Express Lane: Chapter 2, Part 1 - Early-Bird Special

Story by Cyan Spirt on SoFurry

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Salutations new readers and loyal fans alike. I know it certainly has been a while since I posted anything, Though that's probably bue to my lack of motivation and/or little free time to spend in front of the computer typing out my romantic fantasies [sigh]. So I decided to come abck with a vengence and celebrate the ending of a college semester with the next part in the Express Lane series. I'm sure you were all waiting for me to continue my other series, and trust me, I haven't forgotten about them, It's just I thought this was going to go alot quicker then it did.

Anyways, in continueing the tradition that I've started on my previous stories, it's now time for Cy's rant'n'rave as I've come to think of it as. Well, as the semester winds down, looking back on it I wonder how much easier it would have been had I been actually able to call my mate up ont hose long nights I'd spend awake writing papers and what not. How much easier those hard days would ahve become to hear a familer voice telling me that it was all worth it becuase it'd only be a little while till we could see eachother again. Though it seems I rely simply on just telling myself that....that it's only going to be a few moments in the mortal realm without him before it beomces an eternity with.

But, I still don't think that's helping my mental state any. I swear I'm cracking. But since I'm the only one that ever seems to notice it...maybe I'm just loosing my sanity, which is also pretty plausable at this point. All I know is that I had one of the worst mental snaps last night durring my second, or third, I'm not sure, all-nighter in a row to try and get four simultanious papers written. Durring a break in the writing process, I took a seat on the couch and just started talking to him. No one else was there, so the privacy gave me the confidence to tell him some things I've only shipered in secret.

The moment ended with me in tears and still no closer to any sort of rational answer that I can settle down with and except. But, it also made me realize something, that...that I should be, while not happy, just...content. Content in knowing that my dream to find someone to love and hold me was completed...that I completed my goal, my reason for living. I mean, how many other people can say that they achieved what they have been dreaming of since they could remember dreaming? How man others can say they have met thier soulmate? I've realised that...that...I'm done. I mean, I'm still here and all, but it doesn't matter to me what happens becuase for all intense and purposes, I've accomplished what I've set out to do. I could leave this existance right now....and I'd be smiling.

Well, there ya have it folks, another delve into the crazy turmoil that is my mind, hope you managed to hold on to your sanity. Anyways, as the tittle says, this is the first part to a two part chapter. Originally it was supposed to be one part, but a friend of mine, you'd know him on here as Acrtic Fox 91, convinced me to break into two parts. So blame him if ti doesn't turn out right...hehe...[hugtackles the fox] but really...he's a sweetie.

As is protocall, all characters mentioned here are copywrited to me, though just ask if you feel the need to use them. Don't be reading this if you know you shouldn't know what to be expecting from me. All comments and thoughts are welcome at the bottom as is voting on my works, how will I know how to do better if no one tells me what i'm doing wrong, right? I can also be contacted either by email at [email protected] or at my MSN live messenger account by the same name. And for those of you who have sent me something, you know I get back to yeah...they can vouch.

And now that everything is set and down for the moment, I'll see you all later I should think.


Cyan Spirt



The quick, high pitched beeps from his alarm awoke the now dazed rabbit from his peaceful slumber. A sudden thought of horror passed over him as he stared up at what he thought were the same whitewashed ceilings back in his grandmother's house, the fear that this had never happened, that he was back to being plain ole' single Blake Monin, consumed him; but a quick turn to his right instantly dismissed his early morning amnesia as he saw the sleeping form of Riley Dolce. The wolf had curled into a fetal position during the course of the night, his face right against the back of the bunny's head as he slept soundly, completely oblivious the alarm clock that had just gone off. A relaxed sigh left his lips as he closed his eyes and smiled to the familiar surroundings, taking the first few minutes of each day now to go over everything that had happened to him, and thank the fickle fates for granting him such wonders.

It had been two and a half months since they had met in the back of the lupine's red SUV that rainy night, having been unable to sleep that night after he was dropped off at his house; and, as predicted, his grandmother was sleeping in front of the television when he walked in. Admittedly, he had been a bit worried since it took almost another week before he saw the wolf again, and by that time he had convinced himself that everything said in the car was just another lie. But Riley had apologized profusely for vanishing; his boss had been riding him hard about upcoming deadlines, hoping that he'd miss them so he could then fire him, which had ended up happening and he was now unemployed. Having been rather overwhelmed by the confession, and the realization that his fears were unfounded, the rabbit had jumped into his beige arms and kissed him right there in the middle of the Express Lane.

Well, the next couple of seconds were interesting as he slowly remembered where they were, and looking around, he could see the stunned faces of both Ritter and Felix; the other cashier, who's now gone, a young female panther named Kelly, was too busy painting her nails to notice. In the following minutes, it became a speed round of '20 questions' as he fielded answers to both furs as quickly as he could till there was nothing left to say. In the end, Ritter was content and walked back to his station, though Felix was a bit dismayed that he hadn't been involved in the dating decision, but was quickly won over after he was told about the dirty details that night in the car.

From there, it was sheer bliss being loved by someone like Riley, the wolf just seemed to have and endless number of ideas to make him happy. In fact, only about two weeks prior, the canine had softly asked him if he wanted to move in with him in his rather large apartment, the sudden transition explained his first thoughts this morning. After talking it over with Gram, they decided it was for the best that they sell their house, he move in with Ry along with most of the stuff from the old house, while she goes to live in the retirement village at the edge of town. The money from the sale, after taxes and Gram's fees, went into a joint bank account held by both Blake and his wolf to be saved away for another time. It was the perfect situation, and since moving in to his spacious one bedroom, one bath, bachelor pad supreme, they had deflowered just about every surface with their sexual exploits; the kitchen table being their favorite place outside of the bedroom.

For it was just last night that Blake had come home to a surprise he wasn't expecting. As he walked through the front door and turned into the kitchen, he saw on the center table a bulging envelope with the words 'Congratulations' written in script as well as a small number one in the corner. Not seeing the wolf around and very confused, he had reached in, feeling cloth before he removed what turned out to be a large white chef's hat with his full name 'Blake Monin' embroidered across the brim in bright red silk. He could still recall gasping at the sight, as well as being too stunned to notice the wolf slowly approach him from behind and wrapping his arms around the bunny's waist. "Like it?" he had whispered seductively in his ear, licking around the pink rim as he spoke.

Blake could remember spinning around, hat still clasped tightly in his paws as he nodded, "Like it?...I love it," he admitted. Looking it over with great care, he giggled softly as those beige paws gently placed it on his head, smoothing it down between his ears as his blue bangs flowed freely over his face. "But...what's it for?" the rabbit had asked, it certainly wasn't his birthday, nor any other holiday that he could think of.

"It's a requirement for all chefs to have one of these right?" Ry had asked, getting a small nod before pressing those tan lips kiss his forehead, "'re a chef now." The wolf then proceeded to explain how he had sent in the bunny's culinary application in to be judged for the upcoming semester, and much to his surprise, he had been accepted with quite a bit of financial aid along with some grants and bonds....enough that they could afford to send him if he still wanted to pursue his dream. Blake had stood there in the lupine's arms in silence, listening attentively to what was told him, his green eyes slowly filling with tears. When the story came to an end, Riley leaned over and gently whipped those droplets away with the back of his paw, "I know I didn't ask you if I could...You're mad at me, aren't you?" he asked hesitantly.

Blake slowly shook his head as he had let the information sink in, "No...god no...I'm not mad at all..." he squeaked out before their muzzles had met in a deep kiss. Their tongues mingling in his gray muzzle as he draped his arms loosely around the strong beige neck. "I just don't know how we're going to do this. I'm mean the school, while close, certainly isn't walking distance, and you need the car to get back and forth from your new job as a computer technician."

"Well...that's why that was only part one..." the wolf said smoothly, slowly pulling out a pair of keys from his pocket with a little heart shaped card on it with the number two written on the front. The rabbit felt his breath leave him as he took the keys, running his fingers over the smooth, cold metal as he was led to the window, where outside, he saw a small beat-up red corvette parked across from their building. "I used my severance pay to buy it from some old moose who couldn't fit in it anymore...Just needs some T.L.C. and it should be good as new."

Having dropped the keys to the ground, Blake had pounced on his wolf, nearly knocking him to the ground as he ground his muzzle into his mate's. They had made love more times last night then he had ever done, on every surface they encountered; his frenzied sex drive matched by his deep set emotions for the lupine. Every time they finished one round, one of them would jump onto the other, and the entire practice would start all over again. It had been one of the most liberating experiences of his entire life, even as he laid in bed this morning, his tail still felt a bit tender from everything they had done in celebration of their accomplishments.

Slowly he sat up in bed, remembering that they had collapsed naked in each other's arms last night, and that he had to get to work today. Slipping from under the dense green comforter, Blake looked around the room that they had made their sanctuary. It was still barely furnished even though Ry had lived here for three months already, the room having only their large queen sized bed, two end tables, a small walk in closet, and a leather armchair with bookcase next to the windows for reading. The room was still a bleak white, a color they planned to change, though the carpet was a soft green that reminded him of the forest, however much the wolf said it made him think of the rabbit's eyes. Slipping from the bed, making sure not to awake Riley, his naked body refracted the sunlight that peaked through the blinds as he made his way over to the floor length mirror inside their closet.

As Blake got his uniform together for the day, he'd glance over to see his sinewy body reflected in the clear glass. His body hadn't changed much in the past few months, his small 5'6'', now 108 pound frame was still covered from toe to ear in a pelt of soft gray fur. His hair had grown a bit though, his bleach blond roots now showing through the blue dye; Ry had expressed a desire for him to go back to his natural color, a move he was seriously considering. Deep emerald eyes watched his sculpted legs move and bend, sheath swaying against his chest, while his paws were busy at work pulling out his outfit before he was to head into the shower and clean up; the last thing he needed was everyone at work knowing that last night they had fucked like...well...rabbits.

Folding his clothes over his arm, he quietly padded to the door, opening it into a small hallway; the bathroom was on his right, on his left was the laundry room/storage closet, and beyond that it opened up into an expansive living room, which then led into an open air kitchen. Overall, this place was amazing and expensive, and even though Ry's company no longer funded his stay here, they had paid the rent till the end of the fiscal year, which left plenty of time for him and Blake to save up towards future payments. Looking back through the door, he could see his wolf still bundled up under the blanket, a slight murring sound left his lips as he rocked back and forth under the sheets. The rabbit smiled to himself, thinking just how lucky he was, before walking into the bathroom to begin the day's daily hygiene ritual.

The pair hadn't had much time or money to redecorate, so the bathroom was still it's original navy blue hue, which after a few days of seeing it, he had gotten used to. The walls and floor were tiled, white grout left crossing lines everywhere save for a small single line of expensive looking tile that had white-crested waves painted on them. The bunny left his clothes on the towel rack, and after releaveing himself for the morning, he took one of the sea green towels and hung it on the curtain rod before stepping into the tub. "Can't go into work smelling like Wolfie..." he marveled to himself; leaning down, he took a whiff of his shoulder, the canine's scent instantly filling his mind, another smile crossing his face.

Brushing his fingers over his pelt for a moment, pulling out some dust and loose fur, he then turned on the shower as hot water rained down over his body. A content moan left his muzzle as he felt himself drenched to the bone in warmth, moving his paws across his pelt, he made sure he was completely soaked before reaching out for the soap. Cupping one paw, he formed a little pool of blue shampoo in his pads before putting the bottle back, working the liquid into a warm soapy lather, and then generously applying it all over his body. Curling his fingers through his fur, he picked at knots that had formed between the gray hairs, wincing as he had to rip out a few stands in order to remove them. Once he freed himself, his pads set about cleaning away any leftover mess from the previous night's activities, watching the suds slip down the drain as he went back under the spray to wash himself clean.

