The Grotto

Story by Sonic Fox on SoFurry

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#1 of Odd Company

Okay, no kids under 18. This is my first story and I don't want it to be my last.

The forest was beautiful today. The rain had stopped, the birds were signing, and all the woodland critters were rousing from their sleep. This spring would be one no creature would soon forget, especially for one little squirrel.

The squirrel, Luke, had emerged from his dwelling in order to quell the ache in his stomach. Thanks to the terrible thunderstorm from the previous evening, the squirrel had fallen asleep without as much as a morsel of food to eat. Luckily, Luke knew of a tree near a rocky grotto that yielded the most delectable acorns a squirrel has ever tasted.

The squirrel approached the entrance to the grotto to find that the storm had shaken the tree so violently that the majority of acorns were already on the ground, just waiting for some lucky rodent to eat them. Luke gorged himself on the bountiful nuts strewn about the ground, pacifying his agonizing gut. This was truly a lucky morning, for the forest had been visited my monstrous creatures known as man, who were destroying trees and wildlife, cutting the food supply down to a critical quantity. Most creatures decided to leave, some, like Luke, were unsure, and others decided to stay and wait it out. Satisfied with the food, the squirrel started to walk away from the tree near the grotto to greet the other creatures of the forest. Suddenly, a twig snapped. Luke tensed up, his muscles preparing to assist the squirrel in what all small prey do best against a predator, run.

From the bushes in front of the petrified squirrel emerged a large black and white wolf; the woods had not seen a wolf since the winter season. With fierce, yellow eyes, the wolf glared at its newfound meal with hunger. Both creatures stood still for a moment or two, and then the squirrel ran backwards to the entrance of the grotto with the wolf hot on his heels.

The two mammals darted through the tunnel, Luke barley avoiding the wolf's gaping jaws whenever they came to a junction. At the end of the tunnel was the only way in or out of the grotto. Unfortunately for the squirrel, the grotto's entrance was up on a high ridge, so once you fell in, you would have a hard time getting out. To make matters worse, the cavern was formed by limestone so slick and smooth that no creatures' claws could latch to the walls. The only way to get back up on the ridge was to jump on a series of stones with a large gap that only a large animal could ever clear, like the wolf, for example.

Luke made it to the end of the tunnel and while glancing back at his attacker, fell into the grotto and landed on his back. Wracked in a mixture of surprise and pain, the squirrel slowly opened his eyes to see the wolf jump elegantly to the floor a few feet away. The squirrel bolted upright and looked around the cavern, seeing nothing but the series of stones necessary for exiting the grotto and the wolf.

The wolf, surprisingly, had not advanced towards Luke yet; merely standing in one spot and watching him. The squirrel decided to take advantage of the opportunity and climb up on top of one of the stones and began to jump towards the entrance. However, Luke was unable to clear the final leap and landed with another painful thud onto the ground.

Picking himself up once more, Luke turned his gaze to the wolf, who was still fixed to its original spot; smiling at the squirrel's antics. Luke once more ran towards the stones, determined to escape from the accursed grotto. Sadly, his attempt, as well as the next twelve tries, once more ended with him crashing to the floor.

The wolf was sighing at the foolish little critter; why wouldn't it just end the pain and humiliation and allow the wolf to eat it? The squirrel slowly propped himself into a sitting position, not wanting to move due to the bruises all over his body. Finally, the wolf started to slowly advance to the squirrel, anxious to feed.

The wolf stopped in front of the frightened squirrel, towering over the agonized creature. As the wolf started to open its jaws, Luke squeaked out, "Please, please don't eat me!"

Closing its mouth the wolf stared angrily at the squirrel, as if it hadn't heard that one before. The wolf menacingly said, "Why should I? I have gone through the whole winter alone since my pack was wiped out by men with guns. Those monsters killed my brothers and sisters; but more importantly my mate!" The wolf held back the tears welling up in its eyes, determined not to show such weakness to this lowly prey. Luke could do nothing but sit in shock at the fact that his murderer was an alone female!

"The mating season has come and gone, I have had to go without pleasure for four full moons. I was barely able to feed myself since the prey around our domain was either to fast and strong to bring down alone or attacked by the men. A worthless meal like yourself can do nothing to convince me to let you go, I am far too hungry to allow that!" barked the wolf as began to open her maw once more.

