Shane The Breeder - Chapter 6

Story by Shane LaFleur on SoFurry

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In the latest Chapter of the series, Shane makes a house call for sexy older vixen, only to find out that the session is not for her but for someone else in the home ;)

Shane The Breede r

*Chapter 6 - A Special Gift *

*By: Shane LaFleur *

Shane wasn't quite sure what to think as he pulled into the driveway of the modest two story home on the east end of town. He got out of his car, shut the door and headed up the walkway towards the door. He soon rang the doorbell and waited patiently for a reply as he stood there in a t-shirt that had a night sky scene on the front along with a pair of relaxed fit white jeans along with his usual red cap with a blue brim. Soon the door slowly opened and Shane caught a glimpse of his next client.

Shane smiled as he looked her over. She was a red and white furred vixen, about 40 years old with light blond hair that went down past her shoulders. She had pretty brown eyes and a cute white furred muzzle with just a hint of red lipstick on her soft lips. The white fur continued down her neck and down to her chest. She had on a blue button down shirt that was pushed out quite nicely by her natural 42DD cup breasts and her slightly pudgy belly. She had on a pair of white shorts that covered her flared hips quite nicely. Her tail was big and thick with some black and white along the tip and her legs, while just a little thick, were quite sexy. She only had on a pair of slip on pink loafers at the moment which showed off her pretty black paws quite nicely.

"Well, hi there" the vixen said with a soft smile "You must be Shane"

Shane nodded "That is me" he said as he stepped inside "And what is your name sweet vixen?"

The vixen blushed "My name is Carla" she said as she motioned him towards the couch

"I like that name" the canine said as he walked over and took a seat on the far right side of the couch.

Carla blushed again "Why thank you, sweetie" she said as she sat down just to his left

"You're quite welcome" Shane said as he looked her over once more, admiring every curve of her body.

Carla noticed this and decided to return the favor by checking him out "My, oh look like quite a handsome, virile young male" she said, licking along her lips just a little bit

Now it was Shane's turn to blush just a little "Why, thank you" he said than chuckled "If I weren't virile, I wouldn't be doing this job"

The vixen nodded "Mm, true..very true"

"So, there anything you'd like to know?" Shane asked, looking around the room just a little bit

Carla thought for a moment " how 'big' are you?" she asked with a little wink

Upon hearing this, Shane blushed a little bit. despite all the fems had had serviced before, he was still kinda shy and this question had come as somewhat of a surprise for him.

"Well,'s about 12 inches long and about three inches thick" he replied simply

"Oh wow" the vixen said, gasping just a tiny bit "That is quite big for a canine of your size"

Shane nodded "I am part husky..and they are known to be pretty 'well endowed'" he said, blushing a little bit once more and feeling a bulge form in the front of his loose fitting pants which did not escape the view of the older vixen

Carla smirked "Well, that is good to know" she said as she laid a paw on his thigh

"Anything..more you'd like to know right now?" Shane asked, feeling his bulge swell a little bit more

"Nothing more at the moment" she said as she pulled her paw away and started to get up "You have any questions, Shane?"

"Just one" he replied as he got up "Where and how would you like to do this?"

Carla giggled "Oh, it's not for me to least not yet" she said with a little wink

"What do you mean?" Shane asked as he got up from the couch, trying to hide his growing bulge

"Follow me and you'll find out" Carla said as she started to walk up to the steps leading to the second floor.

Shane nodded and soon followed her as she headed up the stairs on the other side of the room, admiring her rounded ass a bit as he did. He was interested to find out just what she had in mind!

The vixen led him towards a large room at the end of the upstairs hallway and opened it slowly then motioned for Shane to follow. Before the canine could step all the way in, she stopped him for a second.

"Close your eyes and don't open them until I teel you to" the vixen said with a smirk and just above a whisper.

Shane nodded and closed his eyes tightly as Carla took his paw and led him inside. Once they were close enough to the bed, the vixen released his paw and smiled "You can open your eyes now" she said with a little smirk

Shane nodded again and slowly opened his eyes before blinking just a little bit at what he saw before him.

