My Little Pony: Battle for Equestria pt 12

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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#12 of Mlp

Once more I dodged one of Darkness's incoming attacks as we flew though the air. Flapping my wings to stay airborne, I hovered in place as Darkness dived toward the ground, before veering right back up. We stayed as far as we could from each other, but at the same time, close enough to attack the other. Truthfully, I do not know why my body changed the way it did, was it because Moon was not within my body this time, because only her powers? I shook these thoughts from my head as I blankly stared at the darker version of one of the Princesses of the Night. Just thinking about what he did, caused my rage to fill me once more, as I charged toward him at high speed, my horn out, sharp like my sister's as I tried to impale him in the chest. I missed and was rewarded with a kick in the back; this sending me spinning downward until I stopped myself by flying back up in the air, this causing dust to shoot off when my body almost slammed into the messed up earth.

The battle seemed to take forever, we would get a hit on each other every few seconds, but nether of us were going to give up, not that easily. But after a half hour of fighting, I noticed my strength slowly leaving me, I felt somewhat weak and light headed, was this was what Moon was telling me? Damn it...I had to end this now!

"What's wrong?' Darkness snarled as he collided to each other, fighting to grip each other as he slammed his forehead to my own and held it there. "Feeling tried already?" I growled and shoved him off as my pulled deep within myself for any sort of magic I could use, wasn't working. I saw him grin as my eyes fluttered as I was force to land to the ground, watching as his Dark Beast slowly came over. Looking around, I held my wings out in a stance to try and fend them off. But as they edged closer and closer, I knew it wasn't going to work. All of a sudden I heard the cracking sound of cement breaking, looking behind me, I saw Devon fist though a Dark Beast's head as it slowly disappeared.

"D...Devon, get out of here!" I cried out to my friend, not wanting him to be hurt.

"Like hell!" he told me as he walked up. "Look, you can go on thinking your all high and mighty, but I'm not about to watch you die!"

"Nether am I." I looked to the other side to see Shiny Amour, his helm was off, but his chest plate still on, he then looked up to me and gave a small nod of his head. "Do no try and talk me out of this fight, you've done so much already, it is time for us to fight for you."

"And we shall fight as well," I was shocked once more as Celestia and Luna stood before me, their backs to me as they were grabbed in golden and dark blue armor. "You are our brother, and this is our kingdom, it is time for the rulers to fight as well!" soon my guards came up behind us, Luna's and Celestia's right behind them as they all got ready. Looking forward, I stood up once more. I thought to myself that maybe I could fight a little more, and now with many more fighting with me, we couldn't lose!

"Ha, you think just because you have a few more bodies that will be thrown away that you will win; I highly doubt that!" Darkness took to the air once more as I was about to jump when I felt something land on my back, looking back I saw Devon on my back with his always goofy grin.

"I shall ride you into battle!" he cried pointing his finger up at the sky as I shook my head.

"I knew you couldn't stay bad ass for long," but I had to chuckle at this as I spread out my wings and took off into the air.

"Oh yeah, three head shots in a row bitches!" I grinned as I twisted my body in a one eighty and slammed my hooves in the face of one of those flying Dark Beast. Devon really could handle himself in the air, at times he would stand on my back to kick or punch, when this happened, I made sure not to move around too much. He took care of the ones behind me and on the sides, as I did the front and the sides as well. Looking up, I noticed the two princesses fighting Darkness at once, but Darkness was faster, so it was harder for the two to land powerful hits on him. "Brandon below you!" I looked down to see three of those flyers coming after us as I nodded.

"Hang on!" I told him as I felt him grip my neck tightly as I flew up a bit before doing a back flip, and then spinning side ways, my hind hooves slapping each of them in the face causing them to spin out of control to the ground below. I watched as the guards flew up to attack as well, soon less and less of the Dark Beasts were seen, and pretty soon, all that was left was Darkness. Flying upward with the others, we all surrounded Darkness as he glared, snapping his head left to right as he watched for any sudden movements.

"It's over villain!" Luna cried out as she glared toward him. "Surrender peacefully, or we will be force to destroy you!" just then Darkness started to laugh loudly, throwing his head back as he crackled in the air.

