Part 2: Fight

Story by Kiba Moonheart on SoFurry

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#2 of Close Combat

Solaris hardly noticed the first firey explosion, but the second one caught him. He looked up, saw the smoke, and ran foreward. Crouching in the shrubbery, he parted the leaves. A human had trapped the vixen, and now seemed to be using magic. Standing, Sol let his jacket fall from his shoulders. "And what do you think you're doing?" He asked, surprised by the anger in his voice. Then he sneared. "Looks like you took the wrong lotto, bud." The human turned, the fire wrapping around his hand fizzling. The fox sneared and rushed him. Surprised, the human stepped back, the fire returning. But Sol had a fire of is own. Sunbeams seemed to wrap themselves around him as his speed increased. Soon he was leaving afterimages behind him as he circled the human. "I'm going to let you live." The fox said from everywhere at once. "But if you ever meet me again, don't let your guard down. Or else." The fox stopped, right in front of the human. "I'll drag you down and crush your skull." His punch pounded into the man, flinging him through a tree. Sol followed, eyes burning as he jumped up above the human, punching him hard in the gut and slamming him into the ground, throwing up a huge plume of dust. Three seconds latr the human was flung into the clearing. Sol walked up to him, lifting him with one hand and releasing his claws on his other, the right one. "I'll mark you so I can remember you." He hissed, slashing a large X on the man's cheek. He gasped and growled, "You're a freak of your kind! Give up! No-one will accept you!" Sol just laughed before throwing him well out of visual range.

Sol looked at the vixen hanging in the tree. "That's twice I've helped you." He said. "And you're not coming down until I get a thanks." That said, the fox walked to the bushes, retrieving his jacket.

Mimi narrowed her eyes. He wanted her to thanks him, for what? Saving her tail twice. Sure the word save was in there but Mimi wasn't going to thank him. This was a Battle Royal. She could get herself down. "Kiss my furry ass!" She hissed as she went back to trying to grab the rope. She didn't trust him, besides he might be saying that o he could kill her.

Mimi would go back to trying to remove the rope. "stupid rope...' She muttered. She tried many things to get get free. Using her tail, trying to cut the rope with her back claws, and then she decided to wait until the fire burned the rope. Well she didn't know the rope had been soaked in flammable liquids. She just dangled there her arms crossed looking at the fox. "I'm going to kill you when I get down from here" She said sounding pissed off.

While Mimi hung she smelled something odd and it was coming from the rope. The fire was coming closer to the rope. Ah shit She said smelling gas on the rope by now. She went back to trying to remove the rope but she would never reach it. That fox is probably enjoying the view... He is so head when I get down. She told herself.

Sol sighed. "If you wanna burn to a crisp, that's your choice." He hung his jacket over his shoulders. He paused. "But you know what, it's not mine." Using the fading energy fom his fight, he leapt up above her, claws cutting cleanly through the rope. Landing, he looked at her. "Saved by a freak twice. Don't you just love Karma?" With one flick of his tail he walked off. His body tingled faintly as the last of his extreme energy faded away. Too ad he couldn't keep hold of the power. He stopped just a few feet from where he stood. "Don't get in my way." He said coldly. "Or I'll rip your throat out and let the monsters feast on your furry ass." Then he was gone. He wanted his guns back... Why couldn't he get his guns back? Rules... "Rules bite." He said aloud, knowing he was still in her hearing range. "So do those monsters I escaped from." Smiling, he walked on, ears intent on fining someone else to kill. He found it in the form of a small pack of monsters. Grinning, he rushed them, bringing his fist back and pounding into the nearest, shattering the skull. His next strike, a kick, hit the next in the chest, shattering the ribs completly. He blocked th return strike of the three remaining monsters. The one with the shattered ribs whined pitifully, weakly, then died. A roundhouse kick knocked the three monsters back. Sol then rushed the nearest, kneeing the beast and piercing a hole in its stomach. A slow death. Perfect. Leavin the last two, Sol walked off, his anger at the ungrateful vixen spent and forgotten.

Mimi was able to land on her feet. She knew she was an ungrateful little vixen. She watched him leave. He still has a nice tail She told herself then smacked herself for thinking such thoughts. She went in the opposite direction. She decided yo yell something back "Yiff you!!" Which was like saying F you but in furry terms. Well why did she care, I she was in trouble he would probably show up again. She began to wounded how many people were left. She knew about 10-15 people die with in the first two hours.

