How To Change A Life Ch. 2

Story by jb83 on SoFurry

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#2 of How To Change A Life

This is the second chapter to my story How To Change A Life. I paid attention to the things i needed to work on, and I feel that this is a big improvement from the last chapter.

again I'd like to thank my mate poeticfox <3

please comment to let me know if it truly was an improvement or its just in my head!


As I drive toward the Hyundai dealership, I can't seem to get that fox out of my mind. 'He has got to be one of the cutest furs I have ever seen! Not just the way he looked, but the way he acted was just absolutely adorable. He was so shy. Shy furs are so cute' I thought to myself as I come to a stop at a red light.

As I sit there at the light, my mind runs through the events of today at the coffee shop. How he spilled the cup of cappuccino he was making me at the first clue that I was flirting with him. How I ran around the counter and started to help him clean up the mess, causing him to look up at me with a look of amazement, and wonder. 'I wonder what was going through his mind at that point.' I continue on my way to the dealership once the light turns green, but my thoughts are stuck on him.

I work at the local Hyundai dealership detailing cars. The term 'detailing cars' is a fancy way of saying that I wash cars for the dealership when they sell a car, or a customer comes in to get their car washed. In the summer the shop gets unbearably hot. It's practically a sweat box. The only thing that really helps out is the wind. And when there is none, It's even worse. In the winter, it's just as cold as it is hot, which I like much more than the heat. Considering it's November, it's not near as bad as it was this summer.

I pull into the parking lot, going about 10 MPH since the dumb-ass owner of the place can't figure out how to arrange the cars so you can see if there's anyone about to ram the side of your car if you pull into the intersection. I find a parking space in the 'Employee' section and turn my car off. I climb out of the car and gather the things I usually bring with me. Once I reach the door I walk inside the building and instantly feel the temperature drop. I shiver to try to shake the cold with no avail.

The shop area of the dealership is where cars are worked on and washed. Its a rather small one compared to other dealerships. There are four bays on each side of the shop, a bay is an area in the shop where mechanics keep their tools, work on their cars, and is basically their own personal area. Each bay has a lift, except for the wash bay at the end of the shop, which has a few cabinets, a water hose, and a drain. The floor in the entire room is a dull, red color, which anybody who spends much time in here, absolutely hates, myself included. Each bay has it's own heaters and fans, but none of them do any good. The wall and ceiling is a bright white color.

I continue into the building, sticking to the wall until I reach the door the leads to the locker/break room. Once you enter the break room, there's a table with a small older TV on it, along with a DVD player, and a few movies we've all seen too many times. Around the table were 5 pretty comfy chairs, one on the end, and two on each side. Against the wall with the door was another table with two computers and a chair at each computer. On the wall opposite of the computer table was a rack which we used to hang up our shirts and pants on coat hangers, along with a first aid cabinet where quite a bit of different kind of medication was kept. On the same wall there's a door which leads to staff bathroom, which contains two stalls, a urinal and a sink.

I walk over to the rack, going past two of my co-workers that are sitting at the table watching a movie while eating lunch. They were two tigers, David and Brock. David is the detail manager, so he naturally got Brock hired easily, and for more money than he deserves, I'm sure. After all, he is his son.

"Hiya guys!" I say happily, my great mood not being affected by having to work today at all

Let's get this out of the way now. I am proud of who I am, but I don't go flaunting my homosexuality around for anybody to see. But if anyone asks me, or implies otherwise, I tell them that I am gay. I told one guy here that I'm gay and the news spread like wildfire. Most don't care, but there are a few who give me a hard time. It's mainly just one fur though. I can safely say that he is the one fur in this world that if he were to die, there would be no fucks given. Luckily, he was not one of these guys.

"Hey Cody" I hear Brock say through a mawful of food.

"Hey ya buddy!" I hear the older tiger say happily waving to me. "You sound like you're in a pretty good mood. Anything happen?"

Jeez, am I that easy to read? I mean I'm not surprised Tony could read that I'm not happy. We had known each other since we were kids, and we lived together. But this old tiger I've only been working with for about 10 months could tell that somethings different? Or maybe I'm just over thinking this, and it's obvious that I'm in a good mood. Which I am.

"Nothing in particular. Just having a good day is all. What about y'all?" I ask looking over from the uniform rack, Using the classic Oklahoma accent on the Y'all.

"Oh just the same old shit." he says tossing down a wrapper from a hamburger he just ate.

