Wrestling with Change - Chapter 12

Story by Apollo Wolf on SoFurry

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#12 of Wrestling with Change

Things are coming to a head now, can all the guys reconcile their new feelings along with the rest of the changes?

Chapter 12 - Combat Stance

Ricky had to split up from Cameron at his locker even though he had no desire to do so. Their school schedule didn't overlap and they had none of the same classes together. He wanted so badly to hold Cameron and keep him close by now that he knew how much he really cared for him. They had walked hand in hand all the way to school but Cam had pulled away slightly when they started to run into more people and when they parted next to Ricky's locker he wanted desperately to embrace him and kiss his beautiful lips. Cam however tried to play it off like a tough guy, pinching Ricky in the shoulder before eventually consenting to a gentle rub together of their foreheads. Ricky had to sigh as he watched Cam walk away to his first class. He figured his friend, well boyfriend, would be ok with being more open about their relationship since he was the one who had initiated nearly everything. From his first groping touch of his swelling cock on the wrestling mat to his seductive enticements in the shower and finally his passionate confession in Ricky's room the night before Cam had made the first move every time. Ricky wasn't going to complain too much though. If he couldn't hold his hand or kiss him in public at least he could suck down that massive cock of his in private and it wasn't like he was alone either, Max and Trick both seemed to have similar desires after all.

It was odd, he was just thinking of Trick and suddenly he was there in front of him. He was at his own locker on the other side of the hall but he was glaring at Ricky over his muzzle with a much colder look in his eyes than Ricky had ever noticed from him before and he large ears pinned back nearly flat against his head. Ricky shut his locker and went over to say good morning to his teammate who quickly realized Ricky was coming over and busied himself in his own locker.

"Hey Trick, how're you doing this morning? Cam and I waited for you for a bit earlier so we could walk to school together, where were you?"

"Yeah right Cowboy, you and Cam remembered I was still around did ya? Trick said, the coldness extending to his voice even though he didn't raise his head to look at Ricky.

"Of course, you and Cam always walk to school together don't you?" Ricky said, truly puzzled by the disdainful emotion he was getting from the normally placid individual.

"That's right Stetson, and maybe you should try and keep that in mind before you start wrecking things for the rest of the team too." Trick said, the white fur on the back of his had bristling a bit as his words grew more heated.

"Hey," Ricky said, feeling himself starting to get defensive, "I'm just trying to help the team out! I wrestle my ass off for this team and look at these uniforms I managed to land for us."

Trick stood up and spun around, his canine teeth barred in his snarling muzzle, "You can keep your stupid uniforms, I don't give a shit what they're gonna do for the team and all you did was screw things up for the rest of us, just look at how different they're all acting now. Maybe you should just take your fancy new shit back east and buy your way into another team."

Trick punctuated this by grabbing a fist full of Ricky's warm-ups and poking him hard in the chest before shoving him aside and storming away. Ricky stood there dumbfounded. He really had no idea what had brought that on from the guy. He had always liked Trick and thought they had gotten along alright even if they hadn't exactly been friends. His words stung though and had echoed a few of the thoughts he had already formed about the recent change in those around him. The rest of the team had suddenly become much more accepting of him because he brought the new uniforms this past week. Was he really just buying his way into their friendship even though he wasn't really the one providing the new gear?

His disturbing encounter with Trick gave him lots to think about the rest of the day and kept him distracted from the constant stream encouragement for himself and the wrestling team in general that wearing his team apparel in class had done exactly like the previous day. Through his first several classes he would have half remembered conversations with some new wrestling fans as well as a couple of his teammates, none of which seemed to share Trick's disapproval for the uniforms or Ricky himself. He had hoped to put the matter to rest at lunch time and found a table in the cafeteria and was quickly joined by Cameron as well as couple of other teammates, even a few of the jocks from some of the other sports came over to hang out with them. Ricky wasn't completely sure but he could have sworn one of the linebackers on the football team was actually flirting with him. The lone exception seemed to be Trick. He shared the same lunch period and when he walked in with his lunch tray he and Ricky locked eyes for a moment, his eyes hardening again as he turned to find a seat on the opposite side of the room.

