A cat's perspective

Story by Timrahil on SoFurry

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#9 of My days with Alex

it just keeps going

G'day! Got the next chapter done, so here it is. Maybe a bit short again, but I'm quite happy with it. Remember to comment, vote, fav etc! Have fun!

"That'll be 12.95."

I held my paw out as the customer handed me the money and I quickly opened the register, put the various bills and coins she had handed me and gave her the change.

"Thanks, have a good day!"

I gave her a smile as I closed the register and then just sat there behind the register and waited for the next customer to arrive. I couldn't help but to check the time on my wrist watch, as I was feeling rather impatient today. My striped tail flicked from side to side as I thought about the reasons for why I felt impatient and I gave a soft, happy purr to myself for a quick moment.

I had a date tonight with a pretty sexy wolf that I had met merely a few days ago and it felt pretty damn good! It wasn't hard for me to get dates, seeing as I was a gay tiger in a city where tigers were not too common and seemed rather exotic to many of the guys at the gay bars and other various hang outs where gay people met. But just because I could easily get a date that didn't mean I would just go out with anyone.

I had spent almost a full day with the wolf and had had plenty of time to get to know things about him and get a feel about him and we had even ended up in bed (too my own great enjoyment seeing as I love sex and it had been some time since the last time I was with someone) and I felt comfortable enough around him to gladly go on a date with him. We had even had some phone contact and chatted over facebook and... yeah, I felt safe enough already around him to go out with him.

With a few happy flicks of my tail I smiled and said hi to the next customer coming with some wares to my register. I quickly ran them all past the scanner and got the money and wished the customer a good day and then just sat there again, finding myself looking at my wrist watch once more. The day had been a bit slow because of the date that I was looking forward too, and I really only just wanted to get out of here. I still had fifteen minutes left of my shift though and I'd just have to endure.

It's not that I didn't like my job or anything like that though, mind you. I liked it well enough. It was not glamorous or anything like that in any way. It was just an everyday job with an average pay. But working at this grocery store let me pay the bills, and it was an alright job although boring at times. It had some perks too. I didn't have to buy special working clothes as we all were given work clothes. I also did quite a lot of heavy lifting, what with spending half the days lifting boxes filled with wares, so I could keep myself in good shape.

All in all, it was a nice enough job.

But I really just wanted to get out now so that I could get ready for my date!

I'd have about an hour to get home, get showered and get ready and then head out again. Not a whole lot of time, I thought, but it could be done. I lived only ten minutes away from the city center where we were supposed to meet anyway and as long as there weren't a lot of traffic jams I'd be able to get home and have enough time to get ready.

More customers arrived and I served them and again checked the time. I noticed Lindsey, the mare handling the register that was facing mine, looking at me with a smile.

"Got plans tonight Alex? I've noticed you've checked the time quite a few times!"

I returned her smile and flicked my tail happily a couple of more times at the thoughts of my plans.

"Yup! Going out on a dinner with a guy I met the other day!"

It was no secret to my co-workers that I was gay, and none of them I think really cared much. Lindsey was the one I spent the most time with out of all of them too and she would often be interested in hearing about my gay adventures. I don't know why, but I found it that girls often quite enjoyed talking with gay men.

She smiled a bit broader at me but before she could reply she got interrupted by a customer. She quickly scanned the wares and did all the usual stuff we were expected to do when handling the registers.

"Yeah? Is it with that wolf you told me about?"

"Yup! We're meeting up at six!"

I saw her give a small pout and I chuckled a bit.

"Lucky! I haven't had a date in ages!"

"Well maybe if you spent less time with those videogames and got out a bit more then maybe you too would find some guys to go out with."

I gave a small smirk as I saw her roll her eyes. It was true though, she probably spent too much time on her videogames and not enough going out.

"But if I did that I wouldn't be able to keep up with my guild's raids and even miss out on a lot of the epic loot I need to finish my set of armor!"

I gave her a confused look for a few moments, not really sure what she was talking about. It was one of those online role playing games I was sure, but I didn't know enough about videogames to really have a clue. My videogame knowledge didn't go much further than that you were supposed to jump on the walking mushroom looking things in Super Mario.

"Yeah well, isn't getting out and meeting some new people and perhaps getting a couple of dates a bit more fun and even more important than some virtual items in a videogame that you'll never have any use of anyway?"

