Ch.4 Evolution

Story by Cubone Gal on SoFurry

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#4 of A Serpent's Screams

A Serpent's screams

The wolf pushed Zasz down against the bed, hard. His muzzle pressed against hers, forcing her into another kiss. She struggled against her fellow slave in vain, as he was much stronger than she was. This was the third slave to be allowed to use her as such, all for the sake of testing her in order to find ways to improve her sexuality. She moaned a protest incoherently into the canine's mouth as she felt his shaft slide out of its sheath and onto her belly.

She gave up and went limp as the wolf slid into her, gently. He brushed the side of her face and said, "There there, I'm not going to hurt you..." She opened her eyes and looked into his. He continued to slide in and out of her, slowly.

"Unh...Then please stop... Uh..." She said, tearing up. He averted his eyes and stopped moving.

"I'm sorry..." He said. She grimaced as he resumed thrusting. Her body was writhing in pleasure, while her mind was still horrified at the sensation. She couldn't stand it. Her long tail wrapped around him, gently squeezing him. He grabbed both of her hands and squeezed them gently, forcing another kiss on her. Tears welled up as she started nearing yet another climax. The wolf came, sending Zasz into another climax, and she came herself soon after. He just laid on top of her for a few moments, taking in the scent of sheer sex. He nuzzled her face and gave her an apologetic glance. "I'm sorry..." He repeated.

He pulled himself out of her and walked over to his cell door. Behind it stood professor Khrast, taking her usual voyeuristic pleasures in Zasz's pain. The snake woman already knew what they would talk about. His experience with her, no doubt. She threw the wolf's covers over herself and curled into a ball, uncomfortable. She just tuned out their conversation and let her mind wonder to escaping from that hell hole. Minutes passed and Khrast called Zasz to the door, and she gladly complied. She was let out and the wolf sat back down on his bed, disgusted with himself.

"Well, Zasz," The scientist said, "You're going to start a little bit of surgery today." Zasz's eyes widened, startled.

"What!? Today!?" She asked, frantically.

The hyena gestured and said, "Calm down, sweetie, you'll be out for the whole operation. Besides, I have to be there to start you off, and later today I have to lecture for a class. So we'll just start you off when we get back to the lab. Okay, hun?" Zasz nodded weakly, obviously afraid to go through with another operation. A shiver ran down her long spine as she remembered waking during the operation that took her masculinity. All she wanted to do was go back to her cell, and finish up the plans she had with her friends; plans for freedom. However, it looked like that was being put on hold for a while.

"What are you doing this time?" She asked.

Khrast adjusted her glasses and looked at her chart, saying, "Don't worry, we're not going to do much. It's going to be a surprise." The snake continued to stare at her, worried. Khrast smiled and said, "If it makes you feel better, we'll make sure you don't wake up this time." Actually, that really did make her feel better. They moved into the main lab, and the slaves in the cell across from them sat up to greet their friend. Jake and Char's welcome was cut short, as Khrast nudged her over to the operating table where several more scientists stood, waiting.

Zasz's heart raced as they began strapping her to the same table she became a woman on. She almost began hyperventilating as the last buckle was snapped in place. Tears began running down her face. She felt the hyena woman's hand clasp hers. "Settle down, sweetheart." She cooed, "You'll be out right..." Zasz felt a needle pierce her arm and she began straining against her ties. "" Khrast finished, and Zasz's muscles began shutting down. She took deep breaths, trying to stay awake, trying to stay awake to fight. But before she could stop it her eyelids slipped over her pupils, and she was asleep.

Zasz stirred and woke. She smacked her own face numbly, trying to shake off her sleep. She heard Khrast speak behind her. "Oh you're awake!" She exclaimed. Zasz looked around, dazed. She found that she was no longer restrained, and twisted herself to see Khrast. She tried to speak, but the numbness of her body prevented her from speaking properly. The scientist put her hand on Zasz's face. "That'll wear off, hun. But can you guess what we did?" Zasz looked at her puzzled. She began slithering off of the table, but found herself unable. She felt some kind of extra weight behind her, hanging off of her body. Zasz looked down at her body, and found her newest ailment. A pair of double-jointed reptilian legs.

