Just Another Canine Love Story.

Story by Xarex on SoFurry

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Alex moves into a new school, and makes a complete mess of it. And when things can't possibly get any worse, he meets up with a husky who makes everything better, and then some.

Author - Just a little thing that I made in my spare time. Probably going to make a few adjustments to it.

I'm late, Alex thought as he ran down the corridor, his schoolbag clattering behind me and filling the halls with noise, even though everyone was in class. Everyone but him, anyway. I'm late I'm late I'm late. He didn't know what happened to new students who turned up late, but he sure didn't want to find out, and today was not the day. Any day but today! So far, the small, sleek wolf had already messed up his first lesson, Chemistry, when he mixed up two of the chemicals by accident and sending blue sparks half-way across the classroom and receiving scowls and disapproving glares from all of the furs on the other half. Then in Maths he'd confused himself under all of the equations they'd been given to solve; they'd never had to work this hard in his old school, and he'd never been good in algebra regardless! Now he was going to be late for the third lesson of the day. The second bell had just rang after he'd finished explaining to the next teacher, who even for her hippo species could be considered slightly chubbier than most, why he'd only done a quarter of the sums she'd set for him. And since the bell signaled the beginning of the next lesson, there wasn't a chance that he'd make it to where he needed to be - the other end of the whole school! Since he knew he'd never make it, when he walked into the history class - tail lowered between his legs and head drooped - he'd already been walking across half of the school in the same fashion. A stern rebuke by the teacher, a skinny raccoon with half-moon glasses perched on precariously on the tip of his grey muzzle later, and he was sat at his desk, daydreaming out of the window to the dull background drone of the same speeches of World War One that he'd heard a million times before.

With his muzzle propped on one paw, elbow on the desk, he stared into the dull grey clouds coating the sky like an artist had thrown a bucket of grey paint across a blue canvas. He'd always been the artist, the creative of the family. His older brother had been the sports fanatic until he moved out, and his parents were the model everyday British family. He'd moved from further north once his dad had taken a new job with a delivery firm, and a new school was hardly what he needed. Especially since no-one here knew about his.. quirks. Alex could see the vague reflection of a rather handsome-looking husky across the room, silver with black fur from the wrists and up along the back of his neck to fold over his head-fur. He seemed rather athletic, probably a six-pack under his hoodie, and his well-built muzzle made him think of one of those male fashion models. He quickly looked away though, glancing around the rest of the classroom to check if anyone had seen his staring. Damn, this was only the first day, and he'd already made a complete mess of it several times over...


The rest of the day past uneventfully, while he did his best to stay as far away from everyone in the classroom as possible, usually the far corner where it was difficult for him to hear what the teachers were saying but he was never really paying attention anyway. He was struggling in almost every subject, except English, and he had absolutely no chance of getting any friends over the rest of his time there. Most of the other students had been hanging with each-other since nursery, and he'd have to pull of some sort of miracle to be noticed by the geeks, let alone anyone else. By the end of school he was tired and desperately in need of some well-earned sleep. The heat and the schools poor air-conditioning had made his shirt itchy and uncomfortable, and on the way home he tried not to concentrate on the irritation on his chest and flat stomach. A few blocks from his house though, he recognized one of the students from history - the husky he had seen, only now he was dressed in just a black shirt that contrasted to his sleek electric-blue fur. The endlessly-abysmal weather was making it difficult to maintain any of the plants around the block, since there seemed to be a constant foreshadowing of a terrible storm yet never a single drop of rain - and although he was facing out to the street, he didn't seem to have noticed the fellow canine yet. He slowed his pace, thinking about crossing to the other side of the road to walk past so that he wouldn't have to worry about being caught staring.

"Hello! You're the new kid, aren't you? I saw you at class!" a voice called out to him suddenly and when he lifted his eyes, the husky was smiling straight at him, raising the paw holding the hose to wave but apparently forgetting that he still held it, and the blast of cold water smacked him square in the muzzle and drenched his thin shirt and jeans, causing him to yip sharply and leaving him shivering from the feeling, wanting to just fall to the pavement right there and then. Jeez.. and his day had been bad before, now it was just the lowest it could have possibly ever been.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry! I completely forgot that I was holding the hose, are you alright? Can you hear me?" The voice echoed in his ear of the husky calling out to him, although his jaw was welded shut by the shivers that were breaking out over his body. He'd just spent the entire day cooped in a stuffy hot room, so this was a little more than just a shock to be hit full-pelt with a hose of freezing cold water, although he couldn't help his muscles from seizing as two warm paws tried to push him into moving from his spot on the pavement. He tried to shake his head, or speak and say that he'd be fine, but before he could muster enough control over his body, he was already off the ground, being carried inside by the surprisingly strong husky. Wow, he couldn't help but think as he was cradled in the husky's arms and carried inside his house, set down on the sofa and dressed in an uncountable amount of towels, he's stronger than I thought.. though he did hit me with a hose. When he'd built up the ability to turn his head, apparently the husky had been brewing some steaming hot coffee for him and set it down on a previously missed solid oak end-table. He was about to thank the un-named husky, but before a sound could leave his maw, a warm paw was pressing against his cheeks - which were far hotter than the rest of his body by this point. Especially after being literally picked up by the not-so-large husky in the middle of the street and carried inside as if nothing more than a dripping piece of luggage.

