Stoking the Boiler

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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A commission by an anonymous person, a sequel to the Steaming Up The Cave story.

Charsi sighed softly and smiled as she looked down at the twins. It'd been a few weeks since they'd hatched. Hard to tell exactly how long since that single egg had cracked open and two, yes two, kids had come out. She and Bones had both been incredibly busy, trying to balance supporting work with raising the two terrors. It wasn't like they were together or anything. He'd tossed the idea towards her soon after she managed to pass that big egg, but she'd shot him down before he finished. No, they were friends, nothing else. They still fooled around some, but she kept it mostly to using her hand or mouth on him. Occasionally, she'd let him mount her. More often than not, if he wanted to do that, he'd have had to be very helpful around the cave.

She tugged a little curtain over the side cavern that they'd made into the twin's room. Like any pokemon, the terrors had popped out of the egg, fairly ready to go. During the past few months, she'd spent plenty of time training and raising them, teaching them how to interact with others. Just because her little ones could take care of themselves didn't mean that she'd let them out into the world just yet. The charmander glanced over her shoulder at the room and smiled briefly before heading across the main chamber and into the small cavern she'd taken up as her place.

As an apology, Bones had enlisted a friend of theirs to help him expand on their original cavern some. She now had a room to call her own. A nice chamber with a lovely bed piled with soft fabrics, and a heavy curtain that helped trap some warmth. Bones had his own room, complete with a tunnel that led to his underwater entrance. He usually stayed out of her room too. After that fateful night, it seemed like he'd lost his nerve a bit. She couldn't count the time she'd seen him just staring at her until she asked him what he wanted. Sometimes, it was hard to figure out just what exactly he wanted.


Other times, it was all too easy to tell what he wanted. Even without looking at him, she knew that tone of voice. Glancing towards the door, she saw him silhouetted against the light from the main cavern. "What?"

The croconaw pushed the curtain back a bit more, poking his nose into the room. "I was wondering if you wanted any company tonight." Which was his way of saying he wanted some sex.

Maybe she hadn't been sleeping well. Maybe the kids had been extra wild that day. Whatever it was, Charsi snarled at the male; "Get lost, I'm not in the mood for giving you a pity roll just because you can't find some hole to bang." Bones looked stunned, his face screwing up. She turned away from him and had taken a step towards her bed when a hiss greeted her.

Just before her foot hit the ground, something slammed into her back. Water splashed across her back and knocked the breath out of her. Her feet scraped against the ground as she was bowled over, head knocking against a wall. Stars danced in her vision as she tried to push herself upright. The world tilted suddenly and she fell back to the ground. A shadow fell over her as Bones came over, his hands moving to lift her up. Relief washed over her. It was alright, she'd just pushed her friend a bit too hard and he lashed out. They'd both done it to each other on more than one occasion. He'd just caught her off guard, he'd storm off to his room now and sulk.

Or maybe he'd do something that surprised her.

Claws scratched on stone as he approached, feet slapping on the ground. A hand grabbed her tail and jerked it up against her spine. His other hand grasped one of her wrists, jerking it up behind her hard. Holding it and her tail together, he wound a strip of cloth around her wrist. Up came her other hand, jerked around and tied roughly. Her tail was pinned between her arms and back, keeping it up and of the way. He left her feet free, for the moment at least, but otherwise she was helpless.

Okay, so he caught her off guard more than once. "Flames, what do you think you're doi-mmph!" Her protests were cut off when Bones crammed a handful of cloth into her mouth.

"That's better, we don't want to wake up the twinsss, now do we?" Lifting her head, he tied a longer strip into a rough not, trapping the wad in her mouth. She tried to spit it out as her mouth went dry, thrashing in the bonds. Glaring up at the croconaw, she inhaled deeply so she could burn the gag and give him a piece of her mind. Before she could do more than draw in a breath, he jerked her upright. A hard slap drove her back to the bed, lights dancing in front of her eyes. "None of that either." With her head reeling, she could only lay there as he grabbed both of her legs, jerking them up. "I've been wanting to do this for a long time, Charsi."