As he stepped away from the shower head, his fingers drifted down to caress his soft sheath, warm pads gently brushing over his gray sac that held his essence inside. He thought about pawing off, but decided against it, not wanting to be late to work and stick Felix with the morning rush. Deciding to keep the water running to act as sauna, he stepped out from inside the curtain, grabbed the towel he had set aside, and proceeded to dry himself. Blake ended up looking like a giant gray dust bunny as he slowly lowered the towel from over his eyes, wrapping the damp cloth around his waste as he padded over to the sink. Paws gripping the cold marble base, he stared into the mirror, spreading his lips as he checked to see if there was anything between his two large front teeth. He didn't even hear the wolf enter the room, or how long he had been standing there watching till his figure was reflected in the mirror. "How'd you sleep Riley?" he asked softly, using the spare washcloth to gently clean his large ears of water.

"After last night, like a rock..." he mumbled, rubbing the sleep form his eyes with his large beige paws as he let out a yawn that seemed to rock their apartment's foundation. Licking his lips contently, he strode up next to his hare and gently kissed him on the forehead, staring into the mirror as well. His bright yellow eyes gazed sheepishly at the two figures reflected back, his sandy blond hair a tangled mess that fell just shy of his shoulders as his pert ears laid flat against his skull. "What are you staring at Blake?" he asked, sleep still evident in his voice as he buried his face into the gray shoulder, using the other male's musk to wake him up.

Turning to face his mate, the rabbit smiled and gently kissed his wet nose, before turning back to the mirror. "Just trying to see if there's anything stuck in my teeth after last night..." he giggled, memories flashing across his mind as he picked at the corner of his muzzle with his fingers. He felt two paws gently grip him on either side of his hips as the wolf pressed his naked body against him, the warm tan fur melding with his in a sea of fuzz. "We used up the entire pantry, I think..." he mumbled aloud.

That whiff of his mate's scent did more then wake him up, or rather, woke up more then just his mind up. He could already feel the stirrings inside of him as he pressed his still mostly soft sheath against the towel covered behind of the bunny. "Guess we have some shopping to do," he offered softly, resting his head on the gray shoulder as he kissed his neck, "Maybe I'll stop by the Express Lane after work and pick up some groceries for dinner."

"I'd like that..." Blake said softly, playfully grinding against the wolf's hips as they played their little game before he headed off to work. He was about to leave to go get dressed, but Ry's paws on his hips held him tightly between him and the marble base. A question was going to leave his lips, but got interrupted as he felt himself being lifted up, his body tilted back against the lupine's as he was gently pushed on top of the sink. His large thighs gripped the sides of the sink much like if he was riding a feral horse, his ass hanging off the edge of the plateau, the cold material sending shivers through his wet fur. "What are you doing Ry?" he asked as he felt those same paws gently caress his bare back.

"Letting you get a closer look at those teeth of yours," he said with a snicker, his fingers slipping up the hem of the towel to gently brush against the bottom of the rabbit's firm cheeks. His beige sheath already showed the pink tip of his cock coming out to play in the early morning hours, a soft groan leaving his lips as he pressed his torso against the gray back, licking teasingly at his cheeks.

It was then that he smelled the unmistakable scent of the wolf's arousal, a musky odor that coated his nose and had him swimming in his own head. Now catching onto what his mate had planned, he tried to weasel out of his strong grasp, whining softly; "I have to get to work early Riley..." he whined softly, not looking forwards at having to explain his tardiness to the shift manager on duty, probably Amanda.

Though his pleas seemed to fall on deaf ears as he felt his rump repositioned on the sink, the cold marble would now be pressing tightly against the spot where his sheath connected to his sac if it wasn't for the thin towel separating the two. "But you left me so hungry..." the canine playfully whined as he carefully slipped his paw father under the towel till his fingers eventually felt the teardrop tail. He felt Blake tense a moment, though he just smirked as a paw traced around the edges of his puckered rosebud till he managed to easily slip into the warm confines of his mate.

A loud groan echoed through the enclosed space as the rabbit felt two fingers enter him, easily stretching him opened as he arched his back further against the wolf. His previously soft sheath now stood rigid against his belly, the pink tip peaking out from under the hem of his tightly wrapped towel as if to beckon him to give in. Gray paws grabbed a hold of the faucet to steady himself as Ry's paw rocked back and forth inside of him, pushing further into him as new moans were forced from him. "How can you still be hungry?" he asked, his breathing increased as the scent of sex filled his previously clean nostrils, "You ate so much last night, remember?"

Suddenly he felt hot breath against the back of his neck as the lupine's tongue traced over his jaw line and up to the base of his right ear; "I can never get full of you Bun-Bun..." the wolf whispered, gently nibbling along the back of his ear. The beige male could see the shivers pass up the gray rabbit's spine, his body tingling at the sensations that he created in him. With one paw busy playing inside of his mate, the other reached back to gently fluff himself, murring as he felt his cock slowly leave the warm furry confines of his sheath into the steamy bathroom air. "You always leave me wanting more..." he said again, seeing Blake's face blush in the mirror as he ground his hips against the cloth covered rump.

Shaking his head, the lapine grinned as he felt heat radiate from his face; the wolf had indeed been a hopeless romantic, never seeming to be at loss for words that warmed his heart. Softly eeping as he felt the wolf's substantial member press against his backside, the thin layer of cloth providing only marginal protection as his fingertips brushed over his sensitive insides. "Please Ry...I just took a shower..." he whined softly, still a bit torn between lust and responsibility.

"You'll always be my dirty little hare, prey..." Riley said lustfully as he gently bit the nape of his neck, getting a wanton moan from his mate. They both knew his statements weren't derogatory, but a bit of sexy talk never hurt anyone's relationship to his knowledge. Slipping his fingers out from under the pert tail, he reached across the rabbit's chest with his right arm, paw gently cupping his cheek and nudged his face to look back at him over his right shoulder. "I love you Blake..." he said softly as their eyes met, yellow orbs locking on their blue counterparts.

"I love you too Riley..." the bunny echoed, their lips meeting tenderly at first as he brushed muzzles against each other. Though soon enough, their tongues were in a dual to submission as the passion spawned from the fires in their hearts as they squeezed against their mate's respective forms. Pushing his body back towards the wolf's, he felt the fingers on his left paw gently rubbing along his side, scritching his small belly as they snaked their way around his waste to where he had fashioned his towel together. No longer bothering to put up resistance, he could feel the lupine tug gently at his covering.

As Ry worked feverishly into the kiss, his now full erection pressing into the warmth of the rabbit's behind as well as the cold marble counter, his paws were also hard at work. As his right gently remained massaging the soft gray cheeks, the other had finally managed to untuck the towel around his mate's waist; the blue-green fabric pooling around the base of the sink as the rabbit was now left completely bare. Even from this angle he could make out the edges of Blake's quivering rosebud, the memories of last night actives pushing a small bead of pre from the tip of his cock. Slipping his lips free from Blake, a look of desire evident on the male's face as he gave a quick peck on his nose, "You ready?"

No longer worrying about work, not like they were going to fire him anyways, he playfully ruffled his soft tail against the slickened tip of his mate's cock, hearing him moan in appreciation. "Just wanna brace myself first..." he said before placing his paws on either side of the mirror in front of him, fingers gripping at the rough white grout for added support. Once he felt he was secured to the wall, his thighs gripped the cold counter tightly, whimpering as the icy marble vanity pressed firmly to his sheath, sending shivers along his body as he tried to get accustomed to the feeling.

"All good?" the wolf asked, getting a small nod before he proceeded; the last thing he needed was to rush in too early and end up hurting either Blake, himself, of both in the act. His left paw still wrapped around the rabbit's waist held tight as he used his right one to line up the head of his shaft with his mate's sacred entrance. With a single thrust, he pushed his way past the boy's natural defensives, the inflamed head barging its way into the silky hot confines of the bunny's rear. "Ohhhh..." he moaned as the sudden warmth invigorated him, "This is the best alarm clock I've ever had."

He felt his gray cheeks turn a soft shade of red as his ass was easily spread by the wolf's engorged member, a low murr leaving his lips as he let gravity pull his rear down upon Ry's virile tower of flesh. "Maybe I should turn on the vibrate function..." he teased, wiggling his rump back and forth as the lupine tried to further bury himself inside of him. Suddenly feeling two sets of fingers grip his hips, he cried out in ecstasy as the beige male pulled him down onto his cock, those thick first few inches plowing into him.

Leaning in to take the nape of Blake's neck into his muzzle, he gently bit down on the scruff of fur and tugged it slightly as he began rocking to and fro inside of him. Riley watched him squirm as his wolfhood pulsed inside of him in a steady rhythm of lust, both males groaning as they made love early in the morning to only the sounds of the birds outside their windows and their heavy breathing. "Just as long as you don't put the alarm on..." he retorted, releasing his pelt as he nibbled on the boy's shoulders, "Wouldn't want to wake up the neighbors, would we?"

"Like they'd call the cops on us..." the rabbit replied, rolling his eyes as he felt another inch or so slide into his previously moistened hindquarters. In fact, their only neighbors, since the other apartment was currently under renovations, were a lesbian couple in their early twenties. One was a cheetah, that Blake could remember, the other was some sort of deer, antelope maybe, he was never sure; but they themselves had loud nights of frisky, and what sounded like, kinky sex at all hours of the day, so they knew better then to alert the authorities. Proving his point, as the next section of Riley's member refitted itself inside of him; he let out an extra loud moan that echoed throughout the apartment. "See..." he said in a soft voice as his tailhole continued getting hammered, his own bunnyhood now dribbling pre down his thighs, to the counter below.

Reaching around, Riley gently let go of Blake's hips as he continued to buck against his mate with a burning sexual desire, his paws taking up different residences on the lapine's body. As one headed up to gently tweak at his nipples, each gently squeeze was followed soon after by a hissing cry of pleasure, the other drifted only slightly lower to start pawing on his already dribbling cock. Looking over the boy's shoulder, the wolf could just make out the red member still surrounded by a sea of gray fur interrupted by the blurry motions of his own tan paw. As soon as he felt the first drop of pre touch his fingers, he removed them and brought it to his muzzle, hungrily lapping at his morning appetizer. Humming satisfied 'MMMmmm' the canine then returned his paw to the rabbit's body: "It's ever sweeter then I remember..." he commented, "You're aging like a good wine."

His prey swiveled those large gray ears to pick up the last statement over the sounds of his own whimpers of pleasure. Blake's fingers curled on the tile, blunt claws digging into the clay as he jutted forth each time his mate hilted into him, his eyes watching himself in the mirror before him as he could see, and feel, those warm pads taking a firm grip on his own erection. "You mean like...I'm getting better with age?" he asked back between clenched teeth. Tipping his head back, he began rocking his body with the wolf's motion as his sac pressed against the ridge of the sink, halting its rise towards the base of his sheath and prolonging his eventual release.

"You'll be the hottest old coot in the nursing home..." Ry teased, nibbling on the male's back, shoulder, and neck as he continued thrusting in. He got a loud 'hmpf' in return from the rabbit, but it was all in good fun, and he just laughed it away...or as much as he could laugh between his soft yips of lustful cries. The beige wolf's knot was slowly swelling, it had been for some time now, but it still sunk easily enough under the boy's tail without him seeming to notice for the moment. "I meant that...the more I taste it, the more intoxicated I get with you, Blake Monin..." he cooed, thrusting his entire cock into those constricting velvety walls, keeping himself lodged there as he swiveled his hips around like a spatula in a mixing bowl.

