Becoming a True Stallion - Chapter 4: The Epiphany

Story by DaBlackStallion on SoFurry

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#4 of Becoming a True Stallion

In Chapter Four of Becoming a True Stallion, Ty comes to an epiphany with the help of Derek. When he gets home, he shares the news with his friends before he gets rudely interrupted by a major problem that he needs to solve immediately. Enjoy!

Becoming a True Stallion

Chapter Four: Epiphany

Author's Note: Hello everyone! It's me again, BlackStallion! I know it's been a while since I've updated the series, or even uploaded anything. My sincerest apologies. I hope I can make up for it by promising you a slew of new stories coming with the next week or so. I've taken my time to craft out new series to try and expand my repertoire. I hope you all enjoy the next chapter. Updates will becoming much more frequently after this one, and I promise you that things will definitely start to pick up in the next chapter. Enjoy! And remember, don't be afraid to comment or PM me :3


Me...a fighter? It definitely didn't strike me as a possibility. I never imagined myself hitting another fur. I always thought of myself as the peaceful type, disarming people with my unrivalled kindness instead of my bare fists. But hitting that asshole just now, it felt so damned liberating. It was like my own brand of justice. Or power. It definitely was an enticing thought. Protecting the ones I love with this new found ability, like a superhero or vigilante! That would be amazing, protecting the world from evil do-ers. Getting my own costume, maybe my own signal, and--

"Ty, get on the damn bus!" Derek shouted, his words snapping me out of my daze. The smell of freshly burned gasoline followed quickly, bringing me completely back to reality as the impatient bear in the driver's seat joined in at shouting at me. Shaking my head, I climbed onto the bus, following Derek to the back of the bus. All eyes are on us as we made our way through the aisle, the intensity of the stares landing in our nether regions. It took me a while to realize that I was still hard, my large erection fighting for freedom through my blue denims. I quickly threw my hands over the impeding bulge and rushed by Derek, sitting down as fast as I could. The back of the bus was fairly empty, except for a slim, blonde teenage mouse, about 15, who sat at the very back. I could hear her giggling as I sat down on the uncomfortable plastic seats. This was so frigging awkward! And here I thought popping one in class was embarrassing. I shifted my body around the cheap seating, trying to hide my hard-on from the world, settling for crossing my right leg over my left. It hurt a bit, but at least not everyone could see.

Derek continued to take his sweet merry time, moving slower than he usually did. It was almost as if he was basking at all the oogling the passengers were doing. He took the seat next to me and immediately spread his legs wide open, like he was sprawling out on the sofa at home. "How could you be so comfortable like this?" I asked him. He laughed that cocky laugh of his and flashed that cocky Derek smile.

"Bro, you need to loosen up. You had no problem with it at the gym." Derek said, snaking a hand underneath his white tank top to scratch his stomach. He had a point.

"That...that was different." It wasn't really. "N-Not everyone in the damned gym was staring at us!"

"And how do you know that? There could have been tons of furs checking you out. Veterans love checking out the fresh meat. I'd bet you had at least three, maybe four heads turned in your direction." I couldn't help but blush. People...checking me out? And hot people not the less. It only got me harder, making my horsehood throb.

"You're not helping!" I whispered angrily, trying to cover up the giddiness I had at the idea.

"Chill out Ty. Look." He placed a hand on my shoulder that was oddly firm yet soft. "You shouldn't feel embarrassed when people stare at you or your monster down there. You are who you are. So you got a big dick. The way I see it, it's our duty to flaunt it." I don't know why I asked him for help. Sometimes he can be a frigging idiot. He leaned back against his chair, opening his legs even wider, and as if to be bolder, placed a hand on his obvious erection. "Think about it. When people have something, they flaunt it. If you have a lot of money, you flaunt it by buying big houses and useless shit. If you're really athletic, you flaunt it by winning trophies. Really smart? Show off by getting good grades. We have big dicks, so we should flaunt it." Derek accented his point my grabbing his package roughly, the rise and fall of his sack visible through his sweats. "Besides, when people stare at me, I think of two things. One, they want my dick. Or two, they wish they had a dick this big." It was odd. Somehow, he made sense. It wasn't like it was a bad thing to be well endowed. Maybe I should flaunt it like he says...wait.

