Special Training Chapter 2

Story by jukesman54 on SoFurry

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#2 of Special Training

_Hey all! Here is the second chapter. _

Contains MHumanxFSquirtle

I had to admit in those next couple of days that I felt awfully strange after I'd done the dirty deed with Ivysaur. You would too if you'd just done the act with one of your Pokemon. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, it just felt...awkward.

Nonetheless, Ivysaur seemed to feel much better after our session. Her normal appetite returned as well as her mood lightening up some. When we went back out to train the next day, her attacks were as clean and crisp as I've ever seen them. I could only shake my head in amazement after she'd used her Razor Leaf to cut an old log into near perfect pieces, my grass type giving me a look of pride after she'd done it.

Happy as I was to see Ivysaur ok, I couldn't help but feel curious to whether my other two Pokemon had known what'd we'd done. I knew that Squirtle and Charizard were close to Ivysaur, having been the ones to help her even when I didn't know what was wrong with her. As I watched them all train, my young mind couldn't help but project certain images in my head involving my fire and water type. What would it be like to...?

No. I can't think like that. Yes, I had sex with my Ivysaur, and I did enjoy it. However, as their trainer, I knew it would be wrong to continue to engage in those sorts of activities as I figured it would affect my future battles and how I'd go about them. I figured if Ivysaur had the same problem again, I'll do the right thing and take her to the Day Care. Helping her would be a one time only thing.

Oh, how naïve I can be...

It was several days later when I decided that my three Pokemon had deserved the day off after all their hard work. Any good trainer knows that even Pokemon need sometimes the best days of training were there wasn't training at all. I considered a big a mental break as I did a physical one.

So it was on this day that I decided to go relax at one of the ponds that dotted the areas around Mt. Silver. If anything, I needed a good soak after being shower less all this time. Yes, I sacrificed personal hygiene sometimes when it came to Pokemon training.

I asked the girls if any of them wanted to join me, though the question was mainly based for Charizard and Ivysaur. I already knew Squirtle's answer. My turtle Pokemon jumped on my head the second she saw me in my sleeveless gray shirt and blue swim trunks, cheering her name in joy at the idea of going swimming. Charizard and Ivysaur, however, seemed to content to just lay around and sunbathe all day in the grass around the cabin. I figured Charizard would also get a good flight in as well before I returned that night.

It took me about ten minutes to reach the small body of water. Squirtle immediately dived in, the splash sending the water flying towards my ankles. I shivered at the cold water as I shook it off. I then removed my shirt before slowly wading in, my body working to adjust. The pond had sort of a small drop after you'd step in, about four or five feet being my guess. This meant that I was waist deep as soon as I got in.

Once I was good, I made sure to run the water around my body, cleansing my skin and removing the evidence of the hard work we'd been putting in. As I did this, I couldn't help but watch Squirtle relaxing on her back. I smiled before turning to sit down, the soft sand at the bottom cushioning me as the water rose to just a few inches below my neck.

It was then that I sighed deeply and leaned back, letting myself relax to the fullest. I tried my best not to think about battling, but it's more difficult than it sounds. What can I say, battling is what I live for.

My ears then picked up the small churning of water around me. I opened my eyes to see Squirtle had decided to join me. She slowly crawled into my lap and rested her head against my chest. I smiled and petted her shell and head out of appreciation.

For a while, the two of us just laid there, enjoying each other's company. Occasionally, I'd see a random Pokemon come out of the woods and drink, but other than that it was just the two of us.

"I don't know about you," I then spoke up. "But this is pretty sweet, huh?"

"Squirtle...," my water type whispered back. She then looked up and stared into my brown eyes with her own. I couldn't help but feel a spark coming from, as well as small red blush having appeared on her cheeks.

I gasped as I realized just how familiar this look was. It was the same as...

Just as my thought was completed, Squirtle pulled herself up before planting a wet one right on my lips. I squirmed a little, but I didn't stop her as she continued. When she pulled back and looked at me again, I could only think of one thing.

Here we go again...

Squirtle kissed my cheek before moving down along my body. "Wait a minute...," I said before I gasped as she put her head under the water and nuzzled my crotch. I froze somewhat as her small hands slowly pulled off my trunks to free my member. I then felt those same soft hands began to stroke my shaft.

However, my eyes had wandered to another area on Squirtle's body. As she continued to stroke my hardening member, her hips and tail swayed from side to side. Beneath her tailhole was a small gap I'd never really noticed before, as a glint of pink protruded from her blue skin. I widened my eyes in amazement as I looked onto my Squirtle's vagina for the first time, it being a little bigger than I thought it'd be.

