Caper Stripes of a Kind

Story by Rahne on SoFurry

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At long last, here is my new story. I'm sorry it's been so long since I posted anything, but here we are. If you've read any of my work before, you may or may not know what to expect from this one. It's a new story, with new characters, and a special appearance from a couple favourites. I'm pretty happy with how this story turned out. I hope you all enjoy it!

Caper Stripes of a Kind by Rahne Kallon


"You hyenas are such hornballs," Awen said with the faintest grin as he panted, spent and straddled in Hayden's lap.

"You know I can't help myself around Huskies..." Hayden chuckled, running his paws through the thick, grey fur on the dog's back, savoring the unique bristles and textures that differed from his own pelt.

Hayden loved canids. His fondness for them had become well-known through his promiscuity, and he remained unabashed in his pursuits, especially with Awen. Truth be told, he was incredibly jealous of them for their knots--a trait which hyenas obviously didn't share, despite their other anatomical similarities. However, it did leave him with more fun to be had that he couldn't otherwise find in other species.

The Husky leaned down to lick Hayden's nose, smiling at the goofy, yet obviously satisfied look on his face. "So..."

"How about we do something again tomorrow?" Hayden asked with an eager glint that made his green eyes sparkle.

Awen shook his head. "That's a definite no go. You know how crazy my schedule is. I'm pretty booked for the rest of the week."

"Aww, can't even pull you away for an hour or two?"

The Husky giggled, shifting around in Hayden's lap. "There's plenty of other guys you can fuck, silly."

Hayden smirked. "What if I don't want to fuck them?"

"Then I'd be seriously surprised."

"Maybe I'm just in the mood for you right now." Hayden emphasized his words by running his nails deep along Awen's thighs and hips, making the Husky shiver as he made tracks in his fur. "Throw me a bone, doggy," he said with a crafty smirk. "What about Friday?"

Awen chuckled. "I might be able to do Friday. In fact...I do have a little something in mind. A deal for you in that case."

Hayden's ears perked and he immediately shifted under Awen to present his full attention. "What's that?"

Awen smirked, playfully pinning Hayden's paws against the sheets near his head. The devious expression on the Husky's face told Hayden that he was in a surprise, so he mentally braced himself, narrowing his eyes. "Yes...?"

"You should spend a night with Samir."

Hayden quickly arched a brow protest. "Are you kidding me? You know I don't fucking mess with cats, dude."

Awen laughed, shaking his head once more. "Exactly."

"So what the hell?" Hayden continued. "And you know I don't like tigers. They're the most unattractive...thing I've laid eyes on."

The Husky tilted his head with a grin. "And that's exactly why you should do something with him. Samir's a nice guy, believe me. Sexiest feline I've ever seen. He might just surprise you."

Hayden rolled his eyes, unphased even as Awen nuzzled him. The hyena obviously wasn't going to budge. "I think I'll pass," he said.

Awen then leaned back up in Hayden's lap, giving the hyena a somewhat stern look as he crossed his arms. "That's a shame," he said, "because that's the only way you'll get me on Friday."

Hayden's ears quickly drooped and he sighed quietly.

Awen wagged in triumph. "Mmm?" He mumbled, arching a brow as he dropped the stern look, returning to a more playful one.

"You motherfucker," Hayden said before grabbing the Husky and throwing him down onto the bed in jest, pinning him on his back. He was quick to shove his cock right back into the dog's rump, receiving a pleasant gasp in return as Awen spread his legs for him. Hayden just smiled at him. "You're a clever one."

Awen just giggled and brushed his fingers lightly along the hyena's cheek. "You can't charm your way out of this one, dear."

Hayden sighed again, reluctantly accepting the proposal. "...Fine." He did manage to smile, always relishing that gentle feeling of affection when someone massaged his cheek. He always loved that.

"I knew you'd come around," Awen said, stealing a quick kiss from him. "It's not like you'll pass up the chance to fuck me again." He grinned. "Besides, two stripey boys fucking each other is pretty hot/ You might as well be doing another hyena." He wagged.

Hayden glared. "Hyenas and tigers are nothing alike, stripes or not."

Awen shrugged. "It's still hot. And you'll still do it," he said matter-of-factly.

Hayden scoffed. "What exactly do you want me to do?" he lamented, still in disbelief that he was actually talking about this. It wasn't that he hated cats, so to speak, he just didn't find them particularly them appealing; especially lions and tigers. The thought of doing anything with them, as opposed to doing something with a canid...didn't exactly get his loins jumping.

"I'd hope you could figure that out," Awen giggled, wagging his tail against the bed as he ran his paws along the unique spiky hair upon Hayden's head.

Hayden almost snorted. "You're holding all the cards right now. I figured you'd be more specific."

