Working Overtime

Story by Ookami on SoFurry

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I sighed and took off the headphones from my CD player, shaking my head and running my hand across my ears. I was a wolf morph and they still hadn't gotten the hang of making a pair of headphones that could be comfortable for long periods of time. I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes. I was at the office, on a Saturday of all times. Somebody in another department had screwed up and all of a sudden they had assloads of data entry that they needed done and right the fuck now. And since I was one of the lowest on the totem pole, I got volunteered along with another new hire by the name of Tina.

Tina was in the room with me, still working. We were in a small closed off room where they kept the records that we were working on entering into the computer. Tina was a mouse morph, just as small as most of them were. She was average looking and a bit chubby, though she had gorgeous brown fur I had to admit. She was also a loner and I'd almost never heard her talk to anybody. Not that I was much better. I knew I wasn't that great looking and I had a tendency to stick to myself as well.

Shrugging, I waved across the small room and got her attention. Might as well try and make conversation. "Might as well take a break." I smiled at her. "We've got a long day ahead of us."

She smiled a bit in return and I was astounded at the change it made in her face. She still couldn't be called beautiful, but the smile made her considerably prettier. "Okay. I was just getting a bit tired of this anyway."

I nodded and stifled a yawn. "Yeah, it's just boring as hell isn't it?"

She nodded and stretched. As I said, she was a bit chubby and didn't have a great body, but being a young male, it didn't always take much to catch my interest and I found myself staring at her breasts as she stretched. "Yeah. I wish I didn't have to do this, but I need the money." She looked away, embarassed.

"It happens to everybody. I'm doing it because I have to, but even if I didn't I'd probably have come in for the money." I shrugged. "I wouldn't mind it as much if there were more excitement to the job."

Tina nodded and caught my eye and to my surprise, she turned away quickly. I had figured her for a shy one, but not quite to this level. But then she spoke again and I got a better idea. "So, are you seeing anybody right now?"

I blinked in surprise and just looked at her. The question had been a bit blunt, but I was more caught off guard by the suddenness of it. "N-no, I broke up with my last girlfriend a few months ago and haven't really dated since."

She was looking like she was getting a bit more confidence, because she held my gaze longer before speaking again. "Bad breakup or just not looking?"

I shrugged, wondering why she was asking about all this. "The breakup wasn't too bad. I just haven't found anybody interested in me since then." It was a bit of a sore spot with me, I had to admit. Pawing myself off every night wasn't nearly as satisfying as getting laid, not to mention all the other benefits of having a girlfriend.

She looked away again, a strange look on her face. It seemed to me almost like she was considering something careful. Then she stood up and walked to the door, closing it and locking it. "Wait, what are you doing?" I asked curiously.

"Well, I'm interested in you." She said, blushing. "And..." She fidgeted really badly and wrung her hands. "And I really want to have sex with you."

I blinked in confusion for the second time that day. "You to fuck you?"

She nodded quickly and enthusiastically, though she was still fidgeting. "I've never been with anyone before. And you seem like a nice guy Jack and I think you're cute. So...sitting in here all day with you has gotten me pretty....horny."

It was cute as hell the way she got so embarassed at all this sex talk. "Well..." I started, then I broke off. I really wasn't sure what ~to~ say to this.

Tina took my hesitation for reluctance. "No, if you're not interested, just forget it." She looked extremely embarassed and moved to get back in her seat. I made a split second decision and stood up to stop her.

"No, no. It's not that I'm not interested. I'm just surprised that's all." I smiled at her in what I hoped was a reassuring way. Was I really going to do this? Whether my mind had decided or not, my body had already made its own decision. I could feel my cock straining against my pants. "Well...why don't we get started then?" I figured I'd make her more comfortable by starting first and I undid my tie and began unbuttoning my shirt.

Tina just blushed and watched me with obvious interest and I grinned and started to turn it into a bit of strip tease.

Something I'd never done before because, as I mentioned, I'm not the best looking of guys and I'm somewhat overweight. The way she was watching me with lust turned me the hell on and by the time my shirt was off, my cock rather badly wanted out. I whipped off my belt and undid my pants, freeing my stiff prick which was already leaking precum.

Tina gasped at the sight of it and I remembered her saying that she'd never been with anybody before. I wasn't huge, but my cock wasn't tiny either. I stroked it briefly and then slid my pants off. "Well, now it's your turn." I grinned playfully.

