Konrad's Stud Duty - Chapter 6

Story by Samadhir on SoFurry

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Hello once again!

So much for my promises... But now the final chapter is here at last. I hope it gives you as much pleasure to read as it has given me to write.

Once again, the poem mentioned by Konrad is "Ode to Pegging" by the masterful Jeeves the Roo, available here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6081930/

As always, I would really appreciate comments and critique.

"So... this is it?"

"This is indeed it," Konrad nodded to the brown bear sow.

Once again, and for the final time, he was standing inside the luxurious breeding room where he and the three sows had spent so much time together the past two weeks. Before him stood his partners, looking at him with expectation, longing, lust and a touch of melancholy due to the fact that they were soon to be departed. The emotions on their faces reflected in every facet exactly what he felt about them too.

Despite the fact that he had been here with them a dozen times over the previous days, Konrad felt as impressed and overwhelmed as when he'd stood in the same spot after having come in for his first session. The difference being that while he had felt nervous and unsure back then, now he was brimming with confidence, optimism and a determination to enjoy himself to the fullest.

He took in his surroundings - the wonderfully appointed room, the red curtains, the soft pillows, the wood panelling, the large window with the sun-and-forest motif at the top, and the magnificent view of the city beyond. It struck him once again how fortunate he was to have come here to the Institute for his duties rather than some bare-bones breeding stall, and how grateful he was to the ones that had arranged it - his own master Simon, the sows' owner Iosaphat, and Waldo.

And he took in the females that he had gotten to know so very, very closely these past weeks. He took in their nude, voluptuous bodies, their shiny, well-combed fur, their flowing hair, their perfect faces, their breasts, wide hips and pussy slits between their legs. Having spent so much time with them and being so focused on getting them pregnant, he had stopped noticing after awhile just how beautiful they were. Now, with their departure from each other looming over him, he took the time to once again appreciate their wondrous images, like three goddesses of love and sex standing before him, eager to provide him his every desire... and he would certainly take them up on their offer.

Walking to stand right before them, the medicines provided by the Institute once again vitalising his body and causing his penis to stiffen, he gave them all a deep, warm look into their eyes.

"I just wanted to say... I'm very glad to have been allowed to spend this time together. It has been intense, exhausting and a little scary at times but... I'm grateful to have gone through it. You have shown me so much, introduced me to so many new things. You have been firm when you needed to, encouraging when I needed to be encouraged, warm and helpful in a way that made this whole thing much more pleasant for all of us... Not to mention of course that you've provided some absolutely great sex."

They all shared a giggle at this, something they'd been doing a lot during their times together. Once again taking the time to savour all that he had taken for granted, he noticed just how cute they all sounded when they giggled, and so different - Alex naughty and knowing, Sofia innocent and warm and Yun bashful and shy. It was a sound that he had come to treasure, and he would always do so.

He continued. "I'm just so happy to have known you, and that you were the ones chosen to be the mothers of my children. There's not much I can say except... thank you."

At first, the sows remained silent. Then Alex stepped forward, extended her arms and embraced him, and Yun and Sofia followed suit, the four of them together in what was quite literally a massive bear hug. It spoke of the warmth the four of them shared that Konrad hardly noticed their breasts pressing against his chest and shoulders, or his pink shaft straining erect against the inside of Alex's thighs. All he cared about at that moment was to immerse himself in the strong bond of friendship - and perhaps something stronger than that - that they had developed.

"Konrad," the brown bear sow said softly, "I'm so glad to have gotten to know you too during our time here, and I know I speak for all three of us. There were so many guys we could've ended up with, and that we got to be with someone as nice and sweet and gentle as you is just amazing. I really wish you could come live with us, because I can't imagine a better father to our cubs..."

The panda and polar bear caressed the back of his head to let him know they were in full agreement with their friend. For a few more minutes, the four bears just continued their hug, basking in the warmth of each other's presence. They knew they would miss each other greatly once they were parted, and they took the opportunity to share each other in a non-sexual, friendly way as much as they could while they were still able.

After awhile they untangled, determined to share each other in a decidedly sexual, more-than-friendly way. "You know," Sofia commented, "this is almost exactly how we were together when you walked in here for our very first session."

"It is," the male nodded. "It seems this day has a lot of throwbacks to our first time."

"Well, if so," Yun shot in, "then how about we start getting intimate with Konrad just like we did back then?"

"That seems like a nice idea," the brown bear sow said. "Do you agree, Conny?"

"Very much so..."

And so they did. Alex reached down to stroke and caress his erect cock while Yun started to lick and play with his nipples, the two fems taking turns French kissing him. Meanwhile, Sofia kissed and nibbled at his neck while rubbing and squeezing his buttocks. This time however, she also reached her finger in between his cheeks to rub at his tailhole. Had this been their first time, he would've been shocked at her actions - by now, having them play with his anus was just routine.

Going at this for awhile, they then suggested that they should do something else Yun had done to him on their first day - give him a massage. Guiding him to lie down on his stomach, the panda proceeded to rub at his shoulders, neck and back, the male grunting with enjoyment as she worked out his muscles like only she could. Her friends helped her out as well, the brown bear massaging his thighs and calves and Sofia kneading his rumpcheeks. For about half an hour, Konra just laid there, enjoying the attention the females lavished upon his body.

Eventually, Yun motioned for him to roll over on his back. Looking down at his penis - which had gone from rock-hard to flaccid to back again during the massage and had now settled into a semi-erect state - she glanced knowingly at him.

"Another thing that we discussed during my first massage sessions but never actually got around to was giving you a handjob. Would you like me to do that now? I mean, I'm fully allowed to do that now."

Konrad mulled it over for a few seconds, groaning inwardly. On one paw, he would've loved for the panda to paw him off - he knew how good she was with her hands and he was sure the amount of cum he'd shoot into the air and on his stomach would be massive. But he also really had to save his sperm for what he planned to do to the sows soon, otherwise it wouldn't be nearly as fun.

Maybe he could settle for a compromise.

"Yun... I'd really like for you to do that... but could you do that to me without making me climax?"

This raised her eyebrow. "Eh, why? You don't have to impregnate us any longer."

"I know, but I'm saving myself for something. You'll understand what it is later."

This didn't seem to sit too well with the panda - jerking a guy off without getting to see him spurt his cream probably wasn't all that fun - but she indulged him anyway. Alex went over to the cabinet to pick out a lotion to make it more pleasant for the male. Uncapping the bottle and smearing the gel over her palms, Yun the grabbed hold of the male's penis and got to work.

Once again, Konrad was struck by just how good Yun was with her paws. He had received plenty of handjobs before, both from guys and girls, but they had usually consisted of the old "grab hold of your dick and pump furiously up and down"-technique. The panda however used her hands to their full potential - she rubbed the head of his cock with her palm, encircled and teased it with her thumb, slid it between her fingers, placed his shaft between her palms and gently rubbed up and down as if trying to start a small fire. If she had one hand free she would fondle his balls or caress his thighs or, as she started doing after awhile, tease his tailhole. Meanwhile, Sofia and Alex went at each other like they were wont to do, kissing, hugging, rubbing each others' pussies while they watched their friend give the male so much pleasure.

Normally, he would probably have cum already from Yun's pawjob, but the special medicine he'd asked Waldo to give him the night before prevented him from doing so. What he had requested from the kangaroo was a drug that slowed down and lessened his ability to ejaculate. It required a lot more effort and stimulation than usual to get him to shoot his seed - and when he finally did so, it would be a huge amount!

He allowed himself to just enjoy the panda's caresses, knowing that he was unlikely to climax prematurely and before he was able to put a stop to things. During his other sessions, he had often had to rush things to spurt his seed into the females as much as possible to get them pregnant. Today, he was determined to take things slowly and enjoy every second of it.

As with the less intimate massage the sows had given him, this went on for about half an hour. Then Yun released her paws from his lotion-slick stiffness, cracking her fingers a bit to work out the stiffness in them. She seemed a little surprised that the male had gone through her entire treatment without orgasming. Konrad was content to keep her guessing for just a little longer.

"Usually, guys I've done this to would have their chests and stomachs covered in semen by now," the panda said.

"It was difficult keeping it back," he nodded in response with heavy breath. Deciding to use flattery - which was of course entirely sincere - to distract her from any potential questions, he continued: "Man, your paws should be on display in a museum, Yun!"

The two females by their side disengaged from their makeout to look at him. "You have any idea how creepy that came across," Sofia shook her head at him.

That did occur to Konrad, who wanted to smack his own head for his stupidity. "Eh, I meant that she was really good with her paws and that-"

"Oh shut up, you silly ol' bear," Alex said as she moved to lay down between his legs. It at least seemed that the sows had lost interest in his sudden inability to orgasm for now. "There's another thing we haven't been doing during these two weeks together..." Her face was hovering directly in front of his erect, pink shaft, the tantalizing prize a few inches from her muzzle.

It took a second for Konrad to understand what she was referring to, and before he had the opportunity to comment, she extended her tongue and ran it from the base of his shaft to the tip of his penis.

His whole body went rigid at the sensation. Truth be told, it wasn't that much more stimulating than any of the other things that had been done to his genitals during the last two weeks. But the sheer novelty that one of the females was actually fellating him was astounding. Ever since he got here, getting orally stimulated by the sows had been one of the things he desired the most, but he knew that wasn't allowed. But now all those restrictions were lifted, and the pure pleasure wasn't the only reason his cock twitched merrily as Alex gently licked over the corona.

Flicking her tongue over the tip for a minute, she then engulfed his head between her lips, enclosing his glans in a warm, wet oral sheath. She started to bob her head up and down slightly, sliding his cock deeper and deeper into her mouth. Konrad could only lie there, gasping and shivering as the brown bear sow expertly sucked him off.

Of course, his body went even more rigid with surprise when she slid the tip into her throat. Damn, she's deepthroating me! Where does she learn all this?!

