Werewolf's Reprieve: Part 4

Story by Moon Wolfpaw on SoFurry

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#4 of Warewolf's Reprieve


A Legal Warning: This story may contain references and actions of a homosexual and homoerotic nature. Reader discretion is advised.

This story was also written with the help of Ryan-masterpaladin-Lewis. And I couldn't be happier about it, thanks Ryan. The characters Ryan and Joe belong to him and should not be used without his permission.

All other characters belong to me.

Thanks for all your help and enjoy


Werewolf's Reprieve Part 4

Part 4

I smiled at Ryan, the unconscious human before me as he lay under me. I realized exactly what those feelings were, the warmth that filled my chest and made me feel so happy when I was around him. It was love. I love everything there is to love about this human. He's so kind, so generous, and treated me better than I could ever have hoped to have been treated.

He was beautiful too. I never thought I would have had feelings this way for another man before, but I couldn't deny those feelings now. His smell was euphoric, and I continuously explored that smell and immersed myself in it as I sniffed and explored every inch of his gorgeous body. Some of the smell was stronger in certain places of his body, which drove me wild, from his armpits, to his crotch, to his rear end. I couldn't take much more and brought my paws off his wrists and started to feel him, starting with his hair. His gorgeous thick, semi-long brown hair was smooth and soft to the touch. His perfect skin felt smooth to the touch, like I was brushing over warm cream silk.

I brought my hands lower and slipped my hands under his shirt, to feel and caress his belly and chest. His build was average, and he didn't have much muscle, but I didn't care. I used my strong muscles to press down slightly as I rubbed, almost like a massage, so I could feel them better. After a bit I slipped off his shirt so that I could get a better look. I had never seen him with his shirt off before, and the sight was one to behold. He had hardly any hair on his body from his chest. I lowered myself down and gave the belly a little lick, tracing into the belly button too. He tasted marvelous too. His skin tasted like a hint of salt, and I was entranced further. I went up to the nipples on his chest and licked them a little too. As I did I traced my paws over his splayed arms, plugging the feeling into my mind too.

I then worked myself further down to his trousers, and fiddled the button and zipper open, before slipping them off. As I did I also pulled them off with his shoes and socks, revealing his nice firm feet. I explored them with my paws too, feeling the soles a bit before moving up his legs slowly. Like his arms his legs had a little more hair than the body, but not much, and definitely not enough to cover the smooth feel of his skin I loved so much. I traced over his lower legs, and up to his thighs, the feeling getting warmer as I got up further.

This was when I eyed his underwear. I knew perfectly well what was under there, and I was eager to see for myself, the last place I hadn't thoroughly explored yet. I thumbed over the waistband of the briefs and slid them off, revealing the prize inside. I tossed the last article aside and gazed upon his flaccid member and the jewels that hung below it. I was entranced more and leaned down to get a whiff, the scent was even stronger here and I smelled deeply and closely, my nose nearly pressing in between the area. I then gave a gentle curious lick, the saltier taste was just so delightful and arousing, and I could feel my aroused wolf hood pressing hard against my own pants, my tail wagging hard behind me in excitement.

This left one last place I haven't explored, and as I held his hips I turned him over to lay him flat on his stomach. That's when I saw it, that perfect bubble butt of his. I can't help but blush as I stared, slowly bringing my paws over the supple cheeks. I slowly pulled them apart as I eyed the hole that they were hiding. That smell was even more thrilling than the rest of the body and I gave it a lick slowly. The entrance was so delicious that I wanted more, but before I reached up to take my pants off, I stopped.

"This isn't right," I said to myself. I stopped and got up looking down at the gorgeous looking human lying unconscious below me. As desperately as I wanted to make him mine, I couldn't do this to him in this way. I want him to be awake, to enjoy the same warmth that I do, to return that affection and love. I love him deeply and I want him to love me back too. Actually, it's even more than that; I'm deeply IN love with him.