She still looked nervous, but she readily undid her blouse and exposed her chest. Her breasts weren't as small as they'd seemed, I thought them to be right around a B cup. And though she was a bit overweight, she was looking good and I wondered if her choice of clothes was what made her seem so dumpy. The blouse quickly came off and she was then reaching to undo the bra. I was definately into the show by now and idly playing with myself as I watched. Her breasts were firm and pert, with large areolas and nipples that were just screaming out to be licked and sucked. I held back though as she began to worm herself out of the skirt she'd worn. I was astounded to see that she wasn't wearing any panties, though this just excited me more.

I could see her juices already matting her inner thighs and I was dying for a taste of her. As soon as the skirt was off, she was grabbing me and pulling me down for a powerful kiss, her tongue probing quickly into my mouth. My hands reached down and

I fondled her ass as she kissed me. She licked my nose and kissed around my muzzle and for someone who was a virgin, she was showing signs that she could be a sex goddess. I nibbled at her neck briefly then motioned for her to lay down. She got on the floor and I followed her, running my long tongue all over the short fur of her breasts and breathing in her excited scent. I sucked at her nipple and she squeaked quietly with pleasure, her breath now starting to come harder.

Her breasts recieved my attention for several more minutes as I licked, nibbled, and fondled them lovingly. I couldn't help it, I was a big fan of tits. Finally though, I moved down and teasingly lapped up her tangy juices from the fur of her inner thighs. She squirmed and squeaked imporingly. "Please..."

I grinned and began to lightly lap at her pink glistening folds and I swear she must have orgasmed immediately. I ate her out and played with her pussy enthusiastically, sucking her clit and working my long tongue deep into her cunt. The smell was incredible and the more I licked, the more powerful her excitement became. She came twice more before she grabbed me by the head and pulled me away. "Fuck me, please." She gasped.

I couldn't exactly resist that and I mounted her swiftly, my cock reaching deep into her throbbing pussy. I felt the last vestiges of her cherry give way as I thrust myself to the hilt. I wiggled there teasingly, before starting to slowly fuck her. I thrust hard, feeling her squeek and bounce each time and her eyes were rolling back in their eyes in pleasure. Her juices were flowing down my own thighs as my heavy ballsack slapped wetly against her. Gradually I increased my pace, and soon I was fucking her senseless. She was squeeking almost constantly now, orgasms coming one after the other. I slowed down after a few minutes and licked her lips. "There's...something I want to try."

It took her a few moments to focus on me. "W...what is it?"

"I want to fuck you up the ass, Tina." I hesitated before saying it. None of my other girlfriends had gone for anal sex and I was dying to try it.

Still breathing hard, she smiled and again I was astounded at how pretty she was when she did that. "I think it's only fair, since you've been so good to me."

I grinned and pulled myself off of her, my cock dribbling her juices. She rolled over and pushed herself to her hands and knees, wiggling her plump behind at me and moving her tail enticingly. I wasted no time. I got to my knees and moved behind her. Her asshole was already gleaming from the juices that had flowed down from her pussy. I put the head of my cock to her asshole and began to push slowly. She moaned and groaned, not entirely from pleasure I was sure. But at this point I wasn't sure if I cared. Slowly and steadily I forced my cock into her ass, panting in pleasure. Finally, I was as deep as I could go.

So with her moaning and groaning in mixed pain and pleasure, I started to slide my cock in and out of her ass, savoring the tightness and different feel. But I couldn't keep up the slow pace for long and my pace picked up until Tina was screaming from the sensation. I could feel her frantically playing with her pussy as I fucked her ass raw and the juices were practically a torrent at this point. But I couldn't take any more. I'd been fucking her for what seemed like forever when I grabbed her hips and planted my cock as deep as it'd go into her ass and I came hard. For nearly a full minute my cum erupted into her bowels and I nearly passed out from the sensation.

Finally, I pulled myself free and my cum began to dribble out of her gaping asshole. She rolled over and lay down, smiling as though she'd just won the lottery and I knew I had a similar look on my face. I kissed her deeply then lay next to her.

" much longer before you can go again?" She looked at me grinning.

I grinned back and decided that maybe working overtime wasn't so bad after all.