At Arceus' Behest Ch. 03 - The Path is Set

Story by barbed_wire83 on SoFurry

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The group spent the next two days resting while Tundra recovered. Zero was amazed at the speed of her recovery. He remembered Ciel was bedridden for almost two weeks after her injury, and even then she was only barely able to walk. He told Tundra that the doctors had to operate on her, and that she had barely pulled through. He also told her about how Professor Rowan convinced them to use Pokeballs to help protect the team. At first Tundra was frightened, she saw what happened to the others while they were inside the black spheres. Taiga finally showed her the difference when he had Zero recall and then release him so she could see with her aura vision that there was no other aura besides his own. Tundra finally agreed, seeing that her brother had chosen to use one even after what he had been through.

The cloth that Zero had wrapped around Tundra was returned by the nurse that saved Tundra's life, and Zero barely recognized it. Instead of a drab dirty brown, it was a magnificent deep amber color. The nurse had noticed that it used to be fashioned as a cloak, so she repaired it. Her skill was impeccable. Everyone in the group was amazed at the sight of it, and the nurse's craftsmanship skills.

Professor Rowan before he left had suggested they head towards Oreburgh City to participate in a pokemon tournament.

"It would be a good way to test and hone your Trainer skills. Young pokemon are very poor at making decisions during combat. A good example would be when both Tundra and Taiga charged that Steelix when they did."

Tundra chimed in, "Ri, ri olu o lu riolu ri o ri ol olu ri." ("Yea, that wasn't the best idea now that I think about it")

Professor Rowan continued, "Pokemon Trainers help guide their team in combat, suggesting what to do. Rathien and Catziah are more experienced and shouldn't need any help, but you will have a full view of the whole battle and can still tell them what to do in situations where they might not see the best tactic."

"So it's like a commander giving orders to his soldiers.. That makes sense." Zero thought aloud.

"Yes. Also, given your situation even you could participate in a battle. I don't know of any rules against it. But remember, these tournaments are held to test a person's training ability, not their combat prowess. Also I don't think you want too many people knowing you're not human..." the professor finished.

"I can disguise it to look like a regular sword, that shouldn't be a problem if I have to use it," Zero assured him.

The professor smirked, "But don't forget your true goal. You need to find the Galaxy Gang and stop them."

Zero nodded, "I will. I gave Arceus my word, and I give it to you as well." Zero turned to his friends, "Do you guys want to join this tournament? It'll be a good way to gauge our ability."

Everyone thought it was a great idea, Tundra and Taiga especially interested since they had never been to one.

"Where is Oreburgh City located? We'll head there as soon as Tundra is recovered," Zero asked the professor.

"Follow Route 202 heading north out of Sandgem Town to Jubilife City, then go east on Route 203 through the Oreburgh Gate. Oreburgh City is on the other side of the passage. It's a mining town, and lots of Rock pokemon like Onix are used there to help mine. Roark, the Gym Leader there uses Rock pokemon exclusively, so use that tidbit of information to your advantage. There is also a Museum there that displays some of the fossils of ancient pokemon they recover while mining, if you're interested in it."

"Thank you, Professor," Zero replied.

"One more thing, you may be challenged to a Trainer duel or two while on the road. There are many aspiring youths that want to make a name for themselves. Also, here's a number you can use to reach me." Professor Rowan pressed a few buttons on his Pokedex, and a 'ping' sound came from the one in Zero's newly fashioned cloak. "You can use your Pokedex to contact me any time. I'll let you know if anything comes up about the Galaxy Gang."

"I'll keep that in mind. Take care Professor."

And with that, Professor Rowan left for his lab.

On the fourth day the group decided it was time to move on. Tundra had healed fully, aside from the scar. Their first destination? To the store, at Catziah's suggestion. They stocked up on various foodstuffs and medical supplies, and some camping equipment, paid for by the bounty Officer Jenny had rewarded them. Their second destination? Oreburgh City, to participate in the tournament. They set out, headed north towards Jubilife city. The trip would take a couple days to get there at a normal pace. Zero kept everyone out of their pokeballs at their request. He promised them they would only use them as needed.

