The College Experience Chapter Two; Sexual Predators

Story by Janus Wolff on SoFurry

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This is the second story in the College Experience series; we get a little more insight into the mentality of some of the student's a Woodworth College...If you are under 18, do not read this story! You shouldn't even be here! Go away! If you are over 18, then welcome and enjoy! This story includes a lot more hardcore themes then the previous story in the series, so be warned! If you were hoping for a nice clean vanilla story, I'm sorry to disappoint but this is not it. Maybe a future story, but not this one!All character's are copy write to me, please do not use without my permission; however if you would like to use these characters, feel free to ask and tell me your idea, ill probably say yes!And without further ado, our feature presentation....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                 The College Experience Chapter Two                                                             Sexual Predators

 "And he was just ok with that?" Morgan asked, shocked. Kaylee laughed and took a drink of her vodka, leaning back in the couch cushions next to Erika and Sandra. "Of course he was, it isn't like we are actually dating. Besides, I let him get some when ever he wants, why shouldn't I be able to have a little fun?"  The four girls were at a party in another student's apartment. Alcohol wasn't allowed on campus or in the dorms, but those few people who actually had off campus housing would frequently through drinking parties which were pretty much open to any and all who showed up.Kaylee sat on the couch in the living room next to her friends, Erika and Sandra. Sandra was a zebra, all black and white stripes and a mane trimmed down like a mohawk like most zebras wore. She stood about six feet tall with a full bust, barely constrained by her tight tee shirt and a round ass that was the envy of almost any girl that saw her. Erika was a red panda, dressed in a tight spaghetti strap tank top and tight jeans, with a silver bracelet worn around her bushy red and white tail as an ornament.

 Morgan sat in a chair across from the three other girls. She was an african spotted hyena, with neatly trimmed light brown fur decorated with black spots. As most hyenas, Morgan was taller then the male of her species, and most other guys at that, standing about six and a half feet tall. This was a fact that made most guys nervous, couples with the fact that hyenas were notorious for not caring what they ate. Woodworth college dorms were cleverly designed so that carnivores were never rooming with traditional prey species, but in regards to Morgan it was a moot point. Hardly anyone wanted to room with a hyena, let alone a female hyena.

Kaylee never had a problem with it though. She and Morgan had been friends for years, and she was privy to the all the hyena's little quirks. The room was a press of people constantly moving about, traveling from one room of the apartment to the other, going in and out of doors, drinking and eating and talking and laughing. Kaylee didn't even know who's apartment this was, just that Sandra knew someone who knew the person who lived here. It really didn't matter to Kaylee in the end.

 "So, what was it like?" Erika asked curiously. Kaylee laughed lightly. She sometimes forgot that Erika was in to girls, not guys. It was hard to see, truth be told. One would expect it more from Morgan or even Sandra then cute little Erika. She was insufferably curious about heterosexual relations though, something that Kaylee found very funny."Its hard to explain," Kaylee said, stalling for time to think of a better answer. "It just... feels good I guess. Its like, power, to be able to please a male like that, no matter their species." Sandra snorted."You talk like your an inter-species slut, but wolves aren't that far off from huskies." the zebra jokes, nudging Kaylee in the ribs. Kaylee smiled and shrugged."Ok, maybe," she admitted. "But lets be honest, its not like different species often hook up. Most people mate with their own kind.""Thats not true," Morgan said. "all you gotta do is be forceful, any guy will give in to it in the end, no matter what species they are.""Maybe for you Morgan," Kaylee teased. "Who would say 'no' to a six foot tall hyena who could probably pick them up and carry them off if she wanted too." Morgan stuck her tongue out at Kaylee.