Sitting on the bed was a pretty young red and white furred vixen with brown eyes just like Carla's with light blond hair that was tied into two thick pigtails along each of her ears. Her left ear was was white with a red and black tip and her right was red with black and white along the tip. She had a white furred muzzle with just a hint of black fur above her pretty nose and some pink lipstick along her pretty lips. The fur color along her neck was nearly split down the middle with red on the left side of her body and white on the right side that went down to her chest and possibly beyond. She was wearing a blue tank top with the words 'birthday girl' in gold letters that was stretched out quite a bit by her enormous, perky natural 44 E cup breasts, showing off a bit of her slightly chubby belly underneath and her slender, yet strong arms with cute black furred hands. She had on a pair of blue jean shorts that clung tightly to her well rounded hips and well rounded ass to balance out her well developed breasts. She had shapely legs and cute black tipped pawed feet.

She smiled at the surprised canine and smiled "You must be my 'gift'" the vixen said, giggling and blushing a little bit

Shane looked a little confused then looked back to Carla who smiled and winked back at him.

"What's going on?" he asked, still a little confused.

Carla giggled and took him aside while the vixen on the bed waited patiently. " my beautiful daughter Tara" the vixen said simply "And her birthday was yesterday"

Shane smiled "That's old is she?"

"She just turned 18" Carla said with a soft smile

"And I'm her...birthday present?" the canine asked, blushing a little bit

"You could say that" Carla said then started to explain "You see, she's wanted cubs ever since she first hit puberty, but I always told her she was too young"

Shane nodded "I can can definitely understand how do I factor in?"

"Well, I made a deal with her then" Carla replied simply then continued "If she behaved and saved herself and got good grades in school, I promised that I would help her get pregnant as soon as she turned 18"

"I guess it worked" Shane said with a smirk

Carla nodded "And how.. Tara behaved well and saved herself and got mostly straight A's all througout Jr. High and High School..and is set to graduate near the head of her class in a couple months!" she said proudly

"That's awesome" the canine said

"Oh yes..and of course I had to fill my end of the I called you and set up the appointment. I wanted to keep it a surprise to both you and her so I told you it was for me" She explained "I hope you're not upset"

"Not at all..this is quite a pleasant surprise" Shane said with a little wink "So, what are you going to do?"

"Well, I'll be in the next room so you two can have some privacy" Carla replied with a smile before giving him a kiss on the cheek "Let me know if you two need anything, ok?"

Shane smiled "Ok, we will" he said to her as he watched her leave then close the door lightly as she left the room.

Once she was gone, the canine turned back and headed over to the bed and sat next to Tara

"Hi Again" She said cheerfully

"Hello Tara..sorry for not responding to you right after your mom introduced us..was just taken by surprise" Shane said, looking over her well developed chest

"It's quite all right..I was a bit surprised myself" the vixen said, blushing a little as she looked him over "When mom told me that my birthday gift was waiting up here, I knew what she meant but I didn't think she'd get someone as hot as you"

Now it was Shane's turn to blush "Why thank you, miss Tara"

"You're quite welcome" she said "So, do this?"

Shane smiled softly "Any way you want to..I always let the woman decide how she wants to proceed" he said as he rubbed one of her black paws

Tara murred and smiled "I like the sound of that" she said, her thick tail twitching behind her "By the way..what is your never told me"

"My name is Shane" he said simply

"I like that name" Tara said softly

"Why thank you" the canine said as he looked into her eyes "So, how would you like to start?"

Tara looked back into his eyes and then smirked "Mm, like this" she said before grabbing him and pulling him down with her on the bed with him on top. She started kissing him deeply, sliding her tongue out to meet his and suckle on it. Shane eagerly kissed back, his paws along her full hips. They continued to kiss as the canine's paws rubbed further up to her belly and then her overfilled top.

After a bit, they broke the kiss and shane looked deep into her soft brown eyes. "Mm, do you want to get naked first or should I?" he asked as he slolwy got up, exposing the growing bulge in his pants.

"Mmm, you go first, Shane" she said with a little smirk "I wanna see what you got tucked away in those pants of yours"

"Your wish is my command, Tara" the husky/setter said before pulling up his shirt and placing it aside, exposing his moderatly toned chest to her. He then started to unzip his pants slowly in front of her then pushed them down to reveal his blue boxers which were bulging quite a bit. He kicked the pants aside and then slowly pulled down his boxers. The vixen gasped a little bit as he exposed his hugely swollen sheath with a bit of thick pink cock emerging along with an immense pair of swollen musky dark red orbs.

"Oh wow" Tara said, blushing a little as she admired the canine's huge sheath and orbs "Mmm, just how..big does it get?" she asked as she got up from the bed

"Mm, you'll find out soon enough" Shane said as he stood back a little to watch her "Now, it's your turn"

"O..ok" the vixen said, blushing a little as she started to pull up her tank top a bit.

