Serve, Please, Love

Story by Revasser Fox on SoFurry

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Contains (pretty much) consensual sex between males. If you don't like, don't read. Pretty simple, huh? ^.^ Don't view unless over 18 (or whatever the legal age is where you are) and it is legal for you to view pornographic material. Not that I expect anyone to abide by that. This is copyright to ME! Revasser Fox! That's right! ME! Ohh.. and yeah.. it's long. But worth the read, I say (of course.. I'm biased.). But you can just skip to the yiff at the end if y'like! What's that? "Rev... you obsessed with dominance stuff..." Well... yes... I am! Oh.. and let me just say this... "Mmmm... canines..." *ahem* Thank you. Here we go!

  • * * Serve, Please, Love. An erotic furry story by Revasser Fox. For HaskiWlf. Tav didn?t need them. He didn?t need any of them. He just wished he could see their failure as the tried to get along without him. They would regret it. They would all regret it. Dubbed ?Outcast?, Tav was banished from his family home and instructed to enter the forest and never return. As the mid-morning sun cut through the thick canopy, the light caught the unusual white stripe on the fox?s muzzle and brightened it, increasing the contrast of the white against the rest of his copper-red fur. He had been walking for days, and even his minimal supply pack was starting to weigh heavily on his narrow shoulders. He sighed loudly, figuring that there was no one around so remaining silent would be pointless. He decided that it was around time for breakfast, and he would stop and eat at the next relatively clear and flat spot he came to. At least out here he didn?t have to adhere to his family?s ridiculously rigid routine. Within minutes of this thought, he found a nice flat, grassy area that was perfect for his morning meal. He turned to his left and headed for it, he was happy to find that the spot was quite sheltered, and there was a small area by a crop of large rocks that was completely hidden from view. Tav wasn?t really worried about being spied upon , but he figured he was better safe than sorry. Taking a quick look around to make sure nobody was watching, he ducked into the area between the rocks. He was surprised to see that it was indeed completely hidden, as well as being quite comfortable. There was a layer of soft grass, and the rocks provided something to lean against and make himself comfortable while he ate. Feeling quite pleased with himself for finding this place, Tav removed the pack from his shoulders and carefully placed it down before sitting down beside it. ?Okay? let?s see what we?ve got in here.? He said to himself as he loosened the drawstring and looked inside. He reached a black-furred paw into the pack and rummaged around for a few moments before pulling out half a loaf of bread. He tore off a chunk and put it into his mouth, chewing gently. Thinking that he had better conserve what supplies he had, he decided to search the immediate area for any edible berries or nuts. Tav left the pack where it was, figuring that nobody would discover it in his newly found hiding spot. He wandered off in the direction that looked most promising, talking to himself as he did, ?Lyrel was always telling me that you could find everything you need to survive in the forest?? It didn?t take long for Tav to find just what he was looking for, strawberries and plenty of them. The large patch was under and around some other bushes, and wasn?t easily distinguishable from a distance. By a stroke of luck, however, Tav had begun his search at just the right location. He crouched, took off his tunic and put as many strawberries onto it as he could, before taking the corners and pulling them to together in a makeshift bag. He stood up and headed back to wear his pack was hidden, careful not to drop any of the sweet berries held in his tunic. He ducked back in between the rocks and was shocked to see a large grey and black furred wolf hunched over his pack, sniffing and rummaging through his pack. Tav observed for a few seconds, still somewhat unable to grasp that someone had found his sheltered spot. He decided the direct approach was probably the best, ?Hey! Get away from there!? The wolf?s head snapped around, ?And why should I, fox?? the large lupine snarled. Tav gestured toward the pack, ?That?s my food!? The wolf smiled mockingly, ?Well? now it?s my food!? Tav groaned in frustration and moved to take the pack, but the wolf snapped at the fox?s paw and growled, ?I said it?s my food now, fox!? Tav took a step back and held his paws up in front of him, ?Hey, hey! No need to get angry. Just? please, be reasonable about this! That?s the only food I have!? The wolf stood up his full height, towering at least a foot taller than Tav, ?I suppose I could leave it? I?ve always wanted to try fox!? As he said this, the wolf rushed Tav and tackled him through the gap in the rocks, landing on top of him on the open ground beyond. Tav struggled and tried to hit the wolf with his paws, but the powerful lupine simply pinned his arms to the ground at the wrists. Tav kicked and squirmed, trying to break free, ?What are you doing?!? he yelled, the fear obvious in his voice. The wolf snarled and snapped at Tav?s throat, his jaws missing by less than an inch. Before Tav knew what was happening, a huge clenched paw smashed into the wolf?s head. The wolf yelped in pain a single time and rolled limply off of the frightened fox, falling next to him, out cold. Tav turned his head to see the owner of that huge paw. Standing above him, clad in nothing but his fur, was an enormous canine. The fox?s savior appeared to be a mix of husky and wolf blood, and stood at least a foot higher than the wolves that were now materializing from the trees and surrounding him. The hugely muscular canine?s fur was white, with