'But how do I tell him how I feel?' I asked myself as I thought. I want him to know, but he may not take it well if I just up and tell him, I needed to slowly give him the hint without telling him so he gets the message. I thought of a plan and before long I came up with one that I was confident with. Before doing anything however, I ran upstairs quickly to Ryan's room and looked through his wardrobe, pulling out a fresh pair of underwear and a pair of pajamas I'd seen him wear before. Then I hurried back downstairs and redressed him as carefully as possible, it would've been more awkward if he woke up naked. Fortunately he was still out like a light so I decided to take advantage of it.

I laid Ryan down carefully on the couch, and then threw the scattered articles of clothing in with the laundry pile to be cleaned tomorrow. Then I went around the house and started to rearrange a few things. I didn't do anything major and kept a lot of the decorations the same. But I did add some of my personal touch, each bearing a small hint about my feelings for Ryan. One example was a picture of Ryan hanging inside a frame on the wall above the piano in the living room. Well right next to it, I placed a frame with a detailed drawing of myself, facing the opposite way of Ryan's picture was as if our two pictures were facing each other. It wasn't a clue too revealing but it was still one that I thought pretty effective to start with.

I shut off the TV and continued around the house, doing a little cleaning too as I rearranged, my tail wagging excitedly the more I thought about Ryan throughout the night. Before the morning had come around, I had sat on the couch tired, and brought Ryan up to my lap so he could sleep on it like a pillow. And just as the sun began to rise, I felt my body shift again slowly, ready to transform back into my normal self.

That's when Ryan finally woke up; I had gently cleared the hair with my transforming paw out of his eyes before he opened them. He shook his head a bit as he came into focus and realized his position.

"Good morning Ryan," I smiled at him.

"Dustin?" He asked sitting up slowly, "where am I?"

"On the couch in the family room silly," I replied with a chuckle, by this point the sun had fully risen and I had returned to my human form.

"What happened?" he asked confused and I couldn't help but giggle a little in response.

"Don't you remember?" I replied smirking, "we were watching TV when you fell asleep. I didn't feel like disturbing you so I fell asleep here too."

"So wait," he said, "did that mean you survived the full moon just fine?" I nodded and smiled. "But wait a minute. I remember the TV being on but I also remember seeing you transform, but it got pretty foggy after that." To be honest, I was curious at that moment if he was going to figure out what happened. Ryan wasn't just well to do, he was very intelligent, and sharp as a tack. But still I thought that things were going pretty smoothly so far.

"I guess I'm just overthinking it," He finally said and stood up off the bed, "I suppose we better change and get breakfast started." I nodded and headed upstairs to my room. I was now rather tired as hell, considering the transformation both ways steal a lot of energy, and my human form is affected pretty strongly once it's all over. But I stayed awake strongly for the remainder of the day to help keep the guise to him that I had slept well the night before.

The rest of the weekend flew by pretty quickly, and after plenty of sleep I was ready to tackle work again. To be honest it felt pretty refreshing to help do something to contribute instead of being a lump at home all day. However, during the walk there, I couldn't help but change my thoughts to the Friday night before, and especially to Ryan. One thing I noticed the day before was that he managed to notice a few things different to the house set up than before. Despite some of the more glaring evidence though, I don't think he was able to deduce exactly what I was trying to say. I guess I would need to do more to help convince him, but what?

Once I was at work I started the first round at my stationed register as usual, but being a Monday morning, there were copious amounts of boring downtime. My thoughts drifted for a few hours and I didn't notice when Joe walked up to me.

"You seem intensely distracted," he pointed out, "something on your mind?" At first I didn't want to answer truthfully to that, but I was curious to see what else I could do to please Ryan so I couldn't help but ask.

"Say Joe," I faced him, "have you ever dated anyone before."

"Well only a couple but not much," he replied, "why do you ask?"

"Well," I began, "I've had my eye on someone for a little while now, but I don't know what I should do. I don't want to come off too strongly to make it seem creepy or anything, but at the same time I can't help but want to tell 'em. What should I do?" Joe smiled with a little thought as he replied.

"So it's like that huh? Well I don't know much about dating with the ladies, but one thing I do know, is that the results will always vary. Sometimes just going up to the person and being honest can be the best way, because the ladies love an honest man. However, sometimes a lady may definitely think you're coming on too strong. I think the best course of action would have to be to take it slow. At least approach them and introduce yourself, become their friend and build a friendly relationship like that. If it turns out that you think it can go further, be subtle about letting her know your feelings, but at least let her know. If she hasn't told you to back off, ask them out on a date. If a few of those go well, then go ahead and ask to make it official, and then leave it to them to make the decision." I nodded slowly as I listened to the whole story. "But above all, always respect her decision, and if she decides that she doesn't want to be with you, then that's the end of it. Do you understand?"