She climbed up into another tree but she went to the very top. She wanted to see I there was a river near by. She wanted to wash her paws and maybe clean up a little. Well her fur wasn't born soft, Mimi had to make sure her fur was kept softer then most anthros. She saw a river about two miles away. She could reach that in a couple of hours. Before she jumped out of the tree she made sure everything was safe.

Once she was out of the tree she headed in the direction of the river. While she was walking she saw the human from before. It looked like he was heading back to the tent but Mimi wouldn't allow that. She made a stop the kill the man then continued on. She just hoped she didn't run into anyone or thing.

Mimi had walked about a mile before she sat down to rest. She hadn't passed anyone yet but she would have to be careful when she reached the river. It would surely be a hotspot for people.

Sol was finally having some good luck. He'd noiced a large river, but it was too dangerous to do anything there. After traveling upstream for about eight minutes he'd found a tributary And, better yet, the tributary's entrance was completly hidded by foliage. Smiling, the fox knelt down beside the fresh, clear water and took a long drink. After three minutes of drinking, the fox lay under a bush, hidden completly and snoozing lightly but contentedly. It was better than being hungry. Sighig happily, the fox stood, scenting the air. That vixen had to be somewhere nearby. Finally, after a minute of scenting, he got her. He went off immediatly. 'I saved her tail twice and she still considers me a nuisance, and yet I'm following her... What's wrong with me?!' He thought, his tail lashing. 'She's ungratefull, very annoying... and actually kinda cute... WHAT THE HELL?!?!' He stopped in surprise. Had he just thought what he thought he thought? "Oh god I'm gonna pay for this..." He muttered as he walked, silently, towards her scent. And what an intoxicating scent it was... 'SHUT UP YOU STUPID IDIOT!' he roared at himself, punching himself in the gut. Grunting he tried his best to sneak up on her. Hell, HE couldn't hear him coming. How would she? He sighed as he remembered his "dad's" words, 'never underestimate a woman, or trust me, you'll regret it.' Sol smiled. "never thought that bastard could tell the truth about anything." He muttered, parting the leaves in front of him and looking at the vixen in front of him.

Mimi didn't know the fox was even following her, but she wouldn't be surprised. She was to busy trying to find that river. She could smell it by now and hear the sound of rushing water. She was thirsty and a drink might be good. She spotted the river and was about to run but saw she would be leaving herself wide open. No cover was to be seen within 15 feet or so from the river.

She looked around wondering in anyone else was there. She could smell others waiting for a chance to get a drink. Well it was now or never. Mimi made a bee line for the river. She sniffed the water just to make sure it was safe before be started to lap at the water much like a cat or dog. Her ears were up listening for anyone who would try to get in her way. The only thing that happened was two people made there way to the river getting a drink themselves. It seemed to be a short truce at the moment. Others staying back.

Once Mimi got what she needed she quickly went back to were she had been standing. She would was her fur at the 36 hour mark. There was going to be a break and that would be a perfect time to clean up and not get killed over it.

Mimi sniffed the air to make sure there was no danger. Her ears flattened back as she smelled the fox. She was wondering where he was right now. Well she didn't know if he meant what he before. She didn't want to become crowfood.

Solaris didn't know why, but he was in the same place, watching the vixen and those around her. He suddenly felt protective. Why? He didn't even know her name! Sighing, he stood and walked into sight, looking as calm as he could. He glanced at her. "So we meet again." He said as he sat down just out of her range. "We seem to meet up alot, don't we? He asked, flicking his tail. He smiled. "You still owe me a thanks, but..." He looked at her, up and down. "If you pledge a truce with me, then I'll let it slide." He stood, looking right into her eyes. "I have no doubt you could beat me in the open, but I also have no doubt I could beat you in the forest. You're fast but not strong. I'm strong but not fast. If you agree with this truce, then just before time's up I'll drop out. That way you'll have a better chance of taking first." He stood in front of her, only half a foot from her, still looking right into her eyes. He sighed as one of the fighters jumped at him from behind. He ducked down and waited for him to get over him, then pushed up off the ground, his fist pounding into the man's chest, turning his ribs to powder. "If you don't agree, I'll think of you as an opponent from this point on and take you down in much the same way I took him down." The fox threw the man away from them for one reason: He couldn't hold the fatass in the air anymore. He looked at her calmly, raising his right hand, the scar plainly visable.

Mimi just pushed his hand away. She saw what happened when truces occurred and things didn't turn out pretty. Besides he would probably try to suck up to her if she did. Well she only had one idea why he would be following her, and that was to mate. "I'll say this one more time... Kiss my furry ass!" She said but she didn't give him a hateful look like before. She used her looks to her advantage as she circled him, letting her tail wrap around him. She had everything in place, She had a good idea this would work, mainly because she had used this tactic tie and time again.