It was an uphill dirt path that wound around the mountainside. The local wildlife gave them a wide berth; none of them wanted to take on a Blaziken or Gallade; they could sense their strength. As they came around the first bend that crawled up the mountainside, they saw a clearing further along the road to the east. Dusk was approaching, and they decided they would setup camp.

Zero was trying to remember how Ciel had set up her tent when they were on long missions, when Rathien came by with a wide grin on his face. Behind him was the tent, floating in mid air, being assembled as he watched.

"Show off," Zero grinned.

Rathien just laughed, "Just trying to help."

Zero had a thoughtful look on his face, "You really do remind me of my friend, X. You even sound like him."

Rathien smiled, "I'm told I sound like everyone's closest friend.. It has something to do with my psychic abilities. I can't communicate with you through it, though, so I guess I really do sound like him."

Zero continued on, "Would you like to hear about him?"

Rathien nodded, "Sure."

And so Zero told him about the blue armored reploid that he considered his best friend, how he had joined the maverick hunters, how later on during a mission he saved X from a maverick reploid named Vile, and of Zero's first time being totally destroyed, how it was X and Dr. Cain who rebuilt him. By this time, Catziah, Tundra, and Taiga had finished setting up camp and had put some food on the fire. Zero told them how well X wielded his Z-Saber after he gave it to him after Zero had been severely damaged and had to leave to be repaired by Dr. Cain. He told them about how the Repliforce war came about and how Sigma had tried to demoralize X by making him chase a reploid named Double, who was just a red herring. X's role in the Eurasia incident greatly interested Rathien, how he had protected Zero even after being almost destroyed. Rathien also liked how X even went after someone who was smearing Zero's name after he went missing a second time. What Rathien liked most was X's constant search for a peaceful resolution, even though he was built for combat. It reminded Rathien of how he had been before he was taken by the Galaxy Gang. Zero then told them about X's Sacrifice, how he had given his body to seal the Mother Elf after it was corrupted by Dr. Weil. Zero then told them of X's death, how he had sacrificed his soul to save Zero from Omega, which was Zero's original body, and how he had protected him from Omega's explosive death.

It brought a tear to everyone's eyes.

Rathien bowed his head, "He sounds like a good man. I'm honored you would consider me like him."

Tundra and Taiga bowed their heads while Catziah tended to the food. As the night went on the rest of the group went to sleep, while Zero went into his meditative state.

It was well into the morning when Zero heard a high pitched scream of pain, along with the roar of flames. He went to the tent to wake everyone up. Just as he did they all heard a loud crack alongside another high pitched scream. Zero recalled everyone to their pokeballs after explaining he wanted the element of surprise, which they agreed to.

Zero approached the agonized screams and whimpering, and saw a black haired man in a black and silver jumpsuit with a whip in his hand, laughing maniacally as a badly disheveled horned hound with a demon tail tore into a small brown rabbit-like creature. It was badly injured, with many cuts and burn marks. The worst were around its ears and face, but that might be just because they were the most visible. Lots of charred and bloody cream fur covered the rest of its body, and it was holding one leg while it cried.

"Now you can finish your meal, Blackfire. Be sure to make it scream long and loud! It's music to my ears!" the man ordered.

The Houndoom had a look of sadness on its face as it approached the buneary, "Dohou doom, ho doomhound hou doom doohoundoom.." ("Forgive me, he doesn't feed us anything..")

Zero was infuriated, he hated seeing senseless slaughter of any kind, but starving intelligent beings made his circuits flare. As the horned dog pounced, he threw out everyone's pokeballs. The dog charged right into Rathien's extended blade, yelping as it was tossed to the side by the Gallade's powerful swing. Then every one of them watched as Zero walked to stand in front of the injured rabbit.

"Just what do you think you're doing?! My Houndoom needs food, and that Buneary would make us a great meal," The black haired man yelled.

Zero held his best poker face and said, "Then I'd suggest you find it somewhere else, because I won't let you torture this creature, or your own, anymore."