"Yeah I think I got it," I nodded, "thanks."

"No problem," he replied and headed back to the back room. One thing I definitely knew was that he didn't know it was Ryan I was interested in, then again I never used the word "he" when talking about the special someone I was enamored with. Another thing about his advice was that Ryan and I were definitely good friends at least, well enough to share a roof together with no problem. So the next step was to subtly let him know my feelings. I spent the rest of the day thinking about it and was able to formulate a small plan to help me out.

The next two and a half weeks flew by slowly. We had kind of fallen into a routine, which wasn't bad but did seem to become boring sometimes. I did however take myself up on Joe's advice. Throughout the time that passed I had left a few hints of my feelings for him, and was more than a little subtle. There was one time when I was helping Ryan cut the toast while he was making Cheese Fondue. I had taken a whiff of the cheese at it melted into the mix.

"Wow that smells delicious Ryan," I complimented and patted his shoulder.

"Well thanks Dustin," he replied, "it's a cheap easy to make recipe that I really enjoy. It really is a two man job though." I smiled as I listen, and couldn't help but bring my hand down as he explained, and gently grazed my hand lightly over his lovely rear end. It wasn't nearly strong enough to be too outgoing a gesture, but it was just enough so that it wouldn't go unnoticed. While Ryan didn't say anything about it, I could tell that he noticed when I saw the small hint of him blushing.

It was then that I knew that it was starting to work, so I decided to crank it up a notch. The next few days passed and I had written a few letters, and placed them on the top of his desk when he wasn't around. I didn't know if it was too strong or not, but I couldn't help but express my feelings a little more. Each letter had just a few words and was then followed by a small poem that I wrote. Each letter ranged from a rather cliché poem that started with "Roses are red, violets are blue" to something a little more original, like the Haiku I wrote in my last letter.

My heart aches with Joy When I see you, I'm Happy With real true Love

That was probably my least subtle letter, but it did come from my heart. And it's hard not to be direct when a poem only allows seventeen syllables to be used. Either way, the next day I had decided to make my next move. Keeping up on the news from my TV I learned that the carnival had come to town, and I decided that I would try asking Ryan on our first big date, like a friendly hang out. I was a bit nervous about what he was going to say though, and slowly hesitated when first saying what I needed to.

"Hey Ryan?" I asked him, he was sitting on the couch watching a news channel. It was on mute due to it being a commercial and he turned his head to face me.

"Yeah what is it Dustin?" he asked. I thought at first but the words were finally able to come out as I rehearsed repeatedly in my head.

"Well," I began, "I had noticed recently that the Carnival was in town, and I was just wondering, if you wanted to, you know, check it out?" Ryan thought for a minute and nodded.

"Sure sounds fun," he said, "we can go tomorrow night after you finish work if you want."

"Yeah sounds great," I nodded smiling and headed back upstairs. That went more smoothly than I had anticipated. Finally a real date with Ryan, although I wasn't sure whether or not he knew it was a date as much as I did. I guess I still wasn't being that direct.

Well the next night had come by pretty quickly and I rushed home after work to change into a nice set of clean clothes. I had pulled out the new smart phone I had got myself recently to check the time. It was 5:20, and Ryan had sent a message earlier telling me about an errand he had until the turn of the hour. This had given me time to head to the shower and freshen up a bit before he got home.

As I soaked a bit under the water, my thoughts trailed back to Ryan again, still the bright fascination of my life. I had started thinking about my last transformation again, when I had explored and seen Ryan in his full naked glory, and I smiled a bit as I looked down and noticed my member was fully erect. While my member in my human form was definitely very impressive, it was nothing compared to the Werewolf pride I had between my legs in my lupine form.