Cam was still acting a bit aloof about the nature of their relationship, nearly going out of his way not to get too close to Ricky in front of all these other guys. As a result Ricky didn't have a chance to talk to him about the sudden change in Trick's behavior. All in all it wasn't a bad day but he was still grateful when the final bell sounded and he knew wrestling practice was just a few minutes away. Not surprisingly he wasn't the first to arrive in the locker room and though he waited until the place had nearly cleared out he still hadn't spotted either of the two teammates he was most hoping to talk to. This time he checked the weight room first hoping to find them in there just as he had the previous day but no such luck. He was about to head back to the wrestling room when he heard raised voices coming from one of the supply closets. As he neared it he could clearly make out the sound of both Cameron and Trick's voices as they were having a rather heated exchange. He had almost reached the door when it suddenly burst and Cam stormed out. Ricky tried to act nonchalant about it but he doubted it really fooled Cam, either way his boyfriend just smiled brightly at him and took him by the hand.

"Hey Cowboy, come on let's get to practice... we've got work to do before tomorrow's meet."

Ricky just shrugged as he was led away looking back over his shoulder just long enough to see Trick follow out of the closet looking crestfallen, in fact he could swear he saw tears rolling off his furry muzzle as he and Cam turned the corner and moved out of sight.

It had been a fantastic day for Cameron right from the start. Of course waking up next to a guy as hot as Ricky didn't hurt; neither did the addition of an extraordinary coat of rich black fur to his own body. Just as with the other changes Cam took it all in stride. Part of him was thinking it would have been neat to go to school shirtless just to see if he could get a reaction out of anybody. He and Stetson walked to school that morning a little surprised that Trick hadn't met them at the end of his street like he always had before but again Cam had little concern for such small changes. Ricky had been so wonderfully quick to accept his advances that it had nearly caught him off guard. As it was he didn't know if he was quite ready to out himself to the whole school. By the time they reached campus he had pulled away from Ricky slightly even passing on the opportunity to kiss him again at his locker.

Later in art class he had to disappoint Stewart and turned him down for another rendezvous in the sound booth. The other boy had clearly enjoyed the massive hunk of canine-like flesh that Cam had to offer him and he was both surprised and delighted when Cam reciprocated and asked to go down on him for the first time in return. He had to give a firm no today even though it tested his resolve. Cam wanted in the worst way to get off again but didn't feel right about practically cheating on Ricky the very first day of their new relationship. Maybe given the chance he would introduce Stew and Cowboy and then they could really have some fun in study hall, the thought of that possibility alone was enough to cause Cameron to give his thickening sheath a gentle grope.

The day had gone almost perfectly until classes finally let out and he made his way to the wrestling room. It was in the hallway just outside the lockers that he ran into Trick, almost literally. He was rushing around the corner towards the locker room when his arm was suddenly snagged by the side and he found himself being jerked to a stop by the smaller boy.

"Jesus Trick, you just about took my arm off! What are you doing out here." Cameron berated him.

"Waiting for you," He said simply with a flick of his ears. "We need to talk."

"Now? We've got to get ready for practice."

"Yeah, now." He said retreating back into the closet they were standing outside of.

Cameron just shrugged and followed him inside, his curiosity piqued at what was up with his bud. "So what is it, where've you been all day anyway?"

"Oh, noticed I wasn't there did you?"

"Of course, what's that supposed to mean?"

"It just seems like ever since Stetson came along you don't give a shit about your real friends anymore."

"Don't be such an ass, you and I have always been best friends, Ricky has nothing to do with that."

"Bullshit. Where were you last night? I came over to your house again. I thought maybe we could, you know, like the night before," Trick stated with a not so subtle fondling of his groin.

"I was at Cowboy's place, so?" Cameron said feeling a little wary.

"See what I mean, he comes along and you don't care about your true friends. You should stop hanging with him so much; he's just trying to break up the team. He took your spot; he's trying to take you from me. Can't you see what he's doing? These uniforms of his, what's happening to us... he's just doing it to take over things with the team." Trick said stepping in close to touch Cameron on the chest, pleading with him to understand.

