A tiger's family

Story by Timrahil on SoFurry

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#11 of My days with Alex

The date goes on...

Evening (or whatever the time is where you live) everyone! Took maybe a little while but I've been keeping myself fairly busy due to it being summer and all that! Got it done now though, so here's the next chapter in our story! :) Remember to comment, vote, fav and do all that good stuff! Have fun!

"Do you have any plans for the future?"

My ears flicked a little bit at the question while I chewed on the delicious beef wellington that we both had ordered. We had been here for thirty, maybe forty minutes and I do believe things were going well so far. We had talked about this and that, about both work related stuff and private stuff and generally just having a good time. The wine was also certainly helping us open ourselves up a bit to one another.

I swallowed my handful of food and took a sip of wine before I responded.

"Professional or private plans?"

The tiger had a sip of water (probably to keep himself from the hangover you so easily, in my experience, got from wine) and shrugged a bit.

"Well... both?"

He smiled at me while he brought his fork up to his maw and helped himself to his food. I just watched him chew his food for a few moments while I thought about how to respond.

"I don't know. Haven't really thought much about it."

I looked down at the beef wellington and moved my fork and knife over to it, cutting some of to feed myself with.

"Just the usual I guess. Have a nice job, settle down somewhere and live life... preferably together with someone else."

I looked back up at him again after this and gave him a smile. The tiger in front of me sure could seem like the kinda guy I could find myself settling down with... although, of course, it was still far too early to even consider that since we had only known each other for a few days.

I saw his tail give a flick and he returned my smile and swallowed his food.

"Sounds nice. Guess that's what everyone wants when it comes down to it!"

He chuckled and I chuckled with him in my agreement.

"What about you?"

I helped myself to my own food as I waited for him to answer.

He looked to the side for a moment, appearing to be thinking.

"More or less the same. Maybe get a different job at some point. I also hope to one day get to my visit my half-brother."

My ears perked at these news and I hurried to swallow the meat.

"I didn't know you have a half-brother!"

He smiled at me again and flicked his ears a bit.

"Yup! He's my brother on my mother's side. Lives somewhere in Europe, in Sweden I think. Haven't actually ever met him before and I've only recently gotten in contact with him through facebook."

I tried to recall if I had seen anyone amongst his facebook friends when I had been checking his profile that could be his half-brother. I couldn't quite remember though. I mean, I had seen other tigers in his friends list but I hadn't actually checked to see who they were.

"Well at least facebook is good for more than just stupid internet drama then!"

We both gave a little laugh at my words as I imagine we had both seen our share of the various facebook drama that would happen every now and then. Hell, in a way, I guess I myself had been part of it what with finding those pictures of Scott and...

Oh no, shouldn't go there. Not now. It wouldn't lead to anything good.

"What's it like having a sibling?"

My ears flicked a bit at his question and I helped myself to some more wine before responding and could almost feel the slight buzz get just a slight bit stronger.

Alex knew I had a brother since we had talked some about our families, and he also knew that me and my brother were fairly close. Or, at least, we tried to be. My brother always tried to fit the role as the big brother and always look out for me.

I didn't quite know how to respond.

"It's nice. When you're grown up you always have someone that's there for you and willing to help. However, as kids it could be a pain sometimes, especially since I was the younger brother. He'd sometimes pick on me, as all brothers do."

"Sounds nice!"

We both helped ourselves to some water before continuing the conversation.

"It is! And since our parents lives in London now he's the only family member I have over here."

I thought I could see him give a small, barely visible twitch. I tilted my head just a little bit, wondering what that was all about.

"You keep in touch with your parents though, right?"

I guess he noticed me giving that wondering look because he gave me a reassuring smile.

I cleared my throat for a second before responding.

"We speak over the phone every now and then, usually when my mother thinks it's been to long since I last called them."

"Well, at least you have a mother that cares for you."

The mood between us was brought down just a little bit and I could feel some tension coming off from the tiger. So far he hadn't really talked about his own parents much, or at least not his mother, and I wondered what he meant by this.

"Sorry?" I asked him, feeling a bit confused.

"My mom doesn't care much for me. She's a hardcore religious fundamentalist and thinks that anyone that's gay is the spawn of the Devil... or something along those lines."

