Fox Hunt

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Fox Hunt

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

June 2003

All Rights Reserved.

Leaping over the hedge, the young Vixen ran for her very life. Her triangular ears were pasted flat against the back of her head, her eyes wide and mouth hanging open as she panted heavily and her heart thundered in her chest. Her black foot paws scrabbled across the loamy soil, tearing at it as she leapt away again, her long brush of a tail streaming behind her like a pennant. Her terrified breathing tearing at her throat that burned like fire, her heart feeling as if it would surely burst.

Behind her, she heard the distant horns blaring and the thunder of hooves, but this was not what drove her to flight; it was the baying of the hounds that tracked her tirelessly, that made this Vixen put on an extra burst of speed. Ducking, weaving, dodging and doing her utmost, the Vixen fought for every inch of ground; using every racial memory she possessed, to escape her tireless pursuers.


As the pack leader bayed and raced along, without pause or reflection on what he was doing, the other hounds following their pack leader, their own cruel baying pealing forth, hotly pursued by their cruel masters astride their horses. They worked as a team, with one find and tear to pieces, their quarry.


Exploding from a thicket, the Vixen ran on, then her ears pricked forwards and she skidded to a halt, staring at the creek before her. It was nearly six feet across, the freezing water flowing from left to right, an occasional trout seen sparkling in its depths. Twisting herself about, the Vixen hurriedly reached a snap decision, then ran back the way she had come before snapping around once again - and bolting towards the stream bank. Leaping like a gazelle, she only just cleared it, her hind paws and tail splashing down into the water, a low yelping cry escaping her as the water almost instantly turned her hind quarters to ice, the powerful muscles cramping painfully, dramatically slowing her down.

Using her gile and cunning, the young Vixen ran back along the stream, then crossed back over, then over again, further masking her scent trail. Satisfied, she ran a few more dozen yards and then ducked into a hollow log, where she lay herself down and shuddered, trying desperately to calm her thudding heart and loud panting.


Reaching the stream, the pack-leader didn't hesitate and ploughed straight in, followed by the others. Horses neighed and whinnied, as they too leapt the gap across the stream. Picking up the trail once again, the pack-leader roared down the stream bank, then without warning he slowed and stopped - searching for the scent that had seemingly vanished into thin air....


Hidden in her log, if the Vixen had been capable, she would have giggled at the angry hound's yelps and whines as they fanned out searching for her. Still, every nerve singing with tension, every muscle coiled and ready - she held her breath and pricked her small triangular ears forwards, eyes alert to the slightest hint they had found her.


Angrily, the pack leader snarled and struck out at his pack-mates, relieving his own tension and frustration by cowing and beating those unfortunate hounds close enough to him. He had not become pack-leader by allowing a fox to outwit him, and in over two years, had always, always, caught his quarry. As the Huntmaster astride his horse scanned the underbrush, he sighed and signalled the others to withdraw. Wheeling his horse around, they trotted off, followed by the disgruntled and humiliated hounds...all bar one....


For what felt like an eternity to her, the Vixen cowered in her bolt-hole, finally relaxing and exhaling with a low sigh. Creeping from her log, she stretched and blinked, her ears pricking forwards - before her world came crashing down around her....

With a startled squeal, she was driven to the ground, as something large and heavy landed on her back and sharp teeth gripped her nape tightly.

"Move and you're dead - " Came a low, menacing snarl.

Rolling her eyes up and back, the Vixen caught the gaze of an old, grey muzzled hound - who had pinned her beneath him and even now, tightened his already painful grip on her nape. Freezing, the Vixen couldn't suppress the shiver than ran through her from ear tip to tail tip.

"Please - don't hurt me, I...I'll do anything you ask." Wept the Vixen. "Oh please, please don't kill me!"

Using his weight to keep her slender body flattened against the loamy soil, the hound glared down at her.

"Trust a fox? Do you think I'm a fool?" Grunted the Hound. "No - I think I'll just snap your neck now."

