Where there's a Will there's a Way - Route of the siblings

Story by Furstrated on SoFurry

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#3 of Where theres a Will theres a way

Where there's a Will there's a way

Chapter 3: Route of the siblings

By Furstrated

"Who are these two?" Jerome Barton IV asked his personal assistant Hector. Hector the loyal house cat looked at the viewing monitor then looked at the roster sheet he held.

"That's Terrance and Julie Cooper. Terrance age 18 and his older sister Julie who is 22, both rats and another set in your line of great nephews and nieces." Hector informed his master. The great old wildcat beamed a smile as he watched the pair of young rats enter the next room.

"It is only a fitting test that a brother and sister enter that room, it will test just how much of my blood they share." He spoke as his eyes returned to the monitor.

Terrance and Julie had come to the third obstacle room. The brother and sister rats had successfully passed the last room without fail. From what they had seen so far the entire competition was nothing more than a kinky game.

Entering this new room the siblings were surprised by all of the gratuitous art work that hung on the walls. It was similar to the paintings they had seen when they first entered the mansion but these photos all depicted very specific and unusual sexual positions.

The two rats slowly walked through the room trying to judge their surroundings while at the same time trying to avoid staring at the photos. Both were still uncomfortable enough being naked in each other's presence and they both wanted to avoid any further sexual thoughts.

Terrance could not help feeling aroused as he glimpsed the erotic images. He found himself still very hot after making it passed the last room. He thought back to how his sister had been forced to give the guardian of the room a blowjob. He remembered how much he enjoyed watching it. Terrance had always found his sister attractive, but fear of such taboo thoughts had always been forced deep into the back of his mind. Now naked and trapped in the middle of a sadistic kinky game he could not restrain his imagination any longer.

Julie parted from her brother as she moved closer to the wall to examine the photographs. She was also finding herself very aroused. She could still clearly taste the lion's cum in her mouth as she poked her tongue along her rows of teeth. The rat girl had always had a fetish for more bizarre sexual acts and every room they entered turned her a bit more. She knew her younger brother had enjoyed it greatly while she sucked off the guard in the last room, she only hoped that they might run into a female attendant so she could watch her brother have sex with them. As far as Julie knew her brother was a virgin and he was also very nervous talking about sex around her, she suspected that he found her attractive.

"Look at this." Julie said gesturing for her brother to come over. Terrance slowly slinked over to his sister still trying to keep his mind off sex. As Terrance moved up behind his sister she stepped aside to reveal three photos that stood out on the wall.

Unlike the rest of the pictures in the room that were placed at different heights and angles all around, these three were in a perfect line. They also had a small number down in the corner of each to indicate they're sequence. Terrance looked at them each in order. The first was a very detailed photo of two foxes having sex in the missionary position. The next photo in line showed a photo of two otters having sex in the doggie style position. The third and last picture in the sequence was a pair of squirrels having at each other in the sixty nine position.

"It's strange they're all numbered as if there's an order to them, yet the pictures that they show are different couples doing different things." Julie said. Terrance just nodded more concerned about the throbbing he was feeling in his sheath. "I wonder why?" Julie continued to think aloud.

"Maybe there are other numbered ones, maybe there is a pattern." Terrance suggested. It was the only thing he could think of that would get his sisters eyes off him. He feared greatly that she would detect his growing arousal.

"Could be." Julie said as she quickly began to search the rest of the room. Terrance felt a wave of relief wash over him as his sister moved away. Turning his head he watched her tight little rump as it moved across the room. He felt another slight pulse go through his cock as it began to grow slightly bigger. Terrance looked down to examine himself, and to his embarrassment he could see the tip of his cock beginning to appear.

"Terrance come look at this!" Julie said excitedly. Terrance stood up strait, almost on his tip toes in order to help hide the bulge between his legs. Afraid to move he just stood still and looked across the room to where Julie was standing.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Come over here silly." Julie said. Her younger brother could be so immature sometimes she thought.

"I can see from here." Terrance replied still not moving.

"No you can't." Julie said becoming impatient. Before Terrance could say or do anything else Julie marched across the room and grabbed her brother tightly by the paw. With their paws clasp together tightly she marched back across the room pulling her brother along with.

