Pool Fun.

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Michelle decides to indulge her friend's request in teasing her dad, then ends up reaping the consequences.

Michelle giggled, looking over at the substitute teacher with the blue mane, the kitten speaking to her friend Diana.

"Yah, your dad isn't too bad looking..." She listened to Diana respond, smiling widely.

"Eww. He's my dad. Though.. you should tease him a bit." The young feline blushed, not believing what her best friend was suggesting.

"You're saying I should seduce your dad?" The sound of giggles was her answer for a moment, before a deep breath was drawn.

"I'm sure you can stop before it goes too far.. you are close to your heat..." That unpleasant reminder made Michelle blush a bit, folding her ears back. She hated that bit of her body, twice a year her body sung it's fertile intentions to every feline male near her. She paused a moment, and slid in the bluetooth ear peice, speaking softly.

"Can you hear me? I'll start teasing him.. let you know what I'm doing." Michelle nervously strode over to the blue maned lion, he was much bigger up close. She couldn't help herself, the girl's nostrils flared. He smelled so different from the boys in her classes, it was a far muskier and primal smell. "I.. I don't know if this is a good idea Diana.." Her words whispered slightly.

"Oh just have fun you big scaredy cat.." She looked up at the teacher nervously, giving a little wave.

"Hello sir." Her eyes looking into his deep brown ones, they were so deep looking, she felt like she was going to lose herself, she cursed inwardly. This was a bad idea, but she wanted to impress Diana with her self control.

Diana's father looked at her, his voice was deep and soft sounding. "Afternoon miss. Michelle I believe?" She nodded, blushing a little and trying to remember how he knew her name. "My daughter mentioned you had stopped by with her the other night. I hope my snoring didn't bother you." Michelle give a little giggle, shaking her head.

"No sir. you were fine, we didn't even hear you..." That last bit a lie, Diana and herself snuck into his room and glanced at the big lion as he slept nude. "Have you seen her? I haven't seen her in school for the last day or two..." She could hear her friend's giggles in the ear peice.

"She's home currently, she said she feeling a bit warm and didn't want her to get sick or anything." That long tail swayed, catching her attention with the tail tuff ending in that dark blue fur his daughter shared. That was part of her attraction to the lioness, she was different and exotic. "Are you in any classes with my daughter or?"

She shook her head, "No sir, we met out here in the front lawn of the school, and chatted a bit." The large lion nodded, the kitten squirmed a little feeling her groin growing flush with arousal, the longer she stayed near him. Michelle couldn't believe how much better than any of the boys in her classes smelled, and wondered if it was better without his clothes on. a little squeek escaped her muzzle at those thoughts. "She was sort of interested in the gymnastics team sir."

A slow nod was his response, "Yes, she was a little upset she didn't make the cut for the cheerleading squad." He paused his words, extending a large paw which she shook. "Where are my manners? I'm Leonardo by the way." Michelle purred and nodded, speaking up.

"Well I know, I've got her interested in the gymnastics team.. and think she might have a bit more fun there." She heard Diana's voice in her ear, she blushed slightly.

"Why not press your rump against him? could be fun... make him blush and get a squeek out of him." Michelle hissed slightly, trying to figure out how to talk to her friend without anyone knowing she was on the phone.

"I can take her homework to her if you like sir.. it's not that big of an issue. I'd like to help her out the best I can." The young feline stepping over close, shivering slightly at his scent. Carefully, she turned and leaned back against him.

She felt his large form shift nervously against her, and could imagine the thoughts racing through his head. He spoke softly to her, looking down at the feline as she smiled sweetly up at him. "So what classes are you taking currently, if you ever need a tutor, I'm available and have an fairly open schedule..."

A little flick of her tail and she let it bat against his, causing the lion to look at her and shake his head. "Silly." She leaned back against him a bit more firmly, causing the big lion to squeek slightly. "When did I become a leaning post? I don't remember that on my resume..."

Michelle shivered, feeling the lion's paws start to stroke and caress her ears, making her purr out from the attention. Luckily, the motions didn't make the ear peice fall out, and she whispered softly to her friend. "I.. it's getting too risky, I... I need to stop." She could hear him drawing in a breath with her this close, and it was clear she was dangerously close to her heat.

