Nesting Season pt3

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#3 of Nesting Season

Cerine consented to play the part of the defenseless hero in my latest dream-inspired story.

Once more, in the Flexible Survival world.

Paul wakes, as he has done every day for the last ten years, at dawn. That is not to say he is unappreciative of his position, or more to the point, of Alexia's position. One arm possessively over the black rubber bunny girl, he nuzzles in against her neck, "Mmmm, I don't know how, or why, but you know what, I think I love you ..." he stops, voice cut short, "Uh... oh gods..." he murmurs in abject terror, "Uh, my name is Paul..." he says at last, lamely.

The rubbery bunny is quite content to just snuggle against him at this point, yawning silently as she starts to stir, one of her arms around his belly to hold him close, enjoying the contact with him after such a long period of numbness.

"Oh hell..." the wolf soldier says in resignation, realizing the girl can't reply to him and really not wanting to disturb her on such a nice morning, "Did we really..." he asks, trailing off again to nuzzle and snuggle against the girl's pure white hair.

She doesn't answer that, nuzzling against his neck slowly as she yawns, rubbing at her face with a rubbery hand before blushing heavily and starting to remember the events of last night and her other hand moves down to rub at her tummy, as if checking how full it is.

Paul's hand-paw is already at her belly and closes over Alexia's and rests it against her belly, "Just let me know, if you need that... uh, well, if you need to be emptied again." he says, opening his muzzle and running his teeth over the rubber gently.

Alexia nods at that, slowly trying to sit herself up as her belly feels a little tingly, like it's started to fill up again overnight. The bunny carefully getting up and trying to make her way to a mirror to look herself over, not having seen much of her body since her freedom.

Watching her get up and walk over to his bedroom mirror, Paul smirks and can't help but admire the curves and form of the girl, "You just let me know when." he replies, and it is clear, as he lets the sheets slide down, revealing his firm and ready shaft, that he is indeed prepared to make good on his promise.

The bunny nods again, looking at her shiny rubbery body, everything from her neck down glossy and black. And Paul can see her stretch herself a little and rub her cheeks with a hand and then slowly down the rest of her form with a bit of a silent gasp going by her expression in the mirror.

Paul's eyes trace every inch of that body, unable to find anything but perfection in it. Focusing on those lips though, black with the latex that had been worked into her throat, he lays on his side, shiny black shaft throbbing a little, hard and ready, waiting on her desire.

He'd see her open her mouth as well, trying to take a look to see what's been done in there with the latex that was forced into it. Likely not aware at this point that she's probably giving him a bit of a show as she bends a little, her rubber covered tail twitching slightly above her glossy bottom.

Paul is the perfect gentleman, but a wolf can only take so much. Rising silently, he makes his way over, letting her distract herself with her mouth as he moves in behind her, paws gripping her hips as he rubs his member between her legs, missing everything, but using it as a promise of what is to come.

With a squeak, Alexia shivers and leans back against him, one paw going back to her belly as the other rubs at her throat, but she turns her head a little to look at his reflection, and she nods slightly, rubbing her smooth form against his body.

Nodding in return, running his muzzle along her neck, the wolf adjusts his angle, shaft lifting slightly, tip kissing her lower lips. With a slow, relaxed pace, the wolf pushes in and up, member parting her glossy entrance, starting to sink into her.

That feeling, the instant-orgasm, begins again for Alexia, but it is more intense than ever, her whole body on fire with the pleasure as her rubbery nature rewards her for her 'task' of giving her rubber.

Paul is no less rewarded, his groin suddenly alight with the pleasure of his task, that heavy rubber wolf cock pushing further and further, parting her insides until that familiar pressure starts to grow and, in moments, flow back into him.

The bunny silently squeaks and moans in pleasure, trembling against him as her whole body is alight with pleasure, need and satisfaction at doing its new job as she feels the rubber flow out from within her and slowly enter the wolf.

Paul, not one to rest on his laurels, begins to buck, slowly and only a little at first, but with increasing vigor, his body having been adjusted to perform it's new task, a case of nanites making do with what they have. Faster and faster he works, arms curling around the rabbit's front, grasping her breasts and kneading them as he works.

