Slave (Part 2)

Story by Marcwolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Slave

For all those who enjoyed Slave part One.. Here is Part 2.

Its a little longer, but I think you will enjoy.

Warning.. This is an emotional story, so keep the tissues close Ok.

It takes place from stright after Slave One.

Please read that first otherwise the plots will be lost to you.

Love to you all.. Marcwolf

I made myself a hot drink and went for my morning ritual, walking outside to the small

plot next to the house where my family was buried. I stopped at the graves of my folks,

patting their head pieces and then moved to a simple grave with a carved head

piece. Surrounding the stone were the carvings that I has seen in Karl's fur. I knew that

were from his past and meant much to him. But what they were or meant I had no idea.

Karl was always reticent to explain, and by the time I had the courage to ask my respect

for him had grown so that I could not order him to tell me.

"Hi Lover" I said, kneeling and resting my hand on the sun-warmed grass. "I met

someone so much like you. I think you would have liked him. He had markings just like

yours and his name was Kyle. He's free now. I hope he finds his way home to his


A shadow fell over me and I turn and looked up - seeing a tall wolf silhouetted against

the sun. For a moment I though it was Karl returned but as it, no, as he crouched down I saw it was Kyle.

He was quiet - looking over the stone and its markings. I looked closer at this seeing

similarities and minor differences in the tattoes on his arms.

"I never knew what they meant. He never told me. All I could do was carve them for

him so that someone might one day know of him" I told the silent form next to me.

Kyle was silent and then spoke "He was from a tribe called the Terser, that what these

symbols mean. His family name was Rusche by these. He was mated" and again he

pointed to a symbol "he had a son too"

None of this I had ever known, and it saddened me. If I had known that there was

someone waiting for him then I would have tried to get him home - but his past was a

blank to me.

"I never knew these things. If I had then I would have tried to get him home to his mate

and cub"

Kyle shook his head "No.. with his, our people when one partner is lost and the other is

with a cub they will re-mate as soon as possible. And Karl would not have spoken for

fear of the rest of his family being taken as well."

I looked at Kyle "How do you know these things? Did you know Karl or his people."

Kyle looked at me... and seemed to be judging me. Being a freeman now he was the

master of his own actions.

"My father disappeared when I was very young. My mother re-mated and I had a new

father. But I often wondered what had happened. My mother spoke of my father paddling

his kayak in search of seals, and he never came back. I felt in my heart that he was still

alive so I went looking for him and was also captured. In time I was brought by you"

"Your mother is she still?"

Kyle shook his shaggy head "No. many years past. When she passed away that was when

I decided to seek his pawprints"

I was silent, just enjoying his presence. I knew what I had to ask but how would I take

the answer.

"Kyle.. was Karl you father"

He nodded but was silent.

"I'm sorry - I loved him dearly but had I know that I was keeping him from others I

would have.. please.. I'm so sorry"

Kyle was quiet.. "I.. understand. It might take me some time to forgive but I am grateful

that I know what happened to him, and that he was loved. I had always feared that he

died lonely and unloved.. or in pain.."

"Kyle, what will you do now?"

"I do not know. Having my freedom opens possibilities. I can return to my people but I..

prefer the warmer climates. But I am without money so I will need to find a trade."

I nodded - not looking at him. "I.. can help. You can stay here until you decide what to

do. I can give you money if you want."

Kyle looked at me.. again judging me "If I stay - will you tell me of my father?"

"If you stay - will you tell me of his people?"

Kyle smiled "I was sired by him.. you were raised by him.. I think that makes us brothers"

I looked - a little shocked. But - it was true in a way. We were brothers, step brothers as

it were - there was a common thread that bound us.

We stood.. Myself now looking deeper into his features to see his heritage, I could see

parts of a younger Karl on his visage. Reaching up I forgot myself and press my hand

against the broad chest and felt the soft fur there - warmed by the heart beating within.

Realizing what I had down I dropped my hand "I'm sorry.. I.."

"You loved him very much didn't you?"

I nodded, embarrassed "We were lovers for many years. I did not know that he was

already mated"

"I when my mother re-mated that removed the obligation and Karl would have known

that she would have needed to do that. There is no need to be concerned."