 "Derrick Kors and Brooke Sine are inter-species." Sandra said absently. "He's a fox, she's a rabbit. They seem to get along just fine.""65% of marital homicide is committed in a couple in which one member is carnivore and the other is prey" Erika said. She was a criminal psychology major. "You make it sound like people are eating people, Erika." Sandra complained. Erika furrowed her brow."What? No! Just that inter-species relations lead to a lot of difficulty, particularly when one person eats meat and the other doesn't!" she said, defending herself. Morgan groaned."Ok, girls, I don't know about you, but this conversation is starting to bum me out, and I was hoping to pick up a little bit of fun tonight, so maybe we can focus on that instead?" the hyena said, taking a drink from her cup. Kaylee nodded in agreement."Sounds like a plan." she said. "So what are we thinking? One for the group? A couple that we can switch off with?""I vote for a girl." Erika offered. Morgan chuckled. "You always vote for a girl." she argued. Erika pouted.

 "I like girls!" she defended herself. "And

we never pick a girl!" Sandra smiled silently and Kaylee rolled her eyes."Fine, how about one girl and one guy?" she offered. "Is that a fair compromise?" Morgan shrugged."I'm game. I get to have fun either way. Who do we want then?" The four girls scanned the room, stuffed with furs, looking for viable options. Kaylee noticed a couple of cute guys of various canine species mingling throughout the crowd, but none that would particularly be of interest to the other girls. She knew that Morgan preferred them smaller, and Erika obviously had no preference of guys at all."What about her?" Erika asked finally, pointing into the crowed. Kaylee looked where she was pointing and saw a petite raccoon girl dressed in a short skirt and halter top, drinking out of a red plastic cup over by a group of guys. Her arm was hooked with a tall, muscular bobcat in a football jacket. Kaylee raised an eyebrow in suspicion."The raccoon?" she asked, uncertainly. "Erika, I'm thinking she's not too into girls. Her muscle-bound boyfriend seems proof of that." the red panda snorted dismissively.

 "psh, thats what makes it fun!" she countered, waving her hand through the air. "There isn't a feeling in the world better then turning a straight girl into a cunt lover." Morgan laughed loudly."I can agree with that!" the hyena said, grinning broadly. "But my interest is more in getting boys addicted to cock." Kaylee and Sandra exchanged a look, smiling slightly."Ok, fine, raccoon girl is in." Sandra said. "Now can we pick a dude so we can get on to the good stuff?" "We could just take the ringtail's boyfriend." Kaylee suggested, looking the muscular bobcat up and down. "I like football players." Erika ignored the comment, her eyes still locked on the raccoon girl, her gaze filled with lust. "Nah," Morgan objected. "Im not really into big strong guys. I much prefer them small and lithe, more fun to control." Sandra grinned and nodded."Yeah," she agreed. "something about riding a smaller guy is just so... satisfying." Kaylee frowned and shrugged."Ok," she conceded. "What's your pick?" Sandra and Morgan scanned the room, both looking for a suitable target.

 "Weasel?" Sandra asked, nodding towards a small masked weasel standing in the far corner of the room by himself. Morgan regarded him for a moment, then shook her."No," she said. "To fragile. We don't want to break him. What about that fox over there? Blue jeans and tee shirt?" Sandra and Kaylee turning to look where Morgan was indicating. The fox was over by the doorway to the kitchen with a beer in his hand. Kaylee shrugged."I'd be ok with him, he's cute.""Small, but athletic. Not too wimpy I'd say. Good choice." Sandra agreed. Morgan grinned almost wolfishly.The girls stood, adjusted their

clothes and fluffing their fur to make sure they looked their best, then went separate ways to claim their prizes. This wasn't anything new to any of them, and they knew just how to do it right..     .      .It didn't take much for the girls to convince their targets to come back to Morgan's apartment with them. The fox, who said his name was Brandon, was perfectly happy to come along with four pretty girls to their apartment. Anna, the Raccoon girl, took a little more convincing. While it turned out that the guy she had been hanging on was not, in fact, her boyfriend, she was most certainly not interested in coming along with a group of girls. All it took however was for Erika to point the fox boy out to here and sh became entirely willing to tag along.