some grey peppered over certain places and a black spot on each of his forepaws. Tav found the most distinguishing feature to be the canine?s piercing blue eyes that seemed to exude strength and command. The large canine ran his eyes over the prone fox, and then to the pack that now stood around and behind him, ?Let Graal here serve as an example to you all! I will not tolerate disobedience!? he said as he stepped over Tav and punctuated the last syllable with a hard kick to the unconscious wolf?s abdomen. At this point, the large canine, who was quite obviously the pack?s alpha, seemed to actually notice Tav for the first time, ?You, fox, what is your role in this?? Tav kept his head down, avoiding eye contact with the huge canine, ?I was just stopping for some rest and food, and I found him,? he gestured to the wolf lying next to him, ?he was going through my pack, when I told him to stop, he jumped me.? The canine?s expression remained impassive, ?You should have simply let him be, a small fox such as yourself is no match for a fully grown wolf. No match at all.? Tav shook his head, ?I wasn?t looking for a fight. I was hoping he would just leave when I told him it was mine.? ?Graal has always been troublesome. He is hot headed. You may not have been looking for a fight, but he undoubtedly was. You are lucky that we were tracking him and came across you when we did.? The young fox nodded gratefully, ?Yes? thank you for the assist? umm? can I ask your name?? ?I am Arkas. I lead the all the wolves you see here.? He answered ?Well? thank you again? Arkas, I?m Tav Di?l?? he hesitated, ?I?m Tav.? Arkas nodded, ?Well, Tav, this forest is our territory. I suggest you leave it at once. If we see, hear or scent you here after this day, you will face the consequences. Understood?? Tav knew exactly what he meant, if he didn?t leave, he would be killed, ?Understood, Arkas. But? I?m lost, and I have no idea of the boundaries of your territory, or how to go about leaving it.? Arkas turned and began to walk away, ?That is not my, or my pack?s concern. Leave or face the consequences.? With that, Arkas disappeared into the trees. Two of the wolves roughly picked up the still unconscious Graal and along with the rest of the pack, melted back into the forest. Tav lay there for a few minutes contemplating what had just happened and the warning he had been given by the wolf pack?s giant of an alpha. One thing was for sure though; he had to get out of here. Fast. Tav stood slowly and walked back into the sheltered area between the rocks. He searched through his pack, nothing was missing and things were only slightly misplaced. Luckily, his strawberries had not been damaged by his dropping them, when the wolf tackled him. He opened his tunic and started eating the berries at a relaxed pace. While he ate, he sat considering. Arkas had said that he had until tomorrow to get out of his pack?s territory. Also, he was exhausted both from his recent ordeal and his days of walking without more than minimal rest. So, he figured, a short rest now couldn?t hurt. He finished off the last of his strawberries and washed it down with cool, clean water from his water skin. He did not drink sparingly, as there was a stream very close by where he could easily fill the skin again. He slumped back against one the large rocks. He?d just close his eyes for a minute? then he?d be up and walking out of here. Tav awoke many hours later, and it was already dark. ?Damn it! Tav, you idiot!? he chided himself. He quickly shut his pack and slipped the straps over his shoulders. He exited the spot between the rocks and set off at a lively jog in the opposite direction to that which the wolves had gone. After about half an hour, he could no longer keep the pace up and stopped, holding himself up against a tree and panting heavily, ?Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.? He hissed through his through his teeth, feeling a lump in his throat as the realization that it was quite likely he wouldn?t be fast enough starting to creep up on him. Tav looked up at the moon, it?s cold light peeking through gaps in the canopy, from it he deduced that it had in fact been dark for some hours. He had slept right through the entire day, and some of the night as well. He shook his head in dismay and frustration and quickened his pace. After some hours of walking, Tav was well and truly exhausted again. He could see the first rays of dawn?s light starting to peek through the thick forest canopy. If he wasn?t out of the wolves? territory now, he wouldn?t be anytime soon. He decided to take the chance and rest where he was. He leaned back onto a tree and slid down until he met the ground. He then fell back into an uneasy sleep, images of wolves and blood filling his dreams. Some time later, Tav awoke. He opened his eyes and squinted as the bright morning sun painfully hit his unadjusted eyes. When his eyes became accustomed to the brightness and the glare, he looked around, taking stock of his surroundings. He could barely believe he had woken up at all, expecting to be killed in his sleep, but waking up alone was almost a miracle. He must have ventured far enough to have exited the wolves? territory. He sighed in relief and shut his eyes again, letting the sun continue to warm the thick white fur on his chest. As he was just beginning to relax he felt something move in front of him, blocking the light and warmth of the sun. He quickly opened his eyes. Tav jolted back, startled when he saw what it was that was blocking his sun. Standing before him was the giant form of Arkas, the alpha of the wolf pack he had encountered the previous day. The large half-wolf was standing, paws at his sides, looking down at him. After a few moments, he spoke, ?Well, little fox, I see you are still here. You were warned, now you will?? He was interrupted