Contractual Obligations

Story by scandalwaitingtohappen on SoFurry

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A hawk gets reeled back into an outstanding commitment to an otter.

I wrote this for a friend of mine as a sort of pick-me-up/birthday present. Took me far longer than it should have, partly because of extenuating circumstances, partly because I'm just slow. It was also challenging in certain ways for me, but he was pretty pleased with it, so I won't say more than necessary. I think this is slightly different than what I've put up before, though it is definitely still smut, through and through.

Comments are always appreciated, particularly when they're full of critique.

Hawk and Jeff are (c) Hawkv3 on FurAffinity

I wrote the story.

When Hawk felt his phone vibrate, his cock twinged, as if it knew even before he opened the text who it was from. By the time he had finished reading the short message, he was already hard.

"My place, tomorrow, 10:00 p.m. sharp; wear your old uniform. - Jeff"

Cryptic to the untrained eye, the black-and-blue hawk knew exactly what this message meant, though he was still perplexed by its timing. It had been almost six months since he had gotten a text like this one. Back then he had been used to getting them all the time, all similarly formatted.

"In the library, right now. It's time for a study break."

"Locker room, after practice. Team could use some extra motivation."

"Shady corner of the quad, be quick. Some people here don't believe I can put on a show for them."

Lurid visions of the results of those texts were playing through the bird's mind before he remembered that they could be playing on his monitor. Most people had to go online and pay a dollar to view the videos that Jeff made with his pets, but Hawk's contract had included copies of all files made during his stint in compensation for his time. Closing out a document full of complex equations and knowing full well that he wouldn't be returning to his studies any time soon, he opened up his media player and began dragging files into the queue, unzipping his pants with his other hand.

It wasn't until he was on his way over to Jeff's flat the next night that Hawk bothered to consider the other implications of Jeff's text. His contract had expired at the end of last semester, so he wasn't technically even obligated to show up, but it was too late to turn back now. Still, did Jeff want him to sign on again? Or was this some followup that he might have overlooked in the fine print? He thought he had read the original pretty thoroughly, but he was known to be a bit bird-brained.

It had been drizzling earlier in the day, which gave him enough of an excuse to wear a raincoat over his uniform. The jacket was about three inches longer than what it covered up, and his wings, folded within, stuck out the bottom. His legs were visibile, though, and it didn't stop him from walking funny.

When he got to Jeff's, he knocked on the door and waited. His phone vibrated. "It's unlocked." As soon as he crossed the threshold, something else started vibrating. The bird squawked and put out an arm to steady himself on the wall. His legs trembled, and somewhere in the back of the flat, metal clattered against metal as weights were re-racked.

Hawk could smell the otter first, that rich scent that came off his fur when it was slightly damp, intensified by the sweat generated during his workout. Then the swim team captain came striding into view, walking up the front hallway wearing nothing but a dark grey jock. His fur was a deep mahogany, with a swathe of lighter brown covering his chiseled chest and abs, those well-toned muscles still distinguishable underneath the otter's velvety pelt. He carried a small remote control in his right hand.

"You're late," said Jeff. "And since when was that jacket a part of your uniform?"

"S-sorry," said Hawk, still off balance. "Forecast said something about rain."

"Yeah, three hours ago. Nice try," said the otter, turning to walk back down the hall. "Lose it." He pressed a button on the remote, putting the bird at ease enough to stare at the sculpted ass cheeks retreating to the back of the flat and the thick tail beckoning him to follow.

The raptor removed the rain jacket and hung it on a rack by the front door, then set off after Jeff, who was talking while he walked.

"You're probably wondering why you're here," he said, while they passed through the living room. "Well, I'm sure you know exactly why you're here, but I mean you're probably wondering why I called you back." It wasn't a question, and he didn't stop or make any indication that he wanted a response. "I'm between pets right now. The semester is almost over, but we still have a few weeks left of training, and I need someone to fill in. Same terms as you had last time."

Hawk went weak in the knees once again as they passed by the otter's home gym, just before arriving at the bedroom.

"That bunny you recommended as your replacement was everything you said he would be," continued Jeff, "but he was... lacking in self control. And he was even more timid than usual whenever we were taping. So I just let his contract expire and texted you." He turned around, his jockstrap appearing slightly tighter than before, and inspected the bird.

