Moving In

Story by Antoneth on SoFurry

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#19 of A New Acquisition

Storm's new lair is ready for her, but taking possession won't be as simple as simply opening the door.

Shifting orange light, cast by the faux torches of Sky's lair, glittered off the golden sheets and pillows of his bed. Storm watched the shimmering fabric for a moment as it scattered the flickering illumination, before returning her attention to the scaled blue form she was curled up against.

The dragoness smiled softly as her idle fingers traced meaningless patterns across his chest. Tomorrow... Tomorrow she would move into her brand new lair, and would have the pleasure of inviting her love to share her brand new bed. The nights she had spent with the others had been far from wasted, but she liked having her own sanctuary; either to return to, or to tempt another into.

Her smile widened as she thought of the nights she had enjoyed in her friends' rooms while her own was being renovated. The phrase 'expanding her horizons' seemed to have lost meaning now; the bounds of her experience had been pushed so far, she wasn't certain she could find them again if she wanted to.

Storm's hand wandered slowly down her lover's torso, fingers drifting ever closer to the slit that concealed his dragonhood. She heard him give a quiet chuckle, and the arm he had wrapped around her began its own exploration.

"Ready for more?" he asked.

The dragoness blushed slightly; the pair had been far from idle this evening. Even now, she could taste the lingering traces of his seed in her mouth, and her tailhole had the slight, delightful ache of being well used; sensations Sky no doubt shared. Now, she decided, she wanted to indulge in the one act that she could never share with the other members of the household, only with her scaled partner. Not because of their magic, nor their draconic heritage, but the bond of love between them; a love that while no stronger than that they each felt for the rest of their family, was subtly different.

"Let's fuck" she whispered, planting a kiss on his chest. 'Fucking' had quite a different meaning for the two, ever since the first time they had made love. It was not the somewhat careless, quick act the term implied, but had come to encompass both the love and lust they felt for each other.

Sky grinned and rolled over, tipping Storm from her place atop him. He quickly straddled her form, beaming down at her as she stared up at him. There was a warm, loving, but lustful look in his orange eyes; one she knew was reflected in her own yellow gaze. His head dipped, planting a brief kiss on the tip of her snout before pulling back. Her own head craned upwards to return the favour.

Again her blue-scaled love bent down for a kiss, but this one was much more drawn out as their lips met. Their embrace was not heated, for all the lust gleaming in their eyes; just a slow, erotic meeting of lips and twining of tongues.

Sky's wings unfurled a little, bringing Storm's world down from the secluded depths of her lover's bedroom to the small, intimate space between them. She spread her own wings, delighting in the sensation as they brushed over the silky sheets, before she curved them upwards, the tips touching against his.

Once more, Sky kissed her. This time, his mouth wandered lower, his tongue lapping at her neck before his lips found the crease between her breasts. Storm arched her back with a moan, pushing her mounds towards him. The dragoness gave a gasping whimper as his mouth found the peak of one, while a hand grasped the other gently, his fingertips grazing oh so softly over her nipple.

As Sky's attentions continued, Storm's hands stroked his sides, sliding down to caress the base of his tail before cupping his rear. The touch of his teeth on her peak, just gently, drew a gasp from her, her hands pulling instinctively at his hips. Something prodded at her inner thigh, and it took very little imagination to guess what it was.

"Eager, aren't we" she said with a giggle, pulling him towards her once more.

"A beautiful, sexy dragoness - my beautiful, sexy dragoness - wants to fuck. I've been hard since the first kiss."

Storm blushed at his words. Despite knowing exactly how he felt about her - how everyone in the mansion felt about her - having them vocalise it so readily still made her tingle with a mixture of embarrassment and delight. "I'm not sexy..." she murmured. In the past, that statement would have been drawn from the depths of fear and shame her former owner had left her with. Now, however, her opinion was shaped by living in a house with four furs who, to her, were the embodiment of sexual, sensual bliss.

"You... are... sexy..." whispered Sky, punctuating each word with a kiss to her breasts. "You're my sexy, scaly, erotic, sensual, curvaceous, slinky, murry, lust-inducing, rampant-cock-prompting, screaming-orgasm-causing, mind-blowing-climax-delivering, dragoness."

Storm's blush deepened at each title Sky bestowed on her, her lightning markings glowing softly. The combination of his words and the continued kisses to her mounds had worked her from the desirous state she had been in earlier, into a whirlpool of lust with a blue dragon at the center. "Fuck me..." she moaned.

