Tales of the Bounty Hunter: Intrigue

Story by Siyra on SoFurry

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Parched and cracked earth... the lone tumbleweed... the harsh wind that kicks up a thick cloud of orange dust... the tell-tale shimmer of heat waves making the far off horizon ripple sinuously. All these were the signs that one had entered the desert, that they had left civilization behind. Indeed, it was a broken, unforgiving landscape, undisturbed save for the wind, or the errant scurry of a creature to its burrow, seeking to avoid the noonday's sun.

That was about to change.

With a loud clatter of tracks, a vehicle emerged from the storm, shaking off layers of dust as it jerked and hissed towards the settlement on the plain below: a collection of large and small domes settled amidst the gleaming metal and green grid work of farms and irrigation pipelines. It was a large vehicle as vehicles went: house sized, shaped like a rectangle whose top half was pulled forward until its sides were at forty five degree angles, and then mounted onto four tank tracks - each themselves about as tall as a man's waist.

The settlement only realized that it was under attack when the vehicle crashed into the circular retaining wall - and went straight through it, leaving deep tracks in the soft farmland. Pipes were rolled over, bent, precious water left to gush unchecked into the earth. Farmers scattered like reeds - some running for cover, others running for a weapon. Paying them no heed, the vehicle continued plowing through the settlement: domes were smashed as farm folk scattered like ants, a trail of destruction visible from up above as the vehicle rolled towards the centre of the settlement.

The vehicle approached the largest dome in the settlement. Unlike the other domes, it was robustly constructed: a two storey structure that featured a stairway leading up to a pair of double doors. The building itself was overshadowed by a tall statue of the previous mayor - which the vehicle plowed through merrily, collapsing it. And, with a rumble, the vehicle stopped and went silent.

Faces appeared in the windows of those dwellings that survived as the vehicle simply sat there in the street; a motley group of farmers, led by the town's sheriff scrambled up the stairs with their rifles and their pistols, taking up firing positions. The farmers looked uneasily amongst themselves as the sheriff, a grizzled old bear, walked up to the vehicle with his badge in hand.

"Open up! In the name of the law!" he called, rapping on the front plate of the vehicle with one large paw.

Suddenly, there was the sound of heavy machinery, and the vehicle's prow opened up like a crocodile's mouth: a ramp unfolding and causing the sheriff to jump back to the foot of the stairs. The farmer shifted uneasily again as all sorts of weird, mechanical sounds emerged from the gullet of the vehicle - then something emerged: a thick cluster of barrels with rotary gear mounted upon its base.

Everyone could recognize a weapon when they saw one.

The sheriff barely had time to yell, "Get DOWN!" before the weapon opened fire with the sound of ripping cloth, only amplified to earsplitting; spewing flame, it stitched a neat series of holes at waist height through the double doors leading into the dome, blew holes in the stonework of the stairway and sent the poor farmers scattering. One unlucky soul was caught by the hail of bullets and slumped lifelessly against the stairs, his blood running in rivulets. People screamed into the sea of noise as the weapon swept the stairs clean with its thunder; any remaining farmers had long since fled, whilst the sheriff hugged the dirt, holding onto his hat and silently praying.

Then, finally, the weapon wound down to a halt, its barrels glowing red. With the sound of gears grinding, it retracted into the gullet of the machine, whilst faces once again began to appear at windows - now that the immediate danger had passed.

The sheriff looked up to see a group of figures exit the machine through the forward ramp; heavily armed figures, with energy rifles and high tech armored vests and visors. They also wore wide brimmed hats which protected them from the sun. The figures fanned out, encircling the machine but keeping their weapons at the ready, whilst the final occupant strolled out, trailing a thin wisp of smoke from the cigarette it held in one hand.

A silver vixen.

She was clad in form fitting leathers over which rested a snug armored jacket. Expensive aviator's sunglasses were perched atop her slender muzzle, hiding her eyes, whilst her rose red lips were curled in an almost mischievous smile. Heavy boots completed her ensemble, and it was one of these that she calmly rested atop the sheriff's head, pushing his face back down into the dirt.

"Good day, citizens," she said, addressing what few town folk were visible in a clear, strong tone. "I'm here to make a deal." And then, the armored figures flicked the safeties off of their rifles with an ominous whine.

* * *

Selene squinted at her poker hand. The trio opposite her; a badger, a greyhound, a raccoon, shifted uneasily as she 'hummed' and 'hawwed' at her hand, her red tail flitting lazily. In between the quartet was a large stack of chips and credit sticks - the equivalent of five hundred credits. The badger was quite stoic, the red vixen noted - he was the one to keep an eye on. The greyhound was rather nervous looking and the raccoon was simply shaking his head in defeat.

"All right," the badger finally said, meeting Selene's eyes briefly. "Call it."

The raccoon sighed, tossing his hand onto the table; "Two pair."

The greyhound barked in glee, also tossing down his hand; "Straight!"

Selene kept her eyes on the badger, who glanced at the greyhound and, for the first time that she could remember since the game started, cracked a thin smile as he calmly laid down his hand.

"Full house," he drawled.

The other two groaned and sighed; the raccoon cursed and the greyhound stared at his hand mournfully. The badger glanced to Selene, lifting an eyebrow expectantly. The vixen just grinned, before laying out her hand for her partners to see.

Her hand, plainly displayed, was four of a kind.

The badger scowled, whilst the greyhound and the raccoon groaned again. Selene snickered, gathering up the pile of chips and sticks, shuffling it into her pack.

"It's been a pleasure gaming with you gentlemen," the vixen offered casually as she zipped her pack up, and then rose from her seat. The greyhound was mumbling something incoherently, whilst the raccoon simply kept shaking his head; the badger just clucked his tongue.

"There'll be another time, Selene. We'll catch up," he said with a lazy shrug of his shoulders and a glance to his compatriots. The group was signaling for the bartender as the red vixen pushed through the doors of the saloon, and out into the blazing sun.

Selene adjusted her hat to provide the maximum amount of shade, before shouldering her pack. It was a long walk back to the Guild Hall, located at the centre of town, and the vixen sighed, glancing up and down the parched street. The vixen frowned as she saw the commotion that, from her angle, looked as if it were in front of the Hall. She didn't do anything too terrible lately, the vixen mused as she began walking down the dusty street, the brow of her hat tipped low to conceal her eyes from the sun.

By the time she approached, she could see that it was a full fledged mob of farmers, some holding placards, others just chanting. The vixen strained her ears to listen to the shouts.

"Give us protection!" the mob was shouting in unison, thrusting their placards skywards to punctuate their statements.

"The Guild's nothing more than money grubbing thieves! Taking our credits and leaving us provincials to suffer the indignity of attacks!" screeched an elderly wolf, pointing her cane at Transk as he stood behind a wall of security personal, his face an impassive mask.

