Cosmic Stars - Chapter Eleven

Story by WhitePawPrints on SoFurry

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#48 of Legacy of the Veiled Stars

Survivors from the battle at the Black Line are found.

"We're a little busy, Sergeant." On the screen squinted a pair of hazel eyes, a common color for foxes like this one. Grey fur strands stood out against the dark orange fur around the fox's muzzle, showing the fox's age. A dry blood streak painted above his right eye, one sign of many recent injuries he's acquired.

"How can we be of help, Lead General Vale?" asked Sergeant Wolcott. The wolf stared back into the General's eyes in the view screen. Behind the monitor through the open blast windshield, they watched the distant ships exchange small salvos of missiles and laser based weapons.

"If your ship is well supplied then we can use a few more missiles to scare off these Velmarians," answered the fox. The appearance didn't seem eager about the request as if he were asking for a simple favor. "Creeper vessels are inbound and we'd rather like to lose them for once rather than fight them off as well."

"Acknowledged," replied the onboard AI. "We'll reserve our ammunition."

The old fox's eyes widened for a moment but he quickly straightened himself out and looked appropriately serious for a battle. "Natasha," he said, smirking in the screen. "Sergeant Wolcott. I didn't expect you'd find us out here, least of all with your mission completed. We need to talk, Sergeant."

Their ship was now close enough to see that only one ship out of four dozen was exchanging fire with the enemy fleet. They moved toward the Velmarian ships, taking turns at being the lead an exchanging fire in a sophisticated attack like a pack of small animals chasing off a larger predator.

Thin traces of missiles appeared in the corners of the blast shield as they streaked toward the enemy fleet. The missiles targeted the lead ship and followed it even though it did its best to evade them. The destroyer-class vessel took several impacts, tearing its hull open, allowing the other missiles to destroy the ship. Secondary explosions that blossomed from within ravaged the ship and disabled it. The other ships turned and scattered, fleeing from the battle.

"Sergeant Wolcott, your ship is under quarantine," Lead General Vale said, the moment the Velmarians turned to flee. "Do not approach any more than one thousand kilometers of the fleet."

"Lead General, we have refugees onboard and several have fallen ill," the wolf said. "They need medical attention." Despite his urgency, the AI slowed the ship down and soon they were at pace with the fleet.

"Are any of them infected?" asked General Vale, his stern look more intimidating.


Kaitlin stopped focusing on the computer systems and turned once she heard the startling question. She looked at the fox in the screen and was reminded of Chief Colin, the lead trainer of the orphan program. They almost looked related.

"You'll remain quarantined until we can verify the condition of your ship's atmosphere and personnel," continued the General. "We cannot take any chances, especially considering the risk of your vessel being infected. We'll evacuate you and the refugees while he confirm your cargo wasn't contaminated. We have Immunity fighters escort you to our nearest medical ship."

"Yes sir," replied Alex. He deactivated the screen and turned back toward his team. "Yuri, inform the civilians that we're leaving the ship. They're to meet us on the hangar bay in ten minutes. Mary, go prepare the ship to take off. We'll see you two there."

"Yes sir," they both said. The smaller wolf followed Mary off the bridge.

"Who's Natasha?" Alex asked, not directing the question at either wolf.

"I was," answered the AI. "Or I am a copy of the original mind of Agent Natasha. That's all you need to know. Your mission here is over. Thank you Team Wolcott for delivering this ship back into the custody of the UDAS."

He glared at nothing in particular before turning to her. "Kaitlin, A.J., let's go."

Kaitlin stood from her seat and followed the other two wolves down to the hangar bay where Kaitlin was already preparing the larger transport ship. Kaitlin sat in the passenger bay with A.J. while Alex checked with Mary.

"We'll be quarantined and examined before we're allowed to meet with the Lead General," said Alex, returning from the cockpit. "Try to keep civilians calm. Their patience has been running thin with so many of them becoming sick."

"There's something on the ship and it must be making some of them sick," muttered Kaitlin. "The A.I. knows what it is."

"I know," answered Alex, leaning back in his seat. "From the start I knew there's something on the ship that the Intelligence wants, and it might be the source of the illness but the A.I. won't jeopardize anyone's life. Be patient and the General will brief us on what's going on."

"I'd keep the fact that we knew to ourselves," suggested A.J. "The civilians probably won't be too happy that we have known what's been making them sick. Here they come now."

