Where there's a Will there's a way - The route of Addie

Story by Furstrated on SoFurry

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#2 of Where theres a Will theres a way

Where there's a Will there's a way

Chapter 2: The of route of Addie

By Furstrated

Addie had been expecting a boring will reading and nothing more, but she was delighted when things had turned into a contest. The young vixen knew her great uncle was very strange and also perverted, Unlike the rest who simply walked away she was not afraid to try. She just thought it was more or less a trick, and she was smart enough to stay.

As Addie walked through the house now fully naked she was beginning to think twice about just how harmless Jerome Barton was. It felt like she had walked down endless narrow hallways that lead to dead ends. Finally after much walking she came to a room. Peering inside she could see the room was bright white with a smooth tile floor.

As the vixen walked into the room the doorway behind her shut. Obviously this was the second obstacle room she had come too. Aside from the plain white color of the room she also noticed a big black area at the other end. It was obviously some kind of pit or hole in the ground. Coming out of the pit was a pole that ran up through the ceiling, and up to what looked like another level of the house. The pole was about half as wide as her and it seemed to be ridged with many little paw and foot grips. Seeing no other way out she got the idea of what she was supposed to do.

Before Addie could go over to the pole the noise of someone clearing their throat startled her. Spinning around the fox looked at an older cat servant who was standing in the corner. He wore a black leather outfit and was standing perfectly still. "Hi." Addie said giving a slight wave. The only response the cat gave was to extend his paw. Looking down Addie watched as a strange looking outfit was handed to her. "I suppose you want me to put this on?" she said unfolding the strange black object.

Letting it unfold between her paws Addie quickly realized that it was some kind of kinky underwear. It had thick black leather harness straps and a crotch plate that would cover her. But on the inside of the crotch plate there was a small little dildo attached. "Really?" Addie questioned looking at the servant.

With quite grumbles of protest Addie slide the harness around her waist. As soon as it was fitting around her she felt the cats paws come forward and quickly help attached it properly and tightly. Addie let out a gasp of surprise as the little dildo slid into place between her thighs. It was much smaller than a cock so it fit into her vagina snugly. "I'm still not sure why but ok." Addie said as the cat tightened the harness with one last tug. Once the harness was fitted to his satisfaction the cat backed away and stood back in the corner.

"You may go." He said speaking for the first time.

"Thanks I guess." Addie replied. She then began to cross the room toward the dark black hole. As Addie walked she felt her new clothing moving around. It was uncomfortable but manageable and at least she was not naked anymore. Reaching the edge of the black pit she leaned forward a bit daring to look down inside. Much to her disappointment Addie could not see anything down below. It was just a dark lightless pit. Tilting her head the other direction she could see an exit far above at the top of the pole. Knowing that she would have to climb up to her freedom Addie began to examine the pole for a way to do it.

It was a regular metal pole, much like a flag pole only a little thicker. All along its edges and sides were very small pegs. She knew with a bit of effort she could use them for her footing in order to climb up. Taking a deep breath the vixen prepared herself for the climb. Reaching out over the open pit she took a hold of the pole. Once her paw had a firm grip she moved her foot into place. Once her foot was rested on the pole firmly she shifted all her weight and pushed off from the solid floor.

The vixen clung to the pole tightly knowing that if she fell she would be doing so into the black abyss. Once she became accustom to the pole she began to make good time climbing up. Addie was just nearing the mid section of the pole when she suddenly felt something that made her stop. Something very briefly had twitched deep inside of her. As she stayed still there was no more movement. Dismissing the strange spasm she continued to climb.

As Addie hoisted herself up another few inches the strange feeling struck again. This time it was more apparent and she knew what it was. The little dildo inside of her had begun to vibrate. It was very slight and in small pulse but she could feel it now. The little object was sending small waves of stimulation through her sex. It felt nice enough that she just smiled feeling the warmth growing inside her.

Is this supposed to be some kind of distraction? She thought. Ignoring the feeling she continued her climb. Addie soon found herself halfway up the pole and the vibrations in her vagina were becoming very distinct. It was no longer small little pulses the dildo inside of her was now moving at a standard pace that her own personal toys would use. Addie bit back a soft moan as she pulled herself up another few inches. She was just over halfway up the pole when the next grip she reached for seemed to fold under her weight. The lever clicked loudly as it snapped back into the pole and a loud sound of a motor from somewhere below began to fill the air.

Addie stopped her climbing and nervously began to look around. Sitting still she could feel the intense stimulation in her pussy, but she could also feel something else. Resting her head against the metal there was no mistake that the whole pole was now vibrating slightly. Something down below was moving around.