Sky's mouth returned to hers as there was another prod at her thigh; this time much closer to the leaking crease of her treasure. "Whenever, wherever, however you want" he whispered. The dragon's hips pushed forward, easily spreading her nether lips, the first inch of his shaft burying itself within her dripping, welcoming folds.

Storm's moan of delight was muffled as their mouths met in a deep kiss, agile draconic tongues tangling in a way no one else within the household could match. Her stifled groans only grew louder as Sky slowly thrust his whole length within her trembling, twitching treasure.

Since she had begun her sexual exploration, Storm's cunny had given her pleasures the likes of which she could never have believed: Jennifer's strap-on had left her begging for more; Tali's laser-guided fingers had made her scream and scream until she practically passed out; Luna had once slowly and lovingly eased her entire fist inside, leaving the dragoness barely able to walk, both from her aching treasure and the ecstatic haze she had been in; the herm had even taken a rubber replica of her own dragonhood, which had left her wishing she had enough control over her magic to clone herself.

But none of those rapturous delights could match the feeling of Sky's length within her. It was as if his shaft was designed specifically to match her cunny: every bump and ridge finding a corresponding pleasure-spot, his girth filling her to perfection, and his knot sealing her tightly without stretching her painfully. When they made love, the pleasure she felt was magnified beyond any mere physical play.

Being with him made her feel... complete.

Storm's legs came up, her ankles replacing her hands on Sky's rear; her arms wrapped tightly around him, urging him to continue. The dragon was more than happy to oblige, withdrawing his member teasingly slowly, only to drive back in with a thrust that made Storm's eyes roll back. With a smile, he repeated his actions, building towards a rhythm that left them both shivering with pleasure.

As the two dragons continued, Storm gasped, feeling her own dragonhood slip from its sheath to rub against Sky's shifting scales. The shame she would once have felt at that had now faded to nearly nothing, letting her simply revel in the added sensation. There were still times when the presence of her maleness disturbed her, but the crippling self-loathing with which her previous owner had imbued her had been almost completely washed away under the torrent of her friends' affections.

For now, the dragoness ignored her member; not through denial, but from the certain knowledge that in their current position, it would take care of its own pleasure. Sure enough, the white shaft continued to grow, pressed between two taut scaled stomachs.

Sky increased his pace, causing Storm's hips to buck, almost of their own accord. Now, every thrust of his was met by her rising cunny, causing both lovers to moan in delirious bliss.

Storm's screamed, her back arching, as one stroke of Sky's dragonhood drove its tip hard into her g-spot. Had her eyes been able to focus, she would have seen him grin as he withdrew once more, ready to target that sensitive place again. The third long stroke wiped the grin from his face, to be replaced with wide-eyed bliss, as Storm's treasure clamped down hard, her hands instinctively grinding his face into her breasts.

Storm screamed louder still as she felt her lover's thick shaft shoot forth. Despite their earlier play, Sky's capacity was in no way diminished; indeed, his recuperative magic tended to make each climax more potent than the last. The dragoness felt joyful tears run down her face as her love flooded her treasure with his seed, before all bodily awareness was lost as her own orgasm took her.


Storm lay happily on Sky's bed, still drained from their lovemaking. The blue dragon had all but collapsed on top of her, sliding sideways to come to rest almost as they had been before their fuck, but with their positions reversed. Now it was Sky's turn to curl up around his lover, while Storm had the delightfully reassuring feeling of her mate's presence beside and atop her.

Her mate. Storm smiled at that idea; she had never thought of it in those terms. To her, Sky was love, lover, saviour, guardian, prince... She giggled softly as she suddenly realised she had thought of him as her mate before: when she was in her Changed form.

The effect of the Change on her was hard to describe. The physical differences went without saying, but if anything, the effect on her mind seemed even greater, at least to her. It wasn't as if she became someone else, or had a split personality or something; it was more of a... magnification. The boost to her confidence was what she appreciated most, though the increased libido was also a lot of fun.

Whether the enhancing effect was lingering when she reverted to her anthropoid form, or whether it was from the support of her friends, Storm had noticed her confidence slowly improving. When she had first started sleeping with Sky, or even when she finally embraced the mansion's other residents as lovers, she would not have had the confidence to do the things she was doing now, like asking for her own lair.

