The Contract (Chapter 1)

Story by RedHuskyStudio on SoFurry

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#1 of The Contract

This story is a commission based story. 5$ for a character and any additional character is 2$. Like the story says anything goes except vore or scat. So please feel free to note me your characters info as well as what you want Husky to do to your character or What you want your character to do Foxy. Enjoy and look out for Chapter 2 where Foxy gets it.

"SHH! You hear that? I think someone is knocking on the front door. You better stay quiet or I will give you lashes with the whip," The Master growled to his slave. He quickly dressed up and headed for the stairs, which lead back up to the kitchen. The Master closed and locked the door to the basement. He walked through the kitchen to make his way to the front door. "Welcome to my dwelling. Please come in." Master said as he opened the door. He showed the visitor to the living room. "Please make yourself comfy."

"Thank you," The Visitor said. "Your Welcome let me introduce myself. I am Master Husky. You can call me Husky, but my salve calls me Master." Husky says as he offers his paw for a hand shake.

"I am the Writer," he replies as he grabs Husky's paw and returned Husky's hand shake. "Today you will be giving me a tour of your home and telling me a little about yourself. So you can..." The Writer could not finish what he was going to say. Someone interrupted him.

"Excuse me for a minute," Husky said and stood up. He walked back through the kitchen and turned right. He unlocked the basement door with an old skeleton key. Husky marched down the stairs. Without saying a word he grabbed a whip from a small barrel. "Now what did I tell you about staying quiet!" He yelled and started to give his slave lashes. "Now stay quiet!" Husky headed back up to the living room, he made sure he locked the door again. "Sorry about all that. You know how slaves can be sometimes. They disobey you just to get punished." Explains Husky. "Now you were saying."

"Today you will be giving me a tour of your house and telling me a little about yourself. So you can sign a contract." Repeats the Writer. "And if you are lucky you might get more "slaves".

"Sounds good to me," Husky said as he was rubbing his paws together.

"Shall we begin?" The Writer nods his head.

"So we are in the living room. Not much in here. Besides the little coffee table here in the center of the room; we have the sofa and the love seat. Most of the light comes from the big windows over there," Husky explains and points towards the windows on the left. They move out into the hall way where there was the kitchen in front of them. "This is the kitchen were my slave cooks for me. Some time she gets a little naughty in there with the carrots. We have a stove, fridge, dishwasher, and lots of cabinets. There are two things in this kitchen that are special. First special item is the table; it's a big oak round table with four matching chairs. And the second special thing is the door to the basement, that's where all the real action happens. I'll tell you more about those two later on. As far as for the rest of the house, there is my master bedroom and bath room on the right and on the left we have the patio and the spare bedroom and bath room. The patio leads to the back yard where you can find the pool that looks over the valley." Says Husky as he watches The Writer looks around a bit. "That should do it for my house. When I get more clients I'll introduce you to more of my dwelling."

"You have a nice house. Now we are going to over the paper work and you will need to sign a few pages, so you can begin work." Replied the Writer and headed back into the Kitchen where he sat down at the big round table.

Husky followed and grabbed two glasses from a cabinet that's near the sink. He filled the glasses up with filtered water from the sink. Husky placed the glasses on the table and pulled out a chair.

"Okay, lets get down to business shall we?" Said the Writer as he pulled out a small stack of papers from his briefcase and placed them on the table. Husky slowly started to read the pages. As he read them the Writer would talk about that page but more in depth about what was on it. The last page was for Husky to sign his autograph and date.

"So before I sign my life to you, let me get my facts out there." Husky said as he reviewed the pages one more time. "First things first, when a client fills out an order, I must do whatever they want correct?"

The Writer nodded his dead in agreement.

"Even if they are gay? And will you give me more if they want to bring a friend along?" Husky asked as his ears raised and his tail started to was a little bit.

"Yes if they are straight, gay, or a little bit of both you will answer to their needs. Yes, depends on how many extra people they bring they will get charged extra." Answered the Writer and he took a drink of water in between answers.

"I understand everything now. But before I sign I want you to note that I will not eat any one or be eaten and I will not eat shit." Husky stated and began to sign his name on the contract.

"Good. Thank you for your time Husky! I will deliver the orders to you by Hand so you can prep yourself and surroundings," said the Writer as he shook Husky's paw and he walked to the front door.

Husky opened the door and said his good byes as the Writer walked down the steps. The Writer got into his car and drove off. Husky closed the door and wondered back in to the kitchen. He started to pick up the cups when heard a quiet whimper coming from the basement door. He quickly put the cups in the sink and headed for the basement door. He opened it and walked down the flight of stairs. Husky stood on the landing and turned to his left. His slave was still there. Her whimpers stopped as he walked towards her.

She was a beautiful fox. She had c-cup breasts. Her fur is midnight blue with a strip of silver running down her chin, all the way to her sex. Foxy is her name and she loves her Master Dearly.

Master Husky walked over to the bed where he had Foxy tied up. He ran his paw down her chest, over her stomach and in between her legs. His slave moaned a little bit as he started to make small circles on her sex with his paw. He stopped and slapped it. "I am going to untie you and you are going to walk over to the toy box and get the medium anal beads, the inverted strap-on, and strawberry flavored lube. Okay?" She nodded and watched as her Master untied her. When he was done Foxy rubbed her wrists and got up. She walked over to the toy box...