by Tav?s frenzied pleading, ?No! Please? I tried to get as far as I could! Please, Arkas, don?t kill me!? Arkas tilted his head quizzically at the young fox cowering before him, ?Kill you? I have no intention of killing you, little foxy. No?? Tav leaned forward and gently touched Arkas? hind paws, ?Thank you, thank you? But? you said?? Arkas smiled somewhat smugly, ?I said that if you did not leave my and my pack?s territory, you would face the consequences? and you will.? ?But? I? you said?? Tav stammered, uncertain what to think. ?You just assumed that the consequence would be your death? I assure you? death is the last thing I had in mind.? Arkas replied Tav was desperately trying to figure out what the large canine meant, ?Then? what?? Arkas smirked, ?You will find out soon enough.? Arkas turned his head and barked loudly, seemingly at the trees, ?Kor! Yrrin!? Within moments, two wolves appeared out of the forest to stand one on either side of Arkas, both just as naked as their alpha. ?These are my direct subordinates, my betas,? he gestured to the large, scarred wolf at is right, ?this is Korias, my strong right paw and commander of the pack?s fighters,? then gestured to the somewhat small wolf at his left, ?and this is Yrrin, my chief adviser.? Both nodded their greeting to the frightened fox cowering at their alpha?s feet. Tav looked at them both, while the one called Yrrin appeared to be a reasonable sort, he didn?t, however, have the same confidence in the one named Korias. After giving Tav a few moments to take in the two, Arkas spoke again, ?You will answer to them, and myself primarily. Understand though, you are now last.? Tav looked up at Arkas, ?Last? Answer to? I? I don?t understand.? ?Don?t worry, fox, you will,? he turned to the one called Korias, ?Kor, collar him.? Korias took a step forward, revealing the leather collar he had been holding behind his back. Tav held up his paws and tried to move backwards, but tripped and fell onto his back, ?Hey? hold on just a minute!? Korias bent down, took Tav by his neckscruff and hauled him up roughly. Tav struggled, by Korias held him firm and steady, ?Hold still, slave.? At that moment the situation clicked in Tav?s brain. The wolf had called him ?slave?? is this what Arkas meant when he said ?consequences?? The thought of being slave to anyone sickened him, and he decided he would not let it happen, not without a fight, anyway. As Korias loosened his grip to put the collar around his neck, Tav made a break for it. He shook off the wolf?s paws and ran headlong into the forest, forgetting his pack and his tunic. He was surprised by the burst of speed he was able to achieve, he put it down to adrenaline and kept running. Tav had no idea where he was going, or even in what direction he was heading. He didn?t care though; he just wanted to escape. When he was sure he was a good distance away, he slowed his pace to a walk, but kept in the same direction. He looked around, searching for somewhere to hide while he got his breath back. After a few minutes he decided that hiding in a cluster of bushes would have to, and headed for such a cluster a short distance ahead. Tav collapsed onto all fours and crawled between some of the least thorny bushes around and sat, his knees at his chest, breathing heavily. He had only been there a few minutes when a sound to his left made him gasp and hold his breath. Tav didn?t move. He sat as still as he possibly could as the shuffling near his hiding place grew louder. He could see a grey furred hind paw only inches away from him. He silently let out his breath in relief as the paw moved away. Just as he did this, he felt something grip he neckscruff and pull him out of his hiding place. He was thrown onto the ground, and looked up to see the muscular form of Korias, Arkas? beta. Though not nearly as large as Arkas, the wolf still towered above Tav. Korias placed a large hind paw on Tav?s chest and his claws dug painfully into the fox?s flesh, ?You shouldn?t have run, slave. All you?ve done is tired yourself out.? Tav grabbed the large wolf?s ankle and struggled to get it off his chest, ?Let me go! And don?t call me that!? Korias chuckled throatily, ?Don?t call you what? slave? Why not? It?s what you are? slave.? Tav shouted back angrily, ?Shut up! Get off me!? The wolf crouched down, still keeping his hind paw firmly pressed down on Tav?s chest, ?Don?t speak to me that way, slave. I?ll let it pass this time, because you haven?t adjusted to your role yet. I won?t be so tolerant next time, and neither will Arkas.? The fox growled and struggled, his entire body squirming to free himself. Korias growled back, louder and more fiercely, baring his teeth ?STOP!? Tav stopped and looked up at Korias hatefully, but remained silent. At that moment, Arkas sauntered over to them from out of the trees somewhere. When Korias saw him, he immediately stood, and bowed his head in respect, ?I?ve recaptured the slave, Arkas.? Arkas nodded, ?Good. Now, collar him.? He said, handing Korias the same leather collar he had before. Korias returned the nod, took the collar and turned back to Tav, who was still prone under his paw. Tav looked to Arkas, then back to Korias, who had by now crouched down beside the fox again. Tav looked at the collar, it was a fairly typical leather collar, with a metal buckle. There was one thing that caught his eye, however; the small metal lock that covered the buckle. He looked over to Arkas to see that the large canid had a tiny silver key held between his jaws. He felt one of Korias? paws clamp down on his shoulder, and moments later felt the smooth leather and cold metal of the collar pressed onto the fur and flesh of his neck. He struggled further when he felt this, but was powerless in the wolf?s grip. He felt the collar being wrapped around his neck, Korias pulled it tight, but