"So stupid you all are!" my eyes narrowed, why did his voice three different voices. "You truly think I am Darkness?" confusion came over us all as 'Darkness' spoke. "While we could not enter the barrier, that did not mean our master could not!"

"So you're one of those fakes as well!" I cried out as the imposter turned to grin at me. "Just like before, all this...was ..." my eyes widened as I looked down to ward twilight was, forgetting to tell Devon to hang on I flew as fast as I could downward, hearing hi yelp with surprise. I flew though the open door to see many of the ponies who couldn't fight groaning in pain. Luckily I saw Twilight as she was trying to tend to them with Rarity as I dropped off Devon.

"What happened?" I asked as Twilight looked up to me.

"Darkness came in though the back, took many of us by surprised. I thought he was coming for me, so I went into hiding, but...he left with Discord!" I cursed slightly at this, looking outside as I noticed that the Dark Beasts were now retreating, soon they too disappeared as I cursed once more.

Hours later, I, Twilight, Rarity, Devon, and Spike were back safely home. Our friends greeted us, and were shocked to see me, I explained to them as well as my sisters before we left what had happened, and what Moon did for me. And true enough, I felt all the extra power she gave me, disappear; my body to shrinking as I looked just as tall as Big Mac now. I was now looking at myself, my new self in the mirror, I knew I could transform back into my human self, but I think I was going to stay as an Alicorn, just for a while. That, and because just transforming into a Alicorn in the first place, even if it was Moon's power, it still took a lot out of me, and I didn't feel like being all tried for the next few hours. After that, I met Twilight and Spike outside, who was riding on my back now; we decided to just walk around Ponyville for a while, to clear our heads. Celestia and Luna told me that they could not find a single trace of Moon's body when they went to retrieve it to give her at least a burly, so all we did, was clean her helm and place it inside the castle, above a picture that was made a little over a mouth ago of her, and me as my human self. She had her right hoof on my shoulder as I hand my left hand under my chin, my right hand holding up the elbow as we both held small smiles toward the one who painted the wonderful picture.

"Brandon!" we all turned our heads to see three young girls run up to us as I smiled, seeing them as the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Hey girls, what's up...what are you doing?" I watched as they went past me a bit, to look at my flanks, seeing the new Cutie Mark, or upgraded one as Spike had said as Scoot huffed out her anger.

"No fair!" she cried out stomping her hoof on the ground. "We've been trying to find our Cutie Marks for years, and you get yours in a little over a mouth, and now it changes like that!"

"Yeah!" Sweetie Belle chimed in, in a little annoyed voice. "Are we ever going to get our own!?" only Apple Bloom remained silence. I sighed, I could understand why they were upset, so looking to them, and I placed a hoof on Scoot's head and nuzzled Belle under her chin.

"Girls listen," I told them looking at each of them. "I've been here for a while, and I noticed something from each of you. Scootaloo, you are awesome at your scooter tricks, believe me when I say if they held a contest, you would win hoof-down!" she looked up at me and slightly smiled. "Belle, you have an amazing singing voice, I mean really, you sound like an angle to me!"

"R...really?" she asked as I nodded and petted her head with the hoof that was on Scoot's head.

"And Bloom, you can make a lot of things out of wood, I mean; I know you built that fort for you three, so why not work on that more, expand it!"

"But..." she looked up at me shaking her head. "I don't want my Cutie Mark to be a plain old work hammer! I want it to be something I'm pride of!"

"Or me with just a scooter!"

"Or me with just a Microphone!"

"Girls..." I smiled and shook my head. "As I know, Cutie Marks are made by not only the talents or in this case for me, the personality of the pony, but how they are as well, you three are not plain; you are much more then that!" I leaned down so I could look at them all. "And so what with how the Cutie Mark looks, it is your, if anypony gives you a hard time on how it looks, you tell them that you are proud of it, that you worked hard to gain it, and no matter what; nothing can take that from you!" they all looked to me, I could see their mind reeling with my talk as they al looked to each other before back at me, as I held out my white hoof towards them. "Cutie Mark Crusaders for life!" I then saw the tinkle in their eyes as they brought their hooves and bro-fist on my own.