"Come on.. just lean back, grind your rump against him a little.." Michelle blushed brightly, and slowly pressed her rump back against the older male's groin, rubbing slightly. Those paws left her ears, moving to grip her shoulders slightly. leonardo had went to speak, but when she grinded against him all it caused him to do was grunt, and swallow deeply.

"D.. do you like it here Michelle? How long have you been attending?" She felt his hips give a slow roll against her, and the young girl could feel him stiffening in his pants. His paws began to softly massage her shoulder, and she lowered her head slightly before answering.

"yah.. just over a year now sir. I like it.. lots of... friendly people to meet and talk to." Glancing over her shoulder up at him, ears tinged pink with blush. She watched him mouth silently that she was naughty, and that only made it a bit more exciting. Now she knew why her friend Diana enjoyed teasing the adults instead of the students, it was almost like they were doing something far dirtier.

"Enjoying that?" The big lion gesturing to the shoulder massages, Michelle shivered and nodded an affirmative. She could feel Diana's dad starting to roll his hips against her, and smell his growing arousal. That thick virile male scent filled her nose, and it was so potent the young girl wasn't used to it. She gave a shake of her head, purring deep in her belly as if she were trying to clear a fog.

"I think I over did it on the uneven bars earlier.. my shoulders are a bit sore." She looked back and up at the lion, feeling that firm bulge grinding against her rump. He spoke up, so she didn't have to try and figure out what to say yet.

"Ahh, I can't imagine trying to do that. I'm fairly certain I'd fall flat on my face all the time.. you're lucky." She gave a slight giggle and nodded slowly.

"Oh I've fallen sir, but luckily, I normally land on my feet...' She couldn't help but press back agaisnt him, it felt absolutely wonderful with this male grinding against her. A little growl escaped her muzzle when she arched her back, getting it to pop. "I think I may have overdone it slightly today..."

His muzzle was close to her empty ear, he rumbled softly whispering. "Something wrong?" She couldn't help but blush, whispering quietly so only the lion and his daughter could hear her.

"No sir.. not wrong." Michelle could hear Diana purring loudly on the other end as she kept egging her onwards to riskier things.

"COnvince him to soak in the hot tub with you.. bet that'd really make him squirm." The little kitten blushed, hissing for her to be quiet. She spoke up softly, tail slowly flicking side to side.

"I think I should go soak or something." Part of her hoping he'd follow, another part of her telling her to stop this game, it was getting to risky.

"Would you like some company?" The big lion stepped away from her, his paws leaving her shoulders. Michelle gave a soft sigh of relief, that scent fading slightly and allowing her a bit clearer thoughts.

She couldn't deny the fact her groin was soaked, partially from grinding with the big male, but also partially from that scent. "Sure, I think the whirlpool near the swimming pool can seat more than one..."

He gestured to the school, "Alright, Lead the way and I'll join you in there in just a moment." Michelle nodded and hurried inside, allowing the door to close as she hissed into the earpeice.

"Diana! you're trying to get me in a lot of trouble.. and your dad too." A little sigh escaped her muzzle. "He was dry humping me in front of everyone.. thankfully no one noticed." She blushed, not wanting to tell her friend that was pushing back against every stroke cause of how good it made her feel.

"Oh come on. You'll be in the hot tub.. in public area of the school. He wouldn't try anything more risky than maybe a few fondles. You'll be fine, you're far enough out of your heat to resist him." It did make sense to her, she wasn't supposed to go into heat for another week or so, but still something nagged at her.

She had taken her time, grabbing her slutty little swimsuit to cover her small a-cup breasts, and a very tightly fitting bottom that gave her a nicely pronounced camel toe. Stepping into the pool area, she blushed brightly. The lion had definately changed outfits, and was now wearing a very tight, and very showy school swimsuit. It was a bright red thong with the school label on the rump, he tugged at the material a little trying to get it to fit better.

Michelle sucked in a breath, her eyes drawn to the details outlined in the material. The swimsuit dipped down a bit low, showing off the thicker groin fur as it started to turn to a dark blue, matching the lion's mane. That wasn't what got her attention, it was the thick outline of a heavy looking sheath, and a pair of swollen looking testicles. Slowly, she swallowed feeling her groin grow flush with heat between her legs suddenly and ache a little.

