We'll Fight Together Phase III

Story by Duke The Wolf on SoFurry

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Well, here it is, after the somewhat long wait. Unfortunately, there's no hardcore sexual situations in this one, just a lot of plot development, but let me tell you, the next one(s) are gonna be pretty crazy. I'm glad I finished this one, can't wait to get to work on Phase IV, depending on what people say! x3 I warn you though, there WILL be vore. I know there hasn't really been any, but there is meant to be. So if you don't like that, sorry :/

Phase III

What if he's... gone?

_ _ Those very words kept going through Duke's mind, as for some reason, he could not stop thinking of Fox during their sleep. His dreams were a combination of him and Wolf, being back together, a happy couple like they were supposed to be, then fading into memories of when Duke was on Star Fox's team, going on missions and being an ace pilot... Then images flashed of the Machamp, an evil look on him, torturing Duke, hurting him and making him miserable. Then, there was one last one, and it was Fox.

Fox, the one Duke had worked with, and became attached to as a leader. Wolf was with him when the three were separated, and Wolf never explained what happened. This left Duke wondering if Fox had just died and Wolf had just left him behind in order to save him. If that were the case, Duke would feel horrible.

In Wolf's dreams, he was just glad to have found Duke, and did not worry too much about Fox, he'd only left him to be raped by the horny Ursaring, and he believed they'd be able to save him after a good night's sleep. He planned on just going home, and having everything go back to normal.

Finally, morning arrived, and the three sleeping in the throne room awakened, starting with Duke. When he woke up, he was on top of Wolf, who was holding him tightly in his arms, providing him with warmth as well as Lugia with his wings. Wolf woke up soon after, and the two looked at each other in the eyes, smiling. After they hopped off and had a good stretch. Lugia woke up, with a huge yawn.

"Good morning, sweetie." Wolf said, planting a kiss on Duke's cheek, only to be returned by his mate.

Duke smiled, but had needed to know about Fox. "Wolf... Please tell me Fox is alright. I know I don't work for him anymore, but I'm worried about him."

Wolf thought back to poor Fox, bring left alone in the prison cell with Ursaring, who wanted so badly to have his way with him. "Well, I had to sacrifice him to this guy, but he's probably alright..."

Duke's eyes opened wide as Wolf explained. "S-Sacrificed?! Did you let Fox get eaten?!"

Wolf smiled a little. "No no, I would'nt let Fox get eaten. I just left him with this guy who really wanted to fuck his tail hole... I don't think they've gone anywhere." He then turned to Lugia, who was wiping his eyes from sleep. "Hey, do you think we can fly over to the prison to pick up our friend? I couldn't take him with me to get Duke..."

Lugia smiled and nodded. "Sure thing, just get on my back, we'll go and get him quick!" Duke and Wolf nodded to each other and hopped on Lugia's back, with Duke in front of Wolf, and Wolf holding onto Duke, his arms wrapped tightly around his wolf mate.

"Let's go and get Fox." Duke said, prepared to set out in the harsh lands of the Pokémon.

Shortly before Duke, Wolf, and Lugia awakened...

_ _ Fox slowly opened his eyes, finding himself leaning back against Ursaring, with the bear Pokémon's arms wrapped around him, as if he were his teddy bear. He groaned and felt his sore rump, as it had been penetrated hard, for a long time the previous night. Ursaring woke up when Fox squirmed and got out of his arms, frowning down at him as he stood up.

Ursaring wiped his eyes and smiled up at Fox. "Good morning, cutie." He said, standing up and squeezing Fox into a tight bear hug, causing him to lose his breath somewhat.

Fox kept his expression. "Morning."

Ursaring put Fox down lightly. "So, I guess you're mine to keep! It's either that, or stay here and spend lots of quality time with later prisoners..."

Fox gulped at the thought of either of them... It was either get smothered and crushed to death by Ursaring, or get raped every night by prisoners. "I, uh..."

Ursaring grinned. "You can't decide? Well then I guess I'll just take you with me anyway! I bet you really want to see that wolf friend of yours, don't you?"

Fox's ears perked up. When he thought of Wolf, only anger came to his mind. Wolf had selfishly left him behind to be Ursaring's toy. He didn't care what would happen to him, all he cared about was Duke. "No... I don't ever want to see him!"

Ursaring grinned. "Hmm... You seem to be in such a foul mood today. I think I know a way to make it up to you." Fox looked at the Ursaring, waiting for him to continue.