"Please - " Whimpered the vixen, as she squirmed beneath him and rolled herself over onto her back, in the classic submission pose. "You win - I'll do anything, but please, please do not kill me."

Pawing gently at the hounds powerful chest, the Vixen's soft, sad expression stared up into the cold and baleful glare of the hound. She whimpered and continued to gaze into his eyes, as her hind paw crept up timidly and rubbed tenderly at his large sheath. He trembled and visibly flinched, as she whined piteously and continued to softly knead at his stomach and sheath, now using both hind paws.

"Why - " Grunted the hound, as he trembled and fought to resist the sensations that rippled through him. "Should I believe you? I'm a hound - you're a fox."

"Why?" Whispered the Vixen, shivering beneath him and her voice growing wheedling and submissive. "Why? Because...of what I can...offer you."

"No - I think I'll just kill you now, you can not offer me anything I would want, nor would I dare lower myself to your standards. I know how cunning you Foxes are, and your whiles won't work on me." Growled the hound dangerously, his eyes narrowing.

"Please!" Wailed the Vixen. "Oh please, please let me at least try. If I don't please you, as only a Vixen can, then you can kill me and take me to your master!"

Her foot paws rubbed and ground themselves against his swelling sheath, and he could not deny the pleasure it brought him, but he still was not convinced in her sincerety.

"So be it - I'll let you up, but if you even think of trying to escape or hurt me, I'll drag you back to my Master...and what he will do to you, will make you wish I'd killed you." Snorted the hound as he stepped off her. "Make it worthwhile Vixen, I mean it."

Rolling back to her foot paws, the Vixen shivered, then rubbed herself against the hound...slowly, sensuously, her feminine allures at their highest peak. Her brush of a tail flicked up and caressed the hound's chin, then ran along his side and she smiled, before sliding her tail beneath his chest and tickling his sheath with the very tip. He whined and trembled visibly, yet never let her out of his sight for a second. As she twisted back around again, he growled dangerously at her in warning, and she merely smiled shyly, the corner of her lips curling as she rubbed herself back against him, then rolled onto her back and wriggled herself beneath him.

He watched her, then as her thick brush slid between his forelegs, he looked down at the creamy white fur between her thighs, and the scent of her sex wafted up to his nose. He whined again and his eyes rolled, as the musky scent enflamed his senses. She wriggled herself further beneath him - then her foot paws began kneading his belly as she rubbed her cold, wet nose along his sheath. He squirmed and moaned at her attentions, then his knees began to quake and shiver as she teasingly licked from the sheath's tip right back to his heavy scrotum, her cold nose rubbing into his furry scrotum.

"" Gurgled the hound, his tongue lolling.

Sliding her tongue back along his sheath again, her foot paws continuing to knead at his stomach, the blunt claws pricking the tender flesh either side of the heavy, pendulous sheath. He groaned and shuddered as her tongue flicked back and forth across the tip of his sheath, it slowly retracting as his member swelled more and more, the sheath sliding backwards as his member came to full erection. Without missing a beat, the Vixen blinked and murred, then her furred lips slipped around the head of the hound's member. Like a hungry Kit, she began suckling softly, her breath hot against the hound's stomach, her even hotter tongue sliding over and around the tip of the hound's member.

He gurgled and moaned helplessly, all thought of murdering the Vixen gone in a heartbeat, as pleasure beyond his comprehension flooded through his body. Never in his life had he ever experienced such delightful sensations as this, or even imagined they could exist. Her tongue slid over the hounds member tip once again, and he gurgled and began humping against her muzzle, the large knot at the base of his member starting to swell. Slurping, kneading and wriggling beneath him, the Vixen continued, eagerly suckling the gasping and whining hound.