"But what if people laugh and point at you? There's no way you can think those two things about that." Almost as if she was on cue, the teenage mouse in the back began giggling again, her eyes focused in our direction. Derek only laughed and stretched his muscular arms out on the tops of the seats. He turned his head away from me, telling me the conversation was over. Typical. Whenever Derek didn't have an answer, he laughed it off and walked away. I knew it, I was right.

"Don't worry about that. It still applies." Derek said, his voice filled with a bit of eagerness, his head still turned away from me. I followed suit, turning my head to look out the grimy windows stained with god-knows-what. Derek sure had a lot of confidence in what he said. And it was true. It wasn't like being well-endowed was a bad thing. It's a highly idolized trait. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. So what if people see my erection. It's large, and people like it large, right? There really was no reason to be embarrassed. So what if people point and laugh? It's not like it's small, it definitely isn't hindering me in anyway. It would be like pointing at laughing at someone because they had a bigger tv or a fancier car or--Holy fuck I understood what Derek was talking about.

I was completely dumbstruck by my epiphany. I never understood, let alone agreed with anything Derek had to say. Usually everything that comes out of his mouth is pure douchebaggery, but this...this had sense. The bus came to a rolling stop as I stood up, my cock already back in its flaccid state. I brushed past Derek, who had his earbuds in, and stepped off of the bus. Darkness swept the neighbourhood, with small pools of light provided by the streetlights. All of the houses, identical to the one next to it, were sparsely lit, with a window illuminated by a TV every few houses. I started walking back home. The bus stop was at the end of the street, so my house was only a few minutes away. I've always enjoyed the night, though I never knew why. Most people are scared of the night, but I've always found it quiet and soothing. When I was younger, I used to sneak out my window and climb onto the roof and just star gaze...I really don't know why I stopped.

I walked up my driveway which was devoid of any cars. Mom and Dad were probably working late again. Step by step I made my way up to the front door and stuck my keys in, turning the lock and pushing on the handle to open the door. There weren't many lights on, just the one in the kitchen that my parents said to leave on if we ever left and there would be no one home. They said something about if robbers ever tried to break in, they'd think that there was someone inside and move onto another house. Guess it's worked so far since we've been break-in free since we've moved in. Hope I didn't jinx it.

I yanked my key out and slipped off my shoes, placing at the top of the shoe rack. Closing the door, I left it unopened for Derek before making my way to the kitchen. Entering, the first thing I noticed was that there were no dishes. Gideon probably came while we were at the gym and headed back out before we got home. I really don't know how he manages to be so perfect. Grasping one of the glasses from the cupboard, I opened our double-door fridge, grabbing the milk jug from the top row, in front the eggs and in between the orange juice and fruit punch. As I poured the milk into my glass, I heard another noise besides the splashing of the milk. It sounded like a giggle. Derek definitely never giggled. He was a cocky laugh kind of guy. I peeked out from the counter and saw the blonde mouse from the bus latched onto my brother like a cape. A tiny, blonde cape.

"Hey bro. You remember Jeanine, from the bus." Derek shouted across the hall to me. She smiled at me, giggling again. I simply waved in response. "We'll be in my bedroom. Call me if you need anything."

"You do know that's my bedroom too, right?" I answered back. He didn't hear me; he was too busy whispering sweet nothings into Jeanine's ears, each of them making her giggle even more than the last. "Yeah, sure." I heard them race up the stairs, leaving me with my glass of milk. Swirling it around, I looked at it, discontent. What was I supposed to do while Derek was in our room? Only reruns of shitty sitcoms and crappy reality tv shows were on now. With a bored sigh, I chugged the milk down. I know! I'll--my hands clutched my throat. It seemed my sudden realization made me forget to swallow all the milk. I pounded my chest with my fist, trying to get the rest of it down, taking a large breathe once I felt my throat open up once more. With my cell phone in the room where Derek was having fun with Jeanine, I grabbed the house phone off the wall and sprinted up the stairs.

