The Present Of His Dreams

Story by lonelywolvenuk on SoFurry

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This is my second Yiff story so please don't be too harsh. I welcome feed back both good and bad.

LEGAL BS: If under 18/21 don't read....


"BREAKFAST" The voice rang out piercing the silence of the morning. Jon rolled over and looked at the clock on his bed-side table. 9:30. He sighed and dragged himself out of his bed. Jon looked in his mirror he looked like he'd been dragged through a skip. He was a 17 year old Arctic Wolf and stood at 6 foot. Medium build and was pretty much average in general. He looked down and noticed his wolfhood. It was hard. He stroked it lightly and let out a low moan. The need for release was there but he just decided to wait until later. He sighed and got dressed and wore loose clothes to conceal it. His depression had been chewing away at him for a few weeks. He HATED Christmas. His family was visiting and he was the only one who didn't have a partner and when the rest of the family was all 'lovey-dovey' under the mistletoe he felt like wanted to cut his wrists. Jon slowly walked to the dinning room. "Morning Jon, Merry Christmas." rang out as he entered the room.

"Morning" he replied trying to sound like he was happy and not depressed. "Merry Christmas"...meh what was "Merry" about it. Every time he heard it in his head he heard "Merry-fucking-Christmas" and as for "Happy New Year" was "Depressing-New-fucking-Year". Jon ate breakfast quickly and went to the living room. He lay on the couch and turned on the T.V. Five minutes later the family poured in, three sisters each with a boyfriend and one with a new child,both parents and some family of one of the sisters boyfriend. Jon had had enough. "Right I'm off for a walk." He called as he walked out the front door.

Jon walked out the garden his paws crunching the fresh snow his paws almost invisible as his white fur disappeared up to his ankles. He turned and walked into the woods near his home. His mind wandered. "How would mum and dad act if i brought a guy home?" he thought to himself. Jon was gay. Oh he was content himself with that, but he kept it well hidden. He knew his family and friends would disown him, but above all the fear of those who would try to hurt or even kill him kept him silent. The sight of his family happy and content in their own little couples made him feel even worse. He was depressed because he was lonely. Night after night he would lie in bed quietly crying and wishing with every ounce of his being for someone to love and who he could hold and feel safe with. Jon walked deeper into the woods heading for a place he knew so well. After another fifteen minutes he arrived. It was a rocky outcrop over a small ravine. Jon came here to relax and unwind, today however he wasn't alone...

Jon saw another wolf. He was tall,medium build but muscular with jet black fur. Jon approached him slowly as he hadn't seen him before and didn't know if he was a threat or not. The wolf turned and saw Jon. "This your place? If it is I'll leave." Jon was puzzled. This wolf could easily over power him but he seemed so timid.

"No i just come here sometimes to relax. You can stay either way if you want." Jon replied and the wolf sat down on a large rock and Jon joined him. "You new here? I haven't seen you before." Jon asked.

"Yeah moved here a week ago but don't go out much. I'm Terry by the way." the wolf replied extending a paw.

"I'm Jon." Jon replied as he shook Terry's paw. "So...where did you live before?" Jon asked curiously.

"Pinetown." Came Terry's reply. Jon slyly looked Terry over, he sure was attractive there was no denying it. Terry noticed Jon and he quickly looked away. "Why did you move?" Jon inquired.

"Dad got a job, so we ended up leaving. Still didn't leave much behind, the locals where jerks." Came Terry's response.

They sat there a while just talking about the different schools they where at and such things. *BEEP* Terry looked at his watch 11:00 it read. "Hey Jon you have any plans this afternoon? My parents are away visiting my uncle in the north and I've got no one to talk to. You want to come over?" Terry asked with a hint of loneliness in his voice. "Yeah sure why not my sisters are visiting and gods do i hate them." Jon replied standing up and stretching. Terry got up and they set off for his house. They walked in silence for about twenty five minutes, then they reached Terry's home. Jon was amazed, he'd seen this house many times. It was one of the largest in the town. They walked up to the front door and Terry unlocked it, quickly opened it and hastily entered a four digit number in to the numerical pad on the wall behind the door to disable the alarm. Terry lead Jon into the living room, it was huge about three times the size of Jon's own. The T.V. was massive it was a projector system and had a whole wall for the screen. In the corner was a powerful top of the range pc with piles of CDs and DVDs scattered around.

"Want something to drink? Tea,coffee?" Echoed Terry's voice from the kitchen. Jon followed his voice and found himself in a kitchen about twice the size of the one at home. "Or as it's the season..." Terry picked up a bottle of vodka "...something a bit stronger?"