We went inside. Kyle busied himself with the fire whilst I brought food out of the

cupboards. Much of what I had was dried or preserved and needed soaking to soften it.

I found myself stealing glances at him.. He was still clad in just his fur which was dirty

and dingy with tangles behind his ears and knots in his mane.

"Kyle, would you like to run a bath? I have some brushes you could use afterwards and a

clean tunic for you"

He looked at me and smiled, tilting his head with a humorous glint in his eyes

"What.. not enjoying the view"

I blushed which caused him to chuckle louder "You humans have such trouble with your

bare skins. You need to cover them the way you blush. Besides.. I know that you find me

attractive" He tapped his nose and laughed louder as I blushed more and stammered

another apology.

Wandering over to the bookcases he looked over the volumes there. Picking up and

opening a few of them he glanced over the contents.

"Brett. You read a lot?"

"Yes. But those are not mine, they are Karl's. I knew he loved to read so I brought them

for him. Look in the inserts"

Kyle looked at me and then looked - seeing the gift note from me to Chetr.

"Do you enjoy reading Kyle?"

"When I have had the opportunity during these last 7 years". He looked at me and smiled

"Even thought we are northern ice folk, we understand the value of reading and writing."

"I never doubted that Kyle.. Knowing Karl for so long I was often amazed at his breadth

of knowledge."

Kyle ran his bath and relaxed into it, letting the dirt and stains bleach from his fur. As he

sat there I wandered over and started to brush out his mane. He started for a moment then

looked up at me gratefully, sinking lower into the warm water.

"I did this often for Karl" I remarked "Seems like you enjoy it too"

I got a non committal mrrr but I could see that he was definitely enjoying being groomed, as a pink length on his belly gave his feelings away.

After a while he stood and rinsed, his fur now a gleaming white again and his tattoes and

tribal scars in dark contrast to them. I went in search for a clean tunic for him, and opened

a draw that had been closed for years. Inside were several clean tunics, and an oilskin

package. I pulled out a tunic for him which he took gatefully, and then I handed him the package.

"Kyle.. This was Karl's last tunic. I never had a chance to wash it, his scent is still on it."

His eyes opened wide and with ears pricked forward he opened and smelled it.

"This.. was him? "

I nodded silently, knowing that scent often triggers the most powerful memories and with

a wolf's keen nose.

He sat down , eyes closed , just inhaling the faint scent from the cloth.

"I.. remember him.. " he spoke softly, the tears seeping from his eyelids.

I left Kyle and went outside, letting him have the privacy that he needed in his grief and


After about 30 minutes Kyle came out wearing the tunic that I had given him

"Are you alright, Brother? " I asked quietly as he sat down next to me

He nodded and hugged me. "Sorry, I just suddenly remember so much about him.. His

smile, his warmth, the way he would pick me up and play with me when I was younger"

I nodded, letting him get this off his chest.

"Its ok Kyle" I smiled at him, patting his arm "I have memories of him too. Hopefully

we can share and fill in the pieces."

He smiled at that. Still brushing a tear from his eyes every so often.

The day passed slowly. I busied myself around the house whilst Kyle walked around the

property. Taking in the surroundings that his father lived with for over 20 years. I knew

how he felt, so often it was as if Karl had never left in spirit.

Finally as the sun set he returned, walking in from the twilight chill, and gratefully

accepting a mug of warm mulled wine from me.

"Did you find much out there" I asked

He gave me a smile and nodded "It seems he is still here in a way. Just the little things."

I nodded "I think in the end he felt this was his home. He knew he was loved here."

I was surprised when Kyle put his mug down and came over to me. Hugging me close

and resting his head on mine. Which was easy as he was taller than me.

"Brett.. I.. wish I could tell you how grateful I am that you cared.. no you loved him. I

was surprised when you brought me, and then the way that you treated me. Not as a slave

but as a person. Even if you were still my Master I knew that I would be well treated by


I smiled at that "When did you realize that I though of you more than a slave"

"When you wanted to buy that poor lass so that she would not have to suffer, your anger

at the thought of treating a slave as a mere object.. And when I was cold and wet. You

brought me good stew and gave me spirits to warm me"

I shuddered at that memory. "Yes.. No one deserves to be treated like that young lass..