Brock is a very quiet guy, and very rarely ever talks to anyone unless spoken to first. He's just a little older than by a few months. He's kind of a bigger guy, but by no means fat, or over weight. he was just naturally big by nature. he was just a little shorter than me too. he was always very respectful to everyone He was talking to, but if He knew you well enough, he would be the first one to call you a bitch. In short, He's someone I respected, and am fairly fond of, but am in no way physically attracted to him.

David on the other paw, has a huge beer belly, and was about two inches taller than me. He's an older fur, has gray head fur, and a gray beard on his muzzle. David has the classic black and orange stripes, but nothing else really. Not that I've seen. Brock is the other kind of tiger, a white tiger with black stripes, something he inherited from his grandfather, so I've heard.

"Well I'm sorry to hear that David, what about you Brock?" I ask looking at the uniforms, trying to find mine.

"Just about the same. It's been pretty slow today so I haven't been able to make any hours. Not like this old bitch here is helping any." he says motioning to his father sitting across from him.

David, knowing He's only joking, only chuckles at him "You know damn well as I do that You're not the only one in that detail department that need the hours."

Now, for those of you who don't know how a dealership, or just about any other shop runs, let me tell you. Customers come in and talk to furs on the sales drive, who are basically sales men. The furs on the sales drive then write down the complaint or or anything else that needs done on a ticket. They then take the ticket to the dispatcher. The dispatcher then hands out the ticket to which mechanic he thinks is best fit for the job. If the ticket needs to go to detail, then he takes the ticket to David, the detail manager, and he dispatches the car to who seems most fit for the work. In detail we have to wash the interior and the exterior of the car. That includes shampooing the carpet or seats when needed. That's a major pain in the ass to do. (this is all true in real life!)

"there gonna be any work for me to do today?" I ask hoping there would be some money to be made today.

"I did save a couple washes for you." David says looking over his shoulder.

"Thank you David!" I say excited that I get to make some money today and not have to sit on my ass all day.

"You're welcome buddy" he says looking back to his lunch.

I find my uniform and walk into the bathroom to change. Once inside I shut the door for some privacy. Just because I work with them does not mean I need, or want, them to see me naked, or to see them naked. And I'm sure they enjoy the privacy just as much as I do.

I quickly unzip my hoodie and hang it on the door to the closest stall. I do leave my shirt on and throw on my button-up work shirt. Then I take off my shoes, leaving my ankle brace on, and take off my pants and pull up my work pants, then put on my shoes again.

Once changed I leave my pants and my hoodie on the uniform rack and walk out into the shop, since both David and Brock have left the break room to go back to work. Since I don't start work until 1:30, I don't have a break.

I walk into the shop and can feel the chill through my long sleeve work shirt. I walk across the shop to the to the wash bay, where I see Joe, the dispatcher, talking with David and handing him a ticket. I see David point over to me and Joe look over to me. I guess they were talking about who they should assign the ticket to. Since I had just got here, David must have told him to give it to me. Joe turns, says something to David and starts walking to me with a smile.

Joe is about 30 years old. a really big fur wolf about 6'4. he goes to the gym a lot so he has huge muscles. His fur pattern is pretty dull. He's mostly gray fur, but not the old man gray fur, but a natural darker gray fur only a wolf really has. He's a great guy, me and him have gotten pretty close, and is the only one I spend any time with outside of work. he didn't care if I was gay. Hell, he supports it!

"Hey Joe! How are today?" I ask cheerfully.

He kinda looks at me funny, like I just said something crazy.

"Ok, tell my right now. Why are you in such a good mood?" he asks looking at me sternly.

"What, can't a Husky be happy?"

"In your case, not that I've seen."

"Hehe, no, nothing happened put of the ordinary today" 'except that I met somebody amazing today!' I added in my head.

He looks at me like he knows I'm lying, but brushes it off. "OK, well, Here's a ticket for you, customer wants a full in and out wash done. After You're finished bring it back to me, they want an oil change too."

"Alright Joe! I'll get it done now!" I say taking the ticket and turning without another word to the door, and walking to get the car.

After I find the car I pull it into the wash bay, which is closest to the garage-like door that's used to let cars in and out of the shop.

