"Advent" - Chapter 2 - The Rescue

Story by coreguardian on SoFurry

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#2 of Advent

OK to everyone reading, this is an old story I'm simply re-posting, as I'm going back and re-working my old stuff just so I can say I didn't let them die O.o

If enough people like it though (as short as it is; god curse my beginning writer days) I might pick back up the plot again someday xD

How beautiful the ocean is. How the sounds of the world are so beneath the ambiance the ocean sounds can perforate. The color at night, the moon's shine on the surface, the thought of how deep its depths really are is incredible.

Whenever I come at night, there is never a soul to be had, which is quite great for a wolf that basks in the moons glow in the nude. I just paddle out as far as I can so no one could see me in the surf and rest on my board in the glow of the night. Though it's sad to admit to myself, on this board, on this water, is the only place I'm comfortable with how my life has turned out.

That was when I heard a splash. This is when my decision finally caught up to me.

"No one can be out here. No one's ever out here." I thought as I hopped off my board just in case the splash was from a nearby source. I paddled out a little further to where I thought the sound had come from, next to lookout point, a somewhat tall cliff typically used by younger sets to dive, but to no avail; nothing was in the water.

"Maybe something fell from a plane..." I let my thoughts wonder at this point. Nothing could be seen from where I was. There were no more sounds. "Maybe I fell asleep and was dreaming..."

Then I saw it. A lone air bubble next to where I thought the sound came from. At this point I began to panic. I was calling out now and I didn't even know what for.

"Is anyone there!? Hello! Can anybody hear me?"

Another air bubble emerged. I now assumed the worst. Somebody jumped in from lookout point and never came back up. I dived down into the water, desperately wanting to disprove myself, but the night masked the ocean underneath. I couldn't see a thing but I knew something was there. I swam a bit more in, my right hand extended and feeling around the jagged edges of the rocks so as not to hit anything.

I searched for what seemed like forever under the depths, and was just about to give up when I felt something under a collection of rocks. It was soft and definitely didn't belong there. I swam my way back up to the surface and I pulled the object out of the water. To my surprise, I found a fox in the rocks.

I feverishly paddled back to the shore, the limp fox on top of my board. All thoughts raced in my mind, none of them good. Amongst my collection of questions for the unconscious fox were "Who are you? Where did you come from? How come you were in the water? Did you jump? Did someone push you in? Are you ok?"

We finally made it to shore, my legs about to burst from kicking so hard. That did not matter to me now though. All that did matter was saving this stranger's life. With what little energy and strength of lungs I had left, I performed CPR the best I knew how. It was the most intense experience of my life, fighting for my own air after such a push through the water and having enough to hopefully help the young fox.

I didn't seem to be doing any good. Was I really not fit to save a life? Can't I be known as the 'finest' hero and not the 'finest' fuck bag in town? The stress alone was enough to make me join this kid in the land of the unavailable.

"Come on kid don't die on me... I want to save you so let me save me... dammit..."

No response was to be had...

"Shit..." I felt a rush of emotions hit me when I realized I might lose this kid. My mouth was dry, my eyes burned, my muscles ached as I let out a howl, the loudest I have ever performed.

The fox's head moved for a second. The howl stirred something in the fox so it seemed.

"You there kid?"

The fox coughed out some water then coughed some more. There had never been a moment in my life when such a relief was felt. I could feel tears whelming up in me.

"...did you... me..." The fox squeezed out in a light tone, his glossy eyes staring into my soul.

"I'm sorry. Could you say that again?" I said as the fox sat up, him gasping at air like a fish out of water, savoring all the subtleties of its wonders that animals never realize.

"Did you save me?" The fox looked at me bewildered.

"Yeah. I guess I did. I'm so happy that you are ok kid." My heart beats were still erratic but in a triumphant way. A couldn't help a tear to escape from my eyes.

"Thank you. I owe you my life. My name is Colin Cloudcroft."

"Nice to meet you Colin Cloudcroft. I'm Chris Thompson." I said as I helped the fox to stand, his fatigue too much for him so it seemed. I hoisted the fox on my back and walked back to my apartment, surf board in hand, all my thoughts now resting on my meeting with Colin Cloudcroft.

"Are you comfortable Colin? I can go get some more pillows from my neighbor." I said as I watched the fox trying to get comfortable on what is probably the worst couch in the world to get comfortable on.