not tight enough that it restricted his breathing at all. Then he heard the metallic ?clink? as the wolf secured the collar by way of the buckle. Tav was then hauled roughly upright, and was now standing before Arkas, while Korias still held his shoulders firmly. Arkas smiled at the fox warmly, and Tav was disgusted and redoubled his vain efforts to get away. Arkas took the key slowly from his teeth and brought it to the fox?s neck. Tav snarled and tried to bite at the half-wolf?s paw, which was answered by a prompt smack from Korias on the back of his head. Tav whimpered and kept his muzzle closed, as Arkas once again brought the key to his neck. He felt the key move into the lock that was over the buckle on the collar, and heard the mechanics of the lock shift into place as Arkas turned the key, locking the collar around Tav?s neck. Arkas positively beamed as he saw the fox?s look of despair, ?There we are, foxy. It?s all done. Now that wasn?t so bad was it?? Tav?s response was an indignant snort. Arkas gently stroked one the fox?s white cheeks with a large paw, and brought his face close to Tav?s, ?You like it, don?t you, foxy? Wearing this collar, being my slave? you like it, don?t you?? Tav?s look of disgust twisted into a snarl and he spat defiantly into Arkas? face. The white-furred canine grabbed Tav by the throat and squeezed, cutting off the fox?s air supply, ?That was a mistake, slave.? Tav struggled feebly and gasped for air, but Arkas? grip held firm, ?Lick it off, slave, or you?ll suffocate right here, right now.? Tav made a few more weak attempts at struggling, but he couldn?t breathe, and Arkas? grip on his throat seemed to be getting tighter with each passing moment. After a few seconds of defiant staring at the half-wolf, Tav finally gave in, he needed air. He shut his eyes and let his tongue hang out of his muzzle. Tav felt Arkas? head move closer and his paw loosen around his throat. Although it had loosened, Tav still couldn?t breathe. Arkas repeated, ?Lick it off, slave.? Tav moved his tongue in upward motion and felt it contact Arkas? muzzle. He kept licking all over his face until he felt the paw pressing down on his windpipe loosen enough for him for him to breathe. He immediately took in a number of deep, gasping breaths through his mouth. Arkas moved his paw from the fox?s throat up to his cheek, and stroked the soft white fur gently, ?Open your eyes, little fox.? Tav reluctantly opened his eyes and looked at Arkas, whose face was only inches from his own. The half-wolf?s face fur was now thoroughly wet with his Tav?s saliva, much more so than it had been from when he had spat. Tav knew why he had been forced to do that, undoubtedly the canine thought he had now sufficiently asserted himself over his ?slave?, but the fox would show him. Tav didn?t break that easily. Forgetting the collar locked around his neck, Tav dropped slowly to his knees before Arkas. Arkas grinned down at him, ?So, foxy? you?ve finally acc- OAGGH!? Arkas fell to the ground, howling in agony, both paws clasping his crotch. Tav scoffed at how easily he had felled the half-wolf and immediately sprang off, starting his run on all fours before gradually leaning up onto his legs and charging headlong, blindly into the forest. As he ran he could hear Arkas? enraged cries, ?Kor! GET HIM!? Moments later, Tav heard heavy paw steps directly behind him. He didn?t turn his head to look, he just kept running. His heart was pounding in his chest and his legs were aching, but he managed to somehow keep up his pace, with what were undoubtedly Korias? paw steps close behind. Suddenly he heard a grunt, and the paw steps cease, and as he turned to his head to see why, he saw Korias sailing through the air toward him. In that split second, thousands of thoughts ran through Tav?s mind. This was it, he would die for his actions, he would never get to see his family again. Even though they had cast him out, Tav thought he would dearly liked to see them all one last time. But he couldn?t, he was dead. Then Korias hit him. The large wolf slamming into him, and landing painfully onto his body as they both fell to ground. Tav yelped and tried to push Korias off him, but the wolf pinned his arms, ?I can?t believe you tried to escape again, fox! And hurt Arkas too! You have some spirit, I?ll give you that.? Tav started to sob, and tears welled in his eyes, ?Please! Let me go! Just say you couldn?t keep up, please! Just let me go!? Korias paused for a moment, his breath warm against the back of Tav?s neck. Tav whimpered a little, and then the wolf spoke again, ?I can?t do that, fox. Arkas would smell you on me, fresh. He?d know I?d had you caught, and let you go. Then he would have me killed for failure. Besides, he?s my alpha? and he?s yours too. Just some? friendly advice? Arkas will give you one last chance; that?s how he operates. Make use of his mercy, and accept your place! Unless you?d rather be dead. Arkas likes you, little fox, but he won?t hesitate to kill you and make an example for the rest of the pack. You could be happy with us, fox. The pack would protect you, and love you as one of our own. But freedom is no longer a path that lies open for you. Isn?t the logical choice to make your life as a slave as easy as possible? All you have to do is submit and accept your place! Don?t you understand? You could be happy!? Tav was surprised to actually hear sincerity in Korias? voice. He still had no wish, and no intention of being slave to these wolves though. He struggled feebly, but despite Korias? sincere words, the wolf kept him firmly pinned. Soon Tav heard a rustle in the leaves, and then heard Arkas? voice, ?Good work, Kor. Now get him standing and bring him here.? Korias quickly raised himself up and, gripping Tav?s collar hauled the fox up with him. The wolf moved behind Tav, and he felt himself