"Talk to him. Take him home. Fuck his brains out. Doesn't matter who tops or bottoms. Have fun. Sound simple enough?"

"Wonderful," the hyena said.

"It's not nearly as bad as you think. Like I said, he could really surprise you." Awen kept wagging. Hayden still wasn't convinced. But he was at least making an effort to try and be open-minded.

"I doubt it," Hayden said. "But I said I'll do it."

"Good 'yena." Awen grinned. "I'll try and make time for you on Friday then, okay?"

The hyena sighed once more, but with a solemn nod. "Deal."

"Good. Now give me another kiss," the Husky playfully demanded, planting one paw around Hayden's rump, giving it a good squeeze. That quickly brought a smile to the hyena's face and he responded by locking tongues with Awen between muzzles.

Hayden wasn't looking forward to this. The thought of getting in bed with Samir still rubbed him the wrong way. He was still at odds with what to even say to him once he saw him at Caper Tails the next night. He'd almost forgotten the last time he felt so... nervous about approaching another guy. And it was very unbecoming of him to be 'shy' toward anyone.

At the very least, he was thankful that Samir frequented the same club; Caper Tails was usually where Hayden picked up guys, so if nothing else, at least the environment felt comforting and familiar, which allowed him to stay somewhat within his element.

It didn't take him long to spot the tiger at the bar, his distinctive blonde hair making him the center of attention even in the dim lighting as he sat sipping some fruity drink Hayden didn't quite know the name of. He took a couple deep breaths, rehearsing everything in his head before padding up to the bar, precisely timing the moment when Samir had finished his drink and set his cup down.

"Buy you another?" the hyena offered, figuring it'd be good to start off with some generosity.

"Sur--Hayden?" Samir said, somewhat baffled. He curiously arched a brow. "You want to buy _me..._a drink?"

"That's right," Hayden replied with a straight face, practically forcing himself to smile as he analyzed Samir's features. He was unmistakably feline right down to the muzzle, and his stripes stood out in a manner very unlike that of any striped hyena. He was far more lithe and slender than most tigers, which admittedly complimented his look, but he was still very much a tiger. Hayden quickly imagined any number of other guys he'd rather be flirting with...or buying drinks for. But he maintained his face.

Samir chuckled. "I don't recall a time where you've ever offered me--or any other cat here--a drink."

"Maybe I'm in a good mood." Hayden leaned against the bar, affirming his position.

"You don't like cats," Samir said bluntly.

Hayden half-expected the tiger to point out the obvious. But he kept cool, giving Samir a soft smile this time. "...You could say I've had a change of heart."

Samir laughed. "You might as well say you're going straight."

The hyena snorted and resisted rolling his eyes. "Just trying to be nice."

The feline shook his head with a smile of his own. "Alright, Hayden, sure. I'll have another Cosmo."

Hayden nodded and ordered the aforementioned drink, which the vulpine bartender immediately fetched for them. At the moment, Hayden almost wished he was flirting with the bartender instead, before setting his eyes back on Samir.

"Thanks," the tiger said, taking a sip of the new cup.

" doing anything tonight?"

Samir's eyes then firmly fixed back on the hyena, his long, striped tail flicking about as he shifted around in his chair. "Is there something you're hoping for?"

"I thought that was obvious." Hayden relaxed, even smirking somewhat. He had to admit; going out of his way to pursue someone he wouldn't otherwise go after proved a little more fun than he expected. Challenging. Thrilling, almost. Adventurous, even. "If you have to ask, then I'm clearly doing something wrong."

Samir snickered, shaking his head again. "Guess I don't have to ask, then," he said, taking another sip from his glass. "I guess I'm just still a little surprised, is all."

"Well, I'm full of surprises."

Samir grinned, happily swaying his tail in every direction as he shifted in the stool once more. "Lucky for you, I like surprises."

Suddenly the music blaring throughout the club changed to a more ferocious, uptempo electronic house song, prompting Samir to jump off the stool and offer his paw to Hayden. "How 'bout a dance?"

Hayden smiled, almost bashfully, nearly feeling like he was back in high school. "Sure," he said, taking the feline's paw before Samir led him away from the bar and onto the dance floor.

Among the masses crowding the dance floor, the two found a open space to let their bodies run wild, with Samir's paws finding Hayden's hips, and the hyena's fingers gracing Samir's shoulders. Hayden did his best to let himself go, dancing with Samir the same as he would with any other guy he pursued, rocking his body in tune with the beat and leading the dance. But Samir wasn't exactly reciprocating or following the movements, which quickly left Hayden feeling like he had to force himself to grind his hips with him.