She looked at herself, horrified. Her legs blended with her physiology perfectly. They were long and slender, tipped with ebony claws. She could even tell that she had dewclaws on each foot, the level of artistry was wonderful. She just stared at her new appendages until she realized that her body was even more mutilated than she thought. She felt a new bone attached to her legs, no doubt a new hip. Her body curved beautifully now with the added structure. Her total length hadn't changed during the operation, but she felt her innards were different as the anesthetic wore off.

"Do you like it?" She heard Khrast say. Zasz just stuttered, shocked. "We got them from a young dragon, but we had to sculpt the hip ourselves. Wiring the nerves was tricky too, but not as tricky as rewiring your body to grow new scales on them. But it turned out just great didn't it?" Zasz pressed her hands to her belly, feeling it. Despite its still-serpentine qualities, her body had once again become more foreign to her, more alien. Tears welled up in her eyes at the sight of her new limbs, and despite her struggles not to, she began crying to herself, softly.

"Oh, sweetie..." They hyena said, sitting next to her and placing her hands on her shoulders, "You'll get used to them, don't worry." Zasz felt the scientist's hands slide down her sides, exploring her new curves and proving that the anesthetic had worn off. Zasz continued sobbing as Khrast got up and began walking off. She leaned next to one of the guards, whispering something, before finally making her way out of the lab's automatic sliding door, which, as usual, locked firmly behind her.

Zasz wiped the tears from her yes and sniffled, staring down at her new legs. She licked her lips and summoned the will to try manipulating them, still teary-eyed. The impulses left her mind, but the unfamiliar limbs didn't even budge. She bit down on her lip and tried again, this time reciting a small twitch from her left leg. She let out a deep sigh, and began struggling to hold back her tears again. The serpent looked up at the guards, who were staring at her impatiently, telling her it was time for her to go back to her cell.

She used her arms to scoot her body to the edge of the table, swinging her limp legs over it and putting herself in a sitting position. She felt the cold metal floor on the bottoms of her new feet and took a deep breath. She twitched her legs again, still unsure how to control them. She tried standing up, only to drop instantly to her knees as they gave out. She stayed on all fours for a few moments, until the guards started walking over to her. She tried crawling, only to be unable to make her legs move again. She collapsed onto her belly, unable to crawl, and unable to even slither anymore, and began crying again.

She looked up from the floor, only to realize the two guards were standing over her, watching, with cruel smiles plastered on their faces. One of them nudged her side with his boot. "C'mon, crawl, bitch." The eagle goaded. His canine friend only snickered in response. She looked at her tattooed arms, splayed in front of her. The black markings, including the ones on her back, indicated that she was a slave of war, a captured soldier. She was hardly a soldier, though, especially now. She felt the boot hit her new hip. She was never a soldier to start with. Even before her slavery, she was nothing more than a crude militiaman, defending his village against the more technologically advanced invaders.

The boot struck her again, roughly, quickly followed by another on the other side. "Zasz!" She heard someone call out. She looked up at the empty cell door, where Jake stood. He began walking towards her only to be stopped by the gesture of a shock stick.

"Come, Zasz..." Char said, comfortingly, "You can do this..." She gripped the floor with her claws and heaved herself forward, dragging her useless legs behind her. The eagle grinned contently and kicked her again on her bottom, sliding her forward a few more inches. She reached out again, gripping with her claws, and again heaved. She tried using the muscles on her belly to help, which they did, marginally. She also pushed with her tail, helping her thin, tired arms along. Several more kicks, several more heaves, and some more encouragement from her friends finally saw her to her cell door, which closed behind her.

Char and Drake instantly snatched her up and hoisted her onto her bunk. Suddenly she realized every muscle hurt, especially the ones in her limbs. She couldn't understand why her legs hurt, since they didn't even do anything! She felt a feather-lined hand touch her forehead. "We are glad to have you back, Zasz..." Char said, sagely. Her slit-pupils focused on him, and her brows pushed together in question. He looked... different. His eyes were now a solid white, taking away from his appearance of constant vigil, yet making him seem more... omniscient. As well, he was missing feathers in several places.

"Char...what happened to you?" She asked, concerned.

"They've blinded me." Char explained, calmly. "However," he continued, interrupting Zasz's protest of shock, "They've more than compensated for my loss of vision by increasing my others senses. I still see, friend, though no longer with my eyes."