The hawk was standing in the door of the room wearing a half-halter top that matched the royal blue sections in his wing and tail plumage, stockings and arm sleeves of the same colour, and a black, pleated mini-skirt with white trim. The stockings were open at the heel and toes - a necessity given his talons - with white bows on the outsides of the thighs. Though not immediately visible, the otter also knew that Hawk was wearing a blue and white striped thong, and that there was a two inch butt plug nestled between his cheeks. He clasped his hands in front of himself, knees knocking together while he waited for his owner's approval.

Jeff gave a satisfied nod, ushering Hawk into the room and pacing around him, looking the bird up and down. "I see you've kept it clean," he said, which was an understatement. The uniform was in nearly pristine condition, practically the same state as when the otter had picked it out for the bird when he originally came into his service. "It's missing something, though..." said Jeff, trailing off as he walked over to his dresser, opening a few drawers before he found what he was looking for.

He came back over and stood right in front of the fidgeting bird. "You came over here without question, and it's obvious you aren't going to say no now that you're here." The otter looked down into the hawk's big golden eyes, smiling as he fastened the white leather collar around the bird's neck. The tag read: "Jeff's." "We'll draw up the paperwork later," he whispered, closing a miniature padlock over the collar's clasp.

If Hawk could blush, his face would have been glowing red, the otter standing as close as he was, their bulges grazing one another. Between the look in his eyes and his masculine scent heavy in the air, the otter was the definition of dominance. And so the hawk nodded, playing the part of obedience.

Jeff's eyes gleamed and his smile broadened. He ruffled the feathers on Hawk's head and said, "That's a good bird."

And seemingly before he could chirp, Hawk was being jerked onto Jeff's waterbed by a chain-link leash attached to his collar, a video camera in the corner rolling, the otter on his hands and knees looking back over his shoulder at his pet, saying, "Come on, bitch, you know what comes first." He gave the leash another tug, the chain clinking as the bird's face was pulled closer to the otter's exposed rear. The elastic bands of the jockstrap perfectly framed the otter's firm, brown globes, and his tail was raised and wagging slowly through the air, leaving his taint and hole uncovered. The view was breathtaking. Hawk put his beak between those cheeks and swirled his tongue once around Jeff's pucker before slipping it inside.

Then the leash was no longer necessary.

The raptor feasted upon the otter's rump, slippery tongue slurping at his hole, the tip of the bird's thin appendage prodding at his ring. Hawk opened his beak as wide as it would go and shoved his tongue past the otter's muscle, trying to delve as deep into Jeff's insides as he could reach, pulling back only to absorb the taste before diving back in once more. He alternated between eating out his owner's asshole and slobbering all over his taint, then pressing his nares into the spit-soaked fur and slipping his tongue down under the jockstrap and sampling the otter's sack. The bird's eyes rolled back in his head as he was nearly overwhelmed by the stench and flavor of sweaty fur. He reached back between his legs and pulled his thong to the side, freeing his throbbing taper.

Jeff rumbled words of encouragement as he pressed a button on the remote in his hand. Hawk's butt plug began humming on the lowest setting, and the bird gave a muffled squawk as his tongue slipped back into the otter. Inflamed with musk and antagonized by the vibration, it wasn't long before a steady stream of pre was dribbling down the inside of the hawk's skirt, collecting briefly at the hem and then plopping into a growing damp spot on the bed, drop by drop. Hawk chirred while the plug whirred, but neither bird nor otter expected this to end with a mere rimjob.

"All right, slut," said Jeff, yanking up on the leash. "Give me all you've got, but not until I say so." He thumbed the remote, boosting the plug up to the next level and pulled the bird forward so that his cock was running through the cleft of his ass.

Hawk's shaft was slick with pre, and it slid easily between Jeff's drool-covered cheeks. The bird wasn't sure if he would be able to hold off long enough. It took all his willpower not to come then and there, with the sodden fur of the otter brushing across his turgid flesh.

Jeff took note of his hesitation, saying, "That's not disobedience I sense, is it?" Reaching back between his legs, he grabbed the hawk by the cock and guided it to his waiting hole. "I told you to give it to me. Now do it."