I knew this was a bad idea, he thought. Until the feline pulled him forward for an unexpected kiss. Then the tiger really started moving, rocking his body back and forth, from side to side, and every which way, effectively stealing the lead from Hayden to make him follow along.

He surprised Hayden with how aggressive he was with his tongue, along with how good of a kisser he was; being that feline tongues were vastly different from the broad canine muscles Hayden was used to, he never expected much in kissing a cat. But here, on the dance floor, his skepticism was dashed away as they ground and rocked their bodies together.

He'd also never met anyone cocky (or confident) enough to steal the lead from him in a dance, so he was... somewhat intrigued by this cat.

When their muzzles finally parted, Hayden panted with a goofy smile as he kept his eyes and arms locked on Samir. "Didn't know you liked to lead," he said over the music.

"I'm not that good at following," the tiger responded, smiling and dragging his paw pads along Hayden's hips as they danced. "I usually lead. Hope that doesn't conflict with the species dominance you hyenas have."

Hayden grinned. "For you? I've got no problem." And with that, Hayden spun around, pressing his back to Samir's front, giving himself to the tiger's lead.

The feline snickered with earnest, bringing his large paws right back onto Hayden's hips, this time sliding into the hyena's shorts. Soft gasps flew out Hayden's muzzle once he felt Samir's feline claws glide through his fur, sending electric shivers through his body. They soon danced in sync with one another, anticipating each other's movements as Samir's fingers traced along the stripe patterns of Hayden's hips.

"You're a good dancer," the hyena said, mesmerized by those claws. Samir just chuckled, keeping Hayden's body close as he continued working along the inside of his shorts.

"I thought I was your favourite dancer!" a voice called out, snapping Hayden's attention forward towards its owner. The hyena quickly found his fingers laced with a familiar Golden Retriever's, whose paws swung from side to side in tune with the dance.

"I never said you weren't, Jamie." Hayden beamed, giving Jamie's paws a soft squeeze as their arms flung with every step. At the same time, Samir's larger paws stroked sensually along Hayden's waist, and the hyena's tail wagged in return.

"So, what's this? Never thought I'd see you dancing with Samir." Jamie grinned.

"No reason. Just having some fun," Hayden said casually as if he was dancing with any other guy. He didn't want to make a big deal of it even though he knew Jamie, of all people, certainly would.

"Really?" The Retriever arched a brow. "Nothing special? No reason at all? Huh..."

"It's nothing, Jamie," Hayden said a little more firmly, narrowing his eyes a bit. "Really."

The canine giggled. "If you say so." He finally released Hayden's paws and leaned forward to lick his cheek. "I'll see you soon." And with that, the canine disappeared into the crowd, leaving Hayden and Samir back to themselves on the dance floor.

The hyena shook his head, almost embarrassed. "I assume you know Jamie," he said, looking over his shoulder.

"Everyone knows Jamie," Samir replied, licking that striped cheek in the same area the Retriever had moments ago, reminding Hayden of the stark contrast between their tongues. Just then, Samir spun him back around so they were facing each other once more. "But I don't know him like you do. In that way."

"I know." Hayden brought his arms back around Samir, this time running his own claws under the tiger's shirt, curious to feel the texture and dexterity of the feline's fur. But just as he did, the music began to fade, swiftly changing to another song.

"I enjoyed that," he said, taking a deep breath and dropping his paws from the tiger's waist.

Samir smiled widely. "Thanks. It was fun."

"So..." Hayden began, almost back to where he started, slightly unsure how to continue his pursuit.

"So..." Samir playfully gestured for him to continue. The tiger's tail flicked around curiously as he stood with a jaunty smile, almost reveling in the hyena's awkwardness which was more cute than anything.

Hayden was indeed feeling awkward again. Here was the moment of truth, the scene he played out in his head several times. It should have been easy, because he'd done this so many times, with so many guys. But, of course, this was different.

"You wanna...get out of here?" He finally forced it out, inhaling deep to compensate for his shaky breath.

Samir shook his head and snickered. "Sure. Just lemme use the bathroom really quick and I'll meet you back at the bar."

"Cool, see you in a bit," Hayden said, exhaling a deep breath and relaxing finally, having gotten over the hardest part. And with that, he made for the bar while Samir disappeared into the crowd.

Back at the bar, Hayden was about to order another Cosmo before taking notice to a familiar Border Collie sitting next to him. "Well, hello, Ian." He smiled and patted the dog's head. "You havin' a good night?"

"Not as good as yours apparently," Ian replied with a smirk. "You and Samir getting a little close now?"

The hyena snorted. "That was just a dance. It's nothing."

Ian raised a brow. "You? Dancing with Samir? Or any cat? That's nothing?"

"Exactly," Hayden stated firmly. "We were just having fun."

