"Advent" - Chapter 1 - Another Day

Story by coreguardian on SoFurry

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#1 of Advent

OK to everyone reading, this is an old story I'm simply re-posting, as I'm going back and re-working my old stuff just so I can say I didn't let them die O.o

If enough people like it though (as short as it is; god curse my beginning writer days) I might pick back up the plot again someday xD

All my life had been leading me to this; my point of no return.

Every choice, action, and consequence lead me to where I am now; standing face to face with a decision to continue who I've been and perpetuate my lies, or become who I really am deep inside and leave my world behind.

My name is Chris Thompson, and for as long as I care to remember, I've always hated the animal that I am. Perhaps if I explained the last few days you would better understand how much I wanted this new beginning; an advent I so desperately needed.


Moonshine Beach

Population: 100*

*Come seasons change to summer: over 1500

Most popular tourist destination: Kevin's Cove for a "Sex on the beach"

Most popular eatery: Geoffrey's Retreat for a "Swiss mushroom steak"

Most popular tourist attraction: "Chris Thompson"


For as long as I can remember, I've always been, let's say, a promiscuous wolf. My appetite for "less than conventional-fare" as given me the title "Moonshine's Finest," and to be honest I always thought that it was always just a polite way of saying I was the island "slut."

I am one of the few animals that actually dwell here year round. I live in this small dive above "Kevin's Cove" with the big cat himself, Kevin Spoons. I work in his establishment as a waiter and bus-wolf to bring in some cash flow. Turning tricks only pay so much.

Come my free time though, I love nothing more than going on down to the shore and hitting my hometown waves. Sometimes I'll just paddle out whenever the waves are calm and lie down atop my long board and stare up towards the moon. The serenity and silence I enjoy in that moment is nothing short of astounding. At this time is when I finally feel free. I can feel happy in that moment.

Yet here I am, passing out tasteless alcohol to vacationing slackers that would rather slap my ass then give a tip.

"Waiter... I'm still waiting..." a rather muscular leopard called out to me.

"Eh... keep your shirt on... or your pants still at least." I said while the customer peered at me through his empty glass.

"Sometimes I hate this job."

"Why is that Chris? You get free rent, good steady pay, you get to work with your oldest buddy, and you get to check out all the cuties and check them back into a hotel just for you both." Kevin laughed whilst I rested my head down on the bar stand and stared up at him and glared.

Kevin is my oldest friend from back in the sandbox days. He's a lion; mid twenties, built, athletic, gorgeous, even charming I would say had I never learned he slept with an entire football team after the teams' big game... twice. Growing up with a lion as a best bud does have its advantages though. I was certainly never called a fag, though I knew every body's eyes screamed it anyway. Without his protection, the packs in school would have been unbearable. I owe so much to this wonderful lion no words could help me describe.

"It's not the job Kevin. It's all the glares and glances. I feel like everyone's looking at me and thinking 'god I want to eat his ass' all the time."

"Well Chris, and follow me on this one, that could be because you have the perfect ass." Kevin smiled as he eyed my butt.

"Thanks Kevin. Now I know that every single animal in the building is staring." I said as Kevin burst into laughter. I just ignored him as usual and continued my shift, the leopards glare fixated on me though I could swear he already picked up his tab.

Home is my other escape. After work and all my days going on, I head up to my apartment atop Kevin's bar. Basic features of my apartment include; one window, a tiny refrigerator, a couch where a coil spring sticks out on the left arm rest, and a toilet that constantly backs up. Advanced features are nonexistent, though the saving grace of this place is that my window does peer across the endless ocean I love so deeply.

My apartment isn't much but it is mine. That's what I tell my family whenever they decide to visit. Every visit, I hear my father complain of how I never should've left home and went to school instead, though I never really knew what to go for in the first place. Then there's my mother, the confused woman that thinks I'll die without her whenever I sneeze. My brother and sister are no better, suffice it to say the only reason I've ever had cops come to my home is because it mysteriously caught fire when they visited.

Whenever I'm home, I just kick off my clothing (I'm way to thick in fur to stay in clothing) and I rest on my twin size mattress. I think about my day, and days past and find that my memories are in a loop. Nothing ever changes for me. I get up, shower, work, and swim, lick myself, and then go to bed, the cycle continuing the next morning. I wish my life had some purpose.

That night was no different after work, though the leopard, let me tell you, sure as hell did try and get my number. Funny thing is I gave him a fake name and a phone number with only six digits.

The truth is I'm just a liar. I'm so tired of this 'finest' business that every visitor and their father come for while vacationing. True, I say I want excitement, I want to step out of the ordinary, but what I really want is to remember what it feels like to feel alive. I remember being younger, everything going how I wanted it to, but never really understanding how I got so lucky. I never worked for my luck.

I couldn't sleep at all that night, nothing new though when you consider I can hear a moaning lion next door. I got up and walked over to the window to look at my view. The ocean, my endless expanse of possibilities and what rests past that horizon are what keep this wolf howling so I can find my happiness on the other side of the world.

Considering the lack of bed frame to wall contact I'm not hearing anymore, I'd say Kevin finished, or someone finished him. He's never told me if he's a dominant beast or not. That point aside, I knew my sleep was still shot to hell. So I grabbed my surf board and went down to the beach. Hopefully the smell of the ocean can calm this young wolf's unsteady mind.