BlackJack: The finally gambit... Chapter 1

Story by Musica Wolfsbane on SoFurry

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The child's name is chris... he has never had a single friend in his life... He has no Idea that he is a gangmember, looking for his brother Gideon... Tune in for more for my story series...

Everyday isn't the same in BlackJack, a city of thieves, a city of hell... I was born with no trace of my parents... no memory of myself... I awaken from my slumber as I walked around, naked, homeless, nothing.... I then ran into Andrew... A wolf of great trouble to me... "Hey, bitch... you look cute... how bout you come with me right quick?" He took me and tossed me into a corner and started to rape me... I wasn't pleasing for him, so he beat the shit out of me... He punched me until I bleed, stomping me into the ground. I thought he was going to kill me; however, I blacked out when he hit me with his hind paws in the face. The pain was so major... I couldn't feel my body... It felt dead. I awoken in an abandoned warehouse, seeing Andrew laughing with lighterfuel, gas, and matches in his hands as I was marked with a rope to a wooden cross, "I'm sorry... but you can't interferr with our plans..." I look at him confused and dazzed, "I don't know what you are talking about!" He pulls the middle finger on me as he lights the warehouse on fire, "Godbye..." I struggles trying to get out the fire; however, I wasn't able to escape... *Gags on the smoke* I won't make it out of here alive! I accepted my fate as then the rope was burned as I fell and tried to run for the esacpe...; however, Andrew had friends, "Let's get the bitch!" They were able to get a few hits out of me as one of the wolves tripped me and heeled me to the ground, "You aren't escaping hoe!" My ears rung as I shot the last bullet of my gun, splatting blood on me... "AHHHH!" I fought fearless like a demon as I ran outside looking madly for Andrew, "ANDREW! I WILL FIND YOU!" I laugh madly, howling into the sky!