He moaned and trembled violently, then his own mind made his decision for him, and he lowered his nose and pressed it against the tight folds of the Vixen's sex, which made her squeal breathlessly and tremble. He grinned and his wide, rough tongue probed down and ran over her trembling folds, making the Vixen whine and squirm helplessly. Again and again he lapped at her sex, only brushing the outer edges, yet feeling her body responding with its heightened scent and her whining moans. He stared down at her, then with a long and slow lick, probed his tongue into her dark depths and nearly lost what remained of his mind.

A taste like that of the sweetest honey flooded across his tongue, and he groaned and blinked, as his mind tried to encompass the tastes and sensations. Beneath him, the Vixen writhed and whimpered - pausing in her suckling as she wriggled and tried to squirm away.

"I didn't tell you to stop - " Rasped the voice of the hound. "Rememeber Vixen, I will not let you go unless you please far, I'm far from enthusiastic."

With a frightened whine, the vixen swallowed, licked her lips nervously and resumed her gentle suckling of the hound, her eyes fixed not only on his impressive length, but the swelling knot...and her fears she wouldn't be able to please him...and would pay for her failure with her very life.

He resumed licking and nosing against her warm folds, his rough tongue sliding in and out of her sex, each rasping lick sending bolts of pleasure searing through both hound and Vixen alike. As he whined and began humping against her muzzle, the Vixen gagged and retched, as an explosive blast of pre-ejaculatory fluid gushed into her mouth; the hot, bitter fluid making her flinch and pull her head away. Unmindful of the Vixen's displeasure, the hound regained his self-control and stepped off her.

"Roll over...and turn about." Grunted the hound, as he licked his lips, a most unsettling look in his eyes.

"Please..." Wailed the frightened Vixen. "Oh no...please, do not do this...I, I can't!"

"You can - and will." Growled the hound as he roughly pulled her over onto her stomach and gripped her nape tightly.

Sobbing, the Vixen felt the hound hump against her rump, his sharply tipped member poking her sharply against the buttocks, as she whimpered and tucked her tail between her hind-legs.

"Move your tail fox...." Growled the hound. "Or I'll move it for you!"

Squeesing her eyes tightly closed, the Vixen did as she was told, and then the hound probed against her tail...and with a gasp of delight, he pushed his length between her tail and splayed hind-legs...and lunged. She gasped and flinched violently, feeling the length of the hound being driven deeper and deeper with each cruel thrust, her young body never having experienced a male mount, tightened instinctively around the hound.

"Oh...." Gurgled the hound. "Oh yes...yes my fox...."

Again and again, his hips pumped against her rump, slamming his member deeper with each thrust, then he froze and took a more gentle grip of her nape, and he felt her shaking convulsively beneath him.

"Good girl," Panted the Hound. "Good, do not fight me...."

"Please - you're hurting me so badly!" Wailed the tortured Vixen. "Please, you must stop...."

With a growl, the hound gripped the Vixen tightly once more, then he began to eagerly hump against her - a low pealing whine escaping her as she felt the firming knot he fought to bury inside her. Despite her own wishes, her body had other ideas - and as he humped and ground his hips against her, her body relent and with a soft pop, the hound gave a final sharp lunge and his knot was forced into her. Instinctively, powerful muscles clamped down around the back of the knot, tying both Vixen and Hound together.

"Oh yes...." Croaked the hound, as he felt his knot swell even more, stretching the Vixen's tender cervix until she thought he'd surely tear her apart.

"No...stop it, please...stop it!" Squealed the Vixen breathlessly, as she pulled against the Hound, then shrieked again at the excruciating pain.

He snarled and bit down on her nape tightly, cruelly pulling her backwards as he humped again and again, instinct taking control as he bred the shrieking and struggling young Vixen.

For over three-quarters of an hour, they were tied together - and the Vixen felt each and every movement, her tortured body burning with sickening nausea and pain. His mind was so much jelly, overcome with the incredible heat of her young body, and the unconscious contractions of her cervix walls along his member and especially, just behind the knot that bound them together.