He said all of this quite matter-of-factly and I didn't quite know what to say. I mean, it wasn't the first time I met a gay guy that had been resented by one, or even both, of his parents but I still couldn't quite wrap my head around how a parent could just... abandon their kid.

"I'm... uh... I'm sorry to hear that."

I just didn't know what else to say. He just smiled at me and helped himself to his food.

"Don't worry. I still have dad and his wife. She's probably been more of a mom to me than my real mom will ever be."

I flicked my tail nervously a few times, wanting to inquire some more about her mom but also not wanting to possibly ruin the evening by asking about her.

I took another sip of wine before I decided to ask.

"Was she always like that?"

He shook his head and had some more of the beef.

"Nah, it started when dad left her. She was feeling down and then she found the Lord and suddenly knew what to do with her life and what to believe."

I nodded a bit.

"How old were you when all that happened?"

"I was eight when dad left her and her religious stuff started when I was around nine."

Eight when his dad left her and nine when the religious stuff started... Sounded like he might've had a hard time growing up, especially if his mom didn't like gay furs.

"Was it a hard time for you?"

He shrugged.

"Not at first. It was pretty normal. It was just a bit weird going to the church every Sunday and not having dad around all the time. Things didn't get rough until I was twelve and realized I was gay and told her about it. She ended up throwing me out, but dad took care of me."

Sounded like he really had had a pretty tough time growing up then, at least during his early teenage years. I couldn't quite imagine what it was like not having both your parents around.

"Well... at least you seem to be doing alright now!"

I gave him a smile, wanting to try and turn the mood up a notch again. He chuckled a bit and sipped some wine.

"Yup! Things have been fine for the last few years. Hell, they've even gotten better since I moved out and can do whatever I like without worrying about dad disturbing me when I have someone over or have things like that going on!"

He gave a little smirk and a laugh at what was probably memories of his dad walking in on more... embarrassing moment. I chuckled a bit as I, too, had of course had my share of those kinds of moments.

"Did that happen often?" I asked him while helping myself to whatever I had left of my food. Having the conversation turning to something more fun was certainly not something I'd object to!

"Every now and then. The most embarrassing moment was one time when I was sixteen and dad was gonna be away for the night. I invited my boyfriend over since I thought we'd be alone, and I forgot to lock the door to my bedroom. He came home and walked in on us while I was kneeling and having my ex's cock halfway up my muzzle."

I widened my eyes a bit as he went into just a little bit more details then I had expected since we were in public. I laughed with him though when he laughed at his own memory.

"Must've been quite a sight for your dad!"

He chuckled a bit

"Well, seeing your son with another guys dick in his muzzle is probably not exactly on their top ten list of things they want to do. It did teach him to knock first, though."

I put my fork and knife down on the plate, having finished my beef wellington now. I had probably been hungrier than I initially thought I was, as I realized that either I had been eating fast or Alex was a slow eater seeing as he still had quite a lot left.

"What made you move out? Just wanted your own place or was there a different reason?"

He just shrugged.

"Wanted my own place and wanted to get out of that small town too. Didn't have enough gay guys and I'd always have to go to other towns and cities to meet new gay guys."

"Sounds like as good a reason as any!"

He nodded and let out a soft purr as he took another sip of wine.

"What about you?"

I thought for a moment before shrugging as well.

"More or less the same. Wanted my own place. Tired of getting my privacy disturbed when having guests of my own."

He raised an eyebrow for a moment and looked a bit mischievously at me.

"Oh? Did you have a lot of moments too when they busted in on you when you were right in the middle of sex?"

There was a small, playful smirk on his muzzle when he asked. I hesitated for a moment before giving him an answer, trying to think of any fun stories to tell.


I thought for a few more moments, wondering what memory to pick. There were a few of them...

"When I was seventeen I got caught balls deep inside the guy I was seeing at the time by my mom. Haven't seen her close the door to my room that fast before. She never mentioned it but we were both a bit embarrassed about it for a while."

I had another sip of wine before continuing.

"And a few months after that my brother caught me when the same guy was giving me head in the shower."

Alex laughed at my stories and I gave a chuckle as I remembered my brother's not so pleased but still very amusing face.