I promise you, I will seek her out and free her."

Kyle nodded at that "If I can help there then let me do so."

We sat - drinking our mulled wine, enjoying the companionship.

Kyle looked at me "So.. tell me when you stopped thinking of Karl as a slave"

I closed my eyes and though back over our years together trying to pull the pieces

together. When. was. it.

"I don't think it one just one event, but several. Chetr, Karl was my guardian from

when I was 5. He arrived to our household about a year before that. He was already

was - gelded. I never knew the why or what of that.

He was always there for me.. Picking me up and comforting when I fell, bandaging

scratches. He was also my tutor and I learnt so much about the world from him.

When I was 9 my parents decided to give him to me. They were good caretakers. I never

saw any of our slaves beaten or mistreated. Always well fed and cared for. But my

parents felt that I should learn some responsibilities and so Karl became mine. With them

watching of course.

By that time I thought of him as a friend and companion, and I felt that he cared deeply

about me.

I suppose a pivotal moment was a few days before my 10th birthday. Karl was a

wonderful carver and would carve these beautiful toys for me."

Kyle nodded "I know - my mother showed me some of the ones he carved for her and


I continued "Anyway - we were playing - I was sitting on his chest and he was tickling

me. I was teasing him because I knew he had been carving something.. special and I desperately

wanted to see it but he kept saying no.. Finally in desperation I said �I order you to tell

me where it is'.

I felt him stiffen under me and a look of sadness came over his visage.

�I am your dutiful Slave.. Master.. it is on the shelf above my cot.'

I froze. I knew what I had done and I was mortified. I broke down and bawling into his

chest fur that I was so sorry. I knew that I had really hurt his feelings..

He forgave me and from that day I never considered giving him an order, it was always a


When I was 12 my parents gave me an allowance, and I would often go down to the local

village to the shop to buy sweets and things. Karl would always come with me as my protector

and to keep me out of trouble.

The local villagers knew him and me well and would always call out a greeting to the both

of us. I originally thought it was because Karl was with me, but one day he had gone ahead so I raced after him. He was already in the village when I got there, smiling and chatting with people.

He was well liked around here, and loved my many.

One day when I was in the local shop I noticed Karl sniffing. I asked him what it was and he

just mentioned it was a scent he remembered from long ago. So on impulse I asked the

owner to find out what it was and get some for him.

It was Pickled Herrings. And from then on every time we went to the shops I would buy

some for him. I hated them!! The smell on his whiskers afterwards, Yech!! but he enjoyed it

and I was happy to get it for him just for that.

Hmmm... Now when I was 16 I needed some more books for my studies. So Karl and

myself when to a local city to buy them. Karl knew what he wanted so he when into the

bookshop whilst I looked at some of the other shops.

I came back and found him sitting on the sidewalk. Karl had always been furclad. He

was comfortable in just his fur and besides - it was the custom for slaves not to wear

clothes. It had been a long journey and it had rained so he was.. not looking the cleanest fur.

Neither was I in my muddy tunic and dirty boots.

I asked what had happened and he told me that he had been insulted and thrown out of

the shop. Basically told by the owner that no dirty slave was to come into the shop and

look at his wares. Only freeborns should be allowed to read and write etc, etc.

I was horrified and angry, not only the treatment of my slave.. but of him as an

individual. And I vowed to do something about it.

We went to another part of the town and I needed to get washed and cleaned up. I found

one of the stores that cater for furs and asked that he be cleaned up and make to look..

presentable. I explained that I wanted him to look like a freeborn.

They were a little surprised but took my money anyway.

I went off to check out a inn to stay at and by the time I got back I found a totally

different individual in front of me. He was tall, his tribal scars blacked and shining. His

nails were trimmed and sharpened, and his teeth polished. His coat which had always been

fluffy shone and had been trimmed to highlight his muscular form. They had fluffed up his

mane so that it covered his slave collar too.

He looked like a magnificent northern noble. We chose a simple green tunic to match his eyes and leather belt for him. I also got a money pouch for him but he was against me giving gold to put in it. He just wanted some pebbles to fill it out. He reasoned that is the ruse was discovered then he would be

more believable at having just pebbles - and not the gold of a possibly escaped slave.