Wherever she had, it felt great. Lowering her head around his shaft until her chin brushed against his fuzzy testicles, she kept pushing his cockhead in and out of her throat while she sucked and licked across his entire length, lathering his shaft in saliva. It was definitely one of the best blowjobs he'd ever received - it made the ones he had so often given to Theodore look amateurish by comparison.

Having done this for a couple of minutes, Sofia crawled over to lie by her friend's side. Pulling his cock out of her mouth until it was only connected by a thin strand of saliva, Alex moved over to lie to the left of his crotch rather than directly in front of it to give the polar bear some room. Looking at each other with faces shining with unabashed naughtiness, Sofia extended her own tongue to caress the mushroom shaped head of Konrad's penis. Alex did the same, and the male moaned as he realized that he now had two females worshiping his cock at the same time, their tongues duelling with each other across his glans, teasing his slit, licking up and down the sides of his painfully stiff organ and occasionally pulling away their faces to let their tongues intermingle in a kiss before returning to their mutual fellatio of the male.

Not wanting to be left out of their little threesome, Yun lowered herself in between Konrad's legs and her two fellow sows, and soon the eagerly questing tongues of the brown and polar bear was joined by the wet, pink organ of the panda as they focused all their attention on the wet, pink organ of the male. This naturally left the area around erect shaft rather crowded, and their tongues slid across each others' as often as across Konrad's purple tip - which of course provided plenty of excuses for them to kiss and peck at each other. They soon decided to take turns stimulating the male, passing the penis back and forth to each other, each of them taking a few second to have it in their mouths and suckle upon it before passing it on to the next one. While they waited, the other two would lick and muzzle his balls, or fondle them as they kissed.

It was an absolutely glorious display, and yet the image of what they did to him was nothing compared to how their actions actually felt to Konrad. Still, after having gone at him for a good twenty minutes, their tongues started to get a little tired. Apparently, they had counted on licking him to orgasm and have his semen squirt out around their tongues - again, something he would love to experience but didn't want to waste his seed on today - but for some reason he was able to prevent his climax even though he should've cum several times over by now.

The females stopped with their lickings to give him a suspicious look-over. He could only grin goofily in return. They then nodded to Yun, and before Konrad could react, Alex and Sofia took hold of his legs and raised them to the air, baring his ass to the panda. And next thing he knew, like she had done several times, she was licking his anus, dipping through his tight sphincter while her friends leaned down, their hands still holding up his legs, to start work over his rod with their tongues again.

That definitely had an effect on the male. The sheer sensation of receiving oral sex from two girls at the same time while a third licked at his asshole managed to get to him even through the medicine he'd taken. He could feel his hearbeat increase, salty precum started to leak out of his tip and onto the females tongues, his cock started to throb and his pucker tightened and relaxed continuously around Yun's rimjob. As much as he wanted to cum right then and there, he knew he had to call it quits before he started to spurt.

"T-that's enough!" he said as he wiggled away from tongues on his rod and in his tailhole. Lowering his legs and rump back onto the pillows, he sat there looking at the sows with his rock-hard penis standing straight up, glistening from the heavy fellating he'd received.

The females just stared back at him while massaging their jaws to work out the kinks in their oral muscles for a couple of moments. Then, finally put up with his mysterious ability to prevent an orgasm, Alex turned angry. "Okay, just what the hell is going on?! You've been given a handjob and a blowjob and rimjob for almost an hour total, and you haven't cum? And you ask Yun not to make you cum and tell us to stop when you're nearly doing so? What have you been doing to yourself, Konrad?!"

Konrad sighed, realizing that it had probably been unfair to keep this information from the sows, especially considering all the things he had let them do to him. As such, he told them about the special drug he had asked Waldo to provide him with the day before.

The females were perplexed by this decision. "Uhm, why exactly would you have him give you that?"

Sitting up straighter, Konrad realized that he now had to tell them just what he had been planning as a finish to today's complementary session. He pondered how to relay this, "Eh... Yun, do you remember Andreas? The guy who walked in on us when we were playing Go?"

The panda nodded, recalling the nude, recently sexed monkey that had caused such a scene in the common room that day.

"A few days earlier, I had been talking with him about something he'd wanted to do to the capuchins he was tasked with breeding - namely, something that they had liked to do with him while they were mating... and, coincidentally, something you surprised me with during our first day and have been doing to me ever since..."

Pondering about that statement for a few seconds, suddenly the females' faces lit up with understanding. "Oooh..."

Deciding to break it out into the open, Konrad said: "Not to put too fine a point on it, I want to fuck you in the ass. All three of you."

It took awhile for this to sink into the gathered bears. The females just looked at him and each other, apparently unsure how to respond. Afraid that he had offended them in some way, he continued: "I mean, only if it's okay with you of course. If it'd make you uncomfortable..."

"No, no, of course not," Alex interjected. "It's just a bit... unexpected, that's all."

"Have you been planning this," Sofia asked.

"Well, only since yesterday," he answered honestly, "but I've wanted to do you all anally ever since I met you. I've never actually taken a girl up the ass before, and it was one of the things that frustrated me that I was only allowed vaginal sex with you. So when Waldo told me that I would be given this final sessions where I could do whatever I pleased with you, I knew that was what I wanted to do.

And also... since I have only been able to cum inside of your cunnies so far, I also wanted to shoot my seed out in the open this time. And in order to make it more fun, I wanted to wait with my orgasm today until the very last. That's why I had Waldo give me those drugs - they both make it easier for me to resist climaxing and will make it more intense and powerful for me when I do."

Giving them a pleading look-over, he asked: "Would this be okay with you?"

The sows thought about it before giving him their answer. "Konrad, I would very much like to be your first," Alex said, "and I know Sofia would too. However, we have both had anal sex with guys plenty of times before. Yun hasn't..."

"Ahhh," Konrad said in understanding to the panda, "so you've never actually...?"

"Well, I'm not a complete anal virgin, as you should well know by now," she responded. "I mean, I've had Alex and Sofia and a couple of other girls play with my butt quite a bit, whether it's with fingers, tongues, beads or the occasional dildos. And of course, I've done anal to several guys..." Konrad blushed at this. "But I've never actually had a guy's cock go through my tailhole, no."

"So, would you consider letting this be your first time?" Sofia asked her. "That would allow both you and Conny to "lose your virginities" in a sense."

Yun seemed a little unsure at the prospect, but Alex put a reassuring paw on her shoulder. "Yun, it's nothing to be worried about. You know how gently and caring Konrad is - he will go easy on you the first time. It's really fun too - vibrators and butt plugs are nice, but there's nothing that beats the feeling of having a real, warm, throbbing cock pounding your ass. And since you've already taken some decent-sized dildos in your tailhole, you should be more than prepared to handle this."

At first, the panda still appeared rather unsure at the thought of giving up her anal virginity, to another guy at least. But gradually, as a result of the pleading, puppy-dog look of Konrad and the comforting paws of her fellow sows, her face lit up into a wide, naughty grin. "So how do you want this done?"

Konrad gave an inward cheer that the panda had agreed to let him take her in the bum. Of the three sows, she was the one he'd most wanted to share such an intimate act with. She was probably the one he had grown closest to over the past weeks and he really wanted to be her first and for her to be his first.

"Thank you, Yun," he said warmly. "As for how we should do this... Okay, here's how: I want you to go down on your hands and knees towards the window, shoulder to shoulder. I will take turns fucking you, buggering each of you for about a minute before pulling out and doing the same to the next one. At the end, when I can no longer keep from orgasming, I will spray your cheeks with my cum. Sounds good?"

"Yeah, that should work," Alex nodded, her friends seeming to agree with her. It spoke to their... liberal disposition that he was able to describe how he wanted to have anal sex with them without them raising an eyebrow.

"Also, while I'm taking you I'd like to have a vibrator designed for prostate massage lodged up my own bottom - it'd make it more fun."

"It seems that even when you're about to take us in the ass, you can't resist getting some backdoor pleasure yourself," Sofia sniggered.

"Hey, it's combining two awesome things in one, " Konrad grinned in return. "Besides, it'll allow us to 'even the playing field' a bit."

They went right to work making preparations for the coming sodomy session. Alex picked out a vibrator with a controller attached to a wire, so Konrad would be able to turn it on and set the intensity by himself. Deciding that the lotion Yun had used while pawing him off wouldn't quite cut it now, she instead picked out a strawberry flavoured one.

At her motion, the male rose up to stand in the middle of the room. Before she inserted the toy, Sofia and Yun decided to play with him just a little bit more before the main event, the white-furred female going down before him to suck and lick on his cock, while the panda spread his cheeks apart and started to lick at his rosebud with the same skill that she always did. The male shivered, both from the oral efforts of the females and from anticipation of what he was about to do to them.

Letting them go at him for a minute, the female brown bear then harrumphed to the panda, who pulled her tongue out of the males' ass but kept his cheeks spread apart to make Alex's job easier. Kneeling by her side, Alex poured some of the lube onto her middle and pointy finger and inserted them into Konrad's bottom. The male moaned at the stimulation both front and aft, as Sofia was still bobbing her head up and down on his shaft. Wiggling her digits around a bit to get his rectum coated with the lube, she then smeared it over the dildo and inserted it all the way into his backdoor until it disappeared completely, the plastic wire the only thing hanging out from his wrinkled pucker. Shifting it around a bit until a grunt from the male told her that the protruding nub had made contact with his prostate gland, she stood up beside him to move on to the next part in their preparations.

"Okay, it's time to get us lubed up and ready for Konrad's cock. I think we should start with Yun..."

The panda seemed rather trepidatious at first, still a little nervous at what was about to be done with her - her shy, adorable little expressions always managed to melt Konrad's heart. Nevertheless, she followed their call for her to rise and walked over to where the sows were to display themselves for his use. He reached down to pick up the controller, since the wire it was connected to was only about two feet long and tugged at his tailhole, and held it in his paw as he stood back to enjoy the show.

