lack of humanity" but Pike had pulled me from the game. They needed me to win that game. Granted I decked Kyle, and to be honest it felt great, but still I deserved to be there.

After Ally dropped me off, a cold hard stare blistering off of her, she left to return to the game, or at least I believe she did. The room was cold and quiet as I sat confined to my chair looking over my papers. The rage from Kyle over took me again, me slamming my book and tossing it against the wall, it falling into place with the other textbooks.

Turning around in the room, Bryan and Zach's bed almost taunt out to me my mistake that was made, as if showing to me how lonely I am at the moment. Moving out of the chair to the floor, I move over to the ladder, resting my head back against the steps. Looking up at the roof, it all begins to hit me.

'What all had I done?' While I believed Kyle deserved what he got, did he really? My selfishness butts in as well, making me wonder what damage will be done against me. The rage and anger evaporates inside me, the moisture from the emotions starting to tear up at my eye.

'Why did he have to cheat on me? Was that his new boyfriend or just some rebound guy after me, or Steven? Is Michael a rebound from Kyle? Does Kyle even have feelings for me anymore; does he even care about me?' Thoughts like these starts to flow through me as gentle streams start flowing down my face. I could call up Michael and have him comfort me but would it be right? I don't want to bring him into this, not throwing my Kyle issues upon him.

Seated at the base of the ladder is perfect for me at the moment, the cold steel holding up the wooden planks embracing my sides. Not wanting to be wallowing in self pity any longer, I move over to my computer to start working on some random paper. I don't even know or care what the topic is, I just start writing. Opening up one of the many music players on my computer, Spoty or something like that, I want, no need music playing. Leaving the radio to play its own music, I try to focus on the paper, seeing now that it was the history paper due for Finals Week.

The radio decides to play a little Karma for me, Pink's "Please Don't Leave Me" starting to play over the speakers. Her words speak volumes to me, every statement echoing out to me. "I don't know if I can yell any louder... I can be so mean when I wanna be... I can cut you into pieces, but my heart is broken... How did I become so obnoxious? What is it with you that makes me act like this? I've never been this nasty..."

I love it when I am able to sing along with songs, like when I was originally pissed at Kyle but this song, I feel it is speaking even harder volumes to me. The bitter irony is that this song is singing out both sides of us, us both yelling at each other, the cutting of each other into pieces, me being obnoxious, him making me like this. I don't know if I want him to leave but then again, I do knowing I am better off without him. But everything that I had with him felt so great. The care, the knowing that he 'was' there for me, it is all stuff that I don't know if Michael can provide for me.

Bryan and Zach came back around 8 at night, their shuffling down the hall notifying me of the impending entrance. I did my best to look busy and occupied but given the day stuck in my room, I was looking forward to their return. I wanted to hear of how they did, what place we got, excreta.

My back was to them when they entered, but their voices said it all to me, the punch still fresh in their heads. "Hey Chris, how are you holding up?" Bryan asks gently as the two of them move to their respective beds to start unpacking.

Slowly moving around to face them, I hold my head low and shrug. "To be honest, I wish I take it back. I shouldn't have punched Kyle. How did the game go?"

Zach moves away from his bed, placing his dirt clotted cleats down by his desk. "We came in first but it was a tough fight. After you decked Kyle many of the teams were considering not letting us play. Pike had to reassure them that the rest of the day would be professional. Our game against Fullerton though was very heated." Zach starts undressing in front of me, getting down to his boxers before grabbing his shower items.

"Somehow that is an understatement." Bryan retorts as he too starts to undress. The smell of their sweat soaked clothing is starting to stench up the room. Bryan opens the window before continuing with is undressing. The blinds are drawn so no one would really be able to see much. "We barely won over them, the score coming out to a 2 to 3 win. A lot of fouls were called on each side; bullshit calls like spacing, small travels when pivoting and fast stall counts, shit like that."

The two of them move towards the door but as they are about to open it a knock taps against it, prompting Zach to open it first. Standing outside is Pike, arms gripping firm at his waist. Sensing the upcoming lecture, Bryan and Zach both scurry out of the room, allowing for one on one time with Pike. Knowing the onslaught is coming, I just look at him apologetically.

"I know what you are going to say, and frankly I know I deserve it."

"Really? You knew what I was going to say? What was I going to talk to you about?" Pike comes back with smartly. He is standing next to Zach's bed, arms crossed, heat radiating off of him.