Luke's heart raced, his mind processing all that the wolf had said. How sad it was for any creature to go hungry and unsatisfied. "But what could I do?" thought Luke. As the squirrel glanced back at the wolf, his eyes scanned over her body until it noticed something in between the hind legs. The wolf was not lying when she said she went the winter unsatisfied, her white furred slit was puffy and aching for attention. Suddenly, Luke came up with a plan to save his skin and help the wolf all at once.

"Wait! Wait! I have a proposition for you" said Luke, slowly rising to his feet. This interruption irritated the wolfess, but she had learned from past experience to hear out a proposition, no matter whom or what one was dealing with. "Very well, but it had better be good, or else!" she growled. The squirrel began to slowly move along the side of the wolf, making no sudden movements that would provoke her to devour him. The wolf kept her gaze on him, but did not move, knowing full well that the squirrel could not escape the grotto. As Luke made his way to her hind legs, almost completely out of sight of the wolf, he decided he would catch her of guard while they were talking.

Standing directly behind the wolf, Luke readied himself to initiate his plan. "Here's the deal, I help you out with something and in return you spare my life" said Luke, waiting for the wolf to respond. The wolf scoffed at his proposition. "You help me out? There's nothing a little rodent like you could doooooOOOOH!" The wolf moaned as Luke dashed underneath her and began to massage her nether lips.

The wolf was shocked. How dare this filthy, gutless prey touch her like this! She readied herself to jump away and tear the squirrel to pieces, giving him a fair warning growl. Luke heard this and quickened his antics, hoping the wolf's need for pleasure will overcome her hunger and indignation. Luke pressed his paws harder onto the wolf's cunt, massaging the lips in small and then large circles.

The wolf felt his intensifying pressure and her irritated, menacing growl turned into a low-pitched whine; the stimulation on her slit was too much for her to just stop him. She had never felt something like this since the previous year, her first mating season, the year she met her mate. It was a colossal blow to her heart; never once had she thought of him and not so much as shed a tear. The loss of the pack was nothing she could shrug off either; for one, the pack is the only family a wolf has, and secondly, once a wolf is cast out or severed from the pack, they can't just join another one. Even though she could never forget about her mate and pack, perhaps this squirrel could provide her satisfaction.

Now that the wolf had allowed Luke to continue, he started to get slightly bolder. He spread her lips wide, his little claws tickling the inner flesh a bit. Luke inhaled the scent of her arousal and pressed his face to her open pussy. Luke then began to lap at the wolf cunt, tasting the sensitive flesh of the horny predator.

The wolf began to moan and whine even more, loving the sensation of the squirrel's tongue sliding over her slit. She let out a gasp as the squirrel drove his tongue deep inside her, thrashing it around, slamming into the walls of her sex. His paw strayed to her clit and began to rub it roughly, sending more waves of pleasure through the wolf. Luke could feel her walls tightening and knew she was close to an orgasm, but he felt that there was something missing. As he pulled his face away, he noticed that he had been enjoying the act as much as the wolf, his member peeking out of his little red sheath.

Luke crawled out from underneath the wolf, who was distressed that the squirrel stopped in the middle of his cunnilingus. She looked back at him with pleading eyes, lifting her tail and wagging her hips. "Please, I beg of you, please don't stop...I take it any more" she said, tears starting to well up in her eyes. Luke placed a paw to her muzzle, caressing her face in order to calm her down. "Don't worry, I would never leave a female to suffer like this, I just got an idea" Luke said with a smile. The wolf's eyes traveled down the squirrel's body until they rested on his growing prick. "So he wishes to mate with me" the wolf thought to herself, becoming more excited. She smiled and extended her tongue, lapping at the squirrel's member.

Luke moaned as the large tongue slid over his cock, balls, and even the rest of his body. For a split second, Luke caught a glimpse of the wolf's large teeth, reminding him that this was a carnivore he was dealing with. But upon seeing as though the wolf continued to pleasure him with gusto, the thought left his mind. As soon as his dick was standing at attention he placed his paws on her nose, causing her to stop her fellatio. Luke then motioned her to follow him to one of the first rocks necessary for escaping the grotto.