"Our daughters, our sons have been taken and you're the only ones who can help!" cried a tall lion, shaking his fist furiously. "And all you can do is charge us?!?!"

Selene made a face, listening to the shouts, before she ducked into a side street that would take her to one of the side entrances to the Hall. Inside the large hall, moderators were milling around in confusion, and the muffled shouts of the mob outside could clearly be heard. Dropping her back into one of the couches intended for people waiting to hire a bounty hunter, Selene sauntered over to the door, where she met Transk now entering the building, and shutting the tinted door on a sea of angry faces.

"What's going on?" the bounty hunter asked. "Isn't the Sheriff's department supposed to be able to take care of this?"

"It would help," Transk said, "if the sheriffs weren't out there too. We've been called on to aid them, in light of recent events. However, Guild policy says that we can't take a job without some kind of payment, so..."

Selene rolled her eyes as she replied, "Yeah, we can't. It's in the colonial charter. Why are they arguing it?"

"In light of recent events," Transk said again.

"What recent events? I've been enjoying a little R&R after the last assignment you handed me," the bounty hunter responded, resting her hands on her hips.

Transk waved her towards a seat. "You remember the case before that?" he asked.

Selene made a face. "Yeah; the one where that Clara wolf hired me to rescue her kidnapped sister from that silver vixen. What's that got to do with anything?" The vixen remained standing, taking a hold of the back of the chair.

In response, Transk fished out a data pad from his pocket and tossed it onto the table. Selene lofted an eyebrow as the moderator began to explain.

"Several days ago, one of the settlements out in the provinces was attacked by a large, tracked machine. It came in from the desert." Reaching out, he flicked the pad on.

"It seemed to be operated by a gang of some kind; nobody had heard of the like before. Normally most gangs run around on cybersteads; the actual use of a vehicle is... unusual, to say the least."

Selene picked up the pad whilst the moderator explained, glancing over the information displayed. "And they've hit two other settlements since? They've been busy. What about the law enforcement?"

Transk shook his head. "Each settlement had only one sheriff attached. Remember, these are out in the provinces. The gangs do attack are usually driven off by the town militia."

"Huh," said the vixen, still continuing to scan through the pad. "They're heavily armed too, if these eyewitness accounts are to be believed."

Transk nodded. "So far, only settlements bordering the Andur desert have been attacked. And each case was the same: they came in from the desert, smashed their way in, and then took all the children away."

Selene frowned; "All the children?"

The moderator nodded; "All of them."

"That's highly unusual. Did they say what they wanted?"

And again, the moderator nodded. "They wanted the Guild to be held accountable for its recent actions. Which is why there's a mob outside; they want us to turn out in force and meet this gang head on. Either barter back the kids, or destroy the gang, some how."

"But why?" the vixen asked with another roll of her eyes. "What have we done?"

Transk reached over and scrolled the data on the pad, before pointing at one line. "Apparently the silver you brought in..."

"...They want her back," Selene finished, staring at the indicated line. "Huh."

"That's correct," the moderator responded, turning to glance out of the doors to the gathered mob. "Ultimately, it's in the hands of the higher ups."

Selene nodded. "That it is." The red vixen glanced out of the door as well, and then retrieved her pack, shouldering it. "But, we may as well get a heads up on things," she finally, if not reluctantly, said.


Selene chuckled at the nonplussed look on the moderator's face. "I'm going to have a talk with the other silver. I didn't even catch her name, the last time." And, with a shrug and a smile, the red vixen walked to one of the nearby elevators.

* * *

The Guild Hall holding area was, unlike the rest of the building, fairly state of the art. Selene stepped through an energy field shielded archway, a field that only granted her access after an eye scan. The holding area itself was rectangular shaped. At one end was the field that protected the stairway leading up; the other end held a room intended for interrogation. There were twelve cells also located here, on either side of the area; all save one were empty, the prisoners having been collected by those that paid the bounty on. Each cell was a simple affair: a bunk, a sink and a toilet, protected by a cage door with an electric lock.

Selene passed underneath the roving eye of a security camera set into the ceiling, approaching the fourth cell on the right. The silver vixen sat in there, leaned up against the wall and reading some book - Selene didn't catch the title as the vixen put it aside on hearing footsteps. The silver vixen grinned when she saw who it was.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the bounty hunter come to check in on her little jail bird," the vixen said in quite the sardonic tone as she slipped to her feet and approached the cage door. "Did you miss me so much that you actually had to *check* up on me?"

The bounty hunter smirked, pulling her identification from a pocket of her vest and waving it at the door; the door clicked open, and Selene pulled it open the rest of the way. "Out," the hunter ordered.

Silver stepped out of the cage, raising her hands. "Did the person who placed that *terrible* bounty on me finally come to collect?" she cooed, as Selene drew a pair of cuffs from her belt, and then cuffed the left wrist.

"Actually, I wanted to get some answers on something," the bounty hunter said as she drew the vixen's hand down and behind her back, before drawing its twin next to it; Selene then snapped the remaining cuff in place, then marched the vixen forward, towards the interrogation room.

"Answers?" the silver asked as she walked with the red vixen's guidance. Selene nodded.

"Answers," she confirmed. "This will go better if you co-operate, naturally."

The last, added with a grin, made the silver flatten her ears and utter a low, warning growl. "Hey. I have rights, even as a prisoner, you know," she grumbled as Selene pushed her through the door and into the interrogation room. Her ears flattened even more at the sight of the room: it consisted largely of a desk, with two chairs on opposite end. One was a comfy armchair, obviously intended for the interrogator. The other... well, it resembled an old fashioned electric chair. It was made out of steel, and constructed in such a fashion that the silver felt discomfort just by looking at it - and she hadn't even sat in it yet! Steel clamps were affixed to the arms and legs of the chair, in the perfect position to keep arms and calves pinned in place. The back of the chair was also covered in little studs - they were blunted, but seemed to serve little purpose beyond increasing discomfort. And underneath the chair was a large grey box, with wires leading off of it and underneath the table - where they emerged upon the other side, leading to a remote that was mounted on the interrogator's side.

Selene grinned upon noting the skew of the silver's ears, and then stepped behind her. "That's right, you do have rights," the red said as she began unlacing the silver's jumpsuit. "However, in special cases, a bounty hunter can legally interrogate a prisoner to obtain information - once no permanent harm comes to said prisoner of course."

The silver mumbled something. "I suppose I'll have to play a 'nice girl', then? And what *are* you doing?"

Selene finished unlacing the top of the silver's jumpsuit; the flaps fell down, forward and back, exposing her breasts to the cold air. The silver shivered and gritted her teeth to keep from chattering as Selene stooped and neatly tugged the lower half of the jumpsuit to around the silver's ankles, whereupon she pushed the vixen forward, making her step out of them. "Getting you prepared, naturally," was the witty response as the bounty hunter straightened, then guided her over to the steel chair.

