Caza Del zorro Episode 2

Story by Makeria Stein on SoFurry

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i dont know if thi will upload right, but he's the secodn EP of the story

Casa Del Zorro- Episode 2: Crossing the Border I opened my eyes, staring at the night sky, the trees shaking in the wind. The stars, shining like the moon, the forest, quiet. I leaned forward, rubbing my eyes, sitting up on my romp as I looked forward and stared at the small embers of the settled fire. We had settled in the forest, making a small camp spot till morning. I leaned forward, grasping a stick in my paw as I poked the ash pile. Beside me, lye Jacob, the fox that changed my life. He was fast asleep, twitching in his rest, but ever so peaceful. The moon light, shimmering on his fur, was beautiful. It has been almost 3 days since the day.....the day I became this....thing. My body had many changes, all, so very altered from my human body. I missed my smooth skin, but now I have dark orange fur, and beige belly fur. I felt my body, running my paws under my tunic, feeling the soft fur. I missed my home, I wanted ever to return, but I knew that I would be recognized as a noble, but as an abomination. I had little choice, nor say, in this situation. And Jacob.....part of me is still stuck on that day; the day he told me he loved me. How could he love me for what I did? Before that day I hardly knew him, maybe he was just following tradition. Or maybe......just maybe.....he saw something in me, I had not foreseen yet. I looked back over to Jacob, seeing him stir, slowly waking up, the sun lighting the dark sky. Jacob stretched and yawned, his tail lifting up and back down, he turned to face me, his eyes squinted slightly. "mmm morning,," he said, yawning once more, still lying on his back, his tail swaying beneath him "Hey....." I said, scratching my neck, standing up. "Sleep well?" James said, coming to his feet and stretching his back muscles, leaves falling off his back as his tail swayed. I looked over as he was kicking dirt into the temporary fire pit, collecting their things and placing them back into their bags. "Not really....." I yawned, my eyes having dark circles around them from lack of REM sleep. "Oh, that's not good Hun, you need your sleep" he said, finishing packing up our low amount of supplies. "Stop!" I barked, The stopped what he was doing, bag in paw, and looked over at me. "Just.....don't call me hun......ok?" I said, my voice slowly coming back down. "O...oh ok" Jacob said, his ears pinning to his head as he handed me my bag. "We should go.....were almost at the border" he said, beginning to walk the opposite way of me. I followed him as we trekked a few miles, seeing many animals and plant life around use. I soon her loud rushing sounds. Like a large body of water was close by. "Is that water I hear?" I asked my voice a bit nervous. "Yeah, the border line is a river. The Gento River" he said, as I followed him up a small hill. As we trekked up the hill I I heard the sound of men shouting, people moving. We came to the top of the hill, I went to look over but Jacob grabbed my bag and pulled me down. "Dude stay quiet and hidden, the border is guarded by slavers" he said, as we went prone and crawled over to the top of the hill, leaving our safety of the tree cover as I looked over, seeing a small camp beside a stone bridge. The camp was well fortified, with large wooden gates and two towers with archer by the looks of it in them. Just then my focus came down to the center of the camp, inside I saw men shouting as they were directing what seemed to be new slaves. I looked and saw as one after one, furs, with iron chains and neckbands, were lined up and marched into cadges. "This is what happened to me and my family" Jacob said, his eyes showing mixed emotions, some would appear and fear, and some was sadness. But beneath it all, was anger "I'm...I'm sorry" I said, as Jacob's eyes began to tear, his whimpering growing abit loud. "shhh shhh they'll hear us if you cry" I whispered, him nodding in agreence. "We have to get past them, but unless we have a boat, we won't get far." He said, thinking up something "Couldn't we just swim?" I asked, "The current is really strong, and it's deep. Not to mention a few miles down there are rapids" he said, as I nodded, knowing my idea was useless. "So we have to cross the bridge, how do you plan to do that?" I asked, pointing to the two towers, light with torches. "Well.....a distraction?" he said, pointing to the slave cadges. I lay in the grass on the hill beside him, thinking on his idea, wondering if it was dumb enough to work. "We I suppose it would work, if we could get in and find a way to unlock the cadges" I said, looking at him. "Well....we could sneak up behind the archer's view, and sneak in, if were quick enough" he said, pointing at the way the archer in the first tower was pacing, showing barely any focus on one region. "Well yeah, but were carrying heavy equipment, how we going to be able to get in quickly?" I asked, rubbing my nose "That's just it; we got to ditch our gear and cloths. When the slaves scatter, we want to be seen as convincing as they are, so were not targeted first" Jacob stated, shrugging off his bag. "But with no food, cloths, or money, how will we survive?" I asked, my frustration levels high "I know a town a few miles inland, it's mostly furs, I'm sure we could find a job their or something," he said, sounding reassuring "I don't know man, this is risky" I said, sighing "We don't have much choice" he stated, "either we go for it, or we go back home and your dad turns you in as an abomination, not to mention I'll get hanged or something" he said, wanting me to agree with him. I sighed and looked back at the camp, then him. "Fine, but we need to wait to when its dark or they'll spot us easily" I said, retreating downhill, crawling as Jacob followed suite. "Ok it's a plan then, we ditch the gear, sneak in, free the slaves, scatter across the bridge, and there, we across the border " he said, sitting beside me. