The Tennis Player- an interactive story

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A little practice story to get me back in a writing of frame of mind before I conduct my panel at FAU5 YOU get to decide what happens.

The Tennis Player

Author's note:

Since I'll be giving a seminar shortly on the topic of writing furry fiction, I felt like I had to get 'back in the saddle', and do a little writing of my own. 'The Tennis Player' is just a fun little fluff piece, designed as an easy write, and a fun read. If any of you might want to attend the lecture, it will be held during FurAffinity United 5 held in Northern New Jersey in a few weeks. Likely it will be on Friday, or Saturday evening.

Harambe rushed through the kitchen door, anxious for the air conditioned comfort of her home. She had been playing tennis since the pre dawn hours, and it was now almost a hundred degrees out. Mercifully, the coach had called practice, and Harambe rushed home to her empty house. This was the first time that she had been entrusted to stay home alone. Not only that, but she was to care for her younger brother, too.

Since she could walk, Harambe played tennis. As a toddler, she could scarcely walk, when a racquet was put in her hand. Five years later, her brother began the process as well. The siblings obediently took on their life's calling.

It was pre ordained, of course. Their mother, a lithe, graceful spotted Leopard hybrid had seen some success as a player. She was not, however, a star. In Harambe, she saw the career she had never known. There was a market out there for hybrid athletes. Not that they were allowed to compete in sanctioned competition, but there was great demand from wealthy humans who wanted to play, and possibly beat the swift, powerful cats. At thirteen, no human, male or female had ever beaten her.

The young Leopardess held the bottle of water to her face as she stood with the refrigerator door open. In time, she opened it and drank. She took her time, knowing that drinking too quickly would make her ill. In time, she drained the bottle, tossed it into the sink, and headed upstairs to change.

Harambe went to her room. With her brother, a junior player not due home for several hours, she didn't bother to shut the door. The window air conditioner called to her. She stood in front of it, lifting her short white dress. The cold air flowed between her dress, and her damp fur. The feeling was heavenly! As she cooled a bit, a certain problem made itself known. Hot as it was, certain body parts could become rather uncomfortable. Running and moving for hours on end, the synthetic panties that she wore under her dress would rub and chafe her raw. She would beg her mother to let her wear shorts, but her mother held firm, insisting that the humans wanted to see her 'assetts', and that meant the shortest, sexiest tennis dresses possible. Even at thirteen, the leopardess had begun a growth spurt. The hem barely reached her crotch. She would complain, but she knew that it would be to no avail.

So, she itched. She itched and itched, hoping the fire would go away. She rubbed harshly, the wet fabric of her panties creeping up into her girlish folds. Harder and harder she rubbed. She may have been at it five minutes or more, until the itchiness, the burning began to subside. But, during that time, something strange had happened. Even though the itch was gone, Harambe continued to rub herself, but in a different way. Her strokes slowed down. Her feline digits touched herself more delicately.

Her temperature lowered, she lay on the bed, back to the mattress, knees bent. Her fingers outlined the shape of her sex in her panties. Soaked as they were, the tennis panties were semi transparent. They clung to her, and you could see her lovely spot pattern plainly. Her hands roamed all over, before concentrating on the opening to her sex. Touching it brought her particular pleasure. Most pleasurable of all was the little nub at the top of her opening. Harambe thought of it as 'my friend'. She took her moist index finger, and touched the underside of her friend. She shivered at first touch. As she touched more, a warm feeling came over her. Mostly though, she wanted more. When she touched 'him', her friend grew, and became firmer. He also became more sensitive. Massaging him was exquisite, but she needed more, somehow.

So, she raised her taught, youthful backside, and peeled her wet panties from her damp fur. Not bothering to remove them completely, she let them hang, damp and lifeless from her strong lower legs. With a little smile, she returned to ministering to her little friend. Harambe closed her eyes, and began to stroke. She would stroke it with her index finger. She would rub it between her index and forefingers. In the end, she ran her paw between her folds, stroking her clit on each up and down stroke. Today, though, she tried something new. She tried putting her paw inside. The Leopardess was surprised at how wet she was! Wet......and open. She couldn't remember her opening being that large. Harambe could feel that she had made a damp spot on the covers, but now, she didn't care.

You see, there had been a tension building, a new experience for her. Every stroke of her paw pleased, but reminded her that she wanted.....more. But what should she do?

Harambe rolled onto her belly. Pulling her knees in, her backide raised in the cool air. The young Leopard girl started to rub, at the same time penetrating her sex. As she did, the tension increased, much to her frustration, but pleasure drove her on. She masturbated with more force, and more speed....

"What was that?' she thought, thinking she had heard something.

But she knew she was alone. Besides, she was too far gone. Lost in her pleasure, she couldn't bhave stopped, even had she wanted. She reveled in the pleasure, the delicious excitement, the naughty satisfaction of penetrating herself repeatedly.

Harambe screamed. Rubbing herself faster and harder than she ever had, a low growl came from deep inside. Her young body tensed, then she experienced the most overwhelming feeling of pleasure she had known in her young life. It washed over her, in wave after wave of other worldly delight. It was the most incredible experience of her young life. She didn't want it to be over. That's why she kept her eyes tightly shut, until the last delightful wave of pleasure ended.