"We'll start with something simple," Selene said as she pressed both hands to the silver's shoulders and guided her to sit in the chair. A dull snap accompanied the cuffs being undone, and the silver brought her wrists forward, rubbing them as Selene sauntered over to the other chair and draped herself in it. "What's your name?"

"Sofia," the silver answered, keeping her back ramrod straight. "Sofia Tharesh." Selene nodded.

"Good, good. Now, what can you tell me about your slave ring?"

The silver blinked, and then smirked slightly. "Oh. It's about *that* is it?" She crossed her arms across her naked chest and started to lean back - then jerked forward as she felt the studs brush her back.

Selene nodded. "Yes. That. See... seems there's more to this ring than meets the eye." She propped her chin underneath the fingers of the left hand, studying the silver vixen detachedly.

"There might be. What brings it out of the blue so?" Sofia asked all business.

Selene smirked. "Well. Obviously you'll need some persuasion to be less mouthy." And, reaching out, she touched a switch on the remote.

Suddenly, a binder folded from behind the chair and locked around Sofia's waist, pulling her back against the studs. "Hey! What kind of chair is this?" Sofia cried out as she struggled against the restraint. Being of steel, it didn't move naturally, and it pinned the vixen's arms to her side - and, in turn, forced them to rest on the arms, whereupon the binders there, accompanied by the ones on the legs, also snapped shut.

Selene giggled at the reaction. "Well, I told you to co-operate, and if you misbehaved, you'd get punished." Taking up the remote, the bounty hunter leaned back against her chair and casually crossed her legs. "Now... tell me about this organization."

The bound vixen gritted her teeth and flattened her ears. "No," she said firmly.

Selene sighed mock exasperatedly. "Then I guess I'm just going to have to continue," the vixen responded, again playing with the buttons of the remote. From the box underneath the chair, a long thin rod unfolded. The rod was obviously metal, with about three inches of its tip fatter than the rest of it; the three inches also bore blunted nubs of metal. Angling itself, it began to press between the silver vixen's thighs - at which her eyes widened.

"Ee! What the hell's that?" she growled, the metal of the chair creaking as she squirmed in an effort to escape the tip of the rod. It was a hopeless struggle and she knew it; soon, the rod was kissing her lower lips, and then slowly prying them apart, to push into her body proper. Sofia's head lolled back against the headrest and she keened as the metal pushed into her. It was not a painless process - she was dry, and she could feel those little nubs dragging like fingernails against her delicate flesh, finally coaxing a scream from the vixen.

"Agh! Nng..." she panted as, finally, the rod stopped, with just those three inches buried within her. Selene watched as the silver panted, her body tense from the over stimulation of her sex. Once the silver recovered her breath, the bounty hunter smiled.

"The organization?" she casually inquired. Sofia winced, and then gritted her teeth.

"No," the silver vixen muttered, and then gritted her teeth. Selene frowned, and then gently shook her head.

"Tsk tsk... it's not as if the information is going to benefit you any," the bounty hunter said as she thumbed another control. There was a dull crackle, and Sofia screeched - the nubs kissing her inner folds discharged a jolt of electricity, causing her muscles to tighten again, involuntarily. And, just as quickly as it came, the jolt left and Sofia slumped within her restraints, panting softly.

"Bitch," the silver vixen mumbled, drawing a grin from Selene.

"I wouldn't refer to the person holding the remote that," the red vixen responded - again in a casual tone. "Now... tell me about the organization?"

Sofia gritted her teeth. "I can't," she muttered, drawing a protracted sigh from the bounty hunter.

"Keep in mind... you're only hurting yourself more," Selene admonished the vixen as she touched another button. This time, the shock was stronger and longer, and Sofia screeched and writhed, her fur standing on end as the electrical current washed throughout her body. When it passed, Sofia slumped against the binders encircling her with a groan, her head hanging limply as she drew in shuddery breaths.

Selene watched the vixen as she set the remote upon the table, and then shifted to get a little more comfortable. "I can keep this up all day," the red vixen said, "but if you'll just tell me about your organization, then things will go much more pleasant."

Sofia sucked in another breath through her teeth. "Mmph... What... is it that you wanted to know?" she panted.

Selene smiled. "Let's start at the beginning," she said as she leaned forward expectantly.

"Well..." the silver vixen began sardonically, "...first there was the Big Bang..."

The bounty hunter smirked, and touched a control on the remote. The silver's voice cut off as jolts of electricity coursed through her body, causing her to writhe and jerk uncontrollably as pulse after pulse of electricity flowed through her veins. Selene held the button down for longer this time, before finally releasing; the silver slumped into her chair, her whiskers emitting faint sparks as the last embers of the charge fled her form.

"Nng..." Sofia groaned, barely able to lift her head. "All... right... I give... I'll tell you what you want to know," she panted.

Selene smiled. "Good. Now we're getting somewhere. From the beginning..?"

"The organization is called the Silver Talon," the silver vixen finally began. "It's a multi-star system corporation that deals in the... acquisition of people to train them as pleasure slaves. Once the training's finished, they're then sold on the black market; naturally, catering for the buyers specific tastes."

Selene made a face. "That's... disgusting. I suppose that's how you got to know Eric?"

Sofia's eyes flashed with... something, at the mention of that name, but she nodded regardless. "That's correct. I took him as a boy, and groomed him to be my servant." The vixen smirked slightly. "Had the same idea for you, but..." she weakly shifted her hands within her binds and sighed, "...well, look where that got me."

The bounty hunter snorted. "All right... so, who runs the corporation?"

"A board, obviously. All silver vixens." Sofia smirked. "No doubt why there's a bounty on me, eh?"

Selene blinked. "You're one of the owners? And the other vixen is one, too? How many of them are there?"

"That, I don't know. I only know the other." By now, the silver vixen was grinning lopsidedly. "No doubt she's upset that I'm locked up. Am I being ransomed?"

Selene nodded, drawing a smirk from the silver. "I wondered when they'd get around to doing that," Sofia said.

The bounty hunter narrowed her eyes, and touched a control on the remote. "Your confidence is a bit too high for my tastes," Selene said, watching as the silver braced in anticipation. Only this time, there was no shock; instead, Sofia squealed as the rod buried within her folds began to push deeper, her body arching against the binder trapping her against the chair back.

"Agh! I told you what you wanted to know, stop it!" she cried out, her hips squirming and slapping against the sides of the chair.

Selene smiled as she touched another control; Sofia's eyes widened as the rod began to twist in a corkscrew motion, even as it dug deeper into her body. "I'm actually enjoying this," the red vixen mused, watching as the silver squirmed and whimpered, shaking her head from side to side as the little nubs dug into her flesh, leaving it throbbing with friction.