Through the open hatch they saw the civilians and aliens coming toward the ship, with several of them being carried. Alex returned to the cockpit while they gathered on the ship. A.J. suggested that he and Kaitlin assist loading the patient incapacitated by their illness.

Once they were all loaded on the ship, they took off with the passenger bay overcrowded. There wasn't much to see but the ride seemed to take longer than it actually did for Kaitlin who was pressed up against one of the four-legged aliens and another civilian. It was obvious that she wasn't the only one uncomfortable since others were in serious pain.

For what felt like half an hour, they travelled in the ship before Kaitlin felt it land inside another hangar. The back hatch of the ship groaned while it slowly split apart, spilling fresh light into the passengers bay and onto the civilians. Standing at the base of the hatch was several medics, fully suited up, some even in armor.

The wolves were ushered off with the rest of them, but Kaitlin hesitated at the hatch entrance. She watched the medics separate the civilians from the aliens, then those who were showing symptoms of the illness.

"Team, I'm Lieutenant Forrest, mind coming with me?" requested the armored pilot. "Lead General Vale would like to speak with you immediately so we'll get you decontaminated as quickly as we can."

Alex stepped forward to follow the Lieutenant and the pack followed. Led pass the others, the wolves were taken to a row of showers.

"We're running low on water so please only use two nozzles and make it as quick as possible," informed the Lieutenant, gesturing toward the nearest showers. "I'll meet you outside in the corridor to take you to the Lead General in fifteen minutes."

"Understood," said Alex. The armored Lieutenant turned and left the showers, leaving the wolves alone there. They stripped and took turns using the two nozzles, exchanging when they'd soap up with decontamination soap. It was a heavy-duty substance rarely used on one's actual body because of its harsh chemical base, and the unpleasant and overpowering scent.

Within fifteen minutes they were dressed in fresh clothes and out in the corridor to meet up with the Lieutenant. The wolves could now see the raccoon dressed in a uniform rather than armor.

"Impressive work bringing back the ship," said the Lieutenant, turning toward the other way of the corridor. "This way please."

Following the ringed tail, the wolf pack travelled through the foreign corridors for a few minutes before they arrived on the bridge itself. A table was brought in, and there were already several bodies sitting around it. Most surprising to the wolves were the two salamanders sitting at the table.

"Wolcott Pack, welcome," said a fox as he stood, Lead General Vale. He gestured toward a few open seats. It was now clear that other officers were operating the ship at different stations around the bridge. From one of the main view screens, the wolves could see the fleet was again in a battle, this time with Creeper infected ships. "Please have a seat so we can get started right away."

The wolves sat, but didn't say anything while the General sat back down too. "Empress Theta is concerned over the ship that the Hyourasky Casa destroyed at our original rendezvous coordinates. It is unfortunate that something as simple as a misunderstanding cost us so many lives and a fine ship. I do consider ourselves fortunate that Hyourasky Casa showed up all this time later however."

The wolves didn't react to the news other than feeling shocked when they heard the name of the ship they have been living on for the past several months. Hyourasky was the name of Pilot Sky's ship he used when he won the Third Banished War. No ship since then has been named Hyourasky.

"Hyrourasky Casa is was carrying research specimens for the Intelligence who was working on a parasite control substance to eradicate the Creeper infestations," continued General Vale. "It also carried the prototype substance, but it's very unstable and is prone to damaging other life forms as well as the Creeper infestation. The last report on it also indicated that it might have been ineffective against some infestations and the use of it would actually strengthen the Creeper race by forcing it to adapt to the poison. I'm afraid that the Wolcott's refugees may have been exposed to some of the compound and have fallen ill as a result. We're very fortunate that they didn't come across the live specimens of the Creeper race that's on that ship."

Alex's eyes went wide for a moment before regaining his composure. The Creepers were on the ship all this time, and could have at any time broken free to consume the refugees and take over the ship.

"I have a team onboard Hyrourask Casa now to dispose of the specimens," the aged fox said, after noticing the pups' reactions. "The refugees are being heavily screened for signs of infection and those who have been exposed to the poison are being treated. We will be field-testing the poison, in a matter of speaking, if the bulk of the Creeper fleet finds us. Empress and Emperor Theta, you have some news regarding the Velmarian rebels?"

"Yes, we do," answered one of the Velmarians in a heavy accent. Her reptilian and almost alien eyes glanced over the wolves while she spoke. "Velmaria has split into several factions after my father was removed from his position. While we were fighting to gain control of Velmaria, the invasion hit and overwhelmed us. We were on the run until we came across this fleet. Earlier in this past cycle we received a message that leads us to suspect most of the rebel factions have been destroyed, and Velmaria itself has become infested. It's unclear right now but it looks like Velmaria has become a forward breeding pit for the alien, where they're gathering to make another push."