The feline suddenly felt a little embarassed, having decided to wear a very skimpy red school swimsuit, the material barely covering her. She watched as Leonardo slipped into the water, a growl escaping his muzzle as she teased him a little. "How's the water?" Carrying her stuff with her, setting it down to te side of the hot tub. She could hear Diana teasing her on the other end of the ear peice.

"It's okay. I think I can handle it." The lion shrugged, she purrs and nods. Slowly she slid into water, listening to Diana's dad grunt as she settled down onto his lap.

"Oops. I'm sorry about that.." She squirmed slightly, his paws gripping her hips and she felt that bulge between his legs pressing against her swimsuit. Michelle blushes slowly rocking her hips against that bulge.

"It.. It's okay." She could feel the male shivering slightly under her, his paws tightening the grip on her hips. Michelle squirmed a little, feeling his muzzle brush against her neck before it opened, clamping down on her neck.

A soft cry escaped her muzzle, those teeth felt wonderful digging into her neck. She gave a soft whimper, almost whispering. "S... sir we shouldn't." The girl arching her back, grinding herself against him instinctively.

The big lion gripped her scruff, giving it a few tugs before he released her muzzle. She listened to his quiet words. "I'm sorry." Michelle felt him still grinding against her, still fairly nervous about doing this so close to her heat.

Quietly she whispered in the air, hoping Diana could hear her. "I.. I really should stop." A little laugh greeted her, echoing in her ear.

"Just relax Michelle.. let him caress and tease you. You admitted it feels good." Michelle had to blush brightly, it did feel good with his paws and muzzle pressing against her slightly. Her ears perked up, listening to him speak.

"Didn't mean to bite your neck like that." She nodded, blushing and squirming as he kept grinding that firm bulge against her rump very slightly.

Michelle gently groans, feeling that bulge rocking slowly against her. She moaned, whispering a little. "It's just that I'm fairly close... I mean you could..." Hoping that he understood what she referred to.

That thick muzzle brushed against her ear, he rumbled deeply, Michelle remembered from classes that lions couldn't purr like she could. "It'd be nice..." Those claws raked along her thighs, making her draw in a deep breath. "You're very beautiful." His voice was quiet and soft, it was almost caressing in tone.

"And you're handsome sir..." The young girl trembling at his touch, she spoke quietly feeling quite nervous. "Someone could come in here.. find us."

Her words were responded to with a soft growl. "So? I don't care..." Michelle could feel his teeth grip her neck once more, making her moan. "You smelled quite nice.. I could tell you were sniffing out front.. did you enjoy my scent?"

Michelle groans, trembling slightly as she spoke softly. "I.. if they caught us, you'd get in trouble sir... oh." She felt his paw gripping her tail, tugging it aside slowly. A little nod, trying to pull away from his muzzle slightly. "Yes sir.. you smelled r.. really good."

The feeling of his paw as it slid up between her legs made her mew weakly, he didn't stop sliding that paw upwards until it pressed against her mound through the swimsuit. She could feel the outline of shaft through her swimsuit, grinding between her rump cheeks. He growled deeply in her ear, making her blush brightly. "Do you care?"

Michelle trembled slightly, she whimpered. "I.. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble. You could go to jail for having sex with a student." The blush spreading along her cheeks, she was fairly certain that if she didn't stop this, she'd be in trouble.

The lion grinned, nipping her neck once more making her cry out in pleasure. His hips slowly rolled against her, fingers stroking and massaging her groin. His voice warmed her ears, sending chills up her spine. "Relax... If anyone came in, all they would see is you sitting on my lap. The bubbling water making it impossible to notice anything." She slowly closed her eyes, pressing back against him, it was getting harder to focus.

The big lion growled in her ear, his muzzle biting on her scruff giving it a little tug. She felt his fingers caressing her mound, making her whine slightly. "Spread your legs a bit wider for me Michelle..."

The girl couldn't help but comply, feeling those teeth gripping her neck, feeling her submissive urges growing stronger. Her young gymnastically toned legs slipped apart for those exploring fingers. It took everything she had not to moan, he shifted her position on his lap, that bulge starting to slip forward. "That's such a good girl..." A large paw cupping her breast, feeling it through her swimsuit.

