The Orphan book 1 chapter 5

Story by mincridarn on SoFurry

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When Jered enters Lamane they go there separate way. While Jered has some very odd moments in the inn there staying at for a couple days.

The Awkward Inn

Chapter 5 Part (I of II)

It was maybe in hour or more. I could no longer tell the time off day but I could guess the time of the somewhat as the sun was off to west a little meaning maybe mid-afternoon.

But after awhile there was an opening in the forest revealing a large light gray stone city wall, with a large opening in the wall for the gate. When we came to large metal reinforced gate two guards where standing at the sides of the gate came forward crossing there axes like halberds in an x in front of us and drew out there swords saying" State your purpose for coming here."

Derrick then came forward saying "We here are that of the nobles of the golden tree."

Once that was said I began to look over the two guards. They were both gray wolves and both were complete mincridarins. With the same armor but the symbol on there was different as it was the two wolves, on the hind paws with there, fore paws pressed against each other.

Then the guards sheathed their swords and uncrossed the halberds and said "Please for forgive us. But please forgive us for not realizing who you were Prince Derrick and it's hard to believe you without your armor on. So tell me again what is your business, here we normally don't get royalty to pass through the gates But like everyone else you have answer this question no matter nobility. So please answer the question Prince Derrick to avoid trouble."

But before Prince Derrick could say anything two guards came up from behind them and the symbol on their armor was different as it was just a tree. One was a very obvious female as it given away by her breast plate. The woman was a complete mincridarn German shepherd. The other guard was a male raccoon complete mincridarn. This mincridarn came up and tapped the right wolf guard on the shoulder and said "What are you doing aren't they nobility. We should be able to trust them not to cause a trouble in this Lamane unlike the person that terrorizing them now. Now Leave these kids be I was sent a message by the king himself saying that they would be coming to Lamane for some supplies. Now back down and let them pass."

But before anything happened the other guard was eyeing me and said "Sir Deller what about the human can he be trusted?"

And just like that the female German shepherd came forward threw the guards and strait to me until she was a foot away from me and looked me up and down and said "Hand over your weapons know. No human is allowed to have weapons in one of our city other then ones with permit or weapon traders. Now Hand them over Human. Or will I have to detain you." She said drawing more attention to the word human then the others.

This pissed me off a little by the way she said human felt really offensive and this caused me to say and put myself an inch from her nose "Over my dead body you stupid mutt."

The bearing her teeth she said "You'll regret that you stupid human."

This just threw in the towel I removed by back and slammed it on the ground forcing my katana out of its holder. Not even caring about the blade I just jumped back because the guard drew out her sword trying to cut me.

Gaining some distance from her, I let her charge at me with her sword blade behind her on her left side griping the simple swords hilt with both hands as she ran towards me.

Snaking my hand into my trench coat I my long blade behind me and brought it out just a little and waited. Which wasn't that long for her to get to me and as she brought the blade down I ducked to side of the blade avoiding the blow and coiling my arm around hers and forced her to the ground as I brought her sword hand to my hip this forced her neck to be wide open for a strike so I brought out my dagger and moved the blade to the front of her neck pressing the blade right up to it pressing it into it slightly drawing a little blood. Feeling the blood she looked up with angered frightful eyes showing her fear of being kill and the hatred of being in this situation. She then said "Why don't you just kill me?" she said with a hint of aggression.

Then looking down at her I said" Killing you would be like killing a pup, it would be pointless." And with that I removed my blade from her neck and sheathed it. And slammed her back into the ground with her hindered arm and let her go." Now how about you go home to your bed and cry your eyes out you little pup. You can't even fight properly. So why are you even wearing such armor?"

"Shut up you stupid human." And just like that she rolled over and threw dirt in my eyes causing me to move back words and tear up because of the pain of the dirt hitting my eye. Trying to force them open Only made it worse so I kept them closed and pulled out my daggers with both hands and held them aloft in guarding position waiting for the girl to make some noise with her armor, so I could know where she was so I could move out of the way.

And just like that I heard her get on her feet up and run at me from the right, But I then heard coming up towards me from behind me and then without any time to react I held my daggers closer to my face to protect my face. And I waited for the pain of the blade hitting my body. But I Never felt the pain, the only thing that happened was a loud resounding clank of metal against metal and after that loud sound a voice yelled "Sera Back down. NOW!"