And the sows were determined to put on a fine show indeed, to give him an excellent preview of the goods he would soon sample. Coming to a halt a couple of feet from the leaded window and the wonderful view of Otavia, Alex and Sofia led the panda girl to go down on all fours, her bottom aimed squarely at the male. The brown bear sow spread out Yun's legs to put her on better display for him, and the polar bear grabbed hold of her black little tuft of a tail and lifted it up and out of the way, making sure that the panda was able to hide nothing from the male.

And what a delightful sight it was. His penis, which was already quite stiff from their recent attentions, went rock-hard at seeing the panda in such a vulnerable position. Her plump, delectable derriere covered in her soft, black fur, her pussy lips, swollen and wet with expectation, and her pink, perfectly wrinkled anus which would soon feel the presence of his cock... While he knew he wasn't in any actual danger of doing so, he still felt as he was about to spill his seed from the sight alone. Of course, his erection only grew harder as Alex reached down to lick at her pussy, and then slowly dragged her tongue up her perineum before licking at her tailhole. To his amazement, Sofia leaned down to do the same, and soon both of the sows' tongues were dancing and poking around Yun's pucker, who moaned and wiggled her bottom at the sensation.

A double rimjob? Man, when I get home I got to find two furs willing to do that to me!

Raising their heads and tongues from the treasure between the panda's cheeks, Alex grabbed hold of the bottle of lube she had brought with her. Raising it two feet above Yun's backside, she uncapped it and allowed the liquid to pour down in a fine trickle right onto the panda's asshole. Putting the bottle down when she'd poured enough, she started rubbing her fingers over the lube-covered bud before inserting her middle digit to cover her anal walls just as she had done with the male. Sofia inserted her own finger as well, and the two digits were soon wiggling around each other in the panda's backside, just as Alex's and the polar bear's tongues were wiggling around in each other's mouths as they kissed, and Yun's butt wiggled while she moaned with the sensations coming from her ass. Konrad's cock wiggled and twitched too, precum already starting to leak from the sheer arousal of watching what the sows were doing to one another.

Deciding that she'd had enough, they removed their digits from the rear end of the panda - whose cunny lips were dripping with her juices already - and the polar bear similarly went down on her hands and knees to her right side in the same position as her black-and-white furred friend. Just as she'd done with the panda, Alex poured down a quantity of the thick lube and rubbed it on and into Sofia's backdoor passage, until the pink pucker in the center of her white-furred rump was glistening.

Finally, it was the brown bear sow's own turn, and since the other's were already kneeling in waiting she had to take care of herself. Moving over to kneel down by Yun's left flank, she looked over her shoulder and raised her tail, showing off all her pink parts to the male. Giving him the most sultry expression she could muster - which was quite sultry indeed - and licking the front row of her teeth, she reached around with her right paw and poured out the lube in between her own rumpcheeks, and soon she was fingering her own asshole, working the lube in while incidentally pleasuring herself. The state of her quim went without saying.

And then she removed her finger and put both her paws on the floor. Konrad took in the sight before him. The three females were kneeling there side by side, their flanks and the sides of their rumps lightly brushing against each other, displaying the globes of their asses to him and willingly offering him any part of them he desired, their cunts wet with juices and their assholes proudly presented as the perfect targets for his needy cock. Less experienced furs might've creamed right then and there, and he was doubly grateful for the restraining effect the Institute's medicines put him under.

Moving over to kneel right behind Yun's delightful posterior, the dildo in his rectum silently rubbing against his prostate in a most distracting way, he took the bottle of lube himself and squeezed out a line across his rigid prick, rubbing himself to get it well-coated and make the imminent penetration that much easier. The air was heavy with anticipation, the panda's bottom quivering with the knowledge of what Konrad was about to do to her. To calm her down, he gently put his paws on her cheeks, rubbing and stroking them and getting her muscles to relax. To be honest, he was quite nervous about this himself - he was about to sodomize a girl for the first time in his life, and he would do it to three of them at the same time. But he also knew he would enjoy it, thoroughly.

"Okay," he said, "this is how we'll do it: I'll start with Yun, then I'll take Sofia and then Alex. From then on, I'll go in the order of Alex - Yun - Sofia, left to right. Is that okay?" The sows nodded.

Before he got down to the real action, he gripped his rod and gently drew the tip of the shaft through Yun's puffed-up, wet cunny lips, letting the head settle in her pussy before crawling to her sides to do the same to Alex and Sofia, their soft folds feeling so wonderfully familiar to him. It was a warm-up session, of sorts, before they got to the main event.

Finally, he went back to kneel behind the panda, his penis resting upon her soft cheeks. His heart started to beat faster, as he realized that he now he was about to do it last. Doing his best to remain steady, he took his proudly erect, pink penis in his right paw, guided it in between the panda's buttocks, until its tip came to rest against the wrinkled, pink rose of Yun's anus, causing her to twitch and gasp. Struggling to control his breathing, he knew he could just push his cock right into her, but he wanted to be absolutely sure first that she was in on this.

"Are you okay, Yun?" he asked.

"I'm... I'm okay," she responded, her voice unsteady, but definitely not uneager.

"Do you want this?"

"I want this."

"Tell me what it is you want," he told her, wanting to hear it in her own words.

"Konrad, I... I want you to fuck me in my ass... I want you to take the last remnants of my anal virginity."

"Then I shall do so, my lovely little backdoor maiden..."

And with that, he pushed his cock forward, letting the tight sphincter of the panda's tailhole give way until he popped past her anal ring and the head of his penis was firmly settled within her rectum.

Yun shivered and gasp as she was anally penetrated by a male for the first time in her life. Konrad paused, partly to allow her to get used to this new situation and partly because he was overwhelmed by the sensation of what he was doing. This was after all the first time he had anally penetrated a female as well, though he had more experience in these matters than Yun since he had buggered quite a few males in his time.

Letting the panda's anal muscles adjust to his prick, he guided his cock a further inch into her ass. Helped along by the lube coating his shaft and her rectal walls, as well as the loosening up she'd received from her two companions' fingers, his pink flesh slid through her sphincter quite smoothly. Yun moaned and shuddered as her arse was so deliciously violated, the male intent on claiming her and sodomize her for his own pleasure. His shaft securely within her, he put both his paws on her flanks and gripped her steadily before pushing forward again, burying more and more of his rock-hard, seven-inch penis into her innermost flesh.

As he kept pushing himself into the panda's ass, Konrad barely managed to breath as he was assaulted by the feeling of what he was doing. Her ass felt absolutely amazing! It was so warm, so tight, gripping his shaft in ways that a clutching vagina or a suckling mouth never could, it's heat and tightness sending shivers of unimaginable pleasure through his cock and crotch and up his spine. To be honest, it didn't feel that much different in and of itself from most male asses he'd fucked, though the delectable, curvy hips and rumpcheeks of the panda did add a nice spice-up to the buggering. Rather, it was the sheer novelty of taking a female in this way for the first time, something he'd dreamt of ever since coming here, that made this whole event so stunning and increased his pleasure beyond what the simple physical act of anal sex would normally have provided him with. The fact that he was doing this to such a shy, kind, and wonderful creature as Yun, whom he'd come to regard as a friend in their time together and who would soon be the mother of his child, just increased the emotional experience for him.

As he drove himself deeper and deeper into Yun's backside, he thought back to the conversation he'd had with Theodore during their last lovemaking before he'd left for the Institute two weeks ago, where they'd mentioned the fact that he wouldn't be allowed to engage in "bum fun" with the ladies he'd been tasked to impregnate. Well, now he was enjoying their bums to the fullest extent, and he would be sure to tell all about it to his boyfriend when he got home this evening. And the saying he had heard was indeed true: male-on-male anal sex was fun, but male-on-female anal sex was naughty... and it was the best, most delightful type of naughtiness he could imagine!

Soon he was buried up to the hilt in the sow's ass, his crotch and lower abdomen grinding against her rump, the base of his shaft constricted by Yun's anus. He got to experience another difference between buggering a male and buggering a female as his large, overfilled balls made contact not with another set of balls but with a sopping wet cunt. Whatever her earlier nervousness, she didn't seem to be overly distressed now; otherwise he doubted that her juices would be flowing like they did. Still, he wanted to make sure.

"Are.. are you feeling alright, Yun? I'm not hurting you, am I?"

"N-no," she gasped in answer, the feeling of having a cock up her ass so new and overwhelming for her that she was barely able to speak coherently. "Keep going... S-start fucking me, but gently..."

Doing as she told him, he started to slowly withdraw his shaft, sliding it out from her tailhole until he was only connected to her by the corona of his penis. Then he pushed forward again, letting himself be engulfed by the warm depths of her bottom. He took it slowly and steadily, and not just to avoid hurting Yun - her ass was just so damned tight at this stage that he couldn't have gone at it harder even if he'd wanted to. He'd have to go at this pace until her anal muscles had loosened up enough for him to thrust freely and passionately into her butt.

But thrust into her butt he did. Pushing in and out of her, he truly began to fuck the panda's ass. The tightness of her rectum enveloped his shaft again and again, his first buggering of a female everything he had hoped for and more. Coupled with this was the small dildo in his own bottom, which even though it wasn't turned on still tickled at his prostate in the most wondrous ways. His breathing steadily increased in pace, and Yun's did too, accompanied by moans whenever his penis went forward or back in her aft passage.

By her sides, Alex and Sofia were looking at their friend receiving her first sodomization by a male, occasionally looking over their shoulders to where Konrad was doing the sodomizing. Their faces were a mix of concern, interest and pure unadulterated lust. It was obvious they couldn't wait for their turn to have Konrad's nice, throbbing prick up their asses.

"You two seem to handle yourselves quite well," Alex said. "How are you feeling, Yun?"

"I... I like this. It... it feels good to have... his dick in my ass... to be taken anally..."

"See?" the polar bear sow smiled at her. "I told you it was nothing to worry about." She raised one of her paws from the floor to grip the panda's chin and turn her head, swaying back and to with the force of Konrad's buggering, and kissed her dear friend, their tongues soon caressing each other in a mid-sodomy makeout.

Anal sex and a lesbian show, Konrad thought. Truly, I must be in Heaven!

