The Cantrip

Story by Taki on SoFurry

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Leah visits a club that offers sexual experiences with a magical theme. Of course, it's all just pretend, right?

Leah looked down at the simple business card her coworker had handed her. "This is a joke, right? I mean, I'm sure you don't actually believe what they told you."

Sarah shook her head. "No, it's totally true! I went there and it was awesome. They said I could tell one more person and I thought of you, because you need to loosen up."

Leah raised an eyebrow, but decided not to correct the ferret about what she needed to do. Her spotted tail swished behind her in agitation, but correcting the other girl wouldn't do much good. Sarah had been hired for skills and 'assets' that had nothing to do with working in an advertising firm, and didn't fit in that well with the rest of the women even when she wasn't busy 'working' in the boss's office. "Ok, let me get this straight. There's a club that a bunch of magicians formed--"

"Sorcerers!" Sarah interjected.

The leopard nodded slowly. "Right, sorcerers. So they have a club, where they go to have sex, and they let ordinary folk stop by and join in sometimes, so they can enjoy some magicked-up sex with new people. None of this sounds strange to you?"

The ferret tilted her head like the thought had never occurred to her. "No, why? I mean, I saw them do real magic. It was awesome!"

Leah could only nod reassuringly again. "I'm sure it was." She pocketed the business card and smoothly removed herself from Sarah's attention. The idea of a sex club wasn't unbelievable, of course. Leah was plenty familiar with those. It wasn't even that suspicious that their business card just had a name and an address. But one run by magic users? That was just silly. Clearly the ditzy ferret had just visited a club with an interesting theme and thought it was all real.

It was interesting enough to stop by and have a look, at least. Worst case, it was a cheesy, gimmicky place and she could just bail after looking around. Despite the detached demeanor she put on at work, she was fairly uninhibited in her personal life, and would welcome a little bit of spice from this club.

Leah didn't know what the dress code for the club would be, so she chose a tight black top and a black skirt just long enough not to be scandalous. Along with a simple leather collar that could be either fashion or fetish depending on the mindset of the onlooker, she was dressed for any occasion.

She wasn't at all surprised to arrive at the club's address to find an unmarked door with just the street number above it. Plenty of such places didn't advertise on the outside, and in this older part of town with historic townhouses converted to commercial use it was understandable that they would keep a low profile. The jaguar strode in confidently and was partially surprised to see a raccoon receptionist at an antique desk in the foyer.

"Hello, ma'am, and welcome to the Cantrip. My name is Holly. How can I help you tonight?" The raccoon smiled pleasantly.

Leah looked around for a moment, noting the quality furnishings of the foyer/lobby. Most looked like genuine antiques. It wasn't the atmosphere she expected from a sex club. "A friend told me I might enjoy this place. She mentioned the theme you have, and it did sound pretty interesting."

Holly nodded. "Of course. Since this is your first visit I'll explain how things work here, since it may not be what you're used to. We don't have a large gathering room or anything like that. We simply match visitors with our members according to their tastes, and they have a private session."

"The 'members' being people with magical abilities, yes?" Leah tried to keep blatant skepticism from her voice, but wasn't sure she succeeded.

If the raccoon noticed her doubt, she was polite about it. "Correct."

"All right, do you need anything from me? Proof that I'm clean and such?"

Holly smiled knowingly and shook her head. "No, that's fine. You wouldn't have found the front door if you didn't meet our requirements. However, the member we match you with can provide whatever proof of health you need in return. And to guess at your next safety concern, any time you say stop, the scene will stop. We are very serious about safety and security, and do not even offer scenes that would do lasting damage."

The lack of concern for their own safety was either silly or sketchy, but she appreciated the other reassurances. "Good news. And do I have to pay a cover charge to get in?"

"No, we never charge visitors. Our expenses are covered purely by membership dues, and our members simply appreciate the chance to play with outsiders in a controlled way. After all, we can't even guarantee we'll have someone available to match your tastes when you show up. Charging on top of making you waste a trip would be quite rude."

Leah nodded slowly. That probably explained why knowledge of the club only spread by limited word of mouth. A place offering themed sex scenes for free would get mobbed if they advertised more widely. "Sounds good. I think I'm happy with everything."