A gasping plea emanated from the rabbit's lips as his body bucked forwards against the cool counter top; his muzzle was open in a silent scream of pleasure as he closed his eyes and let his body move with the firms thrusts from behind. As soon as he managed to catch his breath, he was moaning to the high heavens as his body writhed in the sexual embrace that his mate had wrapped him in. "Well, they say a glass of wine a day is good for you..." he mumbled somewhat distorted by his high-pitched squeals, not willing to let their witty conversation die just yet.

"If that's the case..." the wolf said, grunting as he forced his cock back under the boy's upturned tail, "Then I'm a couple of years ahead of myself." Riley's pace quickened as he felt himself close in on his state of orgasm euphoria, the rabbit's tight rear was just such perfect fit for his member that it was a wonder he had ever managed to last all night last night. The perfect internal curvature matched him like a glove, those silky warm walls of flesh slipping down over his wolfhood as he plugged away at the puckered rosebud. The pair's mutual cries for release filling the bathroom as he reached around to retake a firm hold of the bunny's on dripping member.

The lupine was constantly pushing him to the edge, the tapered tip of his cock having been a reoccurring force against his prostate as he pushed back into the powerful thrusts. "Ohhhh...god...Ry, I'm...I'm almost...there..." Blake cried out between grasping for air as he felt his body begin to convulse in the wolf's beige arms. As he was continued to be mounted by the unrelenting force that was his mate and lover, he could begin to feel his two inch, baseball sized knot begin to force its way into him. Adjusting himself so he only needed one paw bracing him, he reached back with his right paw and tightly gripped the tan thigh behind him. "I still have to get to work..." he said just as his body arched back as another surge of pleasure rushed through him.

Acknowledging his mate's request not to tie together this morning, Riley slipped his right paw around the front of his knot so he couldn't accidentally lock them together in a moment of passion. The wolf could feel the tips of his knuckles just breaching the boy's tailhole as he continued to pound his mate's offered rump with long, sensual, movements of his hips. "I think I'm gonna beat you there..." the canine teased as he shifted closer so that he could fuck his mate at a better angle. His tan sac was already starting to pull dangerously close to the base of his sheath, and the constant beads of pre that leaked down his crimson red shaft spoke to his readiness to explode. Having let go of the rabbit's own member a minute back, he simply let his fingers drape over the gray shoulder as he pushed up on his toes, and into the deepest recesses of Blake's body.

"Not this time!" the rabbit shouted, though with both paws back on the wall, he had very little help coming his way now that the wolf had stopped pawing him off. Constricting his rump, he could hear the wolf stifle a soft moan as the warm passage collapsed on top of his sensitive organ, driving them both closer to the plateau's of their respective orgasms. His bobbing red cock had created a small pool of pre at the bottom of the sink, the shimmering trails of fluid reflecting the overhead light as he could see them in the mirror. Grunting as his tailhole what throughly plowed, he could feel his orbs just bursting with excitement as he closed his yes and concentrated on beating the wolf.

"Too la-AAAAA-te!" Riley exclaimed as he firmly bit down on the rabbit's shoulder, just enough to leave a small mark as he hilted his entire shaft inside the warm confines of his ass before feeling his balls push out his seed. His sticky member spasmed against the tightening walls of Blake's rosebud as he felt his warm wolf cum fill his mate, his final few pushes a rather sloppy affair. Freeing his paws, he wrapped his arms tightly around the male's waist as he pulled himself tighter against him, both boys pressing firmly to the cold marble counter, though only Blake could feel its smooth chill along the underside of his raging member.

Grunting, the rabbit scrunched up his face as he felt his insides being coated with his wolf's seed; it wasn't anything like the amount that had been pumped into him last night, though it seemed that Ry had indeed recovered a bit during their sleep. "You win again..." he said slowly, looking down to see his own sac still plump full of his own bunny juices, for even that hadn't been quite enough to push his rather jaded body over the edge. Glancing back, he got a warm consolation prize, a warm kiss on his muzzle from the gracious winner.

"Better luck next time Bun-Bun..." the wolf cooed as he broke the kiss, lips transferring the taste of his mate's pre to the rabbit's own muzzle. Feeling rather drained with this morning's proceedings, he gently squeezed the bunny's small tummy before slipping his slightly flaccid cock from under the offered tail. The moist bathroom air wrapped around his softening member as he gently fluffed it back into it's protective sheath; and before the rabbit could comment he dived towards the drawn curtains of their large shower, slipping half his form behind the plastic divider.

Turning around, his ass still sticking into the air, he watched his mate slink away to the shower. "You're just gonna leave me like this?" he asked, stepping down to the tiled floor below, his erection stiffly swaying before him. His hard bunnyhood still dripped small drops of pre down his legs as it wagged before him, taking a hold of the leaking shaft, Blake pawed himself for a moment, having to lean back against the sink for support. His bright red, seven inch long tower of flesh still hard as diamonds as he tried to think of something, anything, that would get him off.

Slipping the rest of his body inside so that now only his head stuck out from behind the curtain, he smiled teasingly at his mate as he spoke, "You said you had to get to work...didn't want to keep you," he grinned before sliding completely inside. The rabbit could hear him whistling contently to himself as he started his morning bathing ritual, something the rabbit had joined in on several occasions since they had been living together. Watching the sexy shadow back lighted through the blue curtains, and weighing the choices between finishing himself off, or having some unwilling help...a cruel plan formed in his head.

Sighing loudly, Blake padded over towards the door, his still erect cock swinging before him as he grasped the cold knob and turned, "Guess I had better get going then..." he mumbled to the showering wolf. Getting only a grunt in return, he held the door open for a few seconds, stepped through, stomped loudly on the carpet, and then quietly slipped back into the bathroom before closing the door. Stealthily moving across the tiled floor, he crouched next to the tub as he tried to discern the direction that his mate was facing before making his move. The rabbit could see the lupine's body in the shower dial, the curved metal surface producing a perfect, if slightly distorted, reflection of the events inside the shower stall.

Once he was sure that the bunny had left him alone, Riley giggled to himself as he began working his fingers through his sopping wet fur before dunking his face into the spray of water. As the wolf's pads glided over his form, he turned to face the back wall in order to let the warm water wash over his back and tail, paws now running through his sandy blond hair. Not expecting anyone else to be in the room with him, and with the steam obscuring both his sense of smell and sight, it's understandable that he'd be surprised when he felt a burst of cool air enter the shower stall, signaling that he was no longer alone. "What the hel-" he managed to scream before a gray body forced him up against the back wall, a familiar set of teeth firmly taking hold of his neckfur in a substantial mating bite.

"Thought you'd could get rid of me that easy huh, Wolfie?" Blake whispered forcefully into the male's ear before taking it into his muzzle and gently bitting down on it, causing the furr under him to moan loudly. He could feel Ry struggle to escape, managing to slip his right paw out before it was pinned between his torso and the wall, but he caught it quick enough; forcing the beige arm against the wall with his own right paw, he intertwined his fingers with his mate's as he used his body to smush his wolf against the cold tile. The lupine let out a soft submissive whine as his body came in contact with the smooth blue clay, his body pressed tightly against the material as he found struggling against the rabbit's advantageous position to be useless. So with his free paw, the bunny swiped the tan tail away to reveal his lover's sacred entrance, his own member still hard from their previous unfulfilling encounter.

"I thought..." he said, stressing the second word "that you had to get to work early today," he finished, moving through the words as fast as he could while still trying to playfully escape from his mate's arms. But the rabbit seemed to care nothing of it; for with one push of his powerful hips, even though hindered by the wolf's clenched tailhole, managed to spear the lupine with a bit more then half of his cock. Both boys cried in pleasure as they were once again united together by sex, Blake's sleek bunnyhood having slipped effortlessly into those warm anal walls his mate kept hidden away. Riley barely had a moment to think before a second thrust brought all of his mate inside of him, a lustful whimper seeping forth from his lips as he bucked back against the now dominate rabbit.

Hearing those wanton moans, and seeing those pert, angular, beige ears lower to display submission towards his new alpha was such a turn-on to Blake, that it didn't take long for him to get into the rhythm of things. Using his torso to keep Ry pinned to the wall, he pulled his hips back until just the tip of his leaking member was poised under that tan tail before slamming in with all he had. A chorus of sounds escaped the pair as the bunny's thrusting got more erratic by the moment, his hips a mere gray blur as that lapin speed was put to good use fucking the daylights out of his mate. "Who's top dog now?" Blake asked, getting himself drunk on power as he ground his hips against the wolf's ass, making him squeal loudly as he was pushed once again into the wall.

Even though he had just recently shot his load of wolfseed into the rabbit's bottom, the tip of Riley's cock started poking out from his sheath to rub against the cool tiles, a sensation that sent shivers up his spine. Turn his head to the side, he was pushed up against the wall again as his mate tried to extract an answer from him other then his moans of pleasure. "I am..." he mumbled horsely, still trying to be defiant as he made one last ditch effort for escape. As he opened his legs in preparation to bolt, the rabbit caught him off guard by shifting closer and placing his own, much larger legs, on the inside track, making sure to keep his prey as spread as possible. The jackhammering motions into his tailhole were overwhelming for his quivering knees were soon threatening to buckle underneath him; while the sound of Blake's heavy sac slapping against his upturned rump echoed in the small blue chamber.

Blake had completely forgot about the warm water hitting his back, that heat paled in comparison to the hot flesh that his cock was sinking into for the last few minutes. Though not liking to be disobeyed, the rabbit hooked his free arm around the lupine's waist and heaved him away from the wall for a brief second, only to push him back with an even greater force as he felt the tip of his cock come in contact with the canine's prostate. "Now, who's the top dog?" he asked again, sterner this time as his member pressed firmly against the small, tightly wound ball of carnal fire inside the wolf's body.

"Oh...Oh god!" the canine barked, his insides feeling like they were being bathed in lava as the moist steam doing nothing to cool him down. His body trembled against the powerful pelvic thrusts his mate applied on his body, while his soaking wet form slopped around on the tiles; Though having now shifted a few inches over, the sensitive glans on the tip of his member were pressing against the rough, rubbery grout rather then the smooth tile, the new sensations adding to his excitement. Closing his eyes as he felt totally dominated, "You are...You are the top dog..." he grunted, tipping his head back and howling a cry to his new alpha. As much as the wolf did love being on top most days, letting the rabbit take control every now and then aroused him, maybe more then he liked to admit, especially being by a smaller male that's usually his prey.

Hearing his mate howl like that after admitting to the world that he had let this bunny take him, and accepted it, pushed his smaller form over the edge. Squeezing his eyes shut, he hissed as he felt warm cum flood the wolf's rear as he held himself tightly inside the lupine's warm confines. Not having nearly as much volume as his mate did, after he felt a few ropes of seed splash inside Riley's body, the rest was reduced to a small dribble that eventually started leaking out of the sides of his stretched tailhole. Once he felt completely empty, he hugged the wolf from behind, pressing his face into his wet pelt as he started giggling, his cock still stuffed under the beige tail. "You'll always be both my alpha and my omega..." he teased softly, nipping at his neck once more as he let the shower's spray drench them in a bath of hot steam.