The black haired man laughed hysterically, "Do you know who I work for? Do you really think you can order me around and get away with it? I'll give you a gift, turn and walk away and I'll mercifully pretend this never happened!"

Zero looked at him with a face that could curdle fresh milk, "I'll consider it when hell freezes over."

The man's anger raged through his voice, "Then face my wrath!" and threw out all his pokeballs. A Seviper, Mismagius, and Magneton materialized in front of the group. They all looked disheveled and malnourished. The Houndoom jumped from the bushes from which it had been thrown into and growled.

Catziah and Rathien both saw where they could press the advantage, but really didn't want to fight such poorly treated creatures.

Rathien had a solemn look on his face as he spoke first, "Gal ad ade gal." ("I'll take the snake.")

"Bla blaz i ken," ("I'll get the hound,") Catziah had a depressed tone in her voice.

"What the HELL do you think you're doing, treating your team like that? You don't even feed them?!" There was a look of confusion on the black haired man's face, "YES, I heard what the hound said!" Zero shouted.

The black haired man had a puzzled look on his face, clearly understanding he missed out on part of a conversation, "What are you fools waiting for? ATTACK THEM!" He yelled at his pokemon.

"Go easy on them, guys. They don't deserve what's happened to them," Zero said as he looked at his friends.

The Seviper slithered forward towards the group, the Houndoom named Blackfire right beside it. Catziah frowned as her claws and forearms were engulfed in flame. She took a stance and pointed her slender palms toward each other, the flames converging, she then threw them forward and a huge column of flame spewed forth towards the Houndoom. It grunted as the flames hit it, and returned a fire attack of its own. It drew in a big gulp of air and started spitting embers of flame in rapid fire. Rathien brought up a protective sphere around Catziah as quick as he could, but was caught off guard as the Seviper launched itself at him, tail first. Rathien barely spun away, getting caught in the shoulder by the large snake's bladed tail. The sphere absorbed the majority of the embers before it shattered. The few that got through went off to Catziah's sides. She launched herself with her powerful legs towards the Houndoom, and caught it with a blazing kick across the face. It yelped in pain as it flew to the side and crashed into a nearby tree, head first. It was out for the count. Rathien had recovered from the tail strike the Seviper had delivered, and was looking around for it. A silent movement of brush in the windless morning instantly alerted him to its location. He psychically lifted it up and slammed it into the ground, then threw it away from the black haired man. It appeared lifeless. He frowned inwardly, realizing he might have overdone it.

"You FAILURES! And here I thought you knew how to fight!" the man screamed at them. He then pulled out a gun and just as he lifted it to aim at the hound, Zero flashed red and then appeared right behind him and cut his hand off with his Z-Saber. The man didn't feel the pain until he looked at where his hand should be. A scream of agony came from deep in his lungs.

"KILL THEM! ... KILL THEM ALL!!!" He yelled at his other pokemon, desperately trying to stop what little bleeding that came from the cauterized wound. He turned around to look at what he thought would be the Gallade that had cut his hand off, and gasped in shock as he saw the man that was originally in an amber cloak was now wearing red and black armor with a green flaming blade in his hand.

"Wha... WHAT THE FUCK ... ARE YOU!?!" He screamed in bewilderment in between breaths. He fell down and started backing away from Zero. "It doesn't ... matter, YOU'LL ... ALL ... DIE!"

"Riol, Ri o Ri lu Rio?" ("Zero, can we have the honors?") Tundra asked, with Taiga at his side.

Zero grinned wickedly, "Absolutely. But do it slow.. I want to hear him scream."

The look of horror in the man's eyes couldn't match the shivers of fear his body went through. He just now realized this man could actually talk to his pokemon. He was wondering why his own pokemon weren't coming to his aid, until he realized that they had turned on him. He scrambled to his feet looking for his pokeballs, but was beaten to them by Tundra and Taiga. They were regular pokeballs, yet he still didn't deserve the honor of keeping pokemon. Tundra and Taiga both smashed all 4 of them.