"For Life!" they all cried at once as I smiled softly, watching as they all ran toward Sweet Apple Arcs. (Hope I got that right)

When they were gone, Twilight in turn then nuzzled under my chin, minding her horn.

"You handled that like a pro," she told me as I smiled softly. "You're really good with kids."

"I hope so," I answered as I chuckled slightly. "I mean, if we are to have a child or two one day I have to be good right?"

"Hey come on, not while I'm around!" Spike cried as I laughed slightly. After the laughter died down, I then looked over to where Everfree Forest was, remembering that was where I first met Moon; I sighed and looked to the two.

"Hey, do you two mind if I go off on my own for a bit?" I watched as Spike got off me as Twilight nodded her head.

"Just don't be too long, remember, Rarity said something about talking to you and me later about something." I nodded my head and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek as I turned and took off into the air, making sure I flew another way so they didn't knew where I was really going, and once I knew they couldn't see me, I took off to where I really wanted to go.

I soon landed where I wanted to go, just outside the castle of when she was known as Nightmare Moon. I didn't know the full history of the castle, from what I knew that it use to be the holding place of the Elements of Harmony, and also the old castle of Luna and Celesta. Still as worn down and broken as the last time I came here, I made my though the clutter, the clopping of my hooves echoed though the old ruins as I looked around slowly, before stopping and closing my eyes. This is where it truly started, my true start to stop Darkness and how I had gain the power and traits of an Alicorn. Looking around, I found the old curtain like picture of what Moon use to be, Nightmare Moon. Thinking more to myself I looked around, I knew that Canterlot was being fixed even as I stood here, using the power of magic to make everything new. I wondered...would Celestia and Luna give me this castle if I asked for it? I mean, I knew Twilight wouldn't want to leave Ponyville, but we could still be close, and I could make sure no evil beings could come toward the castle. I started to think about how the castle would truly look if fixed, when I heard a softly chuckling.

"Who's there?!" I demanded looking around while spreading out my wings, my horn glowing a soft white as it lit up a portion of the room. "Show yourself!"

"Don't need to be so testy now," I remembered that voice, it belonged to Queen Chrysalis. I watched as she came out of the shadows as if she was one with it, as many of her little Changelings followed behind. I glared at them, still not fully trusting them at all.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned as I glared at them. "You don't belong here!"

"Oh?" she asked as she again chuckled. "But if my memory serves me right, this was part of the area the two princesses gave to me for the while; so I have every right to be here." She gave me a tooth grin as I glared and looked away from her. "But I must look very different Brandon, it seems white suits you a lot more then black ever did." I didn't say anything as I just looked at the picture still hanging on the wall before me. I heard her coming closer, and soon, I saw her standing before me. Since I was force to shrink so I could control this form without being knocked out, she was twice my size, maybe a bit bigger then that. "I had heard that Moon had been defected in battle, a pity."

"Shut up," I answered her as she only grinned.

"Come now, we can talk like sensible ponies can we not?" I gave her a look with my right eye, since she was on my right side as I saw her smile. "Come, all I wish is to talk, that is all." I snorted and looked away.

"Fine, what do you want to talk about then?"

"That's better, will you walk with me?" she turned and started to walk slowly, sighing, I slowly followed after her. "As I said, it is quite a shame that poor Nightmare..."

"Her name is Moon," I told her by also giving her a stern stare. She only rolled her eyes, as if it truly mattered.

"Fine, it is a shame that poor Moon, had to pass on to the void. I'm sure if I did send many of my subjects to fight; she would still be here, wouldn't she?"

"Then why didn't you fight?!" I demanded, not noticing that we were now in a whole new section of the castle, it looked cleaner, no doubt her sleeping area...if she truly did sleep.

"The deal for me was to be on your side yes, but I didn't have to fight, I gave you information, if that's all I want to give in info, then I shall."

"Why you..."

"Uh, uh, ah," she then raised a hoof and shook it at me. "Remember, you attack me, that treaty is broken, and I don't think you want your dear Twilight to be caught between two you?" I growled softly but said nothing more on the subject. "But...I'm sure I into also fighting."

