That Gay Goth Dog (part 2)

Story by StormTierSkywolf on SoFurry

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"god dam that was a epic show" alex said jumpping on dj.

"fuck yeah" marcus said highfiving me.

"dude i never had so much fun on stage" dj said shaking alex off himself.

"god i need water" i said taking off my shirt as sweat fell to the ground.

"dam jeremy you really get into playing don't you" dj said throwing me some axe.

"haha yeah i looked back and jeremy was headbanging with the rest of the band. only drummer who has it timed so percise while playing so fast" alex said highfiving me.

"hey they want i show so i give it my all" i said chuckling and taking apart my kit for the long drive home.

after i got the last of our stuff packed i sat outside drinking some water till i heard a voice from behind me.

"hey furfag" i looked up only to be strucked in the muzzle by a tall black wolf.

"time to die" he said throwing a punch into my chest nocking all the air out of me.

"WHAT THE FUCK" alex screamed tackling the guy off me shoving his face into the ground. Dj kick the wolf in the side making him howl in pain as he chucked alex ontop me.

i stood up as blood dropped from my lip as i walked up to him as he layed on the ground holding his side. i bent down, picked up has head and looked him in his grey souless eyes.

"fuck with me again" i said pulling up his ear. "i will fuck you up so bad you will wish you never messed with me again" i said kicking my foot into his chest.

"DUDE" alex said pulling me away from him.

"ok dude we need to get you home before you pass out" dj said as he helped me to the car.

"im fine just a cut on my lip nothing bad at all guys" i walked to the car taking some cloth from my shirt and putt it in my mouth covering the cut

"god dam dude.. you are the only one i know who will whoop someones ass after they punched you in the chest and your muzzle" marcus said giving me some water.

"yeah dude... do you even know who that guy was?" alex said.

"no put i know that voice... it was someone from school but no one knows that im gay but you guys" i said putting my ears up.

shortly after we got home i walked in bringing some of my drum kit in. my dad stood up and helped us out. i sometimes clenched my paw to my chest feeling a sharp pain. but it was nothing i couldnt handle. shortly after we had every thing put up i said good night to my friends and walked to the bathroom and changed out of my sweat soaked cloths and into shorts. i walked to my room and turnd on the Whitechaple CD by Whitechaple. shortly after the second song i fell asleep.

the next day i woke up to my mom screaming.

"JEREMY GET THE FUCK UP YOUR GANNA BE LATE" my mom yelled in my ear making me roll out of bed and run to the shower. i quickly put on black shorts, black t-shirt and my shoes, i grabed my glasses and took my meds running the buss stop just as the buss rolled up. i jumped on turning on my ipod noticing that austin wasnt on the buss today. but i diddnt care i sat down and clenched my chest, i softly whimpered feeling every breath bring shearing pain. i put on some Rammstein and layed back murring as the pain wint away.

"DUDE! are you ok" DJ said behind me.

"yeah man im fine" i said smiling putting my stuff into my locker and walked to my first hour class. as i passed some of austines friends i heard

"dude austin got the shit beat out of him last night" a bear from the football team said as i twtiched my ears and the perked up.

"dj... alex... i know who attacked me" i said with a slight whimper as they looked at me

"who was it" they said at the same time

"it was... austin" i whimpered some more knowing that i jsut beat the male i thought i loved nearly to deth.

"dude told you he was a son of a female dog in heat.. well bitch" alex said snickering a little. making me laugh . i clenched my chest shaking my head.

"ok dude thats it your going to the health room" Dj said.

"no dude let me putt my stuff in my class" i said holding my chest.

"NO your going to the health room" alex yelled pulling my arm making my ears go down as a blushed lightly.

later when i was in the health room a young-ish doe walked in

"hi hun what is your name" she said with a smile on her face.

"erm jeremy" i said back.

"ok jeremy what seems to be the problum" she asked.

"i sorta was punched in the muzzle and right in the middle of my chest" i said holding the place i got punched.

"ok hun pull your shirt up" she said. i nodded and pulled up my shirt showing the big purple circle on my chest.

"wow how are you breathing" she said quickly calling my parents to take me to the doc's office.

"ok you are going home she said giving me a slip to go to my teachers and asked them what i had to do for homework. after i got my stuff i walked to my classes and said bye quickly to my friends.

on the way to the docs office my chest started getting tighter but didnt hurt to much. shortly after we arrived they took me to get a x-ray on my chest to make sure everything was alright. after we got the x-rays back they found that i had marks on my bones from the punch but nothing that wouldnt heal over. i got let out with some pain meds but i gave them back knowing that i wouldnt need them. but my mom took them with out me knowing. as soon as we got home she got some water and put some of the meds in she stired it up and gave it to me. shortly after i started to feel a little wired and looked at her.

"ma.. mom i feel funny... sorta like a cat on catnip" i said looking at her. she took out the pill bottle and shook it.

"GOD DAM IT MOM" i yelled as i tryed to stand up but then fell back on the couch. shortly after i fell asleep. i woke up at 4am

"holly shit that stuff knocks a dog out for over 12 hours... well at least im rested" i told myself getting up and turnd on my lap top so i could get onto facebood to tell my freinds that i am ok. after i got out of the shower i put on black boxers, blue jeans and a HHS DRUMLINE red t-shirt. i took my ADHD meds and put on my galsses looking at the pills for my pain. i took them and hid them not wanting to be drugged again. i walked out of the house and sat on the ground as i saw austin walk up to me. i quickly stood up staring him in the eyes as he stood infront of me.

"jer... jeremy im sorry about 2 nights ago... someone started calling me a gay fag and thretend to kick me form the team... i blamed you im really sorry" he said as he put out his paw. i looked at it then to him.

"dude you you were like a brother to me then you stabe me in the back fuck off i dont want to see you, talk to you or smell you near me." i took my stuff and walked to the next buss stop witch wasnt that far. as i got on the buss austin was sitting by himself and i sighed and sat next to him.

"dude look im sorry man... im pissed that you did that... but i got my pay back" i said looking in his eyes and exstended my paw, he shook it.

"dude im sorry i promis you i wont ever hurt you again" he told me and i put in my ipod and listeind to Upon a burning body thinking today may be way better then yesterday...

HEY YALL its meh again i hope you like this sotry im trying to do one every 2 days but idk lol may stop sometime but trust me i wont stop the story xD its a long one... COMMENT AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK !!!! IT MEANS A LOT...