In all fairness, the job isn't all that bad. The work is easy and it pays pretty well. No, it's the conditions that you have to work in that make the job suck ass. The water you use in the sponges to wash the outside of the car is always cold, so in the winter, or even the fall, your paws get soaked with ice cold water in the already freezing temperature inside the shop. You have to be very careful to warm your paws up frequently or you will get frostbite. I work with a few furs that are missing a finger or two that will tell you that warming up your paws is the most important part of this job. If you don't have fur on your paws, it makes the job much easier, since your paws will pretty much dry out on their own. But since I do have fur, I gotta go run my paws under warm water in the break room, then dry them off completely. Then you have to wash the inside of the car. That parts not near as bad as washing the outside. It just gets uncomfortable very quick. Bending inside a car with a huge hose connected to a vacuum isn't very comfortable, but when you have to do it all day, it gets to be very annoying. The other reason why I hate this job, is because of some of my coworkers. The only good ones are the ones that I've already seen today, but the rest of them either ignore me, or try to make my life absolutely miserable. All because of the fact the I'm gay. I don't know, I could just be being a baby about all this.

The reason I keep this job, is because I need the money. I can't find any other place to get a job. And, this job is the closest thing to my dream job that I can get right now. I love cars. Just about as much as I love men. My dream job is to work on cars. Fix them, repair them, get my paws all over the motor of the car and just work on it. I know most people see working on a car as a chore, but I love it. There's just something about taking a car that doesn't work, replacing a part or fixing a problem, then making it work again, that just makes me feel like I can do anything. That is the greatest feeling in the world.

The few good memories I have of my dad and me spending time together is working on his old car. My dad bought it as a project for me and him to do together, to spend some time together when I was about twelve. We spent four years fixing up that junker, him teaching me how cars work, what to do when there's a problem, and just general maintenance on any car. When we were done, that 1966 Ford Mustang looked brand new and ran better than most new cars do today. he drove that car everywhere, even though it was a fortune in gas, he always said it reminded of me and what a little hard work can do.

The week after I came out to him he sold that truck for about $3,500. When mom told me he did I was crushed. The '66 Mustang is a classic!

I hated him.

I still do.

How could someone do that to something that meant so much to both of us? That had so many memories to me? To him? I guess that's why he sold it. It reminded him too much of what a failure he was as a father, and how much of a failure I was as a son. That sounds like something he would say.

I begin to grab a sponge out of the closet that's kept in the corner of the wash bay. I pick up the water hose and start to hose the car down. Once the cars nice and wet, I grab a sponge and a bottle of soap for the cars. The sponges are kept in a bucket of water, which is renewed about 3 times a day, to keep them from drying out. I pour some soap on the sponge and set the bottle down on the ground. I then start to move the sponge along the surface of the car just the way I was taught. I continue to wash the car until I hear foot paws walking up behind me. I turn and see Joe walking up to me with a bored look on his face. "you see the game Monday night?"

"Heh, which one?"

"the Kansas city game of course."

"Dude, you know I'm not a KC fan. KC sucks."

"There pretty damn good compared to the Steelers. Look what happened last time they played."

"Yeah they got lucky. You know those refs were paid off." I say

"Yeah, Pittsburgh obviously paid them off, and KC still won."

"Aww that's bull shit and you know it."

"You're just mad 'cause your precious team lost to mine."

"How many super bowls has your team won? Zero? Yeah that's what I thought. And how many have we won? Six, right? Yeah I thought so"

"Just because the Steelers have won six super bowls doesn't mean anything."

"Um, yeah it does! It means we're An amazing team!"

"Yeah, sure, what ever you say." he shoots back at me before he starts to turn and walk away.

Me and Joe always talk shit to each other about football. Since were in Oklahoma, most people are Dallas Cowboy fans. Joe is a Kansas city fan, and I'm a Pittsburgh Steeler fan. So we always have something to say to each other. It gets pretty brutal at times.

I keep washing the car until the outside was completely covered in soap, then I took the hose and rinsed it off. Then I took a shammy, which is a special rag we use to dry cars off, and ran it over the car, finishing the outside. Then I took the vacuum and started to clean the inside of the car.

Once the car is cleaned, inside and out, I pull it back into the parking lot. I then return inside and find Joe in his own bay, working on a car. "Here ya go." I say handing him the ticket.

"Thanks Cody." he says taking the ticket and setting it on his toolbox.

"Hey, where's Gary? I haven't seen him today." I ask noticing the shop is unusually quiet.

"He called in sick today." Joe answers looking back to the car and loosening a bolt on the motor with a wrench.