"What, the world not having any love isn't enough?" she softly chuckled and then stood before me, leaning down, her nose almost touching my own.

"I have been a queen for a real long time," she sated while still holding my gaze. "And yet, I have yet to find a male to bed with me." My eyes grew wide as I turned away from her as she softly chuckled. I then jerked as I felt her breath on my ear. "I shall give you the rest of the day to think about it, but here is my deal. Mate with me tonight, and I mean really mate with me, and I shall fight for real; refuse and I won't fight at all."

While flying back to Ponyville, my head was swimming with thoughts, was she fucking kidding...or did she truly mean what she was her?! Egh, just the thought of it made me want to go into a lava shower. But...Celestia was right when she said we needed all the help we could get...and I didn't want anymore ponies to die...more so the ones I truly cared for. The thing that made it worst...was that I couldn't tell Twilight, that was also part of the deal, she said something about, 'it being our dirty sexy little secret' that somehow turned her on even more. And that she wanted me big, I knew the spell to do that, but it would only last for an hour or so. Landing so I could think more clearly, I started to walk, soon finding myself outside Rarity's place, Twilight walking up just as I did.

"Brandon!" she came up to me and nuzzled at me as I brought my neck over her shoulders, bringing my hoof up to hug her. "Did you enjoy your time to yourself?"

"In a way...yes," I answered; she no doubt heard my unease voice as she looked to me.

" okay?" she asked me as I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah...I'm fine; don't worry about me love..." I kissed her softly on the lips as she kissed me back, when we broke away I whispered to her. "You know I love you...right?" she looked toward me, as if I was crazy before she nodded her held and kissed me tenderly once more for a few seconds.

"I know, I love you too Brandon." I gave her a smile and then turned to look at the door, before opening the door, and walking in.

Once entering the home/work place of one of my friends Rarity I felt something land on my back. At first I thought it was Sweetie Belle, at times one of the three would try and jump on me, but I felt...hands on my hair, followed by a groan.

"Aw, you're smaller now!" I turned my head to see...Devon?! He was on my back, his feet plated on the ground as I heard Twilight giggle at our friend once more randomness, I swear he and Pinkie Pie would be a good couple. He was wearing nothing but brown boxers, black zebra like stripes seen going around it. In fact, the boxers were so brown; they seemed to blind in with his skin tone! He also wore a black tuxedo, you know, the ones you would get for a wedding, as well as a white cuffs, and a red bowtie, the hell...why was he wearing that with just boxers on?! "I demand that you become bigger so I may ride you into battle once more!"

"And I demand for you to get the fuck off!" I cried as I tried to buck him off, but he just held on.

"Heh gotta love the metal bull ride!" he answered my demand as I grumbled and just stood on my hind legs making him fall. He landed with a thud as I rolled my eyes and turned back to him.

"Devon...please reminds me again, why I'm friends with you."

"You lack friends." he answered twirling his finger in a circle while pointing at me.

"What are you talking about," I asked blinking in confusion. "I have many friends!"

"Not like me."

"And that's bad...why? And where the hell is Rarity, she said she wanted to talk to me and Twilight right?" he tapped at his chin for a moment before snapping his fingers.

"Oh yeah, one moment!" he then ran upstairs as I sighed and shook my head as me and Twilight went to one of the sofas, I guess Rarity got another one, so we took the old one.

"You know he's just like to play around." Twilight told me as I shook my head. "Though I will admit...he does get a little..."

"Random?" I asked looking at her as she nodded, agreeing with my choice of words. After a while of waiting, we soon found Rarity and Devon come back downstairs, they took the sofa on the other side of us as Devon sat close to Rarity.

"Hello you two," our friend greeted us with a smile, I noticed something, she seemed a lot more...happier then before. "I'm so glad you could come here."

"It's no worry," I answered with a smile. "So what is it you wished to talk to us about?" Rarity seemed to blush while looking down, playing with the sofa with her hooves.