Soon the top was off and Shane was greeted by the sight of a pink, lacy bra that seemed to strain under the weight of her enormous perky breasts and showing off quite a bit of cleavage. The canine drooled a little bit at the sight, but knew there was much more to come. She then reached down and unzipped her shorts before sliding them down her hips and kicking them aside, exposing a pair of matching pink lacy bikini panties that were just a little wet. The red and white fur seemed to come together near there with just a hint of a black diamond pattern peeking above the hem. She blushed again as she then reached behind to unfasten her bra and toss it aside. Freed of their cover, her huge natural breasts pulled apart then lightly slapped against each other. They were quite a sight to behold. The left breast was noticablely red and the right breast was strikingly white furred, each capped with a thick, pink nipple.

The huskey/setter couldn't help but stare at them for a moment, feeling his thick shaft push more out of its sheath in front of her. He knew there was still more to come tho.

Soon, Tara reached and gently pulled down her panties then tossed them aside, revealing a tight, slit covered by a black 'diamond' of fur with a bit of blond hair just above the slit.

Shane licked his lips as he gazed upon the vixen's wet virginal pussy, feeling his thick, hard cock push out further in front of her "Mm, you look so sexy" he said as he stepped back towards her

"Why thank you" she said, blushing a little bit as she sat back on the bed then layed down on her back and spread her legs. "Come here big boy" she said with a sexy little wink then giggled "I hope I'm doing this right"

"Don't worry, you's always up to the female how she wants to be bred" the canine said with a soft smile. Soon his immense shaft was out fully, letting the vixen look up from the bed to see his 12 inch long, 3 inch thick cock with two dark large dark red musky orbs underneath.

Tara only blinked for a second at the sheer size then smiled as the canine climbed over her "Mmm, you can put your paws on my breasts if you'd like" she said softly.

"Your wish is my command, miss Tara" he said, placing his strong paws on each of her huge, natural 44Es as the tip of his shaft pressed against her dark and blond furred slit. "Do you want me to go gently when I'm inside you or go rough or something in between?"

She looked deeply into his eyes "Go..gently at first..I want my first time to be..memorable" she replied, shaking just a little bit with nervousness

"You got it, sweet vixen" he said as he started to thrust gently, feeling the tip of his shaft start to push inside her virginal folds.

Tara let out a little gasp as she felt him start to push in then started to moan softly as she felt him push deeper inside her, while his paws gently rubbed and squeezed along her well developed tits . Soon she felt the tip of his powerful shaft press up against her cherry and stopped.

"Now, do you want me to push through gently or do you want me to just take it right away?" he asked as he looked deep into her eyes

"J..just..take it right away..probably better that way" she said, her body shaking a little bit from her growing pleasure

"As you wish, my sweet vixen" he said before pulling back a moment "Now, be prepared..this may hurt a little bit"

Tara nodded "O..ok" she said softly

Soon Shane leaned in and kissed her deeply as he thrusted in hard, easily pushing through her virgin barrier. Tara kissed back hard as he did so, barelyy able to supress a small scream as she felt the big canine's cock push through her barrier and sink deeper inside. The canine broke the kiss softly and stopped for a moment, letting Tara catch her breath and to let her now deflowered pussy get used to his thick shaft.

As this was going on, neither of the two heard the door to the room opening or noticed the pair of brown eyes watching them.

After a moment, Tara smiled and panted "Please..continue" she said softly

Shane nodded and soon thrust his shaft deeper and deeper inside her gripping inner pussy walls, letting out small grunts as he did so. Tara panted and moaned as she felt him deeper inside her soft pussy, her body shaking with growing pleasure as Shane picked up the pace just slightly while gently squeezeing more along her huge breasts, feeling her stiff nipples.

"Mm, do you to pick up the..ooh pace.?" He asked between thrusts " you want..mmm me to..keep it slow and gentle?"

" can..mmmmm..pick up the pace...ooooh..a little..but not too..mmmmuch!" she cried out as he kept up his somewhat slow pace.

"Your..wish is my ..command" Shane said before starting to pick up the pace just a little bit, shaking her a bit more with each thrust. Tara moaned out more, her pleasure building and building with each thrust. She always figured her first time would be special, but she had no idea it would feel this good!

After a bit more thrusting, Shane could feel his thick knot pressing against the stretched outer lips of her gripping young pussy. He looked to her again while gently squeezing more on her soft, huge perky mounds.

