Lemmius: species bio

Story by Rhysion on SoFurry

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#1 of Lemmius

A species bio for a more fetish based race I made up for certain reasons. Don't let the tags fool you, they're actually quite harmless and fun.

Well, this is a bit unusal to see from me, but everybody's got to satisfy their unusal urges from time to time. It's not the first bit of fetish material I've done, nor likely the last. This one I'll share though. It's much less mean spirited than the last one I did. Quite interesting too, if it's your thing.

This is more or less just a biography of the biology of this species I made up for a fairly specific purpose. I hope there weren't any important details I missed though. Let me know if there's anything you might want to know more of.

I do however, have a character and a bit of a story in my head now for this. I'll probably come back to it at some point when I feel the need to get certain things out of me again. Or if there's really enough interest from other people. Who knows. I might actually turn that character into something more too. If I could ever find some way into roleplaying with others, it might make for some good times I'd hope.


Basically an anthropomorphic animal-like organism created through genetic modification and such, almost solely to safely fulfill certain unusual and bizarre desires and fetishes; namely: vore and unbirthing of a sort. Created by the deviant, semi-notorious, and somehow still anonymous, genetic scientist, "Dr. V." for unknown reasons. The speculation for why on the surface seems fairly obvious, but the mindset for doing it, that's the one nobody can figure out.

Inside the Lemmius is a sizable and incredibly stretchy and elastic "stomach" organ that is not filled with digestive acids, but rather a breathable perflurocarbon based fluid (breathable liquid air). It connects at the top to the mouth and at the bottom where the vagina or anus would be. The jawbones aren't actually hard bone, but a cartilaginous like material suited to be able to stretch better.

The entire Lemmius is quite stretchy, both internally and externally. They're able to carry around roughly their own body weight comfortably, but do have trouble taking on anything more. It becomes more and more difficult to be able to walk and move with that kind of weight inside them. Usually anything beyond twice their own body weight is too much. Size generally isn't the issue though, relatively speaking. They're able to expand to about three to four times their original size at most.

Depending on the base species, Lemmius range from about 200 to 300 pounds, and are a little on the stocky side to accommodate more girth and supportive muscle. Most are between five and six feet tall, although deviations do occur occasionally.

Because they do not have a "normal gastrointestinal tract," Lemmius' have to get their nourishment from absorbing bioelectrical and heat energy of their guest inside. The process is generally very safe. It just has a tendency to tire the person/fur out due to them having to speed up their own metabolism. It is technically possible to die from exhaustion being inside a Lemmius for too long, but it takes a week or more. Very few accidents have ever been recorded.

There's no benefit for a Lemmius to keep anyone inside them for long enough to kill them. After all, they cannot get any kind of nutrients from the dead. It is possible to extend one's stay by having the Lemmius "send down (or up) normal food the guest can ingest."

Excess "energy" gets converted into a fat-like substance and stored for later metabolization when they've got nobody inside of them. Generally they need a couple of pounds of fat per day, but can produce it fairly rapidly. At the minimum, a Lemmius needs two to three hours of holding per day to get enough energy to not use any fat reserve. It's fairly common for Lemmius' to allow their guest to simply sleep inside of them at night, killing three birds with one stone.

While based on actual animals/furrys, nearly all of the Lemmius' excess internal organs have been genetically coded away. They have no reproductive organs of their own, instead having to rely solely on being created in a laboratory. They technically have no set gender or sex either, although most come off as somewhat feminine, however stocky and muscular they seem.

In place of nearly all of the organs related to the intestinal process is the "stomach," which triples as a stomach for holding, energy absorption, and the lungs. The liver, kidney, and other now redundant parts have been removed in favor of additional internal room. For whatever reason, perhaps as a genetic throwback of sorts, Lemmius do have a species correct number of nipples on their bellies and chests. There are no breasts, and they teats cannot produce milk, but they're there.

The inside of a Lemmius is quite comfortable, assuming you're within the general size and weight limit for it. While it's not inherently uncomfortable to be a bit large, the Lemmius will have to work a little harder and the guest does have less overall space to stretch. The experience is much like an oxygen bar, although the percentage of oxygen in the air is closer to 50% or 60%. (Earth's normal oxygen level is around 20-21% by volume) Breathing or drinking the fluid provides both oxygen and hydration. Overall, the experience of being surrounded by someone like that so intimately and closely is both thoroughly enjoyable and a bit euphoric, as was the intention of the Lemmius' creation.

The walls on the "stomach" are incredibly slick and elastic-y. They're also somewhat resistant to clawing and scratching, but can be punctured with a knife or sharp enough claws at the right approach.

The Lemmius were given personalities that were quite friendly and inviting, as they have to rely on the trust of others to survive. They have the innate desire to want to "feel full," very similar to a normal person's sense of hunger and satiation. But that desire goes beyond just simple food instinct. They feel as if they're providing something that they have to share with others, and the fact that it's how they receive nourishment is merely a means to that end. It's incredibly rare for a Lemmius to attack someone out of hunger desperation, especially a person or fur. They're more likely to beg or resort to using non-sentient animals to get some energy to hold them over.

Because they don't appear or act too much different from normal furs, (unless you check certain aspects closely enough) they're able to fit in and interact with society at large with very few problems. Some have been known to go around carrying their guests as they do their daily routine, provided there aren't size and weight problems because of it.

Lemmius' aren't exactly common, but those that are out there typically mate incredible mate and companions. Both parties benefit from the mutual relationship, as was designed.

Typically when entering, it doesn't really matter which orifice the guest chooses, although the bottom one is slightly more accommodating if you're a tad large. The experience is exactly as you would imagine; making a muscle assisted entrance into the maw or navel of another person.

A Lemmius begins by producing more liquid air internally in anticipation, both so the guest has enough when they're inside and to act as a lubricant. They easily adapt their cavities and passageways to become more flexible by loosening the associated muscles that hold them closed, and then retightening them back up again to keep their guest inside without leaking fluids out constantly. Stripping down to just fur or bare skin tends to both help and make the whole thing more pleasurable for both parties.

There is almost always some fluid mess made going in. The liquid just has a tendency of spilling out for lubricating purposes. While it does have a distinct odor, both associated with the particular liquid in question and based off the Lemmius' individual scent, once it evaporates it does not stain, but some furs with a strong enough sense of smell can sometimes pick up the scent even weeks after it disappeared.

When it's time to exit, the process is simply reversed. The Lemmius exerts muscular control over either hold and it loosens enough to allow the guest out. This part always makes a large wet mess. The fluids tend to stick onto the guest, soaking into their fur, and because of gravity. The Lemmius usually wants to, or has to expel any excess fluids that did not leave with the guest anyway, as they have no means of reclaiming it back into themselves. Carrying around all that extra weight and bulk is pointless when they're capable of making more.

While inside the guest can communicate with the Lemmius, as the sound of their voice vibrates throughout their body in such a way that they're able to understand what is being said. Likewise, the proximity of the Lemmius' voice to the guest allows them to still hear the person they're inside of as they speak to them. Anyone noises outside of the Lemmius would have to be in very close proximity to be more than a muffled hum however. Other people talking around them can usually be heard if they're speaking loudly enough.