"This human attacked me why should I?"

"Sera we both know you attacked him. Back down or I will detain you."

"What for captain?"

"For attacking a member of the royal family. This kid is the first Prince of Cadara, Jered Van Clarence. Now back down before this gets out of hand. And you will be given over to the Master Templar because if he finds out you will be executed for even threatening the life of the royal family. Now back down."

At this point I had gotten the dirt out of my eyes with my tears and was able to open them. And when I did I found the raccoon in front of me blocking the dog's sword from hitting me."Thank you for your protection." I said to the raccoon in front of me somewhat glade he saved me from the blow.

"No problem Prince Jered it's my Duty to protect a member of the royal family. I'm honored to help you any means your majesty." Then turning his attention back to the dog he said as he swept her blade away and brought his blade to her neck and said "Sera sheath your sword and hand it over now." Not removing the blade from her neck and seeing it was pointless she sheathed her sword and untied it from her belt and held out to the raccoon. the raccoon the sheathed his sword and grabbed her and forceful removed it from her hands, she not willing to part with." under assumed acts of treason you will b-." but before he could finish his sentence I removed the sword from his grasp and walked to the Doberman and forced the sword back into chest plate saying "Under my authority I remove you form being detained and allowed to accompany as a member of our guard."

"But Prince Jered she just tried to kill-."

"Yes she may have and that's what I like in a person. Willing to think of ways to distort her enemies' movement. I commend you its very rare that I'm put in that kind of situation. Now will you accept my proposal to be are guard and accompany us back to the capital when we are done here and while we are here?" And I actually was impressed with her. I then gave her a moment and she grabbed her sword and said "Why would you do this?"

"Because I trust you won't let us get hurt. And even though your fighting is somewhat sloppy you do follow orders."

"But sure she nearly killed you." The Raccoon said behind me.

"Yes Because I went against her authority and she asked me for my weapons before she attacked me. She only followed orders until you stopped her from killing which is understandable in her position. So do you accept the proposal Sera?"

Than taking her sword she said and with a slight growl "Since you just saved my ass from execution it looks like I have no other choice."

"Now that-"

"Now we go and get your permit." said Sera interrupting into my statement.

"Do we really have to?" I said not wanting to go.

"Do you want to get into more fights with the guards?"

"Yes." I said, actually wanting to get into some more fights.

And just like that she growled and grabbed my hand and pulled me along and said rather forcefully "I don't give a hellhound you are coming with me to the weapons guard." Not wanting to get in another fight with her I just let her do this kind of enjoying making her angry. I then grabbed my stuff as we passed as she didn't stop moving "Weapons guard, be back later."

After that was said Derrick ran after saying "I'll come with, I know the guy."

And just like that we walked past the guards and through the front gates to port city of Lamane.

When we entered the city the road we were walking on went straight from dirt into coble stone. Not somewhat carrying for the change even though it felt so much better on my feet. And I begun to look around the semi crowded streets looking over the citizens and seeing the facial expressions of either bewilderment, shock which I only saw from the incomplete mincridarins and humans that we passed and the look of anger and smirks I mainly saw from the complete ones. Finding the civilians annoying by the constant staring I looked up and around at the buildings as I passed them. The way the buildings looked was like some cross over between Roman and Medieval architecture with all the arches and the columns with main format of the building as medieval. After passing by three streets and a right turn we came to a building that looked like a medieval church. And we came up to the front doors were to more guards waited by both were complete mincridarins. The one on the left was a boar while the one the left was a large stallion. They crossed there halberds when we were in front of them blocking of are path. The stallion then spoke up saying "State your business Sera."

"This human thought he could get by without having a permit."

"Now if you don't mind I would like to sir Kizer." Said derrick, coming into view in front of the two guards.

Seeing him they bowed their heads and brought them back up saying "Prince Derrick what are you doing here?"

"Just seeing a good friend that's all. Now if you don't mind could you let me and my brother through." at that they looked at each other and the boar said" Is that the long lost prince of Candara, Jered Van Clarence."

"Hi, nice to meet you." I said to the two guards that looked like they might faint."