Alexia silently tries to cry out as he starts to buck steadily, as long as he's embedded within her, her body is trying to force as much liquid rubber into him as it can, and thus making the girl feel a constant orgasm rolling over her mind and body, and once she feels the hands reaching for her breasts, her own paws rest against his as if to hold him even closer.

Unable to hold his pace any longer, Paul bucks one last time but, with a little forethought, resists the urge to tie her. Holding the bunny to his chest, the soldier takes two quick steps backward, pulling her with him, to sit down on the bed, Alexia on his lap. Inside him, however, he can still feel the flow, a slight trickle now, of the rubber pouring into him. The wolf figures that the more he can drain, the longer she can last between such things.

The bunny can't figure anything at the moment, just knowing the sensations within her as she lets herself be pulled back towards the bed, sitting in the wolf's lap as she silently cries out her pleasure and puffs for breath even as her body keeps trying to fill him up, her passage squeezing at his shaft to try and keep them sealed together until he decides to withdraw.

Paul nuzzles and cuddles the girl, one paw down at her thighs stroking gently, the other squeezing and pinching at one breast. He can feel his own body begin to get a slight swell in his abdomen but he knows he can empty that, she can't. At last though, laying back and rolling to the side, his shaft pulls free from her body, the constant pleasure backing off and fading into an amazing afterglow.

Alexia lays on the bed after Paul rolls out from beneath her, puffing softly to herself as she basks in the afterglow as she finds her whole body just doesn't want to move, she just wants to lay there and enjoy the sensations of being empty, though the rewards for being used 'properly' have definitely left her hardly able to think either, at least for now.

Paul snuggles for a moment before he gives a little gasp, having to get up and make a run for the bathroom. A few minutes pass before he returns, belly no longer a little swollen, the wolf strutting back into the room, noticing the bunny girl immediately, "Mmmm, I have to say, there are worse infections out there you could get..."

She looks up at him as he returns, one of her ears twitching slightly as she sits herself up and looks around for the clothes she was given last night, as well as the tablet that she can communicate with. One of her paws runs down her smooth belly, rubbing it a little before she spies the tablet on the couch and she stands up with a bit of a squeak coming from her paws.

Paul is cleaning up his torn clothing from the previous night, grinning as he remembers the urgency and need that had filled him. Still quiet, not wanting to break the silence, he watches that bunny-butt rise as Alexia goes to retrieve her tablet. Pulling on a fresh pair of boxers, the wolf smiles as he sees her reach the device.

Keeping the device close, she now starts trying to find where the clothing she was given last night went, after the rather... urgent 'relief session' last night she's misplaced them, which gives Paul all the more of a show as she looks around for them.

Paul begins to get dressed, but keeps his attention on the girl, watching her move. He had spotted the clothing, tossed beside the couch by the girl the previous night, but he is enjoying watching her bounce and move around the room, trying to find it.

It takes her a little while to find it, but when she does she's quickly slipping herself into it, silently sighing with relief to have some clothes again, even if they're borrowed. Though Paul still gets a showing of her dressing herself right in front of him.

Dressed first, but matching the girl with his own fatigues, Paul paces over and wraps an arm around her waist, "Mmm, I better go, but I will see you at lunch." he says, growling softly, with much appreciation for the bunny under the clothing beside him, "Also, we really should get someone to look at us, try and work out what is happening." he adds. Darting out the door, the wolf leaves for his duties, the bunny left with nothing to really do today, as she wasn't needed by Jake until tomorrow.

Once she's left by herself, all she can really do is try and get herself comfortable and start looking through the tablet's files to get a brief rundown on what she might have to face here. Which would make things a lot easier when she has to get down to business tomorrow.

Something about the research just seems to click for the girl, her mind working the ideas and experiments. By the time she looks up from the tablet, it is mid afternoon and she realizes, with a start, that she is neither hungry nor thirsty.

That realization is odd for the girl, but somewhat makes sense as she realizes that with however long she was stuck for she didn't remember being fed or given anything to drink, which leaves the girl wondering if she even did need to sleep as she taps at the small computer, looking for some more notes on Jake's project as she tries to bring herself up to speed on what he's researching so she'll be able to help, even if she can't really speak to tell her ideas just yet.

Focused on the tablet, Alexia is likely startled when the door opens and Paul strides in and, dashing in front of her, he pulls some flowers from behind his back, "I checked the clothes' ID and it said they haven't left my room, figured you were caught up in something, didn't want to bug you." he says, all at once and leans in, offering to kiss her cheek.