"Mm, do you want me to ease my knot in or just shove it in?" he asked as he stopped for a moment

"Oooh..just shove it in..I need to feel that knot in mee before you fill me up" she said, moaning softly

The canine quickly nodded and pulled back for a moment before thrusting hard, feeling his knot slip in with a loud 'pop'. Tara squealed a little as it did so then moaned as she felt it swell inside her. Before long, the husky/setter's thick bulb was fully swollen, locking him deep inside her gripping inner walls.

"Ohhhh yesss...mmm now pound me harder Shane..make me cum so hard" she cried out, practically begging the mixed breed canine.

"Mm, you don't need to tell me twice" he said before staring to thrust even harder, shaking her and the bed as he felt his shaft throbb violently inside her while he squeezed a little harder along her breasts. Tara moaned out more and more as he pleasured built up more and more deep inside her. She could sense that Shane was close and she wanted to hold out just long enough so that she could climax with him.

Shane kept up the pace, ramming her her with increasing power as his balls tightened up to their limits and pulled right up against his crotch. He knew it wouldn't be long now.

Suddenly the vixen couldn't hold out and soon let out a loud, piercing vulpine scream as she started cuming hard along Shane's powerful shaft, milking it for all it was worth as she screamed out more. Feeling the vixen cum hard on his shaft was just enough to send the husky/setter over the edge. He let out a loud, deep triumphant howl as his immense orbs bursted forth, sending tremendous torrents of hot, thick potent doggy seed deep into the 18 year old vixen's spasming, fertile young pussy.

Each of them continued to moan as they rode out their intense climaxes for a little bit. Once they came down from their highs, Tara gave him a soft kiss "Mm, thanks for giving me such a wonderful first time" the vixen said softly betwen soft pants after she kissed him

"You're quite welcome" he said softly as he layed on top of her and rested for a moment while the young vixen did the same. Neither one of them heard the door open or saw Carla sneak inside and take a seat close by them.

After a bit, Shane's knot came down enough and he pulled out slowly. The 18 year old vixen sighed softly as he did so, still laying down with her breasts in the air. He looked to her and smiled before turning around and letting out a small gasp at what he saw.

Carla smirked as she got up from her seat and headed towards him, her clothes laying on the floor. Her huge 42DDs swayed quite a bit as she came closer. They were mostly white furred with just a hint of red fur along the sides and were capped by thick brown nipples and only sagged a little bit. Her white, chubby belly gave way to her flared hips and a thick blond, red and white furred pussy that seemd to be soaking wet.

Shane blinked for a moment as he saw her coming towards her, his cock staying very stiff and still fully out of its sheath. "I..I thought this session was just for your daughter" he said, blushing a little bit

Carla giggled "Well, it first..but watching you two go at it awoke something in me that I hadn't felt in years" she said in a soft but sultry voice as she stepped right up to him "Makes me want to try at least one more time to have another cub" she said before looking over at Tara "If it's ok with you, sweetie"

Tara blinked for a second then smiled and nodded, still panting a little bit "Mm, it's more than all right with me" she said softly "I would love to be pregnant at the same time as my wonderful mother"

The older vixen smiled "Mm, thank you sweetie" she said then looked to Shane "Would I have to pay extra for this?" she asked with a little wink

Shane shook his head "This one's on me" he said with a bit of a smirk

Carla then leaned down and kissed him softly "Thank you so much" the vixen said after the kiss

"You're quite welcome" Shane replied "Now how would you like it?"

"Mm, I would love to..ride you right here..with you facing we can kiss after" The older vixen said, licking her lips a little bit

"Your wish is my command, Carla" The husky/setter replied as he shifted back a little further on the bed.

Tara smiled at them as she slowly sat up and moved over, giving him and her mother plenty of space as Carla climbed on the bed and poistioned herself right over the canine's thick, throbbing cum coated shaft.

Carla reached down and grabbed his pole to keep it steady as she pushed down further, letting go as she felt the tip kiss her soft pussy lips. She looked down at Shane and smirked before pushing down hard, letting out a loud moan as the vixen felt the canine's powerful, huge cock sink deep inside her gripping inner pussy walls.

Shane moaned as well, feeling her pussy grip and pull along his shaft as he reached to grip her large tits "Mmm, want me to thrust while you ride me?"