It was so much fun - just enjoying seeing him as a freeborn. We ate at places where slaves were

not allowed. He went into shops and looked at the wares, and I could come in while later

and see what he had selected. I had to purchase the items for him but we played it so that

no-one ever knew he was not what he seemed.

We even went back to the shop where he had been thrown out of and to see the merchant fawn and bow over him with 'Yes Sir, No Sir, Of course Sir is most wise and knowledgeble.' I suffered from a very bad cough there trying not to laugh. Even more so when Karl turned and strode gracefully out, telling him that his valet would take care of the payment as he never trifled with such menial things.

And - well - at night when we were in our room at the inn - I did treat him like a Lord.

As we cuddled he told me how much he was enjoying himself and I was so glad of it.

When we arrived home together with our wares, and more than a few books as I had

brought some for Karl that had nothing to do with my education, my parents came out to

greet us - a little surprised at the Wolven gentleman along side me. But it was just Karl.

But from that day on he never again went furclad.

My parents were a little amused but never question my decision. They did ask Karl if that was what he wanted and once they knew he was happy with that then there was no further questions"

Kyle looked at me, a claw tip tapping against his mug "What about you and he being lovers. Please.. I'm not condeming it. Most of our people are bisexual to one extent or another but what about your parents feelings."

"I suppose they suspected it when I was younger. And questioned Karl too. I never saw that part of it. But I suppose they were a little glad that I did have someone to care for me and I was not chasing village girls and getting them into trouble. By the time I had decided that I did love Karl, it was my decision to make. They were dissapointed at first, Tess, my mother, wanted grandchildren, but they also respected my own feelings and thus that was that. There was always adoption and children, in need of a warm loving home, regardles of what species the parents were, are plentiful"

Kyle took another sip of his wine "Why did you never set him free?"

I took a deep breath.. "I was scared.. a coward.. I was frightened that if I made him free

that he would leave.. or have to leave and I would loose him."

Kyle nodded "An honest answer. Could you not trust your feelings?"

"If he had asked for his freedom then I would have given it, but he never asked."


"No.. Never. Until the very end. And when h asked.. He was Free!" I replied fixing him with an honest stare.

Kyle nodded at that and then asked some more questions

"So, you were never interested in a female, or had another lovers." He asked.

"No. I did not go into the village much to meet others, Karl was my mentor at home,

and also. well - I had him. I was curious though."

"Curious about females?"

"Yes and errr... entire males. "

Karl chuckled at that "So, did you ever satisfy your curiosity?" and at that he stretched to show the lay of his maleness under his tunic.

"In some ways. We had two other slaves on the farm. Both Vulpes. Carrie and Nev. I

think they were lovers from time to time. I don't know if Karl ever mated with either of

them. Well at least with Carrie when she was alive."

"Nev was? "

I nodded "For females only. Though he knew of Karl and me. I did ask him once about

his entirety etc, and well - he showed me the differences between Karl and himself. But

the couple of times we did anything it was always me touching, stroking, and tasting. He never

touched back. I understood his feelings by then and was grateful for the chance to


"And Carrie?"

I gritted my teeth. "I suppose it was when I found out how kind my parents were to our..

charges. My father had a visitor from the city stay for a couple of days. He was human -

like us, but he took a un-natural liking to Carrie. I can only speak from what I had heard from Nev. My parents didn't speak of it after the event. But - it seems this man first asked Carrie to mate with him, and when she refuses he forced himself on Carrie, threatening her that if she resisted then he would say that she stole coin from him.

She was terrified, and badly hurt by him as well. When Nev found her bleeding and crying he ran to my parents to get help but it was too late. She - in fright and desperation had tried to remove her collar and killed herself."

Kyle closed his eyes for a moment "What did your parents do?"

"They were furious with this man. Broke off all connections with him. Oh he threatened,

called them names like fur-lovers, but they got Karl to run to the village and get the law-

maker. I don't know what happened but he was taken away. Nev - was never really the

same afterwards. This happened about my coming of age so if I was ever to learn about

females it was too late. And afterwards, no need"

"And Nev?"