She watched as those powerful jaws cranked open, her heart pounding in her chest. He lifted her up off the bed until only her shoulders and head were supported. Bones lunged forward, mouth open wide as if to gobble her up. His tongue pressed against her pussy lips, the slick muscle parting the entrance briefly. She watched as it swirled around her mound. Wherever it went, it left behind a glistening trail of his thick spittle. Those jaws closed slowly as the tongue approached her entrance again. She was panting into the gag as her body spread out around the oral invader, his teeth pressing against her flesh. Charsi did all she could to hold still as his tongue probed her insides. This was the first time in a long while that he'd put his mouth on her pussy. Lately most of their sexual interactions were quick and to the point. She hadn't let him take too much time, but now... Oh Flames, even with her body hurting from his treatment seconds ago, she felt her arousal growing at a record pace.

Bones's body vibrated with his deep purr as his tongue swept into Charsi's spice jar. Her muscles were tight around his tongue. At first, they were fighting him, but it only seemed like a few moments before they were pulling at him. He could taste her juices starting to flow. It was an ambrosia that had been long-since denied to him. After her heat and before laying the egg, their egg, Charsi had been very attentive to him and he to her. After the twins hatched, it didn't take long for her to revert to her old self. Not that he minded at all, but there was something that he had enjoyed back then. Not all the sex, even though that was nice. No, this was something far better.

It was the thrill of obedience he got from dominating her.

Just watching how she squirmed on his tongue was turning him on so much. His cock throbbed with the primal need to fuck this hot piece of pokemeat. He just had to wait a little longer. Not too much, judging by how she was squirming around as his tongue worked from one side to the next. He'd spent enough evenings watching his partner please herself, or getting pleased by him, to notice the little signs. The way she began to breath, the shift in light from her tail, the way her toes were curling, and her eyes. Oh those lovely eyes! They started to squint and shimmer as her peak rose. If he kept up like this, it would be a matter of moments before she exploded.

He pulled his mouth back with a gasp before she could finish. Charsi's cheeks were flushed and her pussy was swollen. Her eyes snapped open and glared at him as he denied her the finish he had been forcing on her. Desire and fear filled her eyes, the scents mingling in the air around her, leaving their seductive seasoning on his tongue. Releasing one of her legs, he made her body rotate some as he brought her down. With her laying on her side, it was just a matter of shifting forward to take it to the next level. His wide tip met her elastic, wanting body. With a snarl and a muffled scream, he hilted himself inside of her. Charsi thrashed in his hold, the swift penetration more than enough to set off the fiery female. Her tail flared a bright blue as her body clenched around him.

Bones uttered a pleased groan as he began to pump her, hips slapping against her body before she'd even finished her orgasm. Holding onto one leg, he knelt behind her and pounded the smaller female with short, hard slams. The bright glow of her tail faded, but the blue failed to vanish fully, as her eyes cranked open slowly. She looked right at him, eyes pleading with him to stop, but he wasn't going to. Not this time.

Leaning over her he hissed, "We're going to ssstart ssssomething new, yes? You belong to me now." She shook her head, trying to deny both his words and the pleasure that he was bringing her. "Oh yesss you do!" His voice rose as his thrusts got harder. Each slam was pushing her along the bed, making him jerk her back into position repeatedly. Charsi felt like she was starting to burn up again. That thick cock pounding her body, with the flared tip, was hitting everything inside of her. The pleasure from that contrasted beautifully with the pain building in her rear due to his brutal slams. His hide was rougher, body harder, and he wasn't making any effort to hold back. She would never admit to him, but it was feeling pretty good!

He was huffing, drool running from his lips to drip down onto Charsi. He did what he could to avoid drooling, but there were times when it just got away from him. In the time since they'd started having sex, he'd paid close attention to the signs her body put out. There were little things he knew to watch for that told him what she was enjoying. The way her tail was flaring up was a great indicator, but it was only one of many. He could feel his belly knotting up as his testes tensed, ready to blow. Not yet though, he just needed a little more time. Leaning in closer, he gave her shoulder a bite, pressing just hard enough to leave dimples in her skin, but not break it. She sucked in air from around the gag, her body's warmth spiking. There! That's what he had been waiting for. A jerk of his hips made his cock pop out of her tight tunnel. Grabbing both her legs, he pressed them together, sliding his length in between her thighs. Bones hissed as he erupted, cum splashing against her legs and belly He kept thrusting, his hips slapping against hers as he emptied everything he had against her softer hide. She looked at him with pleading eyes, body squirming under him. The croconaw let his dick rub against her petals, but didn't get any closer than that.