A mischievous grin spread over Jon's muzzle. "Yeah why not..." Terry mixed Vodka and Redbulls for the pair of them and they went back into the living room...the bottle of vodka still in Terry's hand.

"What film we gonna watch?" Terry called from the corner where the pc was.

"What you got?" Jon called back as he got comfortable on the couch.

"What you like? Horror,comedy,scifi..." Terry said as he listed all the different genres he had.

"Horror." Jon called out with a gleeful look in his eyes "The more gory the better.".

"Saw IV ok?..Downloaded last night?" Terry said holding up a DVD.

"Perfect." Jon replied "I've been wanting to see that one for a while.". Terry picked up the DVD and inserted it into a DVD player next to the projector. A screen appeared with a background resembling the Matrix code with the title "Saw IV A Fuck-FACT-4Ever-Production". Terry picked up the DVD remote and pressed play. After a short pause the "Lions Gate" logo appeared followed by the "Twisted Pictures" one. Jon was amazed as the quality was incredible. As the film progressed the vodka and Red Bulls disappeared. Once they where gone they had a cider each and a lot of shots of the vodka...

After the film had finished Terry picked up a remote and shut off the projector. Setting down the remote he turned and faced Jon. "Jon can i ask you something?"

"Sure." Jon replied sightly confused by the question.

"Your open minded right?" Terry asked as he looked deeply into Jon's amber eyes.

"Yeah." Jon replied "Unlike the rest of my family."

"Ok..well please don't freak out on me...but i think you are cute." Terry said lowering his gaze from Jon's face to the floor.

Jon paused for a second then spoke "You serious? You ain't kidding right?".

"No I'm serious." Terry replied looking slightly concerned.

Jon walked over to Terry and said "I'm glad you said that...i think you are cute too" he then gave Terry a long kiss that seemed to last an age. "Terry am i the first male you've been attracted to?" Jon asked with a lustful look in his eyes.

"No...thats another reason we moved...some guys in my old school learned about it and...well lets just say i had to leave the area." Terry replied clearly sounding saddened by the memory of the past.

"I see. Do you parents know your gay?" Jon asked as he paced back and forth.

"No they would freak if they knew." Terry said with obvious fear in his voice.

"Ah...same case as me then." Jon said before pausing then leaning in close and kissing Terry again. This time he explored a little more. He slid his tongue into Terry's muzzle and explored as much as he could while Terry did the same. While they where kissing Jon slowly slid his paw down Terry's back and gently squeezed his rump causing Terry to moan lightly. This spurred Jon on. He slid his other paw down the front of Terry and squeezed his wolfhood through his loose trousers. Terry whimpered and looked Jon in the eye...his look said it all...'please continue'. Jon lead Terry to the couch again and motioned him to lie down. Terry happily did so. Jon decided it was time to get to work, he'd not done this before but he knew the basics. He unbuttoned Terry's trousers and pulled them down and off in one move. "Take your shirt off." Terry obeyed and pulled off his shirt reveling his well toned stomach and chest. Jon kissed his neck and kissed all the way down to his chest. He slid his left paw down to Terry's crotch and began to stroke him through his boxers, which where already darkened by pre. He licked Terry's nipples one then the other taking his time to be tender and gentle. He dragged his tongue down the middle of his chest until he reached Terry's navel. He circled it and finally gave it a good lick. He continued down until he reached his waist band. Jon looked deep into Terry's sea-blue eyes and said "Shall i continue?..." in a playful tone.

A whimpered "P-p-please." from Terry was his answer. Jon pulled Terry's boxers down and off freeing his wolfhood from its fabric cage. Jon paused admiring it, it was about seven and a half inches (two inches bigger than his own). He lent over and inhaled deeply, filling his nostrils with Terry's sent. It was amazing he felt himself go rock hard almost instantly. He took Terry's shaft in his paw and began to gently stroke him slowly at first just to tease him. Jon lent over and ran his tongue up the underside and completely over the head lapping up the beads of fresh sweet pre. He opened his muzzle and took Terry in slowly savoring the experience running his tongue over as much as he could trying to take in all the nooks and crannies of it. He slowly with-drew and began to bob his head up and down slowly but gradually picking up speed. Terry began to moan loudly and he kept fighting the urge to buck in to Jon's muzzle. Jon took his left paw and began to play with Terry's sac, gently rolling his orbs around in his palm. He with-drew and slid his tongue down and gave the sac a good licking. Every fold and area he could get at was explored. Once he was satisfied he'd explored enough he took Terry back into his muzzle and began to bob up and down again. Terry was to busy groaning in ecstasy to notice Jon cover a finger with his pre and slowly move his hand towards Terry's tailhole. Terry yelped lightly as Jon circled and teased his tailhole. He slowly slid his finger in causing a loud and long groan from Terry. Jon explored Terry's insides and found his prostate which he began to rub gently with his digit. Terry began to near his climax. Sensing this Jon picked up the pace. He began to pull his finger almost completely out of Terry before sliding it back in again. Terry's knot began to swell and Jon began to squeeze it with his free paw. Terry's body tensed and he howled loudly as he shot ropes of hot salty-sweet cum into Jon's muzzle. Jon swallowed as fast as he could but some escaped and dripped down his chin. Once Terry stopped Jon with-drew Terry's member from his muzzle and slowly slid his finger out of Terry's anus.