On the panda's left side, Sofia was getting rather impatient. "Conny, you've been fucking her ass for five minutes now!" she called to him over her shoulder. Damn, had he really been going at Yun for that long? Her ass must've been ever more exquisite than he realized. "Some of us are dying to feel that magnificent shaft of yours up our tailholes here," she continued, wiggling her buttocks, her pink bud visible between them, to get the point across to the male.

Konrad understood her frustration, but nevertheless gave her a hard smack with his palm across her white-furred, ample cheeks, causing her to yelp in surprise, to establish her proper place. Having done so, it occurred to him that maybe he should've taken the opportunity today to give her a nice, hard spanking to repay him for the roasting of his own behind she'd given him during their second session. Ah well, there was nothing to be done for it now.

Still, she was correct that he'd taken a bit too much time with Yun, and it was time to focus on the other two sows now. Burying himself to the hilt one final time in the panda, he then slid his cock all the way out of her ass, causing her to groan a bit with the sudden and frustrating feeling of emptiness that overcame her.

"Don't worry," he smiled at her, "I'll come back for you soon enough..."

Patting her ass as he redirected himself to Sofia's derriere, he braced himself for what would undoubtedly be a different sodomitical experience with the polar bear. The larger female was after all more experienced in such matters than the panda, had a much more forthright and domineering personality, and was of stronger build then her friend. He wondered whether he would truly remain in control of the sexing like he'd been with Yun.

Well, if she thought she'd handle him with the same ease she handled him when she'd spanked, fingered, and pegged him over the past weeks, he would disabuse her of that notion. This was his time to be dominant, not the sows'.

Positioning his cockhead to her asshole, he pushed himself into her backdoor, Sofia sighing contentedly as she was stuffed by his "little bear". It did indeed feel quite different - while still wonderfully tight, the polar bear's ass was slightly looser, and more relaxed since she'd done this plenty of times before. Being more powerfully built than Yun contributed to a feeling of an ass that was both more accommodating and smooth than the panda's, but also stronger and more muscled.

It struck him that his observation about Sofia's bottom seemed strangely close to that of a winetaster sampling his wines. Maybe if he buggered enough furs he could become something of a connoisseur himself. A connoisseur of fine asses, hah!

Given how Sofia had more experience with this sort of thing than the Yun, Konrad started out a lot less gently with her, wasting no time after his cockhead was settled in her butt before he drove himself forward. The polar bear relaxed her muscles, allowing him to slide all the way into her ass in a couple of seconds, slowed only by the male's desire to savour the moment, to truly sample her rump like the anal connoisseur he hoped to become. Coming to rest fully in her rectum, he waited a few seconds more, enjoying the feeling of her warm, cozy and tight bottom, before pulling out again. Soon, he was humping her ass like he'd done to the panda. He quickened his pace, buggering the larger female in a series of quick, short thrusts. He made her gasp and quiver, not as strongly as her smaller friend, but enough to stroke his ego that he'd managed to bring such a powerful bear to such a reaction.

Down on their own paws and knees, their bottoms in the air, Alex and Yun looked at the brown and polar bear coupling anally, the panda heart's still racing in the aftermath of her first sodomy session with the male. Putting her right paw over her friend's back, Alex said: "You really did enjoy what he just did to you, didn't you, Yun?"

"I did," Yun nodded. "It felt strange, uncomfortable and a little painful at first, but as he went on and I got used to it, it started to feel quite pleasant."

"That's how it usually goes. Believe me, it'll only get better as it goes on."

The two girls started kissing each other again while Konrad continued humping their friend's ass. He increased the force of his thrusts a bit, pulling more and more of his cock from her tailhole each time before plunging back in. He was starting to moan quite happily himself, his ballslack slapping against Sofia's wet quim, and the dildo inside him nudging against his sensitive spot in such a delightful way...

Unlike Yun, who had swayed back and forth as he took her, the muscular polar bear stood quit firmly down on all fours, the male's crotch hitting her immovable backside every time he sank himself in between her cheeks. She was indeed in control of the situation a lot more than the panda. And she was about to try and assert even more of it.

"Think you're tough boy?" she called out over her shoulder. "Let's see how you handle this..."

And with that, she clenched down all she could with her anal muscles, causing her rectum and anus to tighten and constrict around the male's hard cock, and her asscheecks to clamp down on him and keep him firmly locked within her forbidden depths.

Konrad shook and gasped - the sudden and sheer tightness of her ass was unbelievable! It was tighter than any of the male asses he'd buggered in his life. It was almost painful. But more than that, the firm grip her aft passage held on him was bringing him dangerously close to his climax, drugs or not, and he needed to put a stop to it right away. Reasserting his dominance, he gave her a harsh slap on her right buttock, causing her to yelp and her ass to loosen its grip on his shaft.

"Stop doing that, you silly girl", he growled. "I'm in charge here, and I'm not going to let you make me cum before the time is right. Understood?!"

Shocked at his sudden assertiveness, Sofia could only reply: "Well, of course... Master."

Master, eh? I like that! In any event, it was time to move on to the last sow before he proceeded to sodomize the girls in their proper order. With a loud schlurp, he pulled his cock from Sofia's tailhole and crawled back past Yun to kneel before Alex's exposed and vulnerable derriere, her pink anus glistening at him tantalizingly. Before he got to work on her, he reached and started to caress her moist, swollen pussylips, making her shiver at his touch and sigh happily.

"You know," he said gently, "after everything you've done to my ass these past weeks, it really is fair turnabout that I get to use your bottom for my personal pleasure, wouldn't you agree?"

"I definitely do," she answered contentedly. "Go ahead, Conny - fuck my ass until I scream for mercy!"

"I'll hold you to that," Konrad chuckled as he slotted his cock into place in her tailhole, and drove himself forward into her ass.

Alex did not take this silently - she cried out in pleasure louder than either Yun or Sofia. She had been the most vocal of the three sows, and Konrad was still unsure whether it was all show or genuine expression of pleasure. Probably a bit of both.

The brown bear sows' ass was a bit of an intermediary between Yun's and Sofia's - not as nervously tight and plush like the panda's, but not as muscular as the polar bear's. It was an utterly delightful rump, her rear channel smooth and gripping his penis in just the right way. Knowing of her anal experience, no doubt greater even than that of Sofia, he only gave a few slow humps before proceeding to thrust powerfully in and out of her bottom. He withdrew his shaft all the way out until only the corona was gripped by her sphincter, and then thrust in again until he slammed against her ample cheeks. Alex kept moaning sluttily throughout, and soon she was crying out: "Yes... yes... Keep fucking my ass, Konrad... It... it feels so fucking good... You're a... n-natural at this..."

Her praise, and the fact he'd managed to bring her to such ecstasy, further boosted his ego. Maybe he was a natural at taking girls anally. He would be sure to do that a lot more in the future - this felt absolutely great! It wasn't just the sheer physical sensation, but the feeling of being so dominant over these three females who had remained in control of him during his stay at the Institute, the knowledge of doing something so naughty, of having them lay here on a row before him, submissively and invitingly, while he sampled their fine asses one by one. He couldn't wait to tell Theodore of this tonight - as far as he knew, he had never buggered a girl either. Maybe he could "introduce" him to his first time...

While he continued fucking Alex, he looked over to where Yun and Sofia were kneeling by her side with their tushies thrust up, the view from the side making the cracks of their asses look so unbearably cute and sexy. Yun looked at him and Alex with anticipation, knowing that it'd be her turn again once he was finished with the brown bear, while Sofia was sultry and self-assured, her confidence apparently having returned after his show of dominance.

Deciding that he should try and keep the sows he wasn't actively sodomizing happy, he reached down with his right paw in between the panda's nether cheeks, and slipped his middle finger into her anus. She cried out at this unexpected intrusion, her sphincter and cheeks tightening around his finger.

"Silly girl," he laughed. "You took my entire cock up your backside a few minutes ago, and now you flinch at having my finger inside you?"

"S-sorry," she gasped, relaxing her nether muscles around his digit. "I was just unprepared, is all..."

He wiggled his finger in the panda's ass for a about a minute while thrusting his cock into the brown bear's ass at the same time. Then, when he once again started to feel the tingling signalling that he was on the road to orgasm, he removed his penis from Alex's bottom and finger from Yun's, replacing the latter with his cockhead against her bud before once again plunging himself into her tight tushie.

As he had told the sows earlier, he soon settled into a pattern. He went from left to right, buggering the brown bear, panda and polar bear in turn before crawling back to put his cock into Alex's bottom once more. He fucked each girl for about 3-5 minutes before moving on to the next, enough to get both him and the sow worked up, but not enough to climax or to make the others grow too frustrated. All three of them were amazing, and he enjoyed every moment of his assfucking of them. Yun in particular got more and more confident as the night work on, eagerly wiggling her backside whenever he stepped up to avail himself to her rosebud, and rocking herself back and forth even as he thrust into her to let her cheeks slam back into him, moaning happily all the while and even calling out for him to fuck her harder, which he happily did.

As he was buggering one sow, he decided to entertain the others as much as possible by sticking a finger or two inside their sphincters or teasing their swollen pussies. At one point, while he was sodomizing the panda, he had both his paws reaching over to have his thumb inside Alex's and Sofia's tailholes, while his other fingers were buried inside their cunnies. The fems loved his attentions, and he loved giving it to them.

Their breasts bobbing back and forth in rhythm with his fucking, the sows soon started to entertain themselves when they didn't have Konrad's dick in their asses, and even when they had. They leaned over to kiss each other, sloppily making out both for their own pleasure and the male's viewing one, while kneading and pinching their ample tits. Also, not content to wait for his questing fingers, they soon reached down with their paws to caress and stroke their soaking cunts, masturbating even as the male was sodomizing them, his large balls slapping against their knuckles as his cock plunged into their assholes an inch above. In fact, it wasn't long before they experienced their first climaxes, their cunnies twitching and dripping around their paws, and this put a bit of a strain on Konrad's endurance whenever they reached their peaks while he happened to be inside their bottoms. After all, with each climax, their sphincters and rectums promptly clamped down on his thrusting cock, forcing him to slow down and calm himself so that he didn't reach his own peak prematurely.

