Dark Park

Story by Silivenist on SoFurry

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Dark Park,

By Silivenist

((Warning: this story contains homosexual acts. If you*re too young to view this or find this material offensive, then please read no further. However, if you*re like me and these things interest you, read on.))

The air was clear and crisp as the gray wolf walked. Fitch was glad that the weather was warm because he was only in a loose shirt and shorts. He looked through the trees in the park, glad that he took the night off from studying. The last fur he saw was a fox and that was some time ago, for he was walking in the less used parts of the park on campus. His azure eyes picked up some movement in the brush, but he really didn*t think much about it, probably a bird he thought. He continued to walk and enjoy the night, and noticed that the moon was about to come out from the clouds, making him wish that maybe he had asked Alex to join him. The little wolf heard some noise in the underbrush. "This isn*t funny you guys,* he said, hoping to scare off any animals or get his friends to stop if it was them. He turned around and began to walk back towards campus. He had only gone a hundred feet or so before the brush erupted and the wolf was tackled by something larger them him, slamming him to the ground hard enough to knock the breath from his lungs. *Stupid fag, you should know we don*t like your kind here,* he heard in a rough growl.

Fitch started to whimper and flail his arms about, managing to hit his dark furred assailant a few times before a hard fist to his muzzle sent stars before his eyes. His attacker was much larger than him and when he looked he saw that it was a bear with near black fur. He tried to get away and flipped onto his hands and knees and tried to scramble a few feet away before a paw gripped him by the shorts and pulled him back, half ripping them from his body. *You like being a fag don*t you?* the bear said in his rough voice, *Let*s see just how much you like it.* Fitch could guess what was going to happen and really wished he had asked Alex to come with him. His shorts where pulled off of his body and he yelped because it bruised his tail.

Griz smiled. He had wanted to fuck this wolf for a long time, but no one knew that he was into guys. Now was his chance and he wasn*t going to let it get away. He pulled the wolf*s shorts off and felt a little bad that he had hurt him but not too bad. He placed one large paw on the wolf*s back and the other one lifted up his tail. The bear could feel his tulip shaped cock start to harden when he saw the wolf*s tail hole in the moonlight. The large bear started to drool over it and the mixed scent of Fitch*s backside and fear. His blue eyes locked onto the rippled flesh, which seemed to draw his muzzle closer, until the bear*s lips touched the musky hole. He let out a savage growl, and his tongue flicked out to lap and lick at his captive*s hole.

Fitch flailed a bit and tried to get away but Griz simply pushed him down onto the ground forcefully and held him there. Fitch could hardly breath and fought for air as the bear*s soft tongue lapped under his tail, wetting it. The bear*s cock was now fully hard as he straddled the wolf once his hole was damp, and gripped his hard slick prick, guiding it to the puckered entrance while stroking it. Griz mounted the wolf that was whimpering. The large bear bit down on the wolf*s neck and pressed his swollen cock against Fitch*s puckered entrance, and in one hard thrust, drove all 14 inches into the hot hole. Both groaned, one in pleasure and one mixed with pain. *Quiet or I will really hurt you,* the bear snarled to the wolf as he felt muscles spasming around his shaft and the wolf*s fur against his swollen balls.

Fitch was in pain as his hole was forced open by the bear*s large cock. He could feel the swollen head rubbing deep inside of him as he was forced to take it. The heat from the bear on top of him made him a little dizzy and he whimpered in pain as he felt the bear start to draw out of him. That only lasted a few seconds before he felt the bear slam hard into his tight little wolf butt. With all of his fear he noticed that his sheath had thickened, and the bloated dick up his ass was rubbing his tender prostrate and starting to turn him on, and his instincts made him spread his legs a little wider.

Griz held the wolf below him as he pulled out again, feeling each slick muscle massage his massive bear cock, only to slam it again into the wolf*s butt, his balls slapping the fur and a grunt coming from him. He started to pick up the pace, as he wanted to dominate this little wolf and climax his seed into his ass. *You like that don*t you fag?* the bear sneered as he rode the whimpering and crying wolf.

The wolf began to squeeze his hole around the bear*s cock, wanting to feel its heat in his sore ass, his cock finally slipped from its sheath and the knot began to form at the base of his dick, fully exposing his cock as he was being raped by the bear. He felt the bears hand move over his wolf dick. *So you do like it you homo, I hope you want it hard slut,* said Griz.

The sound of cock pounding into ass grew as the bears cock grew even larger and his grip on the wolves neck tightened, the feel of the sucking hole and the fur tickling his balls he started to like it more. Hot breath wafted over the wolf*s neck as the bear growled and pounded his cock full into and out of the wolf*s puckered hole. Pulling fully out and thrusting the pre spitting rod back in fully, feeling it slicken up the insides of the wolf.

Fitch felt the bear grip his rod and squeeze, which made him whimper in pleasure and hump forward, driving his cock into the bears paw and hump his ass down the bears dick. He could feel the bear*s dick go full out and slam back into his pouting anus. He licked his lips and started to want it, pushing back against the bear and moving his tail out of the way, getting raped and enjoying it.

Griz grunted and slammed hard into Fitch, feeling him rock forward with the power of his body. His thick head rubbing deep into his body and the tightening, his eyes rolled back and he pounded fully into the wolf, his cock spitting its thick hot juice flooding into the wolf*s body with a loud growl.

The wolf could feel the bears dick leave his body and then slam full in and a hot liquid filling him, he moaned in pleasure and the experience made him climax onto the ground and the bears paw, panting as his ass got full of bear cum. Both panting as the bear let go of Fitch and gently licked his neck.

*Yes I did like that,* Fitch said while panting, *and I will keep your secret, if you want to join me and my boy friend you can.* The bear was a bit taken back, pulling his still pulsing cock out of the wolf and looking at him, the wolf flipped onto his back gazing with his green eyes up to the bear. *I am no fag like you, you*re sick,* the bear growled. *But you liked it too, and who knows did you ever want to be taken in the tail hole?* Fitch replied. The bear looked down, and realized what he had just done and began to really feel bad. *I*. I always wanted you* but I didn*t want people to see me as being gay.* *Its ok, I won*t tell anyone if you wont.* The bear looked up at the wolf and nodded, *Yes I would I like that.*

The wolf found his pant*s and put them on, and offered a hand to the bear, who looked at the little paw and took it, standing up. They both started off towards campus after the bear picked up his clothing and put it on, talking about what happened and planning on more.

(( All characters are copyrighted to the writer and the events that took place were all fictional so don*t worry about the little wolf. This story was done after a camping trip to the woods, and I always had dreams of going out into the woods and finding a bear and being raped by it and living to talk about it. ))

"Dark Park" Copyright October 2001, Silivenist. Distribution limited to electronic media not-for-profit use only. All other rights are reserved to the author. Comments always welcome! [email protected]