I closed my eyes and imagined myself in my Werewolf form, and couldn't help but fantasize about taking Ryan in my arms and finally mating him. As the scene played out in my head like a sixth sense I slowly brought my hand down and stroked myself off. I only went faster and faster under the hot water, huffing a bit as both my stroking and the scene in my head reached a climax, and I released on the shower floor. As I opened my eyes I watched it slowly drain away under the flowing water. After a little more thought in the afterglow I snapped back to reality and cleaned myself off normally.

Once I finished showering and changing into my nice clothes, I had stepped downstairs and noticed Ryan was there waiting for me. He too was dressed a rather nice casual. When he turned to see me he smiled and waved a bit.

"Ready to go?" he said and I nodded. It was a bit of a drive there, so we took Ryan's car. And along the way we had a nice conversation about how our days were, and the radio station we were on was tuned in to some of our favorite songs as we talked.

"So that was about it with work," I concluded after explaining the usual antics of work.

"Just like any work," Ryan replied with a chuckle and I smiled.

"So what was your errand about curiously enough?" I asked him.

"Well, today I had a meeting with a very important person." He replied.

"Oh important huh," I smiled teasingly, "who is it?"

"Nah it's too early to tell," he replied and I pouted a bit teasingly.

"Awe come on why not?"

"Well it's business related," he replied.

"You can tell me," I promised him, "you know I can keep a secret. Besides, if you tell me I'll stop asking." Ryan looked at me a bit in thought and shrugged a little.

"Well I guess there's no harm in telling you," he said, "but no mention of this goes out in a public venue until I say so, ok?" I promised and nodded, then he proceeded to explain. "I had a meeting with Steven Spielberg today."

"Really?" I asked in surprise, "the movie director?"

"Yeah," he replied, "anyway, we were meeting to discuss and negotiate a price concerning the movie rights of one of my later books. And the good news is, we managed to come up with a contract for a rather nice sum of money." I was really impressed if not still surprised from this revelation.

"Wow," I said, "how much did you get paid?" Ryan laughed at that statement and smiled more.

"Now that part I won't reveal to you, but this does however give us a reason to celebrate."

"Yeah definitely," I replied and trailed back to my thoughts, 'wow. He's talented too, if I let him go now I'll regret it for sure.'

After a while of driving we manage to make it to the carnival, and it was rather packed by the time we got there. Ryan paid our fare inside and I was determined to pay that back. I was even more determined to enjoy the night though, and I looked up at the moon as we walked inside. It was a bright and rather beautiful night, and see its structure reminded me that my next transformation was only a couple days off.

We started of the night deciding to try out all the rides first. It certainly wouldn't be smart to try eating first before getting on the rides. I couldn't help but have a blast next to Ryan on all the fun rides while I thought about what else I could do, I was thinking of getting him a gift, something that would be personal and show more of my gratitude a bit.

Once the rides were exhausted out we went over to a nearby hotdog stand to feed ourselves and regain the strength in our lungs from all the shouting we did when the rides went really fast. As I finished my hot dog we were walking and noticed a nearby game. The prizes were the usual deal, stuffed animals of various sizes, and that's when I saw it. On the shelf was sitting a good sized white wolf, one that would almost pass off as a feral version of me. I decided then that was going to be my gift, and that I was going to win it.

"Hey Ryan check that out," I said and pointed it to him. I think Ryan noticed the connection and smiled.

"Hey why don't we see if we can win it?" We both hurried over there before any more people got there and saw what kind of game it was. It was a dart game, three dartboards set back over various distances, each target with a different point setup.

"Excuse me sir," Ryan asked the attendant, "how many points to we have to get to win the wolf here?" The attendant saw the wolf in question and nodded before answering.

"2500 points," he said, "the equivalence of a bulls eye on the farthest dartboard. It's three bucks for three darts." Wow, a little pricey I thought, but it was something that could easily be paid.

"Alright then," Ryan said, "I'll go first." He paid the money and took three darts, then stood directly in front of the farthest board. He aimed carefully and tossed. While I wanted Ryan to win, I couldn't help but hope he would miss, so that I could get the chance to win the prize. Fortunately, Ryan didn't score enough to win the prize. He had two around the outer ring, and the last missed the target entirely.

"Darn it," Ryan said and shrugged, "not even close." I smiles and paid the man three bucks out of my wallet and took three darts of my own, getting into position as the attendant took away the thrown darts.