 The strategy after that point was fairly simple. Once the group arrived at Morgan's apartment, they were on familiar ground. Twenty minutes later, Brandon and Anna were three or four drinks in each and becoming quite compliant. Kaylee and Brandon sat on one couch in Morgan's living room, and Erika, Morgan and Anna sat on another one, across from them. By this point Anna was a little less then sober and was almost completely unaware of Erika scooting closer and closer to her, hemming her in between herself and the arm of the couch. Morgan watched with interest, a faint smile played out across the hyena's lipsKaylee settled back into Morgan's couch, fluffing her tail out over her thighs and taking a drink from her beer. The husky smiled seductively and leaned in close to Brandon, pressing her tits into his shoulder and making the fox blush."So, Brandon, you go to college here?" Kaylee asked, not particularly interested in the answer. She used his momentary distraction at her tits pressed into his side to take a good long look at the bulge between his legs. Kaylee could see the fox's erection slowly swelling as he became more and more aware of her heaving chest.

 "Um... yeah," Brandon answered, his voice strained and uncomfortable. "I take english lit in the fuller building." "Mmhm, english lit huh?" Kaylee muttered, not taking her eyes off the fox's crotch. While Kaylee rubbed up against and ogled the fox, much to his discomfort, Sandra walked into the living room with a drink in her hand and sat down on the couch on the other side of the fox. "Don't worry about Kaylee here," Sandra said, slinging her arm over the fox's shoulder and taking a big drink from her beer. "She just enjoys beating around the bush, so to say." The zebra grinned down at the embarrassed fox, who laughed uncomfortably. "Oh, thats fine." Brandon said, trying to regain his composure. He certainly didn't want to seem foolish in front of these girls. "No, its not." Sandra said, grinning down at him. "See, I like to get right down to business, and all this small talk really gets

to me." Kaylee stuck her tongue out at the zebra, making Sandra smile."Oh? What business would that be?" Brandon said, trying to sound confident and flirtatious. Sandra and Kaylee grinned.

 "Well, I would think it would be obvious at this point." The zebra said. "Kaylee, would you like to do the honers?""You know I would love too." The husky replied. In one swift motion, she hooked her fingers into the fox's waist band and wrenched his pants down around his ankles, nearly pulling him off the couch in the process."What the..?!" Brandon cried out in shock, dropping his empty beer bottle to the floor and reaching to grab his pants back as his boxers slide down with them, exposing his furry balls and cock. Sandra was faster then him though, anticipating the reaction. The zebra reached out, quick as a flash, and grabbed the fox by the wrists, holding them away as Kaylee swiftly disrobed him.The sudden outburst and brief struggle caught Anna's attention, snapping her out of her alcohol buzz. The raccoon watched the others on the opposite couch, her mouth open in astonishment. Before she could recover, Erika pounced, pulling the startled raccoon in close to her and locking her lips in a lust filled kiss. Shock made Anna compliant as Erika pressed her tongue into the girl's mouth, grabbing roughly at her breasts through her shirt.

 After a brief moment, Anna began to struggle, prompting Erika to pull back. She didn't want to rape the girl after all, she just wanted to forcefully compel her was all."What the hell are you doing?" Anna gasped, eyes wide in astonishment. Erika grinned, licking her lips and fluffing her tail."Oh hush," the red panda murmured demurely. "once you try it you'll love it, I promise. Here, let me show you.." Erika pulled Anna close to her body once more, sliding her hands down the girls shoulders and slipping her arms out of her shirt and bra straps. Morgan watched the exchange almost hungrily, shifting uncomfortably in her seat as the heat built between her legs.As intoxicated and shocked as she was, Anna allowed Erika to pull her shirt down, exposing her soft furred breasts. The red panda leaned in and grabbed hold of the raccoon's breasts, squeezing them tightly and pinching at her black nipples until they got hard. Once everything was to her satisfaction, Erika leaned in and locked her mouth around Anna's right nipple, sucking firmly and running her tongue along the hard nub, making the raccoon gasp in surprised pleasure.