Curiously, I grasped onto her shell firmly before I slowly brushed a finger against her outer lips, causing Squirtle to shiver in delight. Feeling more confident, I continued to rub her with two digits before she seemed to leak from her vagina. One of my fingers took hold of a drop before I reached it to my nose. I sniffed it, not really getting anything before I then took it into my mouth. Instantly, I felt somewhat refreshed as it tasted just like water from a mountain spring, only slighter sweeter.

By now, Squirtle had taken ahold of my erect member beneath the water and had begun to lightly suck on the tip. Her wide mouth easily took in it's girth as she suckled on it like a lollipop, causing me to moan softly in pleasure. As she suckled, her small hands continued to stroke me around the middle.

Wanting to return the favor, I then grasped her shell firmly and placed my mouth over her lips, allowing my tongue to access her for the first time. Squirtle squirmed in delight as I probed her small walls, able to hit several happy points inside her. All the while, she continued to leak fluid from within her small body, which I happily drank up. If I never drank anything else as cool and crisp, I would die a happy trainer.

Squirtle and I continued to pleasure each other for about thirty seconds or so, our moans getting louder with each one. Her mouth was like heaven to my member, being able to fit at many different angles at a time as she bobbed several times.

However, I didn't realize how sensitive her sex was when her head suddenly burst from the water. She then screamed her name as a torrent of fluids erupted from her sex, nearly making me gag from the amount it really was. I grunted as I drank down as much as I could, letting some of it drool down my mouth.

Squirtle panted hard as I turned her so that she was facing me now. We looked into each other's eyes, and it was clear that we were far from done. However, as I scanned her little body I had slight hesitation. She definitely was smaller than Ivysaur, making me wonder if I could even fit inside her tight little sex.

However, I knew that Squirtle wouldn't take no for an answer, as the look of passion in her eyes was something I just couldn't refuse.

"Ok...let's take this nice and slow...," I said. I then allowed Squirtle to grasp my shoulders as I took hold of her once more. We both then watched as I lowered her and brushed the tip of my penis against her sex, causing us to shiver. Getting a nod of approval, I then slowly eased myself inside my little turtle. To my surprise, it somehow was a pretty snug fit, her walls having been lubricated so well from her previous orgasm.

"Sq...squirtle!" she gasped as her vagina was spread by my girth. We both grit out teeth as I went three more inches inside her before I could go no further. We remained locked as we both waited to adjust.

I couldn't believe how smooth her sex felt on my shaft, yet how wet it felt. I shouldn't have been surprised with her being a water-type. Still, it felt good...really good.

"Wow..." I moaned. I was about to ask her if she was ready, but the smile Squirtle had on her face answered me pretty quickly.

Slowly, I raised Squirtle off my member till only the head was inside before I sent her back down. Squirtle moaned in delight at the feeling. I then slowly repeated, allowing us both of us to feel the amazing pleasure begin to fill our bodies.

My cock quickly became dowsed in Squirtle's juices as I continued to move her up and down. It only made going inside her wet pussy even easier under the water. The water ripped around us as we continued.

"Squirtle...squirtle...squirtle!" the water type cooed, her body shaking in ecstasy.

"Yeah...this feels really good...," I replied. She reached towards me with her little arms. I returned the favor by leaning in towards her and giving her a kiss on her blue lips. We made out passionately as I continued to make love to her, sending the little turtle to a place she never thought possible as well as my own.

After another minute, I soon began thrusting up into my little turtle slowly as I moved her down simultaneously, causing her to scream in delight. Squirtle leaned her head back with her tongue hanging from her mouth, letting me have complete control. I grinned widely as I went as deep inside her as I dared, bouncing against her cervix each time.

Squirtle and I continued for another couple minutes before our eventually climaxes approached. Squirtle began shaking harder and harder, before she finally screamed her name as her pussy clamped down on me one last time. I grunted as she coated my penis with more of her inner fluids under the water, gasping in surprise.

I then grasped Squirtle as hard as I dared as I gave her five more hard and deep thrusts before I forced my cock in as far as I could, nearly brushing my balls against her tail. I gasped as my shaft filled her pussy with my hot seed. Small streams of fluid leaked from her vagina as we rode out our explosive orgasms together.

Squirtle fell back against my chest as we both panted from exhaustion. I felt my penis soften before I weakly pulled her off it and freeing her once more. I felt her crawl up my body and kiss my cheek in thanks.

I chuckled before holding her in the small pool. "Guess we need another bath, huh?"

"Squirt," she replied happily.