"Stayed single. By that time we did not need that many helpers on the farm. My parents

would never sell any of our slaves. I suppose, by the time I asked him some questions he

was very lonely and was glad of the attention. Now days I realize what he must have felt

like. But then I was still a child. Maybe is I had pushed a little more we might have been lovers too"

"What happened to Nev?"

"The fever. He was the first to go. But also by that time he was old and frail. I think in

his later years he was content. He was cared for, respected for what he could do with the

vines. Certainly his duties were light and would have taken anyone less than a quarter sun

to do. But he was left to his own for the remainder of the day. He was loved.. Yes.. he was loved as a member of the family. His grave is there behind Karls. We buried him next to Carrie so that atleast they will be together"

"But he was never freed?"

I closed my eyes for a while thinking. Looking back over the way my parents had treated

their slaves. Never a whipping or a beating. Orders more of a request than a statement.

Cared for in sickness. Quarters and.. belongings for Nev had a Duat that he enjoyed

plucking and Carrie had several bracelets that she was very fond of, and scents too.

In the colder months they were given blankets and warm bedding, wood for a fire. And

privacy too. I remember my father once asking if he could come into Nev's quarters and

speak with him, where he would be in his right to just walk in.

"I think - my parents saw themselves as more caretakers than owners. They took

responsibility for their actions and ownership. A free slave often has no-where to go, and

will sometimes need to sell themselves back into servitude just to survive.

True they wore the badge of slave hood, but they were employees and paid in food,

shelter, and any reasonable request was granted if possible - Like Nev's Duat."

"His Duat? How did that happen?" Kyle asked curiously

"We were in the village and a musicians troop had come by. They also made and sold musical instruments. My father noticed Nev looking at one of the duat's , so he brought it. - mentioning that perhaps some music during the meal time would be nice. I don't think he ever asked Nev to play for him but when Nev was not working he would enjoy strumming some of his melodies. Karl mentioned that a lot of Nev's songs were from the southern lands so maybe that was where he was from."

"And Carrie?"

"Well - Carrie would help out in the kitchen and in the gardens. I know she had a very sweet

tooth and during the picking seasons more than a couple of peaches and apricots would

go missing. But she was never chastised about it. And often when my parents would go into

the village they would bring back a little something for her. A trinket, some sweets, a bottle of scent just something to make her smile."

"Did you father.. ever.. well.. mate with her"

"No. Not that I know of. I think never. He loved my mother and the reaction he showed

when Carrie was forced. No, Carrie was young when she came to us.. Just entering

woman hood. I know that she and Nev were fond of each other and my parents had given

them privacy to be with other. I think Nev asked my father if he could take Carrie as a

life mate and my father had given him permission. They were together for a couple of months

when.. the rape happened. I think Nev and Carries were hoping for cubs during Carrie's next season."

"You said she was hurt?" Kyle grimaced

"Yes - very badly and torn from what the doctor said. She was between seasons and, well - Nev said that she was taken several times. I was unsure at that time the distinction but Nev explained that Vulpes females find it difficult to mate out of season so the male must be gentle and careful. If a female is forced then she can be damaged. If Carrie had lived she would never have been able to have cubs she was that hurt. It was also when I learned more about the construction of a Vulpes male.

As I mentioned Nev was for females but I think when he told me this he was also lonely and looking for options. By that time he knew that Karl and I were lovers. Well - with his nose it was

difficult to hide much from him. But he had no issue with us being together either.

He would accept hugs and cuddles from both of us. I had spoken with Karl about it and he had no issues if I wanted to take Nev as a lover. But apart from the hugs, and me rubbing occasionally him, nothing more happened.

I think for him knowing that there was that option for him was enough. If he had come to either of us then we could have loved him willingly and joyously. We did care about him very much. We all did."

Kyle mused at my recollections and his own thoughts, sipping the last of his wine he Yawned loudly, showing all of his teeth. "Sorry.. Its been a long day for me Brett."

I chuckles and agreed, offering to make him a bed in the main area but he declined "I'm happy in the cot. if you are willing to put up with my snores"

I nodded, secretly glad of the company, even if it was not in my bed.