He stayed like that, hips working against her until he fired every last drop against her. Then, without a word, he pulled away and stood up. A tug at the loose end of her bindings freed her wrists and tail. Before she had fully slumped against the bed, he was out of her door and padding to his room. Charsi lay there for a long moment, shivering despite the warmth of her room. She lay there for a while, just staring at the stone wall. She didn't stay still for long. The mess Bones left on her was rapidly cooling and starting to feel rather disgusting on her hide. Rolling out of her bed, the charmander rushed to the bathing area. She barely kept herself from flinging herself into the water. Instead, she plopped her fanny down in the soft sand surrounding the pool. Scooping up the cool water, she poured it along her belly and thighs, letting it soothe away the aches as it cleaned the mess.

But there was another ache that she couldn't just wash away. She was still aroused, she wanted to... No, she needed to cum. Charsi looked at the bath's door quickly, her hand dipping down between her legs. She was alone, no one would know. No one but her. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment as her fingers eased along her bruised labia. Even that pain felt good, in its own way. Lowering her head, the charmander pushed her fingers into her slit and played with herself. In seconds, she felt a warmth building in her again. When Bones pulled out to finish on her belly, she'd been right on the verge of a firestorm. Even after laying in her room for a time and the cool water hadn't done much to smother that flame. Before she realized it, she was arching her back and hissing as the storm raged through her.

She wasn't going to savor it through. Her fingers were enough to set her off and ease that need inside of her, but she wanted something more. Unwilling to dwell on it too long, she cleaned herself up in the water and padded back to her room. Pausing outside of Bones's room, she peered inside. The croconaw was sprawled out on his bed, snoring. Tears were gathering in her eyes as she retreated to her room, flinging herself into her bed and pulling the covers tight around her body.

Charsi rolled over with a moan worthy of a ghastly. Her body ached in places that she didn't know could hurt. For a long moment, she lay there with the blanket up over her head, trying to block out the world around her. She didn't know what time it was, but right now she didn't really care. For a long time, she just lay there and breathed. She tried to keep her mind away from what had happened the night before, but that wasn't happening. Telling herself not to think about it was as good as inviting the floodgates to open. Every time she tried to push the memories back, something else would break through.

The feel of Bones attacking her. How the cloth pulled at her wrists and tail. The way her panic rolled down her spine, then focused on her groin as he...

She curled up tighter, biting her lip as she shivered under the bed. Conflicting emotions raced through the charmander as she panted. Her loins were aching with a strange need. She wanted to feel the croconaw pinning her down, claiming her with his body, pounding her until she cried out for him. Her mind flashed back to the fateful night where he'd rutted her so many times. The night that ended up with her laying an egg. Bones had never really interested her before that, he was almost spineless with how he acted. To see him grabbing control like that and bending her to his will. Oh flames.

She must have made a noise loud enough to carry to the main chamber. A shrill cry of, "Mommy's up!" echoed through the cave before feet pounded towards her room. Bones called out, but it was too late. Charsi had very little warning as a body slammed into her with a purr. Hands ripped back the blanket and Ali stared down at the charmander. The totodile was almost impossibly cute with her huge, purple eyes, and that bow perched on her head. It amazed her how fast the kids had grown up. In a few more weeks, Ali would be at her full size for this evolution. Which, oddly enough, meant that she'd be bigger than her mother then. She smiled as the totodile snuggled up against her, making her happy little croaking noises.

Drake, her son, peeked around the corner and was about to charge into the room when Bones stopped the little charmander. He grabbed their son by the tail and swung the little char up over his shoulder. Drake squealed and kicked his legs, giggling. Ali gasped and tried to burrow into the covers. Charsi just froze, her eyes wide and locked onto the male. "Come on, Ali, I told you that Mommy needed to rest. She's not feeling good." He caught one of their daughter's legs and pulled her out. Ali let out a high-pitched squeal and pulled a blanket along with her as the older male pulled her from the room.