"Alright," I said, "my turn now." I took a little extra time and aimed carefully, trying to go for the bulls eye. I tossed, and it was just off target, hitting the ring surrounding the bulls eye. I cursed myself a little and tried again. The second shot also missed the bulls eye and even went yet another ring off. I took my third one, and hoped that I could make this shot and aimed carefully. After a minute of careful aiming, I tossed it again, and found the dart lodged in the same ring as the first, and nestled next to it too.

"Darn it," I said, "I had that one for sure." I was about to turn to leave disappointed when the attended spoke up.

"Well wait a minute sir," he said, "don't forget your prize." I turned around and looked in surprise as the man pulled down the wolf carefully and handed it to me.

"But wait a minute," I said, "I thought I didn't score well enough for this."

"On the contrary," he replied, "You scored exactly what you needed for that prize. The first ring out of the bulls eye is worth 1000 points each, and the second ring was worth 500. Your total score therefore was 2500." When I looked again I realized that was true and I smiled.

"Thanks sir," I said as I nodded and we both walked away.

"Nice show Dustin," Ryan said, "you did great, and you won the prize you wanted."

"Thanks Ryan," I said, and blushed a little as I looked at the wolf I was holding, and handed it over to him, "here, it's for you. Consider it a gift for everything you've done." Ryan looked a bit surprised, but smiled as he held it in his hand.

"Wow," he replied, "thanks, that's sweet. And I think I know exactly where to put this too when we get home." I was happy that Ryan liked the gift, that he didn't think it was weird for another man to give another man a sentimental gift like that. But again, I noticed a slight hint of him blushing again, and I noticed it more as we inadvertently gazed into each other's eyes for a moment, as if I could feel a connection.

The rest of the night went fabulous after that. After drinks and cotton candy, I paid a visit to the bathroom. When I got out of the bathroom, I saw Ryan standing near the bench with his stuffed wolf and a balloon. I also noticed in his other hand that he was holding a small box too. I couldn't help but get curious as I walked up to him.

"What you got there Ryan?" I asked him curiously and he smiled at me. He then handed me the box before tying the balloon to his wrist, to prevent it from flying off.

"It's a gift I got just for you," he said, "I figured it would be a fair trade since you got me this nice gift, after all, turnabout's fair play."

"Wow," I said smiling, "you didn't have to."

"Maybe not," he replied, "but I wanted to, and it was my choice. So go on, open it." I nodded and unwrapped the bow on the box, opening it up to see the surprise inside. It was a locket necklace, and a very nice one at that. The entire thing looked like it was made with real gold, and the locket had a nice elegant design on it, and it was held firmly by the nice gold chain.

"Wow," I was nearly speechless, "is this-?"

"Yep," he replied nodding, "it's real gold. A tad expensive, but it was chump change to buy. You can put anything you want in it as a memento. A note, a picture, just about anything that can fit in there you can place in it." I nodded listening as I pressed the top button, opening it up to see the empty compartment inside. I shut it and gratefully put it on like a necklace, smiling down at it before facing him.

"Wow Ryan," I started, "this is amazing. Thank you so much."

"Don't mention it," he said nodding and we started walking again, "it's starting to get late, why don't we return home now?" I agreed and we headed out, it was a pretty fulfilled night in my eyes, and I was ready to take the next step of my plan even further.

We got home after about a half hour and I looked at the time, it was definitely late, past midnight even and we both headed upstairs to our rooms. When Ryan reached his, I peeked inside and saw him place the wolf on the top of his headboard behind his bed. I thought it was fitting, like the wolf was standing guard over Ryan, watching over him proudly as he slept. When I got into my room I thought about what I could put into the locket, and I knew right about then exactly what to do with it. I walked over to my desk, and turned on the computer Ryan bought me a couple weeks back.

When it was loaded I went online and looked up one of Ryan's publicity pictures. As I looked I noticed one that was featured on the Wikipedia page and decided to print the page off. I turned on the printer and printed the web page directly off the browser, and once it finished, I took the page with Ryan's smiling picture in it and carefully cut it out in the perfect shape of the locker. I then opened the locket and carefully entered it into the built in setting for the picture and fastened it in.