I opened the door to the bathroom and lifted up the window, letting a soft, warm breeze saunter in. Tucking the phone into the waist of my jeans, I hopped up onto the toilet, on top of the tank, and grasped the top of the window sill with my right hand. My right leg soon followed and my right hand shuffled around, looking for something sturdier to grasp before letting the rest of my body outside of the window. I found a crease in the bricks and stepped out, jamming my fingers into it as tightly as I could. My feet shuffled against the ledge, moving around the back of the house. It was easier to get to the roof from here. Standing at the corner of the house where the walls between my parents' bedroom and Gideon's room would meet, I turned my attention to the ledge I had just come from. The roof of the house was lower on the bathroom, making it easier to climb. I took a few steps back, making sure to keep my feet aligned so I didn't fall. One. Two. Three. Four. Five was enough. I looked at the point of the wall I wanted to hit, and without hesitation, ran at the wall.

Five. Four. Three. Two. One. I jumped, pushing my right foot against the wall which lifted me up a few more inches so I could grab the ledge of the roof. With both hands on the ledge, I pulled myself up, though the task proved to be a bit more difficult with my muscles sore from today's workout. Nonetheless, I got my right leg up first, slowly dragging my left foot afterwards. Dusting my jeans off and readjusting the phone, I took a few steps to the right, placing me in front of the wall that would be Gideon's room. All it took was a simple jump for me to get my hand on the ledge. Pulling myself up once more, I felt my muscles burn at the feeling of being used once more. Fuck, Derek really worked me over today.

I walked over to the center of the roof which was beautifully lit by the moon. Laying down on the tiles, I couldn't help but let out a loud "ah" from the feel of some much needed relaxation. I turned and faced the street. I enjoyed this side better. Something just felt so right watching the city at night. You could see the highway and some of the apartment buildings on the outskirts of downtown. There was something magical about how quiet the city was at night. Usually busy with cars and people honking and making so much unnecessary noise, at night it was just...peaceful. My favourite sight was always seeing the taillights of the cars disappear into the horizon. At that point, the soft, red lights would join the vista of shining stars and the luminescent moon. It was very poetic to me, I might even say profound. Just the way the natural light of the sky combined with the manmade luminaries of the city, it was

I yanked the phone out from my pants and rested it beside me. My hands found their way behind my head, and my left leg soon propped itself up. It really was breathtaking. You could actually see most of the stars out where we lived. Our town wasn't as polluted as other parts of the world. I heard in New Jersey the smog is really thick that you can barely see a star. Part of me likes to think Gideon helped make this happen. He's so eco-friendly, and he's always helping out at those protests and rallies to keep the Earth clean. It's all totally worth it.

I gripped the phone in my hand. Who to call? Will and Alex we're probably talking to each other, so no. Eli's definitely in bed right now. Justin would get pissed if I called him this late. Which left Flare...he should have no problem. I started dialling the number. Who am I kidding? I would have ended up calling Flare even if the others were free. I don't know why, but we just have that kind of--

"Hello?" A deep voice answered from the other end of the phone.

"Hey Flare, it's me." I answered back.

"Hey Ty, why are you calling so late?"

"Like that's ever been a problem." I heard him laugh. "Derek is hogging the room, and there's nothing on TV..."

"So you called me because you're bored?" Flare asked.

"Yeah. You should be flattered. I chose you over counting the tiles on my roof and lying lazily on the couch. And you know how much I love lying lazily on the couch."

"You're on your roof again?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Hold on. Don't hang up." I heard a bunch of shuffling and a few grunts. I just sat there dumbstruck. "Hey, look to your right." I looked over, only to see a few empty roofs. "Your other right." I'm such a dumbass. I turned my head in the opposite direction to see the fox waving to me from his roof two houses down to my right. My right right. It seemed like he was just in a pair of basketball shorts. I waved back and rolled over on my side as he settled himself down on his roof. "It's really nice outside." I heard him whisper in awe through the telephone. "So did you really call me out of boredom?"

"Partially. I've got some...uhh...pretty surprising news."

"Actually surprising? Or Ty surprising?" Flare asked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I responded.

"Face it Ty. You're not very shocking." Was I that boring?

"Well how's this for surprising? I'm starting jiu jutsu lessons tomorrow. I'm training to be a fighter." Silence. Even though that was normal for Flare, I could tell he was shocked.