Bones came back a few moments later, bearing the blanket and some food. Setting it down, he smiled at Charsi and left without saying anything. A surge of emotions battered around inside of her chest. Did last night really happen? She's sure it did, since she was still aching today. But if that's so, how could Bones just act like nothing did/ Last time he assaulted her, he was crawling all over her and apologizing. Pulling herself upright, she tried to calm her body as she trembled.

Her knees pulled up towards her belly, the charmander holding onto her legs as she rocked a little. She chewed on her knee and arms, thinking for a long time. The only times she broke the pose was when a limb would lock up. After a little while, she ate the food Bones had brought her, and went to the bathing room. Then it was right back to her room, what had been her sanctuary. She sat there and thought, only getting up to eat or use the bathroom. She listened as Bones put the kids to bed, her body tensing up as his heavy tread came towards her door. "Night, Charsi." Then he padded off. Shaking a little, she sat there and waited. And waited. And waited...

She came to with a start, realizing that she'd fallen asleep at some point. Moving slowly, she stretched out her body. Her limbs were aching, but she felt better than she had yesterday. She hobbled her way over to the bathroom, cleaning herself up for the morning. By the time she was done, Bones was already getting breakfast ready. Sitting down at the table, she glanced over at him. He flashed her a little smile and served her some food. She narrowed her eyes after a moment, "So what was the other night about?"

He angled his head, "What about it?"

His response stunned her better than a bolt of lightning. She sat, paralyzed, for several seconds. Long enough for the kids to come rolling over each other to devour their breakfast. Hunching over, she ate her own breakfast. She tried to get Bones alone again later. It seemed that something was against her though, since something came up each time. Ali got her tail stuck in a rock. Drake cried after Ali shot him with bubbles for laughing at her. Bones got a call from the Guild for a job. She got one herself the next day.

One day blended into the next, with Charsi falling back into her usual bitchy self in almost no time. Then, there was peace. Bones went off on a job and the terrors went off to a day camp. They'd be gone all day, all night, and most of the next day. Charsi took the opportunity to be exceptionally lazy around the lair. A messenger for the Guild did come to see if she wanted a job, but she made up something so she could stay at home and relax. First time it what seemed like eons that she could just unwind and forget about everything that had been going on in her life.

Bones came home that evening and went into his bedroom with a mumbled greeting to her. He looked run down, as if the job had been tougher than usual. Charsi felt a surge of fright race up her spine, realizing that she was alone with the male that had attacked her only a week before. Her tail shimmered yellow before settling down to its usual colors. He hadn't said anything to her about sex in a while, they'd been too busy. In the years they'd been together, there hadn't been much sexual tension between them. Not until that night back then, when she'd been in season. Even since then, she'd given him a few rolls and had some fun. Nothing too rowdy though. Maybe it was just a dream she'd cooked up herself after eating a bad berri. Yeah, that made a lot more sense to her than that sweet, gentle croconaw doing all that to her. Pinning her down, tying her up, rutting with her so hard...

"Oh flames," she hissed to herself, feeling a surge of warmth race through her body. Glancing towards Bones's room, she listened hard. There was some deep breathing from his chamber, a grating noise that sounded like his usual snores. Noises which sounded a lot like the growls he'd done as he bent over her helpless body and ravaged her. Her hand inched down between her legs, scratching at the supple flesh as they came towards her vent. Leaning back in the stuffed cushion, she arched into her hand as those short fingers ran over her lips slowly. The charmander groaned as her claws brushed over her swollen mound, feeling the warmth radiating from her body. The more she thought about how she'd felt the other day, the more she began to squirm in the chair. Her fingers slid up and down her lips, massaging the folds. She spread them a little, her middle finger gliding across the petals, before she let them close on their own. The teasing rubs were enough to bring some blue to her tail flame. Flames, she needed to get off. But not out here. No, she had to go back to her room for some privacy.

Bones was standing there, watching her.

The croconaw's lips curled up into a grin as her eyes widened slowly. One hand was curled around his cock, fingers stroking across the hard flesh. Her eyes were drawn to that like a magnet. Charsi bit her lip and whimpered a little as a bead of precum oozed from his tip and across his fingers. Seeing him standing there like that made her fully aware of just where her fingers were. The charmander inched them out of her slit, gaze lifting towards his face.