"Oh Goddess, enough, I told you what you wanted to know!" Sofia cried out, trembling violently within the chair's grasp. Chuckling, Selene touched another control, and the rod stopped its motion; Sofia slumped again, whimpering as she felt her abused flesh pulsing in the aftermath of the rod's movement.

"There must be more. After all, if you're one of the owners, then you should know a fair bit, hm? Tell me about this other one," Selene said.

"I told you... I don't know any more... all our orders come through holonet..." Sofia whined, shutting her eyes.

"Holonet? That's expensive, even for this backwards planet..." Selene mused. "And there's nothing more you can tell me?"

Sofia lifted her head; it was an effort, and it left the poor vixen trembling. "No..." she panted, "nothing else."

Selene sighed. Well, it had been worth a try. The red vixen stood, and then walked over to an intercom unit, mounted beside the door. "I need a guard to clean up a mess in the cells," she said on hitting the toggle. After a glance to Sofia, however, the red vixen added, "Preferably a male guard," with a wry smile.

Sofia managed to get out one last, "Bitch!" before Selene closed the door on her.

* * *

Two days passed, before the higher ups finally gave in to the town's demands, and mobilized all available bounty hunters. During that time, Selene had been busy; she'd been using the Guild's computer systems to scan for, and track any holonet transmissions near the location of the attacked settlements. It was on the beginning of the third day that the computer finally spat out a location; roughly in the middle of the Andur desert; a harsh, inhospitable landscape filled with treacherous sands, and even more dangerous creatures, such as the feared sand dragon. On bringing her information to the Guild, the moderators instructed her to recon the area, and find out exactly what was lying out there. It was going to take some time for the Guild to be able to mobilize all of its Hunters, and more to the point, the Guild didn't want them walking in unprepared.

It was a three day trip from the Guild Hall to the outer settlements; Selene chartered a cyberstead from one of the ranchers she was playing poker with, and rode out to the last settlement to be attacked. The settlement was a disaster area, when she arrived. Selene counted at least several buildings that were plowed through and then left to collapse, burying the occupants and their possessions. Assuming there were any occupants left after whatever it was had rolled through.

Selene followed the trail of damage, visibly aware of the silence; save for the whistle of the wind, there was no movement. Windows were shuttered and boarded up, doors were closed - and presumably locked from within. The only doors that were not closed were those of the central administrative dome.

Three people stood in the remains of the doorway.

The bounty hunter dismounted from her 'stead and approached the trio, tossing back the hood of her cloak to reveal her features. Her eyes flicked across the group from left to right - the squirrel standing on the left was dressed in an ill fitting business suit that, to add insult to injury looked fairly well slept in as well. The bear to the forefront of the trio was obviously the local sheriff, whilst the wolf on the right was attired similarly to the squirrel.

"You got a lot of guts showing up here," the bear growled as Selene started up the stairs, gingerly picking her way around the large holes punched into the stonework.

"I'm here to help, however," the vixen said. "I won't keep too much of your time."

"Tch," the bear spat; Selene paused and glanced down at the spittle at the next stair in sequence. She decided to remain where she was for now. "And what can you do?" the bear then asked.

Selene shrugged. "What I can," she answered, meeting the bear's stare flatly. "Won't be easy, and what assistance you can give would be appreciated."

The squirrel on the right piped up. "Y-you're going after th-them?" he squeaked, to which the bounty hunter nodded.

"I am."

The bear peered at her. "By yourself?"

Selene nodded again. "That's correct."

The wolf shook his head. "You're fucking insane... haven't you looked around?"

"I have. And I also made my choice. The Guild is going to intervene, and I have a task to do - and I will do it with, or without your help."

The wolf began to add something, but the bear held up one scarred hand to silence him. "They went back out into the desert," the bear said. "You won't be able to find them out there, unless you take one of the sandsailers. You know how to operate one?"

"I can learn," the red vixen said. "Show me."

The bear nodded. "Go to the edge of the settlement. You'll find a dock there. Ask for a man named Harris; tell him you have my authorization to take a sandsailer out." He pursued his lips and furrowed his brow. "I wish you luck, bounty hunter. You're going to need it."

Nodding her thanks, Selene turned, headed back down the stairs and headed to the edge of the settlement.

It didn't take her long to find Harris - and even less time to learn how to use the sandsailer. A sandsailer was little more than a mast, and a web of fabric stretched across a framework supporting a pair of pontoons - each pontoon contained a hover generator that allowed the craft to float several inches off of the ground itself. Selene soon found out why cybersteads couldn't be used out here - the sands of the deep desert were treacherous, with sand dunes that shifted rapidly underfoot, behaving very much like the waves upon on an ocean's surface. Nothing could live out there... which made it the perfect place to hide.

A parching wind kicked up clouds of dust, and would have blinded Selene were it not for the goggles the vixen was wearing. The wind caught the sailer's mast, filling the air with the sharp crack of suddenly taut fabric; the sailer boosted forward, launching off of the top of a dune, before bouncing on its hover field atop the swirling, shifting sand.

They were out here, somewhere.

The red vixen checked her compass. According to the track she'd made, the transmissions were directed from orbit to this area. It still left a lot of ground to cover, alas. But, according to Harris, when the group had left town, they had traveled in a southerly direction - heading straight for the deep desert. Assuming her luck held...

There. The portable magnetic scanner on her belt pinged, and Selene squinted through the lenses of the scratched goggles. Barely visible through rippling heat waves and kicked up sand was an outline; a long and very large outline. It wasn't a building, Selene was fairly sure of. A ship, then?

Details could soon be made out; yes, a ship. Its lines hinted at naval vessels of the past: a sharply angled prow, and a rounded stern, with a superstructure located amidships. The only difference was that this ship was mounted on tank tracks; massive, wide tracks that were each larger than the sailer she was riding, with their broad surface distributing the weight of the vehicle evenly, so as to prevent it from sinking into the sands. The tracks, for all their size, were very quiet; just a low rumble that, from a distance, could be taken as thunder. And for those that ventured too close... well, Selene counted several large caliber cannon, two mounted forward and one rear mounted, along with several smaller cannon ringing the bridge.

So far, it did not seem as if she had been detected. The ship was slowly moving, its tracks churning up sand as it skimmed along - Selene's smaller craft was faster, and the wind brought her right next to the large vessel. Which brought its own slew of problems; as she got closer, the large amount of sand churned up by the tracks was too thick to see through... not to mention it threatened to wreck the sailer and throw the red vixen to the hungry sands below.

Selene pulled back on the ropes, bleeding the wind from the sail and dropping her speed as she angled the sailer away from the nearby track. The vixen wiped her brow; it was hot and clammy, and the dust sticking to her was making things even more miserable. There was no choice then, the vixen thought to herself; no ladders or gantry ways to navigate over to... only a guard rail on the deck of the ship above. The vixen tugged her grapple free of her belt, and adjusting the sail so that the wind caught it with a sharp crack again, she let the sailer get ahead of the ship.