Not wanting to upset his older sister Terrance did not resist and found himself being lead across the room. He made sure to lag a bit behind her so that she would not get any unwanted glimpses of him.

"Look at this, numbers on the floor." Julie said pointing down. Terrance had to lean forward just a bit, but he could clearly make out small number one, two, and three itched into the floor on the edge of a rather large tile. "Maybe we're supposed to stand on it." Julie said jumping onto the rectangle space. Terrance was more hesitant as he examined the tile more. Most of the little white squares on the floor were about one foot by one foot, but this one was about six feet long by three feet wide, almost like the shape of a grave.

"Wait a sec!" Terrance cried out as he felt his sister tug his arm roughly pulling him into the space. Before Terrance could state his concern the floor suddenly buckled under their weight.

The siblings clung tightly to each other as the floor they stood on suddenly began to fall. The floor around them sudden grew tall as they fell some ten feet down before stopping with a sudden thud.

Still in shock the couple took a moment to get a hold of themselves. Terrance now lay directly on top of Julie. He looked into his sister's eyes watching her closely as she shook her head to collect her thoughts.

Julie looked up past her brother to see narrow walls now trapping them in a pit. She now felt the feeling like they were in a grave. "Get off me." She said as she began to push against her brother. Obliging her Terrance tried to roll to either side but found the narrow walls blocked him. Next he tried to slide backwards some but found his feet hitting the other wall on that end. "Push off the sides of the wall and I'll slide up this way and then we can both stand up." Julie instructed.

Terrance began to push off against the walls with his paws almost like doing a pushup. He began to prop himself upright when the room began to shake once more. He felt himself falling on top of his sister. With a grunt he landed on her soft body. Before Terrance could ask if she was alright Julie began to scream as she pointed a paw up toward the ceiling. Terrance turned his head up as far as he could strain. His eyes caught sight of the large shape moving at him quickly. Panicking Terrance pressed his head down against his sister as tightly as he could.

On her back looking up Julie had a clear view as the large block from high above began to drop quickly about to crush them. Closing her eyes she hugged her brother tightly excepting to die any second.

A loud bang shook the little room as everything went black. The two rats lay silent for a few moments just holding each other in the darkness. A few more seconds passed before they realized they had not been crushed.

Terrance immediately tried to lean up. In the pitch blackness he lifted his head a few inches before it stuck the new roof. Julie extended her paw up and felt a solid stone about the length of her arm above them. Both siblings came to realize that they were now trapped in very close quarters.

The two remained silent for another minute both afraid to speak what they both already knew. Hope was fading fast as the two began to become more fearful. Julie felt herself wanting to scream, but restrained herself thinking of her poor younger brother. He had never even felt a women's touch and now they were going to die in this enclosed box.

Terrance had finally found the courage to speak and was about to speak his mind when a dim light suddenly clicked on illuminating the cramped room. Terrance and Julie could now see the scared and confused expressions on each other's faces. The small little light on the ceiling brought a bit of hope back to the pair.

They both wondered if someone knew they were trapped in there, Terrance began to beat his fist against the side of the wall. "Help!" He cried out. As his fist beat against the wall the floor seemed to shake slightly under his movement. The strange motion prompted a squeeze around his waist from Julie.

"Careful." Julie said nervously. Terrance stopped his banging immediately after hearing the concern in his sisters voice. The ground they lay on seemed to quake slightly for a few seconds more after he stopped.

"That would be wise." A faint voice said. The pair of rats looked about in the dim room franticly to find the source. Now in the light it took only a second for them to spot the very small little speaker attached in the corner of the room. "The room you find yourselves in does in fact have an unstable floor." Jerome Barton spoke through crackling little speaker. "In fact movement in one way or another will cause it to tilt and drop altogether. Of course moving the right way it will tilt to one side and drop you both safely into the next area, moving the wrong way will cause it to tilt the other way and drop you both into a vat of acid below. The way you choose to move is up to you, good luck."

As the little speaker went silent the rats both looked at each other to frighten to move. If what Jerome had said was right then any combination of movement could send them to a gruesome death.

