How it starts

Story by Fireyfillyboi on SoFurry

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   Corry sat in his dark room, a feeling of incredible loneliness clutching at his heart. He stared at the sole window in the room, moonlight beams created by his blinds, illuminating a single square on his floor next to his bed. He sighed dejectedly, knowing he was once again alone in the world. He stood, making his way to the door, pausing to look at himself in his elegant Victorian door mirror. He was beautiful, for sure. He was a pure fox, beautiful and sleek orange fur covering his back, from the top of his head, down his back, his tail, over his thighs and down his legs. His underside, covered in a soft, snow white colored fur, from his neck all the way down to his inner thighs, with a white tipped tail. His emerald green eyes looked back at him in the mirror, filled with so much potential. However, it didn't feel like it, otherwise, why he would be sulking around an empty house right now. He looked himself over once more, before opening his door, and walking down his empty hallway, shivering slightly at the cold temperature he encountered. Making his way slowly over to his fridge, he groaned disappointedly when he realized that he once again had failed to go shopping. He slowly wandered back into his bedroom, looking through all his clothes, attempting to find something even remotely wearable. ‘I feel like some Chinese tonight' he thought, while sifting through his wardrobe. He eventually settled on wearing a matching jeans and shirt combo. He admired the print on them as he began putting his outfit on. Upon completing the outfit, he went to admire himself in his mirror. The pants hugged his curvy hips and thighs tightly, while slowly loosening around his knees all the way down. On his left leg, a flaming red dragon ran up his left leg, over his thighs and his butt, over to his right hip. Here it joined his black long sleeve, v neck shirt. The dragon ran up from where it met on his hip up across his the small of his back, up to his left shoulder where the head of the dragon met the neck of his shirt, giving it the appearance that the dragon was biting his neck. He smiled, he looked good now, and maybe he could flirt with a waiter and get a discount on his meal. He grabbed a makeup bag, and applied some black eyeliner, further accenting his emerald eyes against his black outfit. He smiled, grabbed his wallet and headed out the door to his car, not even bothering to lock the door to his apartment. Corry walked down the street, to his car, his tail swaying behind him. He climbed into the beat up car, inhaling the sent of his former lover, Kyle, and the smell of sex. He coughed. ‘I definitely have to remember to get this car cleaned.' This brought a soft chuckle from the fox.

(Later that evening)

   Corry wandered into his favorite Chinese restaurant, his hips swaying; tail wagging as he walked through the door. He had many fond memories in this place. His favorite waiter, a cute Fox by the name of Lyeria walked over to greet him. Lyeria smiled at Lyeria, often times wondering why still refused to ask him out.

   "And how is my favorite Foxxy today?" Lyeria asked jokingly, earning him a surprised look from Corry.


   "I....I, I got dumped by Kyle," Corry stammered out. Lyeria gauged from the expression on Corry's face, that it hurt, but he probably wasn't too surprised. Lyeria walked with Corry to his table and seated him.

    "Sorry to here that babes. What will you be having tonight?"

   Corry finished his meal in silence, staring casually down at his empty plate. He knew shouldn't be moping around like this. He looked up and noticed Lyeria was ending his shift. He motioned for Lyeria to join him at his table. Lyeria quickly sat down, staring into the emerald eyes of Corry.

   "It's just that... I was wondering... That is... if you would be interested in going on a date with me?" Corry asked timidly. Lyeria was both taken back and exceptionally happy at the same time. "I c... can understand if you don't w... " Corry was taken back as Lyeria gently placed his hand on his shoulder. Lyeria smiled at him, gently clasping Corry's hand.

   "Why would I not want to go out with you? Your kind, loving, gentle, effeminate (causing Corry to blush and Lyeria to smirk) caring and most importantly, your you." Lyeria said, staring into the deep pools of Corry's eyes. "Let's head to your house, cause it seems people don't like our display of affection in public." Lyeria said mildly entertained by the look that crossed the Corry's face..

   "F... Fine" Corry barely managed to stutter out. They both stood, making their way to the door, heading fort Lyeria's Corry's car.

   Back at Corry's house, the two foxes sat on his couch, gently cuddling each other. "Corry, are you sure you are ready for a relationship this close to your break-up wit h Kyle?" Lyeria asked concerned.

   "Yes, Lyeria. Actually, I have been wondering why I haven't asked you out before. I feel safer with you, and more secure. I want to be yours" Corry said, smiling sweetly up at the other fox, suddenly getting the urge to grope said other fox. Lyeria looked down in surprise, attempting to stifle a moan as Corry's soft hands gently ran over his foxhood.


