LNL 2: The Date?

Story by cloud37 on SoFurry

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#2 of Lloyds’ New Life

Okay, heres chapter 2 of Lloyds' New Life. If you didn't read chap.1 I suggest you do so before reading this. Finally you shouldn't read this if your under 18 and/or don't like homosexual relationships. blah blah blah yada yada yada and then a beanstock. Now on to the story.

"That dream, that's not how I really feel, is it? IS IT?" Lloyd repeated in his head over and over again. Soon he realized that his alarm was still ringing, he must have forgotten to turn it off for the weekend. Turning it off, he saw that it was only six in the morning. He tried to go back to sleep, but every time he tried there was Sean staring him in the face. So he just lay there thinking about the dream. Soon he decided it was late enough for him to go and take a shower without disturbing his parents.

Getting up, he walked to his closet and grabbed some boxers, shorts, and a shirtsleeve shirt. He then left his room and went down the hall towards the bathroom. After turning on the water and getting in the shower he noticed his member begin to come out of his sheath, he was thinking about Sean again. "No," he thought "I don't think of him like that we're just friends, and that's all." But he began to have doubts about what he just thought. He had never questioned his sexuality before, but now that he thought about it no females had ever made him feel what he now felt when he thought of Sean. "Maybe, I do like him more that just that." he thought. "But, I can't let him know that, I'm sure he just thinks of us as friends. I won't say anything about this next time I see him." Then it struck him, he would be meeting Sean today at four for the movie. "Great," he thought "now I'll have to spend the day trying to hide this from him."

Lloyd finished bathing, dried off, and got dressed before heading out of the bathroom and downstairs for breakfast. His parents were already up and greeted him as he entered the kitchen. "Good morning" his parents said almost in unison. "Hi" Lloyd replied. "You're up a little early for a Saturday." his father said. "I didn't sleep very well last night, I think I had a bad dream, but I don't remember it" Lloyd lied. Although he was beginning to think that I may have actually been a good dream, in-fact a great dream.

Lloyd walked over to the cupboard, grabbed some cereal, and then went to the fridge for milk. "So you're going to meet that new friend of yours today right? What was his name, Steve was it?" his mom said. "Yes mom," replied Lloyd "and his name is Sean." Saying Seans' name made Lloyd get that same feeling again. "Oh, right Sean" his mom said. "So when will you be leaving?" his father asked. "Sometime around four, he's coming to pick me up." "Good, you can save money on gas that way" his father commented. Lloyd had then finished his breakfast and went back upstairs to his room. It was 9:30 by his alarm clock so for the rest of the morning and afternoon Lloyd watched TV and played video games.

Finally around 3:30 Lloyd heard the doorbell ring. "What," Lloyd thought "he's thirty minutes early. Lloyd ran downstairs and opened the door to see Sean standing there smiling at him "Hi" Sean said. "Hey" replied Lloyd "Sorry, just give me one second to get ready, I wasn't expecting you this early. The movie isn't until four, right?" "Well, actually the movie STARTS at four, so unless you wanted to miss the first half I thought now would be a good time to come." "Oh, yeah sorry I forgot about the actual drive there. Duh. Just a sec." Lloyd ran to the kitchen to retrieve his wallet. "Call if you'll be late" his mom said when he passed by her in the hall. "Okay mom." he replied, as he headed back to the front door. "Ready now?" Sean asked. "Yup, let's go." The both of them then headed for Seans' car and road off.

Lloyd felt a little awkward sitting next to Sean; he still had the dream and its possible meaning going through his head. "I'll really need to get this out of my head." he thought "What if he notices a funny look on my face again?" "You okay" Sean asked "Wa..., oh yeah sorry I was just trying to memorize the way to the theater." Lloyd lied. They just small talked the rest of the way to the theater.