"How did you get caught in the shower? Wouldn't you lock the door when going to the bathroom?"

He still chuckled a bit as he gave me the question.

"The lock was broken and we were waiting for dad to go and buy a new one. We put up a sign on the door meanwhile that you could turn around to tell if the bathroom was busy or not, but I guess my brother missed the sign or we just simply forgot to flip it."

Alex kept on laughing as I told him the story and I smiled to myself as it felt like the mood had definitely gone up again after the little drop when he told me about his mother.

I thought to myself that things seemed to be going well between the two of us and I wagged my tail a bit as I looked at the laughing tiger in front of me, feeling rather good about... well, everything.

I had some more wine as I watched and listened to him laugh and it was nice meeting a fur that wasn't just my brother or a friend, but someone new, and make him laugh. It felt good.

I wanted to know a bit more about him though, and once he had calmed down I cleared my throat again.

"So... what made you move to this city of all places? It may have its share of gay guys, but for a young gay fur wanting to meet other gay furs there are far better cities to choose from!"

He gave a few last chuckles to the story I had told him before he cleared his own throat.

"Well I had been here before a couple of times. I had also applied for a job at the grocery store and they gave me the job so I figured I had to move here."

I gave a nod and secretly thought to myself that I was happy that he'd chosen to move here of all places. Had he not done that then we wouldn't be having this nice date!

"Have you ever thought of moving out of here?"

He looked at me with curious eyes as he asked his question and I had to think for a moment.

"A few times I've thought about it. Mostly just so I can get to see new places. Haven't done it yet though."

"What's been stopping you?"

His knife and fork got back to work on his beef wellington once more while he kept looking curiously at me.

I shrugged a little bit.

"A little bit of this and that, like work and friends. I also like it here. It's a large enough city to have a little bit of everything here."

"What would make you move though, if anything could make you do it?"

Now that was a good question, as there wasn't really anything that would make me want to move right now.

"I don't know. Maybe if I loved someone a lot that wanted to live somewhere else. Then I'd move with him."

Well, that was pretty much the only reason I could think off.

He gave a nod and moved some bits of the food into his maw and started chewing once more.

I kind of wished I hadn't eaten my own food so quickly.

A while later, after that he had finished his food as well and we had shared a few more embarrassing stories, as well as other stories, we sat there while sipping on our wine and waiting for some ice cream dessert we had decided to order as well. We were sitting there and not really doing a whole lot at the moment aside from enjoying our full bellies, the buzz from the wine and each other's company.

"Had any fun things to do tonight if we hadn't decided to go out?"

My ears flicked a little bit at his question and I shrugged and helped myself to some water.

"No, not really. I would've probably just been stuck watching some bad TV while checking the net."

"Sounds like a typical boring weekday night" he mused.

"Yeah, pretty much. What about you? What do you tend to do to get the time going?"

"Oh a bit of this and a bit of that. Hang out with friends, go excercising, watch movies, read books..."

He took a pause as he had a sip of wine.

"And, when I get the chance, share the nice company of furs like you."

He gave me a little wink and I thought I could feel myself blush just a little bit. I smiled at him and then suddenly jumped a little bit in my seat when I felt something brush up against my leg. It felt like it could've been one of his foot paws. Was he toe flirting with me?

I was just about to say something in response to his words when the waiter arrived with our ice cream dessert. I watched him lick his lips as the waiter put our bowls down and a few moments later I listened to him purr deeply when the ice cream hit his tongue.

Damn, I was sure he was trying to look a bit seductive when he licked that ice cream from his spoon...

He just played innocent though and I decided to help myself to my own Ice cream. It was supposedly the restaurants own ice cream but I was a bit skeptical when the taste hit my tongue, as it just tasted like any other vanilla and strawberry flavoured ice cream to me. Alex seemed to like it though as he kept purring when he kept licking it of his spoon.

Although maybe that purring was just supposed to add to the seductive look he was trying to give me while lapping that ice cream from the spoon...

Of course, I didn't have any objections if that was the case. Maybe it was just because of the wine, but he did look pretty damn sexy to me when he gave the spoon those slow licks. It reminded me of... well... that Saturday night...