For a moment, their eyes locked and they both knew what was coming. His weight shifted as Charsi stood fully. The heavier male lunged at her, but she ducked under his grab and dashed towards her room. She'd had a door installed for when she went into season. That way she could keep Bones from doing a repeat of what happened such a short time ago. With her heart pounding in her chest, she skidded into her room and wrenched the door shut. But before the latch could click, a heavy body slammed into it. The wood door slammed into her chest, knocking her back onto her ass. Charsi gasped for air, the breath knocked out of her, as Bones approached. She lashed out, catching him with several scratches. The male hissed, trying to catch her flailing wrists.

She twisted and squirmed, slapping and clawing, kicking and kneeing everything that she could. Bones howled as her teeth came down on his forearm. He shoved her head back, making her head bounce against the stone. Lights flashed in front of her eyes as her mouth went limp. Dazed, there wasn't much she could do as he flipped her over roughly. With a leg in each hand, he jerked her back end upright. His thickness speared her slick passage, making her wheeze out a squeal. He grunted, body slapping against hers, as he held tight to her legs.

With her head reeling, there wasn't much the charmander could do at the moment, other than take his hard thrusts. Her legs were trapped in an iron grip, keeping them spread. Bones jerked her back into his groin, each thrust threatening to split her right down the middle. She was fighting back as best she could, even before her room stopped spinning. Kicking against his grip, she tried to free herself as she twisted around. Her claws lashed at one of his legs, but he stepped back, dragging her with him. The stone floor scraped her skin as the croconaw hauled her around like a perverse wheelbarrow. Charsi hissed against the stinging pain and pushed herself off the ground, trying to keep up with him. Glancing over her shoulder, she tried to slap him across the face with her tail; but he just ignored that.

Even as she fought him, Charsi couldn't ignore the fires building in her gut. He was in control of her. He was claiming her as his. The more he fucked her, the more she wanted it. And there wasn't a flaming thing she could do about it.

She whined and lowered her head, arms trembling as she tried to support herself. Even if she shut her eyes, she knew that she wouldn't be able to ignore what was happening to her. Hot juices squelched around his length, dripping onto the ground and running down her belly. Lowering her head, she tried to ignore the way her tail was growing brighter, casting everything into a bluish light. Each time his hips met hers, it drove another pant and a whine from the charmander. Her toes curled as her arms trembled, threatening to give out from under her. It was getting harder to support herself the more aroused she became. Her arms burned and trembled, threatening to send her face-first into the stone.

Then he pulled out again, cock sliding free with a lewd slurp. Charsi's voice rose in a whimper as his blunt tip lifted to probe under her tail.

"No stop! Please finish inside me!"

Bones stopped, one hand holding her leg and the other on her tail. He pushed forward, putting more pressure on her backdoor. "Why should I?" Charsi lowered herself down, pressing her cheek against the icy rock, mumbling something. "Answer me me or I'll just rut your ass." Her cheeks burned as she turned her head, trying to cool off. She felt her rear open as he pushed forward. Right as his tip was about to pop into her ass, she screamed. "I need it!"

He backed off a little and rumbled, "What was that?"

The charmander's cheeks were burning so badly, she was certain the stone under her face would melt. "I need you to finish inside me."

He lowered her down, letting her rest on all fours for a second. "I couldn't hear what you said, Charsi."

She sunk to the ground under his weight, laying flat on her belly. "Please Bones, I need you to finish what you started."

The male laid on top of her, pinning her with his bulk. Reaching down, he ran his tip up and down her slit. "Call me Master, and tell me you want me to cum inside of you." Turning her head, she looked at him in pure shock. His lips pulled back a little as he growled, his cock inching higher.

Oh Flames, she was going to die of embarrassment. "Master, please rut me until you pump me full."

"Good enough."

His cock surged back into her, making her gasp and trembled. Bones kept his thrusts short now, his hips barely moving as he drove into her. Charsi clawed at the stone, moaning and whining under him with need. In moments, her whines transformed into throaty pants and short calls. He hissed, cool breath washing over her neck before his heavy jaws clamped down on her shoulder. She arched up as best she could, offering her body to the male as her insides trembled. She screamed, tendrils of flame darting from her mouth, as she peaked. Bones was right behind her, jaw tightening on her shoulder briefly. He literally flooded her with his seed. The thick, cool mess filled her up and began to spill out, oozing down onto the floor.