being shoved toward Arkas. Arkas put both his huge paws on Tav?s shoulders, almost enveloping them and took him from Korias, who took a few steps back with his head bowed. Arkas slid his paws over Tav?s shoulder and onto his copper-furred back, wrapping his arms around the fox and holding him close. Tav found himself mostly repulsed by the canine?s embrace, but there was something else? Tav?s musings were interrupted by Arkas whispering into his ear, ?It would be foolish to try that again, I won?t tolerate it a third time. Is that understood?? Tav nodded his affirmation, although the movement was barely perceivable. Arkas held him tighter, placing one paw on the back of Tav?s head and pushing the fox?s muzzle into his thick white fur, ?Good. I think you?ll find that your new life could be quite pleasant.? Tav turned his face away from Arkas and made a weak attempt to pull away, ?My new life as a slave? Don?t be stupid? I could never find that pleasant.? Arkas growled and held Tav closer, pushing his muzzle back into his fur. Tav tried to breathe through his mouth; not wanting to inhale his enemy?s scent while it was so strong and close. Eventually though, his mouth was held shut by Arkas? paw. Tav knew just what he was doing, and why but he now he had no choice. Arkas still held him, one paw over his shoulders and holding his head with the other firmly around his muzzle. After Tav had held his breath for as long as he could, he was finally forced to breathe out, and then in, filling his nostrils with the Arkas? strong canine scent. Tav?s entire body shuddered and Arkas smirked when he felt this, and gently stroked the fur on the back of Tav?s head and neck. Tav made a few more half-hearted efforts to escape from Arkas? grasp, but these were nothing more than token movements. At that point something unexpected happened; Tav began to cry. Arkas looked down at him; puzzled, hearing the fox?s pitiful sobs and feeling him try to bury his face further into his fur. Arkas moved his head down to whisper in Tav?s ear again, ?What?s the matter? Surely the thought of joining us can?t be that bad.? He asked quietly, removing his paw from the fox?s muzzle and moving it onto his back. Tav continued sobbing, and Arkas found the fox?s own arms wrapped tightly around his middle back. That was when Tav began to answer, and he turned his head from the thick fur just enough to speak, ?My family? they? they threw me out?? Arkas? curiosity was piqued, so he continued his questions, ?Why, little fox? Why were you cast out?? Tav tightened his grip around the wolf as he spoke, ?My? my uncle saw me? I was? on the edge of our land? I was speaking with a tiger, she was outrider from Legion. I was? bribing her? so she wouldn?t tell her commanders about our home?? Arkas nodded and gently stroked the fur on Tav?s back, ?Go on.? All through his speech, Tav?s sobs and tears never ceased, ?When I? came home? my uncle had told the rest of? my family? they said that? I had? no right to use? family property for that? that they could easily defend? against anyone? they were just too proud? they didn?t understand? but.. but? they said I? had dishonoured myself.. and the whole family? so? I was made outcast? and? and?I?ll never see them again, any of them? I?ll never see my family again?? Arkas continued to stroke Tav?s fur, ?Sssshh? it?s alright? you have a new family now?? Tav didn?t want to, and his mind was straining to prevent him from saying it?. But it wasn?t enough; the fox found himself answering, ?Thank you.? Arkas grinned and was very pleased with himself. The fox was his. No real physical punishment, all it had taken was words. Tav continued to sob into Arkas? fur for some minutes before the large canine eventually, gently pushed him away, standing the fox in front of him. Tav fiddled with his collar a little and shuffled his hind paws awkwardly, keeping his eyes fixed on the ground. Arkas studied the fox, paying close attention to his bushy tail, which swished ever so slowly from side to side as Tav stood. After a few moments, the half-wolf spoke again, seeing Tav?s fiddling at the collar, ?Would you like the collar removed?? To his own shock and partial fear, Tav shook his head. Arkas smiled wide, ?You want to keep it on?? Tav nodded, still looking at the ground. Arkas chuckled quietly, ?Why, foxy?? Tav shrugged. Arkas paused for a few moments, thinking. Tav?s eyes moved a little, his gaze shifting from the ground to the half-wolf?s hind paws, then up his legs. Arkas smiled and reached out a paw to rub Tav?s muzzle gently. Tav smiled, and a voice in his mind screamed at him not to, but all the same he smiled. Arkas returned to smile and kept up his rubbing. Tav?s eyes fell closed and he nuzzled the half-wolf?s paw. Arkas slowly removed his paw, and Tav opened his eyes, look directly at Arkas? face. Arkas smile was warm and affectionate, and Tav found himself smiling back, in fact grinning back at the enormous half-wolf. A few seconds of this and Tav found himself stepping forward, voluntarily falling into Arkas? now open arms. Arkas wrapped his arms tightly around the fox, and Tav, despite the voice in his mind screaming at him, felt happy. Happiness like he had never felt before, even in his happiest days at his old home. He had felt nothing like this before. Tav was to be slave to this half-wolf, Arkas and indeed to rest of his pack, and he was happy. He was happy in the half-wolf?s embrace, he was happy with the thought of serving him, he was happy with the thought of serving them all. Tav had finally found his place. He was home. Arkas held him for a few minutes; the canine?s paws roving all over Tav?s body. Tav felt the huge paws move through the fur on his back, and stray down to his waist, rubbing all around the base of his tail and occasionally giving his rump a squeeze. Tav hummed in pleasure, completely