Glumly, "Fine. Sorry." I look at him, trying my best to express regret over speaking out first.

"Chris, cut the crap!" Pike snaps at me, moving his arms to his temples and rubbing them. "I really don't know how I should respond to what you did to Kyle. What you did..." Squinting out, Pike continues, "You are lucky that this is not some NCAA sanctioned sport cause if it was you would be benched a few games for what you did. The thought has actually crossed my mind multiple times."

Moving up to protest, Pike cuts me off before I can utter a word out, "I'm not finished!" He moves away from the bed towards the window, the dark night trying to soak up as much light as it can. "The other teams have allowed for you to play again but you are on a tight leash. You really need to get your act together if you are to play again. If anything like that happens again, you might not be able to play for the rest of the year, by year I mean spring semester."

Sighing, I look at the door then back to him, "Look, I let my emotions get the best of me. It was a stupid mistake that I won't make again, I promise. I should have never have socked Kyle. I should have been the better man and actually responded early on to his texts. How is he doing?" I hang my head low, fiddling with my fingers in the process.

Pike looks down at me, a pained look in his eyes. "He is alright, a nice purple print on his cheek. You did print your fist pretty well. After you left, the game was suspended 30 minutes to make sure everything was ok. I also had to reassure the other teams we were still fit to play."

"Yea Bryan and Zach were telling me about that. I am glad you were still able to play. Congrats on the wins by the way." I glance up at him, making a slight contact with his eyes before diverting them, not wanting to face him.

Pike moves towards the door, prompting his exit from the conversation. Sighing slightly before opening the door, he comments, "Yea it was a hard day. We had to fight for the wins in each game, all teams determined to stop us. I'll see you at practice on Monday, till then think about what you did." There is a slight tone in his voice that indicates his authority, not just as the

team captain but as a friend, someone who wants to be there for me.

Exiting out the door, Pike ends the conversation, allowing for me to return back to my studies. I should have sent an apology to Kyle but I didn't have his number, having deleted everything from him.


The following morning was a cold slap to my face, emerging from the halls to head out on the run with Peter. He was, as usual, waiting for me outside the back side, but instead of heading out the normal way, towards the boulevard or campus, he motioned me towards the north side, us heading out towards Atherton St.

The first mile is quiet between the two of us, not much having been said earlier besides the hi's and hello's. As I used to do back in Sacramento, I was using this run to clear my mind, hoping to erase everything that had happened yesterday. Peter caught my silence, a change from how agitated I was the past. At about canal, he broke the silence. "So how did yesterday go? Cause you aren't as agitated as you were, more like opposite end of the spectrum, quiet and closed."

I take a few seconds to respond, "Yesterday was... yesterday." I cough out a small sarcastic chuckle, showing my distain over it.

"You wanna talk about it?" Peter offers his Dr. Phil ear, opening up to what I might talk about.

Reaching the light at the corner of Atherton and Studebaker Rd, Peter leads me to cross north, staying on the west side of the street. "No, not really." My wall, however only lasts so long before I start venting on Peter. "I socked Kyle. It was a stupid move, I feel terrible, but in a way I also feel relieved that I was able to get my anger out on him. Pike sent me home for the day, barring me from playing at all. I normally have a control over my anger and emotions but, I don't know, somehow Kyle got through me and broke me."

Reaching Sterns Street, we turn left, heading back towards the 405 freeway, its concrete bridge looming in the distance. Peter is quiet for a few seconds, maybe a minute at most, probably processing what I said. "You socked Kyle? Wasn't expecting that."

"Yea I normally can handle my anger better. I truly thought I was over him but apparently his words still manage to hurt me." Confused thoughts start to run through my head.

"Well I bet it felt good though to get out the anger. I would love to do that to some of the other teams but I would be out of a few games if I were to do that." Peter's voice trails off at the last part as he thinks of all the opposing teams he's gone against. "Have you told Michael about it?"

Turning down Paulo Verde Avenue, we start our trek back towards the campus. "Nah, I didn't want him getting involved with it. I thought it was better just to let it blow over."

Peter, huffing at a slight increase in speed, tosses in his two cents on the situation. "I would tell him if I were you. I have a feeling he might hear about it sooner or later, so hearing it from you might be best."

"Yea, I guess. How was your game though?" I try to change subjects, hoping to leave Kyle.