This went on for about half an hour, the medicines he'd been given granting him extra endurance to go along with his ability to hold back his orgasm. Throughout it all, he was only semi-aware of the of the silent vibrator lodged in his butt, only remembering it when the nub wiggled against his prostate or the cord dangling out of his sphincter moved across his testicles. But now, he decided that he'd had it sitting up there inactive for long enough, and it was time to take this assfucking session to the next level. Pausing in his buggering of the polar bear, he reached down where the controller for the thing lay behind him. Hefting it in his paw, while Sofia looked over to find out why he'd stopped fucking her, he pondered what setting he should be turning the vibrator to. He wanted to spice up the sex, but not enough to cause him to shoot his seed yet. He decided to turn the vibrator up to about a fourth of it's maximum power - he could gradually increase it as he want on, finally turning it up all the way when it was time for the sodomy to reach its crescendo. Placing his thumb on the dial, he slowly turned it up to his desired level.

The memory of stimulation he'd received during his second session with the sows came flooding back to him as the rod hummed to life in his ass and sent its vibrations into his prostate gland. Even after all this time, even after having submitted to such treatment several times afterwards and having learned to handle the sensations better, getting his sensitive gland stimulated in such an intimate, naughty manner still had the power to overwhelm him. It took a few seconds for him to calm down and assure himself that he was not at immediate risk of orgasming before he resumed his buggering of the polar bear, the warm, sweet depths of her tight ass perfectly complemented from the intense pleasure emanating from his own posterior.

He humped Sofia's bottom a few times before pulling out of her, his cock still standing as erect and proud as when this anal bonanza started. This time however, he decided a change in his pattern was needed. The vibrating pleasure in his bottom was taking a bit of a toll on him, and he wasn't sure he'd be able to crawl all the way back to Alex without it overpowering him. As such, he simply shifted his cock to Yun's backside, and plunged it into her asshole.

The panda yelped at this unexpected intrusion, and Alex looked over to her and Konrad with a rather disappointed look on her face. "Hey, you were supposed to be fucking me after you were done with Sofia!"

"S-sorry, love," he gasped as he started to thrust into the Yun's ass, the panda already having overcome her surprise to moan in enjoyment of his sodomy, "but there's a little change of plans here. You, may not have noticed but... oooh, yeah... but I turned on the vibrator just now. It's a little difficult for me to... move all the way over to you with it humming in my ass, so from now on... ah, fuck... I'm just going to go directly back and forth to the next sow."

"So, it's Alex-Yun-Sofia-Yun-Alex from now on?" the polar bear inquired. The male nodded silently.

"But that's not fair!" Alex protested. "If you're gonna go that route, it'll mean that Yun gets assfucked twice as much as the rest of us."

"You mean you're afraid her poor bottom won't be able to withstand such a concerted assault from my cock?" he asked her, taking on a stern expression even as he continued humping the panda.

Alex's own expression turned bashful. "Eh, well of course, but I also -"

She was cut off by a loud, hard smack right across her rumpcheeks, causing her bottom to jump in the air with a shriek. Konrad was in control now and he would not tolerate any mouthing of from the females.

"But you also can't stand not having my dick up your own arse as much as you like? In case you forgot, this is Yun's very first time, so I think she's entitled to a bit more of this treatment than you and Sofia. I will not have you dictate what I can and cannot do to you, or in what order. Understand?"

The brown bear sow looked at him in amazement. Was this really the same bear who had been so submissive and compliant in everything they'd done to him over the past two weeks? From where had he gotten this newfound sense of dominance and self-confidence? She guessed that having the fems down on all fours eagerly awaiting getting their asses stuffed with his shaft, coupled with all the things he'd learned over his time with them, did help in stroking his sense and enjoyment of power. And she had encouraged him to be more assertive and to take whatever he wanted during sex. She really had no right to complain now that he was following her advice.

"I understand," she said humbly, before she decided to follow up on Sofia's example with a naughty smile, "Master."

"That's the spirit," he smiled back at her. He really loved their newfound habit of calling him Master - it showed he had succeeded in taming them to some extent. "And if you're so frustrated by having your bottom unfilled, allow me to scratch that particular itch for a little while..." Deciding to show her some mercy like a good Master, he sloppily removed his cock from Yun's tailhole and inserted it into the expectant bud of Alex, who was soon crying out in bliss as she was anally ravaged by the powerful male.

And so it went on for another twenty minutes, Konrad buttfucking each female in turn with a special emphasis on the panda, who seemed more than capable of handling his anal attentions as she soon moaned and cried out as sluttily as Alex or Sofia. Her repeated cries of "fuck my ass!" and "harder, harder!" convinced him that this was as much a character-building exercise for her as it was for him.

Sometimes he took them slow and steadily, sometimes he slammed into their asses hard and fast, though as he went on it gradually became more of the latter than the former. He complimented his thrusts with slaps on their plump cheeks to keep them on their toes and work them up even more, and inserting his digits into their cunts and assholes. Sometimes, when he was taking them more gently, he would lean forward to stretch out over their backs, fondling their dangling tits in his paws while nibbling and kissing their necks and shoulders. Meanwhile, the sows continued making out with each other and furiously masturbate, their orgasms coming upon them almost constantly by now, their anal muscles clamping down on his cock in their throes of pleasure. Their combined performances served to drive the four bears into a state of sexual frenzy that must've been wondrous to behold to anyone watching... and Konrad strongly suspected that more than a few furs were probably gathered on the other end of the mirrored window or furiously jacking off as they watched through the hidden cameras in the room.

The vibrator continued its silent humming in his rectum. A few times, he tried to increase the strength of it's vibrations, but it only took a few seconds for him to turn it down again - this relatively low level was all that his prostate could safely take without blowing his load. He would have to wait with turning it up until he was ready for the grand finale of this sodomitical performance... which wasn't far off.

Throughout the entire session, Konrad was stunned at how he'd been able to keep himself from orgasming. But after over two hours of caresses and rubs, intimate massages, handjobs, blowjobs, rimjobs, prostate stimulation and having the three pregnant sows go down on all fours side by side so that he could fuck them in the ass one by one, his drug-enhanced stamina was finally beginning to run out. All the things he'd experienced, all the sensations overwhelming him, the feeling of the sows' tight, warm asses clenching down on his hard penis, the sight of them pleasuring themselves and letting their tongues intermingle with each other and howling in ecstacy, the dildo in his own ass sending its vibrations directly into his prostate and from there electrical pleasure signals out over his entire body, the sheer awareness of the fact that he was sodomizing these females who were carrying his children and would be the mothers of his cubs after he had managed to overcome his fears and nervousness during his time at the Institute and properly plant his seed into all three of them... it was an experience that no drug could maintain its hold on forever.

Starting to feel the massive pressure building up in his sweat-soaked, overbrimming balls, he pulled out of Sofia's rectum to give himself one final moment of respite before plunging into Yun's wonderful ass. For the final stretch, he buttfucked her harder than ever before, pounding into her ass at a furious pace, the room filled with the squishy sounds of uninhibited anal coitus coupled with the wet slaps of his sac against her soaking wet pussy. It was all the panda girl could do not to topple over from the sheer force of his fucking.

"I'm... I'm so close now," he gasped, the pleasure he was feeling making it very difficult for him do anything besides thrusting into the panda's backside. "G-get ready..."

He reached out with his paws to guide Alex and Sofia closer to Yun, pressing their flanks tightly against her, creating an unbroken continuum of plump, eager and well-fucked asses quivering with expectation of what was about to come.

It was time. He reached back down with a trembling paw to the controller for the vibrator. Holding it in his right paw, even as he kept thrusting his cock in and out of Yun's rectum, the sows beneath him eagerly presenting their pressed together bottoms for the final act of their time together at the Institute, he took a deep breath and turned the vibrator all the way up to maximum power.

It was like a lightning bolt from the goddess of love shot straight through his anal rosette and into his nether passage, directly into his prostate gland to make it crackle with pure, divine sexual energy, releasing its power into his bowels, his testicles, his hard, pink shaft lodged so deliciously up the panda's ass and every other part of his body. The floodgates of all his passion, all his lust, all his arousal, need and unbridled carnal desires swung wide open and he knew he was about to hit his absolute peak. With one swift motion, he yanked his twitching cock out of the panda's asshole, and wrapped his paw around it. Giving it a couple of furious, quick pumps, he leaned his head back and screamed in unimaginable pleasure as he orgasmed harder and more powerfully than he ever had in his life.

Out of the slit at the top of the corona of his penis surged a massive, powerful wad of thick, white, warm semen, arcing through the air before landing with a splash on Yun's upturned, quivering, plump buttocks. The panda gasped as the male painted her black-furred asscheeks with his cum, and she quickly reached back to insert her fingers into her dripping cunny to masturbate herself to one final climax even as she felt droplets of semen land on her knuckles. Her friends were already fingering themselves, eagerly waiting for when he would mark their own willingly presented and thoroughly fucked derrieres with his seed.

Konrad kept jerking himself off, the dildo sending its powerful vibrations into his ass, prostate and balls, milking him for all it was worth and helping him to produce copious amounts of his semen. He continued to shoot out his sperm onto the panda's ass, covering every inch of her plush cheeks with his white cream, the female's cunt tightening around her questing digits as she too reached her peak. His whole universe consisted of nothing but the mind-shattering rush of his orgasm, the feeling of his cum spurting out onto the panda's ass and the cries and moans and roars of ecstasy that filled the beautiful breeding room he had gotten to know so well during his time with the sows.

Even through his ongoing climax, he remembered to not leave the other two bears out of the grand finale. Aiming his spurting cock to the left, he started to shoot his thick wad onto Alex's brown-furred backside, the female brown bear screaming happily as her firecracker climaxes was joined by the warm splatter of his cum raining down on her cheeks. As he kept cumming like a fountain over her ass, one particularly powerful streak of sperm happened to surge out and hit her bullseye in the middle of her slightly open asshole, the female shuddering as he hit her in her delicate anal rosebud.