"That's what you told me." Jamie suddenly reappeared beside Ian, wagging his tail. The Retriever stood with the very same grin he had back on the dance floor.

"Why is this such a big, fucking deal?" Hayden rolled his eyes in frustration, dismissing the two boyfriends.

"Because everyone knows Hayden don't like cats. It's not exactly a secret around here," Ian stated matter-of-factly.

"So picture the shock on my face to see you guys dancing. Almost looked like you two fell in love back there." Jamie giggled.

"Would have made the perfect couple, right?" Ian added.

"Fuck you guys." Hayden snapped back. He didn't need, nor did he want, their bullshit.

"You already did me last week." Jamie wagged.

"And you did me the week before." Ian chuckled.

Hayden opened his muzzle to respond with something else, but Ian stopped him. "Okay, okay, we're just playing, dude. Nothing wrong with having a little fun."

Hayden glared at them. "Right."

"Not that it isn't adorable to see you two together, still." Jamie threw in with his signature smile.

Hayden then felt a large paw grace his shoulder. "Right. Ready to go when you are," it's feline owner said with an enthusiastic voice.

"Let's go ahead, then," Hayden responded, rolling his eyes from Ian and Jamie as he turned and lead Samir away from the bar.

"Have a good time, you two!" Jamie yelled in a most teasing manner.

"Thank you, Jamie!" Hayden responded in nothing but sarcasm.

This was all still a little surreal for the hyena, bringing a cat home with him. He could only wonder what he'd tell Awen after all this was done. And even though Samir proved an exciting and captivating dancer, much to Hayden's surprise, the hyena wasn't completely swayed by him yet, and truthfully didn't expect to be. But that sensuous dance prompted him to keep his mind open. At least there was progress.

Once they reached Hayden's apartment, Samir looked at the door and just had to smile, chuckling a little.

"What?" Hayden glanced at him as he shuffled around for his key.

" I the first feline to set foot in your place?"

The hyena briefly paused, feeling that awkwardness return, unable to tell if he was more embarrassed or more ashamed to give Samir the honest answer. "Yes," he forced out, figuring it was already obvious. "You are."

Samir smiled, waving his tail in that very feline-like manner. "I guess I should feel honoured, then."

"I guess you should," Hayden said somewhat surprised, but relieved, at Samir's response as he lead him inside. "Make yourself at home."

"You've got a nice place," Samir complimented, letting his eyes wander over the red and golden aesthetic that decorated most of Hayden's living room.

"Thanks," the hyena said, grabbing a soda from the kitchen. " hungry, thirsty at all?"

"Sure, I could use something," Samir said, leaning on top of the sofa.

"What'll you have?"

"You." The tiger grinned, flicking his tail again.

Hayden nearly dropped his soda from the big smile forming around his muzzle from Samir being so flirtatious, yet so direct and to the point. "You don't waste any time, do you?" He smirked. "Let's get to it, then." He gestured for Samir to follow as he lead him to the bedroom.

"Now you're talkin' my language," the tiger said, happily following along.

Hayden cheekily raised a brow. "You don't hear me purring, do you?"

"You might be soon." Samir's grin widened.

Hayden would have rolled his eyes, but he actually found the tiger's flirtations to be rather welcoming, if not at least charming. Despite his initial skepticism, he found reassurance in every word out of Samir's mouth, indicating that he might actually enjoy this after all. For better or worse, he committed himself to seeing this through and hoping for the best.

Before Hayden could say anything, Samir pushed him down onto the bed with a hearty smile. The hyena chuckled and slipped out of his clothes, watching closely as the tiger's own shirt soon came off within seconds, followed quickly by his shorts and boxers, leaving them both naked before one another.

They both looked on at each other in amazement. Samir's tail eagerly lashed about with a mind of his own as he eyed Hayden's body with lustful intent.

"Turn around," Hayden said.

The tiger arched a brow. "What?"

"Turn around," the hyena said more softly. Samir chuckled bashfully and obliged, turning around to reveal his entire backside, tail still flicking with excitement.

Hayden then got up from the bed to examine the naked feline's body, running his eyes over every stripe adorning Samir's fur. He noted how different they were from his own. His paws took hold of the tiger's hips, fingers placed specifically over a couple stripes around that area. Even as he embraced the feline, he continued to marvel at the fur along Samir's neck and upper body. "So this is what a tiger looks like."

Samir gently placed his larger paws on top of Hayden's, giving him an affectionate squeeze as he leaned into the hyena. "Never seen a naked tiger before?"

Hayden licked along a couple stripes that painted Samir's neck. "Not up close."

The tiger smiled and grabbed the hyena's left paw, placing it directly upon his fully-formed length. "Let me know how it is by the end," he moaned out once Hayden squeezed his shaft.