Chancing a look back down Addie could see something coming out of the blackness. Curiously she sat still watching the object as it came into the light some 20 ft below her. It was a flat platform that was being raised up around the pole. Addie felt very annoyed that she had just spent all this time climbing when there was now a lift coming up toward her. She was about to let go of her grip and slide herself down to the platform when something below flickered in the light.

Squinting her eyes Addie looked down carefully as the platform continued to rise. It was finally fully in the light and Addie let out a gasp of horror as she looked. It was not a stable lift to stand on; it was in fact a bed of spikes that was being lifted up towards her. The platform below was covered with numerous jagged spikes that stuck up. Between the larger blades many smaller razors and nails lined the bottom of the lift. Panicking Addie began to climb again redoubling her effort.

Addie's assent was becoming very labored as the object nestled in her vagina was increasing its vibrations the higher up she got. She could feel an orgasm approaching and was becoming very concerned about what would happen when it struck. Between the vixens thighs the little metal dildo jumped and jiggled violently as her vaginal muscles contracted around it trying to expel it to no avail due to the leather harness holding it firmly in place.

Addie was so close to the top she could almost reach the upper floor. Just a few more feet and she would be safe she thought. Then she felt what she had been dreading. The vibrator in her pussy seemed to suddenly jump into overdrive sending her over the edge. Addie clung to the pole as tightly as she could as her body began to convulse and spasm beyond her control. The vixen moaned aloud unable to stifle her lust any long. She couldn't help but to grind her hips against the pole as the wave of pleasure circulated through her. With one last whimpering moan she felt herself beginning to slip down the pole.

Regaining her composer she quickly brought herself back up strait. Still in the afterglow of her mighty orgasm Addie chanced another glance downward. She was horrified once more as she saw how close the deadly lift was. It was now almost right under her, she could make out each sharp blade that lined it. She considered just lowering herself onto it and attempting to stand between the blades, but her idea was quickly dismissed as she saw the many gaps and spaces in between the blades. It was not a solid bed there were many holes that went right though. If she tried to put a foot down it would easy go in between and leave her dangling with the rest of her body stuck between the shape objects.

With no other choice and despite the increased pleasure between her legs Addie had to continue to climb. Ignoring the stimulation she felt between her legs, Addie concentrated on the danger below her she climbed up a few more feet. The vixen was not but 3 ft from the top ledge where she would be safe. She smiled happily as she knew she had beaten it. Her smile quickly disappeared as the vixen looked at the remaining 3 feet of the pole. All of the hand grips and foot rests that were they before were not there now. The remaining length of pole was just plan smooth medal. Beginning to panic once more Addie tried to decide what to do.

The vixen groaned loudly as she felt her insides twitching of their own accord. Suddenly a sharp pain shot up from the tip of her foot. Her heal has just come into contact with the point of one of the sharp blades. Adrenaline filled the girl as she leapt up with all her might gripping the bare end of the pole. Hugging it tightly she jostled herself up and down slowly sliding herself up the remaining length. The vibrator in her cunt was going wild. It shuddered and shook her entire insides. She could feel her own wetness oozing out around the harness she wore. She bit her lip trying to fit off the extreme pleasure, she was about to cum again and even stronger then last time.

A few more movements and she was almost there. Reaching out with a free paw her fingertips just barely touched the edge of the floor above. Just another few inches and she would be close enough. Addie felt almost relieved but then suddenly she felt a sharp sting as the dildo inside of her seemed to explode. Screaming Addie felt her entire lower half go numb as she was struck with a massive orgasm. Once again she tried to cling to the pole as tightly as she could. Straining every muscle in her arms as she held on but her legs quickly popped free with her hips bucking uncontrollably. She moaned one moment and screamed in horror the next.

Her paws now held all her weight and her strength was quickly failing. As she began to slip from the pole her body was a mass of swirling pleasure and then she felt her grip come free. A satisfied clam washed over the vixen as the bliss of her orgasm swept her away. She didn't even realize she was falling, to her she was floating on a cloud as her little cunny rippled and her body quivered. Her enjoyment was only for a brief moment as her body fell, a second later the fox landed on the lift below with a twanging thud.

The blades and razors on the platform did what they were designed for. Addie's limp body now lay perfectly still on her back.

A shaking old paw flipped a switch which turned off the monitoring screen. As the screen went black Jerome turned to his personal assistant Hector to comment. "Well our first guest has met their fate. I wonder if any of them will be able to reach my will." Grinning evilly the old wildcat turned his attention back to the other monitors watching the other 14 guests.