 Meanwhile, across the room on the other couch, Kaylee and Sandra had managed to wrestle Brandon out of her pants, which now lay pooled on the floor at his feet. The surprised fox continued to struggle weakly, but it was obvious that he was more interested in what was to come then the fact that it had been so abrupt. While Sandra held his wrists tightly, Kaylee leaned

in and scooped his hardening cock up into her muzzle, sucking on it gently and running her tongue along the underside. Brandon groaned in pleasure as his throbbing meat was wrapped in the husky's warm mouth. Kaylee locked eyes with Sandra, who smiled down at her. The husky girl didn't take her eyes off the zebra's as she continued to bob her head up and down on the fox's cock, saliva drooling down the shaft and wetting his furry balls. The zebra licked her lips and rubbed her thighs together, trying to ease the burn in her cunt. When she became fairly certain that Brandon was done with his struggling, Sandra released the fox's wrists and pulled her shirt and bra up over her head. The zebra's full, black and white stripped breasts bounced free of their confines, her thick, ivory black nipples hard and erect. Holding one of her breasts in one hand, Sandra hooked her other hand behind Brandon's head and and pulled him close to her tits.

 "Why don't you quit that girly moaning and put that mouth of yours to a better use, hm?" She teased, pressing her stripped tit into the fox's face. Brandon complied readily, opening his mouth and taking her erect, black nipple into his mouth, suckling on firmly. Sandra snorted."You call that sucking?" she chided, pressing his face to her tit more firmly. "lets get some tongue in there, some teeth! Bite that nipple you little wimp!" Brandon's face turned red under his fur as he began to flick his tongue over the zebra's hard nipple, biting it and tugging on it with his teeth. Sandra whinnied in pleasure, settling back into the couch and shoving one hand down into her pants to rub at her cunt."Now thats more like it." she said, satisfied. Kaylee chuckled, her mouth still full of throbbing fox cock as she bobbed her head up and down his shaft. Her muzzle was deep enough that she could go all the way down to his balls without his dick even touching her throat, so she pressed her muzzle in tight into Brandon's groin and cupping his balls with her tongue and undulating it against them, drawing another moan from the fox.

 Erika had pinned Anna down at this point and wrestled her pants open at the front. The red panda shoved her paw down the front of the raccoon's pants, her mouth still locked on her breasts as she suckled. Anna moaned and arched under Erika's attentions, her mouth hanging open as the red panda began to rub at her cunt firmly. Pulling back from Anna's breast, Erika licked her lips and grinned, looking down on the raccoon girl as she writhed in pleasure beneath her. "You like that?" Erika asked, pulling Anna's pants off completely now and leaving the girl naked on the couch in front of her. Anna blushed beneath her fur."Im... Im not into girls..." she protested half heartedly. Erika giggled and slide two fingers into the raccoon's cunt."Don't worry babe, thats what they all say before I get to

them." Erika teased, sliding her fingers back and forth in the moaning girl. "I am very good at changing their minds though, just you wait and see.".     .      .Morgan chuckled under her breath, settling back in her couch and finishing off her beer, watching the two scenes unfold in front of her. Just across the room from her Kaylee had stripped off her shirt and pants and was climbing into the lap of the obviously overwhelmed fox boy. Sandra pulled back from him, her tit coming free from his mouth with a wet pop. The zebra stood and slowly slide her pants and underwear down over her curved, stripped thighs and ass, bending over as she did.

 As the zebra freed herself from the restrictions of her cloths, Morgan got an excellent look at her rear end; her black and white striped cheeks that  almost begged to be grabbed, fondled, and slapped. The white gave away as it neared the center, her cunt and puckered tail hole being fully black, the fur short and glistening wet. Kaylee swung one leg over the fox's lap and Morgan licked her lips hungrily as she watched the fox's cock slide balls deep into the husky's hungry wet cunt. Kaylee groaned dramatically as she began to rock her hips into the boys lap, thrusting her chest forward into his face."But.." the boy panted, gritting his teeth. "What about a condom?" Sandra snorted as she climbed up onto the couch and straddled the fox's face, her stripped ass now pressing into Kaylee's chest and neck."No condoms here," the zebra said. "We just don't seem to like how they feel. Better not get any of us pregnant then, hm? That would be... awkward... now get to work will you?" the zebra grabbed the foxes head and shoved it flush with her cunt. To his credit, Morgan noticed that the boy didn't hesitate in the slightest and began to lap at Sandra's dripping wet cunt.