The flowers catch Alexia by surprise as she sees them, blushing as she looks up at Paul and for a moment she forgets she has no voice as she tries to mouth something to him before leaning to give him a kiss on the cheek and a quick nuzzle before picking up the tablet to start typing on it. "Well I've been trying to read up on what Jake is working on and I'm pretty sure I'll be able to help him. And since when do you think you could bug me? You saved my life."

"I might have saved you life, but from the moment you opened your eyes, you claimed my heart." the wolf replies, finally saying what he has been beating himself up over for the last day, "But first, there is something very, very important I need." he adds, leaning in to nose and lick at her cheek, "What can I call you, apart from amazing?"

"Alexia" she types quickly, before trying to cover her blushing face with both paws, the bunny definitely not expecting to be treated like this.

"Alexia." Paul whispers, "Alexia. Yes, you are definitely an Alexia." he decides and he notices something again, her scent. "Uh, time to be emptied again I think." he says, pulling back, using all his willpower to withdraw from her proximity, "Lets do things a little more... more civilized." he adds and begins to undress slowly, fighting his instincts to just tear the clothing away.

She reaches a paw down to her belly to rub it, squeaking a little as she realizes that she's definitely feeling a little full again as she wonders if with regular 'emptying' her body will try and compensate quicker, but those thoughts don't get too far as she looks over at the wolf slowly undressing herself before she decides that there are definitely plenty of worse ways to get that stuff out of her.

Jake had found, in Alexia, not just a competent assistant, but someone who genuinely had a very strong empathy for the latex-computer interface field. Having her regular lunches with Paul, she was emptying herself three times daily with the devoted wolf's help. After a few weeks of such, one day...

The alarm begins to sound, a warning and a call to shut down experiments and proceed to the 'safety locations'. Jake looks up with a start, a worried expression on his rodentine features as he beckons to Alexia, "Come on, we have to go. It's probably just a drill..."

The bunny nods, clutching her tablet as she readies to follow him. Definitely not wanting to go anywhere without some way to communicate as she picks up on his worry and her long ears twitch slightly.

Just as the pair reach the door a soldier opens it, scanning quickly before his eyes settle on Alexia, "Ma'am, Captain Coulton has requested your presence." his use of Paul's last name is not uncommon for the girl to have heard, being the senior officer present, all the soldiers referred to him as such. Turning, expecting to have his request followed to the letter, the armed man begins to stride off, obviously intending for Alexia to follow.

Alexia is quick to follow the soldier, worried for the wolf but also hoping she'll be able to help in some way as she walks along, tablet clutched in both paws like it always is when she's out and about.

The soldier doesn't comment on her bringing the tablet. He, like nearly all the others, know her problem with speech.

Arriving shortly at the entrance to the 'secret research' wing of the building, Alexia would be quick to spot two full teams of armed soldiers, including four using propellant-based flame-throwers.

Paul catches the bunny's form from the corner of his eye and beckons her over. "Doctor Alexia," he begins, the name had begun as a joke but Jake had insisted she use it around the other white-coats, "we lost contact with Professor Burnington's lab less than two hours ago, a routine call in was not made and the section has been sealed off. You have been called in because of your unique history with the particular infection." he hands over a data stick for her to slide into her tablet, waiting for the images to pop up. It was him, the scientist from when she had been rescued.

Alexia blinks and her eyes widen as she recognizes the scientist, frowning a little before starting to type. "He was the one that took everyone else away. What can I do to help though?" The bunny looks a little worried but she's more determined to try and help the other victims than the scientist if she can at all do so.

A scientist, another recognizable from that day, tries to interrupt, "I am sure it was nothing, if you would just let my team in we ca-" she only gets half a sentence in before Paul cuts her off.

"You don't have clearance to enter the area, regulations state that any and all such possible containment breaches are to be handled by security. I have my adviser here now, you are dismissed." the wolf says, clear tones of dislike for the woman, "Now, Doctor," he says, turning back to Alexia, "I want you going in just behind my forward team, I want information handy. If you see anything, let us know okay?"