Jake added, "Yeah, so that coupled with his freaky voodoo mental powers makes him more aware than he ever was!"

Char sighed, "The finding of one's center is not 'freaky voodoo mental powers'"

The two others began laughing at Char's expense, though he couldn't stifle a chuckle himself. Zasz's friends looked like they haven't laughed in days. The guards, ignoring them, left the room as well, with the lights shutting off upon their leave. "It's really good to have you back, Zasz... Two weeks with no one but Char is-"

"Two weeks!?" Zasz interrupted.

"Yep. They started experimenting on us too. I've gained 40 pounds of sheer muscle since they started injecting me with this shit..." Jake said, bitterly. He did indeed look much more massive than he once was. "It hurts like hell to even pee anymore though."

"At least you can move..." Zasz scoffed. "And we can forget about getting me out of here..." She whispered, woefully.

"Don't say such things." Char scolded. "Your new limbs are... strange to you, yes... But as the infant does, so will you learn to use them as if a natural part of you."

"I hope you're right again..." Zasz said. Char smiled in the dim, green light.

"'Course he is." Jake joked, "The bastard's always right. The thing that they don't know is that they armed us with more tools to escape with, eh?"

Zasz smiled herself, pulling a blanket over her body. Char put his hand on her head again. "Have faith..." He said, before retiring to his own bunk. The three exchanged goodnights, and went to sleep.

The next day came and roused the three friends as scientists poured into the chamber, though, Professor Khrast was suspiciously absent. That Jake was summoned from his cell and escorted to another room in the facility, to further test the side-effects of that particular steroid. Meanwhile, Char went about delicately trying to teach Zasz to stand.

"Feel how the weight is distributed?" He asked, holding her up by her arms.

"Sort of..." She responded, uncertainly. Char, who was sitting on the top bunk, lowered her a tiny bit more, putting more weight on her wobbly legs. Char lowed her a tad more, but suddenly both the joints on each leg gave out on her, causing her to hand limply from Char's arms, frustrated. "I can't do this..." She said, sadly.

"You will in time." Char reassured. Their exercise continued for almost three hours until night came again and Zasz was finally able to stand on her own, as long as her tail was able to keep her propped up. She was actually quite pleased with her success, though, she did prefer her older method of "standing".

"Char, Char! I'm doing it!" She declared, letting go of Char's hands and spreading her arms out for balance.

"That's wonderful, Zasz." He said. "Now just hold that position." She did was she was told until she finally collapsed onto her knees. She was beginning to feel how her muscles worked, how her legs moved. She couldn't help but smile proudly. The pleasant mood accompanying their success was cut short, however, as two guards opened their cell.

"Zasz, it's time for you to come with us, now." A male scientist behind them ordered. The two guards from the night prior marched in and seized her by her arms. As much as Zasz hated Claire Khrast, the hyena was at least gentler with her. Being unable to walk, the guards dragged her along a familiar path until they hit a familiar lizard's cell. Deggoth sat once again on his bed, waiting. Only this time he seemed different. Over the three weeks his scales had lightened slightly and his teeth and claws had elongated a little. As he eyed Zasz's naked body excitedly, his cock hardened and began peeking from its sheathe. That was when the snake noted another change: his dick had become much thicker as well.

She almost started crying as they opened the door and shoved her in, her pleading "No!" as she hit the ground on all fours. She collapsed onto her belly and saw Deggoth's talons hit the floor in front of her.

"Well, hello, bitch..." He said, happily. She slowly looked up at him and he grabbed her by her shoulders and lifted her up. He looked down at her legs and examined them before taking in the rest of her body. "You look a thousand times better now..." He said, a low growl in his voice.

"You know the drill, Deggoth." The scientist said, before walking away.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, leave her in one piece." The lizard called out to him. He tossed Zasz onto his bed, pinning her with his body. "I missed you." He said, evilly, his hands slipping down to her hips and cupping her bottom. She jolted at the sensation and started openly crying.

"Deggoth, please..." She started, before being interrupted by his claws digging a tiny bit into her new hindquarters.

"Please what!?" He demanded, glaring maliciously. All her resolve instantly melted. He grinned at her.