About twenty minuets later the pair arrived at the theater. Sean grabbed a jacket from the back seat of his car before getting out. "What's that for?" Lloyd asked "It's so I don't freeze to death in the theater." Sean replied. "I'll go get our tickets." "What, no way I can pay for myself" Lloyd replied. "My treat this time, you can pay for the next one." Sean countered. "Well... alright." Lloyd said. After getting the tickets they headed inside for and waited for the movie to begin.

An hour into the movie Sean looked over at Lloyd. He noticed that Lloyd looked like he was shaking. "Cold?" Sean asked. "Just a bit." Lloyd replied. "Here, take this." Sean said pulling off his jacket and handing it to Lloyd. "I can't take this, then you'll be cold" Lloyd said. "No I'm fine, and it looks like you really need it." Sean replied. This was, of course, very true; Lloyd was only wearing shorts and short sleeves in the cold theater, while Sean had short sleeves but long pants. So Lloyd accepted the jacket and put it on, it was still nice and warm from Seans' body heat. He was going to thank Sean, but noticed that he had already gone back to the movie. Lloyd soon caught Seans' sent very strongly on the jacket; the sent made him begin to think of the dream again, but this time his mind seemed to stay focused on the kiss he had almost received from Sean. He kept the jacket on for the remainder of the movie, but he couldn't concentrate on the movie. The scent had his full attention the whole time, and he was beginning to become aroused. He just hoped Sean didn't notice.

When the movie was finally over, Lloyd quickly returned the jacket to Sean, and they both headed out to the parking lot. "I knew it wouldn't be the funniest movie," Sean said "but oh well it was at least decent anyways. What did you think Lloyd?" "Well I though it was alright" Lloyd said, although he barley remembered the movie at all. "I'd say there's about two hours of sunlight left, so what do you want to see in town." Sean asked. They discussed some of the best places in town to shop or just hang out. They then spent the next hour driving around town looking at all the sights.

"Hey I'm starving." Sean said "Let's go get some dinner." "Sure," Lloyd replied "where to?" "I'd say McDonalds." Sean said. The restaurant was right up on the next corner. "It's my turn to pay, so what's your order?" Lloyd said as they walked into the building. "Well I guess that's fair." Sean said. He told Lloyd his order, and a few minutes latter their food was ready. They headed over to a table and sat down. After eating for a while Lloyd looked up and noticed Sean staring at him for a seconded before quickly turning away. "What?" Lloyd asked "Something on my face?" "Huh?" Sean said "No, I just zoned out for a second, sorry." Sean quickly went back to eating his food. Lloyd thought this was odd but decided to just shrug it off. They quickly finished eating and headed back to the car. They then set off sightseeing again.

***A few minutes later***

It was late dusk as they parked at what appeared to be the entrance to a park.. "Hey Lloyd," Sean said "follow me I want to show you something." Sean stepped out of the car and started walking into the park. Lloyd figured he should better follow, he was curious about what Sean had to show him. He followed Sean into a deep into the park to a part that had a few more trees than the rest of the area. There was a bench next to one of the trees that Sean sat down in, and Lloyd followed and sat down next to him.