Holly pulled a slim sheaf of papers from a drawer. "Excellent, we can get started. Since many first time visitors are unaware or sometimes afraid of what our members can do in these sessions, I'll ask you what you're interested in tonight instead of providing a full list to choose from. To start, would you prefer a male or female partner?"

Leah smiled. The raccoon was very good about not breaking character and maintaining the theme. "Male, please."

Holly selected a sheet of paper from the stack and nodded. "And is there a certain type of play you're interested in?"

That was a tough question. She wanted to get their 'magical' experience, but couldn't really think of a thing that would definitely go well with it. "I'm not really sure. Can you surprise me with something that won't overwhelm me? I prefer not to do anything painful or too extreme, especially with a new partner."

"Perfectly reasonable." The raccoon perused her list, making sure to hold it so Leah couldn't see. "Would you like to try out being a male and taking one of our submissive members?

Leah shook her head. She never found strap-ons very comfortable, and preferred the other side of the D/s coin. Again she appreciated the dedication to the theme, suggesting she 'be a male' rather than 'play a male'. "No thanks. I'm more of a sub myself."

Holly nodded and looked further. "Ah, an appropriate one for Spring. We have a member interested in breeding. How do you feel about that?"

The jaguar thought a moment. She had no plans of having kids for some time, but that was a very primal itch to scratch. If done right, it could be a lot of fun. After all, who didn't have that urge to reproduce somewhere in the back of their mind? She felt a little tingly just thinking about it. "Sure, that sounds good."

Holly made a mark on the paper with a genuine fountain pen, then gestured at the stairs to Leah's right. "Wonderful. Your room is up the stairs to the right. The club member will be along soon, and you can work out the details of your scene in person. Thank you for visiting."

"And thank you. You've been quite helpful." Leah returned the raccoon's smile and turned to the stairs. At the top there were three closed doors, and she took the one on the right as instructed. Inside was a simple bedroom, though it was furnished as elegantly as the lobby had been. She sat on the clean white bedsheets to wait, but the door opened almost immediately.

A black rabbit walked in. He was tall for his species, dressed in a polo shirt and crisply-pressed khakis. He carried a wire basket containing several small jars filled with oddly-colored fluids, and a plain manila folder, which he set on an otherwise-empty antique end table. He smiled widely at Leah. "Greetings! I'm glad they found a lovely lady to join me tonight. I'm afraid most aren't interested in my particular preference, or at least are unwilling to indulge. My name is Tal, how are you this evening?" He held out his hand for her.

Leah shook the offered hand but couldn't stifle a short laugh. "I'm Leah, and I'm doing quite well. Sorry about the laugh, it's just...a rabbit for a breeding scene."

Tal laughed as well. "Yes, well, we all have our specialties. When you have a gift, it is a shame to waste it, even if it does reinforce certain stereotypes." He sat on the bed beside her. "I've been told this is your first visit. I extend a hearty welcome, and ask if you have any questions before we begin."

The leopard debated asking him to drop the act for a moment, but in reality she was having fun going along with it. She was really excited to see how he'd work magic into the scene, and decided to play along as much as possible. "I understand you're going to magic me up while we have fun. I'm fine with being surprised how you go about it."

The rabbit patted her on the thigh. "Ah, delightful. I will be explaining what I'm doing as we go. It's so much more fun that way, and gives you an opportunity to call an end, in accordance with our rules." He stood up and handed her the manila folder. "I'll start preparing. Here's proof that I'm all safe, since as a first-timer you probably don't trust magic to keep us disease-free as much as we do. You'll need the reassurance, since I certainly can't use a condom while breeding you. When you're satisfied, please disrobe and hop back on the bed."

While the rabbit busied himself opening his glass jars, Leah looked at the papers in the folder. As she expected, it was recent STD test results from a local clinic, showing that Tal was in good health. Very complete for a group that claimed not to worry about diseases. She wasn't concerned about the condom comment; she took her heat suppressants religiously, so there shouldn't be any risk of the breeding scene becoming too real for her.