The bird emitted a soft keening noise as he pushed against the otter's entrance. Only his tapered shaft and the mix of pre and saliva covering it made his passage easier, for the otter clearly didn't bottom often. In fact, Hawk had a feeling he might be one of the few given the privilege of serving his owner this way. He rocked his hips, sinking into the muscular rear inch by inch, spreading that ring wider and wider, each successive increment making the otter grunt, until finally the bird hilted himself with a squawk.

"That's a good birdy," said Jeff. He fondled himself through his jock with one hand while he set the vibrator to the highest setting with his other, the leash looped around his wrist.

With a screech, Hawk pulled back and began pounding Jeff's ass. Under these conditions, the bird had only one speed: Fuck. He fucked without seeing, his large golden eyes screwed shut with the concentration it took to hold back his orgasm. He fucked without hearing, his head full of a sound like rushing wind, and the relentless humming of the vibrations emanating from his ass and racking his body. He fucked only feeling, feeling the plug wedged tight between his cheeks and shivering against his prostate, feeling the otter's ring stretching around his shaft and the warmth of the otter's rear enveloping him, feeling his shaft throb incessently and his balls aching with the need to spill his seed.

Jeff was rocking back against each of the bird's oncoming thrusts, while keeping the chain taut for good measure. His mouth hung open, panting as his ass collided with Hawk's skirted hips again and again. He must have known the bird was struggling. All the classic signs of a creature on the brink were present. Suppressed moaning. Desynced humping. Vigorous tremors. The otter was aware of all of these things, and yet still, he didn't let his pet relent. "Remember now, you don't get to cum until I say so," he said, even as he was pulling Hawk forward, forcing the bird to lean over his back.

At that point there was nothing Hawk could do. He was used to masturbating upwards of five times in a day, and he wasn't well-practiced in edging, not since his last term of service. He buried himself in Jeff and held there. The otter had given his commmands. He knew he was supposed to wait. But between the vibrator in one end and the otter's ass on the other, he didn't stand a chance. The hawk gave a raucous squawk and unloaded into Jeff. His seed streamed into the otter's rear, thick rivulets spilling out, staining his skirt and running down the insides of Jeff's thighs.

By the time he had finished, his own sweet scent had taken hold in the aroma of the room, complimenting the rich overtone of otter. The bird collapsed forward after he was done, the mattress sloshing beneath him, his mind clouded by afterglow. He was dimly aware of drawers opening and closing, and Jeff speaking, no longer under him, but moving around the room. His tone was playful, chiding.

"Now look what you've done. You know what happens when you disobey a command."

He was being moved, or maybe it was just the waterbed rippling beneath him? He was still breathing hard, head too foggy to tell for sure. There was a clicking sound just behind him that he recognized. Jeff had moved the camera to the foot of the bed and was lowering the tripod.

"It's there in the contract. Now I'll have to reprimand you."

The feeling of his butt plug being removed brought him back to his senses, his ring burning in the moment before cold lube was slathered across his asshole. His arms and legs were bound by leather straps, secured to the corners of the bed. The camera had been adjusted to give a closeup of what came next. He gasped as Jeff slipped two slick fingers into him. There was no need to stretch him out anymore, just to grease him up. He knew the primary purpose of the plug was to make a pilot hole, just so it was easier to screw. When Jeff was satisfied, Hawk heard the bottle open again and a squirt, followed by the sloppy sound of a furred hand sliding over flesh. It was like the otter was switching bits, exchanging the drill for the screw driver. Tied down as he was, the bird could only wait and listen. That and make sure his tail feathers were out of the way.

"All right, bitch. This is what you've earned," said Jeff, prodding his pet's rim with his prick.

It's been said that well hung otters are nature's way of saying you're welcome, and Hawk was in the perfect position to say thank you. His beak flew open as the otter leaned forward, sinking his cock halfway inside with relative ease. Another quick thrust and the bird was spitted on Jeff's shaft, ready to roast.

The otter laid into Hawk, leaning over him with his hands planted to either side as he gave his hips a workout. His thighs lay parallel to the raptor's, fur still matted by bird seed and clinging to Hawk's stockings. He had rid himself of the jockstrap, so his hefty balls swung freely, slapping rapidly against the bird's downy taint. His rudder-like tail swished behind him, cutting through the air so swiftly that it might have helped propel him.