"And kickboxing." I said with a bit more confidence. Proved him wrong for labelling me boring and predictable. It felt kind of nice knowing that I was doing something unexpected. It was the same feeling I had when I decked that cheetah in the face. Free? No, not freedom, it was more...liberating. " still there?

"Yeah. I'm just trying to take all of that in."

"It was only three sentences. Three and a half really."

"Ty, you're a gentle guy. I just can't see you fighting." Flare told me.

"Oh, there's more." I said, a large grin spreading on my face from cheek to cheek.

"There can't be...hold on." I heard Flare put me on hold. Who was he calling?

"Ty?!" An excited voice shouted from the other end of the phone.

"You called Alex?" I asked Flare.

"And me as well!" Will chimed in.

"Of course. I couldn't be the only one who knew Ty." Flare told me. "Ty's got some something to tell you guys."

"What? He finally got pubic fur?" Alex said, making both of the wolves erupt in laughter.

"Assholes." I muttered through the phone.

"No. You won't believe it." Flare said.

"Tell us!" Will yelled, causing me to pull the phone away from my ears for a short second.

"Climb up on your roofs and Ty will tell you." Before Flare even finished the sentence, I heard windows open. Within a few seconds, two shadowy figures emerged on top of the houses at the other end of street. The blurry outlines were separated by a single house and were barely visible had it not been for the streetlight on the sidewalk in front of Eli's house.

"Alright we're here! Tell us now!" Will yelled into the phone. I was in a bit of disbelief that "surprising" news that involved me would conjure up so much interest.

"Well...I...uhh..." I was so excited to tell Flare the news, but all of a sudden my lips were sealed shut.

"Spit it out!" Alex shouted.

"I'm training to be a fighter." Silence again. I heard their phones drop. Then I heard a noise booming from down the street, where Alex and Will were. It sounded like...laughter? They were laughing at me again! "I'm serious guys!" I kept speaking into the phone, but they couldn't hear me. I was defenceless as the wolves went on their laughing fits. I thought I even heard Flare snicker a bit. Finally I heard the sound of the phones being picked up.

"Oh fuck Ty. I haven't laughed that hard since Flare did that weird thing with his bangs!" Alex said.

"Oh yeah! When he covered up his left eye! He looked so frigging emo!" Will added in.

"I told you two never to mention that again." Flare said, sounding a bit irritated. Immediately the two jokesters shut up. I'll never cease to be amazed at Flare's ability to silence people.

"I start tomorrow. Jiu-jutsu and kickboxing." I told them.

"Holy shit Ty, you're not kidding." Alex said in disbelief.

"But dude, you could barely hurt a fly." Will said, still laughing a bit. It wasn't that hard to belief. I mean, I get angry sometimes, and I'm relatively strong. I could definitely hurt someone!

"That's why I punched someone?!" I said, the frustration clear in my voice.

"You what?!" All three asked in unison.


"Hold on! Justin and Eli totally have to know about this. Will, you call up Justin. I'll get Eli." The phone beeped, and I assumed it was Will getting Justin on the phone. Off in the distance I saw one of the figures, Alex, walk to the edge of his roof.

"What the hell are you doing Alex?!" I shouted into the telephone, but of course, he couldn't hear me. He took a few steps back, ran forward, and jumped. My heart nearly dropped. Chances are if he missed, he wouldn't be able to survive a 30 foot drop. "Alex!" I screamed into the phone. He landed on the roof of Eli's house, breaking the impact by rolling.

"Dude, chill the fuck out! It's not the first time I've done this." Alex replied. Even if he did it before, it's still scary watching a friend make a jump like that. I could barely make out what was happening from where I was, but Alex was making his way to Eli's window pretty swiftly. He dropped from a ledge and landed on the window sill of Eli's bedroom. We could hear him tapping hard on the glass through the telephone. "Eli, wake up!" The groggy-eyed white bunny walked to his window, wiping his eyes.

" that you?" Eli asked, holding back a yawn.