This was going to be tricky, Selene thought as she gently steered the craft so that its nose pointed towards the nearby track. Straight at it, actually; the ship was now moving towards her, or rather, she was moving straight towards it. Selene tied off the steering stick so that the sailer wouldn't deviate from her course, then stood up as she let her grapple unravel between her fingers. She began swinging the strong cord, the hook on the end gleaming in the sun as the land ship rumbled closer and closer. The vixen could see the sand being sucked underneath the heavy weight of the tread, and this close, the rumble of the machinery itself could be felt pulsing through the air.

Then, the moment came. Just as the tread was coming down on the sailer, Selene threw her grapple. The hook whistled through the air, then snagged on the railing; one loop, two loops, before the hook finally caught. Activating the winch on the grapple, Selene levered herself up - just as the sailer was crushed with an ear splitting sound of wood and electronics. The vixen dangled, watching the pieces of the sailer as they were sucked almost instantly below the sand, shaking her head. Now there was a waste of two hundred credits, she thought as she began to climb, hand over hand.

The deck vibrated under her feet as she swung herself up and over, landing as silently as a cat. There was no one around, surprisingly. Perhaps they figured that they wouldn't need any guards, given how deep in the desert they were. Selene rewound her grapple and stowed it on her belt, before sliding her weapon from its thigh holster. It was a bulky, intimidating weapon; its bore was nearly an inch wide, and a banana shaped clip underneath gave her plenty of ammunition. It also came with a long silencer attachment; this, Selene slid from her belt and screwed onto the tip of the gun, whilst she kept an eye out for danger. Her cloak was the last thing to go - no need to hinder her movement, after all.

The first thing, thought Selene as she shot a glance over the railing, was to secure a means of escape. And that meant finding whatever vehicle they used to transit between their base and the settlements on the desert's edge. And that meant finding a way inside the ship without being detected. Selene slid herself along the smooth metal surface of the ship's superstructure, until she came to a hatch. It was fairly standard as hatches went; a wheel at the centre to keep the door locked. The vixen took a hold of the wheel, and then began to spin it slowly. It spun smoothly, allowing for the hatch to be opened.

Selene peeked around the hatch's edge. The corridor beyond was empty and dimly lit; only a row of orange light banks in the ceiling. The vixen pushed her goggles up onto her forehead as she stepped into the corridor, pulling the hatch closed behind her. She double checked her weapon, before proceeding down the corridor, one step at a time. There were other hatches leading off of this corridor; most of them stood open. From one of them, she could hear the dull sound of a whip cracking across flesh.

The vixen made a quick check of the rooms before the room which the sound of the whip had drifted out of; they were empty, save for a table and two chairs. They also looked fairly unused - there was a fine layer of dust over the furnishings. The room where the sound had come from, however, wasn't empty.

There was a large ring in this room, suspended from the ceiling by a large, dark and very sturdy looking chain. It allowed the ring to spin on its vertical axis. The ring was thick, at least a meter, and its inner surface was covered by a series of gold lines that, to Selene's eyes, resembled the lines of circuitry upon a computer board. However, she wasn't so intent on the lines that she missed what was in the ring.

The skunk panted, eyes shut, spread eagled by the manacles anchored to the inside of the ring. Behind her was a large wolf, dressed in a dark jumpsuit; he had only one eye, his left being covered by a patch. In his hand was a whip, which he cracked smartly across the skunk's back; she yelped and writhed helplessly against the manacles' cold grip. Selene could see where the metal had rubbed the poor skunk's wrists raw.

In front of the skunk was another wolf. This one was female, but attired similarly; she was wearing a thick glove that looked distinctly familiar to Selene. And, her fears were confirmed when the female cupped the skunk's exposed sex, with the distinctive crackle of an electrical discharge being heard - accompanied by a pained whimper from the helpless skunk. When the female pulled her hand back, grinning cruelly, the thin layer of fur covering the skunk's mound was standing on end, crackling with the remaining electricity. There were an array of tools and toys on the nearby table, spread upon a black cloth - the female wolf selected a small bottle of shaving cream and a brush and upon kneeling again, she deftly began to apply the cream, painting it liberally across the skunk's mounds, across her folds.

The skunk whimpered something, but it was too soft for Selene to hear; it earned a cruel leer from the wolf behind the skunk and he reached around to cup, and then roughly squeeze one of her breasts. The stiff nipple peeked out from between his fingers as the skunk arched with a gasp; a heavy weight was laced through the pink flesh, gravity dragging it, and the nipple downwards until the flesh began to pale from the strain. The wolf bent his head to whisper something into the skunk's ear; she shook her head and he grinned, rolling his hips against her backside.

The female wolf, on the other hand, had finished covering the poor skunk's mound with shaving cream; picking up a razor, she grinned, and as the skunk began to whimper something imploringly, began to neatly shave with long, clean and sweeping strokes along the front of the girl's pelvis.

Selene gritted her teeth. She wanted to intervene... but, she couldn't draw attention to herself. Steeling herself, she slipped past the doorway where the trio were occupied, and then slipped into the hatchway beyond.

Unseen over her head, a camera silently rotated on its tripod, its glassy eye tracking the bounty hunter.

* * *

On the bridge of the Acheron, the silver vixen studied the various camera displays. The centermost screen displayed the vixen bounty hunter as she deftly navigated through the corridors of the ship, then hid behind an open hatch as a pair of fennec guards strolled by, commenting about the latest batch of prisoners.

"Is this the one?" she asked, turning to the slender figure standing next to her. The figure gave a brief bob of its head in response.

"As the reports indicated, she's good," the silver said, reaching out to toggle to another camera. The bounty hunter came into view again; she grabbed onto the pipes running along the ceiling and hauled herself up - just as one of her raccoon guards peeked into the room.

"She's a threat to the organization however," the figure grated out, leaning against the console; dark green eyes regarded the silver; she pursued her lips and nodded.

"That, I can agree with. She caught Sofia after all... But how do you want us to handle it?"

The dark green eyes narrowed in thought. "Killing her would be too easy. Making her disappear, however..."

The silver vixen grinned. "Ah. That I can do. I'm sure my guards won't mind another plaything.

The figure chuckled and nodded. "Then, Avalon, I leave it in your capable hands, mm?"

Avalon grinned once more. "No problem." Her smile disappeared. "But what if something should go wrong?"

The silver vixen couldn't see it, but she could sense the figure's smile. "Don't worry," the figure said, waving one gloved hand dismissively. "I do have contingency plans."

Avalon nodded, as she turned back towards the bank of screens, toggling yet another camera. The figure returned its attention to the screens as well. "How are you planning to capture her, however?" it asked.

The silver vixen smiled, tipping her head at the screen; Selene had found her way to the vehicle storage area, in the stern of the land ship. "You'll see," Avalon said as she reached for the intercom.

