The First Time's a Charm

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Notice: Just to get this out there, I in no way endorse the content of the story, it was a commision for a friend. I really needed the cash.

Anyways, this is my first commission, I'm hoping for more, I could use the money. Anyways, enjoy.

The sun began to rise over the small town of Greenville, dawning a new day. It wasn't just any day, however. It was the last day of school, the day everyfur in the Ninth Grade longed for, especially Max. Max was a 15 year old collie, and he couldn't wait for this day, along with most of his classmates. He was going to a big party with the best friend he could ever ask for, Brandon. Brandon and Max had been friends since Kindergarten, and he really like hanging out with him. Alot.

Max couldn't help but dream about the awesome night ahead of him. There was music, dancing, chatting, gaming, and everything else he needed for the best time of his life. Then the alarm clock rang. Max groggily arose from bed and threw the covers off. He was still tired, but he would just have to get over it. As he arose, the smell of his mother's cooking entered his nose. The bacon, sausage, and hotcakes smelled delicious, but he didn't feel like eating, he just wanted to get school overwith. Max began to tug off his nightshirt, then he pulled his boxers down to his ankles, and removed them. He walked in front of the mirror on the desk in his room and looked at himself. He peered at one part in particular. He began to smile a bit as the pink tip began to poke out of it's sheath. He fiddled around with his sheath for a bit, a little more pink showing every few moments until he was shocked by a loud knock at the door. "Uh... Hold on, I'm getting dressed..." Max said, startled back into reality. "Well hurry up, your breakfast is getting cold," His mother called to him, walking back downstairs. He had alot more important things to worry about. He went ahead and tugged another pair of boxers on, along with a pair of blue-jeans and a black T-shirt with his team mascott on them. The Gryphons. He liked it. He then slipped on some socks and shoes, and looked in the mirror again. "I think it looked better before," he chuckled. After he was dressed, Max walked through his bedroom door and headed

down-stairs. As he reached the landing in the living room, he saw his mother making more hotcakes in the kitchen. She looked exhausted, though she always did. He did feel sorry for her at times. He also saw his little nuisance of a brother. That little twerp did everything he could to get on Max's nerves. He walked over to the closet in the corner of the living room and grabbed his backpack. His mother then looked at him and frowned. "Are you not hungry?" She asked. "Nah, Thanks for cooking mom, I think I'm going to head to school early." He said, hoisting his bag up onto his right shoulder. "Well you seem to be in a good mood today," She laughed, turning back to the stove. "I was just like you when I was your age.... Well, you probably don't want to hear that story," She laughed, looking at him. "You'll have to tell me later, bye!" he said, heading out the front door. "Well, something's got him excited, I guess it's just the whole summer thing..." Max's mother said, taking up the hotcakes from the pan.

He walked down the sidewalk looking at everything, the rising sun, the trees, the birds. Hehe, he loved Spring. There were younger kids walking to school holding hands. He chuckled a bit, continuing to walk along the worn sidewalk. He hadn't seen anyone else his age walking to school. "I guess he was the only early riser." he chuckled, continuing to walk the sidewalk until he got to Brandon's house. He stopped outside the door and waited, he knew Brandon was a late riser any day. "Yeah, Yeah Mom, I hear you." Brandon said, slamming the door behind him as he walked outside. "What's going on with her?" Max asked happily. "Ah, you know, just her usual nagging," Brandon chuckled as the two began to walk towards the school. "I can't wait for that party, how 'bout you?" Bradon asked. "You know it," Max replied with excitement, giving a smile. Brandon was a wolf who looked much intimidating than he really was. He looked and acted tough enough that no one messed with him, but on the inside, he was a softey. The school had just opened up when the two got there, and they were pretty much the first students in. "I'm gonna go on to Homeroom, I'll see you later," Brandon said, then walking past him and down the hallway. "Yeah....See you..." He said, then going on to his first period class. All he could think about for the rest of the day is what was going to happen afterwards, there was no work to be done in any of his classes anyways. He kept on thinking about what he was going to do... He didn't just like Brandon... after all they had been through over the years. They went through almost everything together, and he couldn't help how he felt. Finally, the final bell of the day rang. "Have a wonderful summer, class dismissed," Mr. Ken said. Max couldn't have felt any happier walking through the classroom door and to his locker. He picked up his satchel, stuffed what was left of his papers in the bag, and started towards the front of the school. Along the way, he stopped at Brandon's locker, to see if he was still there. Him being the slow-poke he was, he was still there, clearing out the papers in his locker. "Hey," Max said, unable to hide his smile. "Hey," Brandon said, stuffing the last wad of paper into his book-bag and closing his locker. "Quite a mess you had in there" Max chuckled. "Hah yeah, Mrs. Fritz made me clean it out." He replied. Beleave it or not, this guy was actually pretty smart, despite the way he acted and looked. "When are we going to that party at Mason's?" Max asked, unable to wait. "Right after we get changed, my bro says he'll drive us over there." Brandon said, starting down the hall. Max followed him. "I'm just gonna go over to your place, I've got an extra set of clothes," Max said. "Hah, cool, The party's at seven, we can just hang out over at my place until then i guess."Brandon said as the two walked outside. "Nothing like that feeling of freedom, eh?" Max asked, feeling gitty as he followed Brandon down the sidewalk. "Yep, got that right, though when you think about it, we have two more years of this crap to go," Brandon replied. "Don't think of it that way," Max said, still happy that he was free from the clutches of school for another three months. The two kept walking and chatting until they finally got to Brandon's house. "Hold on, I need to call my mom," Max said as Brandon went through the door.