content with having his alpha touch him, and feeling Arkas? warmth on his body. Tav felt a particular warmth pressing into his belly. There was also definitely a lump of some sort there. While Tav would now submit to anything his alpha wanted, he was not aware of quite what he would be submitting to. It didn?t matter, though, Tav was broken, and he knew it. He knew it, and he liked it. Arkas spoke again at that point, ?Well, Tav? do you mind if I call you Tav?? Tav shook his head, ?Of course I don?t mind? what should I call you?? Arkas kept his paws on Tav?s rump, hooking his thumbs under his belt, ?You may simply call me Arkas, or Master if you prefer.? Tav smiled, ?Yes, Master.? Arkas chuckled, ?Ah? Master is it? Well? I can see you will be a fine slave, Tav,? he moved his paws around to Tav?s front waist, unbuckling his belt and tossing it aside, ?A fine slave, indeed.? Tav seemed to take no notice and kept nuzzling Arkas? chest and running his paws through his alpha?s thick back fur. Arkas placed his paws on Tav?s hips and slid the fox?s slacks down just enough so that, without the suspension of the belt, they flopped onto the ground. Once again, Tav didn?t even seem to notice. The fox was now as naked as Arkas, and the half-wolf slid his paws back around to Tav?s, now bare, rump. A shiver ran through Tav as he felt one of Arkas? paws slip into the cleft below his tail, while the other stroked gently along the length of the bushy appendage. Arkas lowered his head down, to whisper again into Tav?s ear, ?Tav? ? ?Yes, Master?? ?There is something you must do for me.? ?Anything, Master.? ?It is? an initiation of sorts. After, you will truly be a member of my pack. You want that, don?t you Tav?? ?Yes, Master, more than anything. ?Good. Good, Tav. Don?t worry, I?m sure you?ll find it? quite enjoyable.? ? If this? initiation will please you, Master. I will enjoy it.? Arkas smiled wide, ?Such a good little slave. This is certainly a change from the fiery young fox who only a short time ago caused me such pain. What happened between then and now, hmm?? Tav returned the smile, ?I learned my place, Master.? Arkas squeezed his slave?s rump one final time and slid his paws up to his middle back, whispering, ?Tav? onto the ground.? Tav obeyed immediately, kicking his fallen slacks away and sliding down Arkas to kneel before him. Arkas nodded and knelt down with him. Tav just sat and waited for his next command. The command wasn?t spoken, but Arkas crawled behind him and wrapped his arms around the fox?s chest. The large canine shifted his weight forward, and Tav murred when he felt it, leaning forward with Arkas until he was in the all fours position. At this point Tav knew exactly what his ?initiation? would entail; Arkas was going to mount him. The voice in Tav?s mind was almost silent now, but still making it?s disgust known. In spite of this, Tav sighed in absolute contentment. His alpha, his master was going to mate him. He didn?t care that he was going to be mated by another male, that he was going to be used for this canine?s pleasure. All that mattered was that he was serving and, he fervently hoped, pleasing his master. Tav felt Arkas? weight on his back, and the hot flesh of the half-wolf?s sex at his rear. Arkas moved his head forward, and now Tav could feel his master?s breath hot on his cheek, he turned his head slightly to regard him. Arkas licked once at the white fur of the fox?s cheek and asked, ?Tav, my slave? you understand what is about to happen?? Tav nodded, ?Yes? please, Master.? ?You understand, that if you submit to this, you are mine. You will have freedom only to please me and my pack. You will live only to serve us, please us and love us. Do you understand, Tav?? ?Yes, Master.? ?Do you submit, Tav?? ?Yes? Master, I submit to you?? Arkas grinned and gave Tav another lick on his cheek, ?I am glad, Tav. You will be loved and protected as one our own. Welcome home, my slave.? As Arkas spoke, he slowly drew his hips back. Tav could the tip of his master?s member pressed against the outer ring of his tailhole. It was large. His cock, just like everything about Arkas was huge. Tav had no idea how the half-wolf was going to fit it into him, but he was certain that Arkas knew what he was doing. Arkas shut his eyes and grunted quietly as he pushed the very tip of his cock into Tav. Tav winced as he felt it push past the ring and into him. There was no going back now. Arkas placed his paws on Tav?s shoulders, and used his arms to pull himself forward, his muscles visibly straining as he pushed himself slowly into the fox beneath him. Tav was in agony and he felt every inch of Arkas? cock slide painfully into him. After some minutes, and much grunting and strain on Arkas? part, he finally hilted himself in the fox?s rear. Tav whimpered a little and Arkas gently stroked his head fur to calm him. Arkas was astounded at how tight the fox was, he was already panting and he had only just gotten himself in, ?You?ve? never,? he panted some more, ?been taken by a male before, have you?? Tav shook his head quickly, his eyes shut and jaw clenched against the pain. Arkas smiled and rested his head directly on top of Tav?s, his arms still wrapped around the fox?s chest, ?Don?t worry, Tav? the pain will subside. But? until that happens, perhaps something to take your mind off it?? Tav nodded, unable to speak with the almost unbearable pain coming from his tail area. Arkas lifted his head and turned to Korias, who was still standing, watching, ?Kor, come here.? Korias did so and padded over, standing beside his alpha and the slave. Arkas gestured with his head for Korias to stand in front of Tav. Korias nodded and walked around the two until he stood in front of them, obviously and visibly aroused by the spectacle he had been viewing. Arkas lowered his head back beside his