"Yeah. Open up!" Alex shouted. The bunny grabbed the ledge of his window and lifted it up. "Go grab your phone." Eli was too tired to even question the mischievous lupine. He groggily grabbed the phone off of his nightstand and walked back over to the open window. "Now wha--" The wolf stuck his hand out to the rabbit and whisked him out of the window. He closed the window behind him, making sure not to slam it down on the bunny's baggy white shirt that he was sleeping in. Alex braced up against the wall, bent his knees and placed his hands out in front of him, right over left. "Come on. I'll give you a boost." Eli was a bit hesitant at first. He bit his lip, looking at Alex with big, blue, doubting eyes. His pink, rosy nose twitched as the he thought.

"Why do you guys always have to make me do such dangerous things?" Eli said as he exhaled. Putting the phone on the floor, he placed his right foot onto Alex's hands, and soon found himself rising off of the floor. His arms flailed uncontrollably as he tried not to fall, grasping the ledge as if his life depended on it. "What the hell Alex?!" Eli shouted down at the wolf. The wolf snickered, pushing the rabbit even higher. Eli slowly got his arms onto the roof, his legs quickly following as Alex raised him higher. The rabbit dusted off of his shirt and pulled down his boxers that had rode up his rear end on the way up.

"You okay?" Alex asked from the window sill.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Eli replied.

"Then you mind helping me out?" Alex said. The bunny jolted over to the edge. He got down on his knees and hung his arm over the edge, offering the wolf his hand. Alex grabbed the phone and held on tightly to Eli's hand. He got on his tippy-toes, trying to reduce his weight as much as possible to make it easier for Eli. On the roof, Eli was struggling. He gripped the hand with his other arm and pulled as hard as he could. "Come on Eli, try harder!" Alex shouted, not feeling his body move at all.

"I am! I'm not Justin!" Eli shouted back. He shifted his position. Lying down on the roof, he placed his feet against the edge of the roof. He pushed against the small ledge of the roof, using it to gain some extra leverage for his arms. He felt the arm move towards him, which encouraged him to pull harder.

"I'm almost there!" Alex told Eli. The bunny yanked one last time with all of his might, pulling the wolf's arm on to the roof. The force caused his grip to break, causing the bunny to fall backwards onto the roof, his long, white ears flopping over his eyes. It wasn't hard for Alex to get the rest of his body onto the roof. He walked over to the bunny, who's fur glowed a beautiful white under the moonlight, and handed him the phone. "Call Ty." Alex told Eli.

"Why?" Eli asked.

"Just do it." Alex said as he took his spot on the roof, about ten steps away from the edge of the roof. Within a second, Alex begun dashing for the edge. He leaped across the roof once more, breaking his fall with a roll much like the first time.

"Umm...hello?" Eli whispered into the phone. I heard the bunny quietly through the phone.

"Hey Eli. Did we wake you?" I asked him.

"Yeah. But it seemed pretty urgent. Why did Alex want me to call you?"

"He's got some news to tell you." Flare said.

"Hey Flare." Eli said.

"Hey." The fox responded.

"Well. About the news, well I--"

"Why the fuck did you guys wake me up?!" A booming voice shouted through the phone.

"Ow my ears!" Eli cried out. "I just woke up."

"Justin, Ty has some news." Flare said.

"But he's not spilling unless you come on the roof." Will added. I wasn't sure when climbing on the roof became a requirement to hear my news. Hell, I wasn't even sure why people were so eager to hear my news. A grunt was heard through the phone, along with the opening of another window.

"This better be fucking worth it." Justin mumbled. Within a few seconds, another figure appeared a few houses down from Flare.

"Yeah come on Ty, I want to know now too." Eli said, his signature naïve vigour coming through in his voice.

"Ty's training to become a fighter!" Alex blurted out.

"Jiu-jutsu and kickboxing to be exact." Will added.

"Hey. I wanted to tell them!" I shouted out.

"Sorry, we're just getting them caught up." Alex said.

"Holy shit. You're becoming a fighter?" Justin asked, sounding impressed.

"You're not going to hurt anyone too bad, are you?" Eli asked.

"Too late." Alex said.

"What?" Eli and Justin both said, one in amazement, the other in shock.

"Yeah, that's where we left off." Will added.

"Continue Ty." Flare told me. I let out a sigh. They really don't expect a lot out of me.

"Well, after Derek and I finished working out, we headed into the locker room."

"Wait, you worked out?" Will asked, hearing some giggling begin.