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask, what's the region called anyways?" I asked, tilting my head "Well that's just it, war between smaller tribes and kingdoms made it hard to be controlled. So it's just called the Territory of the Unknown." He said "Weird name" I mumbled as I leaned against the hill, gazing up at the noon sun "So what do we do till night fall?" I asked, looking at him "Well.....get to know each other?" he stated quickly, looking down, him obviously interested in me, why I didn't know "Why do you care?" I asked, looking at him "" he said, looking down, his tail tucking itself slightly "Look Jacob, you and me, what happened was just me being a daft fool. We aren't mates, I'm human, and you're a fur. I owned you, but that doesn't mean I'm in love with you. All I want is to get turned back to normal." I said, but even though I just spoke words, I unintentionally just ripped his heart out. "I........." he said as he turned over, his ears pinned as he curled up, "Jacob I..." as I tried to say "Just be ready for tonight" he interrupted me, his voice sounding warped, as if he was holding back emotional barriers. I leaned back and turned over facing the opposite direction, wondering if I done something wrong. I leaned back against the leaves on the hillside, the forest covering us from above, concealing us from unwanted attention. We waited, for hours, waiting for the right moment when the sun would set on the horizon. I felt like forever, and I thought of many strategies for averting people. I remember having learned defensive skills in a academy I was enrolled in at a young age. I was known for my ability to use one's mass against them. I stood from my spot, looking down to see Jacob fast asleep, obviously resting up for this. As I stood there, I walked over to a small birch tree, feeling it. "Hmmm smooth" I said to myself as I stepped away. I then began to practice on it, using light punches and kicks on it, trying to regain my skills from muscle memory. After about an hour of practice, I stood there, panting. "Wow.....where did you learn that?" I heard Jacob say I looked over to see him sitting, criss cross like an Indian. "Well uh....I took classes at an academy for young nobles." I stated, talking a bit weird, for my tongue was really bothering me. "Why are you talking like that?" he asked, standing and stretching his muscles and tendons. "My hurts" I said, looking at him "That's probably because your sweaty, were not humans hu.....Devlin. We sweat by panting, let you tongue loll out" he said, standing, hands a t waist. I blinked then stuck my tongue out, fiddling with it. I will be honest, this whole long tongue thing, was very hard to handle on my part. I managed to just let it hang outside my muzzle, starting to feel less stressed. "Well?" he asked, trying not to smirk "Thanks...." I said, sucking my tongue back in "It's almost night, strip down." He said, as he undid his tunic and trousers. As I undid my tunic and trousers, I looked over at Jacob, his dark orange fur seeming so beautiful in the setting sun's light. He slowly undid his under garments and stood, fully naked. Soon I was with him, naked as well. Both our sheaths and balls hanging free and open to the cool air and wind. "Ok, once the sun dips below the horizon, we'll sneak through the field over there and into the camp. Once were in, I'll head for the cadge, and you cover my back." He said "Ok....." I responded, my heart pumping. As the sun began to become swallowed by the hills and mountains on the horizon, we readied ourselves. "Ok ready?" Jacob stated, looking back at me "Ready..." I responded "3....2...1...go" Jacob said as we dashed down the hill, our eyes on the archer in the guard tower. We ran straight for the tall grass in the field, diving into it before the archer could see us. We weeded through the long sharp grass, coming up at the east side of the camp. We managed to find a small opening that was hardly guarded and hardly lite. We sat behind a small group of red wood trees looking forward at the two guards beside the cages, talking. Both were human, slightly chubby from their looks. On a wooden post beside the cage was a key ring, it seemed obtainable if the two weren't right beside the cage.. "We need to get that key ring" Jacob whispered, pointing at him, The man was talking with a slightly less chubby man, the other man was bald as a mirror, his scalp shinning from the troche's light. They both wore chainmail, but with accessories included on them. The bald one was yielding a brown leather whip. At the end of it was red, as if blood had dried to it. "These are defiantly slavers; I guess their snatching furs from the villages close by." Jacob whispered "How do we get the cage door open then, if he has the keys" I asked, my voice hushed as well. Jacob sighed, thinking, us both pondering this problem. Jacob looked at me and sighed "I have an idea...its rash...but it's possible" he said, looking at me "Well...what is it?" I whispered "I get caught......" "What? Why would you risk that?" I was shouting in a whisper "If I walk into eh camp, I'll catch them off guard, this will possible distract the two guarding the cage and you can use the keys to open the cage. "No its too risky" I sated, a sense of panic in my voice "Why? I thought I was just property to you?" Jacob asked, smirking at me "Yeah well.......You my only ticket to being human again." I stated, "Too bad, it's either my way, or were both screwed" he whispered "Fine....just try not to get killed" I mumbled "Just remember to find me as soon as the cage is unlocked" he