Once the two of them reached a rock, the squirrel climbed on top and signaled the wolf to turn around. Eager for what was to come, the wolf turned around and backed up as close to the rock as she could get. Luke approached the wolf's rear, grabbing onto her tail for balance as he aimed his cock at her moist orifice. Deciding to have a little fun, Luke rubbed his cock over her lips, causing her to whine in pleasure. Luke loved how his small prick was able to send shockwaves of pleasure through the larger mammal's cunt. The wolf looked back at him in a somewhat thankful yet impatient look on her face, causing him to stop his torture and get down to business. Realigning his prick to her cunt, Luke began to slowly press into the wolf's warm depths, enticing loud moans from the both of them.

The wolf couldn't believe how much she was enjoying this, having a smaller creature hilt itself inside her was something she never expected would give her this much pleasure. Once Luke was all inside of her, he began to slowly slide his cock in and out of her. The situation was somewhat humorous; a little squirrel mounting a large wolf would raise many questions. Both of the mammals, especially the wolf, were thankful that no one could see them in this position; they would either be the biggest laughing stock of the forest or even possibly banished for defying the laws of nature.

Luke moaned as the wolf began to meet his slow thrusts with her rump, eager for release. Wanting give to her the best time of her life, Luke began to pick up his pace, starting to thrust harder and faster. The wolf moaned as his cock brushed over her most erogenous spot, growling and whining loudly.

Luke was rapidly approaching his climax, desperately trying to hold back until the wolf came first. As he continued his assault on her snatch, Luke reached down between the wolf's legs and began to rub her clit, starting at a slow, teasing pace then increasing the pressure and speed. The wolf arched her back as she felt her climax hit her at full force, the stimulation of her clit and g-spot blanking out her mind.

As she came, the wolf's inner walls began to squeeze his cock with an intense force, sending the squirrel over the edge and causing him to shoot his load deep inside of her, painting her insides with squirrel cum. The wolf's legs buckled and she fell to the floor and with Luke still inside, fell of the rock and onto her back. The two of them laid down on the floor, panting heavily. The wolf had never felt so wonderful, this squirrel was very talented in mating, possibly even more so than her mate. Luke laid on the wolf's back, feeling her soft fur and petting her gently.

The wolf turned her head to gaze upon her lover with gratitude. "Thank you so much. No one has ever made me feel so good." "No one should have to go through life unmated, I'm just glad you're satisfied. Now, about our deal?" Luke asked, with a little fear in his voice. The wolf stood up with Luke still on her back and took a few steps back. "You might want to hang on" she said to him with a grin. The wolf then darted towards the rocks, jumping from one to the next until she made it to the exit.

As they walked out of the tunnel the wolf asked for the squirrel's name. "My name is Luke, thanks for helping me out and not eating me." The wolf smiled, "It was nothing compared to what you did for me, I owe you more than this little service."

"Don't worry about's your name?" "Luna, my name is Luna" replied the wolf. Once outside, Luke remembered about the situation in the forest. He wanted to leave, but remained because of predators. But after meeting Luna, he believed he could leave. "Luna, you're leaving the forest, right?" Luke asked. "Yes, what of it?" answered the wolf, with a puzzled look on her face.

"Well, I want to leave this forest, but I never had the courage to do so. I was wondering if I could stay with you. I would be very grateful." Luna smiled and said "Fine, you can stay with me, but only if you satisfy me whenever I want." Luke was taken aback. "Really? Don't you want to find another wolf?" Luna looked at him with a somber look on her face. "I don't think I can find another like my mate, but I consider you a friend, one I would like to stay with."

Luke smiled at Luna. "Then consider us traveling companions." Luke then crawled to Luna's head and planted a kiss on the top of her head. With a smile on her face and a new feeling of joy in her once broken heart, Luna walked through the forest with her new mate, to parts unknown and lived a long fruitful life together. Never once had there been a relationship that had defied the laws of nature, a sign that true love conquers all.

This is just to get my name out in the mainstream. I'm starting a series, but I need to know how my writing is. Please don't hold back.