" two will be the first to see...uh."Devon laughed slightly, pulling her closer to him and wrapping his arm around Rarity shoulder he said with a large goofy grin.

"We have become lovers now."

My jaw, I swear I think it almost touched the floor, even Twilight was slightly shocked about this, Rarity on the other hand was blushing, I thought they were joking, but I truly got my answer when I saw them lean closer, and kiss each other strongly on the lips.

"Brown skin dude with curly hair say what?!" when they broke their kiss, Rarity was slightly giggling at my shock look, I mean, really, how could she...fall with a dude god...

"I know what you're thinking," Devon told me. "I mean, the way I act around you, I can act like a..."

"Crazy single minded fool?"

"Meh, heard worst, but let's go with that."

" it happen?" asked Twilight as Rarity spoke up.

"It was back at Canterlot, when I was scared, Devon came up to me and spoke to me, saying that no matter what happened, he would always be there to keep me safe. And beside, I've known him since he lived with me for a couple of days, I know how he act, and well, I love him for that."

"Well..." I spoke shaking my head and then smiling softly. "Today is just full of shock huh?" It was silence for a bit, before we all started to crack up with laughter. After that we all started to talk, me and Twilight swore not to tell Spike, that everyone else would be told tomorrow, jus they wanted us to be the first to know because how we were the first human/pony lovers. We both agreed, knowing that if Spike truly hated Devon now, by just living with her; how was he going to react to this? After a while of talking, Devon was looking at me, deep in thought.

"Hey Brandon?"

"Yeah?" I answered as he looked at me with unblinking eyes.

"You were chained up as well when that Queen Chrysalis captured you...right?"

"Yeah I was," I answered with a nod as he then smiled. Oh crap, what was he going to say now?

"So I a were a prison bitch!" called it.

"In the name of Celestia man, you were chained up too!" he then smirked, that damn creepy smirk as he laughed.

"Yeah but I don't mind being chained up...kinda kinky."

"Oh god damn it Devon..." I hoof palmed my self as the girls started to laugh.

Hours later, myself and Twilight left the home of Rarity, and now Devon, looking up, I noticed that it was soon getting dark out, I had thought about the offer Chrysalis told me about, and as much as I hated the idea...of betraying Twilight. If she could help and save many more lives...I had to think of the many, before my pride.

"Hey Twi?" I asked looking at my girlfriend as she looked up. "I have to go for a bit...I need to be alone,"

"I understand," she told me placing a hoof on my cheek. "Losing Moon like that, I know it's hard for you; since you were once fused with her." I nodded my head softly, oh Twilight, I truly wish I could tell you. Giving her a small kiss on her forehead, I turned and flew into the air, like last time I took a detour so not to be known of my true designation.

Landing outside the castle once more, I nothing many of those small Changelings pacing around the castle, eyeing me with their blue eyes. They paid me no heed, giving me only a first glance, and then moved away from me. Walking inside, I notice that the inside was different a bit. A little less ruble was seen around, and on the ground was a torn deep red carpet. It led up to the back of the main chambers, showing a large stone throne, with the Changeling queen laying on it. She had both of her front hooves on the right side of the arm, a grin so sinister that it made me sick to my stomach she knew why I was here...she knew that she had won.

"Ah, Prince Brandon of Equestria," she spoke while standing before her throne. "And what might I be honored by your gazed tonight?"

"Cut the shit," I told her standing away from her. "And let me tell you this straight up, I am only doing this so that the world may be better protected. I still love Twilight and Twilight only!" she only softly chuckled as she made her way before me, walking slowly around me as she dragged her tail under my chin as I looked away.

"Why aren't you at your full size?"

"Doing that to my body will make me tried; I will only do it...when we start..."

"Oh, don't do it at first," she then stood before me. "I plan on getting...everything I can get out of you before we finish with a bang!" I only softly growled at her as she chuckled, walking away from me. "Come along then, as much as I wouldn't mind letting my subjects watch...I rather be alone with you tonight."