"What if I took you with me, and together we find that Wolf, and I'll eat him for you! I love eating smaller people, and that wolf guy of yours might make the perfect snack for me."

Fox smiled at the thought of the Ursaring swallowing down Wolf, forcing him into his stomach, and finishing the bastard off. "I'd be glad to come and watch you do it. I can scent him easily..."

The Ursaring grinned and nodded. "Let's go then!" He opened up the cell door and picked up a collar and leash he had hidden by his chair. "Here, put these on."

Fox obeyed as he was handed the collar, which fitted him comfortably and then hooked on the leash, not really into the idea of being more like a pet, but it would all be worth it in the end. Ursaring looked delighted as he took hold of the leash. "Don't worry hun, I won't tug on you at all!"

And the two were off... Fox seeking revenge on his mortal rival, and Ursaring, looking to please his new mate, and get a snack as well...

As the three landed, Duke and Wolf hopped off and ran into the prison. To their surprise, it was completely abandoned. "What the hell?!" Wolf said, looking around, not seeing anyone in there but Duke, who followed him in.

"They're... Gone..." Duke said, a thoughtful look on his face.

Wolf pulled Duke into a hug, and they stayed hugging for what seemed like an eternity for Duke. They had lost Fox, and he could be anywhere now, and he knew well enough how dangerous the natives of the land were.

"I don't know how long he'll last on his own... There's no way he went with that guard... He didn't seem too happy about me leaving him, but I wasn't gonna sit there and let something possibly happen to you... My priority was just set on you, Duke." Wolf said, holding Duke tight.

Duke broke the hug slowly. "Let's go tell Lugia, I bet he can help us search around for Fox, and since he's on our side, I'd say we're safe to go into town, and maybe ask some of the townspeople if they've seen him, or the guard."

The two headed outside, and Lugia frowned in reaction to their disappointed looks. "No luck?"

Duke shook his head. "We need you to help us find our lost friend. Actually, if I had to take a guess, I'd say the guard took him as his pet, and now Fox is... Just like I was to Machamp." Duke looked down at the ground, the memory of being reduced to absolutely nothing burned into his head. "I don't want that for Fox. I wouldn't want that for anyone. He must find him!"

Lugia could sense the seriousness in Duke's tone. "I will do everything in my power to help find him. Wolf, I'll need you to give me details on your friend, and that guard."

Wolf nodded. "Our friend's name is Fox McCloud. He's an orange fox, and he's a little taller than Duke. He kinda looks like Duke, actually. As for the guard, he's like a bear, and I don't know what his name is..."

Lugia nodded. "Must be Ursaring." He decided. "I remember him taking the job as prison guard. It always seemed like there was more to him than met the eye."

Duke stepped forward. "So, you're gonna help us find Fox?"

Lugia frowned and looked down. "I'm terribly sorry, but I am the emperor of this land... I can't be out all the time searching... I must remain in my castle, but I can have some of my workers help you separately. The town is not far from here at all. I'll be heading off now... Good bye, Duke. Wolf, please take care of him for me."

Duke and Wolf nodded as Lugia took flight and headed back for the castle. As Lugia flapped his wings as he took flight, Duke looked At Wolf with determination. "We can do this together. We can do anything together, and I want Fox to be with us when we leave this place."

Wolf nodded. "I never thought I'd be the one saving his ass, but if it's what you want to do, I'm all for it." He gave Duke a smile. "It's not like Fox to go missing and not be okay, he's probably hanging in there somewhere, and we're gonna find him!"

Duke smiled, glad that Wolf was so willing to find and save his own mortal enemy, all to please his lover. "Thank you, Wolf. I don't think you'd be doing this if it weren't for me.."

Wolf pulled Duke into a hug and gently rubbed his back, soothing him. "I'm willing to do about anything for you, my dear. Once it's all over we'll be back in the base, just you and me, okay?"

Duke smiled and nodded, letting himself rest on Wolf's somewhat built body, letting it support him. "We should get going; Lugia did leave us out here by the prison after all. The town is gonna be a bit of a walk."

Wolf nodded and lightly released Duke from the hug, looking in the direction of the town. "Okay, this can't be hard. Lugia trusts that we're able to get there without running into danger, right?"

Duke looked at Wolf with concern. "Now that I think about it... It might be kinda dangerous to try to get there, what with all the natives, outside of town there could be anything, there could be anything inside the town!"

Wolf placed his paw on Duke's shoulder. "We'll be fine. We'll fight together."