Catziah and Rathien were both walking over to their defeated opponents with a canister in hand, and sprayed the healing ointment on their wounds. Rathien and Catziah both breathed a sigh of relief after their respective opponents regained consciousness.

The Magneton and Mismagius both closed in on their previous master, evil grins across their faces. The Mismagius cackled gleefully, feeding off of the fear her abuser now abundantly shed. There was a visible change in her appearance as she fed. Everyone around her could see it. The Magneton began emitting sparks from its magnets, which arced towards the man. He convulsed violently for several minutes before he passed out.

Zero looked at the new pokemon around him, "You guys look like you could use a meal, feel free to join us at camp if you want." He then walked towards the Buneary. The fear in her eyes faded as he spoke to her. "You don't have to worry anymore, at least let us help with your wounds." She could sense the honesty in his voice, and tried to say 'Okay', but she passed out from the pain before she could finish.

The Buneary woke up several hours later inside a pink tinted room, the man that had saved her at her side.

"Don't worry, you're safe. You're at the Sandgem Town Pokemon Center. Rathien, my Gallade friend brought us here. He's getting you something to eat right now."

The Buneary didn't know what to say, and had a sad and confused look on her face.

Zero saw it and mistook the meaning, "I didn't capture you if that's what you're worried about."

The Buneary still didn't say anything, wondering why someone would go out of their way to help her. This man was unlike any human she had ever heard about. She thought about what her parents told her.

There was a knock on the door, and then it opened. Rathien came in, psychically holding something that smelled really delicious to her. He came over and put one of the plates in front of her. She sniffed it, confirming the wonderful aroma indeed came from this unusual looking food. She took a bite, and smiled as the flavor exploded in her mouth. She then looked at Zero and Rathien.

"Rathien was it, can you translate for me?" the Buneary asked.

Zero then spoke up, "There's no need. I understand what you're saying."

This caught the Buneary off guard. She had never in her life heard of a human that could understand Pokespeech. She finally collected herself and said only one thing as she popped some more of the wonderful food in her mouth, "Why?"

"Why am I helping you?" Zero asked. The Buneary nodded. "Because you looked like you needed it, just like those other pokemon looked like they needed it. I heard what the Houndoom said to you, how that man never fed any of them."

This caught her off guard as well, he even went so far as to help other people's pokemon?

"Yes, he does. He released those pokemon that that trainer had owned," Rathien added. Seeing her thoughts was particularly easy to him, but he didn't probe any further.

My parents always said I should look for someone who takes care of their Pokemon.. I never thought one would find me, though.

"Well, I'm glad you're feeling better, but we need to be off. If you want, we can take you back to where we found you." Zero said.

"Actually... would it be too much to ask you to take me with you?" the Buneary nervously asked.

Zero and Rathien both looked a little confused at the request, "Where we're going can be really dangerous. We're looking for more of those guys who tried to feed you to his Pokemon. They're criminals and we intend to bring them to justice."

It wasn't the whole truth, but it was the truth.. Zero thought to himself.

"That's even more reason to join you. It's been my dream to find someone who's heart is just. Please, let me join you!" the little Buneary pleaded.

Rathien smiled as Zero responded, "Alright, as long as you know what's ahead of you."

The Buneary literally sang her cheers, "Well, my name's Autumn, what can I call you two?"

Zero responded, "My name is Zero, and this is Rathien." He pointed to his Gallade friend. "Well, let's head out, I'll introduce you to the rest of the team." Zero finished.

Autumn smiled, "Okay!"

Rathien seemed much more composed as he brought Autumn and Zero back to the camp. It was a smooth landing, unlike their first arrival in Sandgem Town.

It never ceases to amaze me how he can do that.. Zero thought to himself.

The rest of the group stood up as they arrived, and Zero noticed that the other guy's team members were still here.

Tundra spoke up first, "Hey Zero, they want to join us! Can they, can they?! They're actually really nice!"

Taiga nodded, "Yes, they have been through a lot yet still kept a good attitude about them. I think they would make great teammates, as well as friends."

Autumn saw the Houndoom that had attacked her earlier approach her, and she started shivering in fear.