Michelle let out a gutteral growl, closing her eyes and arching her back against him, a tremble racing through her body. A slight shifting under her feeling the bulge pressing against her mound now. Those fingers gripped her swimsuit, slowly drawing it and making her whine. It was an amazing sensation, he knew what to do having the experience the few boys she played with didn't. Each slow lingering caress made her cry out, whimper with a bit of need. She knew how hot her groin must feel, the water was hot, but she felt even hotter down below.

"Mmm fuck, you feel so hot..." The feeling of that muzzle licking her ear, before drawing it into her muzzle sucking on it. Michelle felt him fumbling under the water behind her, trying to figure out what he was doing. It took a moment, but she realized he was drawing his swimsuit down.

The little feline squirmed, groaning and shuddering as that paw kept teasing her. She arched her back against him, grinding back against him, hearing Diana's voice in her ear. "W.. what's going on? I can hear you two panting and moaning..."

Michelle whined slightly, trying to focus herself and crying out once that big shaft flopped upwards smacking against her mound under the water. It felt big and threatening, she never thought any sort of manhood could be threatening, but it was. It was such an odd sensation, she couldn't see him through the water, but could feel it.

It was big and tapered, as Leonard rocked against her slowly, she whimpered. Very quietly she whispered into the air, hoping Diana could hear her. "He's grinding against me. I... It's so hard to focus." Her ears perking upward, listening as he spoke.

"Ready kitten? Bet you'd love to feel my big virile flesh filling you..." She could feel his index and middle finger spreading her folds. Michelle shook her head, looking back over her shoulder at him, it was clear that the look on her face was a mixture of need and fear.

A paw lifted from the water, stroking her cheek gently coaxing him to look into his eyes. She felt that cocktip nudging her folds, making her freeze in place. Squirming, she kissed him back feeling the other paw cupping her breast firmly. The feeling of his cocktip made her shudder, that tapered cocktip spreading her entrance slowly. She felt a bit of warmth squirt against her walls, gasping for breath.

"H... He's pushing inside me." A quiet whimper, realizing that his cock just pulsed inside her, squirting precum. She gasped feeling more of him sliding inside her, spreading her tight folds. Her words were cut off, Leonardo's muzzle pressing against her own, kissing deeply.

Michelle moaned into the kiss, shivering slightly feeling him pushing deeper into her tight passage. She heard Diana's voice faintly in her ear. "Stop, Michelle you're really close to your heat. You need to get away." Each slow roll of her hips, his own hips rolled against her motions, pushing more of that tapered shaft into her belly. Each thick jet of precum against her walls, made it harder and harder to focus.

The kitten trembled very softly, she let out a soft moan purring as he sunk into her more and more. Her eyes were clenched shut, trying to focus slowly. Every inch of that shaft slowly spread her walls, weakly moaning feeling those soft barbs teasing her walls. It was amazing, just making the feelings of pleasure growing more and more intense.

A soft moan echoed in her ear, there was pleasure in his voice. "F... Feels so good around me." It was so tempting to just give in and let her primal instincts take control. Each thrust pushed that thick hot flesh deeper into her belly, making her moan out for the male inside her. The big lion growled in her ear, rolling his hips until his maleness was buried inside her. Michelle whimpered slightly, he was so deep inside her and felt that tip rubbing against her cervix slightly.

Her paws reached out, gripping the edge of the hot tub and began to roll her hips back to meet his strong movements. She no longer cared if anyone came in, all she wanted was to feel was him mating her. She moaned quietly, speaking softly for Diana to hear. "God he feels so good inside me. He's fucking me..."

The only response she got back was a soft whimper and moan. "I.. I'm sorry." Those words were drowned out by Leonard's voice flooding her ear, making her shudder.

"Mmm, I'm going to try and breed you..." His grip tightened on her hips, she lowered her head slightly, and felt his muzzle clamp down on the back of her neck. His voice was deep and commanding, and his every motion was stroking that thick shaft deep in and out of her passage.

She moaned out, "Oh god no... I'm not ready for kittens..." She knew her words might have said something, but she couldn't deny how her body was reacting to it. Her walls were clenching around his shaft, it felt wonderful and her body was singing it's desire for this powerful male. He was so unlike the boys she knew, strong, powerful and dominant.

His growl was flooding her ears, paws tightening their grip on her hips. "Your body craves it... and do you really want me to stop?" His groin was smacking against her rump, causing the water to churn. Michelle closed her eyes, pushing back against him harder and harder with each thrust, wanting him to keep going.