Carla nodded and moaned out more "Mmm yesss..I wanna feel you soo deep in me!" she cried out as she pushed down harder. Soon, Shane nodded and soon thrusted up to join her, feeling his cock push deeper and deeper inside her soft pussy.

The older vixen screamed out louder and louder as she pushed down harder to join the husky/setter's powerful thrusts. "Mmm ooohh..this is the best cock I've had since Tara's daddy!" she moaned out, feeling her body shake with pleasure. She could feel her climax already rapidly approaching as she felt the canine's thick knot kiss against her streatched lips.

Shane stopped for just a moment and looked up to her "Mmm, you want my knot in slowly and gently or rough and quickly?" he asked.

The older vixen quickly answered him by pushing down hard and letting out a loud pleasured scream as it pushed deep inside her and started to swell. Shane smirked and eagerly resumed his intense pace, feeling his cock throbb violently inside her and his orbs tighten like before. He knew he wouldn't last much longer.

Carla also knew she wasn't gonna last much longer. She had built herself up so much watching the big canine breed her daughter that she was already close to the edge when she took Shane's cock inside her.

Each of them continued their pace for another minute or so, moaning and panting all the way while Tara continued to watch, rubbing her soft creamed pussy a bit and moaning like them.

Soon, the older vixen let out a loud, pleasured scream as she started cumming hard along the canine's violently throbbing pole. Upon feeling this, Shane let out a deep, loud triumphant howl as his immense orbs bursted forth, sending tremendous torrents of hot, thick potent seed deep inside Carla's fertile pussy to seek out her eggs. Soon they heard Tara let out a soft pleasured scream of her own as she came along her rubbing paw, soaking it and the bedding under her.

Shane panted as he continued to fill the older vixen for a little bit more while Carla panted as well, coming down from a powerful climax "Mmm, wow..I haven't felt that good in years!" she said after a panting a little more

The canine smiled "Mm, glad I could help" he said softly as he let go of her tits "Anything more I can do?"

Both Carla and Tara shook their heads "Mm, you've done more than enough for both of us" the younger vixen said from the bed before laying back down

"Always glad to help" Shane said with a soft smile as he held Carla close while waiting for his knot to come down.

After a bit, his knot came down enough for the husky/setter to pull his cock out of Carla's wet pussy. The mother vixen got up slowly and soon layed down on the bed next to her lovely daughter.

Shane smiled as he watched them rest together naked for a little bit while he located his clothes. Once he found them, he quickly got dressed and headed to the living room to wait for them.

After a bit, both Tara and Carla got up from the bed and searched for their clothes while Shane waited on the couch in the living room. Each of the girls soon found their clothes.. Tara's by the bed and Carla's by the door. They each giggled before putting their clothes back on then headed out towards the living room.

Shane smiled as he saw both of them step into the room, getting up to greet them before they all took a seat back on the couch.

Once they were all seated, Shane gave Tara and Carla his contact infromation and details on how to set up another session if this one didn't turn out to be successful. He also reminded them to send progress reports, including pictures if this session was a success. He slowly got up, kissed Carla on the cheek then turned and kissed Tara on the cheek before starting to head towards the door.

The older vixen Carla got up from the couch first to follow him with her daughter Tara following suit.

Before the canine could open the door, Carla stopped him and smiled "Just want to thank you for giving my daughter..and me such a wonderful present today"

Shane blushed and smiled "You're quite.." he said before Tara came up and gave him a big, wet passionate kiss. Soon she pulled away and Carla came right up and followed suit, kissing the surprised husky/setter just as deeply. "..welcome" he finally said after the second kiss, feeling a little bit of swelling in his pants as he opened the door and started to step outside.

As he headed to his car, both mother and daughter vixen waved and smiled "We'll never forget you, big stud" Tara said before closing the door.

Shane quickly got into his car, strapped in and closed the door before starting it up and heading out of the driveway.

"That was quite a day" he said to himself as he drove back towards his home. This was one he would definitely never forget!

*Epilogue *

A few weeks later, Shane got an eager phone call from Tara. She and her mother had just gotten back from the doctor with exciting news. Not only was she pregnant, but her mom was as well! Before she hung up, she thanked Shane for the wonderful time with both of them and would be sending many, many updates of their progress. As the call ended, Shane smiled.. 'Another job well done' he thought to himself before getting an e-mail for another potential client.

Months after that, he got more good news. Tara found out she was having a girl..and her mother Carla found out she was having a boy. All in all, another successful job well done for Shane's Breeding Service!

End Of Chapter 6