"Do you suspect it's another outbreak of those spiders? If it is, your people need to be careful and erm well they better not forget to look up that's how I got caught" she types carefully, nodding and gulping a little to try and steel herself. "Do we have any information on reports from beforehand that we can analyze?"

The other scientists seem almost ready to pipe up before a glare from the woman from earlier causes them to go quiet again.

"Good call. SERGEANT!" Paul begins calling his 'right hand man' over, a senior non commissioned officer, "Have the teams keep an eye up, these things are known to use ambush tactics." he says and the soldier salutes and trots off to the teams. "Here, Alexia, take this." he says, turning back and palming something cool and heavy into the girl's hand, a service pistol. "Okay, lets start this!" he calls, turning and, beckoning the bunny girl, follows as his soldiers open the containment doors and begin advancing into the sealed area.

With a gulp, she slips the tablet into her pocket and grips the pistol with both hands, carefully following the team into the quarantined area, her ears twitching as she already tries to look for anything amiss.

It's not long before the sound of weapons fire and, eventually, the *WHOOSH* of air as the flamethrowers are employed. A soldier reports back to Paul, "Sir, you were right sir, those damn egg-heads had been doing something with the rubber spiders, no human contacts yet, but the point squad are on the lookout for any survivors." he reports.

The cleanup was a short and brutal fight, the soldiers having been trained for such situations ruthlessly killed everything that had more than the regulation amount of legs. Giving the all clear, Paul ushered Alexia up into the main lab itself. Nine vivisected bodies were suspended in large tanks along one wall, the other 'survivors' of the original site. Two 'unknown' people, cocooned in the rubber, as well as five more, the female contingent of the professor's team, were found. It was right then, however, that Alexia would get a bit of a shock.

Crawling up the girl's leg, the smallest of spiders was seeking a place to hide from the death and destruction of it's new hive but before the girl could even think to call out, she can feel the mind of the thing, somehow communicating via touch. Fear, loss, pain, all radiated from the small creature in great measure.

She reaches down to the creature, trying to cup it in both paws, the fear and pain definitely getting to the girl as she tries to coax it onto her paw before looking around for one of the soldiers or Paul.

Paul, sensing Alexia's interest in something, turns just in time to see the spider scurry up her arm. Eyes wide, the soldier is reaching for his knife, not trusting the spider one bit, not with what they did to the scientists here, or Alexia last time.

Alexia doesn't trust the creature either, trying to contain it between both of her paws if she can get a hold of it, but also hoping that maybe... just maybe she could communicate to it in return somehow.

Seeming to sense the girl's worry and need, the little spider crawls back out of her sleeve and into her cupped hands.

"What the hell..." Paul exclaims, watching the spider dance to the girl's wishes rather than exhibit the usual aggressive behavior.

Alexia holds out her cupped hands, trying to find a way to ask for a container or something she can put the small creature in where it'll be safe, something she tries to communicate to the creature in her paws, urging it to stay still and to not be a threat.

At the suggestion to the creature that it will need to leave her, however, it retreats into her sleeve, fear and loneliness flowing from it.

"I don't know what you... how you... look, lets get it out of here, I have ordered this area incinerated within fifteen." Paul says, reaching for Alexia's other hand and trying to lead her out of the area, even as explosives technicians are already wiring up charges.

With a sigh she tries to urge it back into her paws, nodding and allowing herself to be led away, though if the spider chooses to go back into her paws, she can't get at her tablet to type, but she'd much rather it somewhere she can see it and keep it safe. The bunny quite confused as to why the small spider seems to have taken to her so much, but knowing that if she can figure it out, it might go some way towards both restoring her, and finding out how it can communicate.

"Keep it in your sleeve, for now. If the white-coats see it there will be hell to pay." Paul says to the girl, even stepping forward to shield her and to take the questions of the scientists gathered outside the restricted wing.

Ushered back to her quarters by a soldier, Alexia finds herself alone in her and Paul's quarters, well, alone except for her multi-limbed friend.

Sitting down on the bed, she tries to calm herself down after everything she's seen today, holding out her arm and trying to coax the creature out of her sleeve and back into her hand so she can take a look at it.

The little spider crawls out, looking up at the girl, bouncing softly on it's legs, seemingly more calm now, with just Alexia present.