Riley felt his cheeks turn a soft shade of red as he was held lovingly, he could feel the bunny's face rubbing into his back, and he couldn't be happier. A deep, rumbling sigh of contentment escaped his lips as he slumped against the wall, their fingers intertwining as he smiled broadly to himself. "I wouldn't want to be anything else other then your mate..." he said softly, looking over his shoulder into the rabbit's emerald eyes before kissing him on the forehead. They stayed like that for another minute or so, Blake's soft cock still resting inside his wolf's body while they treasured each other's company. Suddenly a thought dawned on the lupine, "Don't you have to get to work?" he asked softly, wondering just how long they had been at it.

Perking his ears, the rabbit fell into a silent state of shock for the following few moments before shouting a loud "Fuck!" and quickly slipping out of his mate. He didn't even take time to rewash himself before bolting from the shower, grabbing this clothes off the rack where he had left them, and getting dressed. He cleaned up rather nicely for someone who had just been frisked by a horny wolf, dressing himself in a white undershirt and orange fleece sweater, a pair of jeans with holes at both knees, white socks, and his favorite pair of red converse as always. Looking in the mirror one last time as he brushed his still dripping blue hair out of his eyes, "Love you Wolfie!" he cried before really leaving the bathroom this time.

As he rounded the corner into the large family room, he heard Riley's voice scream, "Love you too Bun-Bun!" before he went back to finishing his shower. His cheeks flushed as he ran into the kitchen, grabbed a blueberry muffin from the bread tin, took his new keys from the table, and headed out the door of their apartment. He was busy locking the door when he saw the cheetah from next door slowly exit to pick up the morning paper that was laying on their doormat; wearing only panties and a bra, the two eyed each other for a brief moment, the rabbit's gray cheeks turning crimson as he waved a quick hello before vanishing down the hallway. Racing down the few slights of stairs, he arrived on street level soon enough, and was next to his car seconds after that.

His new four-wheeled steed was a bit worse for wear, but seeing as how Riley had probably driven it here, he knew that at least it worked. The windshield and windows appeared to be in fine condition, no obvious cracks that he could see as he slowly circled the car once. There were a few places where the faded crimson paint had cracked and even chipped off, specifically under the door handles, around the bumpers, and along the fenders; the only other thing he could see was that his right two wheels seemed a bit flat, though he was hoping they just needed some extra air. Hesitantly, the rabbit slipped his keys into the door, and with a shaky paw, was relived to hear the 'click' of the tumblers as he pulled the door open. Instantly his nose was assaulted by the overwhelming smell of Fabreeze and other air-freshners, obviously the wolf had taken some time to do what he could to fix it up. "What a sweetie..." Blake mumbled to himself as he sat down in the faux leather seat, closed the door, and started his new ride up.

The inside was no more luxurious then the outside was, but it still managed to serve its purpose; that car still had all of it's necessities, driver and passenger seats, a back bench that could seat three, each seat having a seatbelt and headrest, gear shift between the seats, emergency brake, radio and CD player, and finally, two cup holders in the front and two more on each of the rear doors. He could see a couple stains on the upholstery from his seat as he leaned over to adjust the rear-view mirror before putting the car into reverse and backing out of his perfectly parallel parked space. Shifting his car back into drive, the rabbit sped down the early morning streets vacant of other traffic, marveling at the smoothness of his ride, he used the empty roads to do some mobility tests. "Holy crud that was quick," he said out loud as he pulled into one of the employee parking spots at the front of the Express Lane, having arrived there far faster then he had ever done before.

Stepping out of his car, he remembered to lock the doors before he slowly jogged to the entrance, the automatic doors opening for him as he stepped into the air-conditioned building. "Look who finally decided to show!" a voice said, catching the bunny off guard as he looked over to his left, eyes widening at the line of customers waiting on the single open cashier. It was the morning rush he had feared he'd miss, as he slowly walked closer, slumped forwards as he mouthed a silent apology to the fox behind the check-out counter. Felix Daily was a 17 year old fox; though had a sexual history of someone twice his age at least. He had all the normal pelt colorations, a rusty orange back and face, white from chin to base of his tail, and black gloves on all four paws including the tip of his tail. The kit was dressed in a pair of blue sandals, some tan shorts, a tight fitting green t-shirt, and a hemp choker fitted firmly around his neck. Taking a break from his current sale as he waited for the customer to fish change from their pocket, the vulpine looked up at his friend, brown eyes squinting unapprovingly as he brushed his paws through his long brown hair that was tied back into a ponytail, the length only reaching shoulder height.

"I'm really sorry Felix..." Blake said, whimpering as he hurried over to his booth, reaching under the counter to grab his apron before securing it around his waist with a small bow. He saw his friend sigh, before going back to helping his next customer try to remember where they had put their coupons for their shopping spree. Instantly feeling guilty for having left the fox in such a predicament, he looked over at the vacant third booth. "Hey..." he said, getting his friend's attention again as he motioned to the empty cashier station, "Where's...umm...what's-his-face?" he asked, unable to remember the young otter's name for the life of him.

Turning too look at his friend, Felix was able to take a moment's breather as he waited for the next fur to load their purchases onto the conveyor belt. "Don't know, he never showed up today," he explained, rolling his eyes as a grin Blake knew very well crossed his face; he was fantasizing again. His attention snapped back to his customers as he started scanning the items and record speeds while still both giving his customer a smile, and eying the rabbit firmly. As soon as he got a free paw, he hurriedly waved the rabbit onwards, "Go clock in already, I need the help!" he shouted, rushing to collect the cash and give accurate change.

"Thank you!" he shouted back as he turned tail and sprinted across the front area towards the set of metal stairs that led up to his time-card station. Reaching the top of the stairs in a huff, the was about to punch-in when the flick of something long and gray passed over his peripherals. Quickly turning to his left, he nearly jumped out of his pelt as he saw the rather unthrilled form of his manager and boss standing beside him. "H...H-Hi Amanda..." he said, clutching his chest from the shock as he tried to calm down. Her unwavering icy blue eyes digging into him as he stood there in silence, arms drooping at his sides, body slightly bent, head bowed, and ears lowered as he tried to hide his face behind them.

The husky stared down at him, her arms crossed tightly over her chest as her curly white tail swished sternly. The day shift manager was dressed in a bright yellow sundress, the pleated fabric embroidered with white daises that circled the bottom hem of the dress which fell to mid-calf. A pair of white open-toed heels adorned her feet, some small gold hoop earrings hung from her ears, and a pair of expensive looking sunglasses were stuck between her ears. Her long black hair was tied back with a sky blue ribbon as her straight bangs fell over her ample breasts and down to her waist. A low rumbling growl left her throat, "Do you have any idea how late you are Mr. Monin?" Amanda asked sternly, blue eyes staring at him with the intensity of a thousands suns.

The rabbit whined as he bowed several times before standing up straight at attention, waiting for a response to come to him. In fact, he had no idea how late he was, he didn't know how long he and Ry had spent in the bathroom, and he hadn't bothered to check the clock in the car while he was driving here, having enjoyed the ride far too much. "I'm so sorry Ma'am, please forgive my transgression..." he said softly; he knew that she wouldn't fire him, but she could definitely make his day a living hell if she felt inclined to do so.

"By fifteen whole minutes Blake...Fifteen minutes!" she said firmly, trying to keep the facade going as she stomped her right shoe on the ground hard. The canine watched the bunny squirm before her, his nervousness a priceless thing to watch, knowing that her finance, Craig, the night manager, would take some more pleasure in this moment. So finally she broke down, doubling over in laughter, having to hold onto the railing as her flood of giggles over took her composure. "Oh man..." she mumbled, gasping for breath before managing to stand up, "You should've seen the look on your face!"

Blake was taken aback at his manager's dirty little trick, "Amanda!" he shouted in disbelief as he took a few steps closer and bent down to stare her directly in the eyes. Once determining that the husky was indeed yanking his chain about everything, he stood up, offered an unpleasant 'humpf', and placed his paws on his hips. "That wasn't a very nice thing to do..." he sulked, not even bothering to respond as the girl wrapped her arms loosely around his middle as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Oh come on bunny..." she teased, nuzzling his neck as she gave his rear a playful tease before letting go. Brushing her dress clean, she reached over and snatched the time card out of the rabbit's paw before he could react as her other paw gently shooed him away. "Now go, I'll punch in for you, Felix is being swamped right now and that stupid temp worker decided not to show. Called up and said he was sick..." she scoffed while pushing the rabbit towards the stairs, "I could hear the fucking waves the background, bastard went surfing or something."

Chuckling softly, Blake brushed his hair out of his face as he started tromping down the stairs, fixing his apron as he went. "Thanks a lot Amanda, I'll work through half of my break today to make up for it," he offered as he reached the bottom step.

"I knew you would..." she said as he rounded the corner to get back to his station. Suddenly thinking of something, she hollered for him to stop moving, and a few seconds later his head peaked around the corner with an inquisitive look on his face. "Next time, please clean up before coming into work," Amanda said, a girlish giggle escaping her muzzle before she turned tail and went to go clock him in and then get back to her paper work.

The rabbit was left with a confused look on his face, though not having time to ponder her words, he hurried back to his station and within minutes he had a line of customers waiting to pay for their goods. He didn't have a moment to say anything to Felix about his return as the first furr, and elderly tiger, placed her purchases down on the counter. They went through the stereotypical greetings and conversation as Blake rung her up; though as she was paying his bill, the rabbit could see her sniff the air for a moment before giving him a very awkward smile and then taking her groceries. That action, of sniffing the air around him and being given some sort of odd look, continued till the morning rush had finally passed, the last one being a young looking coyote who shot him a very suggestive wink, licking his lips before leaving with his purchases. It still not clicking, he was surprised when he felt someone giving a small yank on his pert tail, "Hey Felix," he said once he calmed down.

"Afternoon there Blake," the fox responded, moving around to sit on top of the bag pick-up right behind the rabbit. After checking his balance for the morning so far, he turned around and leaned back against his cash register, and offered his best friend a warm apologetic smile. Crossing his legs, the fox had his large tail curled around his side as he stared at his paws, flicking out some dirt that had slipped under his claws. Once feeling that he was prim and proper, the vulpine flicked his tongue out teasingly as he cocked his head to the side. "Just where were you this morning? As soon as the doors opened, I was swamped..." he said, looking over at the entrance to see if anyone was coming in; it was at this point in the day that it became relatively dead inside the Express Lane.

Bowing slowly, he could only shrug as to the question. "I'm really sorry man, I just got distracted this morning and...well...time just got away from me." He knew that he could have trusted the vulpine with the truth about his morning activities, but he just felt it easier since he wouldn't have to go into any detail. Ever since he had shacked up with the wolf, everyone has been after him for dirty details, even Amanda whose set to be married, and Craig, though he tries to fake disgust when he happens to overhear it.

"Some old lady needed help crossing the street?" Felix teased, "Or maybe, it was a pretty flower you just had to smell? Someone walking a cute dog? Unique cloud? Come least tell me if I'm getting close." the furr was positively giddy, bouncing up and down on the metal surface, swaying back and forth with the beat that only he could hear, a possible result from standing too close to the speakers at those clubs.

Scrunching up his face, the rabbit stuck his tongue out in mock disgust. "You're a prick Felix, you know that?" he said factually, though it was basically calling the kettle black, or in this case, a vibrant rainbow, as both males broke into wide smiles.

"Geez, tell me something I don't know for once," he replied with a smirk, fingers reaching up to undo his ponytail and let his hair out of its constraints. He just scoffed at the look he got from the rabbit as he busied himself with removing the hair-tie, sighing contently once he felt his long brown locks cascade down over his back, coming to rest just above the base of his tail. Shaking his head wildly, throwing long strands around his face before smoothing it down against his body, taking special attention to take any knots out. "You are what you eat, after all..." he mumbled, moving from his hair to start grooming his long luxurious tail.