Or resuming her Privileged training.

It had taken every ounce of courage and confidence she could muster to ask Jennifer to restart her lessons. So far, things were going well; much better than their first attempt. Even so, she frequently had to remind herself of her ultimate goal: not money or power, but to one day see two collars on Sky; one marking his utter devotion to Jennifer, the other his equal devotion to her.

Despite the love they shared, Storm knew that Jennifer was always foremost in the dragon's affections. There was no jealousy or frustration attached to that; she, too, had become unreservedly dedicated to the vixen. But she still hoped to become worthy of an equal place in his heart.

The dragoness smiled to herself. One day at a time, and tomorrow would bring its own excitement.


Storm edged carefully along the thin pole suspended above the mansion's slime pit, constantly aware of the gooey fate awaiting her should she make a single error. Occasionally, she risked a glance at her goal: a key, hanging in the air just out of reach beyond the end of her precarious perch.

The key to her new lair.

There was no corresponding keyhole on the door, of course; few doors in Jennifer's mansion had locks, and fewer still required keys. But at breakfast, the vixen had informed her that if she wanted to use her new suite, she was going to have to earn the privilege. Owner and slave had shared a smile at that; her training was still a secret from the others.

So far, Storm had been singularly unsuccessful in grabbing the key. Four times she had tried, and four times she had plunged into the waiting gunge, much to the delight of her fellow slaves, watching from 'dry land'. To make things worse, Sky had altered the slightly magical goo, making it even colder than normal, and causing it to stick to her scales far more than usual. As Jennifer was not permitting her to wash off the clinging slime between each attempt, her progress along the pole was becoming more and more difficult as her feet spread the slippery, yellow-orange substance along its length.

As if the challenge she faced was not hard enough already, the ever-scheming Tali had made things even more difficult for her latest attempt. Deciding that all the dragoness needed was a little more incentive, she had pushed a large, powerful egg vibrator deep within Storm's treasure. Keeping the controller for herself, the conniving skunkette was using it to send wracking waves of pleasure through the dragoness's body at exactly the moments when her position was most precarious.

Storm risked another glance at the key, only to cry out as Tali chose that instant to set the toy within her buzzing. She felt her foot slip a little, but managed to recover before she toppled into the waiting gunge. There was a disappointed noise from the skunkette, and Storm vowed that, once she was safe and her goal achieved, she would begin planning some horribly devious revenge on her black and white tormentor. No doubt Tali would enjoy every moment of it, but it would certainly make her feel better.

Reaching the end of the pole without further incident, Storm frowned up at the hanging key. Licking her lips, she carefully began to bounce, hoping the added push would grant her the extra distance she needed. She even spread her wings, in a somewhat vain attempt to gain extra lift.

As she leaped, Storm was aware of a series of sensations.

First, the return of the vibration in her cunny, only much stronger than previously; Tali had evidently increased the power, sending a flood of ecstasy through Storm's nether regions.

Second, her foot slipping slightly as her body reacted to Tali's expertly-timed intervention.

Third was the brush of metal past her fingertips as she just barely missed her goal.

Lastly, there came a gooey sensation as she fell into the pit below, shrieking loudly as the frigid slime made contact with her scales.

There was a glooping noise as the thick gunge closed above her. Storm, disoriented by the fall, and distracted by the continued shaking from her treasure, lost her bearings. Her arms, legs, wings and tail flailed in an attempt to find either the surface, or the bottom of the pool; anything to help her figure out which way was up. Her uncoordinated floundering sent plumes of slime into the air and huge waves across the shifting surface of the pit, much to the mirth of her audience.

Finally, the dragoness reached the surface. She gasped for air, before screaming loudly as Tali again upped the power on the tormenting toy. Storm lost her footing, falling back beneath the goo. Eventually, she managed to right herself long enough to stand, her slime-covered head the only thing above the surface. Raising a dripping hand, she made a futile attempt to wipe the gunge from her eyes, only for the layers of goo sliding from her forehead to replace it. Dimly, Storm was aware of the delighted laughter of her friends. Her eyes still closed, she flicked her hand, sending a few blobs of goop in their direction.