Them it was Sofia's turn. Konrad continued to jack off furiously as he kept orgasming, splattering the polar bear's ass with his seed. His white, sticky fluid didn't stand out as well on her buttocks as they did on Alex and Yun, but he kept painting her cheeks nonetheless, the large, muscular female howling as her posterior was thoroughly soaked with brown bear sperm.

Aiming back at the center of the climaxing, shivering and moaning sows, he kept jerking himself off on their plump asses, shaking his spurting shaft around to let his cum rain down on their backsides and thighs in rain-like patter. The prostate stimulator kept him releasing more of his semen, flowing out of his tip in quick little spurts, landing on the soles of the female's feet or on the floor more often than their rumps now. Konrad's heart was racing, beating so fast that he was afraid it would break out of his chest, the blood it pumped out to the rest of his body synchronized with the throbs and twitches of his cumming penis. He was swimming in a sinful, warm and bottomless ocean of pleasure, and he didn't ever want to reach the surface.

But as his spurting slowed to a couple of drizzles, his sperm drooling out of his slit to drip down to the floor, he at last realized he had reach that surface before he passed out from the experience. His balls had nothing left to give, having been thoroughly emptied by the stimulation of the toy in his ass. With a supreme effort of will, he picked up the controller with his left paw while his right was busy feebly pumping away at his shaft and turned it off. The droning against his prostate stopped, and with heaving sigh, he fall backwards onto his sweaty, quivering ass, sitting down on the pillowed floor as his whole body shook with what he had just gone through.

When Alex had stuck the vibrator up his ass and stimulated him to orgasm with it during their second day together, the sheer power of the experience had caused him to pass out for a couple of minutes. This time however, though it was a close thing, he managed to keep himself awake, his growing used to these kind of things coupled with some of the extra medicines helping him out. He simply took a couple of deep, calming breaths to steady his nerves and settled into a post-orgasmic haze as he surveyed his handiwork.

Before him, the sows had collapsed forward onto their elbows, exhausted by the fierce sodomization he'd performed on them, panting heavily and sweating all over. Their asses, which were still raised into the air, were thoroughly coated by his ejaculations. Thick white sperm ran down their shivering buttocks, and in Yun's case it dribbled down the crack of her ass and over her wrinkled anus. It was a most glorious sight - Konrad had never imagined that he was able to cum that much! It would probably be a bitch to get out of their fur...

But now it was time to move on and depart from the sows to head back home. Getting onto his knees, he reached down to his butt and tugged on the chord, pulling the dildo out his anus with a wet pop. Then, heaving with exertion, he raised himself shakily up on his feet, his whole body energy spent by the glorious anal session he'd just been through.

Since they had actually started out their final time together by giving each other very warm and fond farewells, he didn't want to spoil the moment by trying to have them make another go at it, especially in the less than dignified state they were all in. Instead, he decided to say his final goodbye to them in a more... rascally fashion.

Despite his exhaustion, he reached forward and gave each of the sows an open-palmed slap right across their cumsplattered cheeks, the smack echoing throughout the room and the females crying out at this startling send-off.

"That was... fucking amazing," he told them through his heavy breathing, "just fucking amazing... Seems there were still a few things... you were able to show me... I hope to see you around, my lovely fems... and I'm sure our kids will be just as beautiful as you are..."

It was a rather informal goodbye, since he didn't know exactly when he would be seeing them again, but for some reason it felt appropriate to end their time together on such a note. After all, considering what they'd made him submit to during the sessions, walking out nonchalantly after having fucked them all in the ass felt quite... satisfying.

However, he wasn't able to walk out quite as nonchalantly as he would've liked - in fact he was barely able to walk at all. Staggering on unsteady legs towards the door, he remembered that smacking the females on their tushies had naturally left his own paw covered in his cream. He started to lick the still warm goo of his palm and fingers as he stood by the door and waited for it to open, since any observers of this little sessions would realize that he was done now.

As it turned out, the door opened almost immediately and he stepped outside, leaving the females behind him with their asses still in the air covered by his spooge. Yun, finally coming down from her own post-orgasmic, post-sodomy haze, just lifted her head to look out on the early afternoon cityscape outside the window. She tried to think of something appropriate to say for the occasion, but could only come out with a lame: "Well, damn..."

As he stepped outside the door, Konrad was quite shocked to see a crowd of nearly a dozen furs gathered outside, applauding and clapping their paws at him. Some of them obviously worked at the Institute, but others seemed to be visitors to the place, or perhaps slaves themselves. Standing in front of them all, of course, was Waldo, the kangaroo beaming with pride and quite a bit of lust at him.

"Well done, Conny!" he stepped forward to clap his paw on the bear's shoulder with a smile. "That was a fantastic display you put on in there."

"Y-you saw that?" he asked in a shaky voice. He had of course suspected a few people would've wanted to watch what he was doing, but so many, and them deciding to hold a reception for him afterwards?

"Indeed. Actually, these are just a few of us who either watched through the observatory or the security cameras. I told a couple of people what you wanted to do to the sows for your complimentary session and we decided to turn up and watch you in your proudest hour. And boy, you did not disappoint!"

"In fact," a female rabbit who was also dressed in the robes of an overseer said, "we brought along a camera to film the whole ordeal. Within the hour, I can have it processed and put on a disc you can take home with you to relive your greatest moment whenever you like."

At first, Konrad stared at the assembled furs. Then he just laughed. Of course they would've wanted to do that, and if he was able stand here, completely nude and sweaty, his right paw covered in semen after having had anal sex with three females right in front of them without flinching, he knew it was pointless to get embarrassed that they had watched his recent escapade while it went down. Besides, if he could bring home some proof of his recent conquest to show his friends, he would be incredibly grateful. And he wouldn't object to the video being spread to others by the Institute either - not that he had any say in that matter, being a slave.

Seeing how exhausted and wobbly he was, Waldo stepped forward to put his left arm over his shoulder and motioned for the Labrador guard stationed in the hallway to do the same with his right. Waving the small crowd aside, they helped him down the corridor to go to the medical center and the showers, another round of applause sending them off.

Traversing past the other breeding rooms, some of which undoubtedly held other slaves coupling at this very moment to breed the next generation, Konrad looked down the Labrador's front to see the prominent bulge on his uniform. "You seem a little... pent-up," he noted.

"Eh, yeah," the guard answered bashfully as he remembered his own arousal. "I was watching you through the small window in the door, but I didn't get to bring myself off."

"Aww, you poor thing. When does your shift end?"

"I was almost ready to take my break. Why?"

"Well, if you can hang around for when I'm taking my shower, you can join me and I'll suck you off. Sound like a deal?"

The golden-furred canine blushed at his offer, but accepted it. "That would be nice, thanks..."

The kangaroo chuckled at the bear's sexual appetite even after the session he'd been through. "Sklodowska?" he said in the little in-joke he'd established with him recently.

"I am tired, no doubt about it," the bear responded. "But I'm always willing to help out a poor soul in need of some sexual relief." He kissed the dog on the cheek, causing him to blush even more.

"How very noble of you," Waldo said half-sarcastically.

"I have my moments." Then the bear remembered something that he'd wanted to ask ever since he got to the Institute, but for some reason hadn't gotten around to do until now. "Waldo, there was something Alex recited to me when she pegged me during my first session."


"A penis is a wonderful thing, which not everyone owns..."

Now it was the macropodine's turn to blush. "She recited that?"

"Yes, and she said it was written by none other than yourself - 'Ode to Pegging', one of your great masterpieces. Apparently you wrote it when you visited the Iosaphat estate, and one of the sows served as your inspiration..."

The kangaroo groaned. "Damn that sow! She promised she wouldn't tell anyone..." Then he sighed. "Okay, I admit it: I write a bit of fiction, mostly of the erotic kind, as a hobby. I am a friend to Iosaphat - I was the guy who helped arrange this breeding exchange, after all. And yes, I do like to 'bottom' for others occasionally, whether males or females."

"Hey, that's nothing to be ashamed of. I certainly have no right to make fun of you on that score."

The kangaroo smirked. "True, that..."

"And besides, I actually liked that little poem. I think it shows some real literary talent on your part."

"You do?" Waldo's eyes lit up with hope.

"Very much so. In fact, I'd like you to show me some of your other works whenever you have the time - I'm sure they'll be just as enjoyable."

"Yeah, I might do that. It's a little embarrassing, but I might do that."

"Who knows, you might even be able write something about me? 'Konrad and the Sodomization of the Three Sows'... That does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"

Waldo pulled his arm from under the bear's shoulder for a moment to give him a sharp slap on his naked ass. "Silly ol' bear," he chuckled.

Konrad and Theodore threw themselves down on the bed together, their clothes having been shed as soon as they got a moment of privacy away from Simon and the other members of their master's household. Wrapping their arms around each other, the bear and the leopard started feverishly kissing and rubbing their bodies, and erections, together as they rolled around on the sheets. Despite the exhausting sex he'd been having with the sows earlier that day and the massive orgasm it had brought him, seeing his friend and lover after two weeks apart re-stoked the fires of his lust.

Of course, another reason for his renewed amorousness was that after having been welcomed back by the household, everyone smiling at him and congratulating him, Simon had insisted that they gather to watch the video of his last session that he had been allowed to take back with him. Coming together in the living room, the mouse had inserted the disc into the player, and soon the widescreen TV lit up with a crystal clear view of the breeding room, the nude bear and three equally nude sows.

Even though the film lasted nearly two hours, everyone sat absolutely enraptured through all of it. Konrad's face had a distinctly rosy tone throughout it, his features flush with embarrassment as he sat surrounded by over a dozen furs - who continually slapped him on the shoulder and gave him naughty compliments and sniggers - all watching him get pawed off, fellated and rimmed. It was clear however, that everyone was mightily impressed by his sexual capabilities - he could look forward to several solicitations for his private company in the coming days.