They lay there panting for a few minutes. "....t-t-that was...good.." Terry managed to say while gasping for breath. Once both had recovered Terry decided to himself it was his turn to payback Jon. "J-j-jon.."

"Yeah?" Jon replied softly still not fully recovered.

"I want you to...take me..." Terry said looking Jon in the eyes.

"You sure?" Jon asked wanting to be certain Terry knew what he was getting himself into.

"Yeah...i want to thank you for that." Terry replied gazing lustfully as Jon. Jon quickly stripped and turned to Terry.

"Ok so how we doing this?" Jon asked as Terry got on all fours and wagged his tail for answer. Jon walked up behind him and lent over. He licked two of his fingers and slowly slid them into Terry to loosen him up a bit. After a few minutes of this and lots of groans he with-drew his his fingers and placed his tip against Terry's still fairly tight virgin hole. He slowly slid in the head and Terry yelped. "You alright?" Jon asked concerned for his new friends well-being.

"Y-y-yeah..p-p-please..continue..." Terry replied wincing in pain. No one had penetrated him before. Jon slowly slid inch after inch in until he hilted, Terry's eyes where screwed tightly shut and a few tears rolled silently down his cheek. He paused for a few minutes to let Terry get used to the feel of this. Jon slowly with-drew to the head and entered again. What pain Terry felt began to fade and was replaced by a new type of pleasure. Jon continued a steady but slow pace. Terry found himself going hard and began to jerk himself off. Jon reached around and took over jerking him in time with his thrusts. After a short time Jon upped the pace of his thrusts and strokes. They both moaned loudly. Jon increased pace again as his climax neared. He just couldn't believe how good it felt to bury himself in the tailhole of another. His knot was swelling fast and near full size now. "T-t-terry can..i tie with you?.." Jon groaned between his thrusts.

"P-p-please...Y-y-yes.." Terry managed to say between his gasps. Jon's pace carried on at the relentless rate and he knew he was very close to climax. He thrust with a lot of strength and both he and Terry yelped as his knot entered with a loud 'POP'. They continued this pace and shortly afterwards both tensed up simultaneously. Jon went first and filled his load into Terry's rump the warmth and sheer joy causing him to howl as never before. Terry howled too as he came in Jon's paws and onto the floor. Once both had finished they collapsed onto the floor out of exhaustion.

Jon lent up and kissed Terry's neck and whispered "You know for once i got the present i wanted for Christmas" into his ear.

Terry looked back to him and smiled "Same here" came a faint reply. They both fell asleep shortly afterwards.

When Jon awoke his knot had gone down and he slowly pulled himself from Terry. He looked at his watch 6:30. Jon got dressed and Terry stirred and awoke too. "Hey...i really better get home my parents are gonna be worried." Jon said as he finished dressing.

"Here." Terry said as he picked up a piece of paper from the computer desk and wrote something on it "It's my mobile number.Call me when your free again."

Jon took the paper and placed it in his pocket, kissed Terry on the cheek and said "I will i i really have to go." Jon and Terry walked to the door, which Terry opened and Jon ran out and down the street full speed to his house and his worried parents. "I'm back." Jon called out as he walked in his front door.

"Where have you been?" his mum asked in a usual over-protective tone.

"Oh i found a friend and we got talking, you know how it is." Jon said making sure to not look her in the eyes.

"Well come and eat some dinner." Jon's mum said as she dragged him to the dinning room. As Jon ate his christmas dinner he couldn't help but miss Terry and feel sorry for him having no one at all to be with on christmas. After dinner Jon took the excess meat and trimmings and wrapped them in foil. The rest of the family was a sleep now as they'd all eaten too much. Jon headed out into the garden and set off for Terry's. Terry had finally filled a hole in Jon's heart and he'd make sure his new found love wasn't going to be alone on christmas. "To hell with the family and what they think." He thought as he neared Terry's. Jon walked up the path and knocked on the door. When Terry answered they embraced and went inside pleased to be warm,in good company and to no longer feel alone.

The End


Well that concludes this story. If enough people ask i may write another part, but time will tell. I hope you enjoyed reading as much as i did writing.