And with that the uncrossed there Halberds and said "Move on. Sir Kizer will be most interested." After that was said they pushed open the doors in to a large training hall with guards fighting against each other on either side of the hall with a bird much like Derrick except for he had a bird like face with a beck and everything and the sword in his hands if you could call his talons that, these talons looked like the ones on the feet too with the yellow arms and bird like feet for hands.

Once the doors closed the bird looked up at us and walked to us saying" Look at this another human today needing a permit. Wait is that you Prince Derrick?"

And with that Derrick walked up to the bird and gave him a hug and the bird accepted by wrapping his arms around Derrick. Derrick then spoke up saying "It's good to see you again teacher. You'll never guess who this human is."

"Derrick you know I don't like guessing games. Just tell me."

Then removing himself Derrick said" And well your no fun as always Teacher." He said somewhat pouting after wards.

"And you're still that little hatchling. Now don't keep me waiting." He said with a smile I think and rubbed Derricks Brown Hair in his hands messing it up.

"I'm not hatchling. I'm a big bird." Said derrick, as threw the birds hand of his head.

"Now tell me who the human is my favorite little hatchling." he said patting Derricks head. Derrick then forcefully removed His hand and turned around and said "No. Not until you stop calling me a hatchling and by my name."

"Fine so tell me Derrick who is that human?" Once that was said Derrick turned back around towards the bird and said "It's the first prince of Cadara, Jered Van Clarence."

When derrick said this, clanking of metal stopped in the background and everyone looked at me eyeing me up and down some smiling some angry and waited for someone to speak up. Which the bird Derrick was talking to did "Your majesty it's good to see you again. Let's get your permit arranged just step in to the training area with your weapon. Sera then realized me from her grip and let me drop my stuff and pull out my katana. With it in hand I walked after the bird towards the students which sheathed their swords and walked to the far walls.

When he went to the far end of the room he turned around and said "Prince Jered We will do the standard fight 5 hits to win three when none of them connected with you. Is that alright prince Jered?"

"It's fine with me now how about we get started?" I said as I unsheathed my Katana and threw my sheath aside which one of the guards with a limp arm picked up and held it close.

And with that I ran at the bird bending my torso slightly with my katana by right side of body near my hip. and just as I got to the bird he raised his sword above his head slightly and started to bring it down just missing my left shoulder as I launched myself to the right with my foot when footed properly I brought my sword up to his neck and held it there and brought down tapping his chest plate saying "One." and smiled seeing a very easy victory.

But that went away as he quickly flipped his sword blade and brought it up to my chest. seeing the sudden movement I jumped backwards just out of range but before I could get a good footing he ran at me bring his sword back towards my chest seeing this I had just barely enough time to bring my sword to block it and then my sword rang out as the long sword came in contact with my sword. But using my abnormal strength I moved his sword to the other side of my body and slammed my sword into his chest piece causing a loud bang saying "two." with that said I jumped to his side and moved my katana back into its position on the right side of my body thrust and brought it up to his neck and thumped his neck piece again saying "three. I win. Now what?"

After that I heard gasps come from all around the room and whispers. But after awhile the bird moved my sword from away from his neck with the back of his hand and straightened up saying as he sheathed his sword saying "Now we just need you to sign some papers saying you'll follow the laws about humans carrying weapons. Now come along to my quarters Jered." and with that he walked off with his wings nearly hitting my face as he did then the guard holding my sheath ran up to me and said holing it out with his left arm dangling by his side which I thought either dislocation or something else but didn't say anything "Here you go Jered thought you-."

"What did you say Cass?" said the Bird staring the tan cat mincridarn that had approached me.

"Here you go Jered?" said Cass submissively just catching what he said.

"Now tell me Cass is Jered your equal?" said the bird stepping closer to the tan tabby cat.

"No." he said lowering his head letting his ears fall against his head submissively because of the birds actions

"Now apologize to Prince Jered."

And with that without even moving his head he said "Please forgive me Prince Jered I meant no disrespect."

"Keith, Zoey." said the bird and to guards came up the female was some kind of lizard the male standing next to her was a tiger."Take this child down to the dungeon and teach him a lesson." and just before I could say anything against it the guards grabbed the tabby's arms and forced him past us to a door on the right side of the room."Prince Jered please forgives Cass he doesn't seem to know his place and he will be taught a lesson. So let us continue to my Quarters for the paper work.