Then the room went dead silent when the last and best part of the video arrived, when he started fucking the sows in their asses. Looking around, he could see that everyone present had noticeable bulges or wet spots in their pants, the scent of arousal heavy in the air. Not surprising, since it made him incredibly horny as well, despite how he thought it had drained his balls for the rest of the day. He also noticed several of the females looking at him strangely, their faces a mix of both nervousness and lust. They all understood what the video meant - none of their own asses were safe from him now.

When the bear finally pulled his cock out of Yun's anus and sprayed the sows' asscheeks with semen at the end, the living room erupted into cheers and hollers. Simon raised his paws to calm everyone down, announcing that the bear was tired and needed some privacy and rest now. Tomorrow they would hold a feast to celebrate Konrad's successful first performance as a stud, and until then the bear should be left alone. Electing to take Theodore with him up to his room, the others gave him some last minute thumbs up and congratulations as he left the scene. Glancing back, he saw Simon approaching two females - another mouse and a vixen - to wrap his arms around them and lead them up to his own chambers. Apparently, he was about to do to them what he'd just seen Konrad do the sows, and he certainly wasn't the only one who had been inspired by the bear to hold their own sex sessions that night.

Returning to his room, he and the leopard quickly got naked and started making out on his bed. Theo was obviously as aroused by the video as he was, and they continued lying there, kissing and fondling each other for some time. Coming up for air after a particularly long and sloppy kiss, the bear gasped: "God, I've missed you..."

"I've missed you too," the feline said, re-establishing the kiss for a brief moment.

After they had let their tongues intertwine for a while, they separated briefly and just lay by the others' side, gazing into each others' eyes. Theo reached a paw to his friend's face to caress his cheek, making him coo happily and close his eyes.

"It seem you did get your bum fun with the ladies after all," the leopard said, to Konrad nodded smilingly. "You must've experienced so much new and exciting things while you were at the Institute."

"I did. It was exhausting and tiresome and even a bit frightening at times, but I'm really glad I did my time there. The sows taught me so much, showed me so much... I'm truly grateful that I got to know those bears, and not just for the sex - I think I may have found some lifelong friends in them..."

"Aww," the feline pouted, "so while they now rush forth to take you away from me?"

"No way!" the bear chuckled. "I could never leave you and your wonderful cock!"

They laughed and started kissing again, the leopard reaching down to stroke the ursine's cock. When they stopped, Konrad wanted to tell his friend about some event from his two weeks away - he had originally wanted to tell him about his sodomization of the sows, but since Theo had already seen all of that on the TV, he instead told him about the Labrador guard he'd offered his services, the last person he'd ever gotten intimate with at the Institute.

"...so we were standing underneath the shower, our furs lathered up with soap and water cascading down over us, while I was down on my knees with his cock in my mouth and fondling his balls. He looked so cute, blushing like that, which was partly because a couple of his fellow guards had turned up for the show and stood watching us with wicked smiles. Of course, he blushed even more once I started using my other paw to play with his asshole, and before long my mouth was filled with canine spunk."

"Why, you naughty bastard you!" Theo grinned at him. "You've really become a wicked boy in the time you were gone."

Konrad cocked his head. "You mean I was a wholesome boy before I went?"

The feline purred and ran his paw across the bear's hip. "Well, you've become an even naughtier boy, then."

"Would you have it any other way?"

"Certainly not!" the cat laughed before he let his tongue twine around his friend's once more.

"Maybe you should punish this wicked little boy...?" Konrad asked through the kiss.

"Hmm, that is an interesting idea... However, since I was the one who took you just before you left, and this is supposed to be your day, I think it would be nicer if you were the one to fuck me. If you're feeling up to it, that is..."

The bear's face lit up. "Really? Of course I'm up to it! No matter how many sows I've buggered, I'd never turn down the opportunity to feel my cock enveloped by your tight ass."

Theo growled and nipped at his shoulder. "Then you shall have it!"

He turned around to lie on his stomach while Konrad grabbed a nearby lotion bottle and lubed up his penis. Raising his tail to present his spotty-furred bottom, the bear positioned his cock in between his cheeks, and soon the ursine was hilted inside the leopard's hot ass, thrusting into him.

"Mmhhm..." the leopard groaned as he was fucked by his friend. "W-which of us feels better in the ass... me or the sows?"

Konrad thought about it, and decided to let the leopard off easy. "You of course, no contest."

"Liar..." the leopard teased him, but he kept smiling as wide as the bear buggering him, and they both kept their smiles on as they continued pleasuring each other late into the night.

One year later...

"Come now, Conny," Theo whispered reassuringly to him with his paw on the bear's shoulder. "If you could get through the stud session, this should be no problem for you."

Konrad, along with Theodore, Master Simon and a number of other furs, stood in the entrance hall of the Prospero estate. Dressed in his best clothing - a red silk vest covering his chest and a pair of cream-coloured trousers - he was awaiting the imminent arrival of Sir Iosaphat and the three sows, and his newborn cubs.

In the year since he had returned from the Institute, quite a few things had happened. Konrad had risen in position in the household, now being one of the overseers of the vineyard harvesting and having authority over a number of slaves himself. He had also taken on a number of additional duties, helping his master to go through finances, plan events and dinners and had even been sent out to do errands in nearby towns on occasion. He had gone from being one of the lowly workers to being one of his masters' closest aides, and while he had been sure to not let his newfound position go to his head, which was a highly foolish thing to do for anyone and especially for a slave, he knew that it was remarkable that he had advanced so quickly. Of course, his appointment hadn't come out of the blue - he had displayed aptitude at these kinds of things before, but it was mostly felt he was too young to handle those responsibilities. But after his homecoming, Simon had gradually allowed him to take on more and more things to do, despite his mere 22 years of age.

Partly that was because he had undergone a bit of a change in personality ever since his first stud duty. While he remained the kind and gentle bear he always had been, he had also gained an increased amount of confidence and boldness as a result of his little adventure. He was better able to assert his desires and express what he wanted to do, and more resolute when dealing with his fellows. Being able to tell other slaves what to do out in the vineyards would've been unthinkable to him not long ago - now it was just part of his routine.

Of course, much of that newfound confidence expressed itself in more... personal ways. As he stood in the hall, he glanced at several of the servants and slaves waiting to receive Iosaphat, especially the females who blushed whenever his gaze fell upon them. In the weeks after coming back home, his last session with the sows had left him so excited that it sometimes seemed he couldn't go five minutes without taking a girl with him to his room or some secluded spot - or not-so-secluded, as he'd actually done it in front of others at times - and pound his cock into their asses until they were both walking funny afterwards. Despite having seen the video - which had become a huge hit ever since Simon shared it on the interwebs - the other workers of the Prospero estate had still been quite shocked by his sudden and uninhibited pursuit of anal intercourse, particularly with females. His mother had taken him to task for it once, telling him about proper respect for the fairer sex... but then she'd taken him to her room and had him bugger her as well, wanting to experience how good her son was at it.

In fact, roughly half of those occasions had started with obvious invites from the fems themselves, briefly lifting up their skirts to let him see their unclad backsides, and he was often given lustful looks by the girls he passed by, wanting to either experience or re-experience his skill at sodomy. Certainly, most of them had cried out in pleasure as his shaft sawed through their tailholes, and Simon had never seen any cause to reprimand him for his activities. He'd tried out other acts from his time in Otavio as well - the double rimjob he'd been given from the two Siamese cats had been just divine...

He had also introduced Theodore to his own first-time anal with a female. He had been there when the leopard pushed his prick into the rear entry of Nye the ferret girl, and then they'd double-penetrated her, with the bear getting his cock milked by her quivering pussy while the feline's shaft was massaged by her ass. While he hadn't developed quite as a big a taste for it as Konrad, he still definitely enjoyed it, and quite a few girls had had trouble sitting down after the leopard had been through with them.

Overall, Konrad was truly grateful he had gone through with his breeding of the sows. It had helped him grow as a person and given him a newfound sense of self-worth. Simon had actually been in talks with a few other slave-owners who owned female bears of good stock about having him breed them, and they all seemed interested. This would mean he'd be sent back to the Institute for his second stud performance, though that wouldn't be for a few months yet, and his master had promised him that he wouldn't have to knock up three sows this time.

However, he still hadn't seen the result of his first tour of duty. In the months following his breeding, Iosaphat had sent photographs of the sows as their bellies got bigger and bigger with his children inside them. Most had simply been them proudly showing their progressing pregnancy, but others had been decidedly more dirty. In particular, a photo of Yun and Alex down on all fours, naked with their plump backsides pointed at the camera and their large bellies hanging underneath them, licking up and down on Iosaphat's large cock while reaching back with their paws to finger their assholes had caused quite a sensation at the Prospero estate.

But ever since they had given birth, he had never been given a picture of, or even that much information, about his newborn cubs. He had been assured that they were all strong, healthy and beautiful and that he would see them before too long, but it still agitated him to not get to know more about his own kids. He hadn't even been told their names. Simon had told him that it was partially because they wanted it to be a surprise when he did meet them, but it really bothered him nonetheless.

Which was why he was shivering with anticipation over finally getting to see them, and with nervousness. Coming face to face with the fact that you were now a dad always made you uneasy. Especially since he wasn't that much of a dad when you got down to it, as the cubs were all raised on the Iosaphat estate with no input from him.

Which also tied in with his other main concern - meeting the sows again. Aside from seeing photographs and being updated on their pregnancies, he hadn't met or spoken with them in the past year. The last he had seen of them in the flesh (and wasn't that an appropriate expression) was of them with their asses covered by his cum in the air, and he had given them that nonchalant goodbye after slapping their cheeks. It probably hadn't been the nicest way of ending their two-week acquaintance, and he wondered how they would react upon seeing him again. They probably had some sort of revenge planned for him - something that'd be both scary, embarrassing and quite kinky.

Yes, he was a little anxious about getting re-acquainted with them... but by God, had he missed them! And he had much to thank them for - they were after all largely responsible for where he was now.

He had a surge of conflicting emotions welling up within, and he was glad that Theodore was around to lay a comforting paw on his shoulder and calm him down. With him by his side, he should be able to handle this meeting with no problem.