"Sergeant Wolcott," said the General focusing on the young wolf. "Have you heard anything from the core planets since the invasion?"

"We've received a few transmissions but they all stopped a couple a week after the invasion," answered Alex. "You might have received them too but the UDAS's defenses have been destroyed, including the entire defense fleet. Last we heard is that our planets have been invaded. No communication since then."

"Ever since the defeat at the Black Line and Aggressor got by us, we've been cut off from the planets," explained the General, staring into the wolf's eyes. "Our resources have run dangerously low, and ever attempt to push pass the Creeper line or sneak around has failed. It is time we succeed, or else we will perish out here. Admiral Zhang, Empress Theta, we're going to use the poison on the Creeper line to buy enough time for us to get back and get to one of our ammunition caches. Then we're going home."

"Yes sir," replied the skunk officer who sat at the table.

"We need to be prepared to battle Aggressor again," General Vale continued, glancing at each of the officers in turn. "When at the ammunition cache, salvage everything possible. We're taking every weapon down to the last ballistic bullet. We'll split the fleet up into three. Fleet One will surrender all their weapons to Fleet Three. Fleet Three will hold off the Creeper counterattack while Fleet Two escorts Fleet one to rearm. Then we'll switch Fleet One with Fleet Three to give Fleet Two time to rearm and switch again until we're all rearmed. I'll command Fleet Three, Admiral Zhang has Fleet One and Empress Theta will command Fleet Two. Two days then we're making the push. Dismissed!"

The other officers stood and left with only a few hanging around to chat with the General. Before the wolves could walk out, the General called out to them. "Wolcott Pack, stay a moment, will you?"

After the Velmarian Empress finished insisting that their priority should be assault Velmaria head on, she left with the other. Only the General and the officers commanding the ship remained. The older fox approached the pack who were all sitting around one end of the table.

"You all did excellent work bringing back Hyourasky Casa," he said, looking down at them all. "That ship was built in secret just as Drach'n Fury was. I believe you all served in the Drach'n fleet, under the command of Admiral Yukiomaru Alexander. I've read his reports so I know you've seen the capabilities of that ship. Hyourasky Casa is built with similar blueprints and has much of the same capabilities. It was intended to go into the Creeper territory with the aliens known as Guardians. That mission was one of many I commanded, as well as your mission to retrieve the ship so if you have any concerns or questions over the nature of the ship you've lived on all this time, now is the time to let me know."

"We were told Admiral Zhang commanded the fleet, only a few hours ago," mentioned Alex, staring back into the General's eyes, disregarding any thoughts about Hyourasky Casa.

"He does command the fleet when I am not on duty," answered the General. "When we're not engaged in a battle, the fleet rotates as much as possible so we're all well rested. I'm starting my thirty-hour shift now. There's a lot that's happened since our fleets left Canidera for the Black Line. You all can read through the reports of the commanding officers for the details if you wish."

"One more question please, Lead General," said A.J. "Where'd the Guardians go?"

"The appearance of the second creature they call Klienestov shocked them more than us," answered the General, his voice solemn while he finally broke eye contact. He stared out the blast shields at the stars, as if he was visualizing the battle again. "It snuck by us almost immediately as the battle began. I worked Yukiomaru Alexander's training development since I persuaded his parents to release him into our custody, so I knew he was capable of defeating it with his fleet and I ordered him to give chase. The battle was steady after they left, but we were taking heavy losses. A dozen ships had been destroyed, another several fighting off infection boarding parties."

"At the slightest hint of the possibility that we might lose the battle," continued the fox. "The Guardian ships started to disappear as they blinked away. We were given the order to retreat and defend our planet but they left in a hurry and didn't give us time to cover our retreat, or a proper explanation. I can only theorize that they received a distress call from one of their bases of operations. I do not know where they went, or if they'll ever come back."

General Vale looked back into the eyes of the wolves. "The ammunition cache is infected so I'm sending you all in to escort the unloading crews. I don't expect there to be too many infected forms but you'll have equipment to sever and burn any severely infested equipment. Get some rest."

"Yes sir!"

They've found survivors, but the wolves didn't feel any better. The survivors were dying, worse off than the wolves and refugees. Every one of the survivors knew that if they were going to continue surviving, they'd have to risk everything they have.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Ten

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