"What do we do?" Terrance said still holding himself up just above his sister. Julie looked up at her brother and she could see the slight tremors in his arms as he remained in the push up stance for so long.

"You can lay down on me, its ok." Julie offered. Terrance hesitated for a moment but checking himself he realized that he was no longer aroused. Giving into the soreness in his arms Terrance gently lowered himself to rest against his sister. "We just have to think." Julie whispered to her bother. "We have to think of the right way to move this floor around."

"One more thing." Jerome's voice suddenly chimed in. "That box your in is air tight, so you will run out of oxygen sooner or later. So don't just think you can lay there unmoving." Terrance wanted to curse the old crazy bastard but restrained himself for his sister's sake. He just lay still against her warm body feeling her chest move with each breath she took. Terrance could hear his sister mumbling to herself as she tried to think of a way to get out.

"There has to be a type of movement that triggers the safe drop, it has to be something there's a clue too, some kind of movement." Julie thought aloud. As she was deep in thought she suddenly felt something hot and stiff poking at her stomach. Glancing up at her bother she watched him blush slightly in the dim light. "Now's really not the time Terrance" she began to scold.

"Sorry I can help it." Terrance said timidly. "Being around you like this has had me on edge all day." He admitted.

"I know." Julie responded no longer feeling upset. "It's alright you can't help it, but can I ask you something Terrance?" Terrance looked at his sister quietly for a moment before speaking.

"Sure." He whispered.

"Do you want to fuck me?" Julie asked as she felt herself blush slightly. Terrance found himself speechless as he lay on top of his sister. She had asked him a very taboo question, and even though in his heart the answer was a very big yes. Terrance knew that if he admitted it she may be repulsed by him. "You can answer me honestly, it's ok." Taking a big gulp Terrance spoke.

"I have always found you attractive." Terrance said very softly. Closing his eyes he almost expected his sister to slap him. Below he could feel his cock becoming much harder as he admitted his forbidden love. Instead of a slap Terrance felt his older sister's gentle embrace as she gave him a hug. "You're not mad?" Terrance asked opening his eyes surprised.

"No I'm not." Julie replied grinning.

"You don't seem surprised?" Terrance said looking into his sisters eyes.

"I've always seen the way you looked at me." Julie said. "And I have to admit I was turned on by the idea sometimes." Terrance felt his sisters paw suddenly brush against his erect member.

"What are you doing?" Terrance gasp at the feeling as Julie gripped his cock with per paw. "I don't think now is a good time." He replied.

"Not a good time for what?" Julie said coyly.

"To have sex, like this." Terrance explained as he felt the paw slowly sliding across his length.

"What?" Julie said suddenly as she removed her paw from her bothers cock.

"To have sex here." Terrance said again.

"No, you said to have sex like this." Julie continued as her mind began to piece and idea together. "Remember that series of pictures?" Terrance just nodded dumbly. "The first one was furs having sex in missionary position. I bet the correct movement is like that."

"I can't do that." Terrance exclaimed. "You're still my big sis, it's still wrong."

"You just said you wanted to fuck me." Julie snapped at her brother.

"I said I found you attractive." Terrance corrected.

"Look Terrance, it's our only shot, and if it's wrong at least you won't die a virgin." Julie said as she lifted her head up to kiss her brother on the cheek. "If we live through this, no one will ever know." As Terrance felt his sister kiss him his debate over this taboo act was settled.

A second later Julie felt her brother shifting himself around slightly. She felt her back stiffen as his hard cock began to prod at her neither region. Young and eager Terrance moved his hips around awkwardly trying to find the right spot between his sister's thighs. For the first time Julie realized just how wet she had become.

Terrance felt his crown rubbing slightly against a great wetness between his sisters legs, he could tell it was her vagina, but he still could not manage to find her sweet opening. Unable to remain patient any longer Julie reached down and gripped her brother's member and helped guide him into place.

Terrance let a moan escape his lips as he suddenly felt himself sinking into the moist hot depths of Julie's pussy. Julie also stifled a moan as she felt her virgin brother's rod slid into her slick tunnel.