Well Mimi's cat would never get upset about this, he had seen her do this time and time again. It was a simple stun tactic, well she didn't paralyze them but she let a lot speechless. Well Mimi didn't say anything either, telling them something might cause them to start talking.

While Mimi seemed to look like she wasn't ready if her looks didn't work. She was, any second she was ready to pull her tail away and attack or run. She murred lightly when was like purring but purring is for cats and Mimi is no cat.

Sol let her walk until she was behind her then took three steps foreward. "Well, if you don't want to accept my truce..." He said, looking back at her. "Then I'll kill you like I would kill any human."he sighed. "Besides, if you'd rather fight your own kind instead of help, you're no better than a human. You should shave your fur off and remove your tail, you traitor." With that and a hate-filled look back at her, he walked off into the forest. He sighed as soon as he was out of earshot. Why did people have to be so stubborn? Well, let her have her ideals. "Not my problem anymore." He said to himsel. "If she want's to go up against me, let her. I'll kill her like the human scum she is inside." Then he sighed and stopped, hearing the attack an instant before it came. An arrow hissed past him, inches n front of him, an a man snickered. There was some snapping, and a human dropped down to inspect his "Kill". Instead he got a facefull of furry fist. He fell back, and Sol stepped on his neck, pressing down until he heard a snap. Then he walked off, leaving the body right where it was. Hopefully it would draw someone to Sol. Sighing, the fox sat just out of sight, waiting for someone to pass by. While he waited, he thought. The vixen was hardheaded, allright. And, in his eyes, she was no better than the human who was about to kill her. Bu she had her plusses. Even when she was angry she had a beautiful voice, and she had a look he couldn't get out of his mind. Hopefully when they met next, he'd be able to kill her and stop these pathetic feelings that he felt.

Mimi just watched him leave, her ears lopped mainly because it didn't work. When he started to say she was like a human her ears flattened back. What really got her til in a knot was the fact he said she should shave her fur. "Just because I won't yiff you, don't mean you have to be an ass about it!" She yelled stomping her foot. Well when guys acted like that to her, most of the time they wanted... well that from her. She waited until he was out of sight then leaned against the tree.

She was mostly thinking to herself until a human jumped out but Mimi wasn't the mood fight now. She punched the human in the face, she hadn't noticed her killed the human in one shot.

She hissed and followed that foxes scent. She was going to teach him a thing or two. Words normally didn't get to her but when they did she was one unhappy fur. Should have killed that stupid fox the first time! she hissed in her thoughts. Once she felt he was close enough she lowered herself to the ground walking on fours. Her ears picked up listening for any movement. She didn't care what she had to do as long as that fox was dead.

She got tired of hiding she stood up onto two. "Hay fuzzer butt get your ass out here!" She yelled. She knew that he could probably here her. She guessed he would try a surprise attack so she kept on her paws.

Solaris smiled. Why, how kind of her! She came to him! Sighing, the fox stood and walked into the open. "What do you want? And I never wanted to yiff you, before you say anything. Just trying to gain an ally and then maybe a friend." He shrugged, faint tendrils of darkness wrapping around his footpaws. "So, human, what do you want? If it's to yell and scream at me, then save it. If it's to fight, I'm all for it. And if it's to propose a deal, I'm all ears." he looked at her, cold eyes looking for any weaknesses. One of her paws seemed to have just healed from a wound, her left arm in much the same condition. Usually that meant they were weaker and, if hit where the wound was, easy to disable. He smiled. Two weaknesses. Was it christmas or was he just lucky? A snap, a crunch, a groan, and a final sigh. another competiter had tried to attack Sol from behind, and he'd promptly had his face kicked in. Literally. Sol, who had never taken his eyes from her, simply smiled and said, "Look out above." When two more humans dropped down to attack the vixen. Turning, Solaris walked over the human's body. "My name's solaris. My friends call me sol, so you can call me Solaris." Then he left the vixen to fight for herself. Soon he found himsel back at the tributary. Removing his jacket, he slipped into the cool water and just floated, waiting for someone to come along and occasionally lapping up some water to keep from getting too hungry.

Mimi looked up to see the attackers.She managed to get out of the way but one of the humans grabbed her tail. Mimi yelped as they started to kick her. Mimi was curled up onto the ground using her front paws to cover her head. She didn't let there kicking rally go on much longer as she quickly attacked the first human ripping of his foot. Then she went to the second. She pushed this one to the ground then jumped on his face. Well let's say the head wasn't as round.