"I want to apologize for earlier this morning. He never fed us anything, and made us hunt for our own food but whipped us when we brought back berries. Please, forgive me."

She stopped shaking when she heard the sincerity in his voice, "It's hard to believe someone would make you do that. I forgive you. I was always taught that to err is natural, but to forgive is divine," Autumn responded.

There was a look of elation on the Houndoom's face, "Thank you.. you don't know how much that means to me. My name is Blackfire."

Autumn responded, "And mine is Autumn."

Zero then introduced himself and the rest of his team, "My name is Zero, and this is Rathien." He waved at the Gallade again. "Over there is Catziah, Tundra, and Taiga."

"That's great, but we already introduced ourselves earlier after Rathien brought us that wonderful meal." Blackfire esponded.

Zero smiled, "But Autumn hasn't met rest of the team." Taiga smiled and was thankful the fur on his face hid his emotions. "It looks like we have a few more new members too, can I get your names?"

The Seviper spoke up, "Yesss, my name is Ssscarlet."

The Magneton floated foward, "You may call us Trinity."

Then the Mismagius tried to speak psychically to Zero, but ran into the same problem Rathien did. This confused her greatly, and Zero saw it in her face.

He grinned, "No, I'm not human."

The new members' eyes widened when he said this. "What are you?! You're not a Pokemon.." Blackfire asked rather excidedly.

"I'm like a human, but made of metal and circuits instead of flesh and bone. I'm a machine, for those of you familiar with the word," Zero responded.

"I see," the ghost chimed in, "My name is Midnight."

"Well, thank you for joining us. I suppose my friends have told you where I'm from and what I'm doing?" Zero asked.

"Yes, and we want to help you." They all responded.

"We want revenge for what the Galaxy Gang did to us," Midnight stated.

"Then let me say something up front. I don't want you to land a killing blow unless absolutely necessary. Even though they are criminals, they are human; humans will want to punish their own kind. I've met one of the officers, and she was very adamant that they would pay dearly. Will you all be okay with that?"

There were a few sighs of relief, "That's no problem for us.. we never did like it when we had to kill," Trinity responded solemnly.

"Alright, I won't pretend to own you. You are free to leave whenever you want, just let me know and I will release you from your pokeballs.. speaking of which, let's get that over with," Zero stated.

He brought out 4 of the red and white spheres, and set them in front of each of his new friends. Each of them touched the ball in front of them. They faded into a shade of red and then disappeared into the pokeballs. It made the all clear sound instantly, showing they offered no resistance to the sphere. He released them immediately.

"Welcome to the team, everyone," Zero said as they all cheered, but Blackfire suddenly remembered something.

"Isn't there a limit to the amount of Pokemon a trainer can carry at a time? That man was only ever allowed so many of us at a time," he asked.

Zero gave a puzzled look at the question, "Honestly, I don't know. I guess we'll find out as we pass through Jubilife City."

With that they packed up camp and headed out on the winding mountainside path again, prisoner in tow.

The rest of the trip was uneventful as they approached Jubilife City. It was nearing dusk again when they stopped someone for directions to the police station. As they approached the station, Officer Jenny was coming outside.

"Well hey there, Zero. You caught another one of them already? You don't waste any time, do you?" She said happily.

Zero had a frown on his face, "There's more to it than him just working for the Galaxy Gang." He then released Scarlet, Blackfire, and Midnight. Officer Jenny cringed at the sight of them. "I found him making these 3 hunt for other pokemon to eat. Blackfire," he pointed to the Houndoom, "had said that he starved and abused them, and when I had knocked out two of his pokemon, he pulled out a gun and was about to kill them. At that point I tried to knock the weapon out of his grasp, but ended up cutting off his entire hand."

"Some people never cease to disgust me," Officer Jenny said as she shook her head. She then grabbed the man and brought him inside the station and handed him over to one of the other officers, "Put him on a beggar's diet." The other officer grinned widely, "Looks like you'll be getting some of our fine establishment's wonderful cuisine." The black haired boy picked up on the sarcasm and shot him an evil eye.