 Morgan turned her attention to the two girls on the couch next to her. Erika had scooted up and was now sitting on the raccoon girl's chest. She had one paw wrapped in the girl's hair, holding her in place as she pressed her muzzle into her red furred cunt, rocking her hips and grinding her pussy into the girl's face."That's it..." Erika sighed happily. "Didn't I tell you you'd like it?" the girl murmured something unintelligible in answer, but Erika didn't let her pull her head back, so Morgan couldn't understand what she had said.The hyena stood slowly and hooked her hand under the hem of her shirt, pulling it up over her ample breasts and off over her head. Her brown, dark spotted breasts bounced free, her nipples hard and black. Morgan ran her fingers through her fur, grinning as she looked back and forth between the girls on her couch and the group on the other, before slowly undoing the button on her pants and sliding them down.Beneath her pants, the hyena wore tight red panties, in which could be seen

a considerable bulge, throbbing slightly against the fabric. Pulling the panties down and kicking them off, Morgan exposed her thick, black, throbbing cock and a set of heavy black balls. Reaching down, the herm gripped her throbbing meat and gave it a few jerks to help it harden up before approaching Kaylee and Sandra and their fox boy.

 "Hey girls, think I could have a go now?" She asked, not taking her eyes off the fox boy they both sat atop. Sandra glanced over her shoulder, taking in the sight Morgan's cock, and grinned."Of course Morgan," she said. She reached behind her and thumped Kaylee playfully on the back of the head. The husky girl's muzzle was buried into the zebra's ass, and she withdrew with a wet slurping noise, her tongue pulling out of Sandra's dripping wet tailhole."What's that?" Kaylee asked, looking around at Morgan. The husky continued to grind her hips into the fox's groin, humping at his cock. "She wants a turn dummy." Sandra said, continuing to press her dripping cunt into the boy's muzzle."Oh sure!" Kaylee said cheerfully, standing up abruptly. The fox's cock slide out of her cunt with a wet pop and a moan of disappointment was heard from between Sandra's legs."Oh don't worry hunny," Kaylee said smugly as she swung her leg up over the fox and stood beside him. "Morgan has something much better for you to enjoy.""Why don't you get off him for a minute Sandra and let him see what's in store?" Morgan said, eyes locked on the fox's throbbing cock and balls, his fur matted down with Kaylee's juice. Sandra laughed and let go of the fox's head, stepping back and off the couch.

 "What...?" Brandon asked, confused. Then his eyes caught sight of Morgan standing in front of him, her big black cock and balls throbbing hungrily, bigger then his. "Holy fuck?! What the hell?!" he cried out in surprise, trying to scramble back."Oh no you don't sweetie," Sandra said, grabbing hold of him and holding him in place. "Your gonna take that nice hard meat she has for you and your gonna LOVE it. Trust me.""But but but.." Brandon stammered, eyes wild. Sandra chuckled as she and Morgan forcibly rolled the fox over onto his stomach, his ass sticking up in the air. Kaylee pulled his tail out of the way as the hyena positioned herself behind him."Now now," Sandra cooed to him "It wont be so bad. Sure the first few seconds will burn like a bitch, but after that its quite enjoyable. Tell you what, when Morgan has blown her load up your tailhole, ill let you stick yours up mine!" she slapped her stripped ass, making her cheeks ripple. Kaylee chuckled."If he can still get it up, that is." Morgan muttered ominously as she positioned her thick black cock head against his throbbing pucker.