She would let the footless human die from blood loss or something else would pick him off. She then hid in the bush for a few seconds. Once she calmed down she left the bush. Her fur had become a mess. Her ears lopped as she went back to the river. She didn't go out into the open. She just walked keeping it in view until she found a spot which was will covered and from the smells of it no one had even been here yet.

She took off whatever she was wearing and placed it on a rock. Then she quickly got into the water. Her fur had been covered in dirt and blood. The water was relaxing and she was unaware of what was around at the moment. She murred lightly as the dire and dried blood flouted right off her fur. She decided to relax for a bit longer. It seemed like no one as going to come so Mimi felt safe. It was useless to go ater that fox. Besides she didn't need to with someone like him.

Sol's ears perked as he heard someone getting in the water a little ways downstream. Sighing, he pulled himself out and let the air dry his pants which were, luckily, waterproof. Then he slipped on his jacket to cover up his wet fur and snuck downstream. He stopped immediatly and almost turned away when he saw who it was in the water. The Vixen from before. And she was naked. Then an idea flashed through his head. Smiling deviously, he snuck foreward, staying completly silent as he neared the rock she'd set her clothes on. Quckly he bundled her clothes up into a ball and set them behind the rock. Then he sat down and smiled. "What a view what a view." He said, even though he was watching the opposite bank. It was just to get her attention. "I'm sowwy" he said in a childish voice. "Wuz I not s'posed ta say anyting?" He laughed and stood. "I believe that, since you don't have a pack, these are your only clothes? Well then I think I'll jack them. You know, just to give you a greater challenge." He picked up the wad of clothes and started to walk off, then stopped and looked back at her. "I heard them coming. But I don't like to help my opponents. I'll give you one last chance to either thank me or accept my offer, or everone downstream gets to see what you wear." He chuckled. He wasn't usually this mean to possible friends, but she seemed to want to make him an enemy, so he decided to do as much as he could to spite her.

Mimi just watched him take her clothes. "Fuck you!" she yelled as she swam towards land. She probably did something Solaris didn't plan on. She didn't have to have her clothes unlike most people. She pulled herself out of the river and shook her pelt dry. "Yea look while you can... Now hand over my clothes you perv!" She said trying to remain calm.

Mimi padded over to him her ears flattened back. "I'm going to rip the muzzle off your face!" She growled as she shook some of the water of her tail. She wasn't going to side with him not. The way he act told her that he saw her as a nice piece of tail. Ignoring the fact she was but she didn't care.

Once she was only a few paw steps away from him she slapped him across the face. "Look you can take my food, water, and bed! But you don't touch a girls clothes!'" She snapped.

Sol was a bit surprised when she climbed out of the water, but wasn't deterred. "I'm sorry, but I don't see any girls around here." He said, jumping well out of slapping range. It hurt more than he was willing to admit, but he didn't show it. "So then I take it you want them to float on down the river? I can arrange that." With that he took off into the woods. Quickly he went through the area, gathering cloth that was the same color as her clothes. It didn't take very long. hiding her clothes under plenty of leaves, he ran to the river and threw the cloth into the water, each tied with a weight that kept it just below the surface, impossibe to tell whether they were her clothes or someone elses that floated down the river. He promptly ran back to where she was and smiled cheekily. "Well, looks like you're going to accept your money naked, aren't you?" He kept his eyes locked on her face, afraid that they'd wander a little too much. "Well, I've got places to be, things to do, and naked vixens to laugh at." He laughed and ran off, making sure she couldn't follow him. He soon arrived back at where he'd hidden her clothes. Sitting on top of them, he leaned against a tree and closed his eyes, feigning sleep. He knew she'd check to make sure he'd chucked them, then go looking for him. If she did as he told her, then he wouldn't be too tempted to open his eyes too wide. And he wouldn't be tempted to look at anything but her face.

Close Combat Part One: Meeting

A/N Hey. This story is the first page of six, right SIX, pages in an RP between me and Bunny Rule on another site. I was just getting into charecter with THIS Solaris when I rped this. * * * Mimi's paw and back were better by now and she was...

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Shield And Sword

Author's note: I made this because I felt like doing something I'm not sure has been done before. NOT SURE. I could be wrong. Who knows? Somewhere on Yiffstar it could have been done. But I've yet to see actual battle stories, so I'm basing it on this....