At the moment I was sitting alone by the table, as Alex had to visit the restroom. We were about halfway through our ice cream and I was looking out the window while I let some of that cold, almost creamy dessert melt inside my maw. It was nice looking out the window and watch the furs that were going about their own business. I'd usually be one of those if I was out on a Wednesday evening and it was nice being in a restaurant for a change.

Every now and then I thought I could see a familiar face. A few times I even thought I saw Scott when a husky walked by, but to my own relief it was never him I saw and just some random husky doing whatever.

I shouldn't be thinking about Scott though, as I had already stated to myself previous tonight. It was honestly hard not to do it though, what with him having been my last boyfriend and me now being out on a date. And having met him previously today sure didn't help to keep my mind off from him. I couldn't help but wonder what it was that he wanted with me, if he really wanted to apologize for what he had done or if he had something else planned.

Well, if he wanted to apologize he had had plenty of time to do that. It was over a year since I threw him out of my apartment so he had had plenty of days to tell me he was sorry.

If he really was sorry, that is.

I didn't have any trust for him and he being sorry for what he had done was something I found very hard to believe. Seeing as he was apparently the type to raise his tail to every guy that offered to "give it to him real good" I wouldn't have been surprised if I was told that he was probably getting it right now.

That thought actually disgusted me a little bit and I turned my face away from the window and helped myself to some more ice cream instead. I always thought that ice cream worked wonders when I was down or not feeling so well, and as I didn't want to risk putting myself in a bad mood right now I scooped a nice amount of it into my muzzle and let out a soft rumble. It was cold and the taste was honestly not as great as I wanted it to be, but it still tasted nice and it did, somehow, help me get my thoughts away from anything Scott related.

A minute later I tilted my head up as I saw Alex returning from the restroom, and I flashed him a smile as he placed that striped ass down on the chair in front of me again and started helping himself to his own ice cream once more.

"Mmm, that was some nice ice cream!"

He helped himself to some of the last of our wine as his bowl was now empty. He looked happy as he sipped on the wine and he smiled at me while he purred softly. I put my spoon down as I was done with my own ice cream and I smiled back at him.

He chuckled a bit.

"You spilled some on your chin."

He gave a nod in the direction of me and I grabbed one of the napkins to wipe it off. As I moved the napkin up to my muzzle he stopped me though.

"Let me" he said with a little smirk and reached a paw out towards me. I watched as he wiped the ice cream off with his index finger and my heart missed a beat and I could feel (probably thanks to the influence of the wine) a familiar warm feeling down in my more... private area when he then licked the ice cream off from his finger while doing his best to make it look seductive.

Well, it did have the right effect.


I wanted to say something, but wasn't quite sure what.


He just smiled at me a bit innocently, apparently pretending a little bit like nothing had happened. I could feel something brush up against my legs again though, and I had a feeling that the tiger was maybe starting to want to maybe take our date some place more private.

I took a sip of what little was left of my own wine and I smiled at him, wanting to ask him if we should, indeed, go somewhere else.

"The wine bottle is empty."

My eyes turned to the bottle and it was, indeed, empty. I looked at my glass and there was maybe a mouthful of wine left in it. There was about the same amount of wine left in Alex's own glass.

"Would you like to... uh... order another bottle... or...?"

While I'd gladly go somewhere else with him, I also wouldn't mind ordering another bottle of wine with him and sit here for a while longer if that's what he wanted. He shook his head a little bit though and kept smiling.

"No. It's a workday tomorrow. Don't want to come to work with a hangover."

He gave a small laugh and I wagged my tail a little bit while nodding my agreement.

"Well, do you just want to sit here and talk for a while longer then? Or order something else?"

He shook his head a little bit again and gave a smirk.

"No. I'm ready to go... somewhere else... if you want to?"

My heart beat a bit faster for a few moments, as by "somewhere else" I was pretty sure he meant that we'd go to either his or mine place. That brushing against my leg got a bit firmer too and I could see his tail flick happily from side to side.

Yeah, I was pretty sure that we were both to go somewhere private. And the dinner had been a good one so far and it would feel nice indeed to end the night together.

"I... sure! Where would you want to go?"

"I was thinking we could maybe go to my place? It's only ten minutes away."