slave?s, ?Tav?? he said, ?look at poor Kor. He?s gotten all excited from watching us.? Tav slowly opened his eyes and looked up at the wolf standing in front him. Korias was indeed excited, Tav could see already the pink tip of the lupine cock beginning to emerge from its furry sheath. Arkas smiled, ?Maybe you?d like to help him with that, hmm, Tav?? Tav didn?t quite know what to think. Only the previous day the idea of taking another male?s sex into his muzzle would have disgusted him, but now the thought of having one in that end as well as his rear excited him greatly. Arkas nudged the fox?s head with his own, ?Well? Would you like to pleasure poor Korias, Tav? I?m sure he?d be grateful.? A few more moments of staring at Korias? growing wolfhood was all it took. Tav wanted it; there was no shame in it anymore. He already had one canine mounting him, what difference would it make to have another in his muzzle. Korias looked down at him expectantly. Now that the pain in his tailhole had all but disappeared the thought was even more appealing, he grinned and nodded, ?Yes! Please, I want to!? Korias returned the grin and quickly sat himself on the grass, his tail wagging happily behind him. Arkas winked at him and leaned back. The half-wolf?s upper body was now upright and his paws had slid to Tav?s hips, which he stroked softy. Arkas noticed with a smirk that Tav seemed to be positively ecstatic, the fox?s tail waving around in the air, sometimes swishing lightly over his muzzle. Arkas chuckled and thought to himself aloud, ?A fine slave indeed?? Korias slid himself forward, so that his legs were spread with one on either side of Tav. His wolfhood was now fully erect, and stood at an impressive eight inches. Arkas, however, was much larger. Tav couldn?t tell just how much larger while the half-wolf?s cock was buried in him, but it was big. Very big. Korias slid forward again, and now his throbbing member was directly below Tav?s muzzle. Korias reached a paw up and affectionately rubbed Tav?s head, ?I told you that you could be happy.? Tav nodded, still smiling. Korias ran his paw down over Tav?s muzzle, over the distinctive stripe of white fur. As his paw reached the tip of the fox?s muzzle, he pushed down on it, saying, ?Now, foxy? I think you know what to do.? Tav relaxed his neck, allowing Korias? heavy paw to push his muzzle down onto the wolf?s crotch. Tav?s nostrils were filled with the strong scent of male, and gave the area around Korias? wolfhood a few experimental licks. Finding the taste, and the reaction his licks got from the wolf to his liking, Tav continued. Korias grinned wide as he saw Tav lift his head and open his muzzle slightly. Tav moved his head so his partially open mouth was directly above the tip of Korias? member, then seemed to pause. The excitement becoming too much for the wolf, Korias put both his paws on Tav?s head and pushed it down. Tav yelped and gagged on the large wolfcock that was forcibly shoved into his muzzle, the tip pushing into the back of his throat. He was determined to please the wolf though, and allowed himself to adjust, resisting his gag urges. Arkas smiled at Korias and stroked Tav?s back fur a little. After a few moments, Tav felt Korias paws moved away from his head and the fox slowly moved his head up, keeping lips clamped firmly around the rod of flesh, his tongue pressed against the underside. Korias shivered, closing his eyes and leaning his head back. Arkas grinned as he saw the little fox?s head begin to move slowly up and down his beta?s shaft. At this point, the half-wolf resumed his movements. His enormous canine cock had not become even slightly soft in tight warmth of Tav?s tailhole. He held Tav?s hips firmly and slowly dragged himself out. He shook his head in disbelief at the tightness of the fox and pushed himself back in. Tav?s tailhole was ever-so slowly stretching to accommodate the huge invader. Tav was staring down, wide-eyed in fascination as the Korias? wolfhood disappeared into his muzzle. What fascinated him more was the odd bundle of flesh at the base. Tav knew this was the wolf?s knot. Being a fox, Tav also had one when he was suitably aroused, but seeing a wolf?s knot up close was a new experience for him. He pondered how big it would actually get and more importantly, how big Arkas? would get. He could already feel a slight lance of pain each time his new master pushed the still largely deflated knot into his tailhole with his powerful thrusts. Tav whimpered around the cock in his mouth each time Arkas forced his enormous member into him. Arkas leaned his head back in much the same fashion as Korias, as that wolf, having his sex tended and pleasured by the little fox?s tongue began to growl and moan low. Tav could see that the knot in front of his muzzle was swelling far more rapidly now, and felt the shaft in his maw begin to throb discernibly. Arkas thrusting into his tight rear passage remained very rhythmic, though the speed was slowly increasing, and with each push into him, Tav felt that his master?s knot had become larger. It was already large enough to cause Tav immense pain each time it smashed past his ring and into him. The pain was much, much worse as Arkas tore it out of him. What was even worse than this was that Tav knew it would get larger. The fox considered lifting his head off Korias? wolfhood and pleading with Arkas to stop, or at least slow down. He was determined though. He would please his new masters and that was that. Somehow finding the strength, Tav began to suckle and lick furiously at the cock in his mouth. This got an immediate reaction from Korias. Almost as soon as Tav redoubled his efforts, Korias groaned loudly, and slammed Tav?s head into his crotch and onto his wolfhood, all the way to the knot. Tav yelped in shock as he found his jaws stretched almost beyond what they were