"Do you want to hear the frigging story or not?" I yelled out. There was an immediate silence. "So like I was saying, after Derek and I finished working out, we headed into the locker room, and we were getting changed with this cheetah walked in and put his hands on Derek. Then..."

"Then what?" All five of them shouted in unison. Had I really reeled them in that much?

"I don't know what came over me, but I decked him in the face, and he fell to the floor." I heard a few gasps. "He got up, and he swung at me, and I hit him one more time before the fight got stopped."

"Why would Derek stop the fight? He should have let you beat the shit out of that fucker." Justin said with anger in his voice. I could tell he was mad at the thought of someone trying to hit me. He really is a true pal.

"It wasn't Derek." I replied. "It was the owner of the gym. This tall, jacked Rottweiler named Vince." The thoughts of the canine flashed through my head. The way he stood so fiercely, with his jacket unzipped, showcasing those amazing abs of steel, and that sexy dark jet black fur of his. I could feel a straining in my pants. Normally, I would be embarrassed, but not this time. The fur was sexy as hell. My hand gained a life of its own and slowly made its way on top of my crotch, and began to massage the bulge slowly. Thank god the guys couldn't see me clearly, because who knows what they would say. "He told me I have a 'natural affinity for fighting'. He said he would enrol me in jiu-jitsu and kickboxing for free, as well as be my personal trainer."

"Sweet!" The brown lupine shouted out.

"Congratulations!" The bunny quickly followed.

"Train hard." The fox added.

"Dude, I'm calling it now. Next MMA star." The white lupine yelled.

"Thanks guys." I replied.

"All of this for free? That seems a bit generous, doesn't it?" The feline asked.

"I was shocked too. Apparently Gideon and Derek got a lot of people to join the gym, so he owes them a favour."

"Wow. He's really nice!" Eli exclaimed.

"Yeah, he really is...nice." The rubbing wasn't enough. My cock needed more attention, and it needed it now. "I-I'll catch you guys later. Gotta wake up early for the lessons." I didn't think I could press the end button any faster. I jolted down my roof and back onto the ledge. I hopped through the window of the bathroom. My ears were quickly filled with the sounds of R.Kelly which were blasting through the locked door of my bedroom. Shit, Derek was still in there. My cock was throbbing now, begging to be touched and tugged and pulled and jacked. I don't know what kind of spell Vince put on me, but my crotch was screaming for some touching.

I knew better than to go in Gideon's room, and I didn't even dare to go in my parents' room, so I did the next best thing, and headed straight for the couch downstairs. I slid down the railing, knowing running down the steps would take way too long. I hopped off the railing and sprinted to the couch. Landing softly onto the sofa, I felt the leather slap against my hide as the rubbing got more aggressive. I was grinding my tent into the palm of my right hand, feeling myself whimper a bit at my own teasing.

My eyes closed instantly. Gone were the white walls of my den and the flat screen TV in front of me. All I could see was that big, sexy Rottweiler, dressed in that tracksuit that did him justice. His muscles bulged as he began flexing for me, pumping his arms in a way that made his biceps roar out to me. "You like what you see Ty?" He said in his deep, sexy melting voice. I did. I so fucking did.

I unfastened the button on my pants and pulled it down, just beneath my balls. Right away, I felt my cock spring up, as if coming up from air after a long time underwater. It smacked against my shirt, releasing the musky smell of lust into the air. I quickly took grasp of it, pumping it as furiously as I could like any other first timer. "Oh, fuck yeah." I moaned. Derek's words quickly jumped into my mind. Slow, go slow.

My pace slowed down as my thoughts of Vince continued to bless my mind. He slowly removed his jacket, prompting me to begin rubbing the head of my cock. It wasn't long before I heard the sloshing of liquid between my fingers and my horsehood. The pre-cum was flooding my hand as I pumped, making my cock slicker and slicker each time my hand reached the bottom of my base. I felt my thighs heating up, screaming at me to open up. I tried to separate them, but quickly found out that they were restricted by my jeans. "Fuck..." I groaned, a little in pleasure, a little in anger. My free hand reached to the sagging waistband and yanked it off of my legs. I threw it away, feeling my sizeable balls slap against the leather of the couch. I needed this. I needed this so bad

I don't know why I needed this so bad, but my body yearned to be touched. As the Adonis like canine continued to show off his chiselled body, I felt like all I could do was cum for him. I wanted those bulging biceps wrapped around me. I wanted to suck those oreo-sized nipples. I wanted that powerful, vigorous tongue inside of my mouth. I wanted all of it. So. Fucking. Bad. My pace became more frenzied, as my cock continued to ooze out pre-cum. My breaths quickly turned into merciful pants, my voice submitting to the pleasure racing through my body. It mixed in with the sounds of my hand moving up and down my dripping wet cock, unknowingly making me bite my bottom lip.