Even after being rimmed and reamed by his pet, Jeff seemed nowhere near his limit. Hawk lost track of time as he endured the otter's onslaught, bound beneath as Jeff made waves in the bed. Unlike his owner, Hawk's hole saw plenty of use, and his butt plug ensured that he was always ready to take Jeff, whenever and wherever the otter so pleased. The bird's ass was practically made for the otter's dick. His owner plunged into it with near reckless abandon, the bird chirping and moaning all the while, his voice the only sound aside from the smack of fur on feather and the swilling of the water bed. It had only been minutes since he had blown his load in the otter, but he was already hard again, his taper sandwiched between the bed and his belly, rubbing against the sheets and leaking pre every time Jeff drove it home.

Moments passed with the pair stuck in the same loop of motion, like a .gif, with Jeff lying fully on top of Hawk, his hips slamming into the bird's ass. His cock disappeared inside only to reappear an instant later, the flesh glistening with lube and pre, a few choice veins swollen along the length. The otter said little, so intent on reclaiming his pet that he was grunting from the exertion. When he did speak, it was only a whispered reminder of who owned the bird, punctuated by an even deeper thrust that made the hawk squawk and squirm, struggling against his bonds.

And Hawk took it all like the good bitch he was. Jeff's cock plowed through him like freshly dug earth, hitting all the spots that made him sing like a canary. His wings unfolded and folded, flippantly flapping as the hot rod in his ass frayed his nerves, electric impulses of pleasure running haywire up and down the length of his spine. When he was getting close to the edge again, Jeff stopped.

The otter pulled out all the way, holding himself so that his tip tickled the bird's twitching tailhole. "Beg," he said, his voice a hoarse whisper. "Beg for it."

The bird moaned. The camera was zoomed in on his ass, but whatever he said would still get picked up in the audio.

"Please give it to me. Please." The shame had all but been fucked out of him.

Jeff dipped his tip in and pulled it out. "I said beg. Tell me what you want, bitch."

Hawk writhed underneath the otter, straining against the leather straps. He arched his back, trying to lift his rear higher, yearning for that dick so he could feel whole again. "Please, master, give it to me. Fuck me like the slut I am. I need your cock, please, I need it, master."

The otter pushed in halfway and pulled back slowly, listening to his pet whine as the warmth receded from his ass, feeling his body jerking underneath. "Who owns you?" he murmured.

"You do," said the bird.

"Who owns you?"

"You do!"

Jeff sank his cock into the bird slowly, holding himself inside and grinding against Hawk's ass until he felt the bird's ring cinch up. Then he withdrew all the way and laid the hammer down, his shaft gushing deep within Hawk.

The otter stuffed him like a turkey, filling the bird to the rim with cum. His dick swelled as his balls drained into the hawk, extruding hot frosting until the bird was leaking cream, a messy trail dripping down his taint and pooling on the bed.

Hawk was spilling his second load all over the sheets, a wet circle expanding to either side of him while his shaft fired off ropes of cum into his stomach feathers. His ass was clamped down tight around the otter's throbbing cock, and his head swam as he inhaled the twin scent of otter and avian orgasm.

Jeff sat up, pulling out and loosing the last of his seed across the hawk's cheeks, splattering his tail feathers in the process. He knelt on the edge of the bed, admiring his work for a moment, before getting an idea. He stood and detached the camera from its stand, then brought it level with the bird's face.

Hawk was still except for his heavy breathing, tongue hanging out and wings splayed to either side across the drenched bedding. He stared into the lens, eyes half-lidded.

"Just giving your fans a nice look at their favourite pet. At my favourite pet," said Jeff, smiling. "Still got some work to do on that face, though." He walked down to the foot of the bed and put the camera between the bird's legs, jizz still spilling out. "And we need to save this for later, too..."

Hawk jerked as he felt something pressing against his hole, chirping as he recognized the familiar size and weight of the plug stretching his ring once again. His body tensed, but the straps on his wrists and ankles remained tight as ever. He relaxed once the plug popped back into place, the flow of otter cum leaking out of him dammed.

Jeff wiped his dick on one of the bird's stockings, then put the camera back, setting it to standby. He pulled his jock back on with a snap of the straps. The otter smiled and gave his pet a smack on the ass before leaving the room.

"I'm going to do another set. Don't go anywhere."