"Ohh, so that's why it's so quiet. Gary was the ass hole who kept trying to make me miserable at work.

"Yeah, I figured you'd like that."

"This day just keeps getting better and better." I say smiling, and walking back to the wash bay.

I walk up the stairs to the apartment, where I know Tony is already. he gets home from work about thirty minutes before I do. As soon as I open the door, I smell the scent Tonys' cologne. I close the door and set my keys on the table next to the door. Our apartment is pretty average in size, a living room with a three seated couch, a coffee table in front of it, a lamp in the corner, and an average sized flat screen TV. The kitchen, which is only separated by a change of carpet to tile, is in the same room. The kitchen has a table with four chairs around it, a gray stove, a sink facing the living room, a refrigerator next to the sink, and a few cabinets filled with what few dishes we have. There's a hallway facing the door, which leads down to the bathroom, my bedroom and Tonys', my room and Tonys' are next to each other, Tonys' is across from the bathroom.

As I walk into the kitchen to get some water, I hear Tony come rushing in the room from the back of the apartment. We call the are with the kitchen and the living room, the front, and the area with the rest of it, the back. "It's about time you got home!" I hear him say behind me.

"hi Tony." I say not looking up from the sink.

"Is that all I get? After I worked so hard to set up our night tonight?"

At this, my ears perk up and I turn around to look at him. "What? I thought I told you, we're not going to the 'rainbow room'!" I say sternly.

He looks at me like he can't believe what I'm saying. "Cody, I told you we are! You've been moping around ever since Bryan broke up with you. You haven't even tried to meet anyone since him!"

"But I already met somebody today!" I say back loudly without thinking, and I immediately regret it. Tony never lets anything like this go easily, He's always got to tease me about everything like this. Something I don't normally mind, but I'd like to avoid it if possible.

"Wait, You met someone? Like, a guy? a gay guy?" he asks, starting to move closer to me.

I look at the ground, away from him, as if trying to avoid the question. "Uhm....well....yeah, kinda."

"Yeah, kinda? Whats that supposed to mean?"

" see, when I got to Mr. greens today........."

After I told him everything that happened at the coffee shop, he finally spoke, "So, you met this fox, Skylar, you flirted with him, and he didn't say anything to make you think he was against it. So what's the big deal?"

"The big deal? I don't know if He's gay or not! I had a crush on a straight guy once, and I swore to myself that I would never do that again!" I shot back instantly.

"Wait, you had a crush on a straight guy? Who?"

I stiffen up instantly. I never told Tony I had a crush on him, and that's the last thing I need him to know. "uuuuuhh.....nobody, so what am I gonna do about Skylar?"

"What do you mean, what am I gonna do?"

"Well, what can I do?" I ask getting quiet, and looking down again.

"YOU CAN ACT LIKE A MAN!" I hear, and feel, Tony quoting his favorite movie, the godfather, directly in front of my face. I quickly push him away and give him a good, solid punch in the stomach.

"You are not Vito Corleone." I say quickly to him as he laughs at his own joke. Seriously, it's like I'm living with a 6 year old sometimes.

"Dude, what to you think you should do? I'll put it plain out there for you. Ask. Him. Out." he says looking me in the eye. "Ask him to go do something fun. Go bowling, go see a movie. Hell, you can bring him here for a bang and bail if you want, but you have to do _ something _!"

I look at him like I'm looking at a total idiot, and sometimes, it feels like it. "Tony, how am I going to 'bang and bail' if He's at _ our place _? Where _ I _ live." I sigh looking down and rub my thumb and index finger along my muzzle. "Alright fine, I'll ask him out tomorrow." I say reluctantly.

That instantly makes Tony smile and clap his paw on my shoulder. "Well it's about time you got a date!" he says while I can see his tail wagging like a tornado behind him.

"I don't have a date yet, I still need to ask him, and he still has to say yes, first." I say looking back up to him.

"Bro, if you get the balls to ask him, then It's as good as done! What fox could resist a sexy husky like you!"

"Tony, are you hitting on me?"

"Fuck bro, you know I'm not like that!" he says giving me a push, which ends up with the smaller dalmatian being pushed back more than me.