"Oh god Vince." I moaned louder. "Fuck!" I was pumping uncontrollably, getting hornier at the feeling of pre-cum splashing onto my thighs. My hand soon found their way down to my sack. I ran a finger down the underside, along the seam, feeling the heat coming from my balls. I began panting, causing my tongue to hang wildly from my mouth like a bitch in heat. The feeling of my foreskin sliding up and down felt so nice, so natural; it just made me want to shoot so much. I wanted to do anything to shoot right now, and I handed my brain over to my body.

My instincts took over. My right hand began teasing my nipples, running a finger around the sensitive area before pinching it a bit. My other hand found its way to my mouth. I don't know why, but I began sucking on my index and middle fingers feverishly, like a little fur and his lollipop. I began thrusting into the air, humping into the hole my hand created. And I moaned. I moaned loud. "Mmhmmmmm!!!" I screamed, my own words muffled by my fingers. I was getting closer and closer, I could feel the cum working its way up my shaft. I felt like a blocked off pipe. There was so much pressure in the head of my dick, it was borderline painful. I thrust hard into the air one last time, and I came hard.

"Vince!!" My ears began to ring and my vision flared white as I screamed out that sexy fur's name. My cock started squirting like a fountain, drenching me in my own milk. My hand gripped my cock hard, squeezing every last bit of cum out of my horsehood. The scent of pleasure wafted through the air, a mixture of the masculine stench of cock, the bitterness of cum and the musk of sweat, all combined to produce one pleasurable haze for the nose. Pure bliss. Soon, all I saw was black as I closed my eyes, relishing in the feeling of cum landing on my chest, a few on my face, each shot sending a shiver down my back.

"You're definitely one of us." My eyes darted opened as I saw my brother standing on the stairwell in his black pinstriped boxers, a drop of cum rolling down his right thigh. I couldn't believe he caught me a second time. But then again, I wasn't exactly doing it so secretly.

"Did she--"

"No. She went out the back door." Derek said as he came down the stairs with that stupid cocky smile of his. He stopped at the end of the steps and crossed his arms, his biceps bulging across his chest. "I see you've fallen for him as well." I blushed.

"You heard?" I said, embarrassed.

"The whole fucking neighbourhood heard bro." He laughed as he made his way over to the kitchen. "But it's not anything to worry about. Enjoy your orgasm. People literally die for that kind of pleasure. Don't let other people take that away from you." I knew Derek was fearless and shameless, but I never pegged him as a hedonist.

"So if I was fucking someone in public, and the cops told me to stop, I shouldn't?" I asked, partly confused, partly angry.

"You'll learn where to draw the line." Derek said as he stood in the doorway of the kitchen. "And when you draw that line, you'll cross it frequently, then you'll have to learn how to manoeuvre your way back to safety." Why was he being so cryptic?! He was so fucking agitating sometimes...but he was still trying to help me, right? "You can use the room. Unlike some people, I clean up after I make a mess." I couldn't help but blush again as he walked into the kitchen. I got up and heard the sound of cum sliming off of the couch.

"I'll head up just now. I just need to--"

"I got it, don't worry." Derek said, emerging with a roll of paper towel. "You got to wake up early for those lessons." He stared at me. I wanted to stay in help, but I could feel Derek's eyes pushing me upstairs.

"Alright." I picked my clothes up off the floor and headed for the staircase. "Thanks Derek." I said. He just looked at me and nodded, getting right to work on the couch. I continued up the stairs and into my bedroom. It reeked of strawberries and sex. I didn't mind the smell though. I just hopped into bed and dozed off to bed, tired from the days events.