At last, the dragoness managed to clear her eyes enough to glare at the others. Luna was pointing as she laughed, her other hand being used to prop up Tali, who was practically gasping for air. Sky was lying on the ground, giggling in his delighted mirth. Jennifer, meanwhile, had maintained at least some of her composure, though her loud laughter and huge grin bore testament to her glee. Storm simply stuck her tongue out at them as she waded to the side of the pit.

As she reached the sloped edge of the pit, Jennifer's shadow fell across her. The still-grinning vixen looked down at her. "Going to try again?" she asked.

"If I ever want to see the inside of my lair," replied Storm, "I'll have to."

There was a gleam in Jennifer's eyes as she walked back to the others. "I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually" she offered.

Storm frowned at that: what was there to figure out? The key was in the air over the pit, the pole there to get her just close enough to jump for it. It wasn't as if she could just...

"Oh, come on!" yelled the dragoness. Jennifer turned back to her, the gleam in her eye all the more pronounced as she smiled. Storm lifted her fingers clear of the slime. There was a brief yellow flash, and the key appeared in her hand.

The vixen's smile widened into a grin. "And so ends today's lesson" she said. "Your magic will rarely provide the easiest solution to a problem, but you must always consider it."

Storm folded her arms somewhat grumpily. It was certainly a lesson she would remember, but had it really been necessary for her to plunge into the frigid, clinging slime five times to learn it? Her eyes narrowed as she glared at the dragon responsible for the alteration of the pit's normally-pleasant contents. With a grin, she raised her hand again.

A larger yellow flash was followed by a shriek as Sky suddenly found himself in mid-air, falling towards the shifting gunge. His cry was cut short as he plunged head-first into the goo, which closed above him in a great, glooping splash. As Storm waded in his direction, she was treated to the same sight that had caused such giddiness in her fellow slaves: a completely disoriented dragon flailing wildly in an attempt to gain their footing, sending vast plumes of viscous yellow-orange slime into the air.

As she reached beneath the surface to offer the struggling Sky her hand, Storm briefly considered adding Tali to the list of the pit's current occupants, but decided that her revenge on the skunkette would need to be far more cunning and intricate than that.

Sky grasped her searching hand, and she guided him to the surface. As soon as his head broke though the slime, he was glaring at her in mock annoyance, but Storm did not need her empathic sense to tell her that the blue dragon had actually loved his impromptu dunking; an opinion confirmed when he lunged for her with a huge grin, pulling both of them beneath the surface once again.

The pair emerged from the gunge sharing a rather lustful smile. Storm was happy to admit that slime was something of a fetish for her, due in part to her early sexual awakenings taking place in its cool, gooey embrace. She knew that Sky, too, regarded the pit as a rather erotically-loaded location, especially when he had a slippery dragoness to play with. Eyes locked on each other, the two dragons pulled each other closer, already feeling familiar strains in their respective swimwear.

Jennifer coughed, interrupting the scaled pair before they could indulge themselves further. "If you're quite finished," she said, grinning, "I believe you have a lair to see, Storm."

Planting a quick, gungy kiss on Sky's snout, Storm half-waded, half-swam to the edge of the pit. There would be countless other opportunities to indulge her slime fetish, with and without Sky's help, but her new lair was waiting for her.


The purple dragoness reached hesitantly to open the door of her suite. Having cleaned up from the earlier fun, it was finally time to see her lair.

Storm glanced at Sky, who was standing to one side, a happy grin on his face. She knew that he had been involved in the later stages of construction, and thus knew what was waiting for her, but he had been stubbornly silent as to what Jennifer had designed for her slave. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door, her jaw dropping at the sight that met her.

Sky's lair was crafted to look like it had been hewn from rock. Even the softly-padded floor looked like hard stone. Storm's lair, however...

The dragoness stepped through the portal, into a cave fashioned of glittering white crystal. Walls and ceiling were gently glowing, and here and there, small outcrops provided brighter illumination. Crystal formations, seemingly grown from the room's quartz-like walls, provided furniture. The floor was formed from the same foam that lined the mansion's cuddle room, yielding comfortably beneath her feet as she walked, trance-like, into her lair.

There were two smaller rooms in her suite: the bathroom and bedroom she assumed; the same as Sky's lair. Peering into one, she grinned. The bathroom featured the same large bathing pool as Sky's, but instead of water, this one was full of yellow-orange slime.

Jennifer also gazed into the room. "You can drain it and fill it with water using the controls over there" she said, pointing. "Just in case you want a nice, hot soak instead of this stuff."