 "I think he'll blow." Kaylee predicted as Brandon squealed in panic as the big hyena

girl began to force the head of her cock up his tailhole. "I give him two minutes." "You really think so?" Sandra asked as Morgan thrusted in hard, her balls slapping against Brandon's as he let out of wail, his eyes wide. "What guy chums from just having his tail hole plowed"Remember that one guy.... what was his name... James?" Kaylee asked. "Panther, remember? Morgan pumped him four times and he blew his load so hard he got it in my beer across the room." Sandra snorted dismissively."I remember that guy. I was jerking him off while she pounded him, that hardly counts.""No, this was before you started on him!" Kaylee protested. "Remember? You were in the other room forcing Erika to fuck those two drunk football guys. She wouldn't talk to you for three days after, we had to go a whole week with only chicks to make it up to her.""Will you two kindly shut up and let me enjoy myself?" Morgan asked them, gripping Brandon's thighs tightly as she hammered him. Every thrust drew another frantic squeal from the panicky little fox, his eyes so wide they looked like they were going to pop right out of his head. His cock was hard and bobbing between his legs with every thrust, and masked beneath the squeals were periodic groans of pleasure.

 "If you guys can't keep your mouths shut, why don't you go bug Erika and her little 'conquest'. Fill your mouths with some pussy maybe?"Kaylee glanced over her shoulder at here Erika and Anna were, Erika still grinding her cunt into the raccoon girl's face. Despite Anna's initial protests, her eyes were now closed and she was willingly lapping at Erika's cunt now.Erika rode the raccoon's face, groaning and moaning, her had wound tightly into Anna's head fur. The raccoon had reached down past Erika and was rubbing frantically at her own dripping pussy now."That's it.." Erika groaned. "Just like that. It isn't like giving your boyfriend head.. less sucking, more tongue. Mmm... like that... watch the teeth now.." the red panda rocked back and forth on the girl's muzzle as she instructed her on the proper way to eat another girl's pussy. "Ok," Erika said, gasping for breath as she swung herself off of Anna's face. "Lets not get too carried away then, don't wanna gush all over that pretty little face of yours, now do I?" She giggled and ran her hand down the side of Anna's face, the raccoon's fur matted and wet, her eyes heavy lidded and glazed over.

 "Tastes good, doesn't it?" Erika said. "Want to see how it feels?""Mmhm..." Anna muttered absently. Erika grinned. "Well then I'll give you a licking then... but I'm thinking I'm not so interested in your cunt right now... why don't you roll yourself over and pull that pretty little ringtail out of the way, hm? I think I'm in the mood for some tail hole." Anna's brow furrowed."Tail

hole?" she said, sounding uncertain. Erika laughed and twirled her finger in the air, motioning the raccoon girl to roll over."Now now now, it isn't for you to decide what happens right now. Who's the teacher here?" she winked seductively at the raccoon girl. "Now roll your ass over and spread those cheeks. Let me get a look at that pucker of yours." Anna blushed under her fur, but did as she was told, rolling over onto all fours and swinging her tail to the side. She reached back and spread her cheeks, stretching her tight little tail hole out for the girl kneeling behind her."Now thats more like it..." Erika muttered. Slinking down on to all fours, her bushy red tail swinging out behind her, she gripped the raccoon's hips and spread her cheeks more. "I wouldn't expect a straight girl like you to ever think about this... boys are just so stuck up, never want to stick those tongues of theirs anywhere good. Im gonna spoil you so bad your never gonna want another man to pleasure you ever. If your REALLY good while m working, maybe ill find something to stick in you..."