* * *

The red vixen slipped back through the hatch leading to the vehicle storage area, sliding the door closed and giving the wheel a spin to lock it. If anything happened, she at least had a way out. Now, to find the command areas...

This was going to prove tougher than she anticipated when the two guards, half concealed on either side of the hatch ahead, opened up with their rifles.

The bounty hunter immediately dived through an open hatch to her left, bullets sparking off of the metal with a sharp 'ptang!' and ricocheting around the narrow corridor.

"Crap," Selene muttered as she pressed her back against the wall beside the hatch, and shot a quick glance around the room. Nothing in here, save a dusty table and chair. The guards ceased firing, and the vixen could hear muffled shouts. They were going to try to come up the corridor for her - but she wasn't going to give them the opportunity. She risked a peek around the edge of the hatch. There were four of them, like many of the guards she'd seen elsewhere on the ship, advancing slowly along either side of the corridor and using the various hatches for cover.

Selene shook her head. "This is what grenades are for," she muttered to herself as she slid one out of a pouch, gave its head a quick twist and, leaning out around the corridor, tossed it at the group. The two foremost guards barely had time to register the dark ball as it bounced into their midst, then exploded; they were thrown backwards into the guards behind them in that loose boned manner that indicated that they were surely dead. The vixen rolled into the corridor, bringing up her weapon; the remaining two were just beginning to clamber to their feet when Selene picked them off with two well placed shots.

The vixen frowned and glanced up at the ceiling. The fight had ended too quickly. Had she been detected? And if so, why weren't there more of them descending upon her? A thrum of hydraulics snapped her out of her reverie, however, and she spun to see the hatch leading to the vehicle bay close of its own accord, and its wheel spin until it clanked firmly locked; sealing off her escape route.

Selene swore under her breath, and darted towards the next hatch, just as that one thrummed with the hum of hydraulics and began to close upon itself. She just barely made it through too, the heavy weight of the hatch just missing the tip of her tail as it slammed shut. She found herself at an intersection; when she snuck through earlier, the doors were open. Now the door ahead and the door to the left were sliding closed; the vixen cursed and dashed towards the door ahead, but it closed before she got there.

The vixen pounded her fist on the metal, uncaring of who heard her now, before retreating to the intersection. Curiously, only one door remained open now; it was this one that the vixen now approached, her gun at the ready. She could hear the sound of voices in the room beyond... and throwing caution to the winds, Selene stepped through the hatchway.

The room was like the others; somewhat lacking in use, dusty, dimly lit. Only the room wasn't empty. A silver vixen stood in the centre of the room, grinning around the cigarette poised upon her lips, whilst the walls of the room were ringed with guards; at least seven or eight, far too many for her to take down all at once.

But they weren't aiming at her, but rather the huddled, naked group of bodies just behind the silver vixen.

Selene narrowed her eyes and leveled her weapon at the vixen, whose grin simply widened. "Ah," the silver said, exhaling a thick cloud of smoke, "you must be... Selene, was it?"

"What the hell are you doing?" the red vixen said through gritted teeth.

The silver vixen snickered, plucking the cigarette from her lips. "Negotiating," she said.

Selene lifted a brow. "Negotiating?" she asked, keeping her gun steady on the vixen as she risked a glance at the guards surrounding the room.

The silver nodded. "That's right. You're obviously here to rescue these poor people," she said, reaching back and laying her hand upon the head of one of the nearer forms. Selene risked a glance at them; they were all tied into a kneeling position, blindfolded and with their arms encased in steel cuffs behind their back. "But, I just can't allow that to happen," the silver vixen continued casually.

Selene gritted her teeth once again. "And what's preventing me from shooting you down right now?" she asked, motioning with her gun.

The silver smiled. "You shoot me, and my guards will then murder them, along with all the other helpless slaves on this ship." She pursued her lips. "You might save one or two... but the vast majority of them... oh, think of what their parents would say." A cruel glint danced within the silver's lone violet eye.

The bounty hunter growled. "And what are you 'negotiating', then?"

"Ah, straight to the point, I see." The silver trailed her fingers lightly over the huddled form's head, before turning to face Selene. "Taking the time to train this new batch - taken from one of the settlements here, by the way - would be terribly time consuming. And, no doubt, I'm short some guards too." Something about the casual way the silver vixen dismissed the deaths of her guards made the bounty hunter squeeze the grip of her weapon until her knuckles paled.

"Now, I'm willing to let them go," the silver continued, tapping out her cigarette on the leather sheathing her arm, "once I have something to replace them with, naturally." She smiled, "You."

Selene glanced to the huddled group. Some were crying, or whispering for their parents; others tugged ineffectually at their restraints. "Me? And you'll let them go, just like that?" the bounty hunter asked as she glanced back to the silver.

The silver smiled and nodded, "Just like that." Her expression then hardened noticeably. "Of course, I'm not one for patience," she said, making a gesture with her hand; the guards cocked their rifles and took aim at the group, whom began to whimper loudly as they sensed the danger.

"I'll give you thirty seconds to decide. I'm a business woman, after all, and I do keep my word," the silver said, smiling once again. This time, there was a decidedly cold in the other vixen's eye. "Your thirty seconds begin now."

Selene snarled inwardly at herself. She didn't have much choice in the matter... and yet, underneath all that hate, there was some small part of her that was somehow... rejoicing.

The silver had reached fifteen, when the gun finally slipped from Selene's fingers and clattered to the deck. "You win," growled the red vixen as she clasped her hands behind her head.

"Ah... I'm glad you see it my way," the silver replied with a mischievous grin. She motioned to one of the guards, a wolf, who stepped forward and behind the bounty hunter, drawing her hands down and behind her back - where she felt them quickly lashed with cord. The silver met Selene's gaze briefly, before glancing to one of the other guards and beckoning him over as she touched a stud on her belt.

The handcuffs on the kneeling group suddenly unhooked and clattered to the deck as the silver spoke, "Take them back to the settlement. We've no further need of them now." A darker smile touched her lips as she glanced towards the red vixen. "We have what we want, now."

"Unharmed," growled Selene, stiffening as the guard behind her ran his hands along her sides; her belt was removed, along with the knife in her boot. The silver chuckled at her.

"Of course I'll leave them unharmed. I do try to keep my word, after all." And, with that, the silver made another gesture.

"Take her to the medical room, scrub her down, check her out, and fit her with a collar." Selene's ears flattened and she narrowed her eyes to slits as the silver continued. "One of the cells on the command deck will do nicely. I'll be checking on her later." The silver smirked at the red, before turning to the guards. "Come on. Let's drop off our excess baggage."