The siblings held each other passionately as Terrance began to thrust slowly into his sister. Breathing heavily the small room began to heat up quickly as they made love. Terrance could feel his sister's pussy churning and gripping at his cock. It was a sensation that he had only dreamed of. Julie quickly found herself thrusting her hips up to meet with her brother as she began to moan aloud. His cock seemed to fit into her perfectly as he gently stroked her firm breasts.

"I love you." Terrance said as he began to feel his orgasm approaching fast. Julie just moaned in response as she felt her brothers teeth nip against one of her nipples. She became incredibly aroused under the weight of her brother; his movements were soft and direct. He seemed to hit all the right spots at the right time. She had never felt sex so passionately before.

"I can't believe you're a virgin brother." Julie teased.

"I can't believe how amazing you feel." Terrance replied as his thrusts became more urgent. Julie was finding her brother's touch more intense and pleasurable then she could handle "I'm going to cum!" she cried suddenly as she lifted her head up and pressed her lips against her brother's. As she embraced him tightly she felt her vaginal muscles begin to spasm and contract tightly against his warm cock.

Terrance felt his sister writhing in her orgasm under him. He did everything he could to fight off his own orgasm as his sister's pussy assaulted his cock. He began to thrust harder as each breath Julie made she released a louder moan. With on last shake of his hips the floor suddenly began to quake violently as the pair of rats felt the room beginning to tip.

With arms still locked around each other Terrance and Julie began to slide across the floor. With their hearts beating fast they felt the floor under them disappear as they moved through open space. The room had tilted and dropped them out into an abyss. A moment later to their relief they landed on solid ground. They found themselves sliding through a tight shaft. Both rats tumbled about swapping positions as they rolled down the tunnel. With a final thud Terrance and Julie came to a rest in another small and dark room.

Julie felt herself laying face down on something. Once again it was too dark to see, but from what she could feel she was bent over something in the middle of the room. After a second of reorienting herself Julie could feel her brother's familiar warmth behind her now.

Terrance reached out in the dark and felt his sister's soft back fur directly in front of him. He figured that he was now behind her. In the next moment a small light suddenly lit the room. Both rats now could see their new situation and both of them quickly thought about the second picture in the series of the furs having sex doggie style.

Julie turned her head back straining her neck trying to get a glimpse of her brother. "I think." She began to say but was interrupted as she felt her bothers ridged member thrust back inside of her to the hilt. Terrance did not need to wait for any explanation this time; he eagerly resumed making love to his sister from behind. Holding her twitching tail aside he watched in fascination as their mixed sex juices dripped from her glistening slit each time he made a full thrust.

Julie felt her brother's hips beginning to slam against her exposed rump as his pace quickened. She began to coil her tail up his arm and around his neck. She could tell he was close to orgasm and she had a plan in place for him.

Terrance nibbled at the tip of his sister's tail as he thrust harder into her. Moans of delight filled the room urging him to go faster and harder. "Oh Terrance, you're so good!" his sister moaned out as she began to feel his cock twitching inside of her.

Terrance couldn't hold back any longer, he felt the tight contractions at the base of his cock as his orgasm arrived. Julie felt her brother tense up, she knew he was about to cum. In a split second she pulled her tail tightly around his neck. Terrance groaned as his throat was slightly constricted by his sister's tail. In surprise he reached out and gripped her ass checks giving them a firm squeeze.

Terrance grunted and groaned as he began to empty his seed into his sister. Waves of hot pleasure filled his head and body with every spurt of his cock. It was such a taboo thing but he loved every second of it, and every inch of her felt so amazing around him. Julie felt the same way; she had never had sex without a condom before and felt great satisfaction that her younger brother was the first to spill his seed inside of her.

As the sibling's moaning began to subside the floor under their feet shuttered and shook once more. Terrance reach around his sisters body the best he could holder her tight as the ground under them gave way. Despite his best efforts he felt his sister come free of his grip as they tumbled through another dark shaft.

Spinning and sliding Terrance lost track of what direction he was going or even which way was up. Before long the shaft straightened out and became flat. The pair of rats found themselves trapped in a tight dark room once more.

Julie could feel the warmth of her brother now emanating from below her. Knowing she now laid on top of him Julie lowered her head to rest against her brother's chest. In the pitch blackness she was quite surprised as her face came into contact with sticky goo. A blast of hot air pressed against her cunny making her realize which way she was actually facing.