She did open her eyes, of course. That's when she saw her brother, standing in the doorway.

"I....I.....thought you were hurt!" he stammered.

Before she could speak, he ran to his room, and slammed the door. Harambe wanted to follow him, but she was scared, too. She had no idea what to say. She was certain that he hated her, and would be damaged for life. After twenty minutes that seemed like a lifetime, she walked down the hall.

"Ukuru?" she called as she knocked on the door

When there was no answer, she slowly opened it. He was sitting on the farthest corner of the bed, where he had been crying.

"I wasn't spying....REALLY! I just......." He began to cry again.

"Shhhhhhhh" she soothed. "I didn't know you were home, or I'd have had the door closed"

"They....let us home early, because of the heat. I came upstairs looking for you, and I heard you scream. I was so scared......"

Harambe stroked her brother's hair.

"I'm sorry; I'd never want to scare you....."

They sat for some time like that, him silent, her stroking him quietly. It was Ukuru who broke the silence.

"Sis? What were you doing? Because it looked....WEIRD!"

Ukuru giggled. So did she. It was like the tension finally broke, and they were free to be themselves again.

"Girls......sometimes do things to make themselves feel good. You know how it feels good to take a warm bath on a cold day? Or scratch where you itch? It's like that. It's just something we do."

Ukuru thought for a minute.

"Girls have ALL the fun!" he declared, sullenly.

"Well, not ALL the fun" she replied, in a matter-of-fact way. Boys can do things, too."

A smile crossed the little Leopards face.


Harambe nodded. Ukuru spun toward his sister.

"Show me! Don't be mean! I want to know, too....PLEASE!"

Now, Harambe had a problem. She'd already created enough of a mess getting caught pleasuring herself. Now, her brother wanted to know how. Clearly, this new found knowledge wasn't going to go away. She decided that there was only one practical answer. Harambe turned toward her brother, a small, dark Leopard boy.

"Well, boys and girls pleasure themselves in kind of the same way." She began.....

"But, we CAN'T! I SAW you, and I'm not like that!"

His sister smiled. This was the price of having a smart....and

"That's true. We're different- boys and girls are. That's because we're meant to be that way. But in some things, we're the same. Here......"

The Leopardess reached over and undid her brother's shorts, as she had done hundreds of times when she took him to the bathroom.


She lifted his bottom, and went to lower his underpants. With years of training he complied instinctively. She touched his sheath, stroking it gently. Shortly, his red maleness emerged.

"What's that?" he asked, with confusion and excitement.

"That's your 'boy parts', just like I have girl parts......"

With a little lotion, she slid her hands over his sex. He rested back on his elbows, completely relaxed, but wanting to see.

"Doesn't that feel good? But there's even better. Relax, and sis will show you...."

As she stroked her brother, his sex got larger and larger. Harambe was surprised at just how large he was for his age. At full attention, his little sex was several inches long.

"Sis? I feel all.....funny....inside"

She smiled

"Shhhhhh. Relax, and let me take care of it."

And so she did. She gently stroked his organ, until he closed his eyes, and started to shake, covering her paw with his first ejaculation. She took a tissue, and lovingly cleaned her brother. She kissed his forehead.

"You must be starving. Get dressed and I'll get us something to eat.

Nothing more of it was said that evening. They ordered a pizza, then played video games, and watched a movie. Ukuro went to bed around eleven; Harambe an hour later. When she did, she wore only a tank top; nothing at all on her bottom. Harambe didn't like anything down there. At time mom was home, she's wear panties, then take them off in her bedroom. She only wore the tank top so that she could sit up in bed when her mother awaked her, and not be seen naked. It was an exhausting day; she fell asleep quickly.

Harambe was awaked in the middle of the night. It was her brother.

"I'm scared. It's thundering, and I've never been alone like this before....."

Instinctively, she held up the covers, and he crawled in. He went to her, and held her tightly, shivering. She took her brother in her arms protectively. She held him like that until he stopped shaking. When he did, there was another issue. Uhuru had become aroused. At first, she ignored it. But it grew and grew. He began to wiggle, touching it to her soft folds.

"Dear, you can't......." she whispered.

But, he wouldn't stop.

"You said it was OK! This was what boys and girls did......"

"Males and females she corrected. NOT children. Not brothers and sister. NOT parents and children....."

She was still speaking when she felt it. As she talked, he had wiggled his pink maleness between her soft lips, rubbing it in an inexperienced, but largely accurate way.

"Kuru! It's wrong...."

At this point, there was really little to be said. The spell of his sister's sex was much too powerful to deny. Ukuru was mating her. His little penis was fully withing her. To her shock, Harambe did not push him away. Instead, she pulled at her cotton top, yanking it over her head. Naked, she drew Ukuru to her bosom. Still a child, he did what came to him.

"Kuru! You're nursing me!" she declared, at once shocked and enjoying it.

It was a very peaceful feeling. She let him cum inside her She was holding him tenderly as he did. She felt the intense heat of his ejaculation, shooting up into her womb, and coating the walls of her vagina. It dripped out, pooling between her legs. He drifted to sleep, still inside her, still suckling at his sister's breast.

(Here's the interactive part. YOU decide how the story ends! Do they go on, never speaking of it, does it change their lives, does it become a story series? Let me know what you think- YOU may shape the ending of this story!)

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