And with that we walked through a door on the right side of the hall right next to where Cass was taken through. When we entered the door we walked up the stair case heading up stairs. Feeling sorry for the tabby I said "Sir what will happen to the cat."

Then without even blinking he said" Prince Jered call me Kizer and the cat will be given a very good whipping." somewhat feeling sorry for the cat I knew it would be pointless to say anything so I let it go. And followed up the stairs, to a door which opened up into a rather large room. With the left wall covered in book shelves and sitting in front of a window was a desk with papers covering it and with a chair just in front of it when we walked closer to it I looked over in to the and found a gap in the book shelves were a wooden door stood probably to his living area. When we got close to his desk he removed some papers and put them on the floor in a stack and sat in a wooden chair and had me do the same. I then sat down in the chair and laid my sword against the desk. He then brought the stack back on to the desk and began to look through it. until he came across what he was looking for and removed from the stack and slid it over to me saying pointing to the bottom of the paper saying as removed an ink well from his desk and quill and said "Just sing your name at the bottom of the page and that will be all."

With my dad's voice booming in my head saying to look it over I said" So what is this thing really do."

"It allows you to carry your weapons into any town without trouble. It also states since most humans are either slaves or criminals so this allows them to escape the law of the country and becoming citizens of ours this also forces the human to if summoned come in to the army with out any choice. If done otherwise they are set up with a date for there execution."

Then seeing what this did I took the quill and dunked it in to the ink well and signed my name and passed it over to Kizer which to the everything he handed to me and signed the page near my name eyeing me before he wrote it and rolled it up and tied it close with a red ribbon and handed it to me.

"Jered, this should keep you out of trouble. Your free to leave now if you so chose."

Getting up from my chair I said" thank you Sir Kizer for your time." And picked up my unsheathed sword and started to walk towards the door when a guard the male tiger that took Cass away nearly smashed it into my face and ran into causing him to fall on the ground and said as he looked up "I'm sorry Prince Jered. I thought you may have left by now. And I thought you might like this back." He said holding my sheath up to my face as if he was trying to keep me at bay.

"Thank you." I said grabbing my sheath and sheathed my sword.

"Prince Jered I was told to tell you that the inn your brother and sister are at the Sister Inn. Would you like me to escort you there Prince Jered?"

"Yes, Thank I don't really know this town."

And with that I helped the guard up and followed him down stairs and into the training room and found that students were back at it, except for when they saw me coming along. When we were just about to walk out of the training hall a guard that come up to us was a stunningly familiar incomplete mincridarn I once dated. I never knew until the day she left. Came up and dropped my stuff at my feet. And grabbed my trench coat and brought her lips to mine and kissed me not moving away. Then putting it together I brought my around arms around my beloved incomplete white cat and opened my mouth and begun to kiss her, she took her chance and began to bring her tongue into my mouth and mine into hers and started and continued exploring on for minutes. Both of us lost track of time. Not wanting to leave each other and just like that she begun to moan into the kiss. And both of us stayed like That until I heard "Lilyanna Malrin, What are you doing?!"

And finely breaking the kiss after maybe ten minutes and said "It so good to see you again Jered you have no idea how badly I wanted to do that to you when I saw."

"SO this is where you moved to isn't?" I said questioning her.

"Yeah. Sorry I never told you my secret until I left. I didn't know If you would accept me if you knew. And god you're as warm as hellhound."

"Thank you Lilyanna. You should have I love you Even If you were part cat. I could have helped you keep your secret. Lilyanna it's so good to see you again I absolutely almost died without you around. And please be my favorite little white kitten again."

"Ow Jered. I missed you." and Just like That we Began we furiously started to kiss this time Lilyanna moaning jumped up into my arms wrapping her legs around me and her tail slightly around my left cafe and with a quick smile we stared into each other's eyes and begun to kiss again. this timed stopped by Kizer who stepped next to us and making a rather loud fake cough to get are attention which we both ignored and continued are kissing. He then made one slight louder which we again ignored and after awhile he said force his hands between us pulling us away from are kissing "Break it up you two." I then let her back on the ground on her legs and looked over at Kizer which said patting one of his talons on his beak before saying "let me guess your mates."