Satisfied that she was as safe as she could get, Leah stood and started to strip off her clothes. As she pulled her top over her head and freed her small, braless breasts, she caught the scent of what was in the rabbit's jars. There were at least two, one spicy and one more floral. It was a nice touch using pleasant substances instead of just paint or liquid latex, assuming she guessed the purpose of the stuff correctly. She hooked her thumbs into her skirt and thong and shoved them down over her hips, stepping out of them easily and sitting back on the bed. The faint scent of her own arousal joined the mixed scents of the jars.

Tal finished his preparation and looked over her nude body appraisingly. "Lovely. Trim, athletic, but with nice wide hips. That will help when your kittens are ready." He pressed a hand to her bare abdomen and paused. "And not yet pregnant. Perfect."

Leah nodded, imagining herself carrying kittens and smiling. "That's much easier than an ultrasound."

The rabbit laughed. "Isn't it, though? Now for the fun part. I need you to stay still while I prepare you, so please lay back on the bed."

She had a good idea of what was coming from that request, so she slid eagerly back on the bed and gave a seductive wiggle of her hips. When the rabbit walked around the side of the bed, she helpfully spread out her arm and leg on that side.

Tal stroked his fingers through her belly fur. "Good girl, being so helpful. I can tell you're eager to be bred." He reached under the bed and pulled out a cuff already hooked to a rope. He easily attached it to Leah's wrist then released it.

The cuff pulled her arm toward the corner of the bed, showing there was some spring-loaded device under the bed to keep tension on it. She could resist it if she tried, but she had no desire to. It was far more fun to let herself drop into the breeder frame of mind. Soon her arms and legs were spread wide, leaving her fully exposed, restrained except for her spotted tail flicking with excitement beside her.

The rabbit collected his supplies and set them on the bed beside her, then rested a hand on her belly. "Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to draw two symbols on your belly. The first will put you into heat, more strongly than you've ever been before. This will work even if you're on suppressants; there is no resisting it. Your womb will ready itself for breeding, and your hormones will fill you with lust." He traced a finger idly through her fur, foreshadowing the actual drawing.

Leah took the words for instructions on how to play her side of the scene and nodded. She already felt pretty aroused, so she shouldn't have any trouble faking a heat.

"The second symbol is more fun. Kitty-breeders are reflex ovulators when they're in season. This will make sure your eggs are just ready for release, so my mating will be sure to trigger them. We want the timing to be perfect for knocking you up." He leaned in closer and whispered in her ear, palming her breast at the same time. "Then I'm going to fuck you, and breed you."

The jaguar moaned at the words. She could imagine the events he spoke of, her body readying itself. It was more arousing than she had expected, and she regretted not giving the fantasy a shot in the past.

Tal backed away with a final pinch of her nipple, making her gasp. "Remember, you can say to stop at any time if you get cold feet about becoming a mommy."

She shook her head, panting heavily. Damn, but he was good at mixing the safety reminder with further teasing. "No, go on. I'm ready."

The rabbit grinned and picked up his first jar. He stirred the contents with a finger and the spicy scent intensified, mixing with the growing scent of aroused feline. "Just what I like to hear." He bent over and confidently drew a line across Leah's stomach.

The stuff matted down her fur, and somehow felt warm against her skin. Was there Icy Hot or something mixed in there? A nice touch. She wanted to arch her back at the growing warmth as Tal repeatedly dipped his finger and drew on her, but he said it was important to remain still, and she had to play her part.

The rabbit finished his first symbol with a quick flourish and she knew it instantly. The warmth of the lines soaked through her body, and she moaned openly as it collected inside her belly, then seeped out through her suddenly hot and swollen folds in a trickle of fluid. Leah shivered as the feeling grew, impressed by how effective the placebo effect was on her. She really wanted something inside her, and had only her own brain to blame. She started trying to pull at the restraints to play with herself.

Leah had only felt a true heat once before. Her parents felt it was important to understand what it was like so that she knew why taking her suppressants was so important. That had led to a week of isolation and unending arousal that she never wanted to repeat, so she was religious about taking her pills. Still, she remembered what it had felt like, and what she felt now was largely the same. The only differences were that it was building over the course of minutes instead of days, and that it was already more intense than her teenage heat had been at its strongest. That was saying something, given that her previous heat had been enough to keep her locked in her room, repeatedly fucking a dildo her parents had left with her to help with the urges.