"Your appetite is simply insatiable," the lapin commented, giving the vulpine a light smack to his shoulder, smiling broadly at the squinting set of eyes looking up at him before returning to the business at hand. Deciding to do a bit of his own grooming in the time off, he tugged his left ear down before his face as he started to pick bits of fuzz and lint from his soft pelt. "But if you must know..." he said aloud as he yanked a particularly large piece of dust from his fur, "I drove here."

The last comment stopped the fox cold as he looked up from his tail with a rather surprised look drawn upon his muzzle; "He let you drive his SUV to work?" he asked curtly, it being unheard of that a wolf would share his property like that, "But then how did he get to work this morning? He's not sick or anything is he?"

"No, he's not sick..." Blake said with a small chuckle as he directed his friend's attention out towards the parking lot behind them. "See that red corvette out there?" he asked, watching the back of the boy's head nod slowly, "He gave it to me yesterday as a gift." A rosy blush formed on his cheeks as the vulpine's head spun back around to stare with opened muzzle at his friend, the look of shock as plain as the fur on his face.

"That piece of junk?" he retorted, watching his friend react with a seething deep breathing that sent moist air like a wet blanket around his face. Giggling nervously as he scooted back a bit, he waved his black paws in front of his face, "Just kidding buddy...I think it's possibly the most romantic thing I've ever seen done around these parts. It's also nice because now I don't have to drive your ass everywhere....about damn time too, since you owe me about two years of chauffeuring."

"I don't owe you not'in," the bunny stated as he pulled the fox into a tight hug, his friend quickly reciprocating as they stayed like that for several long seconds, their muzzle gently nuzzling the other's cold neck with their wet noses. As Blake leaned in to kiss the kit on his forehead, he watched Felix's nose wrinkle up as he seemed to sniff the air for a second. "You too?" he asked, stepping back a few steps, "Just what is with everyone? All my customers kept smelling me; I got bad B.O. someone needs to tell me about or something?"

Blinking, the orange pelted creature looked curiously at his friend. "You mean you don't know?" he asked softly, leaning in to take another whiff of the air around them as though to confirm his suspicions.

"Does it look like I know?" the rabbit spit back, not meaning to be so spiteful, but he was just a little fed up with everything. Though his friend seemed to understand his feelings, Felix always did; he felt a black paw reach out and gently squeeze his shoulder, like someone would do when they are about to give you the worse news of your life, and he was prepared for it.

Taking a deep breath, he could only offer a wide grin, trying to hold back his laughter, "I'm sorry that I have to tell you this Blake-y Boy...but you smell like you were just rutted by an entire pack of wolves. It ain't faint either; even some of my customers were smelling the air and looking over at you, though you probably didn't notice that." It was then that a flood of giggles rush out of his muzzle as he watched the realization sink into his friend's face. Holding his sides as he doubled over in a fit of cackling, he had to grip the rabbit's shoulder just to keep from falling.

The lapin's face was bright red as he took the moment to try and recall what he did this morning after he had mounted Ry, and realized that he had probably run out without taking proper measures to wash the lupine's sexual musk from his body. "Fuck you..." he growled, crossing his arms over his chest, his words simply making the vulpine laugh even harder at his friend's predicament. The bunny's gray tail bristled as he gave a light punch to the fox's arm, "I've told you how persuasive he can be."

"True...True," Felix said, gently rubbing his arm where he got socked, "I mean really, we all know you guys do it...but can't you shower afterwards or something?" He watched the rabbit turn another shade of red, causing him to blink before a wicked smile crossed his lips, "You did it in the shower, didn't you?" he accused the bunny.

"It was his idea!" Blake shouted in response, clamping his paws over his muzzle once he realized he had given the fox exactly the answer he had been looking for. The kit shoot him an inquisitive glare as he tried to back his way out of the topic, though all that came out were mumbled fragments of convoluted words and phrases. Finally, seeing his defeat at hand, he sighed slowly, "Look, you know how big he is, if you had a stallion like that at your disposal, you wouldn't give him a moment's peace."

The vulpine's face turned bright red as looked shyly away, both knowing that the rabbit had indeed spoken the truth, the small wavering in his long amber colored tail gave away his secret lustful desires. He was about to counter, but the sight of a form entering the Express Lane just behind the bunny's shoulder caught his interest as his head snapped in the furr's direction. "Speaking of horses..." he said, that familiar tone permeating his words that meant he had found a new target, umber eyes quivering as he took in the sight before him.

Turning in the direction that Felix had motioned to with the tip of his tail; Blake easily saw what had caught the jaded creature's attention. There, standing in the middle of the entrance looking over this week's sales, was one stud of an equine. From this distance, he could only make out the basics, he was well over six feet, his face a mixture of black and white stripes that vanished under the collar and hems of his clothes, his long white mane tied back in a ponytail. The male was dressed rather presentable for the morning crowd, a nice leather jacket zipped up to his neck, under which a pair of tight fitted blue jeans covered in long legs, his long black tail flowing out of the back, and a pair of your everyday running sneakers to finish off the look. To be blunt, it was just the kind of creature the sent the fox into overdrive, and just as he suspected, he could already see the gears turning in his pal's head. "Now now...let's not rush into things..." he warned cautiously, he didn't need to explain to another straight furr why there was a male fox basically humping at his legs.

"Yeah, yeah..." Felix replied, shooing away the gray paws that tried to steer his attention back to more pressing matters at hand, like not ogling the customers while on shift. His crimson tongue was licking along the rim of his muzzle as he contemplated his moves as though this were simply a game of chess. "Man, I'd like a slice of that beefcake..." he thought aloud as he started to rise from his seat on the edge of Blake's counter.

Looking the customer over like he was on display for their entertainment, Blake had to admit that the fox had perfect taste in picking out the studs, but he had one of his own at home. So with a lackluster response he merely offered a warm smile, "Think he fits the 'ten inches or less' criteria?" he asked softly, merely to appease his friend's rampant desires to jump the horse's bones in the back room.

"You doubt it?" the vulpine asked in surprise as he stared the rabbit over. Wiggling his tail seductively behind him while walking in small circles, he still couldn't come up with a decent plan to get himself noticed without scaring off his prey. "That stallion must be packing a foot or more at least," he mused to himself as he watched his newest interest saunter down some isles till he was all but out of view save for the tips of his black ears.

Playfully humming the theme song from the movie Jaws to himself, Blake watched the black 'fins' begin circling up and down the rows of food, ducking down ever so often under the waves of groceries to snatch an unsuspecting bag or can from its shelf before moving along to another victim. "I'm sure he is..." the rabbit said sarcastically, though the fox was probably right in his dimension assumptions, he would know after all; "But that doesn't necessarily mean he's willing to park it under your tail. He could have a boyfriend or girlfriend; heck, he could be married with wife and child at home for all you know."

"He could...but I won't know for sure until I give him the ole' F.P.P. Survey," Felix said with a smile. Reaching into his back pocket, he brought out a blank notepad and pen, looking like a regular news reporter...if said reporter was a voracious cockhound whose mind wasn't set so much on the story, but rather on the person. He was about to head towards his subject, when he turned around to face his friend, "Want me to invite you to the revealing party?" he asked, by which he meant if the rabbit wanted to make their one-on-one interview, a threesome.

"I'm not going to bother committing to something that might not happen," the rabbit mumbled as he stuck his fingers under the collar of his shirt, loosening the material against his pelt. Both employees continued to watch the horse move from shelf to shelf, eyes following his swishing tail and rippling leg muscles that stretched the fabric of his jeans to their limit. Reaching out, he gently placed his paw on the fox's shoulder, "At least wait until Ritter clocks in today in case things start to get ugly...That guy could pound you into a bloody mess if your gay-dar is mistaken."

Pushing off the rabbit's paw, Felix spun around and flashed his brilliant white fangs, "I don't need protection, I can take of myself you know!" he exclaimed; crossing his arms over his chest, fingers tugging at the hemp band around his throat so as to keep his paws busy, and not trying to strangling his best friend. "Just because you feel like playing the loyal omega to that wolf of yours, doesn't mean I can't move from pack to heard," he spat out as he turned to walk away.

"Hey hey, I was the alpha this time!" he shouted in response, clamping his paws over his muzzle for the second time this conversation as he watched the vulpine wheel around to stare at him with disbelief. It was already too late to take it back, so he let his face turn a bright crimson as he giggled nervously and leaned against his station. "I had him howling and whimpering praise to me," Blake admitted with a tinge of pride in his voice, "I can't really explain what kinda had to be there."

"I already wish I had been..." his friend teased, smirking as the naughty thoughts started filtering into his head; though his thoughts were shifted off course when the horse that they had been previously staring at reemerged from one lane only to vanish into another, seemingly oblivious to the two sets of eyes cataloging his every move. "That's it, I'm not letting this one get away from me," he said proudly as he strode out of the bunny's cubicle, "Cover for me Blake."

"What?" he asked loudly, not looking forwards to have to man the entire checkout counter alone. Granted, there wasn't anyone in the store at the moment save for a few meandering furrs who had walked in during their conversation, but he still didn't like the idea of doing it all by himself. "Why do I have to cover so you can try and get a piece of tail?" he asked as Felix continued to walk away, peering down several lanes as he tried to determine where his prize stallion had gone.

"Because you left me high and dry this morning with a line of customers out the door so you and your Romeo could have an early morning fling in the shower," he recalled with precise accuracy. Unable to do anything against the impervious wall of logic the fox had set up around him, Blake just dropped his head, nodding as he sighed to the vulpine's demands. Settling himself in for a long afternoon while his friend went to go attempt to claim his prize, he was surprised to find his friend still there when he looked up from resetting his register. "Oh, and here..." he said, tossing the gray male a small glass bottle, "It's the perfume I always use after a romp in the supply room, should cover that sexual musk with ease." His friend caught the container was ease, looking at the amber colored liquid and smelling its pungent aroma, "Just give it back to me, ya hear?" Felix informed him before setting off on his expedition.

Making his way to where the horse was last spotted, the fox saw him down at the end of the isle currently glancing up and down row after row of various condensed soups. Putting his pad down for a second, the boy reached back to his long hair, and within seconds had it a hastily made French braid that fell over his left shoulder and across his chest. After making sure his clothes and pelt were clean, tail was pert and groomed, and face was free of smudges and grime, he grabbed his pad and headed down the isle, pretending to carefully examine the products on the shelves while still keeping a watchful eye on the equine. He made sure to appear preoccupied with his task as he sped down the lane, accidentally knocking into the large creature at the end and falling to a slump on the ground. "Hey! What's the big idea bump-" the large horse started to bellow before looking down at the offender still sprawled out on the floor. It was a young male fox, that much he could tell, and he looked positively disoriented as he tried to get back onto his haunches, but merely fell over gripping his head and moaning in pain.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry sir..." Felix whined, huddling on the floor as he pulled his notepad against his chest and shivered softly for what he feared might come. He looked up once to see the horse's black eyes staring back at him, and had to glance back at the floor to avoid him seeing the faint blush on his lips, or the rampant desire reflected in his own lenses. "They're gonna fire me now for sure..." he pretended to mumble to himself, though made sure it was loud enough that the other male could hear, "And after only one day on the job too. How am I gonna explain this to my parents?"