"I don't know..." The lion growled deep in her ear, his muzzle clamping down on her nape once more, taking it in a rough mating bite. Leaning forward, pushing her upper half out of the water. She felt her small breasts bouncing with each thrust, the water soaking her fur as it splashed.

A light bit of pain stroked through her passage, those barbs stiffening and raking her walls, faint recollections from her schooling echoing in her mind. She knew that those barbs were to help her ovulate, and it reminded her how risky this was. His voice was muffled through her fur, his breathing starting to get ragged. "You know what your body wants..."

Michelle moaned, those barbs causing such a strong sensation overwhelming her. She arched her back, crying out from the pleasure, her climax washing over her like the water washed over in the water in the hot tub.

The big lion above her snarled, thrusting hard as he hilted himself inside her. That swollen head grinded painfully against her cervix, adding to the mixture of her climatic pleasure. She couldn't see, but she knew that his balls were probably drawing tight against his body. Michelle whined slightly, feeling those barbs stiffen and digging into her walls.

A moment later, she felt it throbbing against her walls. Her eyes going wide at the feeling of heat going deeper than she had felt before. She couldn't focus anymore, groaning weakly. Her muscles went weak, and almost collapsed, Leonard's paws gripping her and holding her, the feeling of his rough tongue on her ear made her feel good.

"Oh god..." Those paws stroked along her body, making her shiver. She felt him continuing to empty, not believing how much he was producing. A small part of her prayed that her birth control still worked. It was such an intense heat, made her feel so wonderful though.

His voice was deep, turning her to look into his eyes, those deep brown eyes threatening to lose herself in them. That dark growl made her shiver. "Mine." That single word, made her tail twitch behind her. She could tell that he was staring at her, looking to see if she was going to challenge his words.

She blushed brightly, feeling that lick to her cheekfur and spoke up, taking a few moments to catch her breath. "For now... Until we see if..." Feeling the heat in her face, grateful for the fur covering her muzzle. The grin that filled his muzzle, making her shudder slightly.

"Not if... when." She felt his paw stroking her belly, he continued. "I plan to have you several more times until your beautiful little belly grows heavy with a cub." Michelle moaned lightly, feeling that thick flesh flexing against her walls. He panted in her ear, "Bet you enjoyed that didn't you? A big strong male showing you what it means to be taken..."

A little squirming, she looked at him purring quietly. "I mostly prefer girls but..."

"That's fine. Also... I know most girls take some sort of birth control. If you are..." His voice was deep, that growl echoed in the air slightly. "Stop." It caused her to blush, whimpering a little. He began to slowly stroke her hips, teasingly pulling that thick shaft out of her, barbs raking her walls slightly. It caused her to cry out, whining at the feeling it was different. "Do you understand me? You will stop." He commanded, she nodded slowly, folding her ears back.

"Yes sir..." The paw that rested on her belly, slowly moving down to stroke her clit, causing Michelle to cry out. She felt him thrust forward, causing her to stiffen slightly.

"Would you like another load of my seed deep in your belly again?" The motion arched her back, trembling a little.

"Oh, I don't know if I can take it..." The lion laughed softly, he kept teasing her slightly and gave a growl.

"Oh, just close your eyes... give into that lustful instinct to breed... it's so easy." His muzzle brushing against the back of her neck, giving it a little bite. She allowed him to help her out of the hot tub. He pulled out, causing her to shudder giving a little snarl. Michelle could feel a bit of his seed dribbling from her sore entrance, pulling her swimsuit back to cover her. She looked up at the big lion, ears folded back.

"Mmm I see you aren't ready. I'll just let you savor that feeling of my heat deep in your belly. Look me up when you want to indulge that need once more." Michelle blushed, she looked at the big lion, nodding.

"yes sir.. I... I'll keep it in mind." Shivering a little, feeling quite embarassed, she let him leave the room. She heard Diana after several more moments speak up.

"What happened? Are you okay Michelle?" She giggled slightly, leaning against the wall and stroked her belly with a paw. She spoke up and nodded.

"Yah.. He flooded my belly. God it felt wonderful." Her tail sway slowly behind her a bit, groaning. "It was so big. I can't believe it. I'll call you back later alright?" There was a confirmation, she pulled the ear peice free out and sighed. It had been a rather long session, whining and prayed that her birth control worked.