"I thought so." She looked away as his huge cock slid against her pussy, teasing her. She couldn't say anything anymore. She couldn't think of anything TO say. He got up and flipped her onto his belly, propping her ass up in the air, being held there by her knees. He wasted no time grabbing her legs and plunging into her slit. She cried out, never being stretched out so much. He rode her roughly and swatted her bottom with one of his claws, inciting a yelp of pain amidst her groans of pleasure. A few more swats followed that one.

He leaned over her, licking the side of her face and cupping a breast in each hand. "Oh, bitch, you feel even better now..." He moaned, obviously enjoying himself. He grabbed her face with one hand and twisted her long, flexible neck around to force her into a kiss. Their forked tongues wrapped around each other, Deggoth closing his eyes in ecstasy. She felt a new kind of pleasure assault her insides from the angle of sex previously impossible for her. Her long tail wrapped around his as her body once again betrayed her, as it always did. Once again humiliated, she just let the lizard lead her wherever he wanted as tears and beads of sweat ran down her face and body.

He broke his kiss and leaned up again, pulling his cock out of her cunt. She looked over her shoulder, panting and fearful. She felt him lift her tail higher up and the tip of his slick protrusion circle the area around her new tail hole. Her pupils narrowed. "No, no please!" She protested, trying to get her legs to close and let her sit up. They didn't move.

"You'll love this." He said, slowly pressing his cock into the puckered hole. He continued, ever so slowly. She buried her chest into the bed, clutching the sheet with both fists as her newly placed opening was being stretched by his thankfully lubricated dick. He finally stopped teasing and with one mighty thrust buried himself to the hilt into her rear. She opened her mouth wide to let out a loud scream, but no sound came. Her back end was on fire with pain, her hole being much too small for a male of his girth.

He slid in and out of her ass fairly easily, having his own pre-cum and her juices mixed in with the blood coming from her overstretched innards. Her legs gave out under the lizard's weight and her whole body was pressed against the bed, but he kept his rhythm regardless. She gritted her teeth and clenched her firsts to deal with the pain, but managed to notice the talons on her feet doing the same. The waves of pleasure running up her spine were all but drowned out by the agony of anal rape.

The rough sex went on for a good while before he started to slow down. She let out a small groan as he twitched for a brief moment and a spurt of hot cum escaped into her bleeding insides. He pulled out of her, spraying her bottom and back with the rest of his seed. He let out a long sigh over her heavy panting and sniffling. She let out another cry when he swatted her sore bottom again and then laid down on his back, stroking his pride. "God, you were tight." He complimented. She still hadn't moved from her spot, and just cried to herself. He grinned and stroked his cock again.

"Light's out." A guard called in the distance. The lights began shutting off, leaving the two reptiles alone and bathed in the dim green glow of the night lights.

"Looks like they're leaving you here with me tonight, bitch." Deggoth remarked. He scooted his body over and pulled her limp frame on top of his with her facing him. He forced her into a passionate kiss and groped at her aching buttocks. Zasz closed her eyes and held back more tears as they kissed, finally pulling away from him. She was humiliated more and more every day. "We'll fuck in the morning too, don't worry. Once your ass gets used to it you'll really enjoy it, bitch."

Zasz's mind raced with the thought of it. She hated him so much. He squeezed at her butt again, and suddenly something in her brain snapped. A surge of her old personality sprung back up, having been pushed so far. Rather, it was something more than her original self. "Zasz..." She spat. Deggoth raised and eyebrow.

"What?" He asked, warningly.

"My fucking name is Zasz." The serpent said. Deggoth looked down into her eyes, somewhat shocked at what he saw.

"I don't care." He warned. Zasz's mouth slowly twisted into a snarl.

"I hate you..." A few more tears ran down her face. She reared back and latched her hands around his throat, digging her claws in and squeezing with all of her might. He suddenly sat up, grabbing her wrists and holding her back. He felt his neck, which was only bleeding from shallow scratches. She wasn't strong enough to do too much damage to his armored hide.

"You stupid slut!" He spat back at her. He put pressure on her wrists, and she curled with pain but held eye contact. She held her glare for a few moments before her face softened and she broke back down into tears. A confused look scrawled across Deggoth's face. He knew of her personality shifts, but he didn't realize they were so extreme. He wasn't sure what to do. He laid back down and pulled her against him. He figured he'd continue what he was told to do. Break her, and do it so that she stays broken.