It was the perfect picture to place in, Ryan's warm kind smile that I never got tired off, and I gazed into the picture a bit, reaching to it with the other hand and tracing the picture's cheek a bit with a finger. I had decided then that it was time to take it to the next level.

I had decided to wait to make my move until the day of my transformation, which took place on a Sunday this time. I was hardly able to hold it in anymore, I just couldn't wait any longer to show Ryan just how much I truly loved him. I snuck into his room early in the morning, and left a note on his desk that I crafted for him, knowing his habit of doing a little work on the desk before the daily business. The note basically said this:

"Meet me out on the hill behind our house at 10 PM tonight. I have something I need to show and discuss with you." -Dustin

I then quickly left the room and went about my business. I went back a couple times to check if Ryan had seen the note, and the second time there I saw him just as he was opening it, and hid out of view. I watched him read it closely before darting out of view as he looked around curiously. If Ryan wasn't suspicious before, I'm definitely sure he's catching on now.

I decided to stay outside most of the day, especially to avoid confronting Ryan too early. Whenever he did see me, I told him that I was running an errand or two for most of the day. Before leaving me alone he mentioned that I should be inside before the full moon comes out. I definitely knew the risks that were there about transforming while outside, but I was very clever at hiding, I had done so repeatedly the past few years before this point, and I'm sure there wouldn't be much of a problem.

I wanted to time my transformation precisely tonight, to match what I had planned for him. This is why I designated the time of meeting tonight at about 10 PM. The full moon would start peaking over the mountains at this time, plus the added darkness of that time would make it unlikely that any neighbors would see us.

Before we both knew it the time soon fast approached, and about 9:30 I slipped away from the house after dinner and ran up to the hill, and waited for him. There was a large tree that made its home atop the hill and I hid myself behind it to wait. It was only a tad chili against my skin outside but it could partially be attributed to my nervousness. I was then having thoughts that maybe he wouldn't meet me out here tonight. I didn't let these thoughts get to me, but I couldn't help myself but continue thinking them at the back of my head.

Shortly after those thoughts were dispelled forever though, when I heard Ryan call my name.

"Dustin? Where are you?" He said looking around. I peeked around the tree to see him. He was wearing loose clothing, an old nightshirt that he usually wears at this time and a pair of pajama sweat pants, and a pair of slippers on his feet. That alone started to get me excited.

"Dustin?" He repeated and turned his back to me. He didn't notice me looking at him, and I smiled. But looking at him was something I didn't want to be doing all night, and the more I looked at him, the more I couldn't take it anymore. I ran up behind him, grabbed his shoulder, turned him around, and kissed him passionately on the lips. I could sense Ryan's shock and surprise from the sudden kiss, but I wasn't about to let him pull away. I was desperate to show him how much I loved him, and no matter how forced this seemed, the kiss just felt so right at this time.

I was expecting him to pull away in surprise, but he never brought his hands up to push me away. I could only keep our lips pressed together as I transformed. This only felt so right, and I felt absolutely no pain this time around as my bones shifted, my face reconstructed and white fur coated my body once again. When the transformation was finally completed I pulled away and our eyes met under the grand light of the full moon peaking over the mountains. I was panting a little under the heat between us as Ryan started talking.

"Dustin?" He asked slowly, "what's going on?" He seemed both surprised and startled.

"I'm sorry Ryan," I replied, "I can't help myself. I couldn't hold these feelings anymore. I have felt this way about you for a long time. You, the only one that saved me from my hell hole of a life and gave me hope. Ryan..." My heart was racing at a million miles per hour as I formulated the words my heart screamed at me to say. "...I am in love with you. I love you so much, not just as a friend or a savior. My feelings go way beyond that. I want to be with you forever, here, as your mate. And if, you don't share these same feelings, I understand if you don't want me around anymore, but I can't lie to you about my feelings anymore, so will you please be mine?" These words were forced out of my nervous breath, and I kept my gaze on his eyes as I held his shoulders firmly. The look on Ryan's face was one of absolute shock, and it was then I was so nervous about what he was going to say, it was as if time stood still. Not a single sound was made for what seemed like an eternity before he finally spoke.