Zero had followed her inside, "Officer Jenny, I heard that there was a limit to the amount of pokemon a person is able to have with them at one time. Is this true?"

She looked at him intently, "Yes.. there is. A Pokemon Trainer is only allowed 6 pokemon at a time." She saw the concern on his face. "You have more, don't you?" Zero nodded. "I think we can make an exception for you, since you're actively hunting the Galaxy Gang. I'll give word to the other police stations that you will be carrying more pokemon than normal because of your bounty hunting. If a trainer confronts you about it, show them this card." She then handed him a card with 'Representative of the Jubilife Law Enforcement', with Officer Jenny's signature just below it.

The look of elation on Zero's face was evident, "Thank you, officer. It means more to me than you know."

She smiled, "Oh don't worry about it. We're allowed to have more than 6 pokemon because we are law enforcement. We don't make other Trainers representatives very often, but when we do they get the same authority as us." She then hands him another plastic card. "Here's the bounty on that Galaxy Gang member you brought in. We'll make sure he gets the best accommodations we can provide."

Zero and the rest of the new members busted out laughing.

"Well, we're going to get a room for the night, and make our way towards Oreburgh City sometime tomorrow," Zero then added, speaking quietly, "Officer Jenny, what would happen to me if I'm forced to defend myself and my attacker ends up dying?"

"Nothing," She said assuredly, "You would be forced to defend yourself. If it comes to that, I will personally come to defend your reputation. The first time I saw you, you single-handedly took out 5 of these guys at a time, without killing any of them."

"I'll try to avoid it as much as possible," Zero swore to her.

"I know you will, you've proven yourself just taking in this guy's pokemon and caring for them," she said.

And with that she turned and went towards a desk, "Well, I've got some phone calls to make. I'll see you around."

Zero waved at her as they left the station.

They went to the Jubilife Pokemon Center and got a room. At the desk on the other side of the foyer was a nurse that looked identical to Nurse Joy back in Sandgem Town. She was fuming when she saw the 3 pokemon in the condition they were in. Only when Midnight explained to her that Zero saved them from an abusive trainer did she cool off, "My sister said to expect a strange man. At first I was about to have you arrested. Would you come with me please? I'd like to give you all a full checkup," she smiled at Zero as he looked at his new friends. They nodded and went with the nurse.

A short time passed as they each had their checkup, and they all came out. She addressed Zero while he was waiting outside, "Well, aside from malnourishment your friends are in good health. I would suggest waiting a couple days before you head out and get a few good meals in them."

Zero nodded, and the 3 pokemon looked especially happy that they would get to enjoy more of the wonderful food this place had.

As they made their way to the cafeteria, Zero released the rest of his friends. They stretched and then sat down. Some of the other trainers went over to Nurse Joy, wanting her to call the police. She shushed them, and said tersely that Officer Jenny had already contacted her, and that because the man was hunting criminals he was allowed to have more than 6 pokemon at a time. Some of them gasped in fright at the thought that someone who wasn't a cop would actively chase down criminals. They all gave him a wide berth as they returned to their tables.

The group enjoyed their meals, especially Autumn, Scarlet, Midnight, and Blackfire. Scarlet began to weep, which confused everyone.

"Don't worry.. about me.. It'sss jussst.. we've never had anything.. ssso good.. or met anyone.. ssso niccce and.. kind asss you," she confessed in between sobs.

Zero nodded, "I understand. Let this be new beginning, for all of you guys."

They finished their meals and headed upstairs to the room they reserved. Inside were two large beds on opposite sides of the room with lamps on the corner tables beside them, and two large recliners facing a flat-screen TV, and an office desk in the middle of the room with a computer and phone on it.

It was the first time any of the new members had even been cleaned, by Zero's guess. After having a shower, they could easily be mistaken for others of their kind.

Tundra was rather embarrassed about something. Rathien sensed it and asked her to join him and Catziah on a walk. When they came back everyone was getting comfortable on the beds, with Zero sitting in one of the recliners. Tundra and Catziah had grins on their faces, while Rathien was just shaking his head.