"No just boyfriend and girlfriend." she said rather happily and made a move to kiss me again which I would have accepted if Kizer hadn't moved his hand between are faces and held it there saying "We will have no more of that. Now I utterly surprised you to aren't mates by the way you two were kissing really gives other a different Idea." He said giving a node over to the training area were a group of girls were looking over at us giggling and laughing and gossiping the guys weren't that far away and one of them a very clear wolf gave me a thumbs up and smiled. And at that I looked over at Kizer which Said picking up my back pack "I belive it would be best if you left. And take her with you. That should get things back to normal slightly.

And with that I took my Back pack and put it on and put me katana back into place and held out my arm and Lilyanna gladly wrapped her arms around and pressed her head on my shoulder and begun to walk foreword Said "Jered I can't wait to catch up with you again on more than one thing." she then lifted her head and opened the door and we walked out and just as we were about to walk passed the two guards outside she moved my head to look down at her with her free hand and we happily kissed and continued walking down the street having Lilyanna lead me around until we came to a large building with a sign saying "sister inn."

"Lilyanna how did you know I needed to come here?" I said questioning her.

She looked up at me and said "I didn't, I live here while Kizer is training me. Now I think I should show you Vira I been telling her so much about you and how good of a fighter you are."

Lilyanna then pushed open the door and pulled me in with her and it opened into a rather large pub. Causing almost every mincridarn in the room to grow quiet and stare at me and Lilyanna. looking about the room I saw Rhino two birds one a swallow the other a falcon like Kizer there was boar a and there was warthog sitting in front of the boar there were a couple squirrels scattered about the room and the rest of the room was covered in canines of all sorts and felines as well. Then moving back into reality she lead me over to a bar with rum barrels wines and wood mug decorating the back on the shelves behind. The fox standing behind the counter when standing in front of the counter the fox spoke up saying rather rudely" Who's the whore you brought back with you now Lilyanna?"

"Whore?" I said looking at Lilyanna.

The fox then spoke up saying "Wait she didn't you'd be the tenth person she brought back."

"Tenth! Damn Lilyanna, you really went around town didn't you." I said looking down at her in surprise."

"Vira." she said getting embarrassed at the conversation.

"Hey I thought I should let sucker know he wasn't going to be in long relationship." said the fox turning around picking up a mug and placing it on the counter.

"Lilyanna what did you take from the dudes?"

"Nothing much Jered just a couple gold coins and a dagger nothing much." she said completely snapping out her shyness.

"Lilyanna you know we are going to have a talk about this later."

"Yes." she said a little disappointed

"Wow that's new you have completely bent around your tail. So who are you Lilyanna normally kill person that try to put her into her place." The fox said leaning over the counter. Then offering out my hand I said "My name is Jered Vandadir Dicke. It's a pleasure to meet you."

then making a small laugh the fox said "That is funny there no such thing as a Dicke that name lives no longer in the world as it died long ago with Eurla Ferdinand Dicke the master templar Know as the Raging Dragon."

"Um sorry to say that's not incorrect but my foster mother goes by the exact same name. And she told me herself That she was once called the raging Dragon because of her Mass murders complexly destroying one town that was called Feris and burned it down. And that's actually how she got her name. There was also a rumor that she told me that whenever she struck a fire would rage behind and destruction was ever she went."

"That's impossible. That's impossible no one but me and a few others and Eurla created that rumor but we never got to spreading it around so how could you know that?"

"Like I said Eurla is my foster mother and she thought me how to kill people ever since I was seven. Actually I took over my mother's title of the raging dragon by the age of ten. God the blood I spilt when I was only was ten could make warlords envious."I said staring in the growing look of shock come upon Vira's face

"Now it's pleasure to meet you. Do you want to die?"

"God admit Jered did you really have to say that? You're an absolute pain." She said face palming her.

"No. but you still love me don't you?" I said looking at her and stroking the white hair along and away from her face.

"Hellhound. I could never hate you your to loveable and with that we began to kiss with my hands wrapped around her waist and her hand pulling my trench coat in to her body closing the distance. And we stayed like that for another long period of time. Until we finally broke and Lilyanna said "God Jered for a bloodthirsty killer you are the world's best kisser. I love you please don't ever leave my side."