"Fucking whore..." I muttered under my breath but did as she told me. Going into the same room that she showed me earlier, I noticed that a large red plush bed was now there. She slowly made her way over to the bed, I watched as she moved her hips, it made me look away in distastefulness. When I did look back, she was laying on her side, her front hooves crossed over each other as she tried to make herself look as sexy as possible, which was hard for her to me; since she looked fucking ugly to me...fugly I guess, the combine word of fucking and ugly.

"Well now, I have some few ideas I would like you to do to me before we get to the main part of this even." I sighed and held my head low as I made my way over. "But, from now on, you must call me Mistress."

"The hell I will!" I cried looking away.

"Alright, then leave, when the treaty breaks, first my followers will go and feast on Shiny Amour and his wife, and then I'll feast on Twilight herself." I softly growled and was still not looking at her. "So, what is your choice will you stay and do as I say?" taking a deep breath, I swallowed my pride even deeper as I bowed my head.

"As you wish...Mistress." She softly chuckled at this.

"Now, look at me." I looked up as she told me to as she smiled and lifted her right hind leg in the air, showing off her Alicorn Changeling silt to me. "Pleasure your Mistress with that dirty mouth of yours, and you better make it good." I saw her give me a toothy grin as I closed my eyes and made my way toward the bed, her horn glowed slightly as the door behind me closed and locked as I climbed up into the bed with her. Lying down on my belly, I brought my face closer and closer to her blackish grey pussy. Taking a slow deep breath, I closed my eyes, and did what I had to do.

Softly kissing her mound, I heard her give a soft gasp in surprise, her body shifted as she no doubt was watching me now. Kissing around her mound slowly but deeply, I made sure to stay away from her lower lips until I felt I was ready...or until she ordered me to. Though it pained me, I knew I had to make her feel good. So taking my tongue out, I licked around her lips, making sure not to truly touch it, but at least to make her feel something. I heard her murr at the feeling she was now getting, one of her hooves on my head as she panted slightly. Already I saw that she was leaking some of her, bug juice I guess. Hey she looks like a bug to me, so I call em as I see em. Her legs spreading out wider as I noticed, that her skin was not of a coat, it seemed to feel like an ant's outer body.

"Good little pet," I grumbled at the name she gave me, but said nothing truly about it. "Now, lick my pussy." Pulling away, I closed my eyes and brought my tongue out, slowly dragging it from the bottom of her silt, all the way to the top, flicking it over her now growing nub. Her body shivered and shudder, she let out a shuddering moan as her tail, as much as I could see; twitched. Still licking her softly, I was shocked when I felt myself grow hard; it must've been the scent I smelled from her. After a while, I looked down to see that indeed I was fully hard. Looking much like a pony penis looked like, the tip was flat, my shaft giving a twitch with need of release as I softly groaned. This did not go unnoticed to Chrysalis. "My, my," she gave a dark like chuckle. "It seems your body sure knows what it wants."

"S...shut up..." I told her looking away as I gasped feeling her hoof go on it as she...what's the word...clopped me for a bit.

"Hrm, so big too," it was true, I don't really know how big it was, but for someone my size, I guess it was normal. "I've always wanted to try this."

"T...try wha...?" she then brought her hind legs on ether side of my face, I had no choice but to look back at her pussy as I felt something long and wet slide over my member. Shuddering as my legs twitched, I felt her grind her hips on my muzzle, I knew what she wanted, and so I went back to work.

While licking her, I tried my best to try and make it as blissful for her as possible, but inside, I was breaking apart. I always told myself if I ever had a girlfriend, a true one, not like the ones back home who just used me; I would never cheat on her. And now look at me, my muzzle now coated in this fucking whore's bug juice. I let out a small gasp as I felt her lick my tip, my eyes closed as I tried not to hump into her licks, I was not about to let her have the pleasure of knowing I was somewhat enjoying myself!

"Stick that tongue in my snatch!" she ordered me as I did as told, opening my mouth, I closed it over her pussy and started to lick her insides. Her moans heightened to new volumes as she started to hump at my face as she went back to sucking and licking me. The sounds of our tongues working were the only things heard throughout the room. I then felt her stop, her breathing got quicker and quicker, before she cried out, her hips crushing down on my face as she started to cum all over my face. I groaned since I had drunk some; it made me sick that I was the one that caused her this sort of pleasure! After a while, she removed herself from my face, looking under her hind legs with a grin and noticeable blush on her face. "Oh that was good little prince...but now I want something else in there!" she then removed herself from my body and then moved a bit forward, dropping her chest to the ground and shaking her wet ass at me. "Fuck me nice and hard to boy, I want to feel you flood me!"