"I-I-I don't know what to say," he said, "I mean, I uh, had a small suspicion but, I never thought you felt this way about me." He was blushing hard under the moonlight as he spoke, and a part of me came back to reality.

"I understand," I let go of him and looked down a bit, "I guess it just wasn't meant to be." I started to turn around, but didn't go far before I felt his hand take mine.

"Wait a minute," he said, "that's not what I meant. I mean, when you surprised me like this I'm not sure what to say, but now that I had a minute to think about it. I think, that I feel the same way." My chest felt lighter than air at that moment. Those were the only words I needed to hear, and I turned back around and brought him under a tight close embrace.

"Oh Ryan," I said and the force of said hug caused us to fall onto the soft grass. He was laying back with me on top of him. I couldn't hold back any longer, I held his hands down with my paws and kissed him passionately once again. This time however I pushed further and slipped my tongue into his lips, licking his nice clean teeth lightly. The second his teeth parted as if to breath, I slipped my tongue into his mouth and explored around, licking everywhere. Even his spit was sweet, every taste of him drove me absolutely wild. My feral instincts kicked in as I licked around, wrestling his tongue with my own, and my tail wagged accordingly. I could feel my own wolfhood pressing against my pants, and I brought my body down during the kiss, pressing over his, and started to grind my crotch against his.

I could sense him moan as I felt my bulge grind against his own. I could tell that he was enjoying this and I broke the kiss slowly, a string of saliva still connected between our lips. I was ready to move on and I slipped my paws away from his hands and pulled his shirt up, forcing it off, leaving his upper half exposed to me. His chest and belly were so beautiful that I started exploring again, licking and sniffing everywhere like I did before. Unlike before, Ryan responded more to each one, I could sense his breathing and muffled moaning as I brushed over various sensitive area, keeping in mind to tease with on later dates.

I soon brought myself lower so my face was at his crotch, and smiled. The real treasures were hidden under those bulging pajama pants, and I hooked my thumb inside the waistband, and pulled everything off in one fell swoop. I set his clothing aside and eyes the prize. His cock was fully erect at a rather impressive 7 inches. I leaned down and sniffed it a few times before giving it a lick. This instantly spurred a soft moan out of him and I smiled. I enjoyed the taste pretty well, so I leaned down further and slowly took the whole thing into my muzzle, fitting it easily.

As I slowly began sucking him off I brought my gaze up to his face to see his reaction. His mouth was hanging open, eyes closed and breathing deeply from the pleasure I was giving him. I could tell he was holding back his moaning to prevent from attracting attention, but he was still huffing enough that I should have brought a pillow for him to bite on or something. I continued bobbing my head up and down on his cock, and brought a paw up to fondle and massage his jewels slowly. Ryan gripped the grass below us hard, nearly biting his lower lip to keep from squealing in pleasure.

After a while my own hard on made me too uncomfortable in my clothing, so I broke off and stripped myself, setting the slightly torn clothing next to his and looked over him again. Ryan was noticing my large 9-inch wolfhood eagerly leaking pre between my legs, and blushed deeply. I kissed the human's blush and turned around, so that both of us were facing each other's cocks.

"Better get it ready," I proclaimed, "I wouldn't want to hurt you." It was then I went back down and sucked him off more. After another muffled moan from Ryan, I felt his hot mouth come around my cock and slowly take it in. It felt so good at that moment I almost came instantly, but I held back knowing exactly where I wanted to put my load. Since his mouth wasn't as big as mine, he couldn't fit the whole thing in his mouth, but he got pretty close, and slowly bobbed his head back and forth on it, coating it in his hot breath and saliva. I couldn't help but leak pre into his mouth which the human promptly swallowed.

I wouldn't last long at this rate and I wanted to make sure he was fully ready. So I pulled off his cock and lifted his legs up, much to his surprise, and spotted the real prize waiting. His lovely asshole was nicely exposed and I leaned down, sniffing a bit before I started licking at the hole, lubing it up with my own saliva, to get it ready with what was about to happen next. He continued sucking me off with a muffled moan as I pushed my tongue in a bit, exploring the velvety walls and coating them up too. And after a bit, I pulled off his ass and removed my cock from his mouth and smiled.