I saw her roll her eyes again and I was sure this was something she had been asked a dozen of times before. I knew for sure that it wasn't the first time I asked her that!

"Well I've had a lot more fun with my guild than I've had with some of the guys I've gone out with before!"

Her answer was as predictable as her eye rolling was.

"Yes, but If you go out and meet some new guys maybe you would find someone you'd think is more fun than going on virtual quests with people living at the other side of the world."

She couldn't come up with a good response to that, as usual, and just shrugged instead. A few seconds later she got another customer to serve and I found myself, yet again, giving my wrist watch a glance.

Ten minutes left.

I didn't have any customers to serve at the moment and I, being bored and feeling impatient, started drumming my fingers against the register for a bit. I really just wanted to get out of here so that I could get prepared, but I wasn't so sure about sneaking away a few minutes earlier would be a good idea if I got caught.

It was a fairly slow day though and as I watched a familiar badger that was dressed in our work clothes walking over towards the register I perked up, hoping that I'd maybe be allowed to leave early.

"Hi Alex, hi Lindsey!" he said and waved a paw at both of us.


"Hi Sam!"

Sam was, obviously, another one of my co-workers and he was usually the one to take over after my shift was done.

"The boss says you can leave a bit early today if you want. It's a slow day anyway."

I flicked my tail when the news I wanted to hear reached my ears and I spent no time getting up from my seat. I opened a small cabinet to my right where a small LCD screen connected to a keyboard could be found, and I hit a few buttons to log myself out from the cash register system.

I quickly made my way away from the register and Sam took my place and logged himself in.

"Had a good day?" he asked me as he tapped the small buttons on the keyboard.

"It was alright, a bit slow."

"That will probably change, as usual, now when people starts heading home from work."

He gave a small chuckle and a light beeping noise could be heard coming from somewhere around the LCD screen, telling him that he was now logged in.

"Well I'd stay and chat for a bit, but I gotta run!"

I checked my wrist watch yet again as I said that and he gave a nod.

"Oh alright then. I'll see ya tomorrow then!"

"Bye Sam, see ya Lindsey!"

I waved my paw at both of them as I started making my way towards the employee's sections. I quickly got into our locker rooms, changed clothes to more "normal" ones and threw the work clothes into a large basket by the door to the locker rooms. We had the luxury of the store hiring people to laundry our work clothes for us, so we never had to that ourselves.

I said bye and waved my paws at my co-workers as I made my way out towards our parking lot. I quickly found my car and got in and I checked the time again before I started the engine. I had just a little more than an hour to get ready and I wasted no time as I turned the key in the ignition and started making my way home while hoping that there wouldn't be any traffic jams.

Ten minutes later I found myself in my apartment. It had two rooms and a kitchen and wasn't as nice or big as Robert's was. It was good enough for me though. I had room for everything I wanted and needed and I think I should've thought myself lucky anyway for getting an apartment that was fairly close to the city center that didn't cost me every last coin I earned.

I wasted no time as I quickly got out of the clothes I had put on just ten minutes ago and made my way into my bathroom to shower. I wanted to be fresh and smell good for the wolf so a shower was certainly top priority. I couldn't help but to wash certain private body parts a bit more than the rest of my body, as I was quite sure we wouldn't end the night by just saying goodbye but rather by ending up in either his or mine bed.

Of course, I also couldn't help but to feel just a little bit excited as I washed myself in sensitive places. And being the slightly sex deprived tiger that I was it was hard not to start pawing right then and there. Doing something about my excitement would have to wait till later though, as I didn't have the time. And it could wait anyway, since I'd probably have some company tonight that could help me do something about it.

As I stepped out of the shower, with my fur smelling of nice shampoo, I quickly dried myself off before placing myself in front of my bathroom mirror. I smoothed out some fur on various places and made myself look as good as I could when having limited time. I decided to even add just a little hint of a nice smelling cologne, and as I got done preparing I grinned a bit at the picture of myself the mirror was showing me before moving my naked ass out of the bathroom to get some nice clothes.

I glanced at a clock I had hanging on one of my bedroom wall. I had twenty minutes before I would have to head down, and while I felt that I could sometimes just spend hours rummaging through clothes I would have to settle for something nice rather quickly this time.