Then looking into her beautiful forest green eyes I said "lilyana. Why would I ever leave your side? I love you too much to let you go."

And just like that the fox said "lilyana. Why didn't you tell me about this guy I would have loved to meet him? And see how good he was first hand."

"Vira!" Lilyanna said somewhat shocked to what Vira said/

"Come on. With you kissing him in front of me I would have loved to see how he felt."

"Hey Vira I'm empty Bring me another round." Said the boar behind us.

"This sixth one tonight Redren you think you can take it?" And with that Vira turned around she brought the mug behind her and held it under the tab and turned it on letting the brown rum to wash out of it and into the mug at the top.

"You think I sound drunk bring me another and this lucky fellow here one too." he said gesturing to me.

Hearing this I turned around and said to the boar exited a little "No thanks I'm fine there no need to waste any money on me."

"Nonsense Any man can take a good mug full."

"I know I could but that's not a good idea to get me drunk."

"And why is that? Can't handle it?"

"No it's not that, it just last time I got drunk I Tore guys beating heart out of his chest out and forced it down the guy's throat. You could say I kill people when I get drunk in the goriest ways." actually telling the truth.

"That's funny now come and have a drink with us." He said blowing it off.

"He's not joking sir. He really did do that when he got drunk and he things did to the other people in the bar was so horrible it should be a sin to repeat it. He has pictures of there body's after what happened in that back pack I think."

"Fine then shows me these so called pictures." And with that I walked over to the boars table and out my back pack down on the table and unzipped the last pocket on my back pack and pulled out a white envelope. and removed the pictures The first one which told me everything was me holding a camera up taking my own photo with me drinking a bottle of beer with my hand drenched red crimson blood with my face splattered with the same blood. With the window to the bar I was in covered slightly in blood and just as I was about to hand over the picture something in the moved in the back ground Just out of sight as the blood covered most of the window but I clearly saw a black tail disappear right behind the blood.

"Jered something wrong?"Said Lilyanna said snapping me out of my trance. I then handed on the pictures to the boar saying "I'm fine just looking at the picture Lilyanna."

Just after handing over the pictures The Boar said" I can't believe you would do these things to your own kind."

"Gosh a man's got to live somehow. And killing just seems to be mine."

"Hahahahahahahaa. It seems your one man army." The boar said smacking my back roughly causing me to move forward against the table.

"Thanks." I said grabbing a chair and pulling it from under the table and sat next to the boar and said "Actully I did take out a military stronghold over a couple times by self."

"Dragon!"The boar said slamming the picture faces down on the table and pressing them into it looking up to me he said "Jered there's a dragon in these."

"Well if you're talking about my tattoos then of course there is." Said not trying to remember the weird tail.

"No see there's a dragon in the picture He said showing me myself photo and clearly visible standing there in the window was a black dragon standing in the window looking at me with his hands on hip and making a visible smile his bright yellow eyes staring me down from outside. His five black horns were clearly visible sticking out of his heads going strait behind him almost as if he was wearing a crown on the back of head. And just like that The Dragon closed its eyes which caused me to slam the boars hand down against the table with the pictures in his hands and said to Lilyanna "Hey Lilyanna."

She then walked over to me and said coiling her arms around my neck "Yes is there something wrong Jered?"

"Lilyanna is it possible for there to be a dragon mincridarn?"

"Yeah the royal court of Adestria is filled with them but they never leave Adestria. Why?"

"Well if they never leave Adestria, Then how is there one in my picture."

"That's impossible Jered. There can't be you must be finale losing it. Here let me see I'll prove you wrong." she then removed the boars hand and flipped over the photos and No longer in the window just in front of it the Dragon was showing off his fangs with its snarl. And just like that a roaring voice boomed in my Head with a very angry sounding male" Jerededuson Clamecrin Vandadire we need to talk NOW!"

And just like that Massive pain shot through my head That caused me To scream in Pain and just as suddenly the pictures Burned up instantly in Lilyanna hands and the fire that came from the Pictures and suddenly forced itself down my throat And into my stomach. Where once in my stomach the searing pain from the fire now in my stomach forced its way through my whole body and the pain was too much. And just like that I blacked out hitting my head against the table.