Tal watched her start to breathe heavily and squirm on the bed, then laid his hand on her chest again. "Calm, girl. I'll cool your heat in a moment, but I have one more symbol to draw. You want to make sure you get properly bred, don't you?"

Right, the other symbol. It was vital to make sure she was ready to get knocked up. The heated jaguar forced herself to stay still so he could draw, though what she really wanted to do was pull of the restraints and frantically finger herself, or maybe just jump the rabbit and have at him.

Her hands clenched into fists as he scooped up the floral mixture and drew his second symbol. This one felt more tingly on her skin than warm, and though its function was more esoteric, she could still imagine its effects. She could swear she could feel her body preparing itself, ovaries readying a batch of eggs, womb set to carry her kittens. It was all just in her mind of course; a little drawing couldn't undo the work of her heat suppressant pills, but it was incredibly hot to imagine.

The scents of spice and flower that the rabbit used mixed in the air, until somehow combining to let her catch a scent that really did resemble feline estrus. She became even more impressed with the realism of the experience.

Her lust spiked again as she suddenly felt painfully empty, making her gasp and squirm. The feeling of being in heat just kept getting stronger. Leah didn't even notice that the rabbit had finished his drawing until she felt his breath on her oversensitive vulva, blowing through the short fur. She was quite wet, but the breath only heated her up further.

He inhaled deeply, taking in her scent, then exhaled across the feline's wet lips, barely cooling their growing heat. "What a lovely scent. Feline in heat is one of my favorites, and it smells like you're deep into it now. You took to the magic quite well." The rabbit licked slowly up the cleft of her labia, collecting her dripping juices on his tongue, flicking across her exposed clit at the top.

Leah mewled loudly and arched into his tongue, resenting the teasing touch. As her arousal built, her thoughts grew cloudy, and she forgot that she was supposed to only be acting the part of a woman in heat. She really did want him inside her, filling her up. She moaned and shivered as he licked her nectar from her soft crotch fur, though she knew her arousal was such that it would only be replaced the moment he stopped. The dampness was key to breeding, after all, allowing the male to get deeper more easily, and spreading the scent of her readiness everywhere she went.

Tal moved to her side, licking his lips. He rested a hand on her cuffs and asked, "We're almost to the point of no return. In just a moment I'll be planting a litter inside you. Your belly will swell and those cute little breasts will grow large with milk to feed them. Are you ready for me to breed you, to make you a mother?"

She nodded, writhing on the bed as she tried to rub her sex against something. "Yes, do it. Take me." The cuff released her hand and she immediately plunged it between her legs, dipping her fingers into her soaked pussy. A poor substitute for a cock, but she had to have something inside her. The rest of the cuffs soon released as well, and then her attention was grabbed by the rabbit snapping his fingers. She looked at him through lust-clouded eyes, one hand still stroking her heat-swollen folds.

Tal untucked his shirt from his pants, and she caught a glimpse of a symbol drawn on his fur, just peeking above his waistline. "Good girl. Come here and show me what you want."

She stalked across the bed on all fours with a happy growl. The rabbit's clothes were in the way, but that didn't stop her from burying her nose in the fur just above his waistline as she tore at the fasteners on his pants, shredding them until she could get access to what she wanted. His pants fell to the floor, and his cotton boxer-briefs were no match for a jaguar's claws, so she soon had him nude from waist down, revealing his already-hard length and heavy balls.

Leah breathed in his male scent, and her tail lashed behind her. Yes, he would do just fine. She nuzzled down through his crotch fur and nosed at his sack. Appropriately large for a species known for their breeding prowess, he should definitely be able to help with her heat. She licked eagerly at his cock, tasting his salty male flavor, though it would need no extra lubrication when it entered her.

While the jaguar was busy investigating his crotch, Tal pulled his shirt over his head. He scratched Leah between the ears. "Ok, girl. Time for your breeding. Turn around."