* * *

The guard was quick to hustle her off; Selene found herself herded through several corridors, before they finally came to a halt in front of a closed hatch. This one was different in that there was a nine digit keypad located on the left side of the hatch itself. The guard punched in a combination, before tugging the hatch open to reveal a white walled room. Unlike the rest of the ship, care had obviously been taken to keep this room clean and fairly sterile; Selene wrinkled her nose at the smell of sterilizing fluid. The guard tugged her through the door, then closed it - Selene noted that there was a keypad on this side of the door as well - before pulling a knife from his belt.

The blade sawed easily through the cord keeping her wrists behind her back, freeing her, but the guard kept a firm hold of her wrists. Selene felt the blade travel along her bared arm, and lightly bit in her lip as she felt the cold edge kiss the collar of her top. "You know," she murmured, "that's not going to work."

The guard chuckled. "Mebbe," he said - and then, the vixen felt a low hum resonate through her jacket. A vibroblade, Selene thought to herself as she closed her eyes tightly; the edge cut through her armored top as if it were butter, the fabric falling to the floor and leaving her bared from the waist up. Selene shivered; she only now began to notice that the room was cold, but the guard took it to mean another thing. "Scared?" he murmured against her ear, and the vixen felt his fingers slide around her waist and creep upwards, cupping a breast.

Selene stiffened. "Your mistress said to just check me over, creep," she mumbled, even though she knew it was futile; the guard simply chuckled again, rubbing his gloved thumb against the soft nub of her nipple.

"That she did. But, she doesn't mind us lackeys having a little fun every now and then..." he murmured against her ear once more as the blade hummed... and the red vixen heard the fabric of her skintight pants being sliced open. Involuntarily, she flinched, and the guard barked a laugh as he tore open her pants, and then let the fabric fall to the floor.

"Hm, you're not half bad looking for a bounty hunter," the guard continued to murmur as he pushed her towards the centre of the room; a table, mounted on a hinge was the centerpiece of the room, wide and flat, with clamps on its corners and across the midsection - clamps that were obviously meant for the restraint of a person. The guard levered the table into a horizontal position before locking it into place; he then bent Selene across it, flattening her breasts against the cold metal.

Selene gasped and squirmed as the guard pushed her, facedown, onto the table; her hands were pulled in front of her, before he twisted her upon the table until she faced up towards him. The constant twisting and adjusting left her off balance and she was helpless as the guard stretched her out, and then clamped her wrists into place upon the table. A clamp was closed across her midsection... but he didn't clamp her legs down to the table. He instead withdrew to retrieve a long pole, which, on leaning up, he attached to a length of cord hanging from the ceiling. He then pulled her legs up and hung them over the pole, the latter being adjusted until it snugly fit behind her knees, which were then drawn widely apart to leave her exposed.

By now, she was feeling the bite of the cold upon her exposed form; her nipples had begun to perk, and her folds were beginning to tingle, causing the vixen to squirm as the guard deftly applied some cord around her knees to keep them from slipping off of the pole. He chuckled at her reaction, before ducking beneath her legs; Selene felt his fingers probe delicately at her sex and bit her lip, squeezing her eyes shut. His fingers parted her labia, exposing the dark tunnel beyond to the cold bite of the air; Selene shifted uncomfortable as much as the binder would allow her as the guard leaned closer, and cold air was replaced with warm.

"Hm, seems healthy enough," Selene heard the guard mutter - and then she felt his middle finger position itself at her entrance, pushing in. The cold had made the flesh sensitive and she gasped as the digit slid smoothly inwards, to press and massage along the surface of her inner walls. And, of course, her body was responding to the invader in the only way it knew how; by slowly growing damp. The vixen shifted her hips as she felt his finger probe deeper and deeper - impossibly so, until it finally touched the entrance to her cervix; Selene stiffened, her body instinctually trying to arch, but instead pressing into the binder locked around her midsection.

The guard chuckled at the vixen's reaction, withdrawing his finger to the very tip... then pushing it deep into her once again, before finally flexing the digit; the motion made Selene release an involuntary moan, before she caught herself and bit her lip. "Enjoying yourself, are you?" the guard murmured as he straightened between her legs, just enough to meet the vixen's gaze with a knowing grin; Selene's ears flushed with the indignity of it all, and she twisted her head to the left, laying her cheek against the cold metal surface of the table.

"Just... do what you're going to do and get it over with," she whispered, drawing another chuckle from the guard.

"Mm, very well then... it's been a while since I've had a vixen to make use of," he murmured; she felt him pull back and straighten, before she heard the sound of his belt buckle being undone. His pants hit the floor soon after, before she felt his hands curling around her upraised hips. The next thing she felt wasn't the head of his shaft - but rather his tongue. The vixen stiffened as the warm, slender muscle ran lazily across her slit, tracing it from the bottom to the top before waggling against her hooded clit. And then, back down again; he trailed it across her slit casually, angling the tongue so that its side dipped between her labia; and teasingly ran the tapering tip between them as well, lapping along the rim of her entrance until he reached the bottom of her slit. Then, upwards he ran again, plying his tongue against the sensitive flesh until he reached her clit once more; the vixen then felt his lips as they wrapped around the little nub, squeezing it within its hood before the tongue slid underneath to tease it with little licks. The vixen uttered another soft moan, her fingers curling and digging into the palms of her hands as, with deft little licks, the wolf teased the nub out into the open; she hissed, feeling the guard grin as he pressed a kiss to the delicate flesh, and then pulled his muzzle back before leaning away, and strolling casually around the table.

Selene felt the wolf's fingers, lightly scented with her own body, grip her jaw line and firmly pull her muzzle upwards; the guard's half aroused shaft lightly slapped her muzzle, staining the red fur with a few drops of pre. Her eyes narrowed as she took in the furred sac dangling just beyond her nose; briefly, she thought of biting the bastard, but the grip of his fingers upon the hinge of her jaw prevented her from closing her muzzle. He chuckled down at the enraged, helpless look within her eyes as he slid one knee, then the other, up onto the table. With her muzzle angled back, it made it all the easier for him to slide up onto her, laying his length between the swells of her bosom, whilst his furred sac dragged across her throat. His weight settled down; a light pressure, just enough to keep her muzzle pressed back, whilst he lifted his fingers away from her jaw, then cupped her breasts around his shaft.

Selene wriggled, making the table sway. "Mmf... what the hell are you doing?" she growled... but only earned herself a solid slap across the face by the wolf's tail.

"Gotta get warmed up first," the guard responded with a grin - she couldn't see it, but she could very well imagine it. His hips slowly began to roll, dragging his sac along her throat as his shaft dragged slowly between her pressed together breasts. The cold had penetrated her fur and cooled the skin, making the introduction of the male's hot, pulsing length almost tortuous. Selene shuddered and gasped, again trying to arch herself but to no avail; the binder around her waist kept her pinned down, whilst the guard casually used her breasts to work up his own arousal.