Hayden was amazed the different feel of Samir's cock compared to that of the many canids he'd slept with; the little nubs near the tip, the lack of any knot, along with the mere shape and proportions. He was also surprised how huge and thick Samir was.

His own length soon emerged, hard and throbbing, though not as impressive as Samir's. The feline then spun around, embracing Hayden face to face. It was only now that the hyena was able to appreciate the real charm Samir had. Perhaps it was those gorgeous blue eyes; they were so captivating.

Their breathing turned heavy once Samir began jerking their cocks together, prompting Hayden to pull him into a kiss, both of them moaning deeply into one another's muzzle. With Samir working so skillfully along their lengths, it didn't take them long to start leaking pre onto each other, and he soon broke the kiss, leaving them gazing at each other with heated lust.

Hayden smiled once Samir pushed him back on the bed. The tiger quickly joined and their tongues found each other in another once more as Hayden's paw went right back to work on Samir's cock, jerking him off and delighting in each heavy breath he sucked in from the tiger's muzzle.

"Might wanna get the lube now..." Samir managed to get out.

"Right," Hayden said with delight as he quickly fetched a bottle from a drawer. "Got any favourite positions?"

"Mmm, doggystyle." Samir smiled, still looking Hayden up and down.

The hyena chuckled at the irony. "Fair enough. On your belly, then."

"Whoa, whoa, hold on." Samir halted him. "You don't think I'm bottoming, do you?"

"...Uh, yeah?" Hayden stood, prepared to pour the lube onto his paw. "Aren't you?"

The tiger shook his head and laughed. "Sorry. I'm topping tonight, dear."

Hayden narrowed his eyes and closed the bottle to prevent any unwanted spilling. "Yeah, I don't think so. I don't bottom."

Samir shifted on the bed, curious. "And why's that?"

"Just not my thing."

"Oh, right, that whole species dominance you hyenas have," Samir said. He then grabbed Hayden by the shoulders and playfully pulled him back down on the bed. The hyena just chuckled and licked Samir's nose. "I guess we're in a real predicament, huh?"

"And it ends with you taking my cock up the ass." Hayden grinned, stroking along Samir's arms. "Because I'm not bottoming."

"Hmm..." Samir gave him a somewhat mocking, disappointed look. "What a shame. Such a wasted opportunity."

Wasted opportunity? Hayden nearly laughed at the notion. But he figured he'd at least humour the tiger, having come this far. "Alright and why's that?"

"Well, this _is _the first time you've had a cat in your bed." Samir smiled, running his fingers through Hayden's bangs. "Why not let him be the first guy you bottom for?" He smirked. "Besides, you've been practically mesmerized with my cock..."

Hayden chuckled. "Mesmerized, eh? How do you figure that?"

"Cause I'm not stupid." The snappy, witty remark almost caught Hayden off guard. "It's the all in the way you touch and stroke..." Samir trailed off as a sudden moan interrupted his speech as Hayden squeezed the base of his cock.

"You mean like...that?" the hyena whispered in a sensual voice while his fingers worked along the unique flesh of his feline partner. Samir shifted on top of Hayden, giving the hyena more room to work.

"A lot like that," he said in between breaths while dragging his tongue over Hayden's nose. "So. What better make use of it than ramming it up your butt?"

With every soft moan pouring out of Samir's muzzle, along with the gentle squirming he gave in response to Hayden's paw, the hyena found him all the more cute. And it became increasingly hard to hold his opposition, especially with the captivating feel of Samir's cock, which admittedly made Hayden...curious. And perhaps more willing than he liked. What would that feline cock feel like inside him?

He also found it hard to resist those blue eyes that looked at him with such want and need as he felt the tiger's warm breath washing over his face. Hayden kissed him again. His other paw settled upon the feline's shoulder, holding him close and he squeezed that luscious cock once again, eliciting a small whimper amidst Samir's moans as the feline started leaking precum again.

Once their kiss broke, they stared at each other with such a lustful passion that Hayden felt beside himself. His own body ached with need, compounded with the need to satisfy his partner.

"Hayden?" Samir said softly, gazing at him with a near-pleading look that penetrated Hayden's heart.

"Get on your back," the hyena said, breathless, to which Samir quickly obliged. Hayden then moved and settled atop Samir's body, straddling the tiger's hips while looking down at him. Before the feline could say anything, Hayden put a finger to his lips. "If I'm gonna bottom...I wanna be the one in control," he said with a reserved voice.

The feline smiled with glee. "I knew you'd come around."

Hayden had a more reserved smile, still surprised that he allowed himself to be straddling Samir's hips, with the intent of riding him. The warm heat of their cocks pressing together provided a familiar comfort that further soothed his reservations. "I guess it's your lucky night." Hayden fully committed himself as he reached over for the lube once more, popping it back open.