Just what she wanted to hear. She swore she was about to catch fire from the heat between her legs, and she'd never felt so empty before. Her instincts were quite insistent about how to remedy that: cock, then cum. Leah spun around quickly, and found her instincts had further advice for her. She crouched down with her arms and raised her rear, presenting her heated sex for the rabbit's use. Her tail pulled stiffly to the side to clear a path, though the tip twitched in time with her hips, quivering with barely-restrained lust.

Tal rubbed his tip across her damp lips, teasing her just a little more. "Ready for me to knock you up? Put some kittens in your belly like a good heated breeder kitty should get?"

Leah mewled needfully. Couldn't he tell how desperate she was? "Yes! Breed me. I want your kittens. Please!" Her begging trailed off into a yowl of pleasure as he sank within her at last, spreading her puffy, oversensitive lips wide. The marking drawn on her stomach flared into renewed warmth, and she felt a strange twinge in her abdomen. The small part of her mind that was not totally lost to her heat wondered at that. You can't actually feel eggs releasing, right? It had to just be more imagination.

Imagination or not, the thought of her body being so fertile and ready combined with the intense pleasure of finally having a cock inside her was too much, and she shuddered and mewled through an orgasm, gripping the bedsheets tight enough to claw through them.

The rabbit stayed still within her while she climaxed, gently petting her back and stroking down her tail. "Good breeder girl. It feels good to have your heat taken care of, doesn't it? It will only feel better when I cum inside you." He slowly pulled out, then shoved back in again, making Leah whimper in pleasure.

Her insides had never felt so sensitive before, letting her feel every detail of the lapine penis thrusting inside her. It was the center of her world. Nothing mattered more than pleasuring the male behind her so he would fill her with his seed. She tried to squeeze down on him, but every time she did the pleasure would overwhelm her and she could do nothing but mewl and shake and drip heat-scented fluids for the next several thrusts. She didn't even know whether they counted as orgasms, but she kept doing it, even as the pleasure started to wear her out. SHe was glad Tal was doing most of the work.

Tal bent over her, pressing down on her shoulders, taking a more dominant stance. His hips moved quickly, pressing deep within her, his balls slapping wetly against her crotch. Breathing heavily into her ear, he continued to murmur encouragements to her, "Good heated kitty. Such a good breeder you are. Sexy, fertile, horny kitty."

The words worked well to reinforce what she was feeling. She remembered back to her teenage heat, when she had wondered what it would feel like to mate with a real male instead of a rubber one. Now she knew, and it was so much better. The fake cock had felt nice but her body knew the difference; there was no faking the real thing: warm, wet, twitching. If she had known how good it would be to have a real cock inside her while in heat, she'd have broken out of her room and found someone to knock her up for sure.

Leah shoved back against him, grinding hard against his crotch. She wanted him to finish, but at the same time didn't want the sex to end. Fucking while in heat was the best thing she'd ever felt, and she couldn't discount the eager anticipation of her looming impregnation as a big part of that.

Tal groaned, his thrusts coming harder, jerkier. "About to cum. Gonna breed you. Gonna put out your heat." He reached forward and grabbed the scruff of her neck and pinched, simulating the mating bite his rabbit anatomy wouldn't quite let him do for real.

She gasped and growled as another orgasm swept over her. Her ears flattened as her tongue lolled out like a dog on a hot day. Her spotted tail wrapped around Tal and pulled him close, but he was already pressed tight against her, her squirting, leaking juices spraying across their joined thighs. Her heated passage squeezed down on his length, and she realized it was twitching in a very specific way.

He was cumming inside her, breeding her at last, an intense liquid heat deposited right into her core, right where she needed it to soothe her heat. Wave after wave splashed into her depths, shot toward her magically fertile womb. She imagined his seed flowing inside her, little swimmers swarming toward the ova she had just released. With so strong a heat and perfect preparation, she was sure to get pregnant.

Leah would have clutched her abdomen if she had been able to move. Instead, she remained crouched on the bed, pussy hungrily milking her rabbit lover for all the cum he had. She heard him grunt and squeeze her in time with every pulse, and he just kept going! She knew rabbits had a reputation, but how much could one man really give her? The warmth he left in her belly almost felt heavy.