"Hey mom, it's Max," He said after his mom answered the phone. "Yeah, what's wrong dear?" She asked. "Nothing Mom, I'm gonna spend the night at Brandon's, is that alright?" He asked. He smiled after saying that for some reason. "Sure is dear, I'll tell your father." She replied. "Alright, thanks Mom, love you," he said, then hung up. He then walked on inside and went upstairs to Brandon's room. He peeked inside and saw him sitting on his bed. He then went ahead and went in. "What took you so long?" Brandon said, watching tv. "Nothing, just had to call my folks," Max replied, sitting beside him on the bed. The two laughed and cut up watching tv for a while, but Max's thoughts kept pushing him until finally he stood up and shut the door. "Theres something I've been meaning to talk to you about...." He said. Brandon looked at him like he was crazy. "Yeah?" He said. "Uh....I-" Max started as Brandon's brother burst through the door. "If you want to go to that part, hurry up, I don't have all night," He said, waiting for the two. "Ah, it's nothing," Max said, heading downstairs. "Whatever," Brandon said, following behind him. The three walked outside to the black car in the front yard and took off over to the place where the party was going to be. "Yep, I remember my first party, it got pretty damn wild," Brandon's brother Evan chuckled. "I think I'll just let you all figure out for yourselves what it's like," he chuckled, parking in front of the house. "Don't do anything stupid," Evan laughed, driving off. "Heh, your brother, always the wild one," Max chuckled, walking up the steps to the front door. "Yep," Brandon replied, right behind Max. The loud music inside could be heard blaring. "Let's do this," Brandon said with a smile, walking in. The living room was packed full of furs of all different species, dancing, talking, and playing the gaming system. "Hah, now what?" Max chuckled. "Your guess is as good as mine, hah." Brandon replied. The two went through the kitchen, only to see people raiding the cabinets and the refridgerator. Let's just go upstairs and see what's up," Max giggled.

The two went up into the master bedroom to check it out. "Hah, maybe it's not as wild as my bro says it is," Brandon laughed. "Well dude, about what I was saying earlier..." Max said, bringing it back up. "Hm?" Brandon said, still in a good mood. Max closed the door once again and walked back up to Brandon. "Uh.... Dude, you know we've been friends for a long time, and... I just wanted to tell you something." Max said, blushing under his fur. "I well uh.... I think I love you, bro...." He managed out, worried at what he was going to do next. "Uh.... I'm not sure what do say," Brandon said, blushing as well. "Neither do I, but I think I know what to do," Max said, hugging him. After a bit, Brandon hugged him back. "H-how long have you felt like this...." Brandon stuttered out. "I think since the seventh grade... you know....." Max said, still hugging him. "I guess..... Uh" Brandon started "Alright, fine, I'll admit it. I love you too bro, nothing in the world could ever change that." He said truthfully. "What now...?" Brandon asked. "I think I have a pretty good idea what our bodies think we want," Max said with renewed confidence. "Wha-" Brandon started as Max began to tug his pants off. "Oh.. Are you sure about this..?" Bradon said nervously. "Damn sure," Max said, pulling down Brandon's boxers, revealing the wolf's sheath. "Damn Brandon... You're bigger than I thought..." he murred out. The tip had already emerged from the sheath, just as his own had underneath his clothes. Max gave him one last reassuring look before tugging on the uninflated knot still hidden in the sheath. "Ah..."Brandon sighed out as more and more came out of hiding. The wolf's knees shook, and he couldn't help but murr as Max pulled the last bit of his knot out of the sheath. He began to leak pre as Max looked up at him again. The wolf looked more-so relaxed now than he was before. "Now... I think it's time..." Max said, pulling his own pants down, revealing his own member, which was already half out of it's sheath, leaking pre. "I think we should.... uh..." Max started. "I know what you mean," Brandon said, regaining confidence. "Just bend over on your hands and knees..." Brandon said, doubting it it was a good idea to do it or not. "I just want you to know... I really do love you bud." Brandon said reassuringly. "Please, try not to be too rough, I've never done anything like this before..." Max said, scared. "You know what they say, The First Time's a Charm.... Just try to relax." Brandon said, sticking the tip of his member into Max's backside. "Ah..." Max made out as Brandon finished a second light thrust. "Heh... god you're tight...." Brandon chuckled, applying more force with each thrust. The two both murred as they continued on. Both of the boys' members were shooting pre as they continued on. The wolf's member had alread made it's way in, except the knot, which was too large to fit. "Go faster...."Max murred. "If you say so," The wolf said with a smirk, doing as he was told. He continued to thrust quickly "Oh...oh..." Max murred out in pleasure "Max, I'm gonna.... oh....." Brandon managed out before shooting his load into the dog, who did the same onto the floor. The two then layed together on the floor. "I wish I would have told you sooner...." Brandon said, nuzzling against the back of the collie's kneck. "Want to go back downstairs?" Brandon asked Max. "No, I think I know where I feel the most comfortable now," The canine said, smiling.