"Get on your hands and knees," I instructed and he nodded slowly, blushing as he rose himself and crawled into position, a rather arousing doggy style. "Now be sure to relax," I continued instructing, "Or, it won't work."

"Ok," He said quietly and braced himself. I crawled up from behind him, mounting him and carefully aiming my hard cock right at his hole. I held my paws on his hips tightly as I thrusted a couple times until I found the right spot and slowly slipped in. He bit his lipped and moaned out a bit. I could feel his tight walls enveloping my cock as I slipped in, and let out a moan as well. This was what nirvana felt like. I took it slow so that I wouldn't hurt him, but I couldn't wait to hilt in him. After a bit of pushing, and coaxing him to relax for his first time, I hilted and licked his neck.

"You ok?" I whispered in his ear. I was eager to continue, but I wanted him to signal me onward.

"Y-yes," he replied through tough breathing, "j-just go slowly at first." I nodded and slowly pulled out to the tip, growling a bit in pleasure as I pushed back inside. I continued this slowly until I built a slow rhythm and pattern. I could feel my pre being squeezed out and coating his tight walls, and it soon made it easier. As I continued my thrusting, I let my paws explore his body, relaxing him by rubbing his chest and belly, and pinching his nipples a bit before bringing a paw down to his cock, and stroking slowly.

The human moaned under me and instantly tensed, sending shockwaves of pleasure in me, and I couldn't help but start to thrust faster. I stroked him off in tandem with my thrusting, using his own pre as lube, wanting him to feel the same pleasure I felt as I thrusted deep inside him. Soon however I noticed the base of my cock start bumping at his entrance, as it began to swell up. I knew what was forming in an instant, and whether Ryan was ready or not, I so desperately wanted to tie him.

It was then another idea formulated my head. As I eyed over the large tree presiding our love making, I smiled. I wrapped my arms around him tightly, and lifted him up with all my strength, much to his surprise. Then I carefully turned him around on my cock, moaning in the process and placed his hands on my shoulder, and wrapped his legs around me, as if signaling to hang on. Then with another moan escaping both of us, I pinned him up against the tree and started thrusting faster. My eyes gazed to his, which were closed, I could see him huffing and moaning in pleasure, brimming with sweat from the added heat. This only spurred me further and I growled in growing pleasure as my knot expanded.

"Relax Ryan," I huffed, "I'm gonna tie us together." I moaned and wrapped my tail around his waist, coaxing it a bit as I leaned in and kissed him passionately again. As I wrestled my tongue with his, I kept thrusting hard, my balls slapping his ass as I try to force the huge knot inside him. As I thrusted faster I could feel my climax spurring closer and closer, and I wanted to tie him first before breeding him with my pup makers. I continued thrusting harder and harder, prodding his ass until finally, a loud "POP" sound pervaded the air and I felt my knot now tied into his hole. With another minute of hard short thrusting I slammed in hard one more time, howling a bit as I climaxed hard into him, shooting rope after rope of seed into him.

The human too moaned greatly, and not long after, climaxed himself, shooting some ropes on his belly and my tail wrapped lovingly around him. My legs nearly buckled from the pleasure as I continued pumping cum deep in him. I didn't want this moment to end, and as our climaxes ended, I lowered us down, and I layed down with him on top of me, hugging closely as we basked in the afterglow.

"W-wow," was all he had to say and I smiled, leaning up and giving his face a few loving licks. I wanted to stay like this, but I knew we needn't stay out longer than need be. I held him there for a few before speaking.

"We're going to be tied like this for quite some time, we should probably head inside before you catch a summer cold."

"Ok," he said, "But how?" He asked as he noticed our position and predicament and I chuckled lightly.

"You leave that to me sweety." I smiled and reached over, grabbing all of our clothing and I placed it in between us, so that Ryan could hold it, then finding some strength in reserve I stood back up, still tied in him and held him close as I carried him down the hill and back through the back door into his house, our house. I had never been happier than I did at that time. I didn't know it then, but that loving moment we spent underneath that guardian tree would be what spurs the start of our troubles. And it was all because we didn't notice to person who was spying on us from behind a nearby bush.