Unbeknown to the equine, the fox had nothing to fear from either the administration at the Express Lane or his parents at home; the latter being overly accepting of their son's orientation, though still sometimes pushed him to carry on the family line and have a litter of his own. Looking around quite frightened now, afraid some other customer was going to come in and assume the worst, that he had beat-up this poor innocent vulpine, though luckily there was no one around to offer him a disapproving stare. "'s alright," the horse cooed softly, smiling as he saw Felix look up at him hesitantly, "I promise I won't tell anyone, it'll be our little secret."

"Really, you promise?" he asked softly, his voice quivering as he slowly managed to stand up on his unsteady feet, ears laying flat against his head submissively. The equine's large black and white head nodded slowly as he tried to give a smile to comfort the obviously slightly traumatized furr. "Thank you sir...There anything I can do to make up for hitting you?" he asked, winking a bit as his tail swished back and forth behind him, his ears starting to perk up.

Not falling for the offered bait, something that ranked high on Felix's mental evaluation sheet, the horse smiled and motioned to the shelf of cans on his right. "I'm looking for something specific, but can't seem to find it. Think you can help with that?" he asked, getting an eager nod in return. Pulling out a coupon from his back pocket, he offered it tot he vulpine as a reference, "I'm looking for the low sodium version of the cream of tomato soup, you still carry it?"

Adding to his mental notepad before being transcribed in print was the fact that he was either on a diet or took good care of himself, another plus. "I think I remember seeing it over this way..." Felix mumbled aloud as he started walking back in the direction he had come till eventually he found what he was looking for. Squatting down on his haunches in order to get the can, he pretended not to notice he was giving the equine a perfect view of his ass in the process. "Here you go sir," he reported back, offering the can to the customer who placed it inside the blue shopping basket he had in his free paw.

"Just what I was looking for, thanks!" the stallion said enthusiastically as he pulled a list from his basket and crossed off the item before reading the next one down. Looking back, he saw the fox still standing there, a giddy smile plastered on his face from the compliment. Laughing nervously at himself, the equine reached up to gently scratch behind his ears as he spoke softly, "There...uhhh...anything I can do to thank you for finding this?" he asked softly. It wasn't that he really expected anything, but knew what it was like being nervous on your first day, and figured anything he could do to help might just boost his karma.

"Actually, there is," Felix stated shyly, pretending to not look as thrilled about the idea as he really was. Slipping the pad from his back pocket and flipping over the first few pages till he appeared to find what he was looking for, though in truth, all the pages were blank, he just needed to make it look convincing. "Since I'm the bottom rung around here, I gotta ask random customers to take our F.P.P. survey and seeing as how you're the only one around..." his voice faking a small waver as he let his voice trail off into a nervous silence. The acronym, while sounding official, actually stood for 'Felix's Potential Partner' and was used as a screening guide for

Placing his blue plastic basket on the ground, the male stood up and smiled warmly, "I'd love to help you out," he announced. The instant reaction of relief apparent on the vulpine's face warmed his heart, and justified taking the time to answer his questions. "It's the least I can do for you after knowing you down before," he offered, besides, it was a store survey; the questions couldn't be that personal and intrusive, could they?

"Oh bless your heart good sir," Felix said, internalizing the spirit of Oliver Twist for a brief moment aloud; though in his thoughts consisted of 'can I have some more?' retaining specifically to the large bulge in those tight fitting jeans the equine wore. Coughing a bit to clear his congested throat, and pulling a pen out from his pocket, he set about writing down what he had already previously established before going on to the interview. "The first thing I need is your name," he said, looking over the fictitious form before him.

"The name's Dmitri Ravlon," he stated with an air confidence and pride. Though looking down at the fox, he saw that his eyes will still focused on his rather then jotting down his words. " apologies," he said, a bit flustered as his cheeks turned a pale shade of pink, "It's spelled D-M-I-T-R-I, and pronounced as 'da-meet-tree'," he added, correcting his previous statement. That appeared to be what his questioner had wanted to know, as he started writing on his notepad.

Next to the equine's name on the pad of paper, the fox jotted down the words 'adorable' and 'cute' along with both the spelling and the pronunciation. "The next thing we need to know is your age Mr. Ravlon," he explained, keeping his formalities as he jotted down the creature's mannerisms.

"I just turned 20 a few weeks ago," he said, remembering his birthday quite fondly as a day of mass excess and fun times. Chuckling to himself, he waved his large hand before the fox's face, "Please, Dmitri will do just fine...Mr. Ravlon is my father."

Nodding, Felix quickly got on writing down the important information, adding his own thoughts of 'older, but not too old' and 'casual' to his list of peanut gallery comments. "Sex?" he asked rhetorically as he scanned the horse's toned body and protruding package, answering himself with a small squeal "Definitely male." Looking up, he thought he could detect a small trace of crimson on those black and white cheeks as he eyed over the equine like a potential buyer; "Species?" was next on his list.

"Isn't it obvious?" he asked, paws showing off his muscular form for the vulpine's viewing pleasure, whose muzzle was now hanging open a bit at the prospect of being allowed to inspect his subject. The large alternating streaks of black and white started on the back of his neck, each about an inch wide, before they vanished under the collar of his clothes; his mane, now after a closer inspection, actually had small streaks of black in it as well, the hair tied up in a small ponytail. Dmitri's eyes were vibrant silver tinted obsidian orbs that reflected the incandescent indoor lighting, while his ears were large and black, perked high as he smiled down at the smaller creature before him; "I'm a zebra."

The male's brown eyes went wide as he hurriedly scribbled it on the pad along with the word, 'exotic' in big curvy letters. It had been a long time since he could remember anyone of a species other then just the norm's around this place, wolves, foxes, rabbits, bears, various canines and felines, basic horses; but a zebra, that was something he had to see...and experience. "Marital status?" he asked quickly, knowing this one could very well be a deal-breaker.

Taking a deep breath, the zebra let out a long winded sigh as he stared at the ground. "Single..." he said softly, large fingers gently massaging his face as he wiped the sleep from his eyes and the disappointment from his face.

If it wasn't for the fact that the gravity switch was still in the on position, the fox surly would have shot to ceiling as that word left Dmitri's muzzle. In large bold letters, Felix wrote down the word 'available' that covered more then half the pad in solid black ink. "So what brings you here?" he asked, trying desperately to keep the excitement from bubbling forth.

"Well..." he said, thinking as he tried to define his previous whimsy, "I guess I just wanted to get a taste of the local flavor." The sexual innuendo seemed to be lost on the equine, though the vulpine picked up on it right away and couldn't help but offer a large grin. Offering a shy smile, "You see, I just moved her-"

"Where do you live?" Felix shouted, interrupting the zebra with a louder voice then he intended. Realizing his mistake, he faked a heavy cough as he pretended to dislodge something in his throat before continuing; "I mean...What's your address sir...err...Dmitri?" he asked, having to correct himself several times as he fumbled his words.

The zebra chuckled softly, displaying he understood the fox's plight, or at least the imaginary one that Felix had created for himself. "I just bought some old dilapidated farm house out off the main road...43 Danby Road I think it was, out in the middle of no where really," he stated. He was right, the vulpine had gone to several parties around that area, and it was nothing but tall grassy fields, wooded sections of pine, and wide expanses of land between dwellings. He had zoned out for the moment, not realizing that Dmitri had continued talking, and only managed to catch the end, "...lives there with me. It's tough sometimes, but we make it work."

"Ummm...Congratulations..." the fox offered with a shrug, having missed what was said; he figured a vague response would to suffice enough to appear competent. And it seemed to do just the trick as the Zebra gave him a warm, welcoming smile, no longer the pitying look of being helped just because he seemed to be down on his fictitious luck. In fact, the more he found out about this spectacular creature, the more he discovered just how happy he was to have taken the risk, and how lucky he was that things were going well. "So, next on the list is...uhhh..." he mumbled, pretending to be embarrassed about seeing the imaginary question posted on the nonexistent survey in front of him.

Tilting his head, the zebra stared down at what he took to be the stock boy with an inquisitive stare. "What is it, something embarrassing for the next question?" he asked, getting a slow, hesitant nod in return. Reaching out, he slowly placed his large paw on Felix's shoulder, covering his entire forearm as well, "It's alright, you can ask it...My life is basically an open book, I got nothing much to hide."

Quickly jotting down the words 'open' and 'confident' as reminders on his now nearly full page, he looked up into those obsidian eyes with a bit of confidence. "It says that...I" he sputtered, pretending to be flustered though he knew exactly what he wanted to ask; the equine didn't know this however, and gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze, large fingers rubbing his supposedly tense muscles. After writing down 'reassuring' as well, he glanced back up, took a deep breath, and asked quickly, "What's your sexual orientation?"

Dmitri coughed as he swallowed his fresh breath of air, having not expected that particular question to be next. "I can see why you were nervous..." he said softly, pondering his answer as he used his free paw to brush his muzzle clean before stroking his chin in thought. "Well..." he muttered, stopping again as he collected his ideas before speaking, "I've had a few girlfriends, as well as a few boyfriends. I guess that makes me Bi...maybe." Then, seeming to think better of his answer, he vigorously shook his head, "You know what, I promised myself then when I moved here, I'd start clean...that I wouldn't hide myself anymore." Taking a deep breath, closing his eyes as he readied himself to come clean, "I'm gay." Seeing that the world hadn't descended into the pits of fire and brimstone he had envisioned, he laughed and grinned, "Yeah...I'm gay, and I'm a zebra...I'm a gay zebra!" he announced proudly.

If Felix's perception of perfection had been given form, it would have taken the shape of the equine before him. The fox was stunned, simply floored, at just how high this unknowing contestant had scored on his exam, almost too perfect...the horrifying idea suddenly popping into his head. He was about to look for Blake's help, but the sound of the cash register's familiar dings told him that the rabbit was busy with customers. Deciding to venture further for himself, afraid of what he might find, after jotting down 'gay and proud' on his pad, he nervously glanced back up to the zebra. "Any medical problems to speak of?" the vulpine inquired softly.

"I broke my leg once back when I played on my hometown's crosscountry team, took me out for a season it did," he said thoughtfully, trying to conjure up images of anything else that might fit that category. Eventually drawing a blank, "That's about all I got," he said softly, reaching down for his basket.

Knowing full well that Dmitri could have lied at any part of this survey, Felix still decided to take the risk and trust him. Giving a small nod once he finished with his notes, "That's the entire thing. Thanks for sitting through it Dmitri," he said, unsure about how to proceed from here though. No one had truly made it through the entire thing without coming at least interested a bit in him, but the equine had seemed wholeheartedly pure, and he didn't know how to, or if he should even try to entice him.

"So, that's it then?" the zebra asked, getting a small nod in return as he slowly closed the small gap between the two furrs. Dmitri towered over the smaller creature as he fox had to look almost directly upwards just to see his smiling face, "Mind if I ask you a question then?" he asked.

Glancing up into those large eyes, the vulpine's curiosity grew as he smiled courteously. "Umm...Sure thing," Felix replied hastily, figuring that it was something having to do about where he could find the next item on his grocery list.

Leaning over till his face was even with the fox's, he studied him up and down briefly with his black orbs. He looked like the rest of his brethren, his coloring nothing out of the ordinary as he fingered his hemp choker while waiting for his question, a nervous habit the equine figured. "What's your name?" he asked softly, and by the fox's surprised face, it was fairly obvious he hadn't been asked that too many times. It wasn't that foxes were perceived as lesser creatures or anything, but there were so many of them due to fast breeding and large litters, that they just seemed to blend in to the background if you didn't pay close enough attention. A few would dye their fur to be noticed, but he had always preferred his partners, male mostly, to keep their original colors. "You know, since you know mine and everything," he offered as an explanation.