Cameron's brow furrowed as he thought through what Trick was saying. "Takeover the team? Take me from you? That's crazy. Ricky's gonna help this team win at state's, we all are. There's no way we'd stop being best friends either, I mean we've known each other since we were in daycare together."

"What about the other night, you can't tell me that didn't mean something to you."

Cameron unfortunately was missing the point all together, "So we got off together, why does that have to mean anything?"

"It means more than you and Stetson screwing around," Trick said, his canine nose wrinkling as he drew in the strong scent of Ricky that clung to Cam's body.

"Shut the fuck up, you have no idea what you're talking about." Cam shot back feeling his own fur bristle at his friend's comments.

"I know you have to make a choice, him or me." Trick demanded with his voice as cold as steel.

"No, that's not how it works. You don't want me to make that kind of decision, trust me."

"Why not, best friends right. You need to choose."

"I'm telling you Trick, don't you fucking go there cause you ain't gonna like where it leads you!" Cameron all but growled.

Cam turned and stormed out the door fighting back the desire to slam it in Trick's face. He actually felt relieved that the first person he saw outside was Ricky himself. He briefly thought about kissing him right in front of Trick to drive home which way his decision would go if he forced him into that corner. Instead he just grabbed Ricky's warm waiting hand and led him away to the locker room. He tried to put Trick's words out of his mind as he watched Cowboy strip out of his many layers of clothing eventually leaving him with only the singlet on. The shiny blue and red spandex showed off his increased bulk absolutely perfectly and was accented nicely by the surrounding tufts of gray fur on his arms and legs. Cam had to admit it was tough picturing anybody possibly looking hotter in a singlet than Ricky did right now, but then he imagined his boyfriend with a long tail and a wolf's muzzle and he felt his sheath swell. Cameron desperately wished for a similar singlet but he was still going to have to wait for at least another day. He had to settle for pulling his own worn out, school issued singlet. Of course this one did have the added benefit of being so well used that the lycra was thin to the point of being see through and only going out on the mat naked would have been more revealing, not that that thought didn't appeal to him too.

Ricky was happy to at last be out on the mat even if it was just for practice. Cameron hadn't said a word to him as they got ready and Ricky didn't feel like pressing him. He had a feeling that the argument with Trick probably centered on Ricky based on his earlier conversation with their teammate and the fact that even now he was staying on the opposite side of the room from Cam and himself. Max led all the guys through some warm-ups, stretches, and drills before breaking them down into small groups to work on escape maneuvers. It was different to watch Max lead the team now that he had a tail to give away his mood. Even when he was yelling at the guys, you could tell he was actually happy by how much his new appendage was wagging behind him, if somebody screwed up his tail would bristle and curl slightly.

As for Cameron, Ricky was used to grappling with him here in the wrestling room, often times with him wearing far less than he was now. But there was something about seeing him in his old distressed singlet with what was clearly a fully hard canine cock held beneath that thin red spandex that was driving Ricky wild. He was having a great time taking it in turn to let the other boy assume the down position and try to escape from his grasp, all the while running his hands from his slick lycra covered torso and down his dark black furred arms and legs, enjoying the transition between the different sensations. Cameron was intent on mastering the drills they were practicing but he wasn't above trying them in slow motion to prolong the grinding contact between their bodies, often backing up suddenly just to have Ricky force his own swollen cock harder against his ass.

The room quickly heated up with all the motion and activity of so many guys working so hard. The strong musky odor of exertion rose around them as the sweat started pouring from their bodies and Ricky was quick to notice how the perspiration matted down both Cam's fur and his own, soaking into their singlets as they continued to fight with each other for dominance. He was slower to recognize the new sensations expanding across his backside though and it wasn't until a particularly forceful takedown that found him sprawled out flat on his back with Cam falling directly on top of him that he felt the throbbing below the small of his back. He tried to lift his hips so he could examine this further however Cam misinterpreted his intentions and thrust his own body even more vigorously down on top of him pushing Ricky back down against the cushioned mat. The mat couldn't possibly yield enough and Ricky have moaned half yelped as the sensation from his rear intensified drawing startled looks from the other wrestlers in the room.