The heat began to saturate her fur and flesh, from both the male's body as well as the friction caused by the slow, teasing motion; Selene whimpered as faint, prickly sensations coursed through her flesh - no doubt caused by the simple act of heating - and then bit her lower lip as she felt the guard's shaft beginning to stiffen, to extend, even whilst he bent her breasts further around his swelling member; to the point where her nipples crossed at the top of his shaft, and the brush of the stiffened peaks to one another made her gasp sharply, and suck in a deep breath.

"Ah," the guard breathed pleasurably, "that's a good girl." Selene could feel her breasts being molded as the wolf's shaft stiffened even more and then throb against her with his heart rate, leaking his sticky pre across her tummy, rubbing it against the underside of her breasts. A few more moments of this passed, before the wolf finally slid himself off of her, and then strolled around to the end of the table.

Selene shuddered with revulsion at the sticky mess she felt left along her tummy. And, of course, the cold wasn't helping any; both as the mess began to cool, and then dry, making the vixen squirm uncomfortably. It made the guard chuckle, even as he slid his head between her thighs, and then climbed up onto the table, taking a hold of her hips. The vixen's eyes widened as she felt the head of his shaft push against her folds; he was bigger than she was used to normally taking, and she groaned as she felt her body stretch around the invading shaft, and the length begin to push into her body. Inch by inch of the wolf's shaft pressed into her with a slick sound that echoed within the confines of the room, underscored by the vixen's gasps and grunts as she was forced to accept the large shaft into her body.

It was so huge! Selene's eyes rolled up into her head as inch, after inch, after inch pressed into her, until finally the wolf's hips pressed to hers. The penetration was very deep, and she squirmed, feeling the foreign flesh throb deep within her tunnel... and hearing the guard's low growl of pleasure as he rested both hands on either side of her for support. And then, he began to move. It was a slow pace; a snail's pace, his hips pulling back, dragging the wolf's long cock against her tightly gripping inner walls for all of three inches, before pressing home again, and sinking himself within her. Her head snapped back and she squeezed her palms so tightly it hurt as he began to build up momentum, rocking her upon the table. He was slow, however - but in that was the torture itself, as the friction created an unbearable, mind numbing heat within her. Tears ran from the corners of her eyes as her breathing grew quick, and a rich keening sound resonated within the back of her throat; she was barely aware of the guard's slitted eyes and lecherous leer as he slowly, but surely, worked his length within her.

She wasn't going to last very long at this rate. That mind numbing heat was slowly seeping higher, creeping towards her mind and her hips shifted and swayed helplessly within her binds as she tried to escape it; tried not to give in. In response, the guard only increased the pace of his thrusts, wet fleshy noises accompanying the motion as he leaned over her. She'd grown used to his length now - that, and her body was slick enough to make the passage easy, such that the guard worked her over at a medium pace; her body bounced against the restraints as he rode her, his pace becoming inexorably faster.

Tears were staining the sides of her muzzle as her rape continued; each slap of the wolf's hips was punctuated with a grunt from the vixen, as if he were knocking the breath out of her. Her squirming increased, the heat building and building... until, finally, with one last drive into her body Selene was thrown over the edge. She cried out her pleasure with a strained voice, dimly aware of the guard continuing to thrust as her body squirmed atop the table; the motions only prolonging her pleasure and soaking her body within the depths of her heat.

Time seemed to stop - she wasn't sure if she'd actually passed out or not, but when she opened her eyes, blurry with tears, she was dimly aware of the wolf slamming home into her violated body... but, there was no rush of fluid, just a hot, burning sensation against her folds. It made her moan raggedly and squirm once more, whilst the guard grinned down at her dreamy expression, and on settling his hands upon her hips, began to pull himself out of her. Coming out was as almost as bad as going in; she squealed and squirmed, but the guard's hands kept her hips steady as he inched himself out of her; and her poor, abused body only responded with a second, milder climax. When he finally pulled out of her, she slumped bonelessly to the table, panting raggedly, whilst the guard grinned down at her.

"Mistress doesn't like us getting our pets pregnant," he said, clearing his throat as he peeled something off of his shaft - most likely a condom, then - and tossed it into the nearby bin. He then reached over, untying her knees from the pole and laying them back onto the table; Selene's ears flushed as she realized the table was wet with the results of her climax, the heat staining the backs of her thighs.

The guard unclamped her waist, and then paused to trace a finger around her left breast, grinning down at her. "Mm. But you're a good vixen. I'll be certain to make use of you," he purred down at her, before finally unclamping her hands. Selene shuddered at his words... but, she was too much within the afterglow to really protest anything. And the poor vixen was utterly ashamed of herself, too.

The guard turned away, prying open a drawer and rummaging through it, before he finally came up with a ring - no, a collar. This was no simple collar, however; its inner surface was decorated with those circuit-like patterns, and when the guard clasped it around her throat, and she felt distinct warmth against her skin. The wolf snickered softly as he attached a leash to the front of the collar, and then gave it a firm tug to pull her to her feet.

Selene groaned; she was barely able to stand, and she didn't want to think about what would happen if she disobeyed; so she obediently slid to her feet, trying to ignore the wetness staining her backside and running along the back of her thighs. The guard gave her a moment to get her bearings, before giving another tug to the leash, and then leading her out of the room, not even bothering to clean up the mess.

The vixen gritted her teeth as she was led through the corridors once more, past guards who whistled and hooted at her naked form, before the wolf finally led her to a long corridor. At least, longer than anywhere she had seen on the ship. It seemed to run along the centerline of the ship, and possessed numerous hatches along either walls; the guard grinned at her as he stopped in front of one of the hatches, then cupped and squeezed her breast.

"Welcome to your new home," he said, his fingers pinching the stiff nipple, and earning a gasp from the tethered vixen. "There are not many folks here, since you bartered away Mistress' latest catch, but we'll get by, I suppose." He snickered softly, turning to the hatch.

Selene noticed that this hatch, like the 'exam' room also had a very new numeric keypad; the guard quickly punched in a number, and the hatch slid open to reveal a rather Spartan room. A simple fold down cot took up the majority of the space, along with a urinal - the cot was of simple wood, and had three ridges along its centerline, which looked rather uncomfortable. There was a hook just above the cot; and it was this that the guard attached the other end of her leash too, ensuring she had enough length to walk around the edge of the cell.

The vixen sat down on the edge of the cot as the guard stepped out; he grinned at her. "Don't worry. I'm sure the Mistress will come and make use of you real soon. If not-"he rubbed his groin and 'mmmm'd', "-maybe she'll assign me as your "personal" guard." And, with a snicker, he closed the door, tumblers falling into place as he reactivated the locking mechanism.

Selene growled and flumped onto the cot; he didn't even provide her with a pillow, and those ridges looked every bit as uncomfortable as advertised. She didn't weep, however. No, instead, she allowed herself a grim smile.

Everything was going according to plan, at least...