"We dominated over them, something like 72 to 40 or 41. It was an easy game to be honest. I was not worried about it at all." We both reach Atherton Ave, turning back to the campus, jaywalking er running in this case, across the street to get back to the campus side.

"Ok cool, congrats. Glad that you won, someone has to make Long Beach look good right?" We both let out stifled laughs as we come upon the pyramid.

The run ends at our usual race, us both notably picking up our paces as we turn back down Earl Warren Drive. I thought we were going to stick to the streets as we normally do but as Peter starts to drift more towards the street, I take the cue and lead out in front of him, cutting across the street and through the parking lot. With it being a Sunday, the lot is mostly empty. The main part of our race is from the Japanese Garden, Peter making a comeback, attempting to catch my speed.

He starts too early, sprinting out ahead of me right at the garden. I wait until the grass to sprint, catching him as we both cross the street together. Pulling out in front of him, I toss a small smirk to him, showing that I still have my skills. Reaching the door first, I plant my palms against it, the sting of the impact informing me of my win.

"Looks like you win this time." Peter admits through labored breathing. We shake hands before heading off to do our studying for finals, wishing each other well for the day.

Heading inside was like stepping from the snow to a sauna, the heat blasting out; its attempts more focused on the cold weather than me. Heading around to the stairs, I move across the floor, still empty since it was barely 8:40 in the morning. Michael apparently was awake already, me running into him I head to the elevator. I would have taken the lift but climbing the stairs did not sound like fun at the moment.

"Hey what are you doing up so early? Isn't practice at 11?" I ask to him as we both move into embrace each other. I move in for a small peck on the lips.

Michael returns the kiss, though awkwardly as he is unsure of people who might be watching. We both move to the front door, looking out at the steam rising off the grass. "Normally yes, but we have a game during dead days so Bryson wants to put in more training today."

"Ah ok, well good luck with it. On a different note, what are you doing later? Want to study in my room later? It would be better than heading back out to the library. It's a bit cold out there today..." I shiver as a blow of air rushes past the warmth of inside, hitting my exposed legs.

"Yea sure, say noonish? That work for you?" Michael poses the time to me as he opens the door, starting to head out to his practice.

"Yea that works for me. Also there is something I need to talk to you about but it can wait till later. Enjoy practice." I wink at him as he moves away from me.

Heading up to the room, I was surprised to hear motion behind the door before opening it. Bryan and Zach were already moving around, both getting dressed as I entered. Zach notices me first, working on lifting his pants up as Bryan pulls a shirt over his head. "Hey we were about to head down for breakfast, wanna join us?"

"Yea sure, hang on, let me grab some sweatpants, it's a bit cold out there." I respond, moving towards my drawers. Grabbing some black pants, I pull them on then head out with the two of them, working our way to impending food. Breakfast this morning consisted of an apple, some pancakes, hash-brown triangles, and some oatmeal (though that was a little runny).

After we had gotten our food, we found a place to eat. I started the conversation first, "Hey do you guys mind if I borrow the room from noon till maybe 2 or 3? Michael and I were going to study in there."

Bryan looks at Zach then me, digging into his cereal at the same time. "I have no problem with it. What are you studying, human anatomy?"

Zach snorts a little of his apple juice as he coughs out a laugh. I smirk at Bryan, "No, English smartass. I am just asking for it because three is crowded enough, four would be party. Plus the body heat in there might become unbearable at times, even with the window open."

Zach stops a slight cough from the juice, and then voices his opinion. "Yea I am alright with it. I need to go to the library anyways to get some books."

The rest of breakfast is us joking around, talking about the semester and how fast is has flown by. We talk of our impending finals and how many we all have, as well as when they are. Bryan has only 4, though the dates are still up in the air, Zach 5: two on Monday, one each day after. Mine are still up in the air, the professors probably plotting out how to best make it hard on me.


Michael came by at around noon, just like he had said. He had his backpack with him, the zipper undone showing a few books in it. "Hey, ready to do this?"

I had already been studying for the past few hours, attempting to work on my History paper but getting nowhere. "Already started... haven't gotten far though. I am having trouble writing an essay about how the French Revolution pertains to the American Revolution."

Letting Michael move in, I step aside and show him to Bryan's desk. Instead though he sets his things down next to mine, moving over to the History book, flipping through the pages. "It's not that hard, just looking for the inspiration behind each of them, what they wanted and how they went about achieving what they did."