Bones had barely finished when he pulled out of her. His mushroomed tip pulled against her insides and came out with a wet pop. She gasped, laying on the ground for a moment as he sat on her bed. "Why are you doing this?"

The crococnaw rumble-purred, "Because it is what's best." Rolling her head, she looked at him as she lay there, her tail arched up as more of his spunk drizzled from her. "Outside in the world, with the twins, in our home, you know what is best to do and when to do it. Even if you aren't the most tactful when it comes to doing things." He flashed a wide grin and hissed, "Meaning you're a bitch, but that is what suits you best." her cheeks flushed, but she kept quiet and listens. "But in here, in the bedroom, you love it when I take control and force myself on you." His eyes narrowed as his rumbles took on a more dangerous note. "You have two choices, Charsi. Either you agree with me. Which means you'd better get your tail over here and clean up my cock. Or you don't, and you can tell me off. Which is it?"

Charsi sat up slowly, mindful of the aches and pains spread throughout her body. He was a rough lover when he wanted to be. She was still quivering inside from what he'd done to her. She glanced at him, meeting his eyes for just a second, before dropping her gaze. Even if she said no, he could just take her whenever he wished again. He was bigger and stronger than her, and he's just keep getting bigger as time went on. Even with that, he had taken her against her will on multiple occasions. Who knew where something like this would end up leading to? Would he stop at just her, or would it spread to others? Did she want to take that chance? Looking at the croconaw, she knew what the answer had to be.

"You worthless sac," snarled Charsi as she stormed inside. "We just about lost that job thanks to you." Bones shuffled in behind her, sporting a swelling cheek and a hangdog look. The twins looked up from their dinner, eyes wide. Drake leaned forward, a grin spreading across his mouth as he tried to listen.

Ali jumped to her feet, "Ooh man, it's getting late. We should get to bed. Night, Mom. Night, Dad."

Bertha, a kangaskhan friend that was watching the terrors, got up as well. "Your sister is right, Drake. Bed time."


Before he could argue too much, the much larger female scooped the squirming charmander up under her arms. "Bed time, and don't try to argue with me. I can take on ghosts, a cranky boy isn't anything."

Charsi grabbed something from the fridge and plopped down on a chair, glaring at Bones as he shuffled from foot to foot. "You're just lucky that I was there to stop him."

"Yes, Charsi."

She inhaled her food and tossed the plate down. "Clean that up, I'm going to bed."

"Yes, Charsi."

She stormed off to her room, leaving Bones to clean up the mess she'd made in the few moments she'd been at the table. Bertha came out after putting the twins down for the night. "Rough job, huh?" Grabbing a rag, she cleaned up around the den, putting things away and tidying up. While she worked, Bones nibbled on some food, but didn't seem too hungry. After she finished, Bertha gave his cheek a kiss and headed to her own home. "Don't worry, she'll calm down. We both know how hot she can get."

Charsi lay back in her bedding, staring up at the ceiling. Her heart was pounding in her chest, it'd been racing ever since the mission had started going downhill. The charmander took a deep breath and breathed it out, releasing a flurry of sparks and some smoke trails. Each slow breath calmed her down a little more, making her muscles relax. The soft drone of voices outside helped ease the tensions. Before too long, she could feel herself drifting off into a light doze. She lay there, breathing slowly as her mind relaxed and she started to drift off into sleep.

Just seconds away from drifting off, a bell chimed. The noise was soft, but enough to catch her attention. With a grumble, the charmander rolled out of her bed and shuffled out of the room. The bell chimed again as she got to the door. Bones looked up with a half-smile on his lips as she came in, rubbing her eye as she stifled a yawn. She could feel his eyes on her as she came across the room and strolled right up to his bed. Their eyes met for a moment, hers challenging his even gaze. Then, her head dropped and she lowered herself to a kneeling position in front of him. "You rang?" He didn't say anything, just sat there in front of her until she began to squirm a little. "Master?" she added.

Bones let out a purr so deep that she could feel it vibrating in her chest. He leaned forward and ran his fingers along her cheeks. Charsi breathed out a sigh, eyes fluttering as his claws gently ran along her flesh. It went down to her neck, bringing a scorched leather strap into place. She rolled her head back, exposing her neck as he secured it into place. She breathed out a sighing purr as his fingers brushed against the collar and her flesh. Sitting on the edge of his bed, he purred down at her. "Get me ready, that's a good girl."