 Chuckling to herself, Erika pressed her face into Anna's ass, burying her face up under her tail and running her tongue along the tight pucker nestled between her cheeks. Anna tensed and shivered, moaning lightly at the feel of a warm, wet tongue along her tailhole. Erika grinned to herself, pressing the tip of her tongue to the raccoon girl's tailhole. She wiggled her tongue, putting more and more pressure on it as she wormed her way passed the tight ring of muscle and into the raccoon's butt. Once inside, Erika began to work her tongue around, loosening the girl up. When it was finally to her satisfaction, she really went to work, tongue fucking Anna's tail hole as the girl squealed and squirmed around in pleasure on the couch."Mmmmmfaaahk!" Morgan snarled, baring her teeth as she drove herself balls deep into the fox boy who was twitching and moaning between her powerful thighs. "Little fucker is tight.. what's the matter kid, never had a REAL girl fuck you?" Brandon had given up all semblance of struggle, laying face down in the couch cushions now moaning and drooling. His cock throbbed violently between his legs, his balls sore from all the time's the hyena's larger nuts had slapped firmly against them.

 "Hm. I guess not," Morgan said, answering her own question. She liked this part of it, breaking a boy down into nothing but a slut for her cock and then the taunting that followed. The other girls weren't as into it as she was, but she had spent years in highschool being made fun of for being bigger and stronger then the guys her age, not to mention the first time she tried to have sex with her boyfriend and he freaked out, called her a man, and broke up with her. Things were more fun his way anyways. Morgan had a thing for being in control. "Thats it Kaylee, two minutes up and he

still didn't blow his load." Sandra said, sounding smug. Kaylee frowned and knelt down to inspect the fox's cock. Every thrust drove him forward into the couch and Morgan's balls slapped painfully against his, making him yelp with every driver of her hips. Despite this, Kaylee had no doubts in her mind that Brandon was enjoying himself. The pre-cum running off his cock was indication of that. "Damn.." the husky swore. "I was so sure.." she reached out and gave the head of the fox's cock a gentle flick. Brandon squealed like a virgin and his cock jerked violently, thick jets of cream blasting from his cock tip in long, powerful streams, drenching the couch in front of him. Kaylee swore in surprise and leapt back, then laughed.

 "Ha! Didn't I tell you?!" she shouted triumphantly."That totally doesn't count at all!" Sandra protested. "You touched him!" the zebra glanced appraisingly at the cum soaked couch and then at Brandon's now limp dick, flopping about listlessly between his legs as Morgan pummeled his rear. "God damn it Kaylee, now he's limp. How am I supposed to get that thing in me now?" Kaylee looked a little sheepish."Sorry.." Morgan let out a snarling moan, her balls contracting violently as she thrust in one last time, hilting the fox beneath her as her black hyena cock blasted his innards with thick ropes of cum. Brandon squealed again, weaker sounding this time as heavy white cream bubbled out of his ass from around Morgan's cock and dripped down his balls onto the floor."Damn that was good..." Morgan muttered, pulling her softening cock out of Brandon's stretched and leaking tailhole. "He's all yours Sandra." "Thanks." Sandra said sourly, frowning at Kaylee. Morgan rolled her eyes and then looked over at where Erika was rimming the blushing raccoon girl.

 "Hey you," she said, walking over to the pair. "Coon girl, whatever your name is. You like dicks right? Get mine hard again and i'll put it in you when Erika is done." without waiting for an answer, Morgan lifted the Anna's head and stuffed her limp dick into her muzzle. "Come on, get hard you little wimp." Sandra muttered to herself. She had rolled Brandon over onto his back and was rapidly pumping his flaccid cock, trying to get it to stiffen up once more. The fox's eyes were glazed and he winced a little as the aggressive zebra girl jerked his over sensitive cock. Taking advantage of the situation, Kaylee mounted his face and shoved her cunt in his face. Wrapping her hands into his hair, she ground her pussy into his muzzle."Come on, eat up cutie. It will give you something to focus on while Sandra gets you ready for her." she teased. Brandon stuck his tongue out dutifully and began to lap at her cunt, making the husky sigh in pleasure."Alright Erika, roll her over again," Morgan said, pulling her

now hard cock out of the gasping raccoon's mouth. "Im gonna fuck that little pussy of hers." Erika pulled back, licking her lips and smiling.