We had decided that I'd find a restaurant we would go to, and I thought that the Empty Plate was a nice enough place. It had a terrible name but the food was good and not too expensive, and they didn't have strict clothes policy. All in all it was a casual enough place that I was hoping he'd like well enough.

And since I had told him to dress in something casual, since we were going to a casual place, I would do the same. Before I started going through my clothes I had already had an idea for what I wanted to wear, and it didn't take me long to settle for a nice pair of black pants. I chose them because they looked good and because they did show off my ass rather nicely, which was something I wanted to do for my own fun and to hopefully give the wolf something nice to look at should he get the chance. I also picked out a nice shirt to go with it.

I didn't see any wrinkles or anything like that on the clothes so it didn't take long before I was no longer flaunting my naked ass around in my apartment and instead was fully dressed and looking handsome enough. I flicked my tail excitedly as I placed myself in front of a mirror I had on my bedroom door and I did think I was looking quite good indeed.

There was about ten minutes left before I felt I'd have to leave, and I decided to do some quick last minute cleaning of my apartment just in case we would end up here. I had vacuumed the floors and dusted off shelves and things like that the other day so things weren't looking too bad but there were loose papers and magazines and stuff lying around here and there that I put in various cabinets and drawers.

I thought my apartment looked neat enough, although it could've probably done with some more airing and stuff like that. I don't think things smelled bad in there, but I was pretty sure that my own scent was quite apparent in there, due to me often doing... various naughty activities. I couldn't really help that I liked sex and masturbation quite a lot and often ended up rubbing one out when feeling hot and bothered, and even though I most of the time made sure to air out my scent was still quite apparent here.

Oh well, I'm sure he wouldn't mind anyway if we ended up here. His apartment had smelled a lot of him anyway, and I had not been bothered by it. I was sure he wouldn't care if my scent was heavy in here. He'd probably even like it.

With a few minutes left before I would leave I sat down in my kitchen and wondered a bit about what to expect. I liked dates and had been on quite a few, but I didn't know if I was the same for him. He was a nice enough guy and seemed social enough, but I don't think he went on a whole lot of dates.

Well he had told me that before me there had been quite some time before he had been with someone else. So maybe that did indeed mean that he had not been out on any dates or done anything for quite some time. Sure, I had not been with anyone for some time too. But in his case, "for some time" I think meant for... well... several months, maybe even years. In my case, "for some time" meant two, maybe three months at most.

Sure, I didn't go out with every guy I talked too and I definitely didn't raise my tail for everyone.

Although I guess I had raised my tail for him rather quickly...

But then again, we had spent a whole day talking and enjoying each other's company. We had even had dinner and had quite a bit of wine. He had been nice enough and he was pretty sexy, so I guess it was quite alright that we had ended up in bed after our first meeting. We both probably really needed it anyway.

If nothing else I guess I could always blame the alcohol.

I gave a little giggle at these thoughts and then checked the time again.

"Might as well go a bit early" I told myself as I got up from my chair. I checked my pockets to make sure I had everything with me and then quickly put on my shoes and headed out of the apartment. I locked the door and then finally was on my way to meet up with Robert, the sexy wolf with a personality to go with it. I thought he could seem a bit weird at times, what with him having apparently gotten in a rather bad mood when I didn't respond to his message after forgetting my phone at work. But even though he was maybe a little bit weird, I thought he seemed a nice guy.

He was also rather good in bed and sexy and it would be a shame, I thought, if things were proven to go badly between us.

I don't honestly know how it could go wrong, but unfortunately you never quite know what could happen. Maybe either of us would end up saying or doing the wrong thing or maybe something else completely would end up happening that would cause us to decide to go back to our respective homes before the dinner was over.

I really didn't think that would be able to happen though, as I think we seemed to do well enough in each other's company. We had already managed to spend a full day together, so that should count as something. A date shouldn't be any problems.

And so, with a happy sway of my tail. I made my way towards the city center where we would meet up. I wasn't sure if he'd drive down there or take a cab or the bus, but it didn't matter. As long as he showed up, I'd be a happy kitty. And I had a feeling that, before the night was through, I'd be an ever happier kitty. If you could even call a grown tiger a kitty.

There we go! Hope you liked it and remember to comment, vote fav etc if you want too! Toodles!