Outside, they heard a car pulling up and furs stepping out. Olivia the rabbit maid went and opened the door to greet their guests. Before long, the visiting entourage made their way into the entrance hall to stand before Simon and his gathered servants.

Uriah Iosaphat was a large, powerful badger in his early forties, dressed in an embroidered suit that only enhanced his mighty stature. By his side was his wife Filipa, a friendly-looking, diminutive tabby cat. She was clothed in a nice blue dress that enhanced her petite figure, making the contrast between her and her husband even more obvious.

And behind them were the three sows, each wearing simple but lovely red dresses - a real treat to Konrad who had only seen them wearing juimpsuits or nothing at all - that only enhanced just how pretty they all were. As soon as they entered, their faces lit up with happiness as they saw the male bear again for the first time in a year. Then Alex flashed him a wicked grin, a face that told him she clearly remembered how he'd left them the last time they saw each other, and she was going to get back at him for it. Konrad smiled back at them with a face that clearly told that he didn't mind whatever she had in store for him.

And they were all carrying little bundle swept in blankets. In fact, Sofia was carrying two, to his immense surprise.

Master Simon, the mouse a good head and a half shorter than his friend, went forth to offer his paw to the badger. "Lord Iosaphat, it's been too long!"

At first, the badger just shook his paw quietly, his expression stoic and unreadable. Then, he suddenly reached out to pick up the rodent who squeaked with joy as he was held against his chest by the legs and the larger fur's tongue found its way into his muzzle in a deep kiss. Reaching around to squeeze the rodent's backside through his clothing while continuing to make out with him, the other furs gathered either gasped, looked on in astonishment or, in the case of his wife and the three sows, simply chuckled and shook their heads.

Releasing him from his grip to the floor after awhile, the large mustelid gave a hearty laugh. "Way too long, Simon!" he said, not bothering to reciprocate by using the mouse's proper title. Some might've taken that as an insult, but the two had been friends - intimate friends - for a long time, and Konrad had met him a couple of times during his previous visits to know that Iosaphat had a highly informal attitude in private.

Then the badger introduced Simon to his wife, who let him kiss her hand before leaning in to kiss him on the mouth, not as deeply as her husband but still enough to show of the sexual tension between them. The relationship between her and the mouse was very open, but then, that was the usual case with most noble marriages.

Then Iosaphat scanned his gaze across the assembly until it came to rest on Konrad himself. His grin grew even wider. "Ah, just the bear I've been looking for..." Then he strode across to him, and the third liplock was applied for the evening as the badger swept his muscular arms across the ursine and kissed him too, Konrad's whole body going taut with the sudden forcefulness of his intimacy. But Iosaphat was a highly skilled kisser, and soon he closed his eyes and fully enjoyed the feeling of his tongue intertwining with the badger's.

"Okay, that's enough," a firm female voice said behind them. "You've only just arrived, Uriah: you shouldn't get too intimate with the people here as the first thing you do."

Breaking his kiss with the male, Iosaphat looked at his mother. "Emily," he bowed, "forgive me for my forthrightness. May I at least kiss your paw?"

"If you insist," she smirked, presenting it for him. The badger leaned down to kiss it, but as he did so he quickly reached down with his own paw to smack her on her backside. The ursine female yelped at his naughty gesture and then growled at him: "Why you little..."

Iosaphat laughingly dodged her playful return smack (it spoke of how liberal these furs were that a slave could raise her paw against a superior like that, even in jest) before turning back to the male. "Like I said, Konrad, you were the guy I've been wanting to meet."

The bear bowed to him, a deferential, formal gesture following the badger's sudden and very informal one. "It is an honour to meet you, my Lord."

Iosaphat waved his paw. "Please, there's no need to be that formal with me. I just want to thank you for doing such a great job - I knew I picked the right bear for the job when I put you up to mate my sows and carry on the slave bloodline you're part of. In fact, why don't you come over here and say hello to your former stud mates... and your cubs?"

Taking him by the shoulder, he led him over to the waiting sows. Konrad felt like he was back at his first day at the Institute, when he had first met the females. His heart was racing and his knees were quivering. He was about to meet them again for the first time in a year, and his kids for the first time ever, in front of all these people who had all seen the video of his last fucking of them. He had no idea what to say or do.

Regardless, he soon stood before them once more. Deciding to just act as natural as he could, he shuffled his feet and said: "Hi, it's... it's good to see you again?"

Alex wasted no time in responding. "Gee, what happened to the tough guy who nonchalantly walked out on us after having assfucked us a year ago?"

The room erupted in laughter. Konrad felt rather uncomfortable at this jab at him - the very first thing the sows had mentioned was the thing he had worried they were going to mention - but he felt better when the brown bear sow went forward to give him a warm embrace with her left paw, careful not put any pressure on the blanketed bundle she held at her chest.

"We've missed you so incredibly much, Conny..."

Her two friends went forward to do the same, Sofia only able to lean her head against his since both her arms were already occupied. Konrad allowed himself to feel the wonderful presence of the females he had known for only a relatively short time, but that meant so much to him.

After they had hugged for about a minute, Iosaphat leaned in. "Alright, ladies, why don't you show Konrad the results of your days together last year?"

They separated, the panda and polar bear stepping back to let Alex present her cub first. Holding up her bundle, she parted the folds of the yellow blanket to reveal its contents. "Konrad," she smiled warmly at him, "meet your son, Aldemar."

Peeking into the bundle, Konrad's heart melted. Wrapped up in the blanket laid the most adorable little bearcub he had ever seen. It slept gently, its little eyes closed and its downy brown fur rising slowly with its breathing, He gently reached out to touch the fur on the top of his son's head, stroking it down across his warm back. The cub stirred a little, but carried on with his soft snores.

Then it was Sofia's turn. As it had turned out, the polar bear had given birth to twins, thus making the breeding even more of a success. It was a girl and a boy, named Blanka and Bjarne. They were just as adorable as Aldemar, their fuzzy fur a very light shade of brown, reflecting their mixed heritage. They were also slightly larger than Alex' cub, probably because Sofia was of a larger species of bear. His heart swelled with pride at seeing the twins just as much as it did with Aldemar.

And finally, he walked over to Yun to look upon their child. A little male by the name of Kazan, this cub had the most distinct look. The little bear had a general brown texture to his fur, but where purebred pandas had white fur with black markings, he had light brown fur that turned a darker shade where the black parts would've been. He had a perfect blend of the characteristics of both his parents - he might as well not have been a hybrid bear at all.

The knowledge that he had sired these wonderful little bundles of fur and cuteness, that he had become a father to such adorable cubs, was almost too much for Konrad. Despite his best attempts not to, he could feel tears starting to well up in his eyes. At first, he was afraid that this unmasculine display would earn him more sniggers, but Yun simply reach out again to hold him gently, and from what he could hear around him, the other gathered beasts were truly moved by his emotional display.

In fact, everyone present gathered to take a look at the cubs. All of them were as enchanted by them as he was. Well, almost - his parental feelings put additional depths to his joy that were hard to match.

His mother came close, though - after all, these were her first grandchildren. Admiring each of the cubs, she also greeted the sows warmly. They returned the gesture, but also looked at her a little askance. "How old are you?" Sofia asked.


"Oh... But that must mean...?"

Emily nodded. "I was only 17 when I had Konrad. That was before the law was changed to state that a slave had to be at least 20 before she was put up for breeding. Of course, I don't regret for a second having Konrad, even if I did have to go through my pregnancy at a more early age." She muffled the head on her son's fur, who blushed a bit at her doting affection.

Before anyone had the chance to snigger at his predicament, she offered to help the sows take care of the cubs. "If you'll hand them over to me occasionally, you won't have to look after them all the time. I have a lot of experience in this matters, both with Konrad and other children."

"Thanks," Alex said as she handed over Aldemar, and Sofia gave her Blanka. "I don't know if I'll ever be able to change diapers correctly."

Freed from her burden, while Emily glanced down at her two grandcubs in her arms with great pride and affection, Alex turned to face Theodore. "So you're Konrad's closest friend? He has told us so much about you!"

"Oh, really?" the leopard said in response. "What has he told you?"

"All kinds of things - about how nice you are, what a good person you are to have around the estate, what a nice, big cock you have..."

The leopard blushed furiously as the room began to chuckle at the female's blatantly sexual talk. The blush deepened and the chuckles grew louder when the sow stepped forward to reach out and squeeze at the aforementioned cock through the fabric of the feline's trousers. "In fact, if you have the time I'd love to take a moment to verify the truth of Konrad's account later tonight..."

Theodore stammered as he tried to think of something to say, but Simon freed him from the need to respond. "Oh, we can take care of that, no problem," the mouse said to the bear. "I'm sure he'll be more than happy to entertain you, and your two friends if they so desire, while we look after the kids."

The feline did indeed look as if he'd relish the chance to sample the three fems whom Konrad had talked so much about and whose performance on the video he had watched many times the past year. Iosaphat decided up the ante further: "Say, why don't we all do something fun together here on this estate? Simon, you still have that large, nicely-appointed pleasure chamber, don't you? What do you say we gather the household around for a nice big orgy?!"

The room erupted in cheers, showing their support of the idea. Konrad was definitely in on it - orgies were always fun, and he relished the prospect of being together with the sows again.

While the gathered furs started to talk among themselves of what they were going to do in the coming days to prepare for the group sex, Yun went to stand by Konrad's side. "He's waking up..." she said, showing him the blanket-wrapped cub. The little brown bear-panda lids had opened, letting Konrad see that he had inherited his own brown eyes. Kazan looked up at his father, his gaze displaying a definite interest in the creature before him despite his young age. He looked even more adorable when he was awake and alert.

He reached out his paw to stroke his son's head, but before he could do so, Kazan in turn reached out his tiny paw to wrap it around his pointy finger. It was the first act of bonding between father and son, and it warmed Yun's heart as much as it warmed his.

"You feel proud of yourself?" she asked.

"More than I can say," he responded softly.