That night was a pretty good one for me. I convinced Tony to not make us go to 'The Rainbow Room', since the goal of our trip to the gay bar had already been achieved. Since we didn't have plans for dinner we ended up going to the McDonald's down the street. Nothing better than eating a half a pound of fake hamburger meat and grease. But beggars can't be choosers. After we ate our meal, we stayed up for about an hour playing 'Call of Duty: World at War' on Tonys Play Station 3.

Now I'm laying in bed for the night, trying to get some sleep for tomorrow. Thoughts of Skylar kept running through my mind. "What if He's not gay? What if he laughs at me when I ask him? What if when I ask him, he calls the cops on me for sexual harassment, or some other weird shit like that?" I thought to myself. Dozens of 'what ifs' ran through my mind. Most bad, but some good. "what if he says yes? Where will I take him? What would we do on our date? Would he wanna go on another one? What if he wants to come back to my place for some alone time to 'get to know each other better? We'd have absolutely NO privacy. We'd have to go to his place. hhhmmmm maybe we could have some fun. Hell, after 10 months of no sexual activities with anything except my paw, I'd be happy if we just made out. Maybe we should take it slow. That's what ruined it with me and Bryan, we went too fast, or maybe that's just what he said to get out of it. Although it sure would be nice to get my paws on his body. His nice, smooth and soft fur (_I assuming) _being ran through my fingers. The shape of his body moving under my paws. My paws moving from his head fur down to his shoulders, down to his slender and slightly muscular chest. I mentally visualize him forming in front of me as I rub his chest, a little more of him becoming easier for me to see each time I make a pass at a new part of his body. Mentally, I slowly make my way down his chest, to his stomach where I can feel his stomach muscles twitching and his breathing speed up as I get closer to his most sensitive body part."

At this, I noticed my cock is about half way out of my sheath, so I reach beneath my blanket and give my growing cock a good squeeze. The pressure makes me moan under my breathe. Knowing I can't make any noise at all due to my pest of a roommate, I make sure to keep my maw shut. I push my sheath back all the way, exposing the rest of my rapidly growing cock. I continued to slowly work my cock as my fantasy of the sexy fox came back to my mind. "As I reach his waist line I linger there for a second,teasing the imaginary Skylar. I then slowly descent past that and feel his fur start to get thicker as I reach his pubic area. I go a little further down and can feel his sheath. I start to slowly massage his sheath as mentally hear him moan again. I feel his sheath start to get pushed back as his cock is released from my action and I start to rub his length as I lick the tip of his cock. After his cock is fully out, I let up and stand above him, now having a good, full mental image of his body.

As I'm imagining this, I start to pump my cock faster, running along the length of my fairly long 7 ½ inch cock, with my right paw. With my left I bring it down to play with and massage my balls. My cock is spurting quite a bit of pre as I imagine myself with the fox. I feel my knot start to form as I continue to jerk off.

I stand over Skylar as I hear, and watch, him whimper to me, pleading to make him mine. I smile to him and grab him the ankles and lift his legs high in the air. High enough for me to get a good look at his tail hole. I lean my maw down and extend my tongue out to and give my target a nice, big, wet lick. I hear him moan, and can feel him shudder from my touch. I dive my tongue into his tail hole again, this time sticking to it for about thirty seconds before going in deeper, causing him to moan louder. I keep rimming him until I'm ready to move on, then I raise back up over his and I line the tip of my cock with his hole. I look at him and wink, then I start to push in, meeting little resistance, but the tightness is beyond belief, since this is in my mind.

At this I feel my orgasm start to rush to me much faster than before. My paw speeds up, and I can feel my breath quicken and my heart start to beat in my chest, then in my head. I take my left paw and wrap it around my knot tight, making a false tie. I go back to thought as I feel myself get very close "I pull out quickly, then I start to push back right before my cock slipped out of the warm, wet vacuum. When I thrust back I, I feel myself get pushed over the edge." I feel my cock erupt and turn into a volcano of husky cum. I feel a drop splat on my chest, right next to my left nipple, then my cock lets out a few more, smaller strings of cum onto my belly and pubic area, having thrown the blanket off of my body as to not make a mess. As I lay there, lying in my own jizz, my breath is still quick, and I can feel my heartbeat throughout my entire upper body. After I lay there for a while, I reach under my bed and grab the plastic bag I keep under there. Inside is a towel I use to wipe up my cum every night. I keep it in the plastic bag to keep Tony from smelling it every time my door is opened. After wiping up my cum, I lay there thinking. "tomorrow, skylar, you. Are. Mine." And with that, I fall asleep.