"I'm quite content. Thank you for everything, but maybe you're the one that needs to rest Chris." Colin said as he laughed ever so slightly at me. I turned around and looked at my toasters reflection, seeing that everything about me was a complete mess. My fur was wet, my hair was ruffled, my right ear had a piece of seaweed dangling off of it, and worst of all I had forgotten to put back on my swim trunks on the walk back. I was completely exposed to this fox. Upon this realization, I quickly ducked behind my palm tree I stole from the shoreline with Kevin once in our younger days. The fox just laughed more at me. I couldn't help but feel happy that I could hear him laugh.

"It's ok Chris. Don't be shy. You have no reason to be. Truth be told, I've been enjoying the view since you saved me. You're so hot." He said as he looked at me with a seductive glare that I couldn't tell if he was serious or not.

"Well thank you for the flattery, but I think the ocean water damaged your brain." I laughed at Colin, him laughing with me. "I'm covered in seaweed and my fur is a wet mess. I must look so washed up." I said as I came out from behind the tree, my wolf hood I could feel poking out a bit. I tried to fight back the feeling so that he might not notice.

"Someone's proud of their body it seems." Colin laughed again; I could feel this overwhelming feeling coming over me again. Joy is not the proper word, but I can't think of the word to describe how happy and warm this feeling is.

"How is it that he makes my heart feel this good?" I thought to myself while I sat down on the couch arm, almost barely missing the coil spring. I let myself lay back despite the danger of death by rusty metal, and looked at the young fox. I quietly studied him with my eyes.

"He sure is a pretty fox. The hottest I've ever seen. He seems so young though, late eight-teens if I had to guess. However, I still can't get over where I found you. How did you get there Colin? I've never seen anyone out on the surf at night like me. So how did you get in the water? Lookout point might have come into play if you truly did fall into the water, but why we're you up there? You didn't try intentionally killing... no you don't seem the type. For now though, I will just have to assume everything. I have no right to pass judgment until I hear the whole truth."

"Chris. Is it ok if I stay with you tonight? I don't feel strong enough to go back home yet." Colin asked as I looked him, my thoughts wandering a hundred miles an hour still.

"Well how long do you wanna stay? How long can you stay? You can have the couch if you want, just watch out for some corners and coils..." I'm quite sure I was brimming like a fool, but these questions and thoughts were spinning and burning in my head.


"Huh? I'm sorry. I lost my train of thought. Still a little sea water in these big wolf ears."

"Can I stay the night please?"

"Of course you can Colin! I'd never have it any other way!" I said as I hopped quickly off the couch into a standing position. I must have been yelling slightly in my excitement though because I could hear the echo resounding in the quiet apartment complex. It was about two or three in the morning now, so I was sure Kevin was deep in sleep with whoever he brought home. I sat back down in embarrassment.

"Thank you Chris. I truly do owe you so much. I couldn't have asked for anyone cuter to have saved me." His last words struck me again in quite a hard and warming way.

"You don't have to thank me. Just get some rest and we'll get us some grub in the morning." I said as I grabbed a blanket off my bed and gave it to Colin, my thoughts now on my current refrigerator situation and its lack of anything edible except a couple ice cubes, a few cans of "Seaside Ale" and a package of shaved deli meat, which I'm sure is expired.

"If it's no trouble for you, otherwise you don't have to feed me. You're already doing so much for me already."

"Well, I was under the impression that you're supposed to feed your buds when they come to visit. What do you think Colin? You wanna be this wolf's friend?"

"Oh yes, yes, I do very much so! Thank you again so much!"

"Stop thanking me and go to bed you silly fox. I'll be right here if you need anything." I said as I went to go turn off my living room/bedroom lamp. I looked around, checked all the windows, made sure the front door was locked and went and dropped on my bed face forward. I turned over and grabbed at my one remaining pillow, letting it rest between my thighs, its soft embrace rubbing against my lower regions as I looked at Colin through the dark of night. I could hear him rustling on the couch.

"Goodnight Colin. Sleep well. Let's see what the future brings us tomorrow."

"Goodnight to you too Chris. Thank you for everything."

I let my drowsiness overtake me at this point, all my thoughts and plans on what me and this fox do together tomorrow, and it was then that I realized something very important to me at this point.

"I finally have a reason for being alive. I finally feel my pride returning. I feel happy. Thanks all to you Colin Cloudcroft, the fox from the ocean I love so much."