Duke blushed and smiled. "Yeah. You and I are unstoppable. And the two started walking towards the town, focused on their goal, not to be stopped by anything or anyone. But the two had not thought of the possibility that the one they were saving did not want to be saved at all...

Fox looked around, and up at the Ursaring holding his leash. "There's no sign of them here.."

Ursaring smiled and pet Fox on the head. "It's okay, we'll find them I'm sure. Oh, and you look too cute when you get down on all fours to sniff around!"

Fox stood back up and looked down. "Thanks.. We really need to catch them, before something else does. Wolf's a good fighter, but not perfect. He'll slip up."

Ursaring flexed his muscles. "Well, I have a pretty strong hold. If I wanted to, I could knock him out with a good squeeze." Fox smiled as he thought of it.

"We should go search back in the town, they're probably around there somewhere." Fox said, looking towards the town.

Ursaring grinned and picked Fox up into a light bear hug, kissing him on the cheek. "Whatever you say, my foxie!"

As the two reached the town, there was no sign of Duke or Wolf, just Pokémon

"Where the hell ARE they!?" Fox shouted, looking angry and getting impatient.

"Hey, don't worry about it sweetie, I know a really good place where they might be..."

Duke looked around the area, then at Wolf. "What makes you think they'd be here?"

Wolf shrugged. "Well it's a cave, and bears love caves, so I figured he may have taken Fox here."

Duke sighed. "Okay, well let's go inside then.. It's kinda dark, do you have a light?"

Wolf shook his head. "I lost everything but my clothes, Duke. I wish I had one right about now though.. I can smell someone else in here.."

Duke scented the air, smelling a presence as well. "This can't be good... I'm in no mood for another fight. I was never trained to fight hand to hand well... That's why I ran from the Mightyena."

Wolf pulled Duke into a hug in the darkness, holding him close and rubbing his back to reassure him. "It's okay... I don't expect you to be the greatest fighter. I have been fighting for years.."

Duke rubbed his head on Wolf's chest, feeling his warmth and protection in the cave. "We should find out who else is in here, before anything. I don't want any hostilities."

As the two kept walking on, the scent got stronger and stronger, as they were getting closer, but oddly, the cave was getting brighter, and it was easier to see. Duke figured he was just getting used to the darkness, but it wasn't just that.

Finally, a Nidoking appeared in front of the two, and Duke couldn't recognize if his face was friendly or hostile. "Hello there, strangers!" To Duke's relief, he sounded friendly.

Wolf stepped forward in front of Duke. "Hello there. I'm sorry if this is your cave or something, we're searching for a lost friend." Duke felt that Wolf knew well what he was doing, and trusted him to say the right thing.

The Nidoking had a friendly look on his face, and it was easy to tell now. "Please, make yourself at home! I do live in this cave, but I can't say I own it or anything. What's this friend of yours look like?"

The two wolves settled down with the Nidoking, finding a place to sit down, which was surprisingly easy despite it being a cave. Wolf and Duke both explained the entire situation to the Nidoking, who was amused by it entirely.

"Well, I wish I could help you with your Fox friend, but I haven't ever seen someone like that. Ursarings do come in this cave every now and then though... So they may just turn up here."

The wolves looked at each other, their expressions brightening a little. Duke stood up. "You don't say! Has there been an Ursaring here lately?"

Nidoking shook his head, scratching it as well. "Not as of lately, but please, stay here and wait for them, I'm sure they'll arrive here... And I'll admit... Sometimes it gets lonely here all by myself."

Wolf stood up and stood by Duke. "Thank you, I appreciate you allowing us to stay here and wait. But.. What happened to your family?"

Nidoking looked down, sighing. "They left... They wanted to find a different cave, and my lover didn't want to be with me anymore, she took our two kids, leaving me here alone. I can't follow her, she'll only drive me away with her new lover."

Duke walked up and gave him a hug. "I'm so sorry, sir. I hope you find a new mate, one that will truly love you." Wolf looked away awkwardly as Duke gave him a hug, not exactly happy with it but he didn't interfere.

Nidoking closed his eyes and hugged Duke, petting his tail lightly. "You two are so nice... I don't want you to ever leave... But I'm sure you will once your Fox friend arrives here."

Duke looked back at Wolf from the hug, not sure of what to say. Wolf shrugged in reply, still standing there. "Maybe the Ursaring would stay with you.." Duke offered, not sure of how it would go over.

Nidoking let go of Duke. "It's okay, I understand you not wanting to live in a cave, you are wolves after all, it's not where you belong." He looked at Wolf. "I hope you two treat each other perfectly, and do not end up like me."