"Or yours." Samir paws took hold of Hayden's hips, springing his claws out to comb through the stripped grey fur in a way the hyena hadn't quite felt before. Not with claws like Samir's. His eyes fell shut, and his chest and throat were soon rumbling contently in such a way that made the tiger giggle.

"My God, look who's purring..." the feline said with a wide smile. Hayden just shook his head and smiled at the overwhelming sense of irony. He then poured the lube into his paw and worked it along Samir's cock, making sure to get it nice and slick. The tiger shivered at the cool substance, his tail whipping with anticipation as Hayden then applied the lubricant to himself, prepping his rump for Samir's entry.

He still couldn't believe he was doing this, slickening his own entrance up for someone else for a change, but at this point it felt strangely...right somehow. Like a welcoming change. Something different. A new experience. There was a certain excitement to it that he felt washing over him. He imagined it came from the experience being so foreign to him. But he embraced it, despite his initial hesitance; he wanted still wanted to enjoy himself, still wanted to have fun.

Satisfied with what he thought (or hoped) was enough lube under his tail, he tossed the bottle out of sight and stared at Samir with earnest. "I guess it's now or never..." he said, taking a deep breath as he grasped that feline shaft once more.

"I'll be gentle," the tiger said reassuringly, slipping his claws back in to glide through Hayden's fur with just his pads and fingers.

Hayden nodded, giving Samir a trusting gaze. He then maneuvered his body upwards and over that slick length until it pressed snug against his entrance. With Samir's paws providing a reassuring squeeze, Hayden finally slid himself along the tiger's flesh. His muzzle quickly gaped open with silent grunts and gasps, so he made sure to take things slow due to his inexperience. The extra lube made it a lot less painful than he thought it'd be, and for that he was eternally thankful. But it still hurt a little.

"Oh my God, you're tight..." Samir moaned out as his length slowly disappeared into Hayden's body. It took everything he had to retrain himself from outright fucking the hyena right then and there; as a result, his tail thrashed along the bed like crazy while his claws sprung back out.

"I guess that's a...good thing," the hyena said amidst another gasp as he continued. Within moments, his moans filled the room as Samir's entire length thrummed inside him. They both squirmed against one another, Samir from the warmth and overwhelming tightness, and Hayden from the meaty thickness resting on his prostate. Their vocals meshed together in a passionate flux, with Samir's cock feeling right at home within Hayden's warmth.

Hayden's breath switched between rapid and heavy as he tried to adapt to the tiger's length. His paws settled along Samir's chest while whines and high pitched moans, ones that he'd never allow anyone to hear, poured out of his muzzle from every roll of the feline's hips. Despite the fleeting pain, he found himself lost in the pleasure of it all. Any inhibitions he had at that point were wiped away with every groan and wag of his tail. At the end of the day, he was still having sex, and he was going to enjoy it for all it was worth.

He immediately began stroking his own length while clenching his muscles around Samir's, driving the tiger wild and causing him to thrust upwards, which in turn added to their moans.

"I can do that," Samir said, brushing Hayden's paw aside, so he could stroke the hyena's cock himself. Overcome with bliss, Hayden leaned down to kiss the feline, moaning into his muzzle with delight as he began to ride him, gently rising and falling along his cock. Samir moaned back with a lustful growl that quickly disappeared into another whimper as Hayden's muscles squeezed him again. Just hearing such whimpers made the hyena giggle a little, as he soon realized that despite the fact that he was bottoming, he was still the one in control. And that very thought catapulted his lust, driving him to slam himself down on Samir's length, breaking their kiss from the resulting moan.

Unable to hold himself back any longer, Samir began to thrust upwards, driving his cock deeper into Hayden's rump, and it was only then that the hyena's vocals truly shined. Hayden leaned back up, eyes closed, with his moans running rampant as he rode Samir with increasing fervor.

Just then, Samir took firm hold of Hayden's hips and threw him back down onto the bed in a playful, yet dominating manner. His cock nearly slipped free of the hyena's rump, but he managed to keep it in. "Now you'll find out what it's really like to be a bottom..." he said, with heavy, hot breath washing over the hyena's face again.

Hayden panted and giggled, even wagging his tail a little. "Go on, tiger. We'll see who's the better top eventually," he challenged, with a grin. Overcome with such lust, he couldn't say no. He quickly adjusted his legs to hug the feline's hips, giving Samir more leverage for the sudden missionary position. With another growl, the tiger wasted no time and buried his cock deep within Hayden's rump, savouring the rich moans that followed as he leaned back down to engage that sweet muzzle once again.