 "See?" she said to Anna. "Didn't I tell you id get you something to hump?" Morgan rolled the girl over and mounted her without another word, shoving her cock home with a single thrust and making Anna moan in pleasure. There was no foreplay with Morgan. She thrusted hard and rough into the girl, grunting like an animal as Anna squirmed and moaned beneath her. Erika stood back and watched, smiling and fingering herself."Finally!" Sandra said, letting go of Brandon's now hard cock and turning around to present her rear to the boy. Reaching back and spreading her cheeks, Sandra stretched her ass open and slowly began to lower her midnight black tailhole pucker onto the fox's cock. The zebra groaned as she hilted herself on the fox, and began rubbing at her cunt wildly as she bounced up and down. Her stripped tits and ass rippled and jiggled with each and ever movement, and Brandon moaned loudly into Kaylee's cunt."Fuck... right there..." Kaylee moaned, grinding herself harder into his face. "just like that... fuck... you've had some practice at this... wonder who... taught you.." the husky girl panted and moaned as she humped the fox's face, gripping his head fur to keep herself steady as her legs shook and Sandra's bouncing jostled the fox beneath her.

 "Ohhhhh fuuuuckkkk..." Anna groaned from across the room, gushing all over Morgan's cock. It was to much for the hyena girl, her cock already sensitive from tail-fucking the boy. With a yelp, Morgan shot yet another load right into Anna's waiting cunt. Beside them, Erika panted heavily as she brought herself to her own climax. "mmff.. gnna.." Brandon said, his voice muffled from between Kaylee's legs. He never finished his sentence as Sandra hilted him once more and then twisted her rear into his groin, wringing his cock with her powerful ass muscles as she looked smugly over her shoulder at him.The fox groaned and bucked his hips as he blew his load deep into the zebra's striped ass, much to Sandra's satisfaction. Straddling his face above them, Kaylee yelped and ground even harder into the fox's face as she squirted all over the startled boy. After a few moments of jerking and moaning, the husky finally released his head and slumped down into the couch next to him."Wow..." she muttered as Sandra stood up, Brandon's soft cock sliding from her ass to lay limp across his stomach. Sandra pulled one stripped ass cheek aside to inspect his work as thick white cream dribbled out of her black tailhole and onto the fox's cock and balls beneath him.

 "Not bad..." she said, smiling. Brandon just sat, sunk in the couch, panting and heaving as he tried to catch his breath. Morgan got up of the winded Anna on the other couch and flicked

her softening cock, splattering the raccoon girl with the last few drops from her balls before drawing Erika close to her with one arm and kissing the startled red panda passionately. "Good choice Erika," Morgan complimented her when she broke the kiss. Turning to Anna and Brandon she said; "Now I hate to be rude, but I have a test to take in the morning, and I need to get some rest... you guys are welcome to use the showers and spend the night here, but I'm going to bed." she winked at Anna and patted Brandon on the head as she sauntered past them, swinging her hips, her balls, considerably lighter now, slapping against her thighs."By the way, my number is on the fridge," she called back as she left the room. "Just in case either of you wants a repeat performance." Brandon and Anna looked incredulously at each other and then at the other three girls in the room with them. Kaylee and Sandra laughed and Erika rolled her eyes.

 "Come on cutie," Kaylee said, helping Brandon up. "Lets get you cleaned up." the husky girl lead the bedraggled fox out of the room towards the bathroom, followed closely by Sandra, cum still leaking from her rear. "What about you?" Erika asked, turning to Anna. "You need to get cleaned up?" the raccoon girl took a moment to catch her breath, then stood up and smiled."Hell no," she answered. "I can shower later. Im just gonna get messy again tonight. Maybe after that fox guy gets back ill have a go with him." Erika blinked in surprise then smiled."Well then, if thats the case, care for another round?" Anna smiled and pulled the red panda down onto the couch with her."Mmm... my kind of girl..." Erika murmured as Anna slide down her and buried her face between her legs once more.