"F-Felix, sir..." he stammered out, "I mean Dmitri," he said, correcting himself as he felt his cheeks get a pink hue. Reached up, he felt the warmth of his face against his pads, embarrassed over such a simple question, this was definitely not like him. Of course he had been asked his name tons of time before, but he had never had one of his 'interests' ask him for it, usually they were after the opposite opening.

"Felix...Felix..." the zebra mumbled, rolling the name around his his muzzle for another minute or so as he tried to discern just what he wanted to do now with his intuition. His own curiosity started to get the better of him, and once he saw that the fox was turning the leave, he decided that he wanted to discover a bit more about his situation. "Umm Felix..." he said, getting the vulpine's attention as he turned around to stare at him, "I know I'm prying, but what's this survey used for?"

His mouth dropped, eyes widened, as he tried to come up with an ulterior purpose rather then his intended one. "'s for lots of things," he said with a shrug, adding in a bit of flirtatious laughter in hopes of distracting the stallion from his search. His explanation didn't seem to cut it though, for Dmitri continued to stare at him, his smile forming a soft curl at the edge of his lips as though he knew he was on to something. "I mean...I've only worked here for a week, they really don't tell me much other then my duties," he stammered.

"I thought you said earlier that today was your first day on the job?" Dmitri asked, recalling the beginning of their conversation. Watching Felix's face scrunch up, his previous feeling that all was not as first told had grown since catching the little fox in a lie.

"What I meant was..." the vulpine tried to explain, his mind furiously sorting through piles of snappy explanations, "That today was my first day on the floor." His ears heard what he had said, and his mind liked his own answer, having not thought about it before or while he was saying it. "Yeah...that's it," he explained, "They got me working in the back, loading and unloading boxes, keeping inventory, checking temperatures...secretary type stuff. Today was my first day out here."

The explanation seemed very plausible, the zebra had to admit that, the fox could certainly think on his feet, "Wonder if he can think on his knees too..." he mumbled under his breath, low enough that Felix couldn't hear him. Nonetheless he wanted to push his luck, having long ago realized that the feelings in his gut were usually right, he decided to trust his intuition. "There is no survey, is there?" he said bluntly, staring down the smaller male, his hight giving him a distinct advantage over the vertically challenged employee.

Now fear was starting to edge it's way into Felix's body as he felt his clever layers of distraction being ripped away one by one; his tail drooped slightly, ears pinned back against his head, as his lower lip trembled at the impressive and intimidating male towering over his small form. "No..." he said, muzzle shaking as he tucked the pad of paper in the back of his shorts, and readied himself to run at the first sign of an altercation. With any luck, he figured he could make it at least to Blake's line of sight before he was caught, trampled, and crushed to death under the hooves of the irate pack animal.

"Just as I thought," Dmitri said with gusto, internally applauding both his intuition, and he determination to stick to it. Standing back up, he slowly watched the fear in the vulpine's face slowly melt away once he saw that his 'subject' didn't appear to be angry at him for the stunt he just pulled.

"You're not mad?" Felix asked in surprise, his tail slowly rising from its hiding spot between his legs as he took a hesitant step closer to the gorgeous animal before him. It was a small relief that the object of his new hidden desires didn't totally despise him, or else it would have taken a lot more then a few coy looks and sly seduction to test his 'ten inches or less' hypothesis. That's not to say he never had to resort to 'greasing the wheels' when it came to getting what he wanted from an ornery creature unwilling to give into his desires while still sober, a couple shots of vodka/gin usually took care of their inhibitions.

The zebra shook his large head slowly, sending stands of dual-colored mane across his gentle face. "No...Should I be?" he asked softly, reaching up to brush the wisps of thin hair from out of his mouth as he spoke. Something about the fox intrigued him, or otherwise, as he had correctly predicted, he would be in fact very angry at having been tricked like that.

"Guess that's up to you..." the employee said softly, running his fingers through his hair as he tried to recall what he did wrong. Looking up at the imposing face above him, their eyes meeting in direct contact for the first time in the entire conversation; "So just what did I do that gave me away?" he asked with a silly grin, with any luck, he could use that information to better his chance next time he decided to give his survey.

Chuckling loudly, he got some rather strange looks from his fellow customers that passed him on the way to get their weekly groceries, before he stopped long enough to smile down at Felix. "Personally...I can't remember the last time a survey needed to know who I was sleeping with to do its job," Dmitri said matter-of-factly, massive paws slipping into his pockets, his basket suspending from his right wrist. "Is that everything now?" he asked slowly, not to be rude, but did have plans for later today.

"Yes," the fox said quickly before he could shut himself up. Watching the larger male give him a soft nod before turn around and start walking away, he just stood there as though there were lead weights tied to his ankles. Here he was, just letting his vision of perfection walk away, and he couldn't run after him, heck...he couldn't even talk to him. Shaking himself free of his self doubt, he reached out, waving his paw through the empty air as he hollered "No!" much louder then he had anticipated. He could see the zebra turn around to face him again, "I meant, wait..." he said much softer, his face flushing as he saw the return of his fantasy.

"Something else bothering you Felix?" the equine asked as he returned his previous position next to the smaller furr, his trembling form speaking volumes that his tightly shut muzzle refused to acknowledge.

"No...not bothering me really...I mean...well, yeah...but, it's not what you're thinking...Not that I know what you are thinking, I'm not physic or anything, don't even believe in it...Though if you do, that's fine too...I'm sure there is scientific evidence and what not. What was I talking about?...Oh yeah...I guess...well...ummm..." Felix rambled on, his mouth running on fumes till eventually he felt so far from his intended words that he had to stop himself. The zebra seemed to understand as the vulpine closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, and telling himself to be the confident fox he knew he was. Sensing that he had restored his inner balance, he opened his dazzling umber eyes and spoke in a calmer voice, "What are you doing tonight?"

Noticing the change in the fox almost instantly, the suddenly alert male made him break out in a wide smile. "Sadly, I'm gonna have to turn you down Felix..." he said apologetically, "I had already made plans to do something and-"

"Not tonight you don't!" the abrasive fox said firmly, his suddenly assertive personality catching the zebra off guard as he stared down at the brazen individual before him. "You are free tonight, and you're spending that time at my house so that we can better know each other...may parents are going out tonight by the way...and that's that." Placing his paws on his hips, his new posture striking resonance with the larger male male before him.

Dmitri seriously entertained the idea of hitting the intrusive youth upside the head a couple of times, by the sheer balls it took to talk to him like that gave him a new respect for the tiny creature. Granted, his previously laid plans weren't going to be a problem to break, and he wasn't looking forwards to them much anyways; so he decided that when life throws you lemons, or in his case, a small fox, you say 'thank you' and take the opportunity to enjoy a fresh glass of lemonade. "What time should I be there Felix?" he asked, showing that he accepted the invitation.

The fox was on the verge of passing out once he heard that his new set of tactics had managed to real in his catch of the day. "My parent's should be out of the house by eight-thirty," he said firmly, doing a quick time calculation in his head to make sure that he could have the house ready in time. He always hid the family's valuables, he only had to make that mistake, and pay for it, once before he took precautions on his own.

Nodding slowly, "And just where is your house?" he asked firmly, both males seeming to display their mutual dominance to the other. In fact, now that he thought it over, he really did want to meet this fox later; assuming that nothing developed other then a friend-with-benefits scenario, it was still one more friend then he had started out with.

"Twenty-three Whitaker drive, you can park on the street in front of the house," he said calmly, though inside, his nerves were frayed at the prospect of bringing such a magnificent beast into his meager home. He'd have to remember to ask Blake what time he wanted to come over and help set up; the fact that he turned down his previous invitation was inconsequential.

Nodding happily, the zebra made the mental notes he needed, "Well I need to get back to my shopping so that I can it to my other errands of the day." With that he put his basket down, and pulled the small vulpine into a tight hug, gently nuzzling his orange-furred neck before setting him back on the ground. He could see the flustered look on his face as his large arms released his smaller form. "See you later tonight Felix," he said contently, leaving the boy with a wave as he disappeared behind the adjacent isle.

"See you tonight Dmitri..." The fox echoed with a distracted wave as he watched the stallion vanish from his view. Once he was sure that the zebra had left him for good this time, he turned tail and bolted back to his cashier station, his large bushy orange tail acting like a rudder as he made tight 90 degree turns around the product displays. He hopped up and down in place as he typed to Blake through the registrar system, his fingers shaking as he pressed down each key. Moments later the rabbit was standing across the counter from him, a confused look evident on his face as he watched the fox quickly finish up with the customer who had showed up during his travels. "Guess what?" he asked excitedly as the beaver paid for his goods before taking her bags and leaving the pair to their conversation.

Looking his friend up and down for a moment, the rabbit could only offer a half-hearted shrug. "Well, he's gay, or at least a very understanding straight guy, since you are still alive to talk about it..." getting a small nod of agreement in return. "And the way that your shorts are tenting, I'd say that someone got an eyeful...maybe more," for that, he got a solid punch in the shoulder.

"Does everything I do revolve around sex for you?" the fox retorted, getting only a snicker from his friend as he gave him a sly look. "Regardless..." he said, taking a seat on the small stool located in his station, "He was a perfect gentleman to me."

"Well public," Blake mumbled, rolling his eyes as he placed his paws on the empty metal counter and leaned in close, "But what was he like once you got him out of those nice clothes? Was he a fierce predator in bed? Did he fit our qualifications?"

The vulpine's head snapped forwards as he stared intensely at his lapin companion. "What are you talking about?" he demanded, eyes shooting daggers into those bright green orbs. The fact that his co-worker was now laughing at him only added fuel onto his rage's fire.

"Oh get off your high horse," the rabbit said, more giggles flooding his system as he had to rest his head in the crook of his elbow until this wave of laughter finished washing over him. "Come on, you're positively radiant with sexual afterglow and you're hopping up and down like a jumping bean with a hyperactive disorder on crack," he stated flatly, the fox's tawny cheeks flushing at his blatant statements, "So tell me already, he plow you from both ends? And if so, how was it?"

"In this case, it was a zebra!" he shouted angrily. Felix bared his white fangs, a low growl coming up from the back of his throat as his piercing brown eyes radiated a rather obvious displeasure at how his friend was depicting him. "His name is Dmitri for your information, and we didn't do it like that," he stated firmly, the hair on the back of neck standing up straight.

Rolling his eyes at his companion, "Exotic..." he muttered. The bunny could only continue taking pot-shots at the vulnerable kit sitting across from him; "Well, it seems that your muzzle is still in good working order, so he more of a tail-furr? Or did he just want a rush job in the supply closet?"

"Nothing happened!" the fox cried out, his entire pelt bristling with pent up emotions as he staggered to his feet before burying his face in his paws. A high pitched whine escaped his lips as he huddled against himself. It was then that he felt familiar arms wrap around his torso as two floppy ears pressed against his covered face.

"It's alright, I believe you Felix," Blake added quickly, giving his friend a small squeeze, an apologetic smile shifting across his muzzle. "You know I'm just teasing you foxie," he cooed gently, rubbing the boy's back as he gently released him a moment later, reaching over to wipe his face clean with the back of his gray paw.

Taking an extra second to calm himself down, the male licked his fingertips, using his saliva to smooth down his frizzled locks. "Sometimes you just go to far...ya know," he said as he regained his composure. Luckily there had been no customers around to make the moment an awkward milestone in the day's happenings.