I move to my seat, sitting down to look over what he is pointing out. "It's all dates to me. I mean yea I guess they wanted some of the same things but still... maybe thinking about something else will help out. What all do we have to do in Steiner's class again?"

Michael sits down on the floor, resting his back and head against my left thigh, his hair statically clinging to my jeans. He moves to pull out the English Literature book, as well as the citation handbook. "We need to show how to properly cite a book, I think using the MLA style. Other than that, just recap from the semester. Before we start though, what was it that you wanted to talk about earlier? It kind of left me wondering all day."

Sighing, I look over my books, then over to his head. "I punched Kyle." I hope to make it as quiet as possible but he still hears me, turning around to look at me, eyes showing disbelief.

Moving his book out in front of him, Michael starts in, "You're joking, you actually socked him? What prompted that?" The incredulous tone of his voice, matched with his eyes, shows that he doesn't believe me.

"He said I had lost all humanity. We both got pretty heated, and somehow that was the last straw for me. I should have held in my anger but he got through to me." I solemnly look out at him, a distant stare flowing from my eyes.

Moving his hands to my legs, Michael reassures me all isn't lost. "Don't let it bug you. You have been here for me since I came to you so that is a testament that you still do have your spirit. Now to brighten things up, let's get into our books and study ok?"

With that we both got into our books, quizzing each other on how to cite in text, how to cite the reference page, as well as minuscule stuff like margins and set up of the pages. Given that we would need the MLA citation for the next four years, we took special care into studying on that part, knowing how to cite books, websites, pretty much everything that we might come across. The thought of Kyle was still on the back of my mind but as time went on, he slowly drifted off.

Around an hour later, Michael started rolling his head around, cracking it with every circle made. Silently placing my book on the desk, hoping he won't notice, I move my hands to his neck, rubbing my thumbs on the shoulder muscles, tight from the way he was sitting. He lets out a small groan, letting me know that the pressure is enjoyed. "Need a break from the studying?" I turn my chair to allow his head to fall into my lap, allowing for a better massage to take place.

Michael leans his head back, looking up at me. A mischievous grin is plastered on, a wink flying off his eye to me, "Depends, what do you have planned?"

Bending over to kiss him on the lips, Spiderman style, I react, "Well given your grin, it was not as dirty as you were probably thinking but I am open for suggestions."

Michael moves up my legs with his head, rubbing it back and forth on my groin, making it a little stiff. "I think you and I both have things we need to work out, me kinks and you, well..."

I move my hands down the front of his shirt, kissing him on the lips again. It feels weird kissing upside down but somehow we make it work. After a few seconds though, Michael turns over, moving to his knees. Unbuckling my pants, he starts to slide them down, exposing my briefs, the wood behind it tall and hard. I hop up and down as he slides down my pants, the moves to release my cock from its captivity, pulling it out through the slit in the fabric.

Leaning back, I start to moan as he takes it in, slipping over the top and enjoying the girth. His hands work their way into my boxers, playing around with my balls, rolling each one around with each piston he performs. He moves up from the penis, licking my treasure chest up to my belly button before starting to kiss my chest.

I pull off my shirt as he works his way up to my mouth. I kick of my pants, sitting there on the chair practically nude, short of my boxers, as he moves to sit on me. His pants press my cock against my body, the tip wanting to greet him through his jeans. Moving to pull off his shirt, we both sit shirtless, our bodies connecting together, the nipples sending sparks to each other.

I move him up, kissing on his nipple as he starts to rock back and forth over my body. Even though he weighs a good 160 pounds, I am still able to lift him up and rest him on the desk. He isn't able to duck under it, instead gripping the banister. I drop my boxers, as the whole dick hanging out is getting kinda annoying, and then work down on him. Moving to his midsection, I kiss his chest hair, the trail leading down to his lower section.

As I work on the chest, my hands work their skills, flicking off the button holding him back. His pants are an effortless issue to drop, sliding off instantly. His briefs are sexy in a cute way, comics plastered along the entire thing. Running my finger across the boxers, I work around to the back, slowing working them away from him, not that he is fighting back.

Like me prior, he sits nude on the desk, his mast flying high, waiting for the flag to be posted at the top. Moving down to his member, my tongue greets it, a slight twitch at its happiness. "I'm sorry; it still feels weird at times." Michael comments, running his hands down my back.