capable of and his mouth and gullet filled with waves of wolfseed. He had not really expected that Korias would notify him of when he was about to climax, but some warning still would have been nice. He gagged somewhat because of the sheer volume of sticky seed being pumped into muzzle. After he had quickly adjusted to it, he began to happily swallow as much of it as he could, the rest leaking out the sides his mouth. The taste was amazing. Tav had never thought that he could actually enjoy the taste of another male?s seed, but as Korias? climax began to subside, and the flow began to slow to a trickle, Tav found himself whining, wanting more. He suckled as hard as he could around the wolfcock and swollen knot, milking it of as much as he could. Korias fell backward, sprawled on the ground, panting. That was when Arkas climaxed. In concentrating on pleasuring Korias with his muzzle, the pain and feeling of Arkas at his rear had become dull. Now that Korias had finished with him, though, the pain came surging back. Arkas knot was at this point enormous, and his thrusting was becoming harder and more powerful, but much more erratic. His tongue was hanging out the side his mouth limply and he was panting loudly. Tav struggled to keep from screaming from the agony, shutting his eyes tightly. Korias was still prone, his panting not having slowly any, his swollen knot still tying him to Tav?s muzzle. Arkas gave one final, hugely strong thrust, forcing his knot into Tav one last time. Tav yelped around his mouthful of cock and knot as he felt it rip past his opening. Arkas started to howl as he began pouring wave upon wave of his canine seed into Tav?s rear. Tav whined and whimpered, still tied by his muzzle to Korias? crotch. Arkas shuddered as his climax washed over him. As it began to fade, his cock still pumping hot seed into the fox?s tailhole, he slumped down onto Tav?s back, making him collapse under his weight. Arkas went down with him, by a combination of gravity and the immensely swollen knot stuck inside his slave?s tailhole. Korias lifted his head and looked at them, Arkas licking at the fox?s neck and head. The wolf smiled tiredly before letting his head drop back to the ground. Tav was in heaven, despite the pain from his tailhole. He was tied at both ends, filled with the essence of his masters. Tav remained still for what seemed like an eternity, he could feel Arkas? body moving with each breath, and he could still feel the blood pumping through Korias wolfhood, albeit much more slowly than it had been before. The knot in his muzzle had shrunken substantially, and he could have easily removed it from his maw. He chose not to. Korias would decide when he was done. Taking advantage of the situation however, Tav still took the occasional lick at the warmth. In his tailhole, Arkas? knot had shrunken some, but due to the sheer enormity of it, it was still far too large for the half-wolf to remove it without causing Tav a lot of pain. Arkas seemed quite content to leave himself inside Tav, however and Tav was more than happy to wait until Arkas was ready. Some minutes later, both canines? breathing had returned to normal. Arkas lifted his head from the top of Tav?s. Arkas himself took a lick at Korias? lower belly before putting his paws on Tav?s shoulders and pushing himself up. He was now sitting upright, his crotch still attached to Tav?s rump. Arkas looked down at Korias, who by now had opened his eyes and propped himself up onto his forepaws, leaning back on his arms. Arkas grinned and winked at the wolf, ?What do you think, Kor?? Tav ears perked up at this, and he listened intently. Arkas continued, ?Do you think our new slave performed well?? Korias returned the grin and nodded, ?Yes, Arkas? He performed admirably with his muzzle. What about your end?? Tav smiled, still with Korias wolfhood in his mouth when he heard this. He was eagerly awaiting Arkas answer, though. Arkas chuckled and also nodded, ?I don?t think I could ask for a better slave. To be honest, Kor? he?s tighter than you ever were.? Korias laughed heartily at this remark, ?I just hope you haven?t stretched him too much! I?d like to enjoy him myself some time.? Tav listened as they spoke of him like he was their property. He was. Tav was theirs to do with as they pleased, and he found himself completely in love with the idea. He would live to please them, and he would enjoy it. Korias began to move. He placed his paws on the sides of Tav?s head and lifted it off. Tav whined a little, licking at the now soft wolfcock as much as he could before Korias placed the fox?s head down onto his thigh. Korias looked down at the fox affectionately, ?Aww, what?s the matter, foxy? You want more, don?t you?? Tav looked up at Korias and nodded. Arkas spoke at that point, ?Don?t worry, Tav. There will be plenty more for you, there is no need to doubt that. I?m going to pull out of you now? this may hurt a little.? Tav clenched his jaw as he felt Arkas pulling his still partially swollen knot from his tailhole. Luckily, the opening was so stretched from having the half-wolf mate him that the pain was minimal. As soon as Arkas had removed his cock, the only thing keeping his seed inside Tav, the warm, white liquid leaked from the fox?s tailhole, making him shudder as Arkas? seed flowed down between his legs. Both canines stood and Arkas beckoned Tav to rise. He did so and looked to his master for direction. Arkas smiled warmly and patted Tav on his rump, ?Well Tav, it seems you quite enjoyed that.? Tav nodded enthusiastically, ?Yes, Master!? Arkas threw an arm about the fox?s waist, ?Come then, foxy! Let?s go and? the half-wolf chuckled, ?introduce you to the rest of your new pack.? Tav grinned and nodded, knowing exactly what Arkas meant, as they began to walk toward a gap in the trees, ?Yes, Master.? End. Hope you enjoyed it!