Without looking up at him, she reached out and let her claws glide over his thighs, scratching at his flesh. His bed was up on a stand, putting him just high enough for her to be able to kneel comfortably. Wiggling into the soft sand, she arched forward and ran her cheek along his thigh. Bones was breathing heavily and his pouch was bulging in by the time her muzzle got close. Her hands stayed on his thighs, kneading, as she used her tongue to pull back his flesh and expose his cock. She could hear him breathing heavier now, each pant altering that delicious purring just a little. When her tongue pushed away the flap of skin, it made his jump free and slap her muzzle. She let her hot breath blow across his length for a second, watching it grow nice and hard for her.

Lifting her head, Charsi let his cock slide along her muzzle. Opening her mouth, she let it fall right onto her tongue. She let her eyes close, savoring the scent and taste of him. He wasn't going to rush her, not when he was enjoying the foreplay as much as she was. Well, maybe not as much as she was. The taste sent shivers down her spine. A chill feeling followed by a ripple of warmth that radiated out from her back and then concentrated on her groin. She closed her mouth around him, tongue sliding across his flesh. His tip began to drip some precum onto her tongue. Each drop sent another ripple rolling through her, each one adding to the last. Her hands inched down his legs, falling towards her thighs. Pushing her head down, she took Bones all the way into her mouth, letting his tip slide into her throat. She started to breath heavier, chest laboring as she inhaled his musk.

"Hands, Charsi."

Her fingers tapped against her thighs for a second before returning to his hips. She squeezed his thighs as she arched her tail, whining softly. "That's a very good girl." Pressing her thighs together, she squirmed there at the side of his bed. His rumbling stopped, degrading into a low hiss. "We got real worked up at the job, didn't we? Both need to blow off some steam." He groaned, pushing towards her sucking mouth. "That's enough for now, up on the bed." She knew just what he wanted to her to do and how to position herself.

Sliding up onto the bed, she kept her body low. Brushing against his side, she laid her head on her pillow and let her tail swing up and to the side. She began to breath faster as his hand came to rest on her rear. "You're dripping, Charsi." His rumbles returned as he moved up behind her, nudging her lips with his cock. The charmander bit into a pillow, whimpering as her back lifted up. "Makes me wonder if your body doesn't want another clutch."

"B-but the twins."

She hissed as he probed her slit with that thick tip. "They're old enough to find a place nearby."

"B...but." her mind was swimming, her body was on fire.

His rumbles vibrated through her body, making her insides quiver. "Just say the word."

The air felt like ice as she panted, Bones's touch burned her with the chill. Her mind and heart told her that it was too soon to let the twins, but her body was screaming in her ear that it wanted more. More young. More eggs. And more Bones. She whimpered, trying to push back against him, but the croconaw's grip was too strong. She couldn't pushed back. Couldn't even pull away from him.

"Breed me." Her cheeks burned as she breathed into the pillow, smoke curling up from the fabric.

His breath puffed against her neck as he loomed over her. "What was that?"

She whimpered, her cheeks heating up more. "Please Master Bones, don't make me beg."

He hesitated long enough to make her wonder if he was going to make her beg for it. "Stay." Charsi panted into the pillow, ignoring the curls of smoke creeping up around her mouth. "Open" She opened her mouth and waited. He slid a water-filled bag into her mouth and strapped it into place. "That should help." he tightened it just right, the leather strap cradling against her head.

As he adjusted the strap, the croconaw moved in behind her. His cock a lance of glacial ice against her fever. He'd just settled the straps into place when he grabbed her thighs and drove into her. Charsi arched up and screamed, the noise muffled by the gag in her mouth. Steam rose from the leather as she arched up, claws shredding his sheets.

Bones growled, heavy jaws nudging her neck, as he shifted his body. Each thrust drove him up to that big, fat root, his tip slamming against her cervix. His hands moved from her hips to her tail and one of her legs. A jerk lifted her upright, turning her body so he could get in nice and keep. "Gonna rut you," he closed his eyes and leaned his head back, huffing. 'Gonna pump you full of my cum and my eggs." Her eyes rolled back into her head as the male rocked her world with each thrust. Her body was burning up, tail blazing off to their side. It didn't take long, no more than a few moments before her tail flared blue-white and she screamed into the gag.