"This is my quiet place." Sean said "I come here to think and relieve myself of my worries." "This place does seem secluded from the rest of the park," Lloyd said "it's really nice." "Lloyd theirs something I've been thinking about since Monday." Sean said "What is it?" Lloyd asked "I noticed you didn't pay close attention to the movie after I gave you my jacket, and I've wanted to ask you, but was too scared to, but now I think you might feel the same." A few seconds passed. "So I've been wanting to ask you ... do you... like me?" Sean asked "Wh...what? Well, yeah I think we're good friends." "No, that's not what I meant," Sean said, he then moved closer to Lloyd and put his arm around him "I meant do you LIKE me?" Lloyd was shocked, it was as though his dream were materializing right in front of him. "I...um...well" Lloyd stuttered "Well.." Sean said "I think I can safely say that I like you Lloyd." Sean said this softly into Lloyds' ear. An awkward silence fell for a few seconds Lloyd was deep in thought. "Sean, I...I think I might LIKE you too." Lloyd said. Sean then stood up guiding Lloyd to do the same. Sean then pulled Lloyd into a close hug, and using one of his hands pressed Lloyds' head into his chest. Lloyd was astounded at how wonderful this felt, he felt so warm and secure, as though nothing bad could ever happen as long as he was in Seans' arms. "Sean," Lloyd said "I think I was wrong, I don't think I LIKE you." He could feel Sean begin to loosen his grip, but then finally Lloyd retuned the hug Sean was giving him, and feeling very confident in what he was about to say he said what he had rehearsed the night before in his dreams. "Sean," Lloyd said "I don't like you, because... I think I love you." Sean was deeply relieved by these words. "I love you too." Sean said. Then looking up Lloyd meet his muzzle to Seans', pressing into the deep kiss that had had been interrupted in his dream the night before. They stood there kissing for a solid minuet before they broke away. "I love you." Lloyd repeated. "I live you too" Sean said again. They just stayed there with Lloyd pressing his head into Seans' chest, Lloyd felt more secure than he eve thought possible. "So this is what love feels like," Lloyd thought "it's much better than I had ever imagined." They stayed in each others arms until the sun had completely set.

The pair broke away as darkness completely fell. "Sean," Lloyd said "I don't want to leave you tonight." "Then don't. Come stay at my place tonight." Sean replied. "But, what about your parents?" Lloyd asked "Don't worry," Sean said almost chuckling "I don't live with them. They died last year. I live in an apartment by myself." "I'm sorry." Lloyd said "It's alright. Now lets get going, I can barely see you anymore." Sean Replied. The two began to walk over to Seans' car driving off towards his apartment complex.

"Damn." Lloyd sighed "I have to call my parents, and tell them I won't be home." "Okay." Sean said "But are you going to tell them why?" "No, I'll just make something up. They wouldn't like the idea of us together like this." Lloyd dialed his parents number and waited for them to pick up. "Hi, Mom." Sean heard Lloyd say "Mom I might not be home tonight...... Well, we're having a videogame contest." Lloyd lied "Oh the game? It's called Halo .........No I'll be back tomorrow...... Yes, I'll call you in the morning. Okay bye." "Halo?" Sean said. "Ha, that's just the first thing to pop into my head; I've never actually played the game." They snickered about this until they arrived at Seans' place. "This is it." Sean said. They walked up to the third story and Sean unlocked the door into his apartment. Lloyd noticed it was a two bedroom, with a living room and kitchen acting as the main area. "How about we go to bed?" Sean said. "That sounds good." Lloyd replied.

They entered the master bedroom; Lloyd noticed it was a quite large for an apartments' bedroom. Sean walked over to the queen sized mattress, took his shirt off and laid down on the bed. Lloyd did to same, but he laid facedown on top of Sean. They wrapped their arms around each other and began kissing again. All that could be heard was the sound of their kisses mixed with the occasional "I love you." from the both of them. After a while Lloyd broke the kiss, raised his body slightly off of Sean, and he began to caress the lions' pecs and abs. Sean was loved every second of it, and he soon began to purr. "Uh...Oh. That feels great Lloyd." Sean managed to purr out. After a while Lloyd rested back down on top of Sean. "I love you." Lloyd said before kissing Sean again deeply. About a minute into the kiss Sean noticed Lloyds' tongue begin to slow its pace, and soon it stopped entirely. Sean opened his eyes to see Lloyds' head had fallen over his shoulder. Lloyd was fast asleep. Laughing to himself Sean wrapped his arms around the wolfs' body. "I love you so much Lloyd." Sean whispered; and soon he too drifted into a wonderful sleep, with his lover still held tightly in his arms.

To be continued...

So their finaly together, but what happens next? Stay tuned for the next chapter "The First Time."