Hayden wrapped his arms along Samir's lithe body, embracing his striped counterpart as the tiger began to pound him vigorously. With their vocals, it soon became a contest to see who could out-moan the other as Hayden's body rocked along with those powerful thrusts.

His body sang with pleasure, almost begging for Samir to fuck him longer and harder. He enjoyed it so much more than his pride allowed him to, but he cast that aside and swallowed it almost as quickly as he did Samir's saliva. He laid there, content as this tiger drove himself deep into his body time and again.

"I'm close..." Samir panted amongst their passionate kiss.

"Do it," Hayden pleaded, his body throbbing as Samir rammed that luscious cock into him as hard as he could. Their hips began smacking together and Hayden tightened his legs along the tiger's hips, both of them moaning in ecstasy as Samir filled the hyena's rump with sticky jets of semen.

Samir panted with exertion, his muzzle spewing with content, almost goofy-sounding vocals as he smiled down at an equally-panting Hayden. Without a word, his fingers grasped the hyena's cock once more, prompting a small gasp as he quickly jerked Hayden to his own orgasm, spilling his juices between them.

Hayden panted with glee. His eyes half shut, his body remained still in its afterglow, too happy to interrupt it with any major movement.

He smiled up at Samir; it was an honest smile that sharply contrasted with what he gave the tiger when he approached him back at Caper Tails. Even as he laid there in bed with him, having just bottomed in what might have been the best sex he'd had in a long time, it was still hard to believe that he'd actually done it.

But he enjoyed it. There was no denying that, not from the way he was purring again, which had Samir giggling like an idiot as he, too, joined in the fray, but with purrs of a real cat.

Their tongues entwined in yet another kiss; a gentler, more humble one, with Hayden actively running his fingers through Samir's hair while his other paw brushed along the stripe patterns of his cheek.

"How was it?" Samir asked with a gentle smile, still purring as Hayden massaged his cheek.

Hayden paused, just to analyze the tiger's features once again, this time with much more appreciation. He didn't hold anything back; he was vulnerable, with everything out in the open, essentially at the tiger's mercy. He couldn't be anything but honest.

"Incredible," he said, his voice soft and tender as he helt Samir close.

"Glad to hear," the feline responded, rubbing his nose against Hayden's before lapping once more at his lips. Samir then shifted to get up, but Hayden halted him.

"Keep it in," the hyena said.

The tiger chuckled and obliged. "You're adorable."

Hayden just smiled and his eyes fell shut, and soon he could only hear the gentle breathing and purring of both himself and Samir. It felt nice; just to be able to snuggle like that without any words or interruptions. It was something he hadn't experienced in a long time, and to be able to share it with the unlikeliest of guys...well, there was another twist of irony that hit him like a brick. He didn't necessarily know how to feel about that. But he felt good. It felt...right.

"So..." Samir quietly uttered.

"Yeah?" Hayden's eyes opened back up.

"Why do you hate tigers?"

The hyena's world suddenly came crashing down. His bliss suddenly felt like sweat, his breath broken and heavy as he tried to find a response. "I don't is the time about that," he said begrudgingly.

"I'd like it if we did," Samir replied, unwavering.

"Are you serious?" Hayden asked in disbelief. This was truly the worst possible thing Samir could have brought up right after sex.

"I'd kinda like to know, yeah," Samir persisted.

"Samir..." Hayden sighed heavily, slightly turning his head so he could avoid looking the feline in the face.

"So. I'm good enough to dance with. Good enough to have sex with. But apparently not good enough for you to be honest with." The tiger's voice was curt, a polar opposite to the soft, calm and charming tone he emitted just minutes ago.

"I didn't say that," Hayden turned his head back in protest.

"Then what's your fucking problem?" Samir raised his voice, pressing the hyena for an answer.

Hayden didn't know what to say. How did things go from having amazing sex to being caught in such an awkward confrontation? It was grueling. He couldn't imagine of a more uncomfortable scenario. He sighed again, quietly this time as he turned his head once more in shame, still unable to give Samir what he knew he deserved.

"If you're gonna--"

"There was this guy..." Hayden finally forced out, cutting Samir off. "A cape dog. Real sweetheart, too. His name was Colin. We were the best of friends. We fucked and messed around every chance we got. Always had fun with each other. He and I were...really close. Until another guy came into his life."

"A tiger," Samir said, his voice and expression empathetic. Hayden nodded softly.

"It wasn't a problem at first. But the more time he spent with the tiger...the less I got to see him. He tried to make it work, tried to make time for both of us...but that just made things worse." Hayden closed his eyes and paused again, trying to keep his composure. "The tiger got jealous of him seeing me, and became extremely possessive. Eventually...he forced Colin to choose between me and him. the end...he didn't choose me." The hyena's voice nearly broke around those last words as a certain bitterness crept along the back of his mind. "He was the closest thing to a boyfriend I ever had," he continued. "I never...thought he could do that to me. But he did. And I fell apart after that," he concluded, with a tear slowly running down his cheek.