Her world dissolved into a blaze, her blood roaring in her ears as Bones continued to pound her and make her burn hotter and hotter. Her climax built and surged through her, growing to nearly painful levels. Just when she thought that she might be burned to a crisp, she felt her relief. Bones's hips rolled against hers as he spurted his cream deep into her body. She slumped into the bedding, breathing heavily as the male emptied his balls right into her.

Charsi moaned as he rolled her over onto her back, his cock twisting inside of her. The charmander's head rolled around as she looked up at him, panting. Bones growled down at her and began to thrust, his cock sliding through her juices and his own cum. Leaning down, he nipped at her neck and licked over her cheek. He began to grunt low in his throat, body slapping against hers. If their last breeding session was any hint at what this was going to be like, they were going to be in for a very long, sore night.

Charsi huffed as she waddled in a slow circle. Her fingers ran around her belly, pressing gently as she felt the bulge made there. Bones came up behind her with a purr and ran his fingers over her belly. "Soon?"

She nodded, "I feel about the same as I did last time."

The larger male leaned down and growled gently into her ear, "There's one thing that's going to be different this time."

The charmander shivered at that growl, feeling a submissive tremble race through her body. "What's going to be different?"

Bones walked her over to the nest, her feet shuffling quickly in the sand. All it took was a light touch and she was kneeling, her tail coming up. He dropped to a crouch behind her, his semi-erect cock poking against her rear. She tried to ignore it as the egg in her belly shifted. Cool precum was smeared across her tailhole. A slow push drove that thickness into her rear. She groaned, her belly rippling as the egg shifted. Each one of his thrusts made the egg shift a little inside of her belly. In seconds, she was panting as the orb moved from her egg chamber and into her birthing channel.

Her cheeks began to burn when she felt the slow waves of arousal start rippling up through her body. Digging her fingers into the sand, she moaned, eyes shutting. Juices began to drip from her slit as the male hammered her. Little, happy whimpers slipped from her lips as his claws scratched her thighs. It was only a few moments before she felt the pressure of the egg pressing against his pumping cock. There was only a thin stretch of flesh separating them. Bones felt it too, and he began to hiss and grunt at her. She could tell from the pattern of his thrusts that he was loving it.

He hissed over her, body barely moving as he pounded her upturned rear with his brutal thrusts. Charsi hissed back at him, spreading her legs, slit aching. Slowly, gradually her petals spread apart. Her whimpers turned into open-mouthed pants. The smooth egg pressed against her inner walls. He pumped faster, forcing the egg to shift inside of her and put pressure on one certain spot inside of her tunnel.

Charsi shivered as her slit stretched out, tossing her head back and uttering a low call. Her rear clenched down around his cock as the egg popped from her slit. A rush of juices followed it out, splattering onto the sand. Bones snarled at the feeling of the egg slip past his balls. Jerking her against him, he arched his back as he pumped his spunk into her rear. Before he could finish, he pulled out with a pop. His seed splashed onto her rear then the egg. Charsi slumped down onto the ground and looked up at him. For a moment, something kind and loving flashed through his eyes. He started towards her with a gentle purr.

She rolled in the sand, huffing. "I'm sore, get me into bed." Bones stopped for a second before scooping her up with a sigh. He laid her down on the bed, looking at her with tenderness. Charsi growled at him, "Are you going to just stand there, or are you going to get something so I can clean up?" Bones flashed her a little smile and shuffled off to the bathing room. Rolling onto her side, she looked at his backside and angled her head. Even though she happily submitted to Bones, she wouldn't admit it to him. Outside of the bedroom, nothing changed from how they usually did things. Even then, most nights nothing had changed. Bones got more gentle the larger her belly got. He would spend hours sometimes, just stroking her belly and purring. Every so often though, he'd be in a mood to dominate her and she'd refuse an order, just to have him reassert his dominance. They'd been like this for a while now. This was their second clutch since the twins, actually. Their third glorious clutch.

Was it love? Maybe. Probably not though. But it was good enough for her.