said, walking away from me "I will....good luck" I said "And good luck to you to" Jacob said, running back away from me. Within a few minutes of talking, I hear shouts, and bells ringing as the two guards rushed to the front gate of their camp. I leaned forward and saw Jacob being apprehended. At first they questioned him, swords at his front. Then they bagged him and chained him. Now was my time, I bolted over to the wooden post, fiddling with the keys. The other furs in the cage looking at Jacob become enslaved as I fiddled with the key ring. "Shit.....which one is it" I mumbled, trying to unlock the door " not going to make it" I began to feel my heart beat furiously as sound of the requirement of the keys flooded the air. "hey mister....try the one with the number 3 on it" I heard a voice say. I looked up to see a young wolf, around the age of 14, on his knees looking at me, his fur was dark grey, and had hazel eyes. "uhh ok" I said as I flipped to the key with the 3 on it. I pushed it into the lock and twisted it. I heard the sound of the lock undoing itself and I jumped in enjoyment "YES!" I whispered, the young wolf smiling I opened the door "Hey you guys, make a break for the bridge!" I shouted, the other furs noticing me and yipping in excitement as they rushed through the gate door and into the open. "THE FURS ARE ESCAPEING!!!" I heard someone shout as the furs ran for the bridge. "The young wolf stood beside me "Thanks mister, I'm glad you saved us" he said as I looked franticly for Jacob. There was anarchy, furs rushing about as humans chased them, wielding whisp, clubs, swords. Even torches as it to herd them back away from the bridge. All this time my main focus was finding Jacob, wanting to get him and make it for the bridge "Hey mister is that your friend?" the young wolf said, pointing the the other fox on the ground, his hands tied with ropes "JACOB!" I said running over to him "Get me out of these ropes!" he shouted as I ran to him aiding his escape. I tore at the ropes with all my might, loosening them enough for the slender fox to slither his way out of the bonding. "TO THE BRIDGE DEVLIN!" he shouted as they ran. We both ran towards the bridge, frantic to make our way out of the line of fire of arrows and bloody screams. As we reached the bridge we quickly ran across, about mid-way I heard a plea for help. "HELP SIR HELP!!" I turned to see the young wolf that helped me prior, a male human grabbing his arm, "YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWERE FUR!" he grunted, pulling at him I was torn; I didn't know what to do. Save the boy, and risk my life, or run for the trees. Time was lapsing in my mind as Jacob had already cleared into the trees. "Awe fuck!" I said as I ran towards the little pup, right back into camp. The man didn't see me coming as I ran up to him and left hooked his face, making him studder back, freeing the pup. "Run kid!" I shouted, pulling him as I jolted back towards the bridge. Within seconds I heard a them a hand grabbed my shoulder and turned me about, only to be greeted with a pair of knuckles and a gold ring, smashing into my muzzle. I flew back to the ground, wincing as I looked up, the man stood, smirking. "C'mon you fuckin fur, fight me" he said, his hand behind his back, concealing a knife. I stood slowly, about to through another punch, but I was sloppy and slow, he punched me in the chest. Then he brought his other hand into me. For some reason, the first punch was pressure paon, then the second was more of a sting. I didn't know what happened, but as he withdrew from me, I looked down, noticing the warm feeling now, the blood trickling down my fur. "gg....gggg....g" I sputtered as I slowly backed up, and began to run away, the man smirking and standing, laughing at my fear. I ran, not sure if the man was following, all I could feel was the cold night and my warm center. The stone of the bridge felt colder than usual stone. I ran right across, into he trees, attempting to conceal myself. I ran then stopped, noticing Jacob calling my name. "Devlin! Devlin!!" I heard and ran towards his voice. I ran for what felt like years, my body growing colder, and my mucles more weak.My paw remained on my wound, applying pressure to the wound. I then reached Jacob, with him the pup. "THERE YOU ARE DEVLIN. WHERE DID YOU.....DEVLIN YOUR BLEEDING" he said as he grabbed me "Its.....ugh......fine" I groaned, my body going ice cold "Devlin what the hell were you thinking!" he yelled, placing his paw on my wound, it leaking through my fingers. As he pressed I arched my back and feel forward, into his grasp. He paniced and grabbed me, motioning me to the ground. " the kid alright?" I asked, looking over at him, gasping for air "Kids fine you moron, just...just relax" he said, laying me on the ground. The world was spinning, my body ached, and I felt cold. Ever so cold, like the life force I held inside me was departing. Having served it's time and purpose. I looked up, seeing the night sky and the moon, shinning onto us. Jacob was trying his damnest to keep me awake, but I was slipping. I could feel shrouds of darkness creeping up on me. Each second, felt like hours, my mind began to slow down and my heat beat was louder. The beating noise was loud and constant, having a consecutive rhythm. But this beat was slowing, each beat going slower, and slower. Until...the beat was minimal, and then....nothing. The last sound was the sound of Jacob, telling me to hold on, and that beat. I opened my eyes, seeing a long tunnel; at the end of the tunnel was a bright light. I began to walk towards it, finding it alluring and peaceful. But something stopped me, I felt hands grabbing my body and pulling me away from the light. I screamed as I tried to fight them but was overpowered. I felt my body, pulled into the darkness.