We bedded down for the night. Kyle settling into the cot and myself lying in the main

bed. I was not sure of my feelings for Kyle. True I loved his father, and Kyle was - very

handsome. But whether my feelings were of Karl through him or of Kyle I was still


Listening to his breathing was comforting though. A soft sound that I had missed so

much over the past years. And with that sound in my ears I fell asleep.

I dreamed of myself and Karl again, His laughter, quiet smile, his warmth, Oh his

warmth.. Snuggling I drew him close to me and savored his warm strong arms around

me again, wishing I did not have to wake and face the emptiness in my heart.

And in turn I felt Karl hold me close from behind and nuzzle my ear, licking it tenderly as he had done so often.. then I woke!!

There was a nose next to my ear.. and warm arms around me.. I turn and found

myself gazing into Kyle's face.


"It ok.. Brett, go back to sleep. You were tossing and calling for Karl in your sleep so I decided to hold you a while. You quietened as soon as I put my arms around you"

I cuddled him back, sleepily burying my face into his thick ruff and breathing in his warm musky scent. So familiar, so warm, so loving. Sleepily I leaning up and kissed him - worming my tounge between his lips and tasting him. His flavor was - a little different. More musky, and richer.

Then I realized again I was not with Karl and broke off - blushing and muttering apologies.

Kyle just smiled. "Its ok. Brett. I do understand. Can I ask you a question?"

I nodded mutely

"What do you think of me?"

I paused. It was a very honest question. And deserved an honest answer

"Kyle. You are an incredibly handsome wolf. You are the image of your father. His

warmth. His openness. To say that I do not see him in your eyes would be a lie. I cannot

look at you without seeing him. Can.. you accept that in your presence there will always

be a shadow of your father?"

He smiled. "I can accept that. You are a human who I am finding many qualities that I

like. Your own warmth and caring of others. You could have kept me as a slave and

taken me. but you decided to give me my freedom. And the cost! 1000 gold pieces is a

sizeable amount"

I nodded - and stuttered the question I had to ask "Kyle.. could you love me?"

He paused, looking over my head "That I am not sure of yet. I will need to think. When my people say Love. it is forever."

Its was not the answer I wanted.. but for the time it was enought. And I remebered back to a time when Karl told me that he Loved me. Now I truly knew th significance of that simple statement spoken so long ago.

I responded by kissing him deeply and he responded this time but we were both tired and drifted off to sleep in each others arms. Myself a deeper more contented sleep than I have had for years.

I dreamt. Sitting on a small hill with someone beside me. I turn to see Karl grinning.

"Hi Love" he mrred in the tender way I knew so well.

"Hi Lover" I stammered. I have had dreams before but this was was too real. Too different.

"Is this.. a dream?"

Karl smiled, green eyes bright "In a way. Maybe its just something inside of you that needs to be said"

I nodded. He could be like this sometimes. A teacher who lets one search for the answers rather then one who taught by rote

I took a deep breath "I've.. met some one special."

Karl nodded and smiled "I know, and thats why I'm here."

"Karl - his name is Kyle.. He says he is your son?"

Again Karl nodded smiling gently "Yes. He is. He's grown to be a fine young man.. "

"Why didn't you tell me, to let me know so that I could get you home to him and your mate" I said.. the frustration and anger, feeling that I had betrayed another family by my own desires.

Karl replied in his soft spoken way "When I was taken - That part of me became the past, it no longer mattered as I knew they would survive and be taken care of. Kyle searching for me was.. not unexpected. He can be head strong when he decides to look for something, and passionate for something or someone he cares alot about. Remember that.."

I looked at Karl, seeing how bright his fur was, almost a fluffy nimbus around him

"Brett, Love. I want you to know how proud I am of you. The way you have grown up. The way you treat others. You gave Karl his freedom and in a way - you gave yourself your own freedom and removed the chains that have bound your heart for so many years. Its time to start living again.. Love."

"My own chains?"

Karl nodded slowly "You have someone else now. Love him, care for him. He will do the same for you. Its a time to move on and grow - for all of us"

He stood, and gathered me in his arms, kissing me softly.. Oh how I remember those kisses. Then he released me and turned. Walking down the hill. Each step he seemed to shine a little more.