Smiling back up at him, "Don't be, it's cute." With that said, I move down him, planting my tongue at the top, then sliding it down under side as my upper lip slides down the top side. Pulling him close, I take in as much as I can, having needing to relax my gag reflex before I can deep throat him. Doesn't take long however as my throat gladly welcomes the guest, the pink tip of him exploring the back of my mouth.

Once he is all in, I start sucking, closing off my lips and not allowing any pressure out. "Oh that never gets old. Wow." Michael says as he rubs my hair, moving me to the pumping of my mouth. Not wanting him to cum too soon, I pull off, moving up to kiss him. Some of his precum has already started to flow, which I thumb off of him and seductively lick.

"You wanna top me?" I pull him off the desk and turn around, my back hitting the ladder. Our bodies connect, sparks of liquid flying out of our 6 inch pipes.

He kisses me on the lips, moving over to my ear and nibbling it. I rub out cocks together as he considers the proposition. "Yea, I wanna fuck you hard."

Moving out of his grip, I climb up my ladder to retrieve my lube and condoms. Even though it is not what my flag is meant for, it makes for a great hiding spot, the weave thick enough to conceal the bottle and packages. Michael follows me up, kissing my back as I grab the items. Lying down on the bed, chest down, I spread my legs for him, allowing for an easy entrance.

I rest against my pillow as he unravels the condom, rolling it over his cock. Taking the lube, he squirts a little onto my ass, fingering me in the process. "Please go slow." I moan out as he reaches my prostate and starts to play around with it.

Lying down on top of me, he positions his cock onto my hole then presses in. Moving a bit faster than I had expected, I seize up, gripping the pillow tightly while screaming out in pain/ecstasy. Michael immediately pulls out, his crown barely have popped in. The release of pressure makes it even more unbearable as I want it back. "Like I was saying... please... go slow..."

"Ok, sorry." Michael kisses my shoulders as he moves back into position, pressing the cock into place. This time it goes in a little easier, him taking a much slower time getting in. While my ass got a good workout from the vibrator a few weeks ago, it has grown tight, the muscles moving back into their normal areas. Michael moans out slightly as he enters my body, the rubbing of my muscles getting him off ever so slightly.

He doesn't even go all in before starting to fuck. Reversing course and moving out, he pulls out just enough to make it noticeable before pushing back in, this time moving deeper. He keeps up the motions and then starts smacking balls to sphincter. I grip my pillow as I try to arch my back, allowing for more penetration.

Michael presses his body against mine, the flow of his chest matching the curve of my back, every breath he takes squeaking out air from the small pockets in between his abs. We both moan out, for different reasons though, him enjoying the tightness of my body, me the pain/pleasure of him plowing my line.

Gripping my shoulders, he starts to increase his beat, the thumping arriving faster and harder with each pound. Knowing he is going to cum soon, I tighten my ass hard, flexing what muscles I still have around his cock. That act sends him over the edge, the spew of his juice wanting to flow up my canal.

He leaves his cock inside me as he wraps around my body, sliding his hands above the sheets to connect with my cock. While he spazzes with every continued thrust, he attempts to jack me off, doing his best to reciprocate. It works however, me cumming after a few slides (both from his hands and cock).

The withdrawal process, while I hate him leaving me, feels just as good, the cock sliding out back to fresh air. He unwraps the condom and ties it up, tossing it into my trashcan off to the side. "Well now, I think we both got our kinks worked out of us."

I still lie there, not wanting to break the mold. Michael lies down next to me, his left arm propping him up. "That was fun. So having topped and bottomed, which do you like better?"

Michael runs his fingers down my body, tapping my ass at the end. "I have to say, topping you was amazing, way better than bottoming. But in a way, I enjoyed receiving you because when you would hit the prostate, it was like a jolt of pleasure running through my entire body, not just my cock. I really think I enjoy bottoming more, though I wouldn't mind topping. Both are a blast."

Moving over to kiss him on the lips, I connect our bodies. Our lower members are saying their goodbyes, reducing back to their home. "Perfect. Cause, like you in a way, I am versatile, enjoying both positions."

We both lie there for a few minutes, silence overtaking the room as we enjoy the time. Michael breaks the peace first, "As much as we do need to get back to studying, I am also in need of some food. Before we get back to studying, wanna go grab a bite?"

I nod to him and then move off the bed, cleaning myself up in the process. We redress each other, me helping him with his shirt and vice versa on different parts of clothing. Before long we are both heading out the door, leaving the room smelling to like testosterone and sex for when we return.