Taking a few breaths she examines it as best she can, watching it bounce slightly as at least with it feeling calm, she isn't flooded with a sense of panic and loss anymore. Though if it can feel anything from her in return, it'd know she's definitely curious about it.

Seeming to look up at the girl, a sense of contentment, of 'togetherness' flows from the spider. Just then, however, the door opens and closes, Paul returning. Strangely, the spider doesn't seem to shy from him being here, neither does it, however, seek him out in any capacity.

Alexia takes out her tablet, holding the spider in one hand as she starts typing with the other. "I'm glad you're back. I don't know what they were doing but this little one doesn't feel like it's a threat." The bunny slowly taps into the tablet, turning it so he can read what she's written.

Looking at the girl, the spider sitting calmly on her hand, Paul shakes his head, "As far as anyone knows, they are wiped out. I trust you but... promise me, if it tries to take control, you will stop it." he says, sitting down beside her on the couch, clearly wanting to just relax after the tense day.

She nods firmly at that, setting the tablet down and reaching out with her paw to rub the wolf's shoulders gently as she tries to think on somewhere safe the spider could go, sighing a little and wishing she'd been able to find some manner of small enclosure to keep it safe in as she doesn't want it on her paw all day.

After barely a yawn, the wolf is already dozing. The combination of her relaxing presence and the rubbing of his shoulders practically putting him out where he stood.

Alexia tries to move the dozing wolf over to the bed instead of the couch, the bunny's feet squeaking against the floor as she supports him and helps him down onto the bed, stroking his ears and petting him gently to try and soothe him back to sleep, it's been a long day for all of them.

The wolf is just settled and dozing again when Alexia feels it, that tightness and fullness in her belly. Paul had drained her at midday but her body seemed inclined to always produce a little more than was needed.

Alexia silently whines as she feels that fullness in her belly, shaking her head and getting up to go back to her research to try and distract herself, surely she can hold out until Paul wakes up.

The spider, seemingly unnoticed, slips down into the girl's clothing. It knows that scent, it knows what this 'nester' needs to have done and it quickly works under her clothes until it reaches the spot. With not a though, the little spider plunges it's abdomen into the girl's slit.

The moment she feels that, both paws are quickly at her groin to try and get the creature away from there, not wanting it to wind up using any of her rubber to get bigger.

The spider, under the girl's clothing, is not distracted in the least. It can sense the need in her and it acts for it's hive-mate, finally connecting with that spot, driving Alexia into an orgasm, even as the little spider begins to bloat slightly at the amount of rubber.

With her body almost paralyzed by the orgasm she can't move at all now as the spider starts taking the rubber inside her, the bunny silently moaning and crying out as the thick fluid flows from her, into the small creature at her slit.

It doesn't take long for the small spider to take it's fill, but it lingers a moment longer, letting it's body bloat a little more than would be normal, as it realizes that there are only two drones here to support this nester. Detaching itself, the spider is suddenly hit with the problem that it can't get out of it's present location anywhere nearly as easy as it got there.

Alexia trembles, trying to reach beneath her clothes to try and let the small spider out after it's detached itself from her, though it's hard enough for her to make her body move after those orgasmic sensations.

Sensing her hive-mate is working on the task, the spider seems to just cling against her, waiting to be released from helping her.

Carefully lifting her underwear, she tries to wiggle a bit to give the spider room to get out, trembling both from the afterglow and the fact that another one of the creatures has just used her again.

Crawling up her arm, nimbly avoiding the girl's fingers, the spider seems to press in against her neck, feelings of warmth and encouragement, satisfaction and delight pouring from it.

Opening her mouth to try and speak, Alexia curls up on the couch, the sensations from the spider pouring into her helping her relax and feel content, and combined with the afterglow it only takes a few moments for the rubber bunny to drift off into sleep.

Nesting Season pt2

Cerine consented to play the part of the defenseless hero in my latest dream-inspired story. Once more, in the [Flexible Survival]( world. ---------------------------------------------- People had been...

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Nesting Season pt1

Cerine consented to play the part of the defenseless hero in my latest dream-inspired story. Once more, in the [Flexible Survival]( world. ---------------------------------------------- Wandering around,...

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Christine's folly

Cerine's character, under a psudonym, goes on a rescue mission! In the [Flexible Survival]( world. ---------------------------------------------- A distress call comes via Christine's comms, after having...

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