Moving to the second room, Storm had something of a surprise. It was indeed her bedroom, but instead of a normal bed, there was a large, bowl-shaped indentation in the ground, at least four meters across and a meter deep in the middle. The whole thing was lined with the same golden fabric that covered Sky's bed, and as she approached, she realised the bowl was deeply padded. There was also a pile of the same golden pillows that her fellow dragon had.

"I thought you might like something a bit different" said Jennifer, as the dragoness stared down into the dish. "Sky suggested you might like to curl up surrounded by your hoard, rather than sleep on top of it."

Beaming, Storm stepped into the bowl of her bed. The padding was surprisingly supportive as she walked in. With a child-like squeal, she dove into the pile of cushions. "It's wonderful!" she grinned, head emerging from the pile. "I love it!"

"I'm glad" said the vixen. "If you want, we'll leave you to explore..." A sly smile appeared on her face. "Unless you want to deal with your current trespassers?"

Storm laughed: Sky had told her what he had done with the others when he had been given his lair. It was rather tempting, especially as she wanted revenge on Tali for her earlier exploits, but... "Actually," she said, shyly smiling up at her friends, "I think my hoard is missing four items; they're very precious to me, and I wouldn't want to spend my first night in my new lair without them."

Jennifer looked at her slaves, soft smiles appearing on all their faces. Almost as one, they jumped into the bed. The padded surface easily absorbed the impact and the sloped sides sent them all rolling into the center, leaving them in a laughing, giggling tangle. The five furs snuggled gently against each other, each delighting in the feeling of being so surrounded by the love of the others, which seemed to fill the golden bowl to overflowing. They lay there for some time, cuddling, caressing and kissing, when they weren't admiring the crystalline formations on the ceiling.

After a while, Sky sat up, drawing Storm's attention. "This room has some other interesting features" he said. "I had a word with Max, and he gave me some tips on permanently imbuing magic into things. I think you'll like the extras I added."

Intrigued, Storm closed her eyes and reached out with her supernatural senses, her markings beginning to glow softly. There were indeed magics in the room, waiting for her to feed them power. The dragoness's smile grew wider and wider as she examined each in turn.

There were gasps from the others as crystals grew quickly across the entrance to the bed chamber. Next, the glowing walls began to fade into darkness. As they dimmed, they turned from their quartz-like appearance to a mirrored finish. Storm looked around in delight as the countless reflective facets each showed their own image of her softly-glowing form. The dragoness had come to love the sight of her lightning markings shifting and flaring when she made love with one of the others, or even by herself, and Sky had now given her the perfect venue for such self-voyeurism.

With a delighted giggle, she let the room return to normal. There would be plenty of time to experiment with her room later. Right now, there were still two things missing from her hoard, and one of her bedroom's other magical enhancements would provide both.

Storm glanced at Sky, throwing her fellow dragon a sly smile. From the way he grinned and ducked under his wings, he knew what was about to happen. Jennifer, too, dived for cover a moment later; of course she would know what features Sky had contributed to this magical chamber. Luna and Tali merely looked confused at the sudden burst of motion.

Their confusion was cleared up a moment later as, from concealed nozzles on the ceiling, five wide streams of slime poured down on everyone.

This gunge was not the yellow-orange colour of the pit's supply, or indeed the pool in her brand new bathroom. The enchantment on this goo allowed Storm to alter the shade at will, and it was currently falling on her bed's occupants as a mostly-purple mess with streaks of white; her own scale colouration.

The dragoness had deliberately delayed her own sliming for a moment to watch the nozzles aimed at her friends do their work. Foot-wide columns of gunge fell on their heads, doming outwards as the victims let out shrieks of surprise and badly-concealed delight. Storm grinned as her own torrent fell, in even greater quantity. She hunched her shoulders as she felt the gloop impact on her head, before closing her eyes and turning her face upwards into the descending stream. Leaning back a little, she arched her spine to let the falling liquid impact on her breasts as well.

As the cascade of slime tailed off into a few stray dribbles, Storm looked around again. Vixen, wolf and skunk burst into giggles, and she herself grinned as her hoard-bed received the first of its two remaining missing treasures: the laugher and happiness of her friends.

And from the lustful look Sky was throwing in her direction, as well as the way Luna and Jennifer were eyeing the now-slippery Tali, it would not be long before it received the second, either.