Throughout her ordeal, a gradual change come over her - as the hound took away her puppy-hood, and in his first, frenetic lunges - had turned her truly, into an adult. Although he was no small hound, not by any stretch of the imagination, her body slowly grew accustomed to his invasion of her smaller form, and a low, almost insidious pleasure began to fill her. More and more, each movement of the hound inside her made the Vixen's pain turn slowly to mounting pleasure. Her crying whines turning ever-so-slowly to short gasps of surprise. He released his tight grasp of her nape and tenderly licked between her ears.

Before she knew what was happening, he grunted and trembled - then she gasped and yelped as his knot inside her swelled even more, then his incredible orgasm flooded deep inside her young body. Pulse after pulse spurted, coating her cervix and utereus, yet still more of his seed flooded into her body as he whined and trembled convulsively. At last, his orgasm broke to dribbles and he nuzzled her nape, feeling her cervix muscles contracting and releasing around him - then the tight muscular ring keeping him tied to her released its stranglehold around his detumescing knot. With a low gurgle, he pulled backwards and dismounted with a squishing pop, an involuntary muscular contraction from the Vixen expelling a quantity of his seed, even as more of it was drawn into her womb.

"Oh...oh yes..." Groaned the hound as he stiff-leggedly stepped backwards, then lay himself down and began licking at his swollen member.

Gasping, the vixen crept forwards a few feet, then likewise lay herself down, her tongue washing away the mixture of semen and her own natural fluids, feeling her stretched and ravaged sex trembling.

" won't kill me...will you?" Rasped the Vixen, as she glanced fearfully at the hound.

"No," Answered the hound. "I will not kill you. Not now, and not ever. You shared yourself with me willingly, and brought me such pleasures, that I had never imagined. Truly, I never intended to take you against your will...I was just bluffing."

Blinking, the vixen crept to her paws and carefully approached the hound, then rubbed her head and neck under his chin, murring in contentment. He growled softly in pleasure, rubbing his chin across her head and neck, then licked her muzzle lovingly.

"You - you mean you never..." She whispered, glancing up into his eyes.

"No - I never had intention of breeding myself to you." Admitted the hound, a sheepish smile touching the corner of his lips. "I was bluffing. Every Fox or Vixen I have ever caught, always broke down and pleaded, much as you did. Yet, only you showed courage and offered yourself to me, if I would save your life. You had heart, tenacity and courage - and I admire that, even in my sworn enemy."

"You..." Stamered the Vixen, as her eyes widened.

Springing to his feet, the hound's ears twitched and he grew silent and his eyes widened.

"! Run!" Snarled the hound. "If you love your life - then run and hide, now!"

"No - " Wept the Vixen. "No, please - let me stay with you!"

"There's no time now, please - run! Run! I'll find you again, I promise." Snarled the hound.

Bolting back into hiding, the Vixen vanished from sight, just as the thud of hooves reached her ears. Cowering in fear, the Vixen waited for the end....


A young woman, decked out in hunting garb and astride her powerful steed, appeared from out of the forest, and she paused and pushed back the riding helmet she wore.

"There you are!" She snorted in contempt.

Looking chastised, the hound cowered and whined pitifully at his mistress.

"Come along, this instant - I don't know what has gotten into you, but this just will not do! Come!"

Without a backwards glance, the hound followed his mistress....


Creeping from the shadows of the fallen hollow log, the Vixen slunk like a patch of living darkness, moving from one patch of shadow to the next as she followed the strange human astride the horse, and the hound. When they broke cover of the forest, the Vixen leapt up onto a stump and she sat there, watching as hound and hunter rode away.

She never saw him again....


Rumour has it, that if you go to the edge of the forest and wait, you'll see the ghostly image of the Vixen, still sitting on her stump, her pale ghost waiting for the return of the one who taught her so much.

For if two sworn enemies can learn to love each other - surely there is hope for we ourselves.