"I'm really sorry, I've been told I can be a real klutz at times, but I'd never payed as much attention to those comments until now," the husky remarked with a small, slightly nervous laugh. "Oh, my name's Rex, by the way."He was obviously still worried about the whole situation, and Alex bit his bottom lip for a moment before attempting to reply.

"I-I'm fine.." he said in a slightly higher voice than usual, although his voice had always been slightly higher than most.

"Listen to that stutter!" Rex rebuked, almost cutting into Alex as he talked, before standing up and seemingly trying to move in two separate directions at the same time to fetch something to help, almost stumbling over himself. Alex couldn't help himself and giggled lightly at the show, but a light pink lifted in his cheeks when the husky turned back and caught him in the act, immediately stopping what he was attempting to do.. whatever it was that he was attempting to do, anyway.

"R-R.. Really, I'm fine.. you shouldn't have to worry about any of this, but I need to get home and do.. stuff, y'know.. uhmm.. look, I need to go.." Alex struggled to excuse himself, but when he gathered himself started to take off the blanket and stand up, his cheeks turned an obvious deep crimson underneath the thin coating of fur as he looked down at himself to assess the damage done. The soaking of the water had caused his shirt to become almost transparent, and unknown to him before until now, his nipples had hardened under the cold blast, showing prominently through the thin fabric. His trousers, especially around the crotch and down his legs were also soaked and felt as if lead weights had been attached, and even as he payed more attention, his underwear was also soaked beyond comfortable use. And he was still pretty far from home - there wasn't a chance that he'd be able to make it back to his house in.. this!

After staring at himself for a few minutes, he realized the husky was staring also, and his cheeks darkened even more, although by this point he really wasn't sure if it'd be possible to become more embarrassed. "U-Uhm.. c-could I borrow some of your clothes?" he asked tentatively, but squirmed a little after a few moments as Rex hadn't even registered what was being asked of him, but was rather staring at the translucent fabric clinging to his smooth stomach and chest.

After a few very awkward moments he shook his head a little, laughing nervously. "Sorry," he joked, "I don't know what came over me.. I'm not sure what I have you can borrow, most of my stuff is in the laundry, but come upstairs and I'll check." They walked upstairs and around a corner, into the husky's room which was elaborately furnished with a large oak bed, drawers, wardrobe, fancy computer.. he seemed very organized, and as the soaked wolf hung around outside, a thought crossed his mind. Why does he have such a big bed?

"Sorry, you might have to borrow something from my sister's clothes, she's only seventeen but yeah. You alright with that?"

"Sure," he replied, not really even paying attention, although his eyes widened when he saw what Rex was carrying. A white shirt similar to his own and a folded pair of jeans hung in one paw, which looked a little too big to him, but in the other paw he carried a pair of light pink silk underwear, slightly smaller than he thought would be comfortable for his male bits, and about five times less masculine. Hesitantly he accepted them, shrugging off the blanket and revealing himself in the still-wet and mostly-transparent clothes. "Is there.. somewhere I can change?"

"Hmm.. could just do it in my room," Rex replied smoothly, stepping aside to let the wolf in and closing it behind him after he left, leaving him alone in the room to dress into the new clothes.. if they could even be called that

First he stripped down to nothing, piling the wet clothes at the side for use later, and then he studied the silky underwear he'd been given. He knew that he might just be able to make it home without any underwear on.. but then again, it'd be a bit difficult to explain, but wouldn't it be even worse to try and explain the fact that he was coming home dressed in girls panties, given to him by a guy that he didn't even know the name of? He didn't want to even try and explain that problem. But if he could wear these to his house, hide them away somewhere and return them tomorrow, well.. he might just do it. It would only be for the walk home, anyway, wouldn't it? He could make it that far, never tell anyone about the experience ever again, and that'd be that.

Still, he couldn't help a heavy blush settling on his cheeks as he put them on, sliding the silky panties up his legs and snugly around his hips, stretching the panties a little to cover over his sheath-tip. It was definitely a little uncomfortable to have the panties wrap so snugly around his sheath and balls, but it became much more so when Rex opened the door to get the wet clothes.

"OK, I'll put these in the wash, shall- Oh.." he stopped mid-sentence as he looked up, his mouth almost looking as if it would drop. Alex was stunned to silence at the moment, his face bright red as his paws hovered half-way between covering his crotch and covering his face, until he noticed something that made his jaw drop and his legs almost collapse beneath him: Rex's bulging crotch, nearly tearing a hole through his jeans.

Alex swallowed, staring for a moment before the wolf understood what he was staring at, and for a moment Alex thought he could see a bit of red on Rex's cheeks before he stood upright, walked over to him casually, and kissed him on the lips, one paw sliding up behind his back to hold the other canine as he collapsed like a fold-able lawn-chair into his arms. The feel of such an intimate moment with the muscular, not to mention rather handsome husky was enough to turn his legs to jelly, although almost the opposite could be said for the thing between them; as Rex's crotch forcefully pushed against his, it began rubbing and causing the rather flexable fabric of the pastel-pink panties to tighten from the filling of his sheath as the tip of his cock pressed against the thin silk.