"You mean about how far you went today when you make comments about me and Riley earlier?" the rabbit retorted, eying his friend carefully as he watched the realization slowly sink in.

Sighing in defeat, "Touché" the fox said, a warm smile showing on his face as any signs of the previous distress seemed to vanish under his orange pelt. Felix took a deep breath, shaking his head wildly as he repressed the previous conversation, "So, still want to hear about him?" he asked, getting back to the reason he had summoned his friend the first place.

"Do you even have to ask? Of course I do!" the bunny shouted, leaning over on the unmoving conveyor belt, his pert tail wiggling in anticipation behind him. Before the fox could start however they were interrupted by another customer, a young motherly-looking lion with an arm full of groceries; it was one down side to being a cashier, you were at the beck and call of the customer.

Felix swiped the woman through, the lioness paying in cash before bolting out of the store, leaving the two friends to their discussion. "Anyways..." he mumbled, checking quickly to make sure there were no other customers needing help, there wasn't; "As I said before, his name is Dmitri and he's a zebra. He's twenty years old, just moved to town, appears to be rather lonely," he explained.

"Geez..." the rabbit grinned, "He's just your type, ain't he?" he asked, getting an enthusiastic nod in return. Reaching over, Blake ruffled the vulpine's soft hair, gently rubbing his velvety pert ears just the way he liked it as they watched the digital clock on the cash register slowly tick on. " made plans for this evening?" he asked, and upon noticing the time, he counted that it was only another five or so minutes till the second shift arrived on the premises.

"Yeah, I made plans," the fox said thoughtfully, "In fact, we all have plans tonight..." he said discreetly, winking at the bunny as well. It took Blake a moment to get his friend's intentions, but it was obvious once the connection was made; his green eyes went wide as he vigorously shook his paws in front of him as through trying to ward off the male's advances. "Aww come on..." Felix pleaded, "Please...for me?"

"Whoa no!" Blake exclaimed, backing up a few hesitant steps, not wanting to become a pawn in another one of Felix's little games. He watched the fox's ears flop down; his shoulders hunch forewords, as a low whine escaped his pouting form. "Oh no, don't you try this stuff on me you little faker," he threatened, though that only seemed to make the vulpine try to appear even more pitiful. Sighing loudly, seeing that a quick dismissal wasn't going to do it, "Come on Felix...I'm loyal to Riley now...I...I can't run around anymore."

Scrunching his face up at the comment, his rust colored muzzle wrinkling as he glared at his friend. "That didn't stop you before with that tiger who always comes in here, or the doberman that works down on main street..." he recollected accurately, "Heck...we've fooled around a bit since you've been with Riley."

"Well...yes..." Blake admitted, his face flushing at the mention of his previous minor infidelities. "But the difference is..." he tried to explain, "Was that I knew them before I met Ry. This, different. I don't think Riley would appreciate it very much. I mean, he hasn't been unfaithful even once to me...and believe me, he's had more then a couple offers."

Scoffing loudly, "You two have the weirdest relationship I've ever heard off," the vulpine muttered, rolling his eyes as he saw that he wasn't going to get anywhere in convincing his friend to go against his personal vows to the wolf.

"Well, yeah...I'm not going to deny that," Blake shrugged. Thinking over just how strange his relationship with the lupine was indeed different then anything else he had ever heard of or experienced. "But, it works for us," he said happily, "And I wouldn't change it for anything."

"Speaking of he who took my best friend away from me..." Felix said, getting an interesting glare from the rabbit in return, both furrs knowing that Blake would never leave his friend hanging like that. "That's his him pulling in to the parking lot right now I believe..." he said slowly, eyes focusing on the wide expanse of black asphalt through the wide front windows.

"What?" the rabbit said, surprised to see as he turned around that indeed it was Riley's red SUV that was circling up and down several lanes trying desperately to find an open spot. "What's he doing here, he's supposed to be at work..." he explained, watching intently as the male's car nearly plowed into several abandoned shopping carts.

Felix shrugged, "Well, for whatever reason he's here. He certainly seems to be in a hurry about something." It was then that the pair watched the now frustrated wolf parked his vehicle in one of the unused handicapped spots before bolting from the still running car towards the entrance of the Express Lane. "I think you should go meet him," the fox suggested to his friend, "That is, least he start pushing over displays and knocking down customers looking for you."

"Good idea," Blake commented, the hue of worry obvious in his voice and facial expressions. Grabbing up his things, he tried not to show panic as he did his best to retie his apron before straightening out his pelt in an attempt to appear calm and collected. "Want to join me?" he asked, his voice already starting to crack as he began heading towards the front doors, motioning to the two other cashiers just now taking their positions behind their registers.

"Umm...sure thing," Felix said, glancing back to the next shift, signaling he was taking his break, "Just let me lock up my machine." A minute later, both boys were rushing down the main passage to meet the wolf, almost bumping into him as all three of them rounded the corner at the same time. Riley looked shocked as they managed to catch their balance, "We saw you pull in to the parking lot," he explained quickly.

"Speaking of which," the rabbit said, glancing back to the SUV still with the ignition on, its lights blinking in rapid succession. "You're gonna get a ticket parking it like that," Blake said sternly, not looking forwards to the idea of paying a hefty fine and having to appear in court anytime soon.

Looking nervous, the wolf simply nodded hastily as he coughed a bit, "Yes yes, I know but-" he tried to explain, his tail sweeping in wide arcs behind him.

"I thought you were coming in later. And don't you have work today Ry?" the rabbit asked, interrupting his mate as he stared at him with those big green eyes of his. The wolf was nearly doubled over trying to catch his breath; he appeared frantic, his eyes were as big as dinner plates when they first rounded the corner. He obviously had dressed himself since the last time Blake had laid eyes on him; a pair of gray slacks covered his legs as a nice blue buttoned down shirt hid his chest from view. The top button was left open to reveal his cream colored fur, and the bottom wasn't tucked in to the waist as usual, thought that might have been a product of the lupine's previous hasty movements. His bushy tail curled up against his back as he remained bent over, hugging his chest for another moment, his bright yellow eyes staring down at the black dress shoes below him.

The fox reached over and put his paws softly around the rabbit's muzzle to hush him from saying another word. "Let him speak," the vulpine instructed, "Geez you're impatient. I wanna know why too, you know."

"Thank you Felix," the wolf said, standing up as he reached over and gently took the rabbit's left paw into his, holding it tightly against his own. Instantly the cashiers knew something was up, the lupine pulled off the universal sign of 'I got some bad news dear'. "You're right Bun-Bun, I am supposed to be at work right now..." he said hesitantly, he could already see the fear start to build up in his mate's eyes.

"But......." Blake continued, his voice falling off into a hushed whisper as he felt the canine's tan paws tense around his own already sweaty pads. It was then that the fox took his right paw between his own, both males holding on tightly as they waited for the news to be revealed.

"But..." The lupine echoed slowly, "I got a phone call at the office..." he voice drifting off. He could already see the panic behind those brilliant emerald eyes as they scanned his face for signs of what could come. "It was from a desk at the retirement community on the edge of town," he finally admitted, his grip on the rabbit tightening slightly, "Seems they called the house but got no one, so they called my cell instead."

"Grams!" Blake shouted, a cold gust of wind seeming to cut through him as he squeezed the two pairs of paws that held onto him, "What happened Ry?...Please...tell me..."

Taking a deep breath, knowing full well that he had to be the messenger of bad news, he still didn't look forewords to doing his job. "She suffered a bad fall Blake...She's in the hospital. They...they aren't sure if she'll pull through," he mumbled, eyes downcast as he could almost visualize the sword he had just plunged into the bunny's heart.

His lower lip trembled as the words sank into him, a sudden icy chill shooting along his spine as the realization dawned upon him. "Oh...Oh...oh god," was all he could say as both males watched the tears start streaming down his face. Yanking his right paw over to try and hide his sobs, he pulled along the fox for the ride, who himself was flabbergasted at the news.

Hesitating for a moment, he eventually reached over and patted his friend on the shoulder, "I'm so sorry..." Felix muttered, unsure what else he could say. Though that seemed to be enough, for the next thing he knew, he had the gray fur hugging him tightly, face buried in his auburn fur as his tears rolled down his cheeks. Looking up at the wolf, whose own distraught was evident in the creases on his face, the vulpine could only gently rub the bunny's back as he nuzzled him gently.

"Blake?" Riley asked, reaching out to touch his boyfriend's body, though pulling back before actually making any contact. He felt so useless, watching his bunny cry on the shoulders of someone else as he stood there in awkward silence after having just delivered the worse news possible. He watched the gray head slowly glance towards him, those once bright green eyes had shrunk back, appearing dark, cloudy, and red from sobbing. "I told my boss what was going on, and he told me to take time off to be with you," he explained.

"Can we go see her? I want to see her!" the lapin said, still clutching the sides of his best friend as he place his head back in the familiar crook of his neck. He felt a weight on his chest like never before as he stood there still in some degree of shock. His entire body felt heavy and limp, his long ears draped loosely behind his head as even his formally pert tear-drop tail lay pinned against his pants.

Ry nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, of course we can go see her!" he exclaimed, his perking as he tried to smile a bit. Looking out of the front windows, he could still see his SUV left idling in a handicapped space, the thought about how much a fine for that must be made his wallet wince. "In fact, that's why I came pick you up. I figured you'd want to do something like that."

"Come on Blake..." the fox said softly, slipping fingers under the gray chin as he tipped his head back, and their eyes meeting as they held each other close. Leaning in, Felix planted a soft kiss on his gray forehead before pulling back and trying to smile, if not for himself, then at least to offer comfort to his friend. "Riley's gonna take you to see her...So don't you worry, everything's going to be fine," and with that, he glanced over the rabbit's shoulder at the wolf, who simply nodded slowly. Delicately, the vulpine slipped his friend's arms from around his waist as he gently handed him off to the wolf, who eagerly accepted the responsibility as he pulled the smaller male close against his chest, licking his face clean of tears.

Feeling himself being transferred, Blake looked up to see his lover's warm beige face looking down at him, concern and worry written all over his face. Emotions reflected in his eyes as he betook the sight of his still crying mate before him. Closing his eyes again, he hugged the lupine hard, another surge of emotion coming over him as a second flood of tears forced themselves from his eyes to wet the lupine's shirt. "But what about my hours?" he asked slowly, turning his head to look at the fox, Riley's fingers reaching up to wipe away stray tears.

"Hmmm?...Oh, don't worry about it. I'll go talk with Amanda as soon as you're on your way, okay?" a soft grin revealing itself as he reached over and ruffled his friend's still mostly blue locks. He could see a bit of relief on his co-worker's face as he affirmed that everything on the front lines would be taken care of. "Now, you two had better get going, right Riley?" the question seeming to snap the lupine from his daze.

"Huh? Oh yeah..." as he gently kissed the boy on his cold black nose, "Traffic's going to be a bitch this time of day, and I know we want to make good time if we...well...want to get there," he mumbled, catching himself before he said anything too emotionally scarring. The rabbit could only nod as he waved goodbye to his friend, and still held tightly to the wolf, slowly began making their way out of the store.

Turning back quickly before he left for good, "I'll call you when I know something," Blake said quickly before being hustled out the door.

Rotating his head, Felix watched the pair sprint towards the SUV, Riley in the driver's seat and Blake getting in on the passenger side. He could see his friend waving to him through the tinted glass, a gesture he returned half-heartedly, before turning to go back to work. "May god bless..." he whispered under his breath, never being the religious type, but feeling a little prayer never hurt anyone's chances.