She raised her rear into the air, trying to avoid letting any of his seed leak out, letting gravity help carry it deeper, flowing into her needy womb.

Tal pulled out, and she mewled at the loss. As full and well-used as she was, her heat hadn't ended yet, and she still wanted more. The rabbit gently flipped her over and smiled down at her. He was still hard! He bent over her and rubbed her belly. "That was a good start. You're almost certainly bred now. But we can't let a breeder kitty leave until we're certain we've gotten the job done." He moved forward and slipped back inside the mewling jaguar, more slowly than before.

Leah whimpered. She was so overrun with pleasure that she wasn't certain she could take any more, but her mind was still clouded with estrus and agreed with Tal's every word. She had to make sure she got a litter of kittens in her. She raised her hips and wrapped her legs around him, helping him pound deep into her.

The rabbit continued, his slow, deep pace, taking the opportunity to remind her what they had done. "You're going to be so cute when you're pregnant. Lovely round belly and big, milky breasts." He stroked across her body to emphasize his points. "Promise you'll visit when you're big with my kittens. I want to see what we did today."

She nodded eagerly. It was only fair. She couldn't wait to feel kittens growing inside her. At the moment, it felt like exactly what she was meant for.

Tal fucked her for several long minutes more, until she was a dripping, whimpering mess, with barely enough energy to hump back against him. At last he halted deep within her and held her close as he again filled her to overflowing with potent rabbit cum.

Leah squeaked and shivered through another heady climax, feeling that heat blossoming in her depths once again. She gripped the rabbit tight, claws clutching at his back. It just felt so good to obey those deep breeding instincts that she couldn't resist. When Tal laid down against her and rolled gently to the side, she licked at his cheek. The need was slowly fading, her body satisfied with her efforts.

The rabbit rested a hand on her belly. "Well, there's no stopping it now. In a few days you'll be pregnant with a full litter of kittens. Good work, new mommy, you did wonderful."

Leah spent a few minutes catching her breath, purring in contentment. As the heat left her, she could think clearly again, and she had room to wonder again at how vivid the scene had been. "Wow. That was really amazing. I haven't felt like that since my last real heat. How do you do that?"

Tal smiled and wiggled his fingers. "Magic."

Leah laughed. "Of course. I may have to visit again and see what other experiences you guys can offer."

Tal nodded. "Certainly, though as I'm sure the receptionist mentioned, we can't always guarantee someone will be available to match your tastes. Oh, and I was serious about stopping by once you start to show. I like to see the results of my work."

She smiled and shook her head. He still wouldn't admit it was just a scene. "Gladly. I suppose seeing me leak as I walk home isn't proof enough."

He laughed. "It's nice, certainly, but more evidence is always better. I'd apologize for the leaking, but I know we both enjoy it. I did increase my own output a little bit, as I suppose you noticed." He traced the symbol painted above his crotch.

What a shame, he couldn't even take credit for his own natural gifts. It all had to be put down to magic. "Well, I think I can stand without flopping to the floor now. Mind helping me dress?"

Tal fetched a washcloth and helped her clean her messiest bits, though as she predicted she'd be leaking rabbit cum into her panties her entire way home. Once dressed, he walked her back to the door, and stopped her once more before she walked away. "One last thing. Don't worry too much about your pregnancy. The fertility spell guarantees it will be healthy and successful. If you need any help with the kittens, come by here. We have several programs to help with the raising of children of mages."

Leah nodded, though in truth she wished he'd drop character just once. "I'll keep that in mind."

The experience recurred in her fantasies for the next several nights as she pictured what would be happening inside her. Eggs getting fertilized, lodging in her fertile womb, starting their path toward a litter of kittens. Leah got several hot nights of masturbation out of that image.

Leah stared at the little plastic stick. That blue plus sign couldn't possibly be there, because magic wasn't real. She hadn't believed it during the scene with Tal. She'd denied it when the morning sickness started several weeks later. But when her belly actually started growing, she had picked up the pregnancy test on the way home.

One hand rested on the growing curve of her abdomen. It looked like she'd be paying another visit to the Cantrip soon. After all, she had promised Tal that she'd show him the results.