"My my, what do we have here?" he smirked as he stared into Alex's bliss-covered face, who's tongue hanging from his mouth as he struggled to hold back a small moan from the stimulation passing through the panties. "I think someone wants to come out to play.. should I let him out?" The sight had sent the husky into a daze, and a new persona had taken dominance - not that anyone was complaining, least of all Alex when soft fingers slowly raked down the still-damp stomach and teasingly curled around the waistline of the new underwear.. but seemed to only draw them up higher and firmly around the swelling erection, drawing another louder and longer moan from his lips. "Hehe, good thing my parents are out.. means I can make you moan as loud as your lungs can take.." he said in a low, sultry tone right next to the wolfs ear, following it with a sharp nip to the edge.

The wolf took precious seconds to swallow the gathering drool before releasing the pent-up moan that had been building in his chest, half-lidded eyes finally closing as he relaxed into the gentle embrace. And he wasn't to be disappointed - immediately, his body was set alight with the pleasurable sensation of the larger canine lifting him for the second time today and nearly throwing him down onto the bed, smothering his muzzle with lustful kisses and raking blunt claws up and down the fur over his hips, slowly dragging them up until they left the ground completely and his panty-clad behind rubbed a bulging spot in the wolfs jeans. "Mmm.. tell me how much you want to be taken." It was an order, and he didn't dare disobey.

"Please take me.. sir!" He didn't know where the 'sir' part had come in, but he wasn't going to take it back now. Especially when the husky gave a small thrum of pleasure, followed by the distinct sound of a zipper being undone. His lungs were burning with the heavy pants dragging through them, but he didn't care - he just needed this husky more than anyone else in the world.. and he wanted the panties off, too. As comfortable as they were, his erection was really pressing against the fabric and although he could tell that it was being pushed to its limit, it wouldn't break.. and it was bending his length down, stopping it from reaching a full erection but creating a rather visible bulge that throbbed and strained with all the energy of a writhing snake. But much to his dismay, only the back of the panties were pulled down to reveal his supple cheeks and leave his erection smothered under the gentle but firm grip of the silk. And to add insult to injury, he felt a paw slide down and boldly cup the crotch, with tender little squeezes that milked small droplets of pre-seed out and over the crotch.

The voice trickled into his ear like warm honey. "You look beautiful, like this." The wolf's heart was in his mouth - as bad as it seemed, it was the first time that anyone other than his mother had actually called him beautiful. "I think I should keep you. Like this, all the time.. I think by the looks of this," and he squeezed the pounding erection for emphasis, "you'd like that too, wouldn't you." There wasn't any condescension in his words, there was no mocking. If anything, it was a playful tease - a hidden joke between close friends or lovers. The irony wasn't lost when the pointed, moist tip of a canine penis gently pushed itself into place under his tail and began to press down, slowly filling the warm canal and stretching his rear like never before. Sure, he'd experimented a bit with his fingers and a dildo secretly bought online, but nothing could compare to what he felt now.. all the worries of the day slowly melted away under the delicate but firm grip of the canine above as he pulled back, preparing himself, and then slid back inside and filled him again. It was all that he could manage to gasp in pure delight, even elation, as heat built up under his tail and swelled until it filled his entire body as if, up to this point, he had been nothing but an empty glove.

"Please.. more!" The husky didn't hesitate to oblige, and his thrusts steadily increased in pace until it pistoned inside at a rapid but still comfortable place. Both paws wrapped around Rex's neck and his legs hung in the air uselessly while, again and again, the firm nine inches of cock slid inside of his rear and then removed itself again, up until the very tip. It didn't take long for even these thrusts to increase in tempo, until there was a frantic drive and a needy whine in the Rex's smooth thrusts. He could feel the distinct bulge that pushed at his rear, threatening it with its girth, even grinding against his moderately-stretched hole.

"Are you ready, Alex?" he asks with a dominant growl, leaning down and nipping around the wolfs shoulder with a devious little smile spread over his muzzle, pulled far back enough to show the faint glimmer of his pointed tip. Before the wolf could stutter a reply, his breath was punched from his lungs by a powerful shove that sent a thick knot of muscle the size of a tennis ball straight past his stretched ring, that swelled even further like a sponge in water and locked in place. The only sound that came to Alex after that was the gentle splashes as ropes of creamy white seed marked his insides and filled him with a dazed glow. And at the same time, small pulses in the panties and the darkening fabric showed that he'd enjoyed his time just as much as Rex. It was a shame that the afterglow had drained him so much, though.. he could barely feel or hear what the husky was doing to him.

A collar around his neck belonging to one of their old pets, bright red with a little tag was fastened around his neck. The clips that held it in place, secured with a little combination lock designed for suitcases. And a few little whispers into his ears, describing how he was going to fuck the wolf all over again as soon as his knot softened...