   "C... Cor... Corry!" Lyeria exclaimed, sliding a hand down to grope Corry's ass, using his free hand to remove Corry's pants. Corry moaned in pleasure, feeling the person he knew he was destined to be with touching his body, sighing happily as he felt his pants leave his body. He decided to tease Lyeria, wiggling his ass against Lyeria's hand, while using his hands to remove his pants. Lyeria moaned. Corry was not helping his self restrain. Lyeria gently feathered a finger along the top of Corry's tail hole, just underneath his tail, causing Corry to moan. Pressing his muzzle against Corry's, Lyeria licked the smaller fox on the lips, begging entrance into the small muzzle.

   "Mhn... "Corry moaned, as Lyeria's finger found a small ticklish spot, just on the edge of his tailhole. Lyeria was trying to restrain himself; he really was, but the way Corry was moaning, and writhing, he just didn't know how long he could hold out.

   "L... Lyeria... please, please have sex with me. (Notice he didn't say fuck)" Corry panted out, unable to control himself. Lyeria was more than happy to oblige. He turned, so that he was pressed on top of Corry, leaning his muzzle down, pressing it against Corry's neck as he began lightly pressing his foxhood against Corry's tight foxhole. Corry couldn't take it anymore, his body screaming out for his mate; yes his mate and lover on top of him. His body aching, begging to be dominated by the loving fox above him. Just as Lyeria is about to softly push in; Corry thrusts upwards, forcing Lyeria's foxhood deep into his ass. Corry shuddered as he impales himself on Lyeria, his anal muscles closing as he forced himself down on the thick fox meat.

    "C... Co... Corry!" Lyeria exclaimed as he felt his dick squeezed by Corry's hot tight ass. Corry began panting, his body aching with heat, desiring to take in all this fox. He sat up, pulling himself off of Lyeria, pushing Lyeria so he was lying on his back, his dick standing tall, leaking pre ant twitching in anticipation of what was coming. Lyeria was gaping in surprise now; he hadn't realized that Corry wanted him so bad, and that Corry was so... fucking hot when he was naked. Any other thought was soon interrupted as he watched in amazement. Above him, Corry had positioned himself, with his foxhole right over Lyeria's dick, his hands reaching down to massage Lyeria dick, before thrusting his hips down, forcing Lyeria's balls to smack against his ass, the large fox cock situated deep inside him.

   "Ungh... "Corry grunted as the thick fox cock penetrated his hot, tight anal muscles. Corry moaned as he started to lift up, the friction inside him made him want to come right then and their. Lyeria could only sit there in a daze as his now boyfriend (and future husband, most definitely) pushed his tight anal passage down on him, when suddenly he felt one of Cory's fingers tracing his foxhole, and a certain fox tail brushing his ball sac. "Ungh! I love you Lyeria!" Corry exclaimed, the friction shooting pure pleasure through his body. Lyeria couldn't believe the intensity of the sex, not fucking, sex, the pure love for him that radiated off of Corry, made him smile and tilt said fox so he could plant a huge kiss on his muzzle. Lyeria reached up and began pumping Corry, using his free hand to spank the naughty fox above him, the strokes in time with the intense pleasure he was receiving from the fox above him, each time that hot tight hole came forcefully down on him. Corry couldn't take much more, the friction from the huge fox beneath him, to the spanking, to the tight pumping of his lovers furred had. He was close, so close. Corry felt the orgasm coming, white stars clouding his vision as he with out warning came all over himself and his lover beneath him, loads of white hot sticky semen bursting from his dick, flooding his senses beyond nirvana. Lyeria was pumping away furiously, moving a hand to tickle the base of Corry's tail when suddenly Corry burst his hot sticky load all over him, writhing and panting. Lyeria felt Corry's hole tighten like a vice on his dick, making the all ready tight cavity like a vice on his dick as he pulled out, causing Corry to moan, before thrusting up and splitting the hot, supper tight fox above him. Corry screamed out in pleasure as he felt his super tight foxhole split open, the massive fox cock erupting inside him, shooting out hot white life essence. Corry moaned and impaled himself again on Lyeria, whose dick was twitching and spasaming, further abusing his insides as he looked lovingly at Lyeria. Lyeria tenderly reached up and easily lifted Corry off him, pulling the smaller sox against his body, nuzzling his cheek.

   "Corry, you didn't have to do that. I would still love you" Lyeria said, answering the unasked question he knew was floating around is his now decided uke's mind. Corry nodded gratefully.

   "That's good, but remember, I did that cause I wanted to too." Corry said, already starting to drift off to sleep. Lyeria smiled at his boyfriend and nodded. "I love you" Corry whispered dropping off into complete slumber.

   "I love you too sweetie, I love you to." Lyeria whispered, adjusting so that Corry was using him as a pillow, placing a kiss on his lover's cheek and drifting off to sleep as well.