"Karl!! Lover!! please.. come back" I called, trying to follow by my feet would not move

He stopped and turned "I cannot Brett. Its my time to move on as well. I have.. things that need to be done."

He turned back walked on, his fur glowing almost too bright to see.

"Karl!!! will I ever see you again.. Please!!!"

A soft whisper reached my ears from the brillance "Always... you will always see me. Look into a cubs smile, the renewal of spring time.. in those places of happiness.. Remember.. That... Always..."

And he was gone. I stood on the grassy knoll alone, next to his head stone.

I woke, and pulled out of a stirring Kyle's arms. Running outside to Karl's grave I knelt. Gripping the grass in my hands and weeping uncontrollable.

Kyle followed a few moment later and knelt with me.

"Kyle. I dreamt of.."

He hugged me, putting his finger against my lips. "I know. I did too."

"What did he tell you?" I asked, fearful of what he might say.

Kyle paused tears running down his muzzle "Some things were for me alone. That he loved me and my mother very much and was proud of the male I have become."

I nodded at that "He said the same for me too.."

Kyle continued "And that his time here was finished, that he had to move on. Its something that is spoken of with our people. A spirit will stay until it feels no longer needed, and then move on to be reborn."

I hugged him close. Sobbing into his fur and feeling his strong arms wrap around me.

"Brett.. he also asked me something. Something you should know"

I looked up at Kyle. "What was that Kyle?"

"He asked me.. if I felt for you.. We talked of many things, and about feelings, choices of life. You asked me a question earlier and here is my answer."

Kyle kissed me, snaking his toungue into my mouth. Withdrawing he smiled "Brett.. I Love you"

I kissed him back passionately "I Love you too Kyle."

Its been fifteen years since that day.. Fifteen good full and happy years.

With Kyle's help the farm prospered again. We never took another slave, or rather, those who came to us were freed. Most left quickly to seek their former lives, some stayed longer to help us for a while.

After the first good season I was able to fulfil a promise I made and together Kyle and I went back to the town. We did find her, the wolf lass. Her former owner was not successful in getting her to bear cubs so he considered her a loss anyway. It took little persuasion from Kyle's to buy her freedom. I'm sure the fellows scars will heal in time.

It took years to nurse her back to health. I can still see the memories of darker days in her eyes sometimes, but she has grown into a fine femfur. She could not remember her parents so she took the name of Tess. It was my mothers name.

For a long while she was wary of myself and Karl, fearing us more of being males than anything else. But with our care she overcame that and would often sit, cuddled with us whilst we talked about the little things of the day.

Kyle taught her to read and write, and she with the help of Karl's books became an accomplished Herbwoman who was known and loved in the village.

Kyle.. was bisexual. A common trait amoungst his people. One night Tess came to us when she was in full heat and asked if Kyle would mate with her. I gave my consent joyously, knowing it was something I could not give Kyle. Kyle would not let me leave when Tess joined him, insisting that I be at his side so that in a way this was for all of us, and not just himself. I was there holding them both when he and she howlled in passion as he released his seed. I thought I felt someone else there as well. Just a wisp of a feeling, a brush of love and fur.

Tess in return gave us a greater gift. A cub, who we named Karl in honor of one we both loved so much, and soon after she met and life mated with a fine young wolf from the village. She and her husband visit often and we are always glad to see them both. She had other cubs as well but she insited that Karl was ours. "A Life given for a Life given" as she put it.

It has been good years..

I mused in the sun, sitting next to the warmed carved stone, seeing the burst of new life renewed around me. Suddenly a young male's voice roused me from my revere, quickly followed by the sound of swift paws.

"Dad.. Dad.. Look.. see what I have found!!"

I chuffed as an energetic seven year old leapt into my lap hugging me tightly, and then showing me with pride his latest find. It was a brightly colored beetle shell cast off from the winter before.

Kyle followed soon after, a little slower but with a wide grin on his muzzle as he sat down and hugged me, kissing me as he always does when whe are together.

It was a wonderful spring day and I looked into my cub's eyes and saw the love shining there.. and I Remebered his last words... Oh.. Thank You Karl.