Terrance was equally surprised as his muzzle poked into something sopping wet as he tried to lean up. The rats both now realized that this room represented the third picture in the series. The sixty nine position. Still in the pitch black darkness Julie spared no time as she gently placed her paws around her brothers limp cock.

Terrance squeaked as he felt the touch of his sister's warm mouth overtaking his flaccid penis. He was still intimidated by the dark, unsure what to do so he just lay still as his sister began to work the hardness back into his rod. Julie was becoming displeased by the lack of movement from her brother. In an effort to speed things up she slid her legs back as far as they could go. As Julie's scooted backward her hips dipped down onto her brother, in the dark she heard the delightful sopping sound as her wet slit came into contact with his face.

Terrance was surprised as his sister's thick furry muff suddenly came down onto his face. Her thick sexual musk filled his nose as her moist lips pressed against his chin. Terrance quickly got the hint as he lifted his head slightly and drove his tongue into her slick depths.

A moment later the familiar dim light came on illuminating the siblings as they pleasured each other passionately. Terrance ate his sister out as she sucked hungrily on his cock. Between his sisters soft legs he watched her head begin to bob in the rhythm over his cock.

Julie couldn't believe the wonderful feelings she felt as her brother's tongue danced across her clit and pressed between her folds. She tasted his precum as it dribbled from the tip of his cock; she was amazed at how fast she was able to get him back to full length.

Terrance felt as if he was in a dream as he licked the smooth clear juices from his sister's pussy. He still couldn't believe that this magnificent thing before him belonged to his sister. He could feel her smooth tongue sliding over his entire length and a slight tweak of her teeth as they just barely touched his member. Trapped in this little box he was in heaven.

"I love you Julie." Terrance said before thrusting his muzzle back into her folds.

"I love you too." Julie replied as she moaned from her brother's new onslaught. The two rats began breathing heavily once more as their climaxes approached simultaneously. Julie laid all her weight down on her brother pinning him down as she began to swirl her tongue tightly around his cock. Terrance squirmed under his sister as the new sensation sent unfamiliar and intense shocks of pleasure through his body.

In the throes of great pleasure and on the edge of orgasm the male rat withdrew his tongue from his sister's snatch and replaced it with two long fingers. Terrance leaned up and wrapped his lips tightly around his sister's clit as he began to pump his fingers into her wildly.

Julie cried out as her clit seemed to explode with pleasure. She felt her bothers fingers poking inside of her touching her in places that made her whole body quiver. "I'm cumming!" she cried as she felt her pussy began to clamp down around the fingers inside of it. As she began to orgasm Julie grasp her brother's cock with both paws and began to stroke him vigorously.

Terrance began to feel his sister's juices leaking from her cunt as she moaned like a feral beast. He could not contain a moan as her soft paws jerked his cock violently. Terrance felt a huge pressure building in his cock. He knew he was a split second from his own intense climax. "I'm going to cum." He warned his sister. Through a haze of bliss and pleasure Julie didn't hear what her brother said, but in her mind she knew he was cuming

Julie lowered her still twitching pussy down as far as she could grinding against her brother's face. Terrance felt his sister's great wetness cover his face. A muffled yelp was all that Julie could hear as the cock in her paws began to shoot cum wildly. The first spurt of cum hit her on the cheek. Reacting quickly she bent forward with her mouth open and skillfully caught the next jet of cum in her teeth. She felt her brother shaking intensely beneath her as she forced him to drink from her soaked mound.

After a few moments the creamy spurts from Terrance's cock had subsided. Julie lifted her vagina up releasing her brother. She looked back to see an expression of pure bliss on his face. It was a look that mirrored her own feelings. The two rats just lay still in the afterglow as the floor began to open again.

This time the tilting room let both the rats slid gently down a short tunnel and dropped them into a soft pile of pillows. Looking around the pair could tell this was a new area. Julie gave her little brother a big hug and a kiss for she knew they had made it through the deadly third obstacle room. Terrance just nodded at his sister and took her paw tightly in his as they continued their journey though the mansion. With any luck there would be no more obstacle rooms between them and the Will.