Samir brushed his fingers along Hayden's face, wiping the tear from his fur. "...I'm so sorry."

Feeling those gentle digits across his cheek brought a softer, quieter sigh from his lips as he reciprocated, running his fingers along Samir's other cheek. "No...I'm the one who should be sorry. Sorry for holding this stupid grudge. Sorry for...taking it out on you like I have. It was stupid." He gently ran his tongue along the feline's wide, pink nose. "You're...a really good guy, Samir," he said, with sincerity.

The tiger smiled and lapped back at Hayden's nose. "Thanks a lot," Samir said. "You're not so bad yourself. For a hyena."

They both chuckled, holding each other closer.

"Hey, you know what time it is?" Samir asked.

Hayden glanced over at the clock on the nearby dresser. "It's just past midnight."

"Ahh..." Samir uttered with a small sigh before pulling his nearly-flaccid shaft from Hayden's rear and scooting over to the edge of the bed.

"Hey, what's up?" The hyena quickly shifted to attention.

"It's about time I got home. I've got a long walk ahead of me."

The hyena raised a brow. "You're seriously gonna walk home at this time of night?"

Samir nodded. "I've done it before. I'll be alright. Besides," he smiled, "I'm sure I'll have sweet dreams tonight." He ruffled Hayden's hair.

"I've got a better idea," the hyena said. In a twist, Hayden pulled Samir back down for a change, smiling widely at his orange counterpart. "How about... you stay here for tonight?"

Samir shot him a surprised look. "You're...really okay with that?"

Hayden nodded. "I am. I'll give me a chance to make up for lost times. If you'll let me."

Samir smiled just as wide as the hyena. "You really are unbelievable."

Hayden giggled. "I told you. I'm full of surprises," he said before linking tongues with Samir in another kiss.

The next night, Hayden strolled through the legions of patrons occupying Caper Tails, making his way to the bar with a new-found wag of his tail, almost like that of a fox.

"There you are," he called out to the Husky sitting at the bar.

"Hey, you." Awen wagged. " was it?"

Hayden smiled almost bashfully as he leaned next to the canine. "You were right," he said, elated. "Thank you. It was a lot of fun."

"I told you," the Husky giggled. "Glad to hear it. He really is a good guy."

"Yeah..." Hayden said with a thoughtful smile. "He is."

Awen smiled back. "So. My night is free. You still wanna get together?"

"Of course," the hyena said, eager and excited.

"Alright. Just let me finish my drink."

Hayden nodded, wondering whether or not he should order a drink himself as he waited for Awen to finish his.

"Hey, gorgeous," Samir remarked from behind.

"Hey..." the hyena said softly, affection coating his voice as he turned to reward the tiger with a smile.

"How's your night going?"

"Fine, just fine." He beamed. He quickly acknowledged Awen, who nodded in return with a smile of his own. "I was wondering were up for doing something again tonight."

"Angh..." the hyena uttered. "I'm sorry, I've already got plans tonight..."

"Ahh...I see." Samir nodded quietly.

Hayden brushed his fingers against the tiger's cheek, almost the same way he did the night prior. "We can get together another time, though. For sure," he said solemnly.

"I'll hold you to it." Samir smiled. "See you soon, Hayden," he said, wandering off from the bar.

As Hayden settled against the bar again, Awen shot him a particular look, curiously raising a brow.

"You know, you two look really good together," he remarked.

Hayden chuckled, somewhat bashful again. "I suppose...we do."

Awen nodded. "You should go ahead and go with him tonight."

"What? What about you?" Hayden said.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning." Awen smiled. "For now...go have fun with that tiger."

"You sure?" Hayden wagged profusely.

"I'm sure." The dog wagged more canine-like.

Hayden nodded back, smiling like an idiot. "I'll see you later," he said, taking off from the bar.

He eventually caught up with Samir on the balcony overlooking the dance floor.

"Hey, tiger," he said, grabbing Samir's attention, who quickly shot him an affectionate smile. "You still wanna get together tonight?"

"Absolutely," Samir said, elated.

Hayden then pulled the feline into a passionate kiss, wrapping his arms around the tiger's shoulders to embrace him. Samir's paws in turn found Hayden's hips, claws out and immediately combing through his fur to make the hyena shiver.

Once their muzzles parted, they gazed at each other with adoration.

"Just so you know...I'm topping tonight." The hyena grinned, brushing his fingers against the tiger's cheek again. Samir chuckled, flicking his tail with content.

"I look forward it."