Wolf nodded. "Thank you, I love Duke very much, I could never bear to let go of him." Duke blushed and smiled at Wolf.

Nidoking sat down again. "Well, do whatever you wish. I'll just be here, come and talk if you need something, I'll help you out while you're here."

Wolf signaled for Duke to step out with him, to talk. There was another exit to the cave nearby, so they went out there where Nidoking wouldn't hear them. "Okay, babe, what do you want to do? He sounded pretty sure that Ursaring would come by here.."

Duke nodded, looking around. "I think we should stay and comfort the poor guy until they get here, and then... I guess we'll just have to wish him the best of luck..." He looked down, sad that he could not think of a resolve for Nidoking.

Wolf hugged Duke, kissing him on the forehead. "It's so you, Duke... Always wanting to help others in need... I was never like that before I met you... But you've changed me... I have a newfound feeling of sympathy for others; it isn't as strong as yours..."

Duke smiled and kissed his mate, smiling. "I'm really glad, Wolf... I knew you had it in you, I just had to bring it out I guess."

The two went back into the cave, ready to stay, and approached Nidoking, who was relaxing. "We're gonna stay here until our friend arrives, and we're gonna save him." Duke said, grinning.

Nidoking smiled at the two. "If you need any help getting him back, just call me, I could probably hear you from any part of the cave, I'll get down there as fast as I can."

Duke nodded. "So... Where do we sleep anyway?"

Nidoking chuckled. "Well, my hard body allows me to sleep wherever I please. You on the other hand... Well you're probably gonna want to sleep outside, I bet the grass feels much nicer than the dirt ground in here for you."

The three talked in the cave, just about life, and how different the wolves' lives were compared to Nidoking's, they found it hard to speak to him about technology, since they had nothing to show him, and he didn't understand it. Every now and then they'd find themselves laughing because of how confused the poor guy was. Duke failed to see why his lover would ever leave him, as he was such a nice guy, he couldn't imagine Nidoking hurting anyone.

Eventually, it was so late they all found themselves tired, and decided it was time to sleep. Nidoking simply lay down where he was, comfortable in the dirt. Duke and Wolf left the cave, finding themselves outside in the dark. "So... We just sleep here then?" Duke asked, looking around for a possible better place to sleep.

Wolf sat down. "Duke, I don't know how well this will work but... Would you try to sleep in my arms? I'll keep you nice and warm, and comfortable as well."

Duke blushed and smiled, sitting in front of Wolf, nodding. "You're the sweetest, Wolf." Wolf lay on his back, opening his arms for Duke, as he lay down face down on top of him, murring at his warmth. Wolf wrapped his arms around Duke, hugging him close and yawning, kissing Duke deeply on the mouth, Duke held the kiss, murring again. The two kissed there on the ground, in each other's arms, in the moonlight. Eventually, they'd fall asleep, sleeping soundly under the stars, snuggling.

The next morning, Duke was the first to awaken, still in Wolf's arms, he closed his eyes again, so he didn't wake up his lover. Soon after, Wolf woke up, stretching out, and letting go of Duke who woke back up as well. "Good morning, my dear." Wolf cooed, kissing him on the neck.

"Good morning, baby." Duke kissed him back on the cheek. The two stretched out, as sleeping on the ground was not the best, but it wasn't the worst either. They looked inside the cave to find that Nidoking had woken up much earlier than them, and was gone.

"He must be out getting food or something." Wolf suggested, looking around the cave. "His scent suggests he left a good 20 minutes ago. I wonder when he'll be back."

Duke shrugged. "Hey, I have an idea! While he's out hunting, let's gather some good supplies to make a bed! We could make one and sleep in here where it's warmer!"

Wolf smiled and nodded. "Sounds like a plan. Wanna split up and look for resources?"

Duke nodded. "Since we're in this cave, we can just shout if we need each other!" He started walking off in a direction. Wolf nodded and walked the other way.

As Duke wandered in search of supplies, a new scent entered his nose. It was familiar, and hostile, very hostile. Duke looked around, keeping quiet. He tried to ignore it, but it lasted in his nose, almost as if the smell was haunting him.

Duke could not find anything useful for the bedding, and he was worried if Wolf was able to find anything. He wanted to be of good use to his mate, and would feel bad if he came back with nothing.

Suddenly, Duke heard a voice, and realized that the entire time; he was ignoring the scent, as his mind was clouded with thoughts of Wolf and Fox.

"Hey there, little fucker, remember me?" It was Machamp.