My ears perked and I was feeling a little bit excitement go through me, but also a little bit of nervousness. I had no idea what to expect at his place and I didn't know how I'd get to work tomorrow morning if I went there, but it didn't matter much really. It's maybe just because of the influence of the wine, but right now I just wanted to spend the time with him.

"That uh... that sounds good!"

He smiled at me and I felt the brushing against my leg stop. He grabbed his wine glass and drank what was left in it, and I did the same with my own glass. He gave a small purr when he put the glass back down and then waited for me to be done drinking as well.

"Come on, we'll pay by the counter" he said when we both got up from our chairs to leave. I gave a nod and followed as he lead the way back to the counter we had checked in at when we first entered the restaurant.

Since it was originally my idea that we should go out I also felt I should be the one paying for it all, and I wagged my tail slowly as I stood by the counter and pulled a couple of bills out of my wallet while he stood behind me and waited. I had that feeling again that he was checking me out, just like he had done when he had let me enter the restaurant first, and I grinned just a little bit to myself when I handed the bills over to the ferret behind the counter and waited to receive my change.

"We hope you'll come here again! Goodbye and have a good night!"

The ferret gave a small bow and I gave him a quick wave with paw before I turned to see Alex smiling at me. He started making his way out and I just followed him, and when the door to the restaurant opened and I stepped outside and felt a slight breeze hit me I gave a slow, appreciative rumble.

"It's just a ten minute walk, but we could take a cab if you'd rather do that?"

My ears flicked a bit when he spoke again and I thought for a moment about what to do. It was just a little bit chilly since it was still spring and I wasn't even wearing a jacket, but a little walk sounded nice.

"I think it would be nice to take a little walk after the dinner."

He gave a small nod and then started walking, and I wasted no time as I got next to him and walked with him. The wind felt nice against my fur and, judging by the purrs escaping him, he thought the same thing. We didn't say that much for a minute or so while we walked and I guess we were both just enjoying the breeze.

"So where exactly do you live?"

We had just gotten out of the city center and he raised a paw when he heard my question and pointed towards a row of white apartment buildings that stood out just a little bit from the usual black or grey buildings.

"Over there, at Dawningstreet".

I nodded a little bit. I had a friend that lived not too far from there, so I was familiar with the area.

"How can you afford living this close to the city square though? Isn't it very expensive for someone working at a grocery store?"

He gave a little chuckle.

"It is. But my dad saved up money for me. Having a dad that likes to spoil you certainly helps with the rent."

I nodded again and gave a chuckle. He sure seemed to have a nice dad. Sure, my parents had helped me with my rent a little bit too when I got my first place. But that place had been pretty cheap so it had not cost them much.

Suddenly I could feel a tugging feeling on my arm and I looked at him again and then watched as I saw him hook his arm with mine. I raised my eyebrows for a moment but he just smiled at me when he noticed me looking. My heart skipped a quick beat before I smiled back at him and just decided to go along with it, and we then proceeded to keep walking with our arms hooked to each other.

We got a bit closer to each other when this happened and I could feel him bumping lightly into me every now and then. It felt nice feeling him rub against me every now and then and I kind of wanted to just unhook my arm and instead wrap it around his waist. I was feeling just a bit nervous though, despite the wine probably killing most of the nervousness, and I wasn't quite so sure about doing that. We ended up just continuing walking with our arms hooked.

"I had fun tonight Robert. Again."

We were maybe a minute or so away from the apartment buildings when he spoke and I looked at him to see him smiling back at me.

"I had fun too, Alex."

I don't know if it was the wine or if he just really wanted to do it, but the next moment we stopped and my eyes widened a bit as I saw and felt him suddenly press his lips against mine. The sudden kiss caught me a little bit off guard and it reminded me a little bit of how things had ended after the dinner we had shared together the past Saturday. It didn't take long before I kissed him back though while my arm unhooked itself and wrapped around him.

We didn't stay like that for long due to doing it in public for anyone to see, but even though it hadn't lasted long I could already feel strong, excited feelings and a familiar stiffness in my groin when our lips parted.

"Let's hurry up a little bit" he said while giving me a seductive smile.

"Yeah..." was all I said in reply before we started walking again, this time walking faster than before.

And there we are! Hope you enjoyed it and remember to comment, vote, fave etc! :) Toodles!