Glaring as she only smirked, I got up. It was a little hard for me to walk; hey you try having a large horse dick under you and see how you walk. Knowing now that she wanted me in my large form, I closed my eyes as the magic took over. I felt my muscles and bones grow larger and wider, soon I was as tall and wide as I use to be when I first was in this form, easily taller then the Changeling queen as I went over to her rump and mounted her. My forearms wrapped around her waist as I just held myself still. I closed my eyes, this was it...I was truly going to betray Twilight the moment this happened. But...I had to do this, I had to do anything to try and keep her and everyone I hold dear safe. Taking a deep breath, I shifted my weight as I felt my tip graze at her lower lips, before slowly pushing in.

She was tight, that was for sure, her insides hugging my black horse meat causing me to shudder and moan, a shot of pre shooting into her love tunnel as she shudder and gasped at the feeling. Well...if she wanted it hard and fast, I'll be sure to give it to her! Slamming the rest of the way in, her body was rocked forward as she cried out, her tongue out as she gasped, hearing her cry out 'yes!' as I did so. Pulling out just as fast and slamming back in, I started to rant her with every power and speed I could possible give. My hips slapping onto her upturn ass, the slapping sound of my dick hitting and entering her wet vagina was all that could be heard as I went out of her. My grip tightened, I felt my muscles flex on my legs with each and every thrust, pull and push. I stopped thrusting after a while, grinding my hips to her backside, causing her to shudder and moan as she brought her face to the bed. I grunted as she tightened herself up even more, hearing her chuckle, fucking bitch! My hooves tightened around her hips, when I would have sex with Twilight, I would try and prolong the time we had, but this time, no I wanted it too end right now! going as fast as I possible could, I was granted my wish, already feeling myself getting closer, I held onto her tighter, I felt her shudder under me before she cried out into the air, her tunnel tightened around me as she came once more; as I too moaned, spilling my seed inside of her.

I lost count how many times I shot a load into her, I think maybe twelve, I'm not sure, but my hips jerked with each burst of cum. After a while, I felt myself shudder as I fell off her backside, my cock leaving her hole as cum gushed out a bit, as I fell to my side. Slowly reverting back to my much smaller form, I tried to catch my breath, as my member returned back inside my body. I heard her laugh at me before she came over and lay beside me, I turned away from her, and I hated that grin even more now.

"What? No kiss?" she laughed even more as I stood up with shaking legs and started to leave. "Too bad I wasn't in heat, I'm sure Twilight would be just tickled if she found out I was carrying your child!" shut up, shut up, shut up! I had to get away, I had to go home. When I heard her say no more, I left, I couldn't fly, I wanted to take as long as possible to get home, and when I was outside the forest and could see Ponyville; I broke down.

I shouldn't have done it, I shouldn't have done it! God damn it I'm weak, so fucking weak! Laying on the ground and trying to keep my composer, I slowly got back up to my feet, and made my way back home. Entering the home of my girlfriend, I went upstairs to find her sleeping. I smiled as she spelt, she looked so peaceful...looking into the mirror, I saw myself still as an Alicorn. Closing my eyes, I started to revert back into my human self. Feeling the effect of changing twice take a hold of me, I undressed, leaving only my boxers on as I slipped under the covers with her. I felt her move as she wrapped her hooves around my neck as I looked over at her.

"Love you...Brandon..." my heart sank, but I brushed her hair back and softly kissed her head.

"I love you too...Twilight..." looking up at the ceiling, I tried to fall asleep, soon, my eyelids became heavy, and sleep took me in.

(ALright, i read some of the comment you put on, i like to say thank you, and the reason i put